Entrepreneur education: does prior experience matter?
Ramayah, T. ; Ahmad, Noor Hazlina ; Fei, Theresa Ho Char 等
The importance of entrepreneurship education on the economic future
of a nation has been much lauded by researchers, for example, Cheng et
al. (2009), Heinonen and Poikkijoki, (2006) and McKeown et al. (2006).
In their research, entrepreneurship education is more than creating a
new business venture, but also denotes the understanding of the essence
of entrepreneurship such as learning to be innovative, i.e., thinking
out of the box, high readiness to change and being able to integrate and
synthesize experience, skills and knowledge to create, innovate and
evaluate abundant entrepreneurial opportunities they are trained to
identify. According to Cheng et al. (2009), entrepreneurship education
brings important returns to graduates and also to society in terms of
encouraging the society as a whole to be more responsive towards new
technology changes. In their research, Heinonen and Poikkijoki (2006)
also report that entrepreneurial behaviour is an innovative approach
that constitutes a viable platform for economic development in any
Given the importance of entrepreneurship education on the economic
future, it has sparked a worldwide interest towards building and
ingraining these entrepreneurship skills, values and behaviour into the
new generation of the citizens especially fresh graduates. Higher
learning education is seen as one of the platform to encourage
entrepreneurship among the younger generation (McKeown et al., 2006).
Hence, this has led to a greater scrutiny on the effectiveness of
entrepreneurship education in higher education. Nevertheless, there
seems to be some differences of opinion among researchers in terms of
whether entrepreneurship can be taught, posing some interesting findings
aimed towards education institutions (Dickson et al., 2008; Henry et
al., 2005; Kirky, 2004).
Against this backdrop, this research therefore aims to explore
whether prior experience (from parents and respondents'
self-experience) would have an effect on the outcomes of entrepreneurial
courses being taught in universities in terms of entrepreneur values,
characteristics and intention.
Development of Entrepreneurship in Malaysia
The importance of entrepreneurship activities is undeniably crucial
for the development and sustainability of the economy. It has been
acknowledged that entrepreneurship plays an important role in an economy
and can lead to economic growth (Fauziah et al., 2004). The economic
crisis that hit Malaysia has shown that it is risky to be overly
dependent on foreign direct investment (FDI) to stimulate economic
growth as there is a high tendency for foreign investors to withdraw
their investments and relocate to new destinations that are able to
offer lower labour costs (Normah, 2007). Entrepreneurship activities
have always been equated to be the activities undertaken by small and
medium enterprises (SMEs) and these SMEs play a crucial role towards the
development of a nation's economy. In the context of Malaysia, the
importance of entrepreneurship towards the of the country's economy
can be seen where 99.2% of business establishments are SMEs, employing
5.6 million of the workforce and contributing about 32% of the gross
domestic product (SME Corp, 2010). The important role that entrepreneurs
play through SMEs in the economic growth of various Asian nations can be
shown Table 1.
From the Table 1 above, we can conclude that the SMEs in developed
countries such as Japan and China SMEs contribute more than 55% towards
their national GDP and more than 70% of the total workforce,
demonstrating the crucial role that SMEs play in the development of the
countries' economies.
As mentioned above, in the context of Malaysia, the government is
deploying supporting mechanisms and formulating policies to assist and
support entrepreneurs such as providing funding, physical infrastructure
and business advisory services (Mohammad Arriff and Syarisa Yanti,
2003). The National SME Development Council was set up in August 2004 to
formulate and implement the direction and strategies for the development
of SMEs (Normah, 2007). Key achievements of the Council are shown in
Table 2.
Besides that, recent measures have been made by Bank Negara
Malaysia to assist SMEs to manage the impact of higher costs. It
provides avenues for SMEs to seek assistance and enhance efficiency and
productivity via an RM 700 million assistance facility which provides
financing at 4% per annum as well as advisory services in managing
costs. There is also a RM 500 million SME modernisation facility and tax
exemption on machinery and equipment (Bank Negara, 2008). The Malaysian
Government has also launched the Entrepreneur Development Fund, the
Bumiputera Entrepreneurship Project Fund, the Asia Japan Development
Fund, the Credit Guaranteed Corporation Scheme and the Franchise
Development Programme (Ramayah and Zainon, 2005).
Entrepreneurship Education
Before going into the definition of entrepreneur education,
exploring and understanding its core concept that is entrepreneurship is
important. Is it solely a process of setting up a new venture? Or is it
a concept referring to a list of behavioural patterns and
characteristics that a person should have before being recognised as an
According to Hisrich et al. (2005) entrepreneurship can be defined
as a dynamic process of creating incremental wealth where the wealth is
created by individuals who undertake the risks involved in terms of
equity, time and career. The authors mentioned that entrepreneurship can
also be defined as a process of creating something new with by devoting
time, and effort by assuming the financial, psychic and social risks and
as a return, receiving the rewards of monetary and personal
satisfaction. On the other hand, Bygrave (1989) as cited by Heinonen and
Poikkijoki (2006), defined entrepreneurship as "a process of
becoming, and the change involved usually takes place in quantum leaps
in a holistic process in which existing stability disappears".
