Student quantitative literacy: importance, measurement, and correlation with economic literacy.
Schuhmann, Peter W. ; McGoldrick, KimMarie ; Burrus, Robert T. 等
I. Introduction
Economic concepts are often taught using quantitative methods,
including the use of graphical and numerical examples and applications.
For students lacking a basic level of quantitative literacy,
interpretation of economic concepts can be lost in the translation.
While many studies of economic literacy have appeared in the economic
education literature, quantitative literacy has yet to receive the
attention it deserves. This lack of attention to students'
quantitative literacy might contribute to lower degrees of economic
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between
quantitative literacy (as measured by math aptitude), economic literacy
(as measured by knowledge of economic content) and economic learning
(indicated by improvements in economic knowledge over the semester).
Using a sample of students taking undergraduate principles of economics
courses we attempt to quantify the degree of quantitative and economic
literacy and test for learning (or improvement in economic
understanding). Our sample of students is typical of what you might
expect at the principles level in that they are very likely to be
sophomores and very unlikely to have declared an economics major. The
principles classes in which they were enrolled are also typical of those
at most institutions in that they are the introductory courses in the
major and do not have any prerequisite. Thus, our results are applicable
to the large audience of instructors of the principles of economics
We address two major research questions using pre and post course
survey data. The use of a survey allows us to test a student's
quantitative skills (through the use of multiple choice questions)
rather than rely on typically used proxies such as courses taken and
grades achieved. We first examine the degree to which students who have
greater math aptitude also have a better grasp of basic economics
concepts prior to taking a principles of economics course. Second, we
explore the degree to which this math aptitude is correlated with higher
economic learning. More specifically, we measure quantitative aptitude
changes over the semester to determine the extent that students learn
these skills in their economics class and how this learning correlates
with economic learning. An extension of the latter question determines
specific areas where students are deficient in their quantitative
literacy and examines how these deficiencies might impact economic
knowledge. Our results suggest that students who are deficient in skills
such as being able to solve a system of equations and compute a
percentage, and being able to interpret increases and decreases on a
graph will have less economic knowledge at the end of the semester than
their more quantitatively literate peers. This work implies that
instructors in the principles courses should dedicate resources to
assessing the degree to which their students possess quantitative skills
and nurture the development of such skills during the semester.
II. Review of Literature
Economic literacy has been investigated through a number of venues.
Tests of economic literacy such as the Test of Economic Literacy (TEL)
and Tests of Understanding in College Economics (TUCE) have been
developed in an effort to assess literacy levels for various populations
such as high school students (Soper and Walstad, 1988; Walstad and
Soper, 1988 and 1991) and segments of the adult population (Gleason and
Van Scvoc, 1995; Wood and Doyle, 2002). Similar tests have been used to
make literacy comparisons across countries (Kim 1994; Beck and Krumm
1994; Whitehead and Halil, 1991). The general push for greater economic
literacy has been regularly analyzed (Stigler, 1983; Blank, 2002;
Krueger, 2002; Lucas, 2002), and programs for promoting greater literacy
among high school teachers have been developed (Parkison and Sorgman,
1998). Finally, the definition of economic literacy has even garnered
debate (Nelson and Sheffrin, 1991; Ferber, 1999).
Quantitative literacy, on the other hand, has yet to receive
similar attention in the literature, especially with regard to its
connection with economic education. The importance of such skills for
the general population may be demonstrated in their link to labor market outcomes. For example, literacy (including numerical) has a direct and
positive effect on labor market earnings (Green and Riddell, 2001) and
"quantitative literacy skills [are] a major factor raising the
likelihood of full-time employment." (Rivera-Batiz, 1992: 313) For
academic economists, on the other hand, the importance of quantitative
literacy is best demonstrated by the work of Bennet and Johnson (1979)
who find an increasing degree of quantification (equations, tables,
graphs) in economics journals (up to 1977). An extension of this trend
to current journal content is not unreasonable. Finally, there have also
been debates regarding the level of mathematical sophistication existing
today in economics as a profession and the (negative) impact this has on
the research conducted in the profession. (Blinder, 1999: 4-5)
If quantitative literacy is indeed important for both the general
population and future economists, what implications might this have for
the classroom? Siegfried et al. (1991) suggest that "mathematical
aptitude and skills are useful to an undergraduate economics major ...
mathematics can clarify relationships and improve student
understanding." (p. 203) As well, mathematical aptitude is
important for reasoning ability and knowledgeable citizenship.
The study of quantification and the undergraduate economic
classroom spans a wide range of topics including characteristics that
influence performance in economic statistics (Cohn, 1972), math aptitude
and enrollment in economics courses (Cohn et al, 2000), math aptitude
and student apprehension about principles courses (Benedict, 2002), and
the impact of quantitative skills on performance at various levels of
economics courses. This impact on performance is investigated through an
analysis of graph competency, required and elective mathematical
background for intermediate economics classes and math aptitudes and
course history prior to taking principles.
At nearly every level of economic instruction, graphical analyses
are key tools used to portray economic concepts and theories. The degree
to which instructors assume that students are equipped to utilize these
tools is critical for economic learning. Principles students typically
score poorly with respect to their ability to reproduce graphs, but
those students who can graph more accurately perform better on post
course tests of economic learning (Cohn and Cohn, 1994). Evidence as to
whether graphical presentations improve economic comprehension is mixed.
