Food globalisation in prehistory: top down or bottom up?
Liu, Xinyi ; Jones, Martin K.
Introduction: background to the debate
Scholarly interest has been growing in an episode of Old World
globalisation of food resources significantly predating the 'Silk
Road5.1 ms process was characteristic of cross-continental
translocations of starch-based crops mostly during the third and second
millennia BC but which might have been initiated in an earlier period
(Jones et al. 2011). Among these translocations we can include a range
of crops originally from Southwest Asia, notably bread wheat and barley,
and others originally from northern China, such as broomcorn and foxtail
millet (Hunt et al. 2008; Motuzaite-Matuzeviciute et al. 2013). Parallel
patterns of crop movement between North Africa and South Asia have been
observed and discussed in some depth (Boivin & Fuller 2009; Fuller
et al. 2011; Boivin et al. 2013). The impetus behind this growth of
interest has been the expansion of archaeobotanical research in South
and East Asia over the past decade (Fuller 2002; Crawford 2006; Lee et
al. 2007; Liu et al. 2008; Zhao 2010). This paper considers the agents
responsible for the food globalisation process during the third and
second millennia BC. A key aspect of trans-Eurasian starch-crop movement
was that it constituted an addition to agricultural systems, rather than
movement to regions devoid of existing starch-based agriculture. Other
economic plants, such as grapes, dates and peas, also moved considerable
distances in the archaeological record, often to areas previously devoid
of those plants. However, the novel starchy crops held a particular
significance. In both cases, Southwest Asian wheat and barley and East
Asian millets went on to become important staple foods in many of their
new destinations.
The pattern of food globalisation and its possible drivers have
been previously considered in two papers (Jones et al. 2011; Boivin et
al. 2012). Jones et al. (2011) consider three categories of driver:
ecological opportunism, economic relations and cultural identity. Boivin
et al. (2012) responded with an emphasis upon social drivers,
highlighting the relationship between prestige, power and the
translocation of exotic plants. Drawing from a range of historical
examples, including consumption by Roman elites and Egyptian queens,
Boivin and colleagues (2012) emphasise the potential role played by one
pole of society: rulers, elites and the wealthy in the trans-Eurasian
crop exchange. In a separate paper, van der Veen (2010) offers a useful
discussion of how improvements and innovations in agriculture arise. In
the current paper, we consider existing patterns of archaeological
evidence in space and time to explore whether the elite was responsible
for cross-continental crop translocation. The alternative is that the
appearance of novel crops might be better understood in the context of
consumption by people occupying lower positions in the social hierarchy.
Here we will briefly re-examine archaeological evidence for the
transmission of Southwest Asian crops eastwards towards China, and East
Asian millets towards the Middle East and Europe, identifying common
themes which suggest new avenues for our understanding of the
globalisation of starchy crops in prehistory. We will ultimately take
into consideration differences in the archaeological signatures of
different possible agents, considering temporal and spatial patterns in
archaeological contexts. However, this discussion will begin by
considering temporal and spatial examples of long-distance crop
translocation between the Old and New World during more recent
historical periods, in particular following the European discovery of
America and the 'Columbian exchange?(Crosby 2003), looking for
patterns which may be comparable to the period of globalisation in
prehistory across the Old World.
Historic evidences the temporal context
The argument developed by Boivin et al. (2012) makes significant
use of the temporal perspective. They relate the time lag between first
introduction of a crop and significant adoption or it to its exotic
status in the initial stages. However, such a time lag may apply in the
reverse direction. If the rulers and elites were indeed the agents who
transmitted crops in the ancient world, knowledge of the new crops might
be acquired first by them before it became familiar among the peasants.
