Exam schools from the inside: racially diverse, subject to collective bargaining, fulfilling a need.
Finn, Chester E., Jr. ; Hockett, Jessica
Stuyvesant. Boston Latin. Bronx Science. Thomas Jefferson. Lowell.
Illinois Math and Science Academy. These are some of the
highest-achieving high schools in the United States. In contrast to
elite boarding and day schools such as Andover and Sidwell Friends,
however, they are public. And unlike the comprehensive taxpayer-funded
options in affluent suburbs such as Palo Alto and Winnetka, they
don't admit everyone who lives in their attendance area.
Sometimes called "exam schools," these academically
selective institutions have long been a part of the American
secondary-education landscape. The schools are diverse in origin and
purpose. No single catalyst describes why or how they began as or
morphed into academically selective institutions. Some arose from a
desire (among parents, superintendents, school boards, governors,
legislators) to provide a self-contained, high-powered college-prep
education for able youngsters in a community, region, or state. Others
started through philanthropic ventures or as university initiatives. A
number of them were products of the country's efforts to
desegregate--and integrate--its public-education system, prompted by
court orders, civil rights enforcers and activists, or federal
"magnet school" dollars.
Exam schools are sometimes controversial because
"selectivity" is hard to reconcile with the mission of
"public" education. Even school-choice advocates typically
assert that, while families should be free to choose their
children's schools, schools have no business selecting their
pupils. Other people are troubled by reports of insufficient
"diversity" among the youngsters admitted to such schools.
With such criticisms in mind, we set out to explore this unique and
little-understood sector of the education landscape. Wanting first to
dete-mine how many there are and where they are located, we also
wondered whether the "exam school" could be a worthy response
to the dilemma of how best to develop the talents of our nation's
high-performing and high-potential youth in a climate consumed with gap
closing and leaving no child behind. Could the selective public high
school play a larger role in educating our country's high-achieving
Who Goes There?
Almost all the schools have far more applicants than they can
accommodate. Nearly two-thirds of those surveyed accept fewer than half
of their applicants. About one-quarter also reported rising numbers of
applications in recent years, perhaps due to media attention, awards,
school performance, population growth, and the closing of
underperforming schools in the area. Respondents also noted changes in
the composition of their applicant pools, mainly increases in the number
who are female, Asian, or Hispanic. Several schools reported a decrease
in the number of white applicants in recent years. Nearly all schools we
surveyed engaged in earnest, wide-ranging out-reach to expand or
diversify their applicant pools. A few also engage in "affirmative
action" within the selection process.
The schools' actual admission criteria and procedures are
interesting, variegated, and somewhat sensitive. Some school officials
are uneasy about the practice of selectivity, given possible allegations
of "elitism" and anxiety over pupil diversity. Still, most
rely primarily on applicants' prior school performance and scores
on various tests.
Viewed as a whole, selective public high schools have a surprising
demographic profile. Their overall student body is only slightly less
poor than the universe of U.S. public school students. Some schools, we
expected, would enroll many Asian American youngsters, but we were
struck when they turned out to comprise 21 percent of the schools'
total enrollment, though they make up only 5 percent of students in all
public high schools. More striking still: African Americans are also
"overrepresented" in these schools, comprising 30 percent of
enrollments versus 17 percent in the larger high-school population.
Hispanic students are correspondingly underrepresented, but so are white
youngsters. Individual exam schools often qualify as racially
"imbalanced": in nearly 70 percent of them, half or more of
the students are of one race.
Inside the Schools
The schools we visited were serious, purposeful places: competitive
but supportive, energized yet. calm. Behavior problems (save for
cheating and plagiarism) were minimal and students attended regularly,
often even when ill. The kids wanted to be there, and were motivated to
succeed. (Bear in mind that many of the schools seek such qualities in
their applicants.)
In general, the schools structured their schedules in ways that
facilitate in-depth learning and prepare students for the typical
college schedule: staggered start times, eight-hour days, class periods
of varying lengths, fewer class meeting days per week, and dedicated
time for collaborative and independent research projects. Most
classrooms we observed were alive, engaged places in which teachers
appeared to have high expectations for their pupils and planned their
instruction around the assumption that students can and want to learn.
Most schools offered Advanced Placement (AP) courses or the
International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Several noted that they
"only offer honors and AP courses." A few schools noted that
students do not take AP courses per se, either because they take actual
college classes (at host colleges or through dual-enrollment
arrangements) or because they earn college credit for advanced courses
taught within the school itself
We also came upon other kinds of specialized and advanced courses,
in addition to or in lieu of AP and IB. Schools with a STEM focus or
university affiliations, for example, reported an array of upper-level
science and math courses that few ordinary high schools--even very large
ones--could offer. Among them were Human Infectious Diseases, Chemical
Pharmacology, Logic and Game Theory, and Vector Calculus.
