Life style a core segmenting criteria--retail banking industry in India.
Ramasundaram, G. ; Aryasri, Ramachandra ; Murugan, M. Sakthivel 等
Market segmentation is defined as the process of dividing a market
into distinct submarkets with homogeneous needs or characteristics and
selecting one or more submarkets to target with a unique marketing mix.
If all consumers were identical, mass marketing would be a sound
strategy. The strategy of segmentation let bankers to keep away from
straight on competition in the marketplace by differentiating their
products or services, not only based on price but also through features
and quality of service.
Market segmentation is the gateway in a three phase marketing
strategy. After segmenting the market in to homogeneous strata, the
marketer then has to select one or more segments to target. The marketer
must make a decision on a specific marketing mix. Third step is
positioning the offerings so the consumers in each target segment
perceived it as satisfying their needs better than competitor products
or services.
Market segmentation is recognized as a prominent strategy among
financial service providers in view of stiff competition in Indian
retail banking industry. Banks are able to increase profitability and
have an edge over competitors through focusing on the needs of
homogeneous markets within a larger heterogeneous market. Market
segmentation in financial services has been carried out since early
1970s, though it was permeated into Indian retail banking later than it
did in developed countries like USA and UK. Focus of bankers has been
shifted from attracting non-users earlier to cross selling the services
to existing customers.
Kotler (1988) suggested the four criteria for effective
segmentation namely measurability, substantiality, accessibility and
actionability. Segmentation could be classified into two categories- a
priori and post hoc (Green, 1977). There are studies conducted in the
area of financial services market using different variables as a base
for market segmentation namely demographic factors, socio economic
factors and psychological factors etc,.
Life style as Segmentation Base
Consumer life style is defined as a consumer's pattern of
living, which influences and is reflected by consumption behavior. It is
an out come of an interactive process between social and personal
variables of individuals in childhood and during life. It demonstrates
pattern that is developed from the dynamics of living in a society.
Further economic factors provide constraints and opportunities in the
development of life style (Wells and Tigrert, 1971).
Life style factors or psychographics could be used to identify
target markets. Life style descriptors would act as a catalyst for
defining a customer segment in terms of attitudes, interest and
activities of consumer. This is an attempt to get inside the
consumer's mind (Hiebing, 1999). Life style research, studies how
people spend their time in I different activities; what is of greatest
interest or importance in their immediate surroundings and their opinion
on world (Majumdar, 2004).
Life style is a distinctive mode of living in a broad sense. It is
concerned with those ingredients or qualities, which describe the style
of life, culture or group and distinguish it from others (Kotler,1993).
However, Feldman and Thelbar (1972) defined life style as a group
phenomenon and is influenced by ones' participation in various
social groups and ones' relationship with others. Behavior of a
person in one area could be used for predicting how a person would act
in other areas. According to Plummer (1974), life style is a construct
made up of the virtues of demographic and psychographic variables. Life
style consists of values and personality of individual which are
reflected in activities, interests and opinions towards leisure time,
works, and consumption etc, (Wind, Yoram and Green, 1963). The concept
life style has wide application in consumer research and market
segmentation. The meaning of life style is never explained accurately
but it is seemed to have common understanding that lifestyle reflects on
a pattern of attitudes and behaviors in some way consistently across an
individual's life or particular part. Over the last five decades,
this concept has been studied by many people for example Blackwell and
Talarzyk (1977), Cosmas (1982), Gutman and Mills (1982) and Roberts and
Wortzel (1979).
The main objective of this study is to segment the retail credit
clients of commercial banks on the basis of lifestyle and to analyze the
behavior of respondents in different lifestyle segments. For this
purpose, survey was conducted among customers of commercial banks who
availed home loan, consumer loan and personal loan in Chennai city.
Totally two thousand questionnaire were distributed and after continuous
follow up thousand hundred and thirty six have been received. Of which,
only eight hundred and ninety five were with complete information.
Cronboch alpha (0.835) calculated shows that statements used for
lifestyle has very high reliability.
Review of Literarute
Lazer was the first person to introduce the concept of lifestyle
and its relationship with marketing and he attempted to give an idea
about where the life style appears in the consumption process.
