Regional variations in the European Neolithic dispersal: the role of the coastlines.
Henderson, Daniel A. ; Baggaley, Andrew W. ; Shukurov, Anvar 等
Supplementary material is published online at
Agriculture was introduced into Europe during the last epoch of the
Stone Age, the Neolithic. Agricultural technologies spread across the
continent from about 7000 to 4000 BC. This was a systematic process. The
change from foraging to farming first occurred in the Levant and then
dispersed across a few thousand kilometres to France, Iberia and Britain
(Clark 1965; Ammerman & Cavalli-Sforza 1971; Gkiasta et al. 2003) at
a speed that remained remarkably constant at 1.0-1.3km/yr on average,
despite the wide diversity in the topographic, climatic, soil and water
systems and conditions. The stability of the average propagation speed
strongly suggests a common, fundamental mechanism for the spread, which
was identified as a propagating front of a population (or a relevant
cultural trait) that conforms to the logistic growth law and disperses
via random movements of the individuals and cultural traits (see Czaran
(1998) for the general concepts of population dynamics and Fort (2009)
and Steele (2009) for reviews of their application to prehistory).
Similarly, the Neolithic spread across Asia to the Indus Valley; Gangal
et al. (2014) estimate the speed of the Neolithic dispersal in Asia as
Although the average speed of the Neolithic dispersal in Europe
remained the same across the continent, it varied locally. Rowley-Conwy
(2011) emphasises that the spread of agriculture involved rapid,
sporadic local movements. The most-discussed examples are the spread of
the Linearbandkeramik (LBK) along the Danube-Rhine river system at a
speed of 4-6km/yr (Ammerman & Cavalli-Sforza 1971; Dolukhanov et al.
2005)--although see the discussion below--and the propagation of the
Impressed Ware (Cardial) culture along the western Mediterranean coast
at 10km/yr or a slightly lower speed (Zilhao 2001, 2003). Bocquet-Appel
et al. (2009, 2012) identify a number of fine spatio-temporal structures
in the Neolithic dispersal in Europe.
We stress that the concept of a propagating population front (or a
wave of advance), as applied to characterise the global picture, is
fully consistent with the sporadic and irregular nature of local
movements (including small 'leap-frogs'; see the later
discussion). The shape of the front modelled here is quite irregular in
response to the local environment, but our model is still firmly in the
category of a wave of advance model. Furthermore, both population
migration and cultural transmission exhibit similar trends, and our
arguments and results apply irrespective of whether or not the Neolithic
dispersal was dominated by human migrations, as was plausibly the case.
The importance of waterways in the spread of the Neolithic has been
well established and documented (Davison et al. 2006; Rowley-Conwy
2011). The most striking examples are the Danube-Rhine river system and
the northern Mediterranean coastline. The North Sea coast, however,
apparently was not used for maritime colonisation, even though
Rowley-Conwy argues that spread by boat up the coast brought the
Neolithic to Scandinavia, which required "longer open-water voyages
than in the Cardial or LBK" (Rowley-Conwy 2011: S442). The
Neolithic transition in the British Isles and Ireland obviously required
maritime travel and Collard et al. (2010) suggest that it is best
modelled by two distinct centres of settlement, associated with separate
arrivals in south-west England and in west-central Scotland. Price
(2003), Isern and Fort (2010, 2012) and Bocquet-Appel et al. (2012)
attribute the slower spread of the Neolithic from the LBK area to the
North Sea coast to a higher population density of Mesolithic foragers in
the north. However, this does not explain the apparent lack of any
relative acceleration of the spread along the North Sea coast whenever
the Neolithic reached it.
