Urban quality of life: An overview.
Randall, James E. ; Williams, Allison M.
This volume of papers reflects a rediscovery of interest in the
concepts of quality of life, social well-being, and social or
sustainability indicators research. (1) Much of this heightened interest
has been generated as a result of institutional efforts to measure, in a
more systematic and seemingly more objective manner, community and
individual well-being. Indicators cover not only traditional
census-based categories of economic and demographic structure, but also
environmental and social dimensions (Federation of Canadian
Municipalities 2001, Ontario Social Development Council 2000, Murdie et
al. 1992). Although the authors in this volume provide their own
insights into the renewed interest in quality of life and indicator
research, we feel that much of the institutional and grassroots interest
in these topics is captured in the following four factors:
1. Concern expressed by many non-governmental organizations and
community groups over trends in poverty rates, homelessness,
un/underemployment and other "markers" of decline in social
program expenditures from different government levels.
2. "Jobless economic growth," that is, improvements in
economic indicators accompanied by worsening social conditions, renewing
a call for alternative or complementary social indicators to GDP and
other bellwether economic figures.
3. Shifts in government to community accountability, notable in the
"benchmark" movement by states and municipalities in the
United States and, more recently, by Canadian provincial governments and
municipalities, in which governments attempt to report to citizens on
the basis of achievements or outcome indicators rather than simply on
process, including where and how public money is spent.
4. Attempts by a variety of community-based organizations and
public institutions to bridge the gap between sectors and departments,
in which "quality of life" becomes a superordinate construct
allowing diverse interests to analyse community and social issues more
Several of the papers in this volume cite definitions for the term
"quality of life" and it may be useful to the reader at this
point to have a working introduction to this term. In reviewing other
definitions of QOL, Donald suggests that the common ground seems to be
"...the extent to which the necessary conditions for personal
satisfaction and happiness -- those attributes of the environment that
stimulate satisfaction -- are achieved." Massam and Everitt, in
their work-in-progress, rely upon a combination of Renwick and
Brown's (1996) definition (that is, "how good one's life
is for an individual") and Clark's (2000) suggestion that
"quality of life for an individual is affected significantly by his
or her social environment". Townshend makes a distinction between
QOL and well-being. He notes that while both concepts incorporate both
objective and subjective conditions of people's lives, QOL also
incorporates additional individual psychological attributes. Given these
various definitions, we have tried to incorporate the interplay between
the individual and the surrounding household, neighbourhood, and
community environments within which individuals live. As such, our
working interpretation is that quality of life is subjective, shaped by
the surrounding environment, and broadly-based. It is defined by the
individual but formalized by the community. It links our internally held
goals and values with the world around us.
The papers in this volume run from the purely conceptual (Holden
and Donald) to those that combine theory with case studies on
quality-of-life (Townshend, Massam and Everitt, Williams and Randall).
Although this volume is entitled "urban" quality-of-life, the
contributions vary considerably in their treatment of place, both in
terms of scale and geographical setting. Townshend, as well as Williams
and Randall, take an intra-urban comparative perspective, addressing QOL
at the level of the neighbourhood. Maclaren compares community indicator
reports across North American cities, while the findings of Donald and
Holden can be applied at the city, region or national level. All but one
of the papers are focused specifically on industrialized or more
developed urban settings. Although Massam and Everitt provide an
inter-urban comparison of three communities, they offer theadditional
element of examining QOL in a less developed setting, in this case
western Mexico.
Townshend's paper was placed first in this collection because
it provides a succinct introduction to the concepts of quality of life
and well-being. These concepts are then applied in a spatially-informed
empirical comparison of wellbeing across a set of neighbourhoods in
Lethbridge, Alberta. This paper integrates a traditional quantitative
description of urban social structure with the qualitative dimension
more closely associated with QOL or well-being studies. Therefore, not
only does the paper make a contribution to urban QOL research, but it
also extends urban factorial ecology in a manner that addresses one of
the principal criticisms of these models, that being their inability to
incorporate behavioural, cognitive or affective characteristics of
communities. Townshend has shown that there is a much stronger
statistical explanatory relationship between experiential community
structures (i.e., the behavioural, cognitive and affective experiences
of place) and the geography of well-being than there is between the
census-based social structural variables and well-being. In
Townshend's words, "understanding and measuring changing
geographies of income, ethnicity, family status, or charting increases
in social segregation and social polarization (which are generally seen
to be spatial manifestations of social structural change) may have
little utility in understanding the intra-urban ecology of
Meg Holden reviews the problems and uses associated with the social
indicator movement of the 1960s and 1970s as a harbinger of what we
might expect from the more current incarnation of this research; urban
sustainability indicators. Holden's paper forces us to step back
from the many empirical examples of urban sustainability indicator
studies that are now being churned out both by academics and by
government agencies, and ask ourselves what they really intend to
accomplish, and whether they are meeting those expectations. In
examining several Canadian and American communities where sustainability
indicators have been created and disseminated, she suggests that there
is increasing recognition that the greatest value of these efforts has
not been in their ability to "solve" certain urban social,
economic or environmental problems, but rather in their capacity to
raise public awareness with regard to the interdependence of public
issues, enhance civic participation, and increase the likelihood that
civic group s will be able to work more collaboratively in the future.