For example, principles students randomly assigned to graph intensive
lectures (as opposed to those with no graphs) had either no increase or
a decrease in performance as measured by the difference between pre and
post test scores on economic content covered in the lecture materials
(Cohn et al, 2001). On the other hand, Kourilsky and Wittrock (1987)
find that a teaching strategy which leads students from verbal to
graphical explanations of course content (as opposed to the reverse or
verbal only) results in the greatest gains in economic knowledge. A
logical extension of the impact of graph competencies is the
identification of characteristics that might predict graph competency.
For example, students with higher GPAs and a greater preference towards
math have been shown to be more likely to answer graphical questions
correctly (Hill and Stegner, 2003).
The ongoing academic debate regarding whether to require calculus for intermediate economics classes is one area in which performance in
economics classes is directly linked to mathematical aptitude. Brasfield
et al (1992) and Durden and Ellis (1995) both find that students who
have had a first course in calculus perform better in college economics
courses. As well, Butler et al (1994, 1998) find "that a second
semester of calculus markedly improves performance of students in
intermediate micro, but not in intermediate macro." (1994 p, 209)
Von Allmen (1996) expands on this analysis by estimating the
relationship between performance in a required calculus class and
performance in the intermediate micro class. Consistent with the results
of Butler et al, "a one-grade difference in calculus more than
doubles the chances of getting an A in microeconomics, and roughly
halves the chances of doing poorly." (Von Allmen, p. 21)
The impact of math aptitude on performance in economics principles
courses is significantly more ambiguous. Gery (1970) found that the
number of math courses taken positively affects pre-course performance
as measured by the TUCE. In a further study of this phenomenon, Gery
(1972) finds no significant impact of the level of math taken but rather
that critical thinking skills and verbal aptitude (SAT) had the greatest
positive impact on pre-course TUCE. Alternatively, quantitative aptitude
(SAT) has the greatest impact on relative improvements in TUCE scores
over the semester. (p. 152) These studies are reinforced by Durden and
Ellis (1995). They find that math and verbal SAT scores "are among
the most important determinants of student performance in college
economics courses." (p. 345) Likewise, Brasfield et al (1992) find
that students who completed a two course Business Math sequence
"before taking either introductory economics class did
significantly better in university level economics [as measured by the
final grade in the course] than the students who had not completed the
math sequence." (p. 243) Similarly, Anderson et al (1994) find that
high school math is the most important indicator of success in a
principles course. In contrast, Milkman et al (1995) find that although
completion of a two course Business Math sequence has little or no
impact on economic learning (as measured by the TUCE), "students
who complete only the pre-calculus class prior to enrolling in
microeconomics learn more economics than students who have completed the
entire business math sequence." (p. 227)
In one of the few tests that include a measurement of math
competency as opposed to proxies such as courses completed, grades in
courses, or aptitude scores, Espey (1997) finds that the successful
completion of a math competency exam (no matter how many times it was
taken or how much tutoring was received) improves performance in
principles. More recently, Ballard and Johnson (2004) employ a simple
multiple choice test to measure the degree to which students understand
basic algebraic calculations such as solving a system of equations,
finding the area of a triangle, and determining the slope of a line.
Competency in these basic skills is found to be an important determinant of course grade, in addition to traditional measures of math competency
such as math scores on the ACT and previous math courses taken.
Similarly, only one paper has actually investigated the degree to which
mathematical skills are obtained in the principles class. Cohn et al
(2000) find that students learn more math during an introductory course
in economics than in an introductory course in psychology.
The results of this literature review reveal that many of the
questions relating quantitative aptitude and economic learning are yet
to be resolved. There is no clear consensus as to the impact of
quantitative aptitude on performance in the principles courses, although
evidence is mounting that suggests a positive impact. One result that
does appear to be consistent across studies is that the performance in
quantitative classes is more likely to have a significant impact than a
simple indicator of whether the course has been taken.
This paper contributes to this body of work in a number of ways.
First, we seek to test whether students who enter a principles course
with a better quantitative aptitude perform better (ceteris paribus).
This differs from much of the previous research in that we actually test
a student's quantitative skills rather than relying on proxies such
as courses taken and grades achieved. In addition, this work goes beyond
that of Ballard and Johnson (2004) by including interpretive questions
in addition to simple calculations. Second, the degree to which these
measured quantitative skills contribute to economic learning is
investigated by employing a pre and post course test that measures
economic knowledge. Finally, we measure quantitative aptitude changes
over the semester to determine the extent that students learn these
skills in their economics class and how this learning correlates with
economic learning.
III. Data and Survey Design
During the spring semester of 2002 a survey was designed to
investigate the relationship between quantitative and economic literacy.
The survey was pre-tested in a principles of economics class, reviewed
by faculty familiar with survey use, and revised accordingly. (1) The
final version of the survey solicited information on student
demographics such as gender, age, race, class standing, and weekly hours
spent working or volunteering, and asked a series of questions designed
to evaluate the students' quantitative ability as well as knowledge
of economics. Students were asked their current GPA, math SAT score,
math and economics course background (in both high school and college),
and weekly hours spent studying. In order to gauge specific quantitative
skills and knowledge of economic content, the survey also asked a series
of eight multiple choice math questions and ten multiple choice
economics questions (five each of microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts). All variable definitions are shown in Table 1.