There's lots of homework but ample extracurricular
opportunities, too. We encountered literary magazines, robotics
competitions, sophisticated music and theater offerings, most of the
usual clubs and organizations, plenty of field trips, and no dearth of
sports--though champion football and basketball teams were rare!
Our site visits revealed faculties consisting mostly of
intelligent, dedicated individuals, well grounded in their fields.
Turnover was low. Most teachers belong to unions and are paid on the
"contract scale," but many receive additional compensation for
longer days and extra duties. They tended to come early, stay late, and
design complex assignments and lesson plans that may take as much time
for them to formulate and grade as for their students to complete.
One assumption about selective public schools is that they have
more and "better" teachers. It turns out, however, that their
pupil-teacher ratio is actually a bit higher (17:1) than in all public
high schools (15:1). (One likely reason: not much "special
ed.") The percentage with doctoral degrees is higher, too (11 vs.
1.5 percent), as is the percentage with master's degrees (66 vs. 46
percent.) Nontrivial numbers of teachers also have experience in
industry, science, and universities.
Nearly two-thirds of survey respondents indicated that
teacher-hiring decisions are made at the school level. As for the
criteria they employ in selecting faculty, of greatest importance are
subject-matter knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and expertise, and the
ability to engage adolescent learners. Many schools also seek proven
classroom-management strategies, compatible teaching philosophies,
technology prowess, and collegiality. Some require demonstration lessons
and interviews by current teachers (and sometimes students). And some
criteria are clearly aligned with the schools' singular missions
and student bodies (e.g., PhD in biology, training in AP instruction,
ability to work with gifted pupils).
The schools' principals hailed from various backgrounds. As a
group, however, they exhibited traits that one would expect of leaders
of successful high schools that in some cases are the pride of their
communities and in every case are closely watched: extraordinarily
dedicated and hard-working individuals who are also politically astute.
Governance and Finance
The schools are remarkably varied when it comes to history,
mission, structure, and organizational arrangements. The oldest among
them--New York's Townsend Harris High School, Boston Latin
School--have been around in one form or another for centuries, while
half the schools for which we have such information are creations of the
past two decades. With rare exceptions (mainly in Louisiana), however,
the schools are not charters. Although they're "schools of
choice," they are operated in more top-down fashion by districts,
states, or sometimes universities rather than as freestanding and
self-propelled institutions under their states' charter laws.
We asked survey respondents about waivers and exemptions from the
customary rules and regulations within which public schools operate.
Because many of the schools on our list occupy distinctive niches within
their local communities, districts, or states, we were also curious
whether their teachers are fully subject to the provisions of
collective-bargaining contracts. Most certainly are, but almost one in
five is not (or not fully) subject to seniority-based staffing
A handful of responding schools said either that they are not
required to hire teachers with state certification, or that other
credentials (e.g., PhD in relevant field) preempt certification, at
least for several years. In general, however, routine regulations and
contract provisions prevail. We were struck by how few schools reported
explicit freedom from them. Principals did say, however, that they could
usually "work things out" as needed.
The schools vary widely in funding levels and other resources, from
those that can barely make ends meet on per-pupil allotments that are
lower than other high schools in the area to a few schools that amass
large budgets from multiple sources and boast extraordinary technology
and staffing. But all the schools we visited were worried about budget
cuts associated with economic distress and pressure on state and local
Leaders of these schools felt doubly vulnerable as attention--and
resources were concentrated on low-performing schools and students.
("Smart kids will do fine, regardless, and in any case are not
today's priority" was the undertone they picked up.) Many had
become accustomed to having at least some extra resources, often for
transportation or smaller classes. While some schools benefit from
certain categorical funds (e.g., magnet dollars, STEM, or tech-voc
dollars), many don't qualify for other state and federal programs,
such as Title I, bilingual education, and special education. Most engage
in supplementary private fundraising to sustain resources for
transportation, smaller classes, or other school features to which they
and their students, parents, and teachers are accustomed.
Despite such challenges, the schools seem to enjoy levels of
support that mitigate the budgetary distress and bolster their
resilience. Most, for example, benefit--politically and in other ways,
such as fundraising--from exceptionally devoted friends, sometimes in
high places, including alums, local politicians, business and university
leaders, even journalists. Many have ties with outside organizations,
including universities, labs, and businesses, which bring expertise and
some resources into the school, afford it some political protection, and
supply it with venues for student internships and independent projects.
Some schools are also viewed as magnets for economic development
and talent recruitment for their community or state. School-board
members and district leaders believe that the presence of the school
encourages middle-and upper-middle-class families to stay in town and
stick with public education.