While in some cases this is attested, it has repeatedly been
demonstrated that the farmer, rather than the landowner, leads the
decision-making processes around the adoption and adaptation of new
The status of sorghum in the Middle East and North Africa during
the Islamic period provides us with an example of relatively swift
change. Sorghum appears to have been considered an inferior grain by the
wealthy and is not even mentioned in aristocratic cookbooks in the
thirteenth century AD, though it was by then a very common crop in many
parts of the Islamic world (Watson 1983; van der Veen 2010). Another
instance can be observed in the introduction of the sweet potato into
south-eastern China in the sixteenth century AD, where by the 1570s it
became the poor mans staple. It was not until two decades later that the
governor of Fujian province noticed the practice and officially blessed
it in the famine year of 1594 (Ho 1959). Such time lags in the elite
acknowledgement of new crops could be exacerbated by the perception of
them as low status or poor mans foods.
Braudel (1975? 110-11) discusses a number of instances in which
novel crops first fed the poor. Boats laden with rice from Alexandria in
Egypt were an expedient to feed the poor" in France in 1694 and
1709. In Venice, rice flour was mixed with millet and other flours to
make bread for distribution to the poor so that they could be satisfied
from one meal to the next. Rice, millet, buckwheat and, later, maize
were used to make gruel by peasant families, while the rich ate bread
made from wheat flour (Braudel 1975: 136-37). This was to some extent
equivalent to Chinas provision of wheat for the poor (Zene 2005). These
examples illustrate that associations with the new foods were initially
formed with the poor majority rather than the rich minority. For the
latter, necessity and luxury were constant companions. This may better
explain the translocation of less ordinary foodstuffs, dairy products,
spices, sugar and alcoholic drink, rather than staple crops that
provided calories for the population at large. Another way of thinking
about gradual temporal change is by contrasting the perpetual needs of
the poor with the more ephemeral cultural choices of the powerful. The
former may endure for centuries, even millennia, whereas the latter, as
indeed the word 'choice' implies, are to some extent
biographically situated and more open to constant reconfiguration. It is
only rarely possible to identify a specific 'choice' event in
the archaeological record, where a particular cultural determinant can
be linked to a clear outcome such as a processual change, or the
adoption of a new technology (van der Veen 2010). The dates available
for the Old World food globalisation in prehistory do indicate a process
spanning centuries, possibly millennia, and while this does not in
itself exclude a cultural choice trigger, it would require a separate
and more lengthy driver to sustain it over these much longer periods.
Historic evidence: the spatial context
Patterns occurring in geographical space provide a valuable
correlate for a range of causative factors, including large-scale
environmental change. They may also provide valuable insights into the
dynamics of novel crop adoption. The patterns of early distributions of
maize in southern China provide a useful example. This crop was adopted
in the upper Yangtze River highland districts in the sixteenth century
AD, and had become the poor mountain-dwellers' favourite food by
the 1570s (Ho 1959). By the seventeenth century, many poor people in
those highland districts depended on maize as their staple food crop. At
the time, the lower Yangtze catchments were the heartland of the Chinese
economy, supporting a larger and richer population relative to the upper
Yangtze. Rice cultivation was predominant and maize remained relatively
neglected. It was only during the eighteenth century, when the lower
Yangtze basin reached carrying capacity, that the populations there
utilised maize as their staple crop, which could be grown on the hills
where rice cultivation was becoming difficult (see Figure 1).
Turning from China to Africa and Europe, further examples can be
found of the pace and pattern of the adoption of American crops. The
provisioning of a subordinate workforce was a key driver for the spread
of maize across Africa and of the potato across Europe. During the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries AD, maize became prominent as a
food for miners on the African Gold Coast (McCann 2005). Conversely, in
France and the Balkans, maize was rarely grown until the eighteenth
century, almost two hundred years after the discovery of America. The
new crop was rejected in the Balkans, at least, because it brought
changes to taxation and seigneurial dues, rather than because it was
exotic (Braudel 1975). These examples are comparable to the situation in
the poor upper and rich lower Yangtze catchments where maize was
welcomed in one region and initially rejected in the other. Potatoes
were adopted in a similar way by farm labourers on eighteenth-century
English estates in Ireland (McNeill 1948; Donnelly 2002). The principal
contribution of the elite to this process was to restrict the amount of
land available to labourers for food production, presenting a
significant adaptive challenge. As a result, although labour-intensive,
the cultivation of high-yielding energy crops from the New World offered
an adaptive solution.