Culture and Society
Group and individual expectations and values
Life style patterns and values
Purchase decisions
Market reactions of consumers
Gunter and Furnham (1992) studied psychological segmentation
considering lifestyle coupled with personality, values and
psychographics. However, Demby (1974) offered the definitional
differences for psychographics from other psychological variables that
it is the application of behavioral concept to market research;
quantitative research process made use of psychological variables to
predict consumer behavior and characteristics of consumers in response
to products and marketing activities. Whereas Wells (1975) stated that
psychographics construct is a quantitative method which life style
profiles. According to Dorny (1971), psychographics is the psychological
measures whereas lifestyle consists of activities and behaviors. all
observations confirmed that life style is a part of the framework of
psychological segmentation. Both psychographics and lifestyle could be
used to describe a general life situation or a consumption situation
with reference to a specific product or service class (Lawson and Todd,
2002). Variations in life style are expressed as variations in social
class that results in changes in the consumption behavior (Levy 1996).
Besides, social class is attributable to in come and occupation.
Goldthorpe et al (1969) discussed differences in lifestyle and
consumption based on occupational structures. Lawson and Todd (2002)
explained with the evidence from national study of consumer lifestyle in
Switzerland to demonstrate lifestyle segmentation for the purpose of
showing structural inequalities within society. Life style segmentation
is also known as psychographic segmentation. It is developed on the
basis of individual ideas, characteristics and patterns of living that
may be exhibited in the products and brands they purchase. Some people
prefer a homely lifestyle than a sophisticated life style and vice versa
(Lancaster and Reynolds, 2005).
Haley (1968) segmented people on the basis of benefit sought and
related them with life style dimensions. Findings revealed that there
was no strong association between life style segments and customers of
specific product or service category. It was also observed in the
findings of study conducted by Pernica (1974) that life style variables
had no significant correlation with a person's brand preference.
However, relationship between life style of consumers and their product
specific attitude was inferred from the outcome of Heller's (1968)
study. Wells (1973) classified respondents into eight life style
segments using information based on 300 AIO statements and studied
significant difference in the behaviors of various segments. Similarly
Plummer (1971) found out the dissimilarity between users and non users
of charge cards of commercial banks in terms of life style. Crask and
Reynolds (1980) divided the viewers of visual and print media as the
HITV life style, the HIPRINT life style, the HIBOTH life style and the
LOBOTH life style. It was reported that all the four life style segments
had distinctive exposure. Bates sharkey (1985) applied life style
segmentation for clustering car buyers. Significant variation was found
in terms of behaviors among the various segments like Auto-piles,
Necessity drivers, Auto phones, Auto cynics, Comfort seekers and
Sensible centrists.
Stanley et al (1980) carried out a study on influence of lifestyle
factors on bank patronage and concluded that reduction in price may
attract new customers but people with bargain seeking life style are
prone to switch when they find better bargain. Other life style factors
involved in patronage are aspirations, cosmopolitans, small bank
proneness and traditionalism. Kinnaird et al (1984) identified life
style segments, which required increased marketing efforts, analyzed
strategies for reaching profitable life style segments and suggested
most effective way of new product offerings. Arbeit (1974) attempted to
explain segments and sub segments of retail banking market with
psychographic factors that was further linked with a particular life
Factor Analysis
Since the number of statements used for inferring life style is
more in number, it is difficult to analyze. So factor analysis has been
applied to reduce the number of factors on the basis of similarity. For
sampling adequacy and sphericity, KMO and Bartlett's test were
The result shows that it is highly significant. Principal component
analysis method and varimax method were used for extracting factors and
rotation respectively. The factors with eigen value more than one were
selected. Table reveals that the number of factors reduced is twelve
that accounts for the variance of 59.957 percent.