The survey was administered in the fall of 2002 to Principles of
Economics students at the University of Richmond (UR), Mary Washington
College (MWC), the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW),
and the University of Nebraska at Lincoln (UN). (2) The survey was
administered on the first and final days of class; 633 students
completed pre-semester surveys (UR = 88, MWC = 234, UNCW = 160, UN =
151) and 534 completed post-semester surveys (UR = 87, MWC = 200, UNCW =
146, UN = 101). Students were asked to provide a code by which pre and
post surveys could be matched, allowing for an investigation of the
learning (both quantitative and economic) that occurs over the semester;
pre and post surveys were successfully matched in 344 cases (UR = 46,
MWC = 101, UNCW = 117, UN = 80). Remaining cases were not matched
because students failed to report identifying codes necessary for
matching or because the instructor failed to properly administer
alternative versions of the survey. (3)
Table 1 also provides a summary of sample characteristics.
Approximately fifty percent of the students in the sample are
sophomores, as would be expected given that the survey was administered
in principles of economics courses. The sample is equally comprised of
males and females. Fifty-five percent of the students are business
majors and just over three percent are economics majors (the remaining
students identified themselves as 'other' majors). (4)
Ninety-one percent of the sample is white, and only four percent is
foreign. For the students who reported their G.P.A., the average G.P.A.
was approximately 3.0. (5) Nearly all students reported taking high
school geometry (ninety percent) and algebra 1 (ninety-two percent). A
large majority of students also completed high school courses in algebra
II (eighty-three percent) and pre-calculus (seventy-one percent),
although significantly fewer had completed a high school calculus course
(thirty-seven percent). Far fewer students in our sample had taken these
math courses at the college level (except calculus). Forty percent of
students had completed a college level course in calculus, yet only one
quarter had taken algebra (twenty-five percent) or basic probability and
statistics (twenty-four percent).
With regard to economics courses, less than forty percent had taken
a high school economics course and over half (fifty-nine percent) were
enrolled in their first college level economics class. (6) For those who
had taken economics at the college level, approximately thirty-five
percent had completed macroeconomic principles, sixty-four percent had
completed microeconomic principles, and four percent had taken a survey
course in economics. (7) When measured as a percentage of the full
sample, approximately twenty-five percent of the students surveyed had
taken microeconomics prior to enrolling in the current course (macro),
fourteen percent had previously taken macroeconomics prior to enrolling
in the current course (micro), and two percent had taken a survey
economics course. (8)
IV. Mathematics Questions and Answers
Some of the survey questions designed to measure quantitative
skills were selected from a college (UNCW) math placement exam and some
were generated by the authors. (9) Questions designed to measure
economic knowledge were selected from the Test of Understanding in
College Economics (TUCE, 2000). All questions used in the survey are
included in Appendix 1. The quantitative questions were selected to test
student abilities on two levels: computational questions such as
performing simple mathematical computations and reading graphs and
interpretive questions such as the ability to interpret mathematical and
graphical information. More specifically, the computation questions
included solving a system of equations (question 1), computing simple
percentages (question 2), and determining the slope and intercept of a
straight line (questions 6 and 8). (10) Interpretive questions included
calculating a percentage change in a given scenario (question 5),
reading increases and decreases on a graph (question 3), interpreting a
percentage change (question 4), and distinguishing the differences in
two graphs (question 7). The percent of correct responses to each math
question for both the pre-course and post-course surveys are reported in
Table 2. (Math survey questions are included in the Appendix. The
complete survey is available upon request.)
Pre-course survey results suggest that students had good
mathematical computational abilities, but were weaker in interpretive
capabilities. Most students were able to calculate the solution to a
simple system of equations (question 1, 81 percent) and a simple
percentage (question 2, 94 percent). In addition, a majority of students
were able to look at a graph and determine the slope of a straight line
(question 8, 57 percent); however, only 36 percent were able to
determine the equation (slope and intercept) for a graphed straight line
(question 6). Question 3 indicates that many students can make simple
inferences from graphical presentations (64 percent). Only 28 percent of
students choose the entire correct answer for question 7 ('both b
and c'), many of the students (49 percent) choose a
"correct" answer of either 'b' or 'c'.
Thus, although students do have some understanding of what shifting a
line on a graph means, that understanding is incomplete. Finally,
students were unable to interpret the meaning of a percentage change;
only 24 and 40 percent answered questions 4 and 5 correctly,
Incorrect answers can give insight about student quantitative
deficiencies. Over 40 percent of students answered 'a' for
question 5 on the pre survey; they believed that an increase in
production from 60 to 100 implied a percentage change of 40%. Since
students could not calculate a percentage change, it was not surprising
that students did not understand that a positive but decreasing growth
rate of GDP means that GDP is increasing (as only 46 percent of
respondents correctly answered question 4). Students also made
systematic mistakes when they answered question 3; almost 30 percent of
respondents answered 'a'. This answer indicates that students
could not discern that steady domestic oil consumption with increasing
imports of oil implies that domestic production of oil has decreased.
Either students did not read questions carefully, or they had a
difficult time interpreting graphs to form logical connections.
Post-course tests yield similar results. Even though the proportion
of students giving a correct response compared to the pre-course survey
increased for 7 of the 8 questions, the only significant differences
occurred for questions 2 and 6. In addition, the proportion of students
correctly calculating a simple percentage (question 2) actually
decreased significantly while the proportion of students who were able
to determine the equation of a straight line (question 6) increased
Overall, students correctly answered an average of 4.24 out of 8
math questions on the pre-course survey and 4.46 on the post-course
survey. This increase is significant at the 12% level (see Table 3).
These results suggest that principles of economics courses may generate
significant improvements in quantitative skills.
V. Economics Questions and Answers
A student's knowledge of economics is measured based on a
subset of the questions developed for the TUCE. These ten survey
questions included five microeconomics content and five macroeconomic
content questions. (11) The percentage of students answering the
economic knowledge questions correctly is provided in Table 2. It is to
these percentages that we now turn.
