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  • 标题:Differences in the college enrollment decision across race.
  • 作者:Lucia, Kathlyn E. ; Baumann, Robert W.
  • 期刊名称:American Economist
  • 印刷版ISSN:0569-4345
  • 出版年度:2009
  • 期号:March
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Omicron Delta Epsilon
  • 摘要:Educational attainment in the United States and several other developing countries has grown substantially in the past 50 years. Much of this growth is evident in the college enrollment data, which begins to rise in the United States around 1980. However, both the percent of those enrolled in college and the growth rates are not equal across races/ethnicities. Figure 1 graphs white, black, and Hispanic college enrollment rates using 2004 data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Figure 1 shows that black and Hispanic enrollment rates are consistently lower than white enrollment rates after 1980. While whites and blacks have roughly the same upward trend in education after 1990, Hispanic enrollment rates are considerably more volatile. After hovering around 30 percent throughout the 1980s, Hispanic enrollment rates jump to about 35 percent after 1990 and fluctuate around this figure until the end of the sample frame.
  • 关键词:African Americans;College attendance;College enrollment;Universities and colleges

Differences in the college enrollment decision across race.

Lucia, Kathlyn E. ; Baumann, Robert W.


Educational attainment in the United States and several other developing countries has grown substantially in the past 50 years. Much of this growth is evident in the college enrollment data, which begins to rise in the United States around 1980. However, both the percent of those enrolled in college and the growth rates are not equal across races/ethnicities. Figure 1 graphs white, black, and Hispanic college enrollment rates using 2004 data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Figure 1 shows that black and Hispanic enrollment rates are consistently lower than white enrollment rates after 1980. While whites and blacks have roughly the same upward trend in education after 1990, Hispanic enrollment rates are considerably more volatile. After hovering around 30 percent throughout the 1980s, Hispanic enrollment rates jump to about 35 percent after 1990 and fluctuate around this figure until the end of the sample frame.

The first attempts to understand the growth in college enrollment produced a variety of approaches: comparisons of college and high school wage returns, macroeconomic effects of human capital attainment, and the effect of changes in the pecuniary costs of college, i.e. tuition and financial aid. As many of these authors have already discussed, the importance of their research lies in the substantial percentage of government budgets devoted to education. The U.S. Department of Education estimates roughly $900 billion was spent on all levels of education for the academic year 2004-2005, a majority of which comes from public sources. These public outlays represent the belief of governments that education creates positive externalities that all citizens can enjoy.

We enter this literature by examining the differences in college enrollment rates across races by focusing on the enrollment decision of the recent high school graduate. This decision is influenced by several factors, including tuition, student achievement, high school quality, and family background characteristics such as household income and parents' education. We investigate how these factors and others influence the college attendance decision, and compare these effects across whites and blacks using data provided by NCES.

In addition to the broad motivation of education research discussed above, research on racial differences in education provides important information for colleges and universities. Many post-secondary schools have special programs to improve minority enrollment in order to increase diversity. These programs are particularly important for private institutions, which tend to have lower minority enrollment because of higher tuition. For public institutions, these programs combat criticism for under-representing minorities and those with low incomes relative to their state's population. In addition, there are several government programs with the goal to increase educational attainment for those with below average earnings, e.g. subsidized student loans and Pell grants. Since there is a larger percentage of minorities in this population, these programs should help decrease the gap in earnings between whites and other minorities in the long run. Further, these programs are becoming increasingly more important as the wage gap between terminal high school and college graduates continues to grow.


We compare the black and white college enrollment decision and find that it should be estimated separately. The evidence comes from econometric tests, which confirm systematic differences in the unexplained component of the enrollment decision, and by simply examining the coefficients of separate estimations. Since blacks and whites have different responses to the determinants of college attendance, any conclusions drawn from estimations not taking this heterogeneity into account are misleading. For example, pooling blacks and whites into one sample causes results that look similar to the white model alone since the whites constitute a much larger percentage of the population. Within race, a further cut of the data by gender is necessary for blacks, and to a lesser extent also for whites, for the same reasons listed above.

We find parents' education, high school quality, and student achievement have the expected positive effect on college enrollment, but the effects vary greatly across our four race-gender groups. Improvements in school quality, which we proxy using the percent of students in a college prep program and whether the school is private, increase the probability of college enrollment for black males by a considerably larger amount than any of the other three groups. Surprisingly, we find no effect of household income or socioeconomic status for black females, and only a weakly positive income effect for black males, suggesting the affordability of college does not affect black enrollment rates after accounting for the rest of the enrollment decision. However, we are unable to control for variation in tuition across states because of anonymity concerns of the data, so we do not assert the absence of a price response stemming from changes in tuition and/or financial aid for blacks, which is supported in the literature.

As a whole, our results suggest the college enrollment decision, particularly for blacks, is made long before the senior year of high school via school quality, parents' education, geographic location, and other factors correlated with grades and standardized test scores such as motivation and innate ability. Similar arguments are found in Taubman (1989) and Kane (1994), though the approaches are different. Since colleges and universities can only control tuition and financial aid, our results suggest tuition and/or financial aid breaks will not expand the supply of black applicants. Rather, these tools are used competitively for the pool of college-ready blacks. Our results are somewhat more encouraging for governments who have some degree of control over school quality, which we find greatly influences the college enrollment decision for black males.


Because the college attendance decision is influenced by a variety of individual, school, and geographic factors, the literature on college choice is extensive. Perhaps the most commonly cited student choice study is Fuller, Manski, and Wise (1982), which uses an expected utility setup to arrive at a multinomial logit estimation where respondents choose one of several post-secondary options. In general, later studies tended to focus on one aspect of college enrollment decision: tuition, financial aid, race, school quality, parent's education, and the public vs. private decision, to name a few.