Out of forty statements used for getting information on AIO of
respondents, except one statement, thirty nine statements scored the
factor loading of more than .4. These statements have been reduced to
The first factor explains 15.162 percent of variance and consists
of five statements related with most of future things. More over
statements have positive opinions. Hence it is labeled as optimism. The
second factor which accounts for 9.537 percent variance includes
statements exhibiting goals and achievements in future and is named as
aspirers. The third group of statements explaining 5.923 percent
variance is named as pragmatic because these statements are linked with
highly rational behavior. The fourth factor accounts for the variance of
4.551 percent and have three statements related with parties and social
gatherings and it is thus called as party lovers. Systematic factor
describes 3.973 percent variance and shows the characteristics of
systematic and orderly way of living. As the sixth group of statements
is different from normal way of life, and reveals ambitious behavior,
it is labeled as achievers. The seventh and eight factors explain 3.412
and 3.12
percent of variance respectively. They are named as anti credit
and security seeker based on the meanings of statements.
Since the ninth set of statements stresses family oriented
character, it is called as family lover which accounts for 2.961 percent
variance. The tenth one explaining 2.715 variance is called as value
orientation and the eleventh is community oriented conservative because
two statements talk about orthodox behavior and third about community
service. The last factor privileged has only one statement explaining
2.523 percent variance.
Hierarchical cluster method is used for finding out approximate
number of clusters. It is learnt from the tendogram that three clusters
formed with the twelve factors. K means cluster analysis is applied to
segregate total respondents into three clusters. Of total respondents,
368 falls to the first cluster, 276 and 251 fall to second and third
cluster respectively. All three clusters posses more similarities than
dissimilarities because of the fact that all respondents are the
customers of retail credit. The less number of clusters reveal that
people who avail credit from commercial banks in Chennai live with more
or less life styles.
On the basis of mean score for the factors in each cluster and
respondents behaviors, clusters are named as follows.
Cluster 1 Systematic Aspirers
This segment consists of people having characteristics like they
are highly positive oriented and aspiring for success. This segment
people think that today youngsters are privileged than themselves. They
are moderate in all other aspects. However people of this segment give
less importance to family matters, values, security to life and risk of
taking credit.
Cluster 2: Cautious Achievers
People of second cluster have more or less same characteristics of
what the first cluster has barring pragmatism, love for family,
adventurous activities, averse to credit and value orientation.
Respondents belonging to second cluster are having more concern for
values related with their way of life, they are not of positive idea
towards availing credit, and they do not go to party often and want
safety for their life. There fore they are named as cautious achievers.
Clustrer 3: Active Moderates
The third cluster is named as active moderates because these
respondents have scored more than the average mean score of three but
less than four invariably in all variables it shows that they are
moderate in all their life style activities. Moreover, they are neither
conservative nor highly optimistic. These cluster members are filled
with positive ideas about the future with all practical thinking.
For analyzing the association between life style of people and type
of bank with which they availed loan, correspondence analysis is
employed. Notwithstanding insignificant chi-square value, the bi plot
depicts some relationship. The distance between first cluster and public
sector banks, third and private sector banks and second and foreign
sector banks are less relatively.
Further, the same correspondent analysis is used to find out the
relationship between lifestyle segments and the type of loan availed by
them. The result illustrates that though there is no significant
relationship, personal loans are mostly taken by moderates: home loans
by cautious achievers and consumer loans by methodical aspirers.
Finding of this study shows that the borrowers of retail credit
have more similar life style characteristics. All of them are optimistic
and ambitious. They have positive attitudes towards credit and modern
way of living. At the same time, there is no much difference found in
the preference of people belonging to different lifestyle segments in
terms of type of loans and type of banks. Drawing on the mean score of
factors, it could be concluded that though there are many lifestyle
segments classified by various studies previously, only a set of
lifestyle segments favour consumer loans with commercial banks.