Patterns occurring in temporal sequence and geographical space
provide valuable insights into the driving forces of translocation of
novel crops. In all of the above examples, it would seem that the
response of the existing agricultural system to the adoption of the
novel crop is a key driver. In both temporal and spatial contexts, the
conservative food choices of the rich are the reason for the initial
rejection, as the new crop brought changes to their taxation,
seigneurial dues or divine power. This must have been true in prehistory
also. In the following section we shall return to the prehistoric period
to re-examine the archaeological evidence for a key process of Old World
food globalisation: the introduction of wheat and barley into China.
Temporal and spatial patterns in archaeological contexts
Returning from the more recent history of global crop exchange to
the prehistoric period, we now consider both spatial and temporal
patterns in the archaeological record. Archaeological remains,
particularly 'prestige' evidence, may be spatially
concentrated according to where power is concentrated in the cultural
landscape. If the known sites and material remains reveal a contrast,
suggesting a core and a periphery, then that may serve as a useful
correlate through which to interpret archaeobotanical patterns. This
evidence has an additional temporal dimension, in that the change in
settlement patterns over time can also highlight changes in crop
The recent syntheses of archaeological surveys in China on both
national and regional scales have revealed distribution patterns of
early settlements (Shelach 1999; Zhang et al. 2010; Liu & Chen 2012;
Wagner et al. 2012). The earliest sites with millet in northern China
before 5000 BC are patchily distributed on foothills at the margins of
the loess plateau (Liu et al. 2009). The subsequent millennium
(5000-4000 BC) features a high concentration of middle Neolithic
settlements in an area including todays Shaanxi and Henan provinces,
particularly along the valleys of the Wei River and its tributaries
(Wagner et al. 2012). According to a recent synthesis, the number of
settlements had increased from 39 in 5000 BC to some 2000 in 4000 BC in
Shaanxi and from 83 to 638 in Henan (Wagner et al. 2012). This picture
fits the traditional assumption of this area being the
'centre' of Neolithic China and supporting a larger population
size than other areas (Chang 1986). The recorded number of sites in this
area remained higher throughout the rest of the Neolithic and Bronze Age
compared to other regions. Archaeobotanical evidence indicates that the
fifth millennium BC settlements in this area, although varying
significantly in size, were mostly connected with millet cultivation
(Zhao 2007).
In contrast with the settlement density in Shaanxi and Henan, the
regions on either side of the 'centre' yielded a much lower
density of settlements before 4000 BC. This is true both to the east, in
an area including todays Shandong, Hebei and Shanxi provinces, and to
the west, in todays eastern Qinghai and Gansu provinces (Wagner et al.
2012). For instance, there are only 26 sites in Shanxi and none in
Qinghai dated to the fifth millennium BC according to the national
surveys (Guojia Wenwuju 1996, 2006). In both these peripheral regions
however, there is a substantial subsequent increase in site density
between 4000 and 2000 BC (Wagner et al. 2012). Archaeobotanical evidence
from these two regions indicates that although millet was present during
that period, some of the earliest evidence of wheat and barley were
recovered there rather than in the 'centre'.
It is in the two peripheries, rather than the core region of
northern China, that the novel Southwest Asian crops, wheat and barley,
are first recorded. To date, the oldest direct radiocarbon record of
wheat in China is from Shandong province, at Zhaojiazhuang, dated to
between 2500 and 2270 cal BC (Jin et al. 2008). Other early records of
wheat and barley from secure contexts are also emerging in the third and
very beginning of the second millennium BC from sites in Shanxi, Qinghai
and Gansu provinces (Li et al. 2007; Flad et al. 2010; Zhao 2011; Betts
et al. in press). All of these occurrences were in the peripheries. Not
until the mid second millennium BC are wheat and barley with secure
dates recorded in the 'centre' (Dodson et al. 2013).