In the list of above, the effect of rising tuition on enrollment rates (the price response) has received the most attention in the literature. Leslie and Brinkman (1987) surveys 25 of these studies and notes nearly all of them find a negative and statistically significant relationship between tuition and college enrollment. After standardizing the results of each work, Leslie and Brinkman find a mean price response of -0.7 percentage points for every $100 (in 1982-83 dollars) increase in tuition. Since the enrollment rate in higher education in 1982 was 0.33 percent, the authors conclude that a $100 increase in tuition decreases college enrollment by 2.1 percentage points. Contrary to these findings, enrollment rates grew while tuition rose during the early 1980s. Leslie and Brinkman list six potential explanations: 1) tuition did not rise significantly in real terms; 2) some students matriculated to cheaper institutions, leaving enrollment rates unaffected; 3) need-based financial aid grew substantially since 1972; 4) increased enrollment of women; 5) new student programs and aggressive marketing strategies; and 6) decreased admission standards widened the applicant pool.

In the years following Leslie and Brinkman, many more college enrollment studies appear as researchers examine the effect of rising tuition, financial aid, and other explanations for differences in the enrollment rate across race, income, and geographic areas. Heller (1997) updates Leslie and Brinkman, summarizing this later cohort of college enrollment studies. A large majority of papers in the Heller survey again find a negative relationship between tuition and college enrollment at roughly the same magnitude as Leslie and Brinkman. A selection of the studies reviewed by Heller focuses on variation in tuition and financial aid sensitivities across race (Behrman et al., 1992; St. John and Noell, 1989; Jackson, 1989; Heller, 1994). From these papers, Heller concludes minorities are more sensitive to changes in tuition and price, and offers three potential explanations: 1) minority races are more price sensitive because they tend to have a lower family income; 2) minorities are less willing to make financial sacrifices because they do not picture themselves as "college material"; and 3) there are different social values of attending college across races. Other studies find that black college enrollment rates are pulled in two different directions by increases in the real cost of college and improvements in black parental education and income levels (Kane, 1994; Haveman and Wolfe, 1995).

There are several works on the black-white college attendance gap that find large black and white high school students differ greatly, Perna (2000) includes measures of social and cultural capital, e.g. proxies for high school quality and parental involvement, and finds that these proxies differ between white and non-white students. Perna notes that one way that lower social and cultural capital can affect the college attendance decision is through information. For example, black high school students may have less access to college information. In fact, Wells and Crain (1994) finds that black students who attend schools with greater diversity benefit from increased information about colleges. Freeman (1997) notes that some of these information gaps are about financing, in particular whether future earnings would offset the cost of college (tuition and opportunity). Lastly, Hurtado et al. (1997) uses college preparatory behavior during high school as predictors for college attendance and academic success, finding significant differences across race. Taken together, these articles suggest there are many differences between black and white high school students.

Much of the literature on the impact of school quality on wages and educational attainment is also relevant here. School quality is notoriously difficult to quantify. The most common proxies include student-teacher ratios, per-pupil expenditures, length of school year, teacher salary, and teacher education. The literature is divided on the impact of school quality on educational attainment. Eric Hanushek, who has written a great deal on school quality, argues there is no systematic relationship between student performance and teacher-pupil ratio or teacher education (Hanushek 1986, 1996), although he does find evidence that teacher skill positively impacts student performance on standardized tests (Hanushek, 1992). David Card and Alan Krueger find school quality inputs do impact wages and educational attainment, partly because school quality impacts the marginal benefit of an additional year of schooling (Card and Krueger, 1992). Card and Krueger (1996) compares blacks and whites during and after the segregation era and finds school quality improvements for blacks after segregation ended led to increases in wages and educational attainment.

Many of the papers listed in the literature review discuss how omitted variables can bias the results in educational attainment estimations. For example, it is well-known that the children of wealthier parents are more likely to attend better schools. Thus, if school quality is omitted from the model, then the effects of family background will be biased upward. Alternatively, Card and Krueger (1996) note that many schools devote extra resources toward remedial programs to help their weaker students. If student ability is not accounted for, it can lead to a downward bias on the effect of school resources.


Broadly speaking, the college enrollment decision is a function of student characteristics (which includes parental characteristics), school quality, and affordability. There are several methods already detailed in the literature to arrive at this reduced-from equation, most of which use a lifetime utility maximization process that compares wages from a high school education to wages from a college education. For example, Becker (1962) provides a simple theoretical basis for human capital investment decision using a lifetime utility maximization process that compares wages under several educational outcomes. Alternatively, the random-utility model (RUM) approach, which splits utility into observable and unobservable portions, also applies here (Manski, 1977). RUMs compare the differences between expected utilities for two or more educational outcomes to arrive at the estimable equation below.

Following convention in this literature, we assume a linear relationship between college enrollment and the explanatory variables mentioned above. Since the college enrollment decision is a binary outcome, ordinary least squares produces fitted values of enrollment that are not constrained to [0,1] and heteroskedastic error terms. For this reason, we use a probit to estimate the above equation, which produces consistent and efficient estimators and restricts the predicted dependent variable to [0,1] via the normal cumulative probability function. The log likelihood function is

l(enroll|x; [beta]) = [summation over (y=1)]{ln[[PHI](x[beta])]} + [summation over (y=0)]{ln[1 - [PHI](x[beta])]}

where enroll is a (n x 1) vector indicating the dichotomous college enrollment choice, the regressors detailed above are condensed into the (n x k) matrix x, [beta] is (k x 1) matrix of estimated parameters, and [PHI] is the standard normal cumulative distribution function. (1)

We estimate separate models for each race and also each race-gender group to account for differences in the college enrollment decision across samples. We use likelihood ratio tests comparing the results of the pooled and stratified samples to substantiate this belief. Lastly, we use White's formula to calculate consistent estimates of the standard errors in case of heteroskedasticity.


The National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88) consists of a nationally representative sample of eighth grade students in 1988, who were also surveyed in follow-ups in 1990, 1992, 1994, and 2000. During each follow-up, respondents completed a questionnaire and aptitude tests in math, reading, science, and social science. In addition, parents/guardians, teachers, and school administrators were surveyed during some of the successive waves to augment the student data.