Perhaps most importantly, the schools are blessed with overwhelming
advocacy from alumni and the parents of their students, many of whom
feel that their children are receiving a private school--quality
education at public expense. That parents strongly believe the schools
provide safety (physical, emotional, intellectual), short-and long-term
academic and career opportunities, and social benefits for their
children will likely go a long way toward ensuring the survival of the
schools, if not their expansion or replication.
The AP Quandary
Nearly every school on our list offers a host of AP courses and has
a huge number of students enrolling in them (either by requirement or by
choice) and racking up solid scores on the AP exams. At northern
Virginia's celebrated Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and
Technology, for example, students take an average of seven AP
tests--four are all but universal--and do extremely well, earning scores
of 3 or better on a mind-blowing 98 percent of the 3,357 AP exams that
they sat for in 2010. Here and at many (though not all) schools on our
list, students compete--and are pressed by parents--to rack up as many
AP credits as possible.
Yet today's scramble for entry into top-tier colleges plus the
premium placed (by multiple players) on taking and passing AP exams plus
standardized-test-based accountability pressures emanating from
government do not add up to an optimal environment for these high
schools. Here they don't raise standards as much as they
standardize. They press on students, parents, and teachers in ways that
are plausibly said to discourage experimentation, risk-taking,
unconventional thinking, unique courses, and individualized research, as
well as pedagogical creativity and curricular innovation.
We spoke with frustrated teachers and exasperated administrators,
well aware that they're riding the back of an AP tiger from which
it's hard to dismount, especially for a public school that must
weigh the priorities of parents, taxpayers, and voters. We talked with
highly motivated students, too, who were (as one young man put it)
"exhausted" from carrying course loads that included as many
as six AP classes a semester in pursuit of a high school transcript that
would wow the admissions committees of elite universities.
Some school leaders are pushing back, encouraging teachers to
develop challenging courses that don't fit the AP mold, or offering
college-level courses shorn of the AP label. But only a few--such as the
statewide, residential Illinois Math and Science Academy--have succeeded
in putting their own stamp on the entire curriculum and withstanding the
AP tsunami.
Are Exam Schools Effective?
The selection criteria employed by these schools all but guarantee
students who are likely to do well academically, which raises the
question of whether the schools' generally impressive outcomes are
caused by what happens inside them--their standards, curricula,
teachers, homework--or are largely a function of what the kids bring
with them. The schools' peer culture likely has some influence on
their pupils, too, as do high teacher expectations. Much like private
schools, which are more apt to trade on their reputations and
college-placement records than on hard evidence of what students learn
in their classrooms, the schools on our list generally don't
know--in any rigorous, formal sense--how much their students learn or
how much difference the school itself makes. As one puzzled principal
put it, "Do the kids do well because of us or in spite of us?
We're not sure."
The schools themselves are only partly culpable, however.
They've seldom been asked to justify themselves in terms of
learning gains. They're flooded with eager applicants, media
attention, and accolades. They can proudly demonstrate intricate
research projects, cases full of academic prizes, science-fair and
robotics-competition ribbons, National Merit lists, and messages from
grateful alums. But they have access to little "value-added"
data. Nearly all the tests their pupils take show
"mastery"--like earning a 5 on an AP exam or racking up a
lofty SAT score--rather than serving as before-and-after assessments.
And insofar as their states impose graduation tests as prerequisites for
receiving diplomas, the passing score is generally a cinch for these
The research community has mostly ignored these schools, too. One
recent study by Duke economist Atila Abdulkadiroglu and Joshua D.
Angrist and Parag A. Pathak of MIT--the first of its kind, say the
authors--set out to explore this territory. Using a sophisticated
methodology to look for value-added effects (gauged by scores on state
tests and SAT and AP exams) in six prominent "exam schools" in
Boston and New York City, they didn't find much to applaud:
Our results offer little evidence of an achievement gain for those
admitted to an exam school. ... In spite of their exposure to much
higher-achieving peers and a more challenging curriculum, marginal
students admitted to exam schools generally do no better on a variety
of standardized tests.
A similar study by Roland Fryer and Will Dobbie was confined to the
three oldest and most famous of New York's "exam schools"
and used similar methods. It found that "attending an exam school
increases the rigor of high school courses taken and the probability
that a student graduates with an advanced high school degree" but
"has little impact on Scholastic Aptitude Test scores, college
enrollment, or college graduation."
These pioneering studies are sobering, albeit limited both by their
focus on "marginal" students (those barely over and just under
the schools' entry-score cutoffs) and by their reliance on
short-term measures of effectiveness. The schools' effects on other
kinds of outcomes and over the longer haul are simply unknown, as are
their effects on youngsters whose exam scores were well above the
cut-off. This is obviously a ripe area for further investigation and
analysis, but today it's legitimate to observe, even on the basis
of this limited research, that the burden is shifting to the schools and
their supporters to measure and make public whatever academic benefit
they do bestow on their students versus what similar young people learn
in other settings. The marketplace signals, however, are undeniable: far
more youngsters want to attend these schools than they can accommodate.