The spatial contrast and temporal sequence of the introduction of
wheat and barley in China somehow echo the recurrence of the adoption of
maize and potatoes in Europe and China in the seventeenth century AD.
If elite consumption drove the adoption of novel crops from the
west, we might expect to see them first in the more densely settled
cultural heartland of Shaanxi and Henan, subsequently spreading to its
margins. Evidence currently available suggests the reverse. This pattern
may reflect resistance to new agricultural methods in the conservative
core of an existing agricultural society. In the course of migrations
and the occupation of new lands and environments on the margins, farmers
may have been more open to novel strategies.
Some of the earliest records of barley in China come from Taosi
(2500-2000 BC) a third millennium BC site in Shanxi province. During its
early phase, the site is distinguished by its fortified enclosure and
palace architecture. By the final stage of occupation, the sites earthen
enclosure had been destroyed, and the palatial area transformed into a
space for the production of stone and bone artefacts. The settlement
seems to have experienced some political turmoil during its late phase.
Many human skeletal remains near the palatial area show evidence of
violence (Liu & Chen 2012). The excavator relates such evidence to a
peasants' revolt leading to the fall of Taosi (Zhongguo Shehui
Kexueyuan et al. 2008). The archaeobotanical record of the site records
barley grains exclusively from contexts belonging to the final phase
when turmoil might have been happening (Zhao 2010). Whatever the precise
interpretation of the radical changes to site layout, it seems
reasonable to associate the adoption of barley with periods of social
upheaval rather than periods of elite stability.
Prehistoric evidences a broader comparison
The archaeological record allows us to approach this issue from
another direction through broad comparison between elite funerary sites
and non-elite settlement sites across Eurasia. The former may allow a
direct association between foods and elite celebrations. In contrast,
the latter may enable observation of everyday consumption by ordinary
people. It is certainly the case that a number of the key contexts
providing evidence of crop translocation are elite graves. For example,
at the elite burial site of Begash in eastern Kazakhstan, broomcorn
millet and bread wheat grains were directly dated to the mid third
millennium BC, and constitute the earliest record of each of these crops
in Central Asia (Frachetti et al. 2010). However, the very earliest
contexts for exogenous crops in other parts of Eurasia are settlement
sites which often predate the elite graves. This is certainly the case
for the earliest millets known in Europe before 5000 BC and the earliest
wheat and barley in China before 2000 BC (Hunt et al. 2008; Zhao 2011;
Motuzaite-Matuzeviciute et al. 2013).
The connections between what happened in agricultural fields and
what happened to the crops once they left the fields may be complex.
Evidence suggests that agricultural innovations in the ancient world
were primarily concerned with a need for calorie consumption, and that
is the context in which we need to consider how innovations arose and
what agents were involved (van der Veen 2010). This is equally true of
episodes of food globalisation in the recent and distant pasts. Evidence
suggests that various individuals and communities in society have played
a role in such processes. The issue of social drivers discussed by
Boivin et al. (2012) is an important one. In this paper we have followed
that debate with a shift; of focus. We have emphasised the temporal and
spatial context, and the distinction between long-term processes and
particular events both in relation to historical evidence and to earlier
archaeological signatures. We have also taken issue with the emphasis
upon the relationship between prestige, power and 'exotic'
crops. Instead, we have emphasised the role played by the primary agents
of agricultural production, the ordinary farming communities themselves.
The authors are grateful to the European Research Council for
financial support (Food Globalization in Prehistory), to Marijke van der
Veen for suggestions to improve the text, and to the members of the
FOGLIP project for valuable discussions.
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Xinyi Liu (1) & Martin K. Jones (2)
(1) Department of Anthropology, Washington University in St Louis,
Campus Box 1114, One Brookings Drive, St Louis, MO 63130-4899, USA
(2) Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of
Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3 DZ,