Since our paper examines the enrollment decision across race, we stratify the data into white and black samples using the self-reported race question. While a comparison of other ethnicities is within our research question (e.g., Hispanic, Asian, etc.), we omit these individuals because of language and immigration issues that produce substantial differences in the college enrollment decision. We also drop respondents whose native language is not English for the same reason. In addition, we omit those who did not complete a high school diploma or GED by 1994 for two reasons. First, they were not eligible for enrollment at a typical two-year or four-year institution in 1994 and therefore the enrollment rate for this group is zero. Second, the large majority of the explanatory variables, in particular the student characteristics, are missing for this sub-sample since they did not complete high school. Attempts to fill in these data using previous follow-ups for this sub-sample, e.g. grades from 1992 (sophomore year of high school for most) or 1988 (eighth grade for most) do not substantially change the results.

In the NELS:88 data, assuming the respondent did not repeat eighth grade and completed high school in four years, the expected high school graduation date is May or June of 1992. Since the second follow-up is administered in early spring of 1992, we cannot observe college enrollment status using this follow-up. Therefore, we create a dummy variable for enrollment in a two-year or a four-year postsecondary school using data from the third follow-up, which is given in 1994. (2) For the large majority of our sample, this leaves two years for the respondent to enroll in a two-year or a four-year postsecondary school. (3) Although there are respondents who will enroll in college after 1994, their decision to attend college after, say, a spell in the labor force, is not the same as the college enrollment decision soon after completing high school. For example, it is likely that the influence of our explanatory variables, parents' income, grades, standardized test scores, etc., diminishes as the respondent waits to attend college. Light (1995) details this 'interrupted schooling' decision and finds substantial differences between those who return to school after a spell in the labor force and those who do not. Finally, our sample restriction of using only recent high school graduates may be problematic for blacks, who have lower average earnings and may postpone college for financial reasons. Therefore, our results should only be interpreted for the college attendance decision of the recent high school graduate.

The independent variables come from the second follow-up in 1992, when the vast majority of the respondents were in the second semester of their senior year. We separate the independent variables into the following categories: student characteristics, school quality, and affordability. For some of these variables, we include a variable that indicates invalid data rather than dropping the observation. This decision is based on the difference in college enrollment between those with valid and invalid data for a given variable. If this difference is negligible, then we omit these observations on the assumption that this will not create a non-random sample. For example, those that refused to provide household income data also tended to have below average college enrollment rates. If refusing to give income data is a signal of low incomes, then omitting these observations represents a non-random deletion. We also did a variety of trial-and-error testing to verify this claim for each of the variables in our model. While inclusion of a missing data variable limits interpretation of the marginal effects, this is preferable to creating a non-random sample which potentially biases all of the estimates. Lastly, we use the NELS:88 population weights in all calculations to limit the influence of outliers.

The student characteristic variables are race, gender, geographical location (see appendix for details), high school program, high school grades in English, math, and science classes, total number of high school classes in English, math, and science, the standardized score on the reading, math, and science tests administered by NELS, and each parent's educational attainment. For high school program, we create dummy variables for respondents in a general, college prep, vocational, and special education programs. NELS respondents take tests at each interview, but the difficulty of the test depends on the respondent's previous score in that subject. Since scores on these exams are not directly comparable across respondents, we use the NELS-created item response theory (IRT) score, which accounts for varying difficulty levels of each exam and therefore are comparable across respondents. We create five dummy variables for each IRT score: one for each quartile, and another for respondents who did not take the particular exam. (4) Lastly, we construct the following educational attainment dummy variables for each parent: less than high school diploma, terminal high school graduates, some college, and college degree and higher. We also create two dummy variables for missing educational attainment data for the mother and father to protect against non-random deletions. (5)

The school quality proxies are whether the school is in an urban area, private, and the percent of students at the high school in a college prep program. The urban area control could plausibly be included in student characteristics, but we include it here since these data refer to the location of the respondent's school instead of the household. Other school quality proxies are available in NELS:88, but they had no explanatory effect in any of our estimations. This finding is not surprising given the work of Hanushek mentioned earlier.

Our proxies for affordability are household income in 1991 and socioeconomic status. We create five 1991 total household income dummy variables: $25,000 and below, between $25,000 to $50,000, between $50,000 and $75,000, above $75,000, and missing income data, where all income figures are from the parent/guardian questionnaire and are in 1992 dollars. We also include the NELS:88 socioeconomic status variable, which is standardized to have a zero mean over the entire sample. This variable takes into account household income, and the educational attainment, employment status, and occupation (weighted by the Duncan socioeconomic index) of each parent. While the overlap of income in these controls convolutes the interpretation of its marginal effect, we find that replacing the NELS:88 socioeconomic status variable with its non-income characteristics do not change our results.

Unfortunately, we are unable to include tuition proxies because of data restrictions. In order to protect anonymity, the public release version of NELS:88 only includes the four census regions for geographical variables, leaving us with the option of using a tuition proxy that varies only by region, or simply using regional dummy variables. This omitted variable threatens the consistency of the estimates if there is a correlation between tuition and any of the explanatory variables. We do not believe that this correlation is strong for two reasons. First, while tuition has been shown to have a negative relationship with college enrollment rates (see the surveys in Leslie and Brinkman, 1987 and Heller, 1997), it represents only one aspect for affordability. A second aspect of affordability is household income, which has considerably more variation and is included in our model. Second, most of the variation in tuition occurs across and not within regions. As a test, we estimate a linear least squares model where the average 1992-93 in-state tuition at public four-year institutions is a function of only regional dummy variables using state-level data from the 1993 Digest of Education Statistics. The r-squared for this regression is 0.55, meaning that 55% of the variation in tuition across states is accounted for by the region. Given that we include income in the model and the majority of the variation in income is accounted for by region, we do not believe that omitting tuition threatens the consistency of our estimates.

