No Easy Answers: Untangling race and education.
Davies, Gareth
Race and Education, 1954-2007
By Raymond Wolters
University of Missouri Press, 2008, $44.95; 313 pages.
Steady Gains and Stalled Progress: Inequality and the Black-White
Test Score Gap
Katherine Magnuson and Jane Waldfogel (editors)
Russell Sage Foundation, 2008, $42.50; 355 pages.
Each of these books attempts to characterize the educational impact
of the civil rights movement. Wolters is a historian at the University
of Delaware who has written widely on 20th-century race relations in the
United States. Magnuson and Waldfogel are professors of social work, at
Wisconsin and Columbia respectively, and their 16 co-contributors to
Steady Gains and Stalled Progress are all social scientists as well.
That disciplinary divide results in some marked differences in approach.
Wolters constructs a largely chronological history since the first half
century of the 1954 Brown decision, and his case studies of
desegregation-in-action are drawn from contemporary news coverage and
subsequent historical, legal, and political science scholarship. How, he
asks, did judges come to embrace highly ambitious goals of school
integration, having initially believed that the Constitution forbade
official discrimination but did not require actual mixing of the races?
What have been the consequences of that shift for American race
relations? And what have been the consequences for schools, and for
learning outcomes?
Contributors to the Magnuson and Waldfogel collection are
interested only in the third of those questions, with specific reference
to the test-score gap between African American and white children.
Seeking to isolate the multiple factors that combine to determine
educational outcomes, the social scientists mine the mother lode of
educational research in the United States: the National Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP). Between 1971 and 1988, according to NAEP
data, the reading gap between white and black 12th graders declined from
52 points to 20 (the gap also diminished for 4th and 8th graders, albeit
not quite so sharply). By 2004, though, it had widened again, to 29
points, meaning that African American 12th graders were reading at about
the same level as white 8th graders. The curve for math is flatter, but
follows the same basic trajectory.
Both of these books make for uncomfortable reading. The essays in
Steady Gains and Stalled Progress frequently bring to mind the 1966
Coleman Report, which found, to the great surprise of the author and
others, that none of the obvious aspects of educational inequality
(class size, teacher experience and pay, age of buildings, library and
laboratory facilities) seemed to explain the black-white gap in
schooling outcomes. Four decades on, one senses the determination of
Magnuson, Waldfogel, and their colleagues to avoid a similar finding.
Time and again, however, these scrupulous researchers are forced to
conclude that the evidence is mixed or unclear. Just occasionally are
they less equivocal, as when they observe that aggressive integration
policies helped black children during the 1970s, that mounting
socioeconomic inequality after the late 1980s contributed to the
subsequent widening in the test-score gap, and that inequality in the
preschool environment plays an important role in determining later
educational outcomes. When encountering these passages in Steady Gains
and Stalled Progress, one grasps for them, welcoming the momentary
clarity of the findings and the possibility that they might be usable by
policymakers. Yet the sense of relief does not last, for these islands
of clarity are invariably surrounded by a broad sea of circumspection
and equivocation that leave one adrift, wondering just how reliable they
and similar assertions are, and just how policymakers might go about
using this book to improve educational outcomes for minority children.
One is left wondering whether educational research is intrinsically
doomed to provide the classic illustration of Rossi's Law:
"the expected value for any measured effect of a social program is
Wolters's book is discomfiting for a different reason. He
considers it likely that there are hereditary differences in
intelligence between blacks and whites, argues that human beings are
intrinsically and elementally race conscious and race proud, and
concludes that social engineering efforts to force the races together
are doomed to have profoundly unhappy consequences. For all this,
Wolters does not hanker after Jim Crow: he considers legally enforced
segregation to have been wrong, and--shades of Abraham Lincoln here?--he
believes that blacks as individuals deserve an equal opportunity to go
so far as their talents will carry them. In order to distance himself
from charges of racism, he argues that many of his views about race
mixing were common among African American intellectuals in the past, not
least W. E. B. Du Bois (whose career and ideas were the subject of his
previous book).
Race and Education takes a close look at the five jurisdictions
that were directly at issue in Brown and its companion case, Boiling v.
Sharpe: Topeka, Kansas; the District of Columbia; Wilmington, Delaware;
Prince Edward County, Virginia; and Clarendon County, South Carolina.
Because these locales are so very different from one another, they give
one a potentially rich opportunity to probe the determinants of success
or failure: what difference did it make whether desegregation was being
attempted in a depressed agricultural region with a black majority, a
northern industrial city with a medium-sized black population, or a
plains community with comparatively few African Americans? Wolters finds
that wherever integration was attempted, the result was disastrous to
the education system, to both races, and to race relations.
Yet this is surely not the whole picture. To return to Magnuson and
Waldfogel, if desegregation was such an educational failure, why did the
test-score gap diminish so markedly during the 1970s and early 1980s?
Whether or not desegregation contributed to that outcome (the evidence
is inconclusive), it does not seem to have done any harm. Wolters seems
unable to assimilate any evidence that might suggest a more positive
assessment, while grasping at whatever anecdotal evidence or source best
substantiates his tale of woe. Whereas contributors to Steady Gains and
Stalled Progress extrapolate agonizingly tentative findings from
rigorous reading of the available statistical evidence, Wolters derives
sweeping conclusions from a strikingly limited empirical foundation. In
each case, the approach is likely to prevent the volume from having a
very substantial impact.
Gareth Davies is a historian at St. Anne's College, Oxford
University, and author of See Government Grow: Education Politics from
Johnson to Reagan (University Press of Kansas, 2007).