Results from the survey administered on the first day of class
indicate that students did have some prior economic knowledge. The
percentage of students correctly answering the microeconomics questions
was, on average, 32 percent. This percentage is statistically different
from 0.25 (at the 1 percent level) which suggests that students did not
simply randomly guess the answers to the microeconomic questions. (12)
The percentage of students correctly answering the macroeconomics
questions was, on average, 26 percent. This percentage was not
statistically different from 0.25 which suggests that students performed
no better than they would by randomly guessing on the macro questions.
These pre-course results suggest that students enter principles courses
with some economic knowledge of micro but not macro economic content.
Post-course survey results provide evidence as to the degree to
which students learned economic content through taking an economics
course. The average percentage of students answering the questions
correctly was 43 for the microeconomics questions, and 31 percent for
the macroeconomics questions. These percentages are statistically
different from 0.25 (at the 1 percent level). Hence we observe an
increase in the percentage of students correctly answering questions.
Only in the cases of the microeconomics questions, however, were there
statistically significant improvements in the percent of students
answering the questions correctly.
Yet another way to measure the student's economic knowledge is
to consider these economic knowledge questions as a whole irrespective
of the content (micro or macro) of each question. This measurement
reveals that the average percent of students answering each question
correctly on the pre-course survey was approximately 30 percent. On the
post-course survey, 37 percent of students, on average, answered the
economics questions correctly. These percentages are statistically
different from 0.25 (at the 1 percent level). The increase in percentage
of students correctly answering questions across the pre and post
surveys is significant at the 5 percent level. This result confirms
previous research indicating improvement in economic knowledge as a
result of completing a course in economics.
Overall, students answered 2.9 economics questions correctly on the
pre-course survey compared to 3.7 correct answers on the post-course
survey (see Table 3). Furthermore, the number of microeconomic questions
answered correctly increased from 1.6 to 2.1 and the number of
macroeconomic questions answered correctly increased from 1.3 to 1.6.
Each of these differences between the pre-course and post-course surveys
is significant, suggesting economic knowledge improvements as a result
of taking an economics course.
VI. Modeling and Hypotheses
Quantitative skills and economic knowledge outcomes are measured as
the number of correct answers to math and economics questions prior to
and after taking a principles of economics course. In order to examine
the relationship between student characteristics and economic knowledge
acquisition, scores on the economics portion of the survey serve as the
dependent variable. Note that the pre and post survey results can be
examined individually or together by calculating the difference in
correct answers between the pre- and post-course surveys. In the former
case, the variable we wish to explain is constrained to be zero or a
positive integer, hence a count data model will be appropriate for
estimation. In the latter, the variable of interest (change in score)
can be positive or negative; hence more traditional regression methods
will suffice for estimation.
Poisson regression models provide a standard framework for the
analysis of count data when a majority of the data falls in the lower
end of the distribution (ie., 0,1,2, ...). The Poisson distribution determines the probability of a count.
(1) P([y.sub.i]) = Prob[y.sub.i] = j] = exp(-[[lambda].sub.i]) -
[[lambda].sup.j.sub.i]/j!, j = 0, 1, 2, ...
Where the standard formulation for [[lambda].sub.i] is:
(2) [[lambda].sub.i] = exp ([beta]' [x.sub.i])
In order to examine the relationship between student
characteristics and pre- and post-course scores on the economics
questions in our survey, we estimate the following equations using a
Poisson specification for both the pre-course survey results and the
post-course results (variable definitions are provided in Table 1):
In both models, the dependent variable is the total number of
economics questions answered correctly. In order to fully analyze the
impact of quantitative skills on economic knowledge we include two
measures of quantitative aptitude: TMATHPRE or TMATHPOST (total number
of math questions answered correctly on either the pre-course or
post-course survey) in model 1, and dummy variables (Q1-QS) for each
individual question indicating whether the student answered that
specific quantitative question correctly in model 2. (13) The
relationship between these same variables and improvement in economic
learning is modeled using economic learning (as measured by the change
in the number of economic questions answered correctly, post-course
survey minus pre-course survey) as a function of quantitative skill
acquisition (the difference between post- and pre-course scores on the
quantitative questions, TMATHPOST--TMATHPRE). The signs and significance
of the coefficients in these models will provide insight into which
variables have a significant influence on economic aptitude for
principles of economics students. (14)
Surprisingly, other variables such as those representing successful
completion of previous math courses were found to be insignificant in
our study. Models that included the number of math classes taken in high
school (excluding high school calculus) and college and whether or not
students had taken high school calculus were also estimated. Consistent
with previous research, we anticipated positive coefficient estimates
for these variables; however, these variables were not significant when
TMATHPRE and TMATHPOST were included in the pre and post course models,
respectively. In the pre course model, the coefficient estimates were
not significant even without the TMATHPRE variable. In the post course
model, only the high school calculus variable was significant without
the inclusion of the TMATHPOST variable. In addition, these variables
did not impact economic learning. (15)
Consistent with previous literature, we anticipate negative signs
on the coefficient estimates for BUSINESS and OTHER; students who are
business majors and non-business majors will not exhibit as much
economics knowledge or economic learning compared to economics majors
(base case). As well, students who have previously taken an economics
course in high school (HSECON) or in college will have a greater base of
economic knowledge and may exhibit a higher degree of learning over the
semester, as they have already acquired the skill set upon which more
advanced topics can be learned. However, we note that students with no
prior economics courses may show greater total learning of economics
content, as they are starting with relatively low pre-course knowledge,
so all knowledge gained in the first course constitutes learning. Thus,
we make no a priori predictions for the signs of coefficient estimates
compared to students taking their first economics course in
microeconomics (base case).