Table 1 presents the sample means. After omitting respondents with missing values for the variables discussed above, we are left with 820 black and 6,172 white respondents. The differences in sample means between our black and white samples are consistent with other research. First, black enrollment rates are lower than white enrollment rates. Second, whites have characteristics that make them more likely to attend college relative to blacks. For example, whites tend to have better grades, test scores, and come from households with higher socioeconomic status.


Table 2 presents the results for the black and white samples. From these models, we find evidence that the black and white college enrollment decision should be estimated separately. First, the pseudo r-squared values indicate a difference in the explanatory power between the two models: 31.6 percent for the white sample compared to 26.1 percent for the black sample. Second, the likelihood ratio test rejects the null hypothesis that the black and white estimates are all equal. While this test is quite restrictive given the number of parameters, we also run likelihood ratio tests to compare estimates for different subsets of variables: regional effects, grades, IRT test scores (by subject), parent's education, school quality controls, and income. In each of these tests, we reject the null hypothesis at [alpha] = 0.01. (6) Taken together, these results suggest the college enrollment decision is systematically different between whites and blacks, and therefore these models should be estimated separately. Failure to account for this difference, e.g. estimating a sample that pools blacks and whites together, is likely to produce misleading results since blacks constitute a smaller portion of the population. (7)

Further evidence of the differences between the black and white enrollment decision can be found in the marginal effects. The largest differences in the marginal effects are in the parental education, school quality, and affordability controls. In general, we find that the mother's education has a larger impact than the father's education for both races. This result does not appear to be tied to the presence of the mother or the father in home. (8) Comparing races, we find the effect of mother's education is considerably stronger for blacks. All else constant, black children from mothers with at least a high school diploma are at least 16 percent more likely to attend college compared to black children from mothers who dropped out of high school. The effect of father's education is also stronger for blacks, but these estimates are less precise.

Black respondents also are more sensitive to changes in our proxies for school quality. A one percentage point increase in the number of students in a college prep program increases the probability of black enrollment by 0.44 percentage points, which is over six times larger compared to the white estimate. The effect of attending a private school is also larger for blacks, but the difference is less pronounced.

For the affordability controls, we find increases in family income and socioeconomic status have the expected positive effect for the white sample, but an inconclusive effect for the black sample. While the white income estimates generally suggest a positive relationship, all of the black income estimates are negative (relative to income less than $25,000, which is the omitted category). Although the effect of the socioeconomic status control is positive, it is statistically insignificant. (9) Many of the studies that estimate price response find that blacks are more sensitive to changes in tuition and financial aid at four-year institutions (e.g., Behrman, Kletzer, McPherson, and Schapiro, 1992; St. John and Noell, 1989), which is partially caused by lower incomes. However, income may be insignificant in our model because black students tend to receive larger financial aid offers compared to white students. While we cannot contradict the tuition-sensitivity findings with our model, it is curious that blacks, who have lower mean earnings than whites, are not responsive to changes in income after accounting for the rest of the model. In some respects, this result echoes Kane's sentiment that changes in the educational attainment of black parents are far more important to black enrollment than changes in tuition.

We have outlined reasons that blacks and whites must be estimated separately because of differences in the college enrollment decision. However, we could follow the same logic and cut the data in other ways, e.g. by gender, geographic region, high school quality, or any other characteristic. However, data limitations prevent repeated cuts, particularly in the black sample where we begin with 820 observations. After miming many of these subgroup models with a reasonable black sample size we found that very few of them provided any additional insight.

The exception is a model separated into race-gender groups. The impetus for this cut is in the large difference in the gender coefficients in Table 2. In both samples, females are more likely to attend college after accounting for the rest of the model, particularly for the black sample. Tables 3 (white sample) and 4 (black sample) display estimates for each race-gender group. We find there are fewer gender differences in the college enrollment decision for the white sample, which is partially revealed by the smaller female coefficient in Table 3. Both the white male and white female models have roughly the same overall explanatory power (about 32 percent), and the coefficients are largely similar. In addition, while likelihood ratio tests reject a null hypothesis where all of the white male and white female estimates are the same, the likelihood ratio tests on subsets of variables fail to reject at [alpha] = 0.05. The exception is in the IRT scores; white males have a stronger response to higher IRT math scores, while white females have a stronger response to reading IRT scores. In sum, we find little difference between the white male and white female college attendance decision, which suggests that it is not necessary to separate the white sample into male and female estimations.

For the black sample, gender differences in the enrollment decision are considerably larger. First, the overall explanatory power is over eight percentage points larger for black males. Second, many of the coefficients are markedly different, which is confirmed using likelihood ratio tests on several subsets of variables. (10) For example, black males have a stronger response to both mother's and father's education compared to black females. In addition, missing father's education data has a strong negative effect on black female enrollment, but a positive and insignificant effect on black male enrollment. This result is likely tied to whether the father is in the household. However, as stated in footnote 5, including controls for parents not present in the child's household does not substantially change this, or any of the other, results.

Black males and black females also have different responses to the effects of our school quality controls and affordability. While the effect of the percentage of students in a college prep program is positive for both samples, it has considerably larger for black males. Similarly, the probability of enrollment is not affected by income for either black males or black females, but socioeconomic status has a positive effect for black males. The same cannot be said for the black female sample, which has statistically insignificant effects for all of our affordability proxies. This same variable was positive and insignificant for the pooled black sample, which is likely the result of pooling the black male and black female samples, which are nearly the same size, and pull this estimate in opposite directions.


The decision to enroll in college is part of a larger lifetime utility maximization decision. The tradeoff between higher wages after attending college and the pecuniary and non-pecuniary costs of attending college is determined by a variety of factors such as tuition, student characteristics, family background, and high school quality. Much of the extant literature focuses on the conflicting effects of large increases in tuition and an increase in parental educational attainment on college enrollment rates. This literature finds both explanations are relevant, and in the process has explored other intricacies related to the enrollment decision including financial aid, the public vs. private decision, and enrollment differences across race, gender, and income groups. We enter this debate and argue the college enrollment decision needs to be estimated separately for whites and blacks, and further separated into gender for blacks, because of differences in the unexplained portion of the enrollment decision. Since blacks constitute roughly 13 percent of the U.S. population (2000 Census), any estimation that pools both races in the same model will likely have any black-specific effects washed out by the white sample. This is particularly important for colleges and universities aiming to increase black enrollment, and governments wishing to close the income gap between blacks and whites via the college wage premium.