The local variations in the direction and speed of the dispersal
are of obvious importance as they may help us to understand the response
of Neolithic farmers to the environment and, by exclusion, to identify
those individual dispersal events driven by more exceptional instances
of human volition. Before such complex questions can be addressed,
however, one needs to identify reliably such discernible local events
and their parameters; for example, the local variations in the speed and
direction of propagation. [sup.14]C age determinations offer a suitable
starting point for such investigations (Bocquet-Appel et al. 2009,
Locally enhanced dispersal can affect the global pattern of the
spread of farming, as illustrated by Rowley-Conwy (2011: fig. 1). For
example, the emergence of the Epicardial to the north and north-west of
the Mediterranean coast was clearly facilitated by the accelerated
spread of the Cardial along the coastline. Davison et al. (2006)
demonstrate, with mathematical modelling, this effect and the similar
role of the rapid spread of the LBK along the Danube--Rhine corridor in
the emergence of the Neolithic further west. The global consequences of
the local events significantly affect the interpretation of the
[sup.14]C (or any other) evidence. For instance, apart from fitting the
[sup.14]C dates in a given region (LBK areas, for example) with any
model, one should ensure that the later dates in other regions (in
France, for example) are consistent with the properties inferred for the
local event. In other words, reliable identification of local dispersal
events should involve (and be consistent with) the global data.
In this paper, we suggest an approach to this problem based on a
combination of mathematical modelling and statistical analysis of
[sup.14]C data. We use a model of a population front propagating at a
variable speed controlled by the local conditions (mainly the
topography) with the model parameters fitted to achieve good agreement
with [sup.14]C data from 302 early Neolithic sites in Asia Minor and
Europe. Details of the [sup.14]C data set used, the population front
model and the statistical techniques used can be found in Baggaley et
al. (2012a & b), and are summarised in the online supplementary
material. Here we describe the model only briefly and focus on its
Model of the Neolithic dispersal
The main goal of this paper is to quantify the spread of the
Neolithic population front along the European waterways in finer detail
than in earlier studies of this kind. Our population front model
includes a systematic, global propagation affected by the local
topography and augmented with a localised additional spread along major
waterways. The waterway speed is a fitted parameter of the model and it
is allowed to be different in different regions.
A population front propagating in an inhomogeneous environment
To keep tractable the number of the model parameters, we include
five regions with potentially distinct waterway speeds: 1) the eastern
Mediterranean; 2) the western Mediterranean and the western coast of
Iberia; 3) Northern Europe, the Atlantic coast of France and the
northern coast of Iberia; 4) the Danube--Rhine river system, and 5) the
Black Sea coast. The choice of these specific regions is discussed
below. These regions are shown in Figure 1 together with the
[sup.14]C-dated sites used in the analysis. Being aware of the global
consequences of the local variations, the model parameters are fitted
using the [sup.14]C age determinations in the whole of the area
Our population front model tracks the time-evolving location of the
wave front. It does this by tracking a set of suitably separated points
on the front, and allowing them to propagate with the local front
velocity determined by the local environment. In brief, we model the
population front by propagating each of the points that define it at the
local velocity represented by three terms, U + [V.sub.R] + [V.sub.C].
Here U = [U.sub.0] F (a, [phi]) is the global propagation velocity. In
population dynamics models based on the reaction-diffusion equation,
[U.sub.0] depends on the population growth rate [gamma] and a measure of
its mobility v as [U.sub.0] = [absolute value of [U.sub.0]] = 2 [square
root of v [gamma]] (Steele 2009). Earlier analyses of the [sup.14]C data
yield [U.sub.0] [approximately equal to] 1km/yr (Gkiasta et al. 2003),
consistent with [gamma] = l/(50yr) and v = 13k[m.sup.2]/yr. In our
model, [U.sub.0] is one of the fitted parameters. The factor F (a,
[phi]) introduces the dependence on the altitude a and latitude [phi];
the form of F is such that the magnitude of U slowly decreases
northwards (reducing F by 12% as [phi] varies from 40[degrees] N to
50[degrees] N) and is truncated at altitudes exceeding a = 1km and in
the sea. The direction of U is always at a right angle to the local
front, so that it has different directions at different positions as the
front becomes curved, e.g. in response to topographic features such as
mountain ranges (introduced via the variable a, the altitude). The other
velocities, [V.sub.R] and [V.sub.C], add further local variation, but
these are confined to 30km-wide corridors around the Danube and Rhine
and the sea coast, respectively. The velocities [V.sub.R] and [V.sub.C]
are directed parallel to the corresponding river path or coastline; the
coastal velocity [V.sub.C] is allowed to have different values in the
regions specified above, denoted [V.sub.i], with i = 1,2,3,4. The
magnitudes of [V.sub.R] and [V.sub.i], are the other fitted parameters
of the wavefront model. Given these components of the velocity, the
position of the front is evolved from a compact source in the Levant.