Because of the analytical similarities between math skills and
economic skills, we also suspect that students who did better on the
math questions (TMATHPRE or TMATHPOST in model 1, or Q1-Q8 in model 2)
will perform better on the economics questions and also learn more. (16)
While we have no a priori expectations as to the signs on the dummy
variables for the three universities (UR is the base case), we do note
that one of the four schools in our sample is a small private
institutions (UR) one is a small public institution (MWC), while the
other two are larger public universities. Given the insignificant
differences between the survey versions (described above), we do not
anticipate any impact of survey design (RSURVEY) on the results. (17)
VII. Results
Economic knowledge models 1 and 2 (incorporating total and
individual measures of quantitative aptitude, respectively) were
estimated using a Poisson specification for both pre-course and
post-course survey results (Tables 4 and 5). (18) Model 1 (incorporating
the total number of math questions answered correctly) was also
estimated via OLS using economic learning (the difference between pre
and post-course measures of economic knowledge) as the dependent
variable and mathematics learning as an independent variable (the
difference between pre and post- course measures of mathematics
literacy). These results are shown in Table 6.
The results of the pre-course survey models (Table 4) indicate that
economics majors did worse on the economics questions than business
majors and other majors, though the coefficient for other majors was not
statistically significant. Students who were enrolled in macroeconomics
but have never had another economics class (MACRO) and students enrolled
in macroeconomics who have had microeconomics previously (MAC HAD MIC)
did statistically better than students currently enrolled in
microeconomics who also had not taken another economic course. The
coefficients on all three university dummy variables were negative and
significant, indicating that University of Richmond students did better
on the pre-course survey than students at other the institutions.
Finally, as expected, students who had a greater number of correct
answers on the quantitative skills test (TMATHPRE) performed
statistically better on the economics questions but by a negligible amount. With regard to model 2, we see that only question five
(interpreting a percentage change) was a statistically significant
determinant of total number of economics questions correct. (19) This
overall lack of significance for the individual math questions is an
interesting result, as it shows that before entering the economics
course, specific sets of math skills do not necessarily correspond with
more knowledge of economics.
The results of the post-course survey models (Table 5) indicate
that economics majors are no longer statistically different than
business majors and other students; over the course of the semester,
they have caught up to business and other majors. We also see that there
is now a smaller difference between students at the different
universities, yet the coefficient on the UNCW dummy variable is still
significant. Once again, macroeconomics students (MACRO) fared more
favorably on the economics questions than microeconomics students,
although in the post-course survey results there is no longer a
statistical difference between students in macroeconomics who have had
microeconomics (MAC HAD MIC) and students in microeconomics with no
other economic background (base case). Math skills were once again
positively related to economic literacy. Indeed, the relationship for
total math questions correct (TMATHPOST, model 1) was stronger in the
post-course survey. This indicates that students who did better on the
math questions continued to do better on the economics questions. In
other words, the significance of TMATHPOST implies that learning during
the economics class is aided by math skills. Model 2 provides further
evidence of the importance of specific quantitative skills. Although
question 5 is no longer significant, questions 1, 2 and 3 are now
positive and significant. Thus, having skills such as solving a system
of equations, computing a percentage, and reading increases and
decreases on a graph contributes to economic knowledge as measured at
the end of the course. It is important to note that questions 1 and 2
are computational questions, while question 3 is an interpretive
question. Hence, in viewing this result (and comparing it to the
pre-course results for model 2), we can state that students with these
specific skills at the end of the course also had higher knowledge of
economic concepts.
With regard to the difference between the pre-course and
post-course survey results (Table 6), we find that economics majors have
significantly greater increases in economic knowledge compared to
business majors and students with majors other than business.
Quantitative skill acquisition (TMATHDIFF) significantly increases
economic learning. Students in macroeconomics who have had
microeconomics (MAC HAD MIC) do not improve as much as students in
microeconomics (who haven't had macroeconomics). This would seem to
indicate that it is the first microeconomics class that makes the most
significant contribution to economic learning. Finally, MWC students
improve significantly more than UR students.
Surprisingly, other variables representing successful completion of
previous math courses were found to be insignificant in our study.
Models that included the number of math classes taken in high school
(excluding high school calculus) and college and whether or not students
had taken nigh school calculus were also estimated. Consistent with
previous research, we anticipated positive coefficient estimates for
these variables; however, these variables were not significant when
TMATHPRE and TMATHPOST were included in the pre and post course models,
respectively. In the pre course model, the coefficient estimates were
not significant even without the TMATHPRE variable. In the post course
model, only the high school calculus variable was significant without
the inclusion of the TMATHPOST variable. In addition, these variables
did not impact economic learning.
VIII. Conclusions
Using a survey administered on the first and last days of
principles of economics courses at four U.S. universities, the current
study set out to determine the important influences on economic literacy
and economic learning, measured, respectively, as the number of correct
responses on a 10 question economics questionnaire and the difference in
the number of correct economics responses on the first day and the last
day of class.
Generally, students do not fare well on simple quantitative
questions and hence do not possess an adequate working knowledge of the
"language" we often speak during our economics courses. Our
analysis shows, however, that quantitative literacy is a very important
determinant of economic literacy in both the pre and post course
surveys. More specifically, we have shown that having skills such as
being able to solve a system of equations and compute a percentage, and
being able to interpret increases and decreases on a graph will lead to
higher economic knowledge at the end of the semester.
