A steeper, better road to graduation. (Feature).
Bishop, John H.
Students learn more and their high-school diplomas become more
valuable when they must pass a curriculum-based exit exam like
France's Baccalaureate in order to graduate. So why isn't the
United States following Europe's and East Asia's lead?
testing often point to the high achievement of secondary-school students
in those European and East Asian countries that use curriculum-based
exit exams such as France's Baccalaureate and England's GCSE and A-level exams. Such exams can carry extremely high stakes. In
England, for instance, they effectively determine whether students are
eligible to enroll at a university and to which university and field of
study they are admitted. In the United States, the only worthy
comparisons are New York's famed Regents exams and a more recently
developed system in North Carolina. Traditionally, students in New York who passed the Regents exams in various subjects, all tied to the
state's curricula, received a more prestigious diploma that
signaled their mastery.
While a number of states, including Texas, Tennessee, Virginia,
Maryland, and possibly California, are phasing in or plan to develop a
system of rigorous curriculum-based external exams, most states have
chosen instead to administer minimum-competency exams. Known generally
as exit exams, students must pass minimum-competency exams like New
Jersey's High School Proficiency Test (HSPT) to graduate from high
school. These exams usually test basic skills in English and
mathematics, rarely testing students' knowledge of science,
history, or other subjects. Eighteen states required the graduating
class of 2000 to pass minimum-competency exams; another 11 states are
developing or phasing in such exams, Five states--Connecticut, Illinois,
Michigan, Oregon, and Pennsylvania--put on transcripts and honors
diplomas students' scores on state tests taken in the 10th and 11th
grades, but they do not use them as a prerequisite for graduation.
In reality, the United States may never move to a system of truly
high-stakes exams along the lines of France's. The ideal of equal
opportunity, and education's unique role in advancing that ideal,
is deeply grooved into America's national ideology. Sorting and
sifting is certainly a part of the U.S. education system (witness the
SAT), but the system is also endlessly forgiving; any student of any
age, so long as the money or loans are available, can find a university
to attend, unlike in some European and East Asian countries. So
reformers who routinely invoke the academic excellence of Europe and
East Asia should understand the differences between European and East
Asian-style curriculum-based exams and the minimum-competency exams
being used by many states. Do they both raise student achievement? By
how much? What kinds of positive incentives do they create? And what are
the negative repercussions, if any?
Curriculum-Based Exams
My analysis of data collected by the 1995 Third International
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) of students in 40 countries shows
that curriculum-based exit exams do raise achievement. The study found
that students from countries with medium- and high-stakes exit
examination systems outperform students from other countries at a
comparable level of economic development by 1.3 U.S. grade-level
equivalents in science and by 1.0 U.S. grade-level equivalents in
mathematics. A similar analysis of 1991 International Assessment of
Educational Progress data on 13-year-olds in 15 nations found that
students from countries with curriculum-based exit exams outperformed
their peers in other countries by about 2.0 U.S. grade-level equivalents
in math and about two-thirds of a U.S. grade-level equivalent in science
and geography. Analysis of data from the International Association for
the Evaluation of Educational Achievement's study of the reading
literacy of 14-year-olds in 24 countries found that students in countrie
s with rigorous, curriculum-based exams were about 1.0 U.S. grade-level
equivalents ahead of students in nations at comparable levels of
development but lacking such exams. The final study of the effects of
curriculum-based exams compared students living in different Canadian
provinces. Students attending school in provinces with rigorous exam
systems were a statistically significant one-half of a U.S. grade-level
equivalent ahead of comparable students living in provinces without such
exams in math and science. Other estimates show similarly positive
impacts of curriculum-based exams (see Figure 1).
Why do students in nations and provinces with rigorous exams learn
more? How do curriculum-based exams influence school policies and
instructional practices? The data show that curriculum-based exams are
associated with neither higher teacher-pupil ratios nor greater spending
on K-12 education. They are, however, associated with higher standards
for entry into the teaching profession, higher teacher salaries (30 to
34 percent higher for secondary-school teachers), and teachers who are
more likely to specialize in one subject in middle school and to have
majored in the subjects they teach. Teachers appear to be less satisfied
with their jobs, possibly due to the increased pressure for
accountability under an exam system. Schools, countries, and provinces
with rigorous exams devote more hours to math and science instruction,
and they build and equip better science labs. The number of computers
and library books per student is unaffected by the existence of
curriculum-based exams.