The form of the population front, as introduced here, strongly depends
on the local topography and latitude, as well as on the waterways, so
that it can (and does) have a complicated shape. As shown in Figure 2,
it is not the perfectly circular front erroneously envisaged by many as
a feature inherent to the wave of advance model. A perfectly regular
population front only occurs in perfectly homogeneous environments,
often favoured by mathematicians but utterly unrealistic. Further
details of the propagating front model are described in the online
supplementary material and by Baggaley et al. (2012b).
Statistical modelling
With the model introduced above, we calculate when the front
reaches the sites shown in Figure 1 and compare them with the Neolithic
arrival times at those sites obtained from their [sup.14]C ages. The
model parameters listed in Table 1 are then varied, as described below,
to obtain parameter values that provide plausible agreement between the
observed and calculated first arrival times. This gives us a range of
models or 'plausible histories' of the wave of advance that
are consistent with the data, rather than just a single best-fitting
The Bayesian approach to statistical inference (Bernardo &
Smith 1994) provides a natural framework with which to quantify our
beliefs about the model parameters. Adopting a Bayesian approach, we
express initial beliefs about likely parameter values via a prior
probability distribution for each parameter. Our choice of the prior
distributions allows freedom in their subsequent modification towards
the final (posterior) probability distributions informed by the observed
[sup.14]C dates. The prior distributions are specified for each model
parameter in the third column of Table 1. These beliefs are updated via
Bayes' Theorem to obtain a posterior probability distribution for
the model parameters that quantifies our beliefs refined after
incorporating the [sup.14]C data.
The posterior probability distributions do not have any simple form
because of the complex dependence of the front behaviour on the model
parameters. As in Baggaley et al. (2012b, we use Markov chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) methods (Gammerman & Lopes 2006) to draw specific
parameter values from their posterior distributions. Each sampled set of
parameters represents a competing model of the spread of the Neolithic.
The match between the data and the model is quantified in terms of the
associated error a; the larger [sigma], the greater the average
deviation of the wavefront model from the data (see the online
supplementary material for details of this parameter). Having repeated
the sampling many times, we obtain the posterior (final) probability
distribution of the parameters consistent with the [sup.14]C data within
the accuracy given by the posterior value of [sigma], which is of order
600 yr. Table 1 contains, in the last four columns, estimates of the
parameters (posterior mean), their uncertainty (standard deviations) and
their 95% confidence intervals, together with the corresponding
estimates for [sigma]. We note that the posterior mean values do not
give the global best fit to the data due to the asymmetry of the
posterior probability distributions, but they are nevertheless
representative of a model that provides a good overall match to the
data. Given the many sources of uncertainty and variability surrounding
the data and the mathematical model, we would not want to place too much
importance on a single explanation of the European Neolithic expansion,
such as that provided by the posterior mean or mode. The posterior
intervals provide a summary of the variability in the parameter values
that are consistent with the data.
The Bayesian approach allows us to determine parameter values that
provide good global agreement with the [sup.14]C data, together with
parameter uncertainties and their cross-correlations. The latter provide
us with an opportunity to control the construction of the model by
identifying extraneous and mutually dependent parameters (if any).
Further details of our statistical model are described in the online
supplementary material.
Results: the different roles of different waterways
The background, globally averaged speed of the population front
[U.sub.0] is determined confidently as [U.sub.0] = 0.96 [+ or -]
0.04km/yr, which is consistent with earlier results (Ammerman &
Cavalli-Sforza 1971; Gkiasta et al. 2003).
We find, with various degrees of confidence, evidence for an
enhancement in the spread of the Neolithic along European coastlines,
with the magnitude of the additional speed estimated as 0.7 [+ or -]
0.2, 11 [+ or -] 1, 0.9 [+ or -] 0.7 and 1.0 [+ or -] 0.7km/yr along the
eastern Mediterranean, western Mediterranean, Northern European and
Black Sea coastlines respectively.
The enhancement along the Mediterranean coast is the most
significant. There is strong evidence of an acceleration by about
10km/yr along its western part. This confirms the estimate of Zilhao
(2001). Ammerman and Cavalli-Sforza (1971) found an acceleration by
0.7km/yr for the Balkans, in perfect agreement with our result for the
eastern Mediterranean despite the fact that the two regions do not fully
overlap and we only focus on the coastlines here. This degree of
agreement between the two estimates may indicate the importance of
maritime colonisation in the Balkans.