We find the largest differences between black and white college enrollment decision in the effects of parents' education, school quality, and family income. Blacks, particularly males, are much more likely to attend college if their mother attended college. However, whites are less responsive to parental education after accounting for the rest of the model. In addition, blacks, particularly males, benefit from increases in the quality of the surrounding student body, which we measure using the percent of students in a college prep program. Lastly, we show no evidence that affordability impacts the black female enrollment decision, and only limited evidence that affordability impacts black males. While our model specification prevents this finding from contradicting the extant literature on tuition sensitivity, we conclude that student characteristics and school quality play a larger role in black enrollment.

As a whole, we hope for improvements in college attendance and readiness for both races. In many respects, our findings open up many other research questions such as the causes of racial differences in the parent-child education correlation, and how affordability affects black enrollment. By recognizing these differences, decision-makers at colleges and governments can tailor policies toward specific races, and in the case of blacks, to specific genders. In addition, it seems likely that other ethnicities, such as Asians and Hispanics, also have unique college decision processes, which complicates public policy but may produce greater results in improving minority college attendance rates.


Region 1: Northeast




New Hampshire

New Jersey

New York


Rhode Island


Region 2: Midwest









North Dakota


South Dakota


Region 3: South




District of Columbia







North Carolina


South Carolina




West Virginia

Region 4: West









New Mexico






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Tobias, J. 2002. "Model Uncertainty and Race and Gender Heterogeneity in the College Entry Decision." Economics of Education Review, 21 (3): 211-219.

Wells, A. S., & Crain, R. L. 1994. Perpetuation Theory and the Long-Term Effects of School Desegregation. Review of Educational Research 64:531-555.


(1.) Tobias (2002) argues that the probability of attending college is sensitive to the distribution and calculates predicted probabilities that are generalized to the family of student's [t.suv.v] distributions. Tobias finds that this specification is particularly important for inferences across race, arguing that the distributions with larger tails are better fits for black samples. We choose not to follow his technique because we found no substantial differences between the probit and logistic models (two special cases of student's [t.sub.v] distributions), and we could not find evidence of differing tails across race in our data.

(2.) We define enrollment as attending either a four-or two-year institution since we do not model college completion (e.g., Light and Strayer, 2000), and often attending a two-year institution is a stepping stone to a four-year institution. We also attempted to estimate a separate "attend a two-year college" decision via a multinomial logit and multinomial probit approach, but these results did not provide any additional insight.

(3.) Over 90 percent of our sample graduates in either May or June 1992. We also tried to define enrollment for those who attend a two-year or a four-year postsecondary school within a certain time frame after graduation, e.g. six or twelve months, but this produces no substantial changes. As a comparison, Perna (2000) uses NELS data and restricts college attendance to the fall after high school graduation.

(4.) As another example of non-random deletion rules, it is plausible that poor students, who are not likely to go to college, may refuse to take the test or not take it seriously.

(5.) For example, if the father's educational attainment is missing, it could be because the father is not active in the child's life, which could have a negative effect on college attendance. Alternatively, parents with low educational outcomes may refuse to answer the question.

(6.) Likelihood ratio tests on subsets of variables require estimation of a pooled model. We omit those estimates for brevity. With the exception of father's education, which has statistically insignificant values for each sample, all other comparisons reject the null hypothesis at [alpha] = 0.05.

(7.) While we have found that this problem occurs for our sample, we do not present these results for the sake of brevity.

(8.) We tried several approaches to ensure that this result is not influenced by differences in the percentage of mothers and/or fathers in the household, e.g. estimating separate models for two-parent and single-parent households and adding controls for mothers and fathers not present in the child's household. These approaches did not change the underlying result that blacks and whites have different responses to their mother's and father's education level.

(9.) Since the socioeconomic control includes income, employment, and the Duncan-weighted occupation, we also estimate a model that replaces the socioeconomic control with controls for each component of the index. The black income estimates remain negative and none of the remaining controls are statistically significant.

(10.) The variables in the model differ because of a lack of variation in some of the variables within each sample. For example, there are no black females in our sample in a special education program. As before, the likelihood ratio tests on subsets of variables are done using a pooled black sample, with careful attention to the variable specification.

Kathlyn E. Lucia, University of Washington Department of Economics Seattle, WA 98195

Robert W. Baumann, College of the Holy Cross Department of Economics One College Street Worcester, MA 01610 Telephone: (508) 793-3879 Fax: (508) 793-3708

Robert W. Baumann, Corresponding author. We are grateful to Miles Cahill, John F. O'Connell, Patricia Reagan, John Carter, and the participants of the 2005 Academic Conference at College of the Holy Cross for valuable advice.
TABLE 1. Weighted Sample Means

