The rise of micro-schools: combinations of private, blended, and at-home schooling meet needs of individual students.
Horn, Michael B.
schooling termed micro-schools are popping up.
As of yet, there is no common definition that covers all these
schools, which vary not only by size and cost but also in their
education philosophies and operating models. Think one-room schoolhouse
meets blended learning and home schooling meets private schooling.
As Matt Candler, founder of 4.0 Schools, writes, "What makes a
modern micro-school different from a 19th century, one-room school-house
is that old school schools only had a few ways to teach--certainly no
software, no tutors, and probably less structure around student to
student learning. In a modern micro-school, there are ways to get good
data from each of these venues. And the great micro-school of the future
will lean on well-designed software to help adults evaluate where each
kid is learning."
Several factors are driving their emergence. Micro-schools are
gaining traction among families who are dissatisfied with the quality of
public schooling options and cannot afford or do not want to pay for a
traditional private-school education. These families want an option
other than home schooling that will personalize instruction for their
child's needs. A school in which students attend a couple days a
week or a small school with like-minded parents can fit the bill.
Some trace the micro-school's origins to the United Kingdom,
where over the past decade people began applying the term micro-schools
to small independent and privately funded schools that met at most two
days a week. As in the United States, the impetus for their formation
was dissatisfaction with local schooling options. Although
home-schooling families have for some time created cooperatives to gain
some flexibility for the adults and socialization for the children, the
micro-schooling phenomenon is more formal.
One of the early U.S. micro-schools, QuantumCamp was founded in the
winter of 2009 in Berkeley, California, out of a dare that one
couldn't teach quantum physics in a simple way. The result was the
development of a course that would be accessible to children as young as
12. The school now offers a complete hands-on math and science
curriculum for students in 1st through 8th grade, and serves about 150
home schoolers during the school year; double that number attend the
summer program. Tuition ranges from $600 to $2,400 depending on the
program and enrollment period. In 2013 QuantumCamp introduced language
arts courses. Each academic class meets once a week for an
activity-based exploration of big ideas and then offers out-of-class
content that includes videos, readings, problem sets, podcasts, and
other activities to enable students to continue exploring concepts at
their own pace.
Acton Academy
At roughly the same time as QuantumCamp's founding, in Austin,
Texas, Jeff Sandefer, founder of the nationally acclaimed Acton School
of Business, and his wife Laura, who has a master's degree in
education, launched Acton Academy. In creating the five-day-a-week,
all-day school, the couple sought to ensure that their own children
wouldn't be "talked at all day long" in a traditional
classroom. The Acton Academy's mission is "to inspire each
child and parent who enters [its] doors to find a calling that will
change the world." The school promises that students will embark on
a "hero's journey" to discover the unique contributions
that they can make toward living a life of meaning and purpose.
With tuition of $9,515 per year, Acton Academy initially enrolled
12 students and has since 2009 grown to serve 75 students in grades 1 to
9. The school has learning guides--they aren't called
teachers--whose role is to push students to own their learning. The
model enables the academy to have far fewer on-site adults per student
than a traditional independent school and to operate at a cost of
roughly $4,000 per student per year.
Acton compresses students' core learning into a
two-and-a-half-hour personalized-learning period each day during which
students learn mostly online. This affords time for three two-hour
project-based learning blocks each week, a Socratic seminar each day,
game play on Fridays, ample art and physical education offerings, and
many social experiences. The Socratic discussions teach students to
talk, listen, and challenge ideas in a face-to-face circle of peers and
guides. The projects require the students to work in teams to apply the
knowledge they have learned. They also foster a "need to know"
mind-set to motivate the online learning and provide a public,
portfolio-based means for students to demonstrate achievement.
Early results appear impressive, as the first group of students
gained 2.5 grade levels of learning in their first 10 months. Now the
school is spreading. There are currently eight Acton Academies
operating--seven of them in the United States. Twenty-five are slated to
be open by 2015. The Sandefers are not operating them, however; they
provide communities that want to open an Acton clone a do-it-yourself
kit plus limited consulting and access to wiki discussion groups. They
are developing a game-based learning tool to help prepare Acton Academy
owners and the learning guides in the schools. Tuition at the academies
ranges from $4,000 per year to $9,900.
Another micro-school network in the Bay Area turned heads this past
March, and placed the micro-school trend firmly on the map, when it
raised a whopping $33 million in venture capital financing from
prominent venture capital firms Andreesen Horowitz and Founders Fund.
AltSchool, a five-day-a-week, all-day school founded by serial
entrepreneur Max Ventilla, promises to prepare children for the world of
2030 by offering personalized learning, access to teachers at a very low
ratio--currently 8-to-l--and a micro-school network "that offers
the warmth of a tight community while benefiting from the extensive,
continuous research and analysis of in-house education architects."
Key to the development of the AltSchool model is a proprietary,
integrated software backbone that will handle everything from student
learning in its schools to the operations of a network of private
micro-schools. As at Acton Academy, students are grouped only loosely by
age. Students spend about half their time on core subjects and work
through personalized playlists built around third-party curricular
materials. The rest of the day is spent on longer-term projects that can
span as many as six weeks, according to a profile of the school in Fast
Four AltSchools are open in San Francisco, with a combined 150
students enrolled, and more locations are coming, including schools in
Palo Alto and Brooklyn Heights, New York, in the fall of 2015. Tuition
ranges from $20,875 for elementary school in San Francisco to $28,250
for the Brooklyn middle school. For additional fees, each individual
AltSchool will bring in specialists outside of the core school day to
teach extracurricular classes based on the interests of the
school's families. AltSchool plans to drop its price tag
significantly in the years ahead as the software improves, the school
network scales, and it can bring down the internal cost each year.
Will it work? We'll see, but notably, Ventilla told Fast
Company that the traditional randomized-control trial approach to
research is meaningless in a "personalization first" context.
"You're not thinking about the global population as one unit
that gets this experience or that experience," he told the
magazine. "Something that's better for 70% of the kids and
worse for 30% of the kids--that's an unacceptable outcome for us.
AltSchool isn't a particular approach."
Echoing the sentiment, Azra Mehdi, a parent at AltSchool, said,
"One of the reasons we looked to AltSchool was because of the
personalized aspect of the learning.... [We] didn't want him to be
one of 35 kids with one teacher, to get lost in the cracks. Parochial
schools were too rigid, and would dampen his spirit and
That sums up much of the ethos of the micro-schools: a fidelity to
personalization and success for all in small communities. And the trend
looks likely to grow.
Inspired in part by the micro-schools like Acton Academy that use
his software, the prince of online and personalized learning himself,
Sal Khan, launched his own micro-school in the fall of 2014 in Mountain
View, California. The Khan Lab School, which charges $22,000, opened
with roughly 35 students and intends "to research blended learning
and education innovation by creating a working model of Khan
Academy's philosophy of learning in a physical school environment
and sharing the learnings garnered with schools and networks around the
world." As Isabella, an 11-year-old student who previously attended
a nearby public school, said, "Here it's different from my old
school because you're doing your own playlist and you have more
Mandeep Dhillon, a parent with two children enrolled at Khan Lab
School, amplified the differences. "After a while we realized,
public, private school didn't matter. Kids were being programmed in
chunks," he said. "I hate the term home schooling because
it's based on location. It's not really about having them at
home. What we're trying to do is build an independent path.
It's not about the schooling, it's about experiences."
As these small schools proliferate, their impact on the wider world
of schooling--public and private--is potentially large, but still
anything but certain.
Michael B. Horn is co-founder of the Clayton Christensen Institute
and serves as executive director of its education program.