For the coastline of Northern Europe, we End the most probable
additional speed of around 0.9km/yr, but with a comparable error of
0.7km/yr. The posterior probability distribution of this parameter is
wide and asymmetric with the 95% confidence interval of 0.03-2.76km/yr.
This suggests that a modest acceleration along the North Sea coast is
likely, but it is clearly much weaker than that in the south-west of
Any effect of the Black Sea coast appears to be similarly weak,
although the small number of data points used in this region do not
strongly constrain this effect.
The enhancement of the spread in the Danube-Rhine corridor,
[V.sub.R] = 1.8 [+ or -] 1.4km/yr, is marginally, yet noticeably,
smaller than the estimate of 3-5km/yr (adding with the background 1km/yr
to give the total of 4-6km/yr) derived from local analyses of the LBK
spread in that area (Dolukhanov et al. 2005). This may be in part
because our current model effectively gives an averaged enhancement
along the whole length of the two rivers, rather than just in the region
of the LBK sites used in the papers cited above. This is discussed
further below.
The posterior correlations between the model parameters are mostly
fairly low, except for a few notable exceptions. The background rate of
spread [U.sub.0] and the river velocity [V.sub.R] are negatively
correlated: naturally, if [U.sub.0] is lower, [V.sub.R] must be larger
to fit the data adequately. Similarly, there is a slight negative
correlation between [U.sub.0] and the speed enhancement in the eastern
Mediterranean, [V.sub.1]. We also find evidence of a fairly complex
dependence between the speed enhancements in the east and west of the
Mediterranean, [V.sub.1] and [V.sub.2]. Some degree of negative
correlation between these two parameters is not surprising given the
geographical proximity of, and causal connection between, the two
Our results confirm several of the conclusions of earlier studies.
Accelerated spread of the Neolithic along the western Mediterranean
coast is confirmed. We have also found firm evidence for a modest
acceleration of the Neolithic dispersal in the eastern Mediterranean.
This coastal acceleration helps to explain the relatively rapid spread
from Anatolia into Europe, as observed by Bocquet-Appel et al. (2012);
those authors identified this as a response to the cool, dry climatic
event of 6250 BC. To achieve good fits to the data, our model also
assumes a relatively late starting date of 6570 BC for the dispersal
from the Levant; in this respect, our model agrees well with that of
Fort et al. (2012),
whose best fit was obtained using explicit coastal steps of order
100-200km, and leaving the Levant only after the Pre-Pottery Neolithic
B/C phase, at 7050 BC.
Our results also suggest that a relatively weak acceleration along
the North Sea coast is possible, but this cannot be pinned down
accurately with the data and model used. The spread in this region of
Northern Europe is of considerable interest; Bocquet-Appel et al.
(2012), among others, have suggested a slow-down in the spread here,
associated with greater resistance from local Mesolithic populations.
Investigation of this possibility in our model would require additional
data; while newer data for this region are available--e.g. as compiled
in Hinz et al (2012)--there is considerable advantage for the present
work in retaining the dataset used in Baggaley et al. (2012a & b),
as this allows a clear analysis of the effect of introducing variable
coastal speeds, which the use of a different dataset would obscure.
As with any modelling, the results cannot be any better than the
model itself. The relevance of our results certainly depends strongly on
the relevance of the model used. For example, the estimate of the
additional propagation speed along the North Sea coast can be affected
by our choice of the region where the component [V.sub.3] is applied. At
present, this region includes the French Atlantic coast and the northern
coast of Iberia, even though there are no reasons to expect any
significant acceleration in these areas, especially in the general
southward spread towards western Iberia. This could have biased our
estimate of [V.sub.3] towards lower values. The pronounced tail towards
larger values in the posterior probability distribution of [V.sub.3]
suggests that this might be the case. Further work should investigate
the effects of different choices for the regions of coastlines, but this
should be done in combination with additions to our dataset, most
notably in Iberia and in the North Sea region, where our current data is
rather sparse. Without these additions, our model will be quite
insensitive to the precise location of the boundary between the regions
of [V.sub.2] and [V.sub.3]. However, as noted above, there are good
reasons to retain the existing dataset in the present work.
