The school inspector calls.
Hussain, Iftikhar
In an effort to make public organizations more efficient,
government round the world make use of hard performance targets, such as
student test scores for public schools and patient waiting times for
health-care systems. Accountability based on objective performance
measures has the benefit of being transparent. One potential drawback is
that such schemes may lead to gaming behavior in a setting where the
available performance measures focus on just one dimension of a
multifaceted outcome.
Subjective performance evaluation holds the promise of measuring
what matters. When evaluators are allowed to exercise their own
judgment, rather than following a formal decision rule, however, the
subjective measure may be corrupted by such behaviors as favoritism. One
type of subjective evaluation, onsite inspection, is nonetheless used in
many school systems around the world. In-class evaluations by external
assessors have been proposed recently in the United States for the K-12
sector, as well as for the Head Start preschool program. Yet there is
very little evidence to date on the validity of inspection ratings and
the effectiveness of inspection-based accountability systems in
improving school quality.
This study evaluates a subjective performance-evaluation regime in
place in the English public school system since the early 1990s. Under
this regime, independent inspectors visit schools, assess schools'
performance, and disclose their findings on the Internet. Inspectors
combine hard metrics, such as test scores, with softer ones, such as
observations of classroom teaching, in order to arrive at an overall
judgment of school quality. Schools that receive a fail rating may be
subject to sanctions, such as more frequent and intensive inspections.
I provide evidence on the effectiveness of several aspects of the
inspections system. First, I demonstrate that inspection ratings can aid
in distinguishing between more-and less-effective schools, even after
controlling for test scores and various other school characteristics.
Second, exploiting a natural experiment, I show that a fail inspection
rating leads to test-score gains for primary school students that remain
evident even after the students move into secondary schools. I find no
evidence that schools that receive a fail rating are able to inflate
test-score performance by gaming the system, suggesting that oversight
by inspectors may mitigate such strategic behavior.
The English School Inspection System
The English public schooling system combines centralized testing
with school inspections. Over the period relevant to this study, tests
took place when students were age 7, 11, 14, and 16; these are known as
the Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 4 tests, respectively. Successive
governments have used the results of Key Stage tests, especially Key
Stages 2 and 4, as performance measures when holding schools to account.
Since the early 1990s, a government agency called the Office for
Standards in Education, or Ofsted, has inspected all English public
schools. Ofsted has three primary functions: 1) to offer feedback to the
school principal and teachers; 2) to provide information to parents to
aid their decisionmaking process; and 3) to identify schools that suffer
from "serious weak-ness." Although Ofsted employs its own
in-house team of inspectors, the agency contracts out the majority of
inspections to a handful of private-sector and nonprofit organizations
via a competitive bidding process. Ofsted retains responsibility for
setting overall strategic goals and objectives, putting in place a
framework to guide the inspection process, and monitoring the quality of
Over the time period covered by this study, schools were generally
inspected once during each three- to six-year inspection cycle. An
inspection involves an assessment of a school's performance on
academic and other measured outcomes, followed by an onsite visit to the
school, typically lasting one or two days for primary schools.
Inspectors arrive at the school on very short notice (maximum of two to
three days), which should limit schools' ability to make
last-minute preparations for the visit. Inspections take place
throughout the academic year, September to July.
During the onsite visit, inspectors collect qualitative evidence on
performance and practices at the school. A key element of this is
classroom observation. In addition, inspectors hold in-depth interviews
with the school leadership, examine students' work, and engage in
discussions with students and parents. The evidence gathered by the
inspectors during their visit, as well as test-performance data, form
the evidence base for each school's inspection report. The school
receives an explicit headline grade, ranging between 1
("Outstanding") and 4 ("Unsatisfactory," also known
as a fail rating). The full inspection report is made available to
students and parents and is posted on the Internet.