However, it is generally agreed that entrepreneurship does not
necessarily focus only on creation of new firms but also can take place
in existing organizations. Hence the word "intrapreneurship"
can be defined as entrepreneurship within an existing organisation where
the intentions and behaviours of members of the organisation deviate
from the routine and customary way of managing business (Heinonen and
Poikkijoki, 2006).
Entrepreneurship education on the other hand, refers to a
collection of formalised teachings that inform, train and educate
learners who are interested in setting up a business or small business
development (Berchard and Toulouse, 1998). Entrepreneurship education
can be also be defined as skills that can be taught and the
characteristics that can be engendered to enable the individual to
develop new and innovative plans (Jones and English, 2004 as cited in
Mastura and Abdul Rashid, 2008). Cheng et al. (2009) argues that
entrepreneurship education has traditionally been narrowly define as
education that provides the needed skills to set up a new business and
defined entrepreneur education as more than a business management or
starting a new business. It is about "learning", learning that
integrates experiences, skills and knowledge and the preparedness to
start a new venture. Jamieson (1984), as cited by Henry et al. (2005),
categorises entrepreneurship education into three categories that are:
a) Education about enterprise--Mainly to create awareness and
educating students on the various aspects of setting and running a
business from a theoretical perspective.
b) Education for enterprise--More towards preparing aspiring
entrepreneurs for a career in self-employment with the objective of
encouraging them to set up and run their own business. In this category,
the focus is towards teaching students the practical skills needed for
small business set-ups and management, and most often geared towards the
preparation of a business plan.
c) Education in enterprise--Refers to courses aimed in helping
individuals to adopt an enterprising approach. Focuses on management
training for established entrepreneurs and is geared towards sustaining
growth and future development for the business.
Laukkannen (2000) on the other hand distinguished two areas of
entrepreneurship education:
a) Education about entrepreneurship that involves studying the
theories on entrepreneurship and views entrepreneurship as a social
b) Education for entrepreneurship that focuses on developing and
encouraging the entrepreneur process.
As for Garavan and O'Cinneide (1994), entrepreneurship
education can be categorised into four categories namely:
a) Education and training for small business ownership--Provides
practical help in making the change from ordinary employment to
self-employment. Instructions provided on how to raise finances, legal
consideration, choosing premises and so on.
b) Entrepreneurial Education--Focuses on creation of new entities
centered on creating a novelty product or service.
c) Continuing Small Business Education--Focuses on enabling people
to enhance and update their skills
d) Small Business Awareness Education--Aims at creating and
increasing awareness among people to consider entrepreneurship as a
career alternative. It is usually suitable for inclusion into secondary
school syllabuses and undergraduate programmes.
Entrepreneurship Education in Malaysia
The interest in entrepreneurship education has reached an
unprecedented growth in Malaysia due to the emergence of the knowledge
based economy (Cheng et al., 2009; Fauziah et al. 2004). In an effort to
create more entrepreneurs, the Malaysian government through the
collaborations between the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Corporate
Development with public universities has recommended the implementation
of compulsory entrepreneurship courses for all public university
students (Mastura and Abdul Rashid, 2008). As a result of the strong
initiatives from the government to promote an enterprise culture among
the school and university graduates, education institutions, especially
higher education institutes are entrusted with a new task which is to
develop the entrepreneurial talent among young graduates (Fauziah et
al., 2004). This serves as a catalyst for entrepreneurship education in
higher learning institutions, where almost all universities and higher
learning institutions are now offering entrepreneurship courses as core
or elective courses or as a major subject. For example, University
Science Malaysia (USM) is now offering entrepreneurship as a compulsory
subject. The same can be said of Multimedia University (MMU) which has
launched its Bachelor of Multimedia (Media Innovation and
Entrepreneurship) degree programme with entrepreneurship as a core
course. Besides that, MMU also offers Introduction to Cyberpreneneurship
as a compulsory subject for all its students (Cheng et al., 2009).
Another example can be seen is University of Malaya (UM) which also
offers entrepreneurship subject at the Department of Business Strategy
and Policy. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) has made Information
Technology and Entrepreneurship a compulsory subject for students
enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology programme
(Cheng et al., 2009; Fauziah et al., 2004).
Currently, the most commonly used method or mode of delivery in
teaching entrepreneurship is via lectures where as more interactive
methods, such as case studies, invited guest speakers and interaction
with successful entrepreneurs are less employed (Cheng et al., 2009). A
study done by Ooi (2008) yields significant results on the role of
universities in promoting entrepreneurship and students inclination
towards entrepreneurship. In his research, Ooi (2008) found that the
image of entrepreneurship is positively related to students'
inclination towards entrepreneurship. astura and Abdul Rashid (2008) in
their research concluded that entrepreneurship education does have an
impact on students' inclination towards entrepreneurship where a
majority of the students surveyed in their research showed interest to
be entrepreneurs themselves. A more recent research conducted by Cheng
et al. (2009) showed otherwise. Their research revealed that the level
of knowledge and understanding on the meaning and purpose of
entrepreneurship education among students in Malaysia is still
considerable low and a 40.7% from their samples believed that
entrepreneurs are born; hence leading to a belief that entrepreneurship
education is a waste of time. They concluded that the level of
effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in Malaysia can still be
improved by reviewing the current curriculum and having a more
appropriate entrepreneurship programme.