Variable Name                                  Blacks   Whites

Enrolled in a post-secondary institution        0.621    0.723
Student Characteristics
Female                                          0.512    0.491
Northeast Region                                0.160    0.225
Midwest Region                                  0.134    0.341
South Region                                    0.656    0.284
West Region                                     0.050    0.150
High School Program--General                    0.453    0.413
High School Program--College Prep               0.389    0.477
High School Program--Vocational                 0.151    0.105
High School Program--Special Education          0.007    0.005
At Least 'B' Average Grades in English          0.123    0.343
Missing English Grades                          0.010    0.005
At Least 'B' Average Grades in Math             0.093    0.260
Missing Math Grades                             0.015    0.008
At Least 'B' Average Grades in Science          0.128    0.294
Missing Science Grades                          0.005    0.004
# of High School English Classes                3.971    4.045
# of High School Math Classes                   3.076    3.195
# of High School Science Classes                2.751    2.978
IRT Reading Test Score--Lowest Quartile         0.306    0.127
IRT Reading Test Score--2nd Quartile            0.270    0.189
IRT Reading Test Score--3rd Quartile            0.196    0.257
IRT Reading Test Score--Highest Quartile        0.098    0.290
Missing IRT Reading Test Score                  0.130    0.137
IRT Math Test Score--Lowest Quartile            0.444    0.250
IRT Math Test Score--2nd Quartile               0.271    0.195
IRT Math Test Score--3rd Quartile               0.191    0.249
IRT Math Test Score--Highest Quartile           0.094    0.306
Missing IRT Math Test Score                     0.131    0.137
IRT Science Test Score--Lowest Quartile         0.409    0.113
IRT Science Test Score--2nd Quartile            0.232    0.195
IRT Science Test Score--3rd Quartile            0.158    0.249
IRT Science Test Score--Highest Quartile        0.064    0.306
Missing IRT Reading Test Score                  0.137    0.137
Fanzily Background Characteristics
Mother's education--less than HS diploma        0.153    0.075
Mother's education--terminal HS diploma         0.465    0.482
Mother's education--some college                0.088    0.100
Mother's education--college graduate            0.192    0.254
Mother's education--missing                     0.102    0.089
Father's education--less than HS diploma        0.132    0.086
Father's education--terminal HS diploma         0.397    0.395
Father's education--some college                0.082    0.083
Father's education--college graduate            0.164    0.318
Father's education--missing                     0.225    0.118
Urban                                           0.729    0.643
School Quality Controls
Private school                                  0.064    0.100
% of students at HS in college prep program     0.410    0.503
Income less than $25,000                        0.451    0.179
Income between $25,000 and $49,999              0.270    0.329
Income between $50,000 and $74,999              0.121    0.208
Income at least $75,000                         0.046    0.139
Missing Income                                  0.112    0.145
Socioeconomic status                           -0.283    0.189

TABLE 2. Enrollment Probit Results for White and Black Samples

Variable                                           White Sample

Student Characteristics                         dF/dx       z-stat

Female                                           0.0476 *     3.31 *
Midwest Region                                   0.0376 *     2.05 *
South Region                                     0.0166       0.87
West Region                                      0.0261       1.12
High School Program--College Prep                0.1132 *     7.22 *
High School Program--Vocational                 -0.0432 *    -2.24 *
High School Program--Special Education          -0.1873 *    -1.82 *
At Least 'B' Average Grades in English           0.1157 *     6.26 *
Missing English Grades                          -0.1542      -1.23
At Least 'B' Average Grades in Math             -0.0168      -0.80
Missing Math Grades                              0.0944 *     1.88 *
At Least 'B' Average Grades in Science          -0.0090      -0.45
Missing Science Grades                           0.0358       0.45
# of High School English Classes                 0.0208 *     2.45 *
# of High School Math Classes                    0.0482 *     5.46 *
# of High School Science Classes                 0.0608 *     6.82 *
IRT Reading Test Score--2nd Quartile             0.0035       0.16
IRT Reading Test Score--3rd Quartile             0.0331       1.38
IRT Reading Test Score--Highest Quartile         0.0505 *     1.80 *
IRT Math Test Score--2nd Quartile                0.0581 *     2.57 *
IRT Math Test Score--3rd Quartile                0.1010 *     3.99 *
IRT Math Test Score--Highest Quartile            0.1358 *     4.22 *
IRT Science Test Score--2nd Quartile            -0.0201      -0.91
IRT Science Test Score--3rd Quartile            -0.0228      -0.89
IRT Science Test Score--Highest Quartile        -0.0503      -1.58
Missing IRT Test Scores                          0.0654 *     2.66 *
Family Background Characteristics
Mother's education--terminal HS diploma          0.0504 *     2.13 *
Mother's education--some college                 0.0250       0.77
Mother's education--college graduate             0.0319       1.04
Mother's education--missing                      0.0627 *     2.04 *
Father's education--terminal HS diploma         -0.0071      -0.34
Father's education--some college                -0.0018      -0.06
Father's education--college graduate             0.0132       0.48
Father's education--missing                     -0.0280      -0.97
School Quality Controls
Urban                                            0.0100       0.70
Private school                                   0.0474 *     1.75 *
% of students at HS in college prep program      0.0007 *     2.46 *
Income between $25,000 and $49,999               0.0184       1.08
Income between $50,000 and $74,999               0.0480 *     2.21 *
Income at least $75,000                          0.0465 *     1.69 *
Missing Income                                  -0.0259      -1.18
Socioeconomic status                             0.1238 *     8.07 *
pseudo r-squared                                              0.3163
N                                                             6,172