There are two categories of fail, a moderate fail (known as
"Notice to Improve") and a more severe fail ("Special
Measures"), which carry different sanctions. Schools that receive a
moderate fail rating are subject to additional inspections, with an
implicit threat of a downgrade to the severe fail category if inspectors
judge improvements to be inadequate. Schools that receive the severe
fail rating may experience more dramatic consequences: these can include
changes in the school leadership team and the school's governing
board, increased resources, as well as increased oversight from the
Over the period, September 2006 to July 2009, 13 percent of schools
received the best rating, "Outstanding"; 48 percent received a
"Good" rating; 33 percent received a "Satisfactory"
rating; and 6 percent received a "Fail" rating. The fail group
included 4.5 percent of schools receiving the moderate fail rating and
1.5 percent of schools receiving the severe fail rating.
Official policy statements indicate that inspectors place
substantial weight on test scores, which is borne out by analysis of the
data. A decline of 10 national percentile points on a school's test
performance in the year before inspection is associated with a 3
percentage point rise in the likelihood of being rated fail, taking into
account the proportion of students eligible for free lunch, as well as
the local authority in which the school is located. Nevertheless, test
scores are not the only measure inspectors use to rate schools. Around
25 percent of schools that had scored in the bottom quarter nationally
on the test were rated Outstanding or Good during the 2006 to 2009
Validating Inspection Ratings
I first investigate whether inspection ratings convey any
information on school quality beyond what is captured by test-score
rankings. The critical question is whether inspectors visiting the
school are able to gather and summarize information about school quality
that is not already publicly available. If inspectors rely mostly or
exclusively on test scores to arrive at the overall rating, then these
ratings will not provide new information to educators, parents, and
I test the validity of the inspection ratings by examining to what
extent these ratings can forecast measures of school quality not
observed by the inspectors, after taking into account the measures they
do observe. I construct two measures of school quality--student
perceptions of teacher practices and parent satisfaction--using data
from the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE), a major
survey supported by the Department for Education. Students age 14 are
asked how likely teachers are to: take action when a student breaks
rules, make students work to their full capacity, keep order in class,
assign homework, check that any homework that is assigned is done, and
grade students' work. Parents are asked about their satisfaction
with the interest teachers show in the child, school discipline,
child's school progress, and feedback from teachers.
I combine the student questions into a single measure of student
perceptions of teacher practices and the parent questions into a single
measure of parent satisfaction. I then examine whether these survey
measures, which are not observed by the inspectors, are higher in
schools that received better inspection ratings, controlling for various
characteristics of the schools and survey respondents. For this
analysis, school characteristics taken into account include national
percentile test rank, the proportion of students eligible for a free
lunch, whether the school is secular or religious, and the local
education authority in which it is located. Student factors include
prior test score, gender, ethnic background, parents' education,
income and economic activity, and whether the family receives government
My results confirm that lower inspection ratings are associated
with sharply declining school quality as measured by student perceptions
of teacher practices. The strength of this relationship may be gauged by
comparing the change in quality associated with changes in the
school's position in the national test-score ranking: the results
show that an increase of 50 percentile points is associated with an
increase of 0.15 standard deviations in student perceptions of teacher
practices (see Figure 1). A two-unit improvement in the inspection
rating, such as from Satisfactory to Outstanding, is associated with an
even larger increase of 0.21 standard deviations.
A Valuable Tool (Figure 1)
When test scores are higher, student and parent ratings are also
higher; a similar relationship holds for inspection ratings even
after con trolling for test scores, which suggests that inspections
are a valuable additional source of information about schools.
Student ratings Parental
of teacher satisfaction
practice with school
Higher inspection 021 ** 0.17 **
rating (by two
Higher test scores 0.15 ** 0.04
(by 50 percentile
** indicates statistical significance at the 99 percent confidence
NOTE: The relationships displayed In the figure control for
respondent characteristics and school characteristics including
prior Inspection ratings.
SOURCE: Authors' calculations
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Results for the parent satisfaction measure are very similar to
those reported for the teacher practices measure. A two-unit increase in
the inspection rating is associated with an increase of 0.17 standard
deviations in the parent satisfaction measure. The relationship between
test scores and parental satisfaction, however, is statistically
insignificant after controlling for inspection ratings. In short, this
analysis confirms that inspection ratings can help detect differences in
teacher practice and parental satisfaction among schools with similar
test-score rankings and socioeconomic composition.
