The effectiveness of parent education for incarcerated parents: an evaluation of parenting from prison.
Wilson, Kristina ; Gonzalez, Patricia ; Romero, Tony 等
According to the Bureau of Justice (Sabol & Couture, 2008) by
midyear 2007 over 1.5 individuals were incarcerated in state and federal
prisons, a 1.6% increase over the previous year. In conjunction with the
ever increasing prison rate, the total number of parents incarcerated in
state and federal prisons is also increasing. For example, in 1999,
721,500 parents of minor children were incarcerated in state and federal
prisons (Mumola, 2000). The same report indicated that while 936,500
minor children had an incarcerated parent in 1991, by 1999 this number
had risen to 1,498,800. In 2007, over 22,000 individuals were
incarcerated in state and federal prisons in Colorado (Sabol &
Couture, 2008) and the majority of these individuals were parents of
minor children. Based on these figures, it is apparent that an
increasing number of children are impacted by incarceration. Yet the
impact of incarceration on families has received relatively minimal
research attention and few programs exist to help mitigate the potential
ill effects on children. Therefore, an urgent need exists for the
development, implementation and evaluation of programs designed to ease
the deleterious effects of parental incarceration on the family unit.
For children, there are many negative consequences that may result
from having an incarcerated parent. For example, children of
incarcerated parents are more likely to suffer from behavioral and
emotional problems and are at greater risk for poor academic
performance, drug and alcohol use and self-esteem issues (Bilchik,
Seymour, & Kreisher, 2001). Furthermore, children of incarcerated
parents are six times more likely to enter the criminal justice system
during their lifetime (Bilchik et al., 2001; Jarvis, Graham, Hamilton,
& Tyler, 2004).
Parent education programs may serve a vital role in helping to
reduce the numerous negative consequences associated with parental
incarceration and also build important skills and behaviors among
incarcerated parents. Indeed, incarcerated parents are likely to suffer
from a multitude of risk factors that may stem back to their own
childhood. For example, research suggests that incarcerated parents have
experienced many negative events throughout their lifetime. In
particular, female compared to male inmates are more likely to have come
from families plagued by substance abuse issues, violent backgrounds and
are more likely to have experienced rape, incest and physical or sexual
abuse (Feinman, 1994; Wellisch, Predergast, & Anglin, 1994). For
these and a variety of other reasons, incarcerated parents may have
lacked appropriate adult role models while growing up. Due to the lack
of adult role models, these individuals may have never observed or
experienced effective parenting practices and are likely to benefit from
positive parenting education.
Parent Education Programs in Prison
Numerous benefits associated with participation in prison parent
education programs have been documented, including benefits to inmates,
to their children and reductions in recidivism.
Benefits for inmates. Involvement in parent education programs has
been associated with positive outcomes for inmates. For example,
positive behavioral changes have been reported among inmates who engage
in some form of education program while incarcerated (Perez, 1996).
Parent education programs also teach parents positive parenting skills
and effective communication skills, which help to improve parenting
practices in general (Cowan & Cowan, 2002). Additionally, parent
education programs targeted specifically for incarcerated parents may
help in the process of reuniting with their families post-release.
Evaluations of existing parent education programs offered in prisons
suggest that participation in these programs lead to positive changes in
parental attitudes. For example, Thompson and Harm (2000) found
significant improvements in participants' self-esteem and child
expectations, corporal punishment and family roles among incarcerated
mothers. Furthermore, parent education programs in prison have also been
found to increase knowledge of child development and non-violent
approaches to child behavior management (Showers, 1993).
Benefits for children. Parent education programs aim to teach
incarcerated parents new behaviors and skills that may help to lessen the negative consequences of parental incarceration and may help to
reduce the negative impact of this forced separation on children.
Providing incarcerated parents the opportunity to both learn and
practice new parenting skills in the classroom could prove valuable in
easing the process of reuniting with one's children post-release
and in combating the negative consequences of parental incarceration.
However, no research to date has evaluated the long-term impact of
participation in parent education programs while incarcerated or whether
the new skills and behaviors learned are enacted in future interactions
with children.
