MOOCs for high school: unlocking opportunities or substandard learning?
Horn, Michael B.
If 2012 was the year of the MO0C--massive open online course--then
2013 was the year the MOOC hype returned to Earth. Largely lost in the
coverage in both years, however, was the impact MOOCs might have in high
schools. Although the jury is still out on that question, high schools
around the country are experimenting with adding MOOCs to their
MOOCs burst into the public consciousness in 2011 with the online
debut of a Stanford professor's course on artificial intelligence
that drew 160,000 students from around the globe. The professor,
Sebastian Thrun, followed up the course by creating a company, Udacity,
which offered free online courses to the world and spawned the formation
of a new sector in educa-tion--the so-called MOOC companies. Most
notably, MIT and Harvard joined forces to create a nonprofit MOOC
provider, edX, and two other Stanford professors formed Coursera, which
initially signed up several elite colleges to create free online
courses. By the end of 2013, more than 5 million students had enrolled
in Coursera courses, and the company had raised over $85 million in
venture financing. (Disclosure: I cotaught a course on Coursera on
blended learning for educators.)
National newspaper columnists wondered if this was the beginning of
the disruption of higher education. If one could place MIT's
courses online and offer them for nearly free, why should students pay
exorbitant tuition and go into debt at a traditional college?
In 2013, people realized that the world might be more complicated.
The low completion rates--often less than 10 percent--for MOOCs drew
attention: some wondered if the courses the MOOC companies offered were
relevant for the students who might benefit most from a low-cost college
experience, and higher-education commentators asked whether students
attending college were buying access to academic content or something
else, like the credential or the network, that a college offers.
The MOOC companies have continued to evolve, meanwhile, as they
seek to improve their offerings and create business models that are
sustainable, which has meant finding ways to charge for their products.
At the time of this writing, it appears that the MOOC companies will
survive and have an impact by moving beyond simply offering MOOCs,
although they will continue to provide free online college-level
The next question is, Could the original form of the MOOC transform
teaching and learning in high schools?
The original MOOC offerings are not much more than courseware, that
is, digital versions of educational meterials. They do not offer a full
class experience, with a teacher dedicated to a contained group of
students, but do offer more than just recorded lectures. MOOCs bundle
various types of content--generally chunked-up lectures from college
professors; assignments, quizzes, and some outside reading; and a
discussion board, in which students--generally numbering in the
thousands--and the teacher can interact.
The classes are in many ways similar to the online course content
K-12 schools have had access to for more than a decade from companies
like Apex Learning, Aventa Learning, Compass Learning, and Edgenuity,
with a few significant differences, some positive and others negative.
First, on the positive side, in their most basic form, MOOCs are
free. For cash-strapped public school systems, this is enticing. For
schools, having access to the content from an online course for free
instead of buying content from one of the established online course
providers could represent real savings, as many online course providers
charge schools well north of $100 per student for access to all or most
of their courses.
The state of Florida gave schools that opportunity when Governor
Rick Scott signed a law in 2013 permitting MOOCs to be taken for credit
in any subject where the state had an end-of-course exam, such as
algebra and biology. According to the Miami Herald, Miami-Dade, Broward,
and Pinellas counties are all experimenting with the MOOC format in the
current school year, with an expectation that their pilots will expand
across the state. Broward College is even working on a high
school--friendly MOOC that integrates game-based learning techniques.
Entities like the Smithsonian Institution, according to Education
Week, are also using the MOOC format to create partnerships with
students and teachers around the world and deliver educational
opportunities that previously required a field trip, including
interactive experiences for students and trainings for teachers.
Coursera is using its MOOCs to create professional-development
opportunities for K-12 teachers. These efforts also create opportunities
for districts to save substantial sums of money.
Second, access to MOOCs from top colleges represents an intriguing
opportunity: the potential to disrupt Advanced Placement (AP) courses
and tests. Several educators have questioned the quality of the AP
courses and exams as they have become more widespread and democratized,
and some colleges do not award credit for high marks on the AP exams.
But what if a student could pass a physics course from MIT? Would that
carry more weight from the perspective of a college than earning a top
score of 5 on the AP Physics exam?
Undergirding the potential benefits of MOOCs in K-12 schools is an
access and equity agenda: extending access to all students, regardless
of zip code or SAT scores, to the "best" from the
nation's education system. One superintendent of a large, urban
school district said that low-income high-school students in his
district were beginning to take MOOCs in greater numbers than students
from more privileged backgrounds. His challenge was to figure out a way
to give them credit for their work, but he thought surely colleges would
look highly upon a resume full of MOOCs taken and mastered. The
opportunity to extend access for free to personali7ed, student-centered
online offerings--the promise that generates hype around online
learning--would be a boon.
The list of negatives begins here, however, and casts doubt on the
potential of MOOCs to revolutionize high school. On average, MOOCs are
not great educational experiences. They are not yet the beacons of
personalized learning people hope they will one day be. Many MOOC
providers have reinforced the notion of time-based learning and so far
have missed the opportunity to advance competency-based learning. Many
others have noted that MOOCs by themselves are only suited for students
who are motivated, independent learners. Leaving aside low completion
rates, the reasons for which are complicated, most MOOCs today have been
built with far less attention to learning design than have courses from
established K-12 online learning companies. Professors from elite
colleges typically know little about pedagogy, even as they have
expertise in their particular subject matter. As a result, the pedagogy
behind most MOOCs is weak, and the MOOCs are not well suited for high
school students.
This feeds into another negative, which is that the online content
is not the most expensive part of offering an online course. Instead, as
in all of K-12 education, the human resources--namely the teachers who
interact with students--drive the costs. In Florida, the new law
requires that Florida-certified teachers manage the MOOCs for the course
providers. It is hard to imagine that to the extent MOOCs gain adoption
in K-12 schools that they will do so without certified teachers playing
a significant role. Perhaps MOOCs will offer schools far less savings or
success than they might hope.
But if MOOCs can provide an avenue for gifted students to unlock
opportunities that they would never otherwise have--through the
disruption of AP courses and by offering unusual learning
experiences--perhaps that would be impact enough. As Chester Finn and
others have observed, far too many U.S. schools neglect their gifted
students, with untold consequences.
If MOOCs could disrupt the AP system in the short term, then that
could be just the foothold they need to have even more impact over the
longer haul.
MOOCs from top colleges represent an intriguing opportunity: the
potential to disrupt Advanced Placement (AP) courses and tests.
Michael B. Horn is cofounder of the Clayton Christensen Institute
for Disruptive Innovation and serves as the executive director of its
education program.