The Effect of a Fail Inspection on Test Scores
What is the effect of a fail inspection on students'
subsequent test scores? The challenge to answering this question is that
receiving a fail rating is based at least partly on past test
performance. Schools that have a bad year on the standardized test are
more likely to receive a fail rating when they are next inspected. If
the low score is due in part to bad luck, the score is likely to
increase the next year, toward the school's typical performance.
Thus, schools that receive fail ratings may appear to improve in the
following year for reasons other than the fail rating.
I address this concern by comparing schools inspected early in the
year to those inspected late in the year. This analysis exploits a
specific feature of the English testing system, namely, that the age-11
tests take place each year over five days in the second week of May. The
results are released in mid-July. Schools that are inspected and receive
a fail rating early in the academic year can respond to that rating and
potentially improve their scores by the time of the May test. But
schools that are failed later in the year--in particular, those that are
failed after mid-May--cannot. I therefore estimate the effect of
receiving a fail rating by comparing the May test results for schools
inspected very early in the same academic year, the treatment group,
with a comparison group of schools inspected after the test is taken in
early May but before the results are released in July. The key idea is
that inspectors have the same information on past test scores for both
groups of schools.
I conduct this analysis using mathematics and English test scores
for schools failed in one of the four academic years, 2005-06 to
2008-09. The key comparison is between students enrolled in schools that
received a fail rating in the early part of the academic year, September
to November (the treatment group) with those attending schools that
received a fail rating late in the academic year, mid-May to mid-July
(the control group). It is important to bear in mind that this
methodology does not compare the effect of attending a school that
received a fail rating with the effect of attending a school that
received a higher rating.
The validity of this approach is supported by the fact that the
treatment and comparison groups in general have very similar student and
school characteristics. The proportion of students receiving a free
school lunch, the proportion of students who are white British, student
performance on the age-11 test in the prior year, and the school's
inspection rating from the previous inspection round are all similar, on
average, in the treatment and control schools.
The results indicate that the effect of receiving a fail rating is
to raise standardized test scores in a school by 0.12 standard
deviations in math and by 0.07 to 0.09 standard deviations in English.
These gains, which roughly equate to between one-third and one-half a
year of typical instruction, are especially noteworthy given that they
can only reflect the efforts of schools made bet ween an inspection in
the period from September to November and the tests administered in May,
a maximum of eight months.
Testing for Strategic Behavior
An outstanding question is whether these improvements reflect
strategic behavior by schools that face strong incentives to improve
their test scores. These strategies could include the removal of
low-performing students from the testing pool, teaching to the test, and
targeting students close to the mandated proficiency threshold. I
conduct three tests for the presence of these types of strategic
First, I examine to what extent gains in test scores following the
fail rating are accounted for by selectively removing low-performing
students. Specifically, I examine whether the results change when I
adjust my results to account for differences in student characteristics,
including prior (age 7) test scores; gender; eligibility for free lunch;
special education needs; month of birth; whether first language is
English; ethnic background; and census information on the home
neighborhood deprivation index. I find that controlling for these
factors in the analysis has little impact on the estimated effect of
receiving a fail rating. In other words, it doesn't appear that
schools try to game the system by systematically discouraging certain
groups of students from taking the exam.
Second, I investigate whether there is any evidence that teachers
target students on the margin of attaining "Level 4"
proficiency; the percentage of students attaining that proficiency level
is the key government target for age-11 students. Following a fail
rating, the incentives to maximize students passing over the threshold
are more intense than prior to the fail rating. Schools may therefore
try to target resources toward students on the margin of attaining this
threshold, to the detriment of students far below and far above.