Benefits for recidivism. Numerous studies report a link between
engagement in educational programming while incarcerated and recidivism
rates. Inmates who participate in education programs have significantly
lower recidivism rates than inmates who do not participate in such
programs (Fabelo, 2002; Gordon & Weldon, 2003; Chappel, 2004).
Research evidence also suggests that recidivism is 6% lower for inmates
who stay in touch with their families while incarcerated (Ditchfield,
1994). Therefore, inmates who maintain family bonds while incarcerated
have lower recidivism rates than those who do not maintain such bonds.
Thus, parent education is beneficial not only in the sense that these
programs teach positive parenting practices and help to strengthen
family bonds, but also because there is a potential for these programs
to reduce recidivism rates.
Given the benefits associated with engagement in education programs
while incarcerated, the negative consequences that can occur for
children of incarcerated parents and the possibility that many
incarcerated parents lack appropriate parenting skills, providing parent
education to incarcerated parents holds great potential. Moreover, most
incarcerated parents plan to reunite with their children upon release
from prison (Mumola, 2000) and therefore providing parent education
during this period of forced separation is critical. As a response to
these concerns, several states and individual prison facilities have
developed innovative programs to facilitate contact between prisoners
and their children, to enhance parents' parenting skills and to
help incarcerated parents overcome barriers to maintaining family
Evidence documenting the efficacy of parenting programs in
incarcerated populations is limited (Palusci et al., 2008) and there is
a need for continued research in this area. Adding to the sparse research evidence on the efficacy of these programs, it is important to
note that the number of parent education classes that encourage the
strengthening of family bonds through visitation (Perez, 1996) or that
provide participants the opportunity to practice and build effective
communication skills are few in number. Moreover, the majority of parent
education programs in prison have targeted mothers, and very few studies
to date have evaluated the effectiveness of parent education for
incarcerated fathers. Parenting from Prison (PFP) is one such parent
education program offered in prisons in the state of Colorado that aims
to strengthen family bonds and increase knowledge of and positive
attitudes toward parenting practices among both male and female inmates.
Parenting from Prison Curriculum
The Parenting from Prison (PFP) program is an adaptation of the
Partners in Parenting (PIP) curriculum, which is offered by the Colorado
Family Education, Resources and Training (CFERT) project. The PIP
curriculum was enhanced to include topics specifically relevant to
incarcerated parents (e.g., maintaining contact with children during
incarceration, reuniting with children post-release). The PFP curriculum
aims to strengthen family relationships and increase positive behaviors.
These tasks are accomplished by increasing parental knowledge about
risks, resiliency and developmental assets. Parents learn about
effective resiliency factors, and about the risks that should be of
concern, with a strong emphasis placed on preventing substance abuse.
Risk factors discussed in the curriculum include community (e.g.,
availability of drugs), family (e.g., family history of the problem
behaviors), personality/behavioral (e.g., antisocial behavior) and
peer-related (e.g., friends who engage in the problem behavior) factors
that place children at risk for substance abuse and related problems in
adolescence or adulthood (Hawkins, Catalano, & Miller, 1992).
Resiliency (e.g., social competence) and protective factors (e.g., solid
family bonds) are those that help safeguard youth from substance abuse
(Hawkins et al., 1992).
The PFP curriculum consists of 20 sessions and topics covered in
the PFP curriculum include; self-esteem, risk and resilience factors,
communication, discipline, problem solving and decision making.
Furthermore, information about drugs and alcohol is provided within all
of these topics (e.g., associations between self-esteem and drug and
alcohol use, discipline about drugs and alcohol). A key component of the
PFP curriculum is BrainWise (Barry, 1999) and the 10 Wise Ways are
integrated throughout all components of the PFP curriculum. A major goal
of BrainWise is to teach new skills (e.g., building support networks,
recognizing warning signals, strategies to prevent emotional reactions
from escalating) that enable individuals to respond to problems with
good judgment rather than impulsive reactions. PFP also places a great
deal of emphasis on issues related to reintegration. For example,
participants learn about topics related to reunification with one's
family (e.g., making a reunification plan, making decisions about prior
intimate relationships) and finding employment post-release (e.g.,
discussing conviction record with potential employers, practicing
interview skills). Prior evaluations of PFP suggest this program is
effective in increasing parenting efficacy, parenting skills and
parental knowledge (Gonzalez, Romero, & Cerbana, 2007).