Fears that curriculum-based exams have caused the quality of
instruction to deteriorate appear to be unfounded. Students in nations
with rigorous exam systems were less likely to report that memorization is the best way to learn and more likely to report that they conducted
experiments in science class. Apparently, teachers subject to the subtle
pressure of an external exam four years into the future adopted
strategies that are conventionally viewed as best practices, not
strategies designed to maximize scores on multiple-choice tests. Quizzes
and tests were more common; otherwise, a variety of pedagogical indicators showed no differences in regions with rigorous exams.
Students were also more likely to get tutoring assistance from teachers
after school. They were no less likely to like the subject and they were
more likely to agree with the statement that science is useful in
everyday life. Students also talked more with their patents about
schoolwork and reported that their parents had more positive attitud es
about the subject.
Should we expect similar gains in achievement from the use of
minimum-competency exams? Not necessarily. There are important
differences between curriculum-based exit exams and tests of minimum
competency that may lead to different results, There are important
similarities as well. For instance, they both:
* Elicit signals of accomplishment that have real consequences for
students. In many education systems, exam results are averaged with
teacher assessments to generate final grades for certain courses. In
some cases, passing the exam is necessary to graduate from high school.
In other cases, passing the exam confers eligibility for a more
prestigious diploma or the right to enroll in university. In Europe and
East Asia, exam grades also influence the hiring decisions of employers
and limit access to oversubscribed lines of study at universities.
* Define achievement relative to an external standard, not relative
to other students in the classroom or the school. Exams, whether
curriculum-based or minimum-competency, make possible comparisons across
schools and among students taught by different teachers, In a
theoretical analysis published in the American Economic Review, Robert
Costrell of the University of Massachusetts concluded that more
centralized standard setting (state or national achievement exams)
results in higher standards, higher achievement, and higher social
welfare than decentralized standard setting (in other words,
teachers' grades or local schools' graduation requirements).
* Are controlled by the education authority that establishes the
curriculum for and funds K-12 education. When a state department of
education sponsors an external exam, it is more likely to be aligned
with the state's curriculum. It is, consequently, more likely to be
used for school accountability, not just as an instrument of student
accountability. It makes coordinated changes in curricula and exams
feasible. Tests established and mandated by other organizations serve
the interests of other masters. America's most influential
high-stakes exams--the SAT-I and the ACT--serve higher education's
need to sort students by aptitude, not the needs of high schools that
are trying to reward students who have learned what the school is trying
to teach.
* Cover the vast majority of secondary-school students. Exams
intended for a set of elite schools or advanced courses influence
standards at the top, but they have little effect on the rest of the
students. A single exam taken by all is not essential. Many nations
allow students to select the subjects they will be examined on; some,
such as Ireland, the Netherlands, Scotland, and England, offer both
high-level and intermediate-level exams for some subjects.
* Assess a major portion of what students are expected to know and
be able to do. Studying to prepare for an exam should mean learning
important material and developing valued skills.
Three critical characteristics distinguish curriculum-based exams
from minimum-competency exams. Curriculum-based exit exams:
* Are collections of end-of-course exams. Since curriculum-based
exams assess student performance in specific courses, the teachers of
those courses (or course sequences) will inevitably feel responsible for
how well their students do on the exams. Teachers will not only want to
set higher standards, they will also find their students more attentive in class and more likely to complete demanding homework assignments.
They become coaches helping their team to do battle with the state exam.
Grades on the external exam are typically part of the overall course
grade, further integrating the external exam into the classroom culture.
* Report multiple levels of achievement in the subject. If students
can only pass or fail an exam, as is the case with almost all
minimum-competency exams, the standard will, for political reasons, have
to be set low enough so that almost everyone will pass. This will not
stimulate most students to put in more effort. End-of-course exams
measure a student's achievement level in the subject, not just
whether the student exceeds or falls below a specific cutoff point.
Consequently, all students, not just those at the bottom, have an
incentive to study hard.
* Assess more difficult material. Since curriculum-based
end-of-course exams are supposed to measure the full range of
achievement in the subject, they contain more difficult questions and
problems. This induces teachers to spend more time on cognitively
demanding skills and topics. Minimum-competency exams, by contrast, are
designed to identify students who have failed to pass a rather low
minimum standard. As a result, they tend not to ask questions or pose
problems that students near the borderline are unlikely to be able to
answer or solve. The likely result is that too much class time will be
devoted to practicing low-level skills.