She suggests that defining success on the basis of these
process-oriented criteria fits within a broader evaluative model of
social environmental learning.
In methodology and context, the paper by Williams and Randall is
similar to that by Townshend. Both papers address QOL at an intra-urban
level, an approach that, surprisingly, has not been commonly used.
Although both papers use questionnaire surveys to develop a baseline of
perceptions of QOL in their respective communities, Williams and Randall
have defined the dimensions of QOL based on input from the community
itself. This multi-stakeholder approach has been applied to address the
objective of understanding how different characteristics of
neighbourhoods or locales influence quality of life for persons in
similar socioeconomic circumstances. Specifically, they compare the
attitudes and perceptions of over 900 households drawn from three
neighbourhoods; those composed of families primarily of Low, Medium and
High socioeconomic status (SES). They find that there are statistically
significant variations in perception of neighbourhood attributes between
the Low SES neighbourhoods on the one hand, and the Medi um and High SES
neighbourhoods on the other. In addition, the perceptions of the
residents in Low SES neighbourhood are much more internally consistent
across the entire range of variables defining QOL than in the Medium and
High SES areas.
A persistent theme in the emerging literature on urban or regional
scale QOL is the link between the amenity characteristics of place
(social, environmental, cultural, and recreational) and economic
development. In particular, there has been growing interest by
researchers, municipal politicians and business leaders in the degree to
which "quality of place" serves to attract and retain the
high-skilled employees. These employees are reputed to be one of the key
ingredients for success in the "new economy". Donald's
paper critiques this literature, relying heavily on the work by Florida
(2000) for the concept of "quality of place" and Markusen
(2000) for occupational growth theory. Although she finds six criticisms
of the literature, nevertheless she concludes that the new regional
growth theory literature based on these concepts is not just a passing
fad. Rather, old-style yardsticks of economic progress such as minimum
wage, "...fails to take into account new research on the changing
nature of competition, and the role that city regions and quality of
life plays in a more sustainable development model."
Maclaren's paper provides a fascinating counterpoint to
Donald's. While Maclaren also reviews literature on community
indicators, a label she suggests includes QOL, sustainability reports,
and other indicator studies, as indicators of "place image",
she is more concerned with dissecting the process and problems
associated with the creation of these indicators studies. Her paper
reviews 30 community indicator reports from 24 communities, conducted
between 1993 and 2001, including one for which she was a participant
observer. She concludes that the selection of indicators to be tracked
was highly dependent upon who was conducting the study. The research
also suggested that disagreement with the results was as much a function
of differences in understanding of the purpose as it was criticism of
the methodology of the indicator project. In some cases, indicators are
used to track what is, while in other cases, they are used normatively
to assess "what should be". This paper also complements that
by Holden in que stioning the bases on which we define success in
community indicators projects.
Massam and Everitt's paper has been added as a
work-in-progress in order to showcase several additional dimensions of
QOL research. Not only does it apply a different method to better
understand QOL in a developing world setting, it also addresses the
issue of the influence of tourism on the QOL of residents in three
Mexican towns, suggesting that the specific characteristics of these
places are linked to residents' perceptions of their QOL. In
keeping with this place-specific approach, they provide a detailed
description of the three towns (El Tuito, Ixtapa and Las Palmas) in the
tourist-oriented region around Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and how they
have been influenced by tourism. The authors then apply a procedure
developed by Renwick and Brown (1996) that requires respondents to
estimate: (1) the relative importance of a set of factors related to
QOL; and (2) a set of achievement scores for each of these factors. The
variations across each of these dimensions create an overall QOL score
for each town. The authors also add a longitudinal dimension by asking
residents in two of the three communities their expectations of QOL in
the future. Overall, they found that there was striking similarity
across the three communities in the ranked importance of QOL factors,
and in the ranked achievement of these factors. One of the values of
this ongoing research is that it will be able to track the evolving
perceptions of QOL in communities that are increasingly subjected to
both the positive (e.g., employment opportunities) and the negative
(e.g., pollution and congestion) consequences of a booming tourism
Collectively, these papers contribute to literature in areas far
beyond that of urban quality of life. They provide the reader with
insights into new regional growth theory and intercity economic
competition, quality of place, sense of place and place image, the
economic and social impacts of tourism, social environmental learning,
and urban factorial ecology. Within the theme of Urban Quality of Life,
and partly as a reflection of their origin, they provide an explicitly
geographic or spatial focus to QOL and well-being. They recognize that
interpretation of well-being by individuals and communities is
place-specific, and is grounded locally within a neighbourhood or town.