Current Study
The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the effectiveness
of PFP in increasing self-esteem, self-mastery, parental knowledge,
parental confidence and positive attitudes toward parenting. Since the
prior evaluation of PFP (Gonzalez et al., 2007), revisions were made to
the PFP curriculum, with greater emphasis placed on issues related to
reuniting with one's family after release and on child discipline.
Furthermore, the instruments used to assess the effectiveness of PFP
were modified to better measure constructs of interests. Finally, the
prior evaluation of PFP only evaluated the effectiveness of the
curriculum among a sample of female offenders and therefore the
effectiveness of this program for male offenders has not been tested.
Therefore, this study assessed the effectiveness of the revised PFP
curriculum and evaluated the effectiveness of the curriculum in a sample
of both male and female offenders.
A number of hypotheses were formulated at the beginning of the
evaluation process. First, it was hypothesized that participants would
communicate with their children more at posttest than at pretest.
Second, it was hypothesized that significant increases in
participants' self-esteem, self-mastery, parental satisfaction,
positive attitudes toward parenting and parental confidence would be
observed. Finally, it was hypothesized that participants' knowledge
of the PFP curriculum would significantly increase from pretest to
Participants included 102 males and 82 females who took part in the
PFP program while incarcerated in several correctional facilities across
the state of Colorado. Participants' mean age was 31.5 years (SD =
8.7) and the majority were single/never married (38.7%), married (22.5%)
or divorced (20.2%). The ethnic composition of the sample included 40.1%
Hispanic/Latino, 36.7% Anglo/Caucasian, 18.6% African American/Black,
4.1% Native American, 0.5% Asian/Pacific Islander and 2.9% other. Most
participants reported less than or equivalent to a high school
diploma/GED education (65.5%). Only participants who completed both the
pretest and posttest measures and who had children were included in
analyses. These exclusion criteria reduced the final sample to 81 males
and 69 females.
PFP class sizes ranged from 9-22 participants, and within each
class, all participants were of the same sex. Analyses presented in this
paper include data collected from ten different PFP sessions, conducted
at six different correctional facilities in Colorado. While all
facilities implemented the 20 session PFP curriculum, due to differences
between correctional facilities, the actual time taken to complete the
curriculum varied from facility to facility. For example, some
correctional facilities only house prisoners with shorter sentences and
therefore classes were held more frequently in such facilities,
increasing the probability that prisoners would complete the PFP
curriculum before their release from prison. Course delivery methods
included discussions, individual work, group exercises and role playing.
Prior to the start of the PFP program, participants completed a
paper and pencil pretest survey. After completion of the pretest survey,
participants took part in the 20 session PFP program. Immediately
following completion of the PFP curriculum, participants completed a
paper and pencil posttest survey. At both pretest and posttest,
facilitators were available to answer questions participants had about
the survey content as well as assist in reading the survey.
Demographics. Demographic questions assessed participants'
sex, age, education, marital status and ethnicity. Background
information was also assessed by asking participants to report the age
at which they were first incarcerated, the number of times they had been
imprisoned and the type of crime they were serving time for. Questions
that assessed negative life events (e.g., sexual molestation, physical
abuse, one or both parents in prison, living in a single parent
household) were also included.