I address this issue by examining whether the fail rating effect
varies by students' prior ability and find a strong inverse
relationship between prior ability and the effects of attending a school
that received a fail rating. The fail rating effect for students with
test scores in the bottom quarter prior to the treatment year is 0.20
and 0.14 standard deviations in mathematics and English, respectively
(see Figure 2). Students in the middle of the prior test-score
distribution also experience substantial gains of roughly 0.10 to 0.12
standard deviations in math and 0.08 to 0.10 standard deviations in
English. The gains for students with prior scores in the top quarter are
the smallest, at 0.05 and 0.03 standard deviations in mathematics and
English, respectively.
A Boost at the Bottom (Figure 2)
The positive effect of a fail rating is strongest for students with
the lowest prior achievement.
Effect of a Fail Inspection Rating on Test Scores, by Prior
Achievement Level
Math English
Bottom 0.20 ** 0.14 **
2 0.12 ** 0.10 *
3 0.10 * 0.08 *
Top 0.05 0.03
Quarter of prior achievement, measured at age 7
** indicates statistical significance at the 99 percent confidence
NOTE: The relationships displayed in the figure control for
respondent characteristics and school characteristics including
prior Inspection ratings.
SOURCE: Authors' calculations
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Why are the effects of a fail rating largest for students with low
prior test scores? One potential explanation relates to differences
within the schools in the degree to which parents are able to hold
teachers accountable. Parents of children scoring low on the age-7 test
are poorer than average and may be less able to assess their
child's progress and the quality of instruction provided by the
school. Teachers may exert lower levels of effort for students whose
parents are less vocal about quality of instruction. My results suggest
that, following a fail rating and the subsequent increased oversight of
schools, teachers increase their effort. This rise in effort may be
greatest where previously there was the greatest slack.
Finally, I examine whether any gains in test scores in the year of
the fail rating are sustained in the years following the inspection.
This provides an indirect test of the extent of teaching to the test, as
gains due to crude test-prep strategies are less likely to persist over
time than gains produced by improved instruction. Specifically, I
examine whether the effects on age-11 test scores can be detected when
the students are tested again at age 14, three years after the students
have left the primary school. This is a fairly stringent test of gaming
behavior, because prior research has found evidence of
"fade-out" of test-score gains even when there are no strong
incentives to boost test scores artificially.
The results show that a fail rating raises average math and English
test scores by 0.05 standard deviations three years after leaving the
primary school. These medium-term gains are largest for lower-performing
students, in line with earlier results showing large gains for these
groups in the year of inspection.
How best to design incentives for public organizations such as
schools is a fundamental public policy challenge. One solution,
performance evaluation on the basis of test scores, is prevalent in many
countries. This paper evaluates an alternative approach, school
inspections, which may better capture the multifaceted nature of
education production. A key concern under such a regime is that it is
open to manipulation.
My first set of results demonstrates that inspector ratings are
correlated with student- and parent-reported measures of school quality,
even after controlling for test-score results and other school
characteristics. In other words, inspectors are able to discriminate
between more-and less-effective schools, and, significantly, report
their findings even when the stakes are high. Simply disseminating
inspection ratings and reports may therefore better inform consumers and
other decisionmakers in the education sector.
My main finding is that receiving a fail inspection rating leads to
test-score improvements of around 0.1 standard deviations. There is
little evidence to suggest that schools are able to inflate test
performance artificially by gaming the system. If inspectors are able to
evaluate actual practices and instructional quality at the school, both
before and after an inspection, then inspections may well have a
mitigating effect on such unintended responses.
Finally, the data reveal that the fail rating effects are
especially large for students with low prior test scores. The gains are
large when compared to other possible policy interventions, such as the
effects of attending a school with higher average achievement levels or
enrolling in a charter school. These results are consistent with the
view that children of low-income parents, arguably the least vocal in
holding teachers accountable, benefit the most from inspections.
Consequently, the findings of this study may be especially relevant in
the current policy environment where, first, there is heightened concern
about raising standards for this group of children and, second, these
students are hard to reach using other policy levers.
Iftikhar Hussain is a lecturer in the Department of Eco at the
University of Sussex.