Together, they make a significant contribution to our understanding of
the geography of QOL, and how this is linked with economic change,
poverty, socioeconomic status, and local political decision-making.
Recalling the motivations for the resurgence of QOL research noted
earlier, these papers also provide us with insights into the process and
method of undertaking research on these topics. This is particularly
important given that there appear to be two broad types of indicators
projects; those that rely largely on secondary data, provide an
intercity comparison, and intend to show change over time (Federation of
Canadian Municipalities 2001, Murdie et al. 1992); and those at a more
local level that use a participatory model in designing and carrying out
the project. This latter group of studies relies upon the subjective and
perceptual assessment of residents, often gathered through surveys, to
measure and analyse QOL, and in so doing, reflects unique community
values and character. For example, questions of how and for whom success
is measured in QOL and indicators projects run through several of the
papers. Although the national-level intercity comparative exercises
cited above might measure success on the basis of change in the
calculated indicators overtime, or relative change in the rankings of
communities, several of the authors included in this volume argue that
success should also be measured in terms of the ability to enhance civic
participation, form new collaborative initiatives, and shape policy that
addresses problems or issues uncovered as a result of the research. This
latter approach requires an integration of qualitative and quantitative
methods that is theoretically and empirically difficult to standardize
and replicate in a comparison across communities, given the reliance
upon local input and the interplay between the individual and broader
community-level structures that is inherent in most of the definitions
of quality of life.
An obvious area for future research on quality of life that emerges
from this volume is the need for more work at the intra-urban and,
indeed, intra-neighbourhood scale. It is at this level that many of the
key QOL dimensions, such as safety and security, play out in a
meaningful way in the lives of people. Also, even if we recognize and
appreciate the multiple ways of assessing outcomes and successes, rarely
has research examined the ability and effectiveness of QOL projects to
effect policy change. This is surprising given the underlying goals of
many of these exercises. Finally, the dichotomy that emerges in
discussing differences in QOL research method and process in itself
constitutes a future area of enquiry. How can QOL and indicators
research be used as a benchmark to monitor real change when one approach
to research cannot reflect particular local circumstances and the other
is both expensive and relies on a process that must shift over time in
concert with the values of stakeholders?
James B. Randall
Allison M. Williams
University of Saskatchewan
Acknowledgements and Grants
Funded in part by the Community-University Institute for Social
Research (CUISR) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
of Canada under a Community University Research Alliance grant.
(1.) This volume of papers emerges out of a series of special
sessions on Urban Quality of Life (QOL) held at the June, 2001 meeting
of the Canadian Association of Geographers in Montreal.
Clark, N.M. 2000. "Understanding Individual and Collective
Capacity to Enhance Quality of Life" Health Education and Behavior
27: 699-707.
Federation of Canadian Municipalities 2001. Quality of Life in
Canadian Communities 2001 Report. Ottawa: Federation of Canadian
Florida, R. 2000. "Competing in the Age of Talent: Quality of
Place and the New Economy." (Report prepared for the R.K. Mellon
Foundation, Heinz Endowments, and Sustainable Pittsburgh).
Markusen, A. 2000. "Targeting Occupations Rather than
Industries in Regional and Community Economic Development." Working
Paper, Director, Project on Regional and Industrial Economics, Humphrey
Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota.
Murdie, R.A., D. Rhyne and J. Bates 1992. Modelling Quality of Life
Indicators in Canada: A Feasibility Analysis. Ottawa: Canada Mortgage
and Housing Corporation.
Ontario Social Development Council and Social Planning Network of
Ontario 2000. The Quality of Life in Ontario. Toronto: Ontario Social
Development Council.
Renwick, R. and I. Brown 1996. "The Centre for Health
Promotion's conceptual approach to quality of life: being,
belonging and becoming". In Quality of Life in Health Promotion and
Rehabilitation, edited by R. Renwick, I. Brown, and M. Nagler: 75-88.
Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.