Children. Information was collected regarding participants'
children. Participants were asked to indicate the number of children
they had, current primary caregiver of their children, whether they
lived with their children prior to incarceration, amount of time spent
with their children prior to incarceration and whether they planned to
reunite with their children upon release. Participants also indicated
how they kept in touch with their children (e.g., Letters, Phone,
Journals/Diaries, Tapes/Books, In-person visits) and the frequency of
this communication (e.g., Every few months, Once a month, Once a week,
Self-esteem. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (SES; Rosenberg, 1979)
measured participants' global self-esteem. The scale consists of
10-items and responses are rated on a 4-point scale (0 = I don't
agree at all to 3 = I very much agree). The scale has been validated for
use with both male and female adolescents, adult and elderly
populations. In the current study, alpha-reliability estimates for this
scale were.86 at pretest and.85 at posttest, indicating good
Self-mastery. Pearlin and Schooler's (1978) Self-Mastery scale
(SMS) was administered to assess the degree to which participants
perceive that they have control over life events. The scale consists of
7-items and responses are rated on a 4-point scale, ranging from 1
(Strongly disagree) to 4 (Strongly agree). Items include statements such
as, "What happens to me in the future mostly depends on me."
Alpha-reliability estimates in the current study were.74 at pretest
and.79 at posttest, indicating adequate reliability.
Parental satisfaction. Parental satisfaction was assessed using the
Kansas Parental Satisfaction scale (KPS; James et al., 1985), a brief
3-item survey. Items assess respondent's satisfaction with their
child's behavior, themselves as a parent and their relationships
with their children. Responses are given on a scale ranging from 1
(Extremely dissatisfied) to 7 (Extremely satisfied). For the current
study, internal reliability was.66 at pretest and.70 at posttest.
Parental attitudes. Parental attitudes were assessed using items
from the Index of Parental Attitudes (IPA; Hudson, 1982), which measures
parents' attitudes toward and relationship problems with their
children. The current study included 11-items from the IPA and included
statements such as, "My child is irritating." Each item was
rated on a 5-point scale, ranging from 1 (Never) to 5 (Always) with
higher scores reflecting greater severity of problems. Alpha reliability
estimates in the current study were.94 at pretest and.82 at posttest.
Parental confidence. Three statements were included to assess how
participants feel they are doing as parents. Sample items included,
"I am confident in my parenting skills" and "I already
know all I need to know about parenting." Participants rated each
item on a scale ranging from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly
disagree). These items have been used in previous evaluations of PFP and
have demonstrated acceptable reliability ([alpha] =.78; Gonzalez et al.,
2007). However, in the current study reliability of these items was
considerably lower at both pretest ([alpha] =.54) and posttest ([alpha]
Parenting from Prison knowledge test. A 24-item test was
administered to assess knowledge of the PFP curriculum. The PFP test is
a multiple choice test and each question has five response options. The
content of this test was developed based on the objectives and core
topics covered in PFP curriculum.
This study utilized a pretest/posttest design for data collection.
Data analyses such as means, standard deviations and frequencies were
conducted to describe demographic characteristics and to elicit information on the primary study variables. In order to test for program
effects, each scale was scored and then a series of mixed ANOVAs were
conducted. This approach to data analysis allowed for the examination of
changes in the measures after participation in the PFP program.
Participant characteristics
The mean age for first incarceration was 23.8 years (SD = 8.6) and
the average participant had been imprisoned 2.2 times (SD = 2.92). Most
participants reported that they were serving time for drug-related
offenses (36.2%), violent crimes (31.6%), property offenses (31.0%) or
parole/probation violations (20.7%).
The majority of participants reported experiencing numerous
negative life events. For example, 44.3% reported experiencing physical
abuse, 42.0% had been threatened by a weapon, 49.4% had lived in a
single parent household and 19.5% reported that at least one of their
parents had served time in prison. As shown in Table 1, with the
exception of war, a higher percentage of women than men reported
experiencing each of the negative events.