We also find that high school economics courses and high school and
college math courses do not significantly impact economic literacy or
learning. Interestingly, although students who had already taken
microeconomics did significantly better on both the pre and post-course
economics questions compared to students entering their first
microeconomics course (as might be expected), students in the first
microeconomics course learned more economics than did students who were
in macroeconomics and had already taken microeconomics.
While math literacy improves during an economics principles course,
students still performed poorly on quantitative questions at the end of
the semester. This is unfortunate; as our paper also shows that
quantitative improvement leads to more economic learning. Hence it would
seem that in order for students to learn more during economics courses,
they need a stronger set of math skills. Moreover, those who teach
economics principles should not assume that students have already
mastered basic math skills. Indeed, time spent addressing these
shortcomings as needed during the course of the semester could prove
quite effective in improving economic learning. Providing economics
students with a basic math primer or allowing for more in-depth review
of basic math concepts and skills, while taking away from the amount of
time directly spent on economics content could serve to enhance the
amount of economics learning that takes place.
Mathematics Questions
1. Solve this system of equations:
3 x + y = 15 -x + 2y = 2
a. x = 5, y = 5
b. x = 4, y = 3
c. x = 3, y = 4
d. x = 0, y = 0
e. none of the above
2. What is 30% of 200?
a. 30 b. 60 c. 90 d. 33 e. none of the above.
3. Consider Figure 1 where US consumption of oil and US imports of
oil are plotted for 1991-2000. Which of the following is true?
a. U.S. domestic oil consumption has been steady while imports have
been rising therefore US domestic oil production has been rising.
b. U.S. domestic oil consumption has been steady while imports have
been falling therefore US domestic oil production has been falling.
c. U.S. domestic oil consumption has been steady while imports have
been rising therefore US domestic oil production has been falling.
d. U.S. domestic oil consumption has been steady while imports have
been falling therefore US domestic oil production has been rising.
4. Refer to the following table:
Economic Growth in Poland, 1990-1994 (percent)
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
GDP -11.7% -7.8% -1.5% 4.0% 3.5%
Which of the following are TRUE?
a. Polish GDP was larger in 1992 than in 1991.
b. Polish GDP was larger in 1994 than in 1993.
c. Polish GDP was larger in 1991 than in 1992.
d. Polish GDP was larger in 1993 than in 1994.
e. b & c are true
5. If U.S. production of corn was 60 million bushels in 1998 and
100 million bushels in 1999, what was the percentage change in corn
production from 1998 to 1999?
a. 40% b. 60% c. 66.67% d. 100% e. 200%
6. Which of the following is the correct formula for the following
relationship between the price of a good (P) and the quantity that is
demanded (Q) shown in Figure 2 below?
a. Q = 10 + 5P
b. Q = 5 + 1P
c. Q = 10 - 1p
d. Q = 10 - 5P
e. None of the above
7. Given the relationship in Figure 3 between x and y, which of the
following are true?
a. The solid line has larger x values for given values of y than
the dashed line.
b. The solid line has smaller x values for given values of y than
the dashed line.
c. The dashed line has smaller y values for given values of x than
the solid line.
d. The dashed line has larger y values for given values of x than
the solid line.
e. Both b and c
f. Both c and d
8. Referring to figure 3 below, the slope of the line shown is:
a. 1 b. -1 c. 2 d.-2 e. 1/2
Variable description and mean (proportion)
Variable Name Description Mean
UR 1 = student attends University of Richmond; 0.134
0 = other
MWC 1 = student attends Mary Washington College; 0.294
0 = other
UNCW 1 = student attends UNC-Wilmington; 0.340
0 = other
UN 1 = student attends University of Nebraska; 0.233
0 = other
MALE 1 = male; 0 = female 0.497
ECON 1 = student is econ major; 0 = other 0.032
BUSINESS 1 = student is business major; non-econ 0.544
major; 0 = other
OTHER 1 = student is non-business major; non-econ 0.424
major; 0 = other
WHITE 1 = student is Caucasian; 0 = other 0.907
FOREIGN 1 = student is foreign; 0 = other 0.044
GPA Student (self-reported) GPA 3.053
GEOMETRY 1 = student took geometry in high school; 0.898
0 = other
ALGEBRA1 1 = student took algebra 1 in high school; 0.924
0 = other
ALGEBRA2 1 = student took more than 1 algebra course 0.826
in high school; 0 = other
HSPCALC 1 = student took pre-calculus in high 0.712
school; 0 = other
HSCALC 1 = student took calculus in high school; 0.372
0 = other
HSMATH Number of courses above basic math taken in 3.733