Our results support an enhanced spread in the Danube-Rhine
corridor. The modal value [V.sub.R] = 1.8km/yr is noticeably larger than
the corresponding value from Baggaley et al. (2012b, [V.sub.R] =
1.0km/yr; this confirms that allowing different coastal enhancements in
different regions is affecting our model globally, and allowing more
meaningful fits to the non-coastal parameters. Nevertheless, this
enhancement remains weaker than the 3-5km/yr required to explain the
rapid spread of the LBK suggested by Ammerman and Cavalli-Sforza (1971)
and Dolukhanov et al. (2005). The reason for this discrepancy is not
quite clear. On the one hand, the value of 3-5km/yr may be an
overestimate as it neglects the possible effects of this acceleration
beyond the Danube-Rhine corridor. If this is the case, our estimate is
more reliable. On the other hand, the construction of our model could
have affected the value of VR inferred: with the spread along the
western Mediterranean and French Atlantic coasts accelerated by
[V.sub.2] = 11km/yr and [V.sub.3] = 1km/yr, respectively, less
acceleration along the Danube and Rhine is required to fit the data at
the continental scale. The fact that the 95% confidence interval of
[V.sub.R] obtained here extends to about 5km/yr may be an indication of
this. It is also worth noting, however, that earlier local analyses
(Dolukhanov et al. 2005) did not attempt to model the spatio-temporal
spread continuously, as our propagating front model does. Within the
constraints of the current model, a slower average speed may give the
best overall fit to all the local data; an alternative model (e.g.
involving discrete long distance moves) might allow for more rapid
spread to the west of the LBK region. Here we should also note that the
analysis of Bocquet-Appel et al. (2012), based on a kriged fit to a more
extensive radiocarbon dataset, obtained a mean spread of only 0.8km/yr
for sites associated with the LBK culture. Intriguingly, however, the
isochrone maps presented in Bocquet-Appel et al. (2012) do suggest a
relatively rapid spread in the Danube and upper Rhine areas, with a
slow-down in the lower Rhine area. This was interpreted as a reasonable
rate of spread for the intensive agriculture adopted by the LBK culture,
in contrast to the more extensive agriculture adopted by the western
Cardial cultures in the western Mediterranean, whose faster spread might
plausibly be explained by the agricultural intensity. The spreads in
both these regions are certainly interesting phenomena that warrant
further study.
Our wavefront-based modelling--and similarly with modelling based
on the continuous reaction-diffusion
(Fisher--Kolmogorov--Petrovsky--Piskunov) equation--assumes a spatially
continuous spread. In addition to incremental, very short-range
movements, the spread of a population (or cultural trait) may involve
discrete, longer-distance travel events (which may be directed and
systematic, or random). It is useful here to distinguish between two
types of the latter: relatively smaller events, of less than 100
kilometres, which we here call leap-frogs; and relatively larger events,
which we will here call Levy flights. Models like those discussed here
are intended to describe the spread over large distances, and they
implicitly incorporate leap-frogs into their specification of the
appropriate diffusivities and river/coastal velocities. Diffusion via
leap-frog events does ultimately produce an essentially continuous
spread when viewed on larger spatial scales.
Spread via persistent, preferentially directed leap-frogs would
mathematically be modelled as an anisotropic diffusion, which is
conceptually somewhat different from a continuous directed acceleration,
as would be mathematically modelled as advection. Within our current
model, either effect acting along any particular coastline would,
however, result in an enhanced coastal velocity in that region. Thus,
although our model clearly supports faster spread in the western
Mediterranean, we cannot conclude that this was the result of coastal
leap-frog colonisation, rather than another directed mechanism with a
similar outcome. Similarly, although both effects described above are
quite different from a locally enhanced global propagation speed, our
model would have difficulty (in a situation where the front was
travelling along a coastline) in distinguishing the latter mechanism
from an enhanced coastal velocity. We therefore also cannot rule out the
possibility that the rapid spread along this coast was simply due to
more rapid expansion favoured by low-intensity agriculture, as proposed
by Bocquet-Appel et al. (2012). However, to explain our results, the
latter effect would have to be dominated by agriculture within a coastal
strip, similar to that used for our coastal velocity model.