Many applicants go to exceptional lengths to prepare for the admissions
gauntlet, which may well lead to more learning in earlier grades than
the same youngsters might have absorbed without this incentive. And we
also know that most of those who are admitted stick with it through
graduation; an average graduation rate of 91 percent was reported by the
schools responding to our survey.
Would America Benefit from More Exam Schools?
At a time when American education is striving to customize its
offerings to students' interests and needs, and to afford families
more choices among schools and education programs, the market is
pointing to the skimpy supply of schools of this kind. Moreover, if the
best of such schools are hothouses for incubating a disproportionate
share of tomorrow's leaders in Science, technology,
entrepreneurship, and other sectors that bear on society's
long-term prosperity and wellbeing, we'd be better off as a country
if we had more of them.
This challenge, however, goes far beyond the specialized world of
selective high schools. it's evident from multiple studies that our
K-12 education system overall is doing a mediocre job of serving its
"gifted and talented" youngsters and is paying too little
attention to creating appealing and viable opportunities for advanced
learning. What policymakers have seen as more urgent needs (for basic
literacy, adequate teachers, sufficient skills to earn a living, for
example) have generally prevailed. The argument for across-the-board
talent development has been trumped by "closing the achievement
gap" and focusing on test scores at the low end.
American education coma and should be doing much more to help every
youngster achieve all that he or she is capable of. A major push to
strengthen the cultivation of future leaders is overdue, and any such
push should include careful attention to the "whole school"
model. Such institutions can develop a critical mass of instructional
tools and equipment, financial resources, reputations, alumni/ae, and
outside supporters that is hard to assemble for a smallish program
within a comprehensive school. And the critical-mass effect is visible
in the curriculum, too. Instead of isolated honors and AP classes,
single-purpose schools can amass entire sequences at that level. They
can also develop courses that go beyond AP offerings, do more with
individual student projects, concentrate their counseling efforts on
college placement, and muster teams of eager students (and teachers) for
science competitions and the like.
Insofar as students benefit from peer effects in class-rooms,
corridors, and clubs, and insofar as being surrounded by other smart
kids challenges these students (and wards off allegations of
"nerdiness"), schools with overall cultures of high academic
attainment are apt to yield more such benefits.
Finally, viewed as a community asset, having an entire school of
this sort to show parents, colleges, employers, firms looking to
relocate, real estate agents, and others can bring a kind of elan or
appeal to a place that may also help with economic development, the
retention of middle-class families, and more. It's also a fact,
however, that in times when resources are tight, communities and states
are unlikely to hasten to create many more selective high schools, even
where the reasons for doing so may be compelling.
Whether we deploy many more "whole schools" of this kind
or opt mainly for specialized courses and programs within ordinary
schools, the kinds of rigorous and advanced education that
selective-admission schools seek to provide, and the youngsters that
they serve, need to rise higher in our national consciousness and our
policy priorities.
RELATED ARTICLE: Defining--and Finding--the Schools
The term "exam school" typically refers to schools that
admit applicants mainly on the basis of their scores on entrance exams
developed by the school itself. And that turns out to be true for some.
Many more, however, have admissions processes that resemble those of
selective colleges. To qualify for our list, a school had to be a
publicly funded, freestanding institution (not a program or school
within another school) that includes 12th grade, emphasizes
"academics" (i.e., is devoted primarily to preparing its
students for college, which omitted a number of arts-oriented schools),
and uses a competitive process to select among its applicants based on
such academic criteria as grades and test scores.
We located 165 such schools, unevenly scattered across 30 states
and the District of Columbia. Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia turned
out to have many such schools, while Los Angeles, Denver, and
Minneapolis have none. Although median enrollment is about 1,000,
enrollment ranges from 68 students to nearly 5,000. Altogether, the
schools enroll some 136,000 pupils, about 1 percent of the
country's high-school population.
List in hand, we surveyed the leaders of these schools, then
visited 11 of them. Along the way, we learned much that both confirmed
and challenged many assumptions and preconceptions about this
specialized type of secondary school.
Chester E. Finn, Jr. is president of the Thomas B. Fordham
Institute and senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover
Institution. Jessica Hockett is an educational consultant specializing
in differentiated instruction, curriculum design, and teacher
professional development. This article is based on the authors'
forthcoming book, Exam Schools: Inside America's Most Selective
Public High Schools (Princeton University Press), a joint undertaking of
the Hoover Institution's Koret Task Force on K-12 Education and the
Thomas B. Fordham Institute.