high school
CBASICMATH 1 = student took basic math in college; 0.119
0 = other
CALGEGRA 1 = student took algebra in college; 0.253
0 = other
CCALC 1 = student took calculus in college; 0.404
0 = other
CPROB&STAT 1 = student took probability and statistics 0.238
in college; 0 = other
CUPPERMATH 1 = student took an upper level math course; 0.087
0 = other
CMATH Number of courses above basic math taken in 1.102
HSECON Number of economics classes taken in high 0.381
ECON1 1 = this class is the first economics class 0.590
taken in college; 0 = other
MACRO 1 = student is in macroeconomics and has not 0.314
completed another economics course;
0 = other
MICRO 1 = student is in microeconomics and has not 0.276
completed another economics course;
0 = other
MAC HAD MIC 1 = student is in macroeconomics and has 0.250
completed microeconomics; 0 = other
MIC HAD MAC 1 = student is in microeconomics and has 0.142
completed macroeconomics; 0 = other
MIC HAD SURVEY 1 = student is in microeconomics and has 0.006
completed a survey of economics course;
0 = other
MAC HAD MIC AND 1 = student is in macroeconomics and has 0.012
SURVEY completed microeconomics and an economics
survey course; 0 = other
RSURVEY 1 = random design survey (economic knowledge 0.444
questions randomly chosen for inclusion)
TMATHPRE Total number of math questions correct 4.24
TMATHPOST Total number of math questions correct 4.46
Percent of students giving correct answers on math and economics
Percent of Students with
Correct Answer
Math Questions (n = 344) Pre Post Z-stat
1: solving a system of equations 0.814 0.834 0.701
2: computing a simple percentage 0.936 0.892 -2.042 **
3: reading increases and decreases on a 0.640 0.666 0.721
4: interpreting meaning of a percentage 0.244 0.273 0.871
5: calculating percentage change, word 0.404 0.419 0.387
6: determining slope and intercept 0.363 0.448 2.252 **
7: distinguishing differences across two 0.276 0.308 0.922
8: determining slope 0.567 0.616 1.319
Avg. Percent (questions 1-8) 0.531 0.557 0.689
Economics Questions (n = 344)
Micro 0.317 0.430 3.042 *
Macro 0.264 0.313 1.430
Avg. Percent (all econ questions) 0.291 0.372 2.252 **
*, **, *** indicates significance at the 1, 5, and 10% levels,
Average Number of Correct Math, Micro, Macro, and Economics Questions
Pre Sdev Post
Math questions correctly answered 4.244 1.741 4.456
(Out of 8 total)
Economic questions
Micro questions correctly answered 1.587 1.187 2.148
(Out of 5 total)
Macro questions correctly answered 1.320 1.076 1.567
(Out of 5 total)
Economic questions correctly 2.907 1.705 3.715
answered (Out of 10 total)
Sdev tstat
Math questions correctly answered 1.924 1.578
(Out of 8 total)
Economic questions
Micro questions correctly answered 1.256 6.260 *
(Out of 5 total)
Macro questions correctly answered 1.138 3.043 *
(Out of 5 total)
Economic questions correctly 1.898 6.109 *
answered (Out of 10 total)
* indicates significance at the 1% level.
Pre Survey Results--Poisson Regression Estimates
Model 1
Variable coefficient tstat
Constant 0.643 2.704 *
BUSINESS 0.378 1.884 ***
OTHER 0.276 1.366
HSECON 0.078 1.343
MACRO 0.329 2.936 *
MAC HAD MIC 0.360 3.863 *
MIC HAD MAC 0.044 0.331
MIC HAD SUR 0.057 0.137
TMATHPRE 0.037 1.906 ***
MWC -0.500 -4.485 *
UNCW -0.377 -3.110 *
UN -0.325 -2.517 **
RSURVEY 0.087 1.158
Pseudo [R.sup.2] 0.154
Model 2
Variable coefficient tstat
Constant 0.742 2.89 *
BUSINESS 0.409 2.025 **
OTHER 0.322 1.579
HSECON 0.072 1.211
MACRO 0.291 2.586 *
MAC HAD MIC 0.333 3.518 *
MIC HAD MAC 0.027 0.200
MIC HAD SUR 0.191 0.450
Q1 -0.131 -1.566
Q2 -0.024 -0.182
Q3 0.027 0.376
Q4 0.082 1.045
Q5 0.117 1.662 ***
Q6 -0.064 -0.899
Q7 0.071 0.952
Q8 0.111 1.554
MWC -0.478 -4.186 *
UNCW -0.352 -2.871 *
UN -0.297 -2.284 **
RSURVEY 0.089 1.186
Pseudo [R.sup.2] 0.171
*, **, *** indicates significance at the 1, 5, and
10% levels, respectively.
Post Survey Results--Poisson Regression Estimates
Model 1
Variable coefficient tstat
Constant 0.999 5.236 *
BUSINESS -0.231 -1.598
OTHER -0.152 -1.046
HSECON 0.050 0.971
MACRO 0.172 1.777 ***
MAC HAD MIC 0.035 0.422
MIC HAD MAC 0.012 0.103
MIC HAD SUR 0.453 1.473
AND SURVEY -0.357 -1.025
TMATHPOST 0.093 5.776 *
MWC -0.065 -0.642
UNCW -0.187 -1.658 ***
UN -0.028 -0.247
RSURVEY 0.156 2.231 **
Pseudo [R.sup.2] 0.158
Model 2
Variable coefficient tstat
Constant 0.800 3.658 *
BUSINESS -0.221 -1.516
OTHER -0.132 -0.905
HSECON 0.041 0.783
MACRO 0.198 2.016 **
MAC HAD MIC 0.063 0.746
MIC HAD MAC 0.042 0.363
MIC HAD SUR 0.515 1.636
AND SURVEY -0.339 -0.965
Q1POST 0.178 1.978 **
Q2POST 0.231 2.038 **
Q3POST 0.141 2.094 **
Q4POST 0.009 0.134
Q5POST 0.105 1.633
Q6POST 0.035 0.553
Q7POST 0.099 1.531
Q8POST 0.071 1.031
MWC -0.077 -0.756
UNCW -0.187 -1.640 ***
UN -0.028 -0.244
RSURVEY 0.158 2.235
Pseudo [R.sup.2] 0.164
*, **, *** indicates significance at the 1, 5,
and 10% levels, respectively.