Table 1 Negative Life Events Experienced
Event Total (%) Males (%) Females (%)
Foster care 14.3 8.8 23.7
Homelessness 29.3 25.5 34.7
Lived in a single parent 49.4 49.0 50.0
One/both parents time in prison 19.5 11.8 30.6
Physical abuse 44.3 27.5 68.1
Rape 20.7 4.9 43.1
Sexual molestation 26.4 9.8 50.0
Threatened by weapon 42.0 41.2 43.1
War 6.3 8.8 2.8
Participants had an average of 2.4 children (SD = 1.6) and 53.3% of
the sample reported spending a lot of time with their child prior to
their incarceration. Furthermore, 68.8% reported living with their child
prior to incarceration and 97% planned to reunite with their child(ren)
after release. Approximately 57% of participants reported that during
their incarceration the other parent was the primary caretaker for their
children and 16% reported that a grandparent was caring for their
children. However, the primary caretaker for the children varied
considerably based on the participants' sex. For the majority of
males, the primary caretaker for their child was the other parent
(72.8%) and only 2.5% reported that the primary caregiver for their
child was a grandparent. However, among females, 41.3% reported that a
grandparent was the primary caretaker for their child during
incarceration and 28.3% reported the other parent as the primary
Comparing measures at pre- and posttest
Participants were asked to report what methods of communication
they used to stay in touch with their children and how often they
communicated with their children. At pretest, the most common methods of
communication reported was the use of letters and phone calls. For
example, 77.9% of the sample reported communicating with their children
by means of letters and, of those participants, 56% wrote letters on at
least a weekly basis. Participants also communicated with their children
using phone calls, with 72.1% of the sample reporting using this method
of communication. Of those maintaining contact using phone calls, 66.9%
reported calling their children on at least a weekly basis. Furthermore,
28.1% reported in-person visits with their children and, of those
participants, 20% reported visiting with their children at least once
per month. Less frequently used methods of communication reported during
pretest included journals (7%) and tapes (6.4%).
At posttest participants tended to make better use of the various
methods available to them to communicate with their children and did so
more consistently. For example, 86.5% reported communicating with their
children by means of letters at posttest and, of those participants,
66.7% did so at least once per week. The percentage of participants
reporting that they maintain contact with their children via in-person
visits increased to 31.0% at posttest and, of those participants, 33.3%
reported visiting with their children in-person at least once per month.
Increases were also found in the proportion of participants maintaining
contact with their children by use of journals (21.8%) and tapes
(11.5%). A decrease in contacting children by means of phone calls was
observed at posttest, with 68.6% of participants reporting using this
form of communication. However, the frequency of contact via phone calls
increased at posttest, whereby those who reported using this method of
communication, 65.6% reported doing so at least once per week. Thus, in
comparison to pretest, posttest measures indicated an increase in the
various methods of communication used and an increase in the frequency
of contact after participation in the PFP program (see Figure 1).
However, as previously mentioned, increases in communication were not
observed with all modes of communication. Specifically, the total number
of participants communicating with their children via phone calls
decreased after participation in PFP.
For each of the dependent measures, a 2 (Time: pre vs. post) x 2
(Sex: male vs. female) mixed ANOVA was conducted. For analyses where the
interaction with Sex was significant, follow-up simple main effects
tests were conducted. In order to control for Type 1 error, the alpha
was set at.025 for each simple main effects test. Refer to Table 2 for a
summary of these analyses.
Table 2 Means and (Standard Deviations) for Measures at
Pre-test and Post-test
Pre-test Post-test
SES 19.09 (a) 4.92 21.22 (a) 4.40
SMS 22.02 (b) 3.34 22.65 (b) 3.32
KPS 13.58 (c) 3.69 15.05 (c) 3.14
IPA 19.95 (d) 10.96 16.29 (d) 4.10
Men 17.28 (e) 4.08 16.49 4.21
Women 22.74 (e) (f) 14.65 16.09 (f) 3.99
Parental Confidence 9.77 (g) 1.91 11.03 (g) 1.76
Men 9.99 (h) 2.10 10.84 (h) 1.92
Women 9.56 (i) 1.67 11.24 (i) 1.58
PFP Exam 12.09 (j) 3.47 14.01 (j) 4.16
Note. Means sharing superscripts are significantly different
at the.05 level
Self-esteem. For self-esteem, the main effect for Time was
significant, F(1,140) = 41.97, p <.001, partial [[eta].sup.2] =.23.
Participants reported higher self-esteem at posttest (M = 21.22, SD =
4.40) than at pretest (M = 19.09, SD = 4.92). The interaction with Sex
was not significant, F(1,140) = 3.55, p >.025.
Self-mastery. The main effect of Time for self-mastery was
significant, F(1,134) = 4.17, p <.05, partial [[eta].sup.2] =.03.