Variable                                          Black Sample

Student Characteristics                         dF/dx      z-stat

Female                                           0.1017 *   2.30 *
Midwest Region                                   0.0691     0.84
South Region                                     0.0058     0.08
West Region                                      0.1317     1.15
High School Program--College Prep                0.1295 *   2.59 *
High School Program--Vocational                 -0.2050 *  -3.08 *
High School Program--Special Education           0.0349     0.16
At Least 'B' Average Grades in English          -0.0287    -0.30
Missing English Grades                           0.1921     1.06
At Least 'B' Average Grades in Math              0.1346     1.32
Missing Math Grades                             -0.1414    -0.68
At Least 'B' Average Grades in Science          -0.0706    -0.81
Missing Science Grades                          -0.0839    -0.28
# of High School English Classes                 0.0456 *   1.68 *
# of High School Math Classes                   -0.0003    -0.01
# of High School Science Classes                 0.0545 *   1.84 *
IRT Reading Test Score--2nd Quartile             0.0892     1.57
IRT Reading Test Score--3rd Quartile             0.1400 *   1.84 *
IRT Reading Test Score--Highest Quartile         0.0457     0.39
IRT Math Test Score--2nd Quartile                0.0433     0.72
IRT Math Test Score--3rd Quartile                0.1772 *   2.01 *
IRT Math Test Score--Highest Quartile            0.2891 *   2.41 *
IRT Science Test Score--2nd Quartile            -0.0516    -0.86
IRT Science Test Score--3rd Quartile            -0.1785 *  -1.90 *
IRT Science Test Score--Highest Quartile        -0.0168    -0.12
Missing IRT Test Scores                          0.1244 *   1.94 *
Family Background Characteristics
Mother's education--terminal HS diploma          0.1717 *   2.76 *
Mother's education--some college                 0.1645 *   1.97 *
Mother's education--college graduate             0.2122 *   2.58 *
Mother's education--missing                      0.0833     0.97
Father's education--terminal HS diploma          0.0377     0.58
Father's education--some college                 0.0477     0.44
Father's education--college graduate             0.0839     0.91
Father's education--missing                     -0.0447    -0.57
School Quality Controls
Urban                                           -0.0005    -0.01
Private school                                   0.1089     1.13
% of students at HS in college prep program      0.0044 *   4.08 *
Income between $25,000 and $49,999              -0.1320 *  -2.10 *
Income between $50,000 and $74,999              -0.0070    -0.08
Income at least $75,000                         -0.1172    -0.88
Missing Income                                   0.0780     1.15
Socioeconomic status                             0.0564     1.35
pseudo r-squared                                            0.2608
N                                                             820

* Marginal effects in bold are statistically significant at
a minimum of ten percent.

TABLE 3. Enrollment Probit Results for White Male and White
Female Samples

Variable                                            White Males

Student Characteristics                           dF/dx       z-stat

Midwest Region                                     0.0194       0.68
South Region                                      -0.0034      -0.11
West Region                                        0.0220      -0.60
High School Program--College Prep                  0.1242 *     5.15 *
High School Program--Vocational                   -0.0646 *    -2.16 *
High School Program--Special Education            -0.1495      -1.12
At Least 'B' Average Grades in English             0.0835 *     2.71 *
Missing English Grades                            -0.2341      -1.23
At Least 'B' Average Grades in Math               -0.0090      -0.27
Missing Math Grades                                0.0683       0.92
At Least 'B' Average Grades in Science             0.0066       0.20
Missing Science Grades                             0.0654       0.66
# of High School English Classes                   0.0215       1.53
# of High School Math Classes                      0.0395 *     3.08 *
# of High School Science Classes                   0.0792 *     6.23 *
IRT Reading Test Score--2nd Quartile              -0.0149      -0.45
IRT Reading Test Score--3rd Quartile               0.0183       0.51
IRT Reading Test Score--Highest Quartile           0.0359       0.85
IRT Math Test Score--2nd Quartile                  0.0708 *     1.98 *
IRT Math Test Score--3rd Quartile                  0.1347 *     3.58 *
IRT Math Test Score--Highest Quartile              0.1326 *     2.74 *
IRT Science Test Score--2nd Quartile              -0.0439      -1.13
IRT Science Test Score--3rd Quartile              -0.0487      -1.14
IRT Science Test Score--Highest Quartile          -0.0437      -0.90
Missing IRT Test Scores                            0.0440       1.11
Family Background Characteristics
Mother's education--terminal HS diploma            0.0588       1.41
Mother's education--some college                  -0.0038      -0.07
Mother's education--college graduate               0.0406       0.82
Mother's education--missing                        0.0441       0.84
Father's education--terminal HS diploma           -0.0106      -0.32
Father's education--some college                   0.0248       0.54
Father's education--college graduate               0.0519       1.25
Father's education--missing                       -0.0563      -1.19
School Quality Controls
Urban                                              0.0086       0.41
Private school                                     0.0429       1.07
% of students at HS in college prep program        0.0005       1.05
Income between $25,000 and $49,999                 0.0041       0.16
Income between $50,000 and $74,999                 0.0399       1.24
Income at least $75,000                            0.0481       1.19
Missing Income                                    -0.0527      -1.53
Socioeconomic status                               0.1341 *     5.97 *
pseudo r-squared                                                0.3207
N                                                                 3,038

Variable                                            White Females

Student Characteristics                           dF/dx       z-stat

Midwest Region                                     0.0513 *     2.27 *
South Region                                       0.0323       1.39
West Region                                        0.0302       1.07
High School Program--College Prep                  0.1109 *     5.70 *
High School Program--Vocational                   -0.0249      -1.03
High School Program--Special Education            -0.2125      -1.31
At Least 'B' Average Grades in English             0.1324 *     6.13 *
Missing English Grades                            -0.0229      -0.17
At Least 'B' Average Grades in Math               -0.0190      -0.77
Missing Math Grades                                0.1234 *     2.25 *
At Least 'B' Average Grades in Science            -0.0177      -0.73
Missing Science Grades                            -0.0083      -0.06
# of High School English Classes                   0.0208 *     2.08 *
# of High School Math Classes                      0.0572 *     5.12 *
# of High School Science Classes                   0.0438 *     3.74 *
IRT Reading Test Score--2nd Quartile               0.0420 *     1.66 *
IRT Reading Test Score--3rd Quartile               0.0698 *     2.58 *
IRT Reading Test Score--Highest Quartile           0.0833 *     2.59 *
IRT Math Test Score--2nd Quartile                  0.0354       1.34
IRT Math Test Score--3rd Quartile                  0.0486       1.59
IRT Math Test Score--Highest Quartile              0.128 *      3.31 *
IRT Science Test Score--2nd Quartile              -0.0027      -0.11
IRT Science Test Score--3rd Quartile               0.0037       0.13
IRT Science Test Score--Highest Quartile          -0.0727 *    -1.73
Missing IRT Test Scores                            0.0876 *     3.02 *
Family Background Characteristics
Mother's education--terminal HS diploma            0.0398       1.49
Mother's education--some college                   0.0500       1.39
Mother's education--college graduate               0.0175       0.45
Mother's education--missing                        0.0817 *     2.35 *
Father's education--terminal HS diploma            0.0018       0.09
Father's education--some college                  -0.0194      -0.48
Father's education--college graduate              -0.0206      -0.58
Father's education--missing                       -0.0087      -0.25
School Quality Controls
Urban                                              0.0140       0.76
Private school                                     0.0543       1.59
% of students at HS in college prep program        0.0009 *     2.59 *
Income between $25,000 and $49,999                 0.0332       1.56
Income between $50,000 and $74,999                 0.0546 *     2.02 *
Income at least $75,000                            0.0384       1.06
Missing Income                                    -0.0073      -0.27
Socioeconomic status                               0.1087 *     5.53 *
pseudo r-squared                                                0.3233
N                                                                 3,134

* Marginal effects in bold are statistically significant at
a minimum of ten percent.