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G. Ramasundaram
Assistant Professor,
St. Joseph's College of Engneering,
Ramachandra Aryasri
School of Management,
Jawahar Lal Nehru Technical University,
M.Sakthivel Murugan
Head of the Department,
Department of Corporate Secretaryship
and Management, DB Jain College,
KMO and Bartlett's Test
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling .808
Bartlett's Test Approx. Chi-Square 9620.293
of Sphericity
Df. 780
Sig. .000
Eigen value of factors and percentage of
variance explained by factors
Factor Eigen value percent of Cumulative
Variance %
1 6.065 15.162 15.162
2 3.815 9.537 24.699
3 2.369 5.923 30.622
4 1.820 4.551 35.173
5 1.589 3.973 39.146
6 1.406 3.515 42.661
7 1.365 3.412 46.073
8 1.248 3.120 49.193
9 1.184 2.961 52.154
10 1.086 2.715 54.869
11 1.026 2.565 57.434
12 1.009 2.523 59.957
Factor 1. Optimists
S.No Statements loading
1 We will probably move to a .748
better position in five years
2 Five years from now the family .656
income will probably be a lot higher
than it is now
3 People today want to lead a life of pleasure .555
4 Good grooming is a sign of self respect .498
5 My greatest achievements are awaiting .403
Factor 2. Aspirers
S.No Statements loading
1 I wish to do something different .734
2 I work too hard .687
3 I aim to own a house or flat .629
4 I take a lot of time and effort to teach .456
my children good habits
5 One must save for future .412
Factor 3. Pragmatic
S.No Statements loading
1 Unless you have specific reason to save, .646
it is better tospend your money
and enjoy it
2 I don't attach so much importance .626
to religion
3 I do not bet money at races or buy .554
lottery tickets
4 Politics is a man's affair .467
Factor 4. Party lovers
S.No Statements loading
1 I like parties where there is a lot of .772
music and talk
2 I am involved in many activities .736
outside my home
3 A party would not be a party .656
without liquor
Factor 5. Systematic
S.No Statements loading
1 My days seem to follow a definite routine .740
2 I am orderly and precise .713
3 I enjoy most household work .628
4 I must have a bath daily to feel clean .458
Factor 6. Explorers
S.No Statements loading
1 I want to compete and win others .643
2 I like to speed in my car/scooter/motor cycle .615
3 I would like to travel around the world .610
4 I like a little excitement and a .604
little adventure
Factor 7. Anti-credit
S.No Statements loading
1 Owing money, even small .778
amount worries me
2 To buy anything than a house or car .685
on credit is wrong
3 I hate to ask someone for financial help .635
Factor 8. Security seeker
S.No Statements loading
1 I would rather live in/near big .802
city than in/near a small town
2 I prefer a government job to a private job .448
Factor 9. Family Oriented
S.No Statements loading
1 In the evenings, I prefer staying at .671
home than going out
2 Our family usually eats dinner together .665
3 I like to pay cash for everything I buy .408
Factor 10. Value orientation
S.No Statements loading
1 Spiritual values are more important .682
than material things
2 Pleasure is not out put of money and wealth .513
Factor 11. Community oriented--Conservative
S.No Statements loading
1 A family is incomplete without a son .724
2 Women wear too much make up today .480
3 I am active in two or more service .460
Factor 12. Privileged
S.No Statements loading
1 Young people have too many privileges .756
Number of Respondents in each cluster
Number of Cases in each Cluster
Cluster 1 368.000
2 276.000
3 251.000
Valid 895.000
Cluster Centers
Factors Cluster
1 2 3
Optimists 4.13 4.31 3.42
Aspirers 4.05 4.27 3.30
Pragmatic 2.47 3.56 3.19
Party lovers 2.27 3.71 3.31
Methodical 4.25 4.39 3.74
Adventurous 3.32 4.07 3.44
Anti credit 3.41 4.10 3.19
Security seeker 3.08 3.99 3.21
Family lover 3.76 4.04 3.34
Value orientation 3.25 4.06 3.28
community oriented conservative 3.51 3.96 3.30
Privileged 4.01 4.19 3.13
Table XVII
Types of bank and their client's life style
Life style clusters
type of Systematic Cautious Active Active
bank aspirers achievers moderate Margin
Government 131 96 85 312
Private 178 129 129 436
Foreign 59 51 37 147
Active margin 368 276 251 895
Types of loan and their client's life style
type of Systematic Cautious Active Active
bank aspirers achievers moderate Margin
Personal 121 98 99 318
Consumer 116 94 71 281
Home 131 84 81 296
Active margin 368 276 251 895