If larger distance Levy flight events are expected to be
significant, they would have to be explicitly added to the underlying
model, as they were for sea travel by Fort et al. (2012). Such events
could be incorporated into our wavefront model, for example by the
addition of stochastic steps ahead of the front (initiating secondary
fronts, at least until subsequent re-mergers took place). Work in this
direction would certainly be of interest, particularly in light of
suggestions such as those of Collard et al. (2010) that the arrival of
the Neolithic in the United Kingdom occurred via separate maritime
routes, arriving independently in southwest England and in west-central
Scotland. Sea travel is the most obvious phenomenon for which Levy
flights would seem to be appropriate; firmer archaeological evidence for
the occurrence of large-scale travel events would be desirable before
starting to model such flights on land.
There are, therefore, obvious ways in which our model needs to be
developed further. Apart from the model refinements suggested by our
results, the |4C database needs to be extended to allow the finer
details to be included in the model. However, the results presented here
demonstrate the promise of such efforts, and offer a firm basis for
further development towards advanced, qualitative understanding of the
Neolithic dispersal and its interpretation in terms of human behaviour.
In terms of specific mechanisms investigated here, our work confirms the
importance of waterways and the enhanced mobilities that they allow in
the spread of farming in the early Neolithic; it also takes the first
steps towards robustly quantifying the extent to which this importance
varied regionally with local environmental conditions.
This work was supported by the Leverhulme Trust under Research
Grant F/00 125/AD.
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Received: 25 September 2013; Accepted: 12 December 2013; Revised:
16 June 2014
Daniel A. Henderson (1), Andrew W. Baggaley (2), Anvar Shukurov
(1), Richard J. Boys (1), Graeme R. Sarson (1) & Andrew Golightly
(1) School of Mathematics & Statistics, Newcastle University,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK (Email:
[email protected];
[email protected]; richard.
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected])
(2) School of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Glasgow,
Glasgow G12 8QW, UK (Email:
[email protected])
Table 1. Model parameters with summaries of their prior and posterior
probability distributions. HN(a, [b.sup.2]) denotes a half/normal
distribution; that is, a normal distribution with mean a and variance
[b.sup.2] that has been truncated to take values greater than or
equal to a; LN(c, [d.sup.2]) denotes a log/normal distribution: if X
/LN(c, [d.sup.2]), then log X is normally distributed with mean c and
variance [d.sup.2]; finally, Gamma (e, f) denotes a gamma
distribution with mean e /f and variance e /[f.sup.2]. We used the
MCMC scheme to generate 800 000 samples from the posterior
probability distribution of the parameters. Using sampling importance
resampling (SIR; Rubin 1988), we have confirmed that the results are
robust to small changes in the prior distributions.
Notation Description (units) Prior distribution
[U.sub.o] Background front speed (km/yr) LN(0.5, [0.71.sup.2])
[V.sub.R] Additional speed along HN(0, [20.sup.2])
Danube-Rhine (km/yr)
Additional coastal speeds
[V.sub.1] Eastern Mediterranean (km/yr) HN(0, [5.sup.2])
[V.sub.2] Western Mediterranean (km/yr) HN(0, [5.sup.2])
[V.sub.3] Northern Europe (km/yr) HN(0, [5.sup.2])
[V.sub.4] Black Sea (km/yr) HN(0, [5.sup.2])
[sigma] Global error (yr) [[sigma].sup.-2] ~
Gamma(2.2, [10.sup.6])
Prior mean Prior 95% Posterior mean Posterior 95%
Notation (SD) range (SD) range
[U.sub.o] 2.1 (1.7) 0.4-6.6 0.96 (0.04) 0.9-1.0
[V.sub.R] 16 (12) 0.6-4.8 1.8 (1.4) 0.06-5.29
Additional coastal speeds
[V.sub.1] 4(3) 0.2-11.2 0.7 (0.2) 0.2-1.0
[V.sub.2] 4(3) 0.2-11.2 11.1 (1.0) 9.3-13.1
[V.sub.3] 4(3) 0.2-11.2 0.9 (0.7) 0.03-2.76
[V.sub.4] 4(3) 0.2-11.2 1.0 (0.7) 0.06-2.62
[sigma] 825 (391) 411-1803 577 (24) 533-625