TABLE 4. Enrollment Probit Results for Black Male and Black
Female Samples

Variable                                           Black Males

Student Characteristics                          dF/dx     z-stat

Midwest Region                                  -0.0710    -0.58
South Region                                    -0.0410    -0.42
West Region                                      0.1551     0.78
High School Program--College Prep                0.0846     1.05
High School Program--Vocational                 -0.428 *   -4.14 *
High School Program--Special Education          -0.2353    -0.78
At Least 'B' Average Grades in English          -0.1542    -0.77
Missing English Grades                          -0.1215    -0.33
At Least 'B' Average Grades in Math              0.2053     1.06
Missing Math Grades                              0.2048     0.73
At Least 'B' Average Grades in Science          -0.0686    -0.43
Missing Science Grades                           0.0577     0.16
# of High School English Classes                 0.0215     0.44
# of High School Math Classes                    0.0484     1.19
# of High School Science Classes                 0.0630     1.50
IRT Reading Test Score--2nd Quartile             0.1456 *   1.69 *
IRT Reading Test Score--3rd Quartile             0.1824     1.58
IRT Reading Test Score--Highest Quartile         0.0126     0.06
IRT Math Test Score--2nd Quartile               -0.1400    -1.39
IRT Math Test Score--3rd Quartile                    --       --
IRT Math Test Score--Highest Quartile                --       --
IRT Math Test Score--3rd & 4th Quartiles         0.0195     0.14
IRT Science Test Score--2nd Quartile            -0.0530    -0.59
IRT Science Test Score--3rd Quartile            -0.0344    -0.28
IRT Science Test Score--Highest Quartile         0.1715     0.82
Missing IRT Test Scores                          0.0106     0.10
Family Background Characteristics
Mother's education--terminal HS diploma          0.2086 *   1.87 *
Mother's education--some college                 0.2435 *   1.69 *
Mother's education--college graduate             0.2346 *   1.66 *
Mother's education--missing                      0.0507     0.34
Father's education--terminal HS diploma          0.1980 *   1.84 *
Father's education--some college                 0.1693     1.18
Father's education--college graduate             0.1639     1.22
Father's education--missing                      0.1658     1.41
School Quality Controls
Urban                                            0.2996 *   1.88 *
Private school                                  -0.0453    -0.58
% of students at HS in college prep program      0.0070 *   4.16 *
Income between $25,000 and $49,999              -0.1543 *  -1.74 *
Income between $50,000 and $74,999               0.0528     0.45
Income at least $75,000                         -0.1895    -0.96
Missing Income                                   0.1306     1.30
Socioeconomic status                             0.1249 *   1.83 *
pseudo r-.squared                                           0.3349
N                                                              376

Variable                                          Black Females

Student Characteristics                          dF/dx     z-stat

Midwest Region                                   0.1677 *   1.99 *
South Region                                     0.0420     0.49
West Region                                      0.1154     1.03
High School Program--College Prep                0.1257 *   2.22 *
High School Program--Vocational                 -0.0045    -0.06
High School Program--Special Education               --       --
At Least 'B' Average Grades in English           0.0563     0.65
Missing English Grades                           0.2253 *   1.69 *
At Least 'B' Average Grades in Math              0.1044     1.08
Missing Math Grades                                  --       --
At Least 'B' Average Grades in Science          -0.0171    -0.22
Missing Science Grades                               --       --
# of High School English Classes                 0.0711 *   2.11 *
# of High School Math Classes                   -0.1062    -0.23
# of High School Science Classes                 0.0615 *   1.77 *
IRT Reading Test Score--2nd Quartile             0.0435     0.65
IRT Reading Test Score--3rd Quartile             0.0218 *   1.69 *
IRT Reading Test Score--Highest Quartile        -0.0570     1.08
IRT Math Test Score--2nd Quartile                0.1359 *   2.11 *
IRT Math Test Score--3rd Quartile                0.1700 *   2.04 *
IRT Math Test Score--Highest Quartile            0.1908 *   1.71 *
IRT Math Test Score--3rd & 4th Quartiles             --       --
fIRT Science Test Score--2nd Quartile                 --       --
IRT Science Test Score--3rd Quartile                 --       --
IRT Science Test Score--Highest Quartile         0.0841     0.63
Missing IRT Test Scores                          0.2043 *   3.25 *
Family Background Characteristics
Mother's education--terminal HS diploma          0.1419 *   2.07 *
Mother's education--some college                 0.1198     1.27
Mother's education--college graduate             0.1318     1.39
Mother's education--missing                      0.0376     0.38
Father's education--terminal HS diploma         -0.0610    -0.79
Father's education--some college                 0.0350     0.24
Father's education--college graduate             0.1445     1.47
Father's education--missing                     -0.1571 *  -1.69 *
School Quality Controls
Urban                                            0.0149     0.24
Private school                                   0.1065     1.16
% of students at HS in college prep program      0.0017     1.47
Income between $25,000 and $49,999              -0.0715    -0.97
Income between $50,000 and $74,999              -0.0538    -0.48
Income at least $75,000                         -0.0116    -0.08
Missing Income                                   0.0476     0.56
Socioeconomic status                             0.0168     0.37
pseudo r-.squared                                           0.2514
N                                                              444

* Marginal effects in bold are statistically significant at a
minimum of ten percent.