Culture of the Classroom
Curriculum-based exit exams often have profound effects on the
relationships between teachers and students and among the students
themselves. Consider what happened when a proposal was put forward in
Ireland to drop the nation's system of external assessments in
favor of having teachers assess their students. The union representing
Ireland's secondary-school teachers reacted with a statement saying
that a major strength of the Irish education system has been
students' perception of their teachers as,, an advocate in terms of
nationally certified examinations rather than as a judge." Asking
teachers to assess their students, the union wrote, would
"automatically result in a distancing between the teacher, the
pupil, and the parent. It also opens the door to possible distortion of
the results in response to either parental pressure or to pressure
emanating from competition among local schools for pupils."
Note how Irish teachers feared that doing away with external
assessments would result in their being under pressure to lower
standards. For American teachers such pressure is a daily reality.
According to an American Federation of Teachers survey, 30 percent of
American teachers say they" feel pressure to give higher grades
than students' work deserves." Thirty percent also feel
pressure to reduce the difficulty and amount of work they assign.
Curriculum-based end-of-course exams are likely to alleviate such
End-of-course examinations may also ameliorate another scourge of
contemporary classroom culture: nerd harassment, In Beyond the
Classroom, Laurence Steinberg, Bradford Brown, and Sanford
Dornbusch's recent study of nine high schools in California and
Wisconsin, the authors concluded that "less than 5 percent of all
students are members of a high-achieving crowd that defines itself
mainly on the basis of academic excellence....Of all the crowds the
'brains' were the least happy with who they are--nearly half
wished they were in a different crowd."
Why are the studious called suck ups, dorks, and nerds or accused
of "acting white"? In part, it is because many teachers grade
on a curve. This means that doing well in a class makes it more
difficult for others to get top grades. When exams are graded on a curve
or college admissions are based on class rank, students can maximize
their joint welfare if no one puts in extra effort. In the game that
results, rewards, such as friendship and respect, and punishments, such
as ridicule, harassment, and ostracism, enforce the cooperative
solution: "don't study much." If, by contrast, students
are gauged by an outside standard, they no longer have a personal
interest in getting teachers off track or persuading one another to
refrain from studying. Peers should become less supportive of students
who joke around in class and more supportive of those who cooperate with
the teacher.
Evidence from the United States
In the United States, states with minimum-competency exams tend
also to have adopted school accountability systems that reward
high-achieving schools or sanction failing schools. Therefore, in trying
to isolate the effects of minimum-competency exams and end-of-course
exams on achievement in the United States, it is necessary to account
for the presence or absence of other standards-based reforms, In a study
of states' 8th-grade reading, math, and science scores on the 1996
and 1998 National Assessments of Educational Progress, my colleagues and
I studied the effect of five different standards-based reform
* School-by-school reporting of the results of statewide testing
* Rewards for schools that improve on statewide tests or exceed
targets set for them
* Sanctions for failing schools, such as closure, reconstitution,
or loss of accreditation
* Minimum-competency exams
* Voluntary end-of-course exams combined with minimum-competency
exams, la New York and North Carolina's policy mix during the
We also controlled for the following demographic characteristics of
the students in each state: the share of children living in poverty,
parental education, and the percentages of public school students who
are African-American, Hispanic, or Asian-American.
The hybrid end-of-course/minimum-competency exam systems that have
been in place in New York State since the early 1980s and in North
Carolina since about 1990 clearly had the largest effects on test
scores, In science and math, 8th graders in New York and North Carolina
were approximately 45 percent of a grade-level equivalent ahead of
comparable students in states without such exams. They were also 65
percent of a grade-level equivalent ahead in reading (see Figure 1).
This confirms my earlier findings that New York State did significantly
better on SAT tests and on the 1992 8th-grade NAEP math tests than other
states with demographically similar populations.
High stakes for teachers and schools had significant effects on all
three measures of 8th-grade achievement, Students living in states that,
during the 1996-97 school year, both rewarded successful schools and
threatened to sanction failing schools scored about 28 percent of a
grade-level equivalent higher in all three subjects than students in
states that did neither. Public reporting is necessary for the execution
of these other policies, but on its own it had no discernable effect on
student achievement.
The effects of minimum-competency exams on average 8th grade NAEP
test scores were positive but small and mainly insignificant. For
students who were approaching graduation, however, the effects grew.