OLS Results for the difference in correct answers
on the pre and post surveys
Variable coefficient tstat
Constant 2.168 2.855 *
BUSINESS -2.128 -3.130 *
OTHER -1.499 -2.203 **
HSECON 0.079 0.371
MACRO -0.155 -0.390
MAC HAD MIC -0.837 -2.450 **
MIC HAD MAC 0.033 0.074
MIC HAD SUR 1.914 1.256
MAC HAD MIC AND SURVEY -1.403 -1.212
TMATHDIFF 0.254 3.851 *
MWC 0.994 2.357 **
UNCW 0.252 0.543
UN 0.697 1.451
RSURV 0.152 0.531
[R.sup.2] 0.136
*, **, *** indicates significance at the 1, 5,
and 10% levels, respectively.
The authors wish to thank Robin Bartlett, Bill Goffe, Steven
Greenlaw, Gail Hoyt, Anne Owen, and Michael Salemi for valuable comments
on an earlier draft and faculty at each of the institutions included in
this project for their willingness to participate in the survey.
Additionally, Jerry Petr provided invaluable motivation for and feedback
on this project. We also wish to thank the anonymous referee for helpful
comments provided in the review of this paper.
(1.) Revisions included adding additional demographic
specifications and math course background questions.
(2.) Approximately fifty-eight percent of the surveys were
administered in principles of macroeconomics classes and forty-two
percent were administered in principles of microeconomics.
(3.) Because a large number of students completed the pre-course
survey but failed to complete the post-course survey, the potential for
sample selection bias exists. Based on the pre-course survey results we
found no statistically significant difference between students who
completed both surveys and those who only completed the pre-course
survey in terms of their characteristics or math and economics skills.
(4.) There were 10 students who were double majors in combinations
of economics, business, and something other than business and economics.
If economics was one of the majors, the student was counted as an
economics major. If the student was double majoring in business and
something other than business or economics, the student was counted as a
business major.
(5.) This average only pertains to students who reported their GPA.
In this sample, the non-reporters gave the answer "this is my first
class/semester at this institution--I do not have a GPA."
(6.) At the University of Nebraska, macroeconomics is generally the
first course taken, while microeconomics is usually taken first at the
oher institutions.
(7.) These numbers do not sum to 100 percent because 4 students had
taken both microeconomics and a survey class.
(8.) Of the 6 students who had taken the survey course, 2 were in
enrolled in microeconomics and 4 students were in macroeconomics having
completed both microeconomics and a survey course. There were no
students in the sample who had taken only the survey course and then
enrolled in macroeconomics.
(9.) The author-generated math questions were written to address
math skills that might be required in a principles of economics course.
These include solving a system of equations, calculating and
understanding percent changes, and understanding slope and intercept
from a graph. These questions were reviewed by economics faculty and
pre-tested in principles courses.
(10.) These questions are similar to algebraic questions included
in Ballard and Johnson (2004).
(11.) In order to avoid inherent biases in limiting 30 potential
TUCE economic knowledge questions to ten, two versions of the survey
were developed. The first included ten questions selected by the authors
(N = 191, non-randomized surveys), while the second version of the
survey included ten TUCE questions that were selected randomly (N = 153,
randomized surveys). Students were given the same version of the survey
at both the beginning and end of the semester. No significant
differences were found between the two versions of the survey, hence we
surpress this detail for the remainder of the paper.
(12.) Each question had 4 possible answers.
(13.) Remaining variable definitions are provided in Table 1.
(14.) Variance inflation factors for our data are lower than 10 for
all the variables. Thus, there is no indication of multicollinearity
(Chatterjee and Price, 1991).
(15.) Similarly, demographic variables such as gender and GPA were
found to be insignificant in all models.
(16.) We also estimated models that included the number of math
classes taken in high school (excluding high school calculus) and
college and with high school calculus as a dummy variable. These
variables were generally not significant.
(17.) A significant coefficient for this variable will indicate
that there is a statistical difference between the results of the random
and non-random versions of the survey (pre-course, post-course or
(18.) The coefficients in the Poisson models are interpreted as
logarithmic elasticities. That is, they show the percentage change in
the dependent variable for a one-unit change in the independent
(19.) We suspect that the similarity between certain combinations
of questions may dilute their individual significance in these
regressions. A model was also estimated which included the total number
of computational questions correct (out of questions 1, 2, 6 and 8) and
total number of interpretive questions correct (out of questions 3, 4,
5, and 7) as independent variables. Only the latter was significant in
the pre-course regression (effectively capturing the significance of
question 5 in model 2), and neither was significant in the post-course
regression. Because these results do not add any information beyond that
already captured by models 1 and 2, we do not include them here. A
factor analysis, which would effectively combine similar questions into
categories of skills, may more accurately reveal the differences between
questions, but is beyond the scope of this paper.
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Peter W. Schuhmann *, KimMarie McGoldrick **, and Robert T. Burrus
* Department of Economics and Finance, University of North Carolina
at Wilmington, 601 South College Rd., Wilmington, NC 28403-3297, Phone:
(910) 962-3417, Fax: (910) 962-7464, Email:
[email protected].
** Department of Economics, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA
23173, Phone: (804) 289-8575; Fax: (804) 289-8878, Email:
[email protected].
*** Department of Economics and Finance, University of North
Carolina at Wilmington, 601 South College Rd., Wilmington, NC
28403-3297, Phone: (910) 962-3276, Fax: (910) 962-7464, Email:
[email protected].