Participants sense of self-mastery significantly increased from pretest
(M = 22.03, SD = 3.44) to posttest (M = 22.64, SD = 3.32). While the
results were significant, it is important to note that the difference
between mean scores at pretest and posttest was less than one point. In
addition, the effect size was small, and the intervention only accounted
for 3.0% of the observed increase in self-mastery. The interaction with
Sex was not significant, F(1,134) = 0.08, p >.025.
Parenting measures. For parental satisfaction, the main effect for
Time was also significant, F(1,138) = 34.79, p <.001, partial
[[eta].sup.2] =.20. Participants reported a greater sense of parental
satisfaction at posttest (M = 15.05, SD = 3.14) than at pretest (M =
13.58, SD = 3.69). As with previous analyses, the interaction with Sex
was not significant, F(1,138) = 1.58, p >.05.
For parental attitudes (as measured by the IPA) higher scores on
the scale are indicative of more negative attitudes toward parenting.
Analyses revealed a significant main effect for Time, F(1,133) = 16.74,
p <.001, partial [[eta].sup.2] =.11. Participants reported more
positive attitudes toward parenting at posttest (M = 16.30, SD = 4.10)
than at pretest (M = 19.95, SD = 10.96). Analyses also revealed a
significant interaction between Time and Sex, F(1, 133) = 10.44, p <
.01, partial [[eta].sup.2] =.07. Follow-up paired-sample t-tests
indicated that parental attitudes significantly improved for women from
pretest (M = 22.74, SD = 14.65) to posttest (M = 16.09, SD = 4.00),
t(65) = 3.72, p <.001. However, parental attitudes for men did not
significantly improve from pretest (M = 17.27, SD = 4.08) to posttest (M
= 16.49, SD = 4.21), t(68) = 1.64, p >.05). Further, between-subjects
t-tests indicated that men and women differed at pretest (t(143) =
-3.82, p <.001), but not at posttest (t(143) = 1.00, p >.05),
indicating that men's and women's parental attitudes became
more similar as a result of participating in the PFP curriculum (see
Figure 2).
For parental confidence, the main effect for Time was significant,
F(1,135) = 47.53, p <.001, partial [[eta].sup.2] =.26. Greater
parental confidence was observed at posttest (M = 11.04, SD = 1.76) than
at pretest (M = 9.77, SD = 1.91). Analyses also revealed a significant
interaction between Time and Sex, F(1, 135) = 5.00, p <.05 partial
[[eta].sup.2] =.03. Follow-up paired-samples t-tests indicated parental
confidence significantly improved for men from pretest (M = 9.99, SD =
2.10) to posttest (M = 10.84, SD = 1.92), t(68) = -3.04, p <.001.
Similarly, parental confidence significantly improved for women from
pretest (M = 9.56, SD = 1.67) to posttest (M = 11.24, SD = 1.58), t(67)
= -7.12, p <.001. Further, between-subjects t-tests suggested that
men and women did not significantly differ at pretest (t(141) =.833, p
>.05) or at posttest (t(141) = -1.37, p >.05). Thus, improvements
were observed in all three parenting measures from pretest to posttest,
and for parental attitudes and parental confidence the interaction with
Sex was significant.
PFP knowledge. In terms of knowledge of the PFP curriculum, there
was a significant main effect for Time, F(1,146) = 20.15, p <.001,
partial [[eta].sup.2] =.12. Participants answered more questions
correctly at posttest (M = 14.01, SD = 4.16) than at pretest (M = 12.09,
SD = 3.47). Results indicated that the interaction with Sex was not
significant, F(1,140) = 1.43, p >.05. Thus, both men and women
demonstrated improved knowledge of the PFP curriculum at posttest.
Although the observed increase in knowledge of the PFP curriculum was
significant, on average participants only answered two more questions on
the knowledge exam correctly at posttest than at pretest.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the
PFP curriculum, which is offered in state prisons throughout the state
of Colorado. As hypothesized individuals who participated in the PFP
curriculum reported increases in self-esteem, self-mastery, parental
knowledge, positive attitudes toward parenting and parental
satisfaction. Many of the current findings are consistent with previous
research on incarcerated parents and evaluations of parent education
programs offered in correctional settings (e.g., Gonzalez et al., 2007;
Thompson & Harm, 2000). However, the current investigation also
offers some new insights into the effectiveness of parent education
programs in prisons and offers further support for the efficacy of the
PFP curriculum. Results suggest that the PFP program can result in
measurable improvement in parenting knowledge and parenting attitudes
among female and male incarcerated parents. Taken together, these
findings provide further support for the importance of providing
parenting education programs for incarcerated parents.
The demographics and life experiences of participants in this study
were similar to other studies investigating incarcerated parents. For
example, similar to previous research (Feinman, 1994; Wellisch et al.,
1994) the current study found that a high percentage of participants
reported experiencing many negative life experiences. Furthermore, the
primary caregiver for participants' children during their
incarceration was similar to patterns reported in previous research. For
example, Mumola (2000) reported that for 85% of fathers and 28% of
mothers in state prisons the child's current caregiver was the
other parent. In comparison, Mumola (2000) reported that 53% of females
and 13% of males in state prisons reported that a grandparent was
currently caring for the child. In the current study, a similar pattern
of results was found, whereby men were more likely to report that the
other parent was the child's current caregiver, while women were
more likely to report that the child was cared for by their grandparent.
Similarities such as these suggest that this was a representative sample
of incarcerated parents.
Overall, the findings of this study support prior research on the
effectiveness of parent education programs in prison (e.g., Showers,
1993; Thompson & Harm, 2000). This initial evaluation of the PFP
curriculum indicated that this parent education program led to a number
of improvements among a sample of incarcerated parents. First, there was
an overall increase in the use of different methods of communication
from pretest to posttest, as well as in the frequency that each type of
communication used. This is an important outcome, as for most children
it is vital to maintain the connection with ones' parent throughout
their incarceration (Nesmith & Ruhland, 2008). However, increases
were not observed from pretest to posttest across all modes of
communication with children. This finding is surprising given that the
PFP curriculum aims to increase communication with children during
incarceration. Many participants already reported frequent communication
with their children at pretest, and it is possible that this may explain
why increased communication was not observed for all modes of
communication. This finding should be investigated further in future
evaluations of PFP and, if necessary, changes should be made to the
intervention to reinforce the importance of communication with children
during incarceration.
Second, significant increases were observed in self-esteem,
self-mastery, all three parenting measures and in knowledge of the PFP
curriculum. Furthermore, many of the tests for interactions with
participant sex were not significant, indicating that males and females
benefited equally from participating in the PFP curriculum. Gender
interactions were significant for attitudes toward parenting and
parental confidence. For parental attitudes, women endorsed
significantly more negative attitudes toward parenting than males at
pretest but not at posttest. It is possible that participation in PFP
corrected women's negative attitudes toward parenting, making
men's and women's attitudes toward parenting more similar as a
result of participating in PFP. Although significant increases were not
observed for male's after participation in PFP, men in this sample
already had positive attitudes parenting (indicated by low scores on the
IPA at pretest), and it is possible that male's already positive
attitudes toward parenting left little room for improvement. Clearly,
further research is necessary to help explain these gender differences
related to parenting measures used in the evaluation of PFP.
While this study provides support for the efficacy of the PFP
curriculum, there are limitations to this study that should be addressed
in future research. While increases were observed for many of the
outcome measures used in this study, it is important to note that the
effect sizes for some of these analyses were small. Specifically, the
effect size for self-mastery indicated that the PFP curriculum only
accounted for 3.0% of the increase in self-mastery. As PFP aims to
increase participants' sense that they have control over their life
events (i.e., self-mastery) it was anticipated that the intervention
would have a greater impact on this construct. This suggests that it may
be important to modify the PFP curriculum in such a way that expands the
amount of curriculum time dedicated to topics related to self-mastery.
Additionally, it is of concern that on average participants only
answered two more questions correctly on the PFP knowledge test at
posttest than at pretest. In the current study, 65.5% of the sample
reported having less than or equivalent to high school education. One
possibility is that the questions on the PFP knowledge exam were not
written at an appropriate reading level for use in this population. For
future evaluations of PFP, it may be necessary to reword questions on
the PFP knowledge exam so that the questions are written at a more
appropriate reading level.
In addition to these specific limitations, this study also suffers
from limitations related to the study design. First, this evaluation
tested the short-term effects of participating in PFP. The long-term
effects of this program and whether incarcerated parents use the
parenting skills they learned upon release remains unknown. Furthermore,
this study utilized a pretest/posttest design and therefore did not have
a control group. In order to address these limitations, a longitudinal randomized control trial of the PFP curriculum is currently being
conducted. Finally, this study did not address the effects of
participating in this curriculum on recidivism or whether the benefits
of the PFP curriculum extend to the children of these incarcerated
parents. Future research should investigate whether participating in the
PFP curriculum has a positive effect on recidivism rates and whether
children of incarcerated parents benefit from their parents taking part
in parent education classes offered in prisons.
Despite these limitations, this study indicates that participants
benefited from taking part in the PFP curriculum. This preliminary
evaluation of PFP suggests that it is possible to increase parenting
knowledge and attitudes through the implementation of parent education
curriculum in correctional settings. As the majority of incarcerated
parents in this sample planned to reunite with their children post
release, hopefully the new skills and knowledge learned will be utilized
in future interactions with their children. Based on these changes in
parent-child interactions, it is possible that family bonds will be
strengthened and this may provide further motivation for these
individuals to stay out of prison. Despite these promising findings,
additional evaluations of PFP are necessary in order further determine
the efficacy of this program.
Given increasing rates of imprisonment in general and increases in
the total number of incarcerated parents, the continued evaluation of
parent education programs offered in prisons is critical. When
incarcerated parents are released from prison, they often face numerous
obstacles to successful reintegration. As such, correctional facilities
can play a pivotal role by providing parent education that includes
topics related to reintegration. By providing such programming,
correctional facilities may increase the likelihood of successful
societal and family integration. Parent education can teach parents new
skills that may be used once they are reunited with their children
post-release. Also noteworthy, is that a key to supporting children is
supporting their parents and caregivers (Nesmith & Ruhland, 2008).
Parent education programs offered in correctional settings share a
common goal of strengthening family bonds. The strengthening of family
bonds among families impacted by incarceration may lead not only to a
reduction in recidivism but may also play an important role in reducing
intergenerational cycles of incarceration. Thus, the continued
evaluation of such parent education programs is of critical importance..
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Kristina Wilson (1), Patricia Gonzalez (2), Tony Romero (3),
Kimberly Henry (1) and Christine Cerbana (1)
Colorado State University (1), San Diego State University (2),
Colorado Department of Corrections (3)
Biographical Sketch
KRISTINA WILSON, M.S. is a graduate student in Applied Social
Psychology at Colorado State University. Her research interests include
HIV risk perception, HIV prevention and parent education in correctional
PATRICIA GONZALEZ, Ph.D. is a Postdoctoral Fellow at San Diego
State University. Her research interests include parent education in
correctional facilities, cardiovascular and cancer disparities.
TONY ROMERO, Ph.D. is the Director of Vocational and Academic
programs for the Colorado Department of Corrections. His research
interests lie in adult education through specific learning styles. This
coincides with his desire to reduce recidivism through the education of
KIMBERLY L. HENRY, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the
Psychology Department at Colorado State University. She completed her
PhD in Biobehavioral Health at Pennsylvania State University. Her
research focuses on adolescent pro-social development, school engagement
and prevention science.
CHRISTINE B. CERBANA, M.S. is the Colorado Family Education,
Resources and Training (CFERT) Project Coordinator at Colorado State
University Extension. Her expertise is in the area of parent education
and substance abuse prevention.
Correspondence regarding this manuscript can be sent to: Kristina
Wilson, Colorado State University, Department of Psychology, 1876 Campus
Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523. E-mail:
[email protected]. Phone:
(970) 491-5013 Fax: (970) 491-1032.