Analysis of longitudinal data found that students with C- grade-point
averages in 8th grade learned about 16 percent of a grade-level
equivalent more when they lived in states requiring minimum-competency
exams before graduation, Students with higher GPAs were unaffected by
minimum-competency exams.
After High School
Studies of 1990 census data at the state level show that increasing
the number of courses required to graduate raised dropout rates and
reduced graduation rates, Minimum-competency exams had no such effect.
When, however, my colleagues and I analyzed longitudinal data that
adjusted for the grades and test scores of students in 8th grade, we
found that students at schools with minimum-competency exams with C-
grades in 8th grade, while not more likely to drop out, were about 7
percentage points less likely to get a high-school diploma or a General
Education Diploma (GED) within six years. Minimum-competency exams had
no significant effect on the graduation rates of students with A or B/B-
The study of longitudinal data also found that college attendance
rates were reduced by higher course graduation requirements, but
increased by minimum-competency exams. Eighth graders living in states
with a minimum-competency exam were 2 to 4 percentage points more likely
to be attending college six years later than were comparable students
from states without such exams. 5 Curriculum-based exit exams
substantially increased the college-attendance rates of students with
low GPAs in 8th grade, but had no effect on students with high GPAs.
Students who grew up in states with minimum-competency exams earned
significantly more in the years immediately after graduating than
students growing up in other states. Growing up in a state with
minimum-competency exams raises by about 11 percent the earnings of
those who had low GPAs in 8th grade. Students with high grades in 8th
grade earn about 7.5 percent extra when they grow up in a state with
minimum-competency exams.
Policy Implications
Our analysis showed that states that reward schools for success and
sanction schools that are failing had significantly higher achievement
levels than states without these incentives. We also found that they had
lower dropout rates, State requirements that students pass
minimum-competency exams in order to graduate had both positive and
negative effects on students. While students with average or
above-average grades were unaffected, students with low grades in 8th
grade were less likely to graduate during the next six years. The
effects of minimum-competency exams on achievement in 8th grade and test
score gains during high school were small and often not statistically
significant. But students at both ends of the spectrum--that is, with
either high or low grades--were significantly (about 2 to 4 percentage
points) more likely to attend college in 1993-94 when they lived in a
state with minimum-competency exams, In addition, employers responded to
the enhanced reputation of recent high-school graduates by pa ying them
about 9 percent more immediately after high school.
Curriculum-based external exit exam systems had by far the greatest
effects on test scores. On the negative side, New York students of the
early 1990s were mote likely to get GEDs and tended to take longer to
get their diplomas. They were not, however, less likely to graduate, and
students with low grade-point averages were significantly more likely to
go to college. Achievement levels at the end of high school were roughly
one grade-level equivalent ahead of comparable states. These are the
effects of a voluntary Regents examination system with moderate stakes,
not the compulsory high-stakes exam system that New York is now phasing
in. States that are reluctant to implement a high-stakes high school
graduation test might want to look at the old Regents end-of-course exam
system as a possible model for a moderate-stakes student accountability
Figure 1
Curriculum-Based External Exit Exams Improve Performance
Studies show that students in countries and states that require students
to pass curriculum-based external exit exams in order to graduate learn
more than their peers who do not take such exams.
Gains for students who take exit exams, expressed in grade-level
National Assessment of Educational Progress, Math 0.4
(New York and North Carolina as compared with
other states, 1998)
National Assessment of Educational Progress, Science 0.5
(New York and North Carolina as compared with
other states, 1998)
International Assessment of Educational Progress, 0.5
Math and Science (Canada, 1991)
National Assessment of Educational Progress, Reading 0.7
(New York and North Carolina as compared with
other states, 1998)
International Assessment of Educational Progress, Science 0.7
(15 nations, 1991)
International Assessment of Educational Progress, Math 2.0
(15 nations, 1991)
International Assessment for the Evaluation of Educational 1.0
Achievement, Reading (24 nations, 1990)
Third International Math and Science Study, Math 1.0
(40 nations, 1995)
Third International Math and Science Study, Science 1.3
(40 nations, 1995)
All results are significant at the p < 0.05 level, with the exception of
the International Assessment of Educational Progress, Science. Numbers
are rounded to the nearest 0.1
SOURCE: Author's estimates from these datasets
John H. Bishop is a professor of human resource studies at Cornell