This proposed framework is an adaptation from the model of Theory
of Planned Behaviour (TPB) proposed by Ajzen (1991). This theory is
originated from the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) that explains the
relationship between attitudes and behaviour. TRA is further improvised by Ajzen (1991) with an additional factor that predicts behavior;
perceived behavioral control (Archer et. al, 2008). For the purpose of
this study, we endeavour to examine the influence of affective factors
such as education and role model on entrepreneur characteristics based
on variables proposed in the Theory of Planned Behaviour via a test of
differences on these affective factors.
Data for this study was collected via a self-administered
questionnaire survey which was divided into two parts. The first part
consisted of 10 sections. Nine of the sections consisted of statements
with 7-point Likert scale (1 = strongly agree, 7 = strongly disagree)
were used to measure the level of risk taking (3 item), locus of control (3 items), perceived barriers that hinders respondents' perceived
support (3 items), attitude (3 items) intention (3 items), need for
achievement (4 items), subjective norm (4 items), perceived behavioural
control (3 items) and self efficacy (3 items). The last section
consisted of three items to measure the intention to be an entrepreneur.
The second part of the questionnaire contained questions about the
profile of respondents. Besides the normal profile questions such as age
and gender, specific questions that are crucial for the purpose of this
research, such as respondents' prior experience as an entrepreneur
and whether they have undergone any entrepreneurship courses or
training, were also asked.
The data was gathered from students of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). In this survey, 450 questionnaires were distributed, out of
which, 420 questionnaires were usable.
Goodness of Measures
According to Pallant (2007), reliability can be assessed by
measuring internal consistency which refers to the degree to which the
items that make up the scale are measured in the same underlying
attribute. One of the commonly used methods is Cronbach's
coefficient alpha.
As shown in Table 3, there are 10 variables used in this study with
the number of items for each variables shown. In this current study, all
the variables have good internal consistency where all the Cronbach
alpha's values exceeded the acceptable level of 0.5.
The profile of respondents is presented in Table 4. The majority of
the respondents were females (74.8%). As for ethnicity, the majority of
the respondents were Malays followed by Chinese, Indians and others.
Most of the respondents have attended at least one entrepreneurship
training programme or course. In terms of prior experience as an
entrepreneur, only 21% out of the total respondent stated that they have
prior experience as an entrepreneur.
Table 5 provides a brief insight into the mean and standard
deviations for the variables assessed. All the mean values exceeded the
value of 4, except for perceived variable control which recorded a value
of 3.81. This revealed that most of the respondents are inclined to take
risks and lean more towards the internal locus of control. Respondents
are concerned with the barriers that entrepreneur have to overcome.
Besides that, respondents also showed they have a high level of
perceived support to be an entrepreneur and have the right entrepreneur
attitude. In addition, respondents have high need for achievement with
high subjective norm to encourage them to pursue a career as an
entrepreneur. Respondents too project high self efficacy and most
importantly, majority of respondents show a great interest to be
entrepreneurs in the future.
This study also examined if there are any differences in
entrepreneur characteristics, behaviour and intention of students to be
an entrepreneur. Based on Table 6, there seems to be significant
differences in terms of risk taking, locus of control, intention,
subjective norm, perceived behavioural control and self-efficacy between
arts and science students. In terms of risk taking, it seems that
respondents from the science streams have higher mean scores compared to
arts stream respondents. However, in terms of the need for achievement,
subjective norm and self-efficacy, art stream respondents seem to
surpass their science stream counterparts in terms of their mean
readings. Respondents from the arts stream also seem to have a higher
inclination to be entrepreneurs compared to their science streams
counterpart. The same has been reported in the research carried out by
Ramayah and Zainon (2005) whereby young graduates from Arts streams have
a higher mean reading in terms of their intention to be entrepreneurs.
This research also aimed to examine if having a father or a mother
in the family who is an entrepreneur would have an effect on the
characteristics and intention to be an entrepreneur amongst students in
higher learning institution. Table 7 indicates that there is a
significant difference between respondents whose fathers are an
entrepreneur and respondents whose fathers are not. The significant
differences can be observed in terms of the subjective norm and
perceived behavioural control where the mean figures for respondents
whose fathers are entrepreneurs tend to have higher a mean.
However, as for mother being an entrepreneur in the family, there
is significant difference on risk taking, moreover a mother who is an
entrepreneur will influence her children to be more daring in taking
risk as compared with mums who is not an entrepreneur.
The factor of whether either parent will influence the intention to
be an entrepreneur appears to be of little important as there is no
significant difference in terms of intention as shown in Table 7.
Table 8 below shows the significance differences detected in
entrepreneurial characteristics. One way ANOVA analysis indicated that
there are no significant differences among groups based on prior
experience and training in terms of perceived support, attitude and the
need for achievement whereas the remaining characteristics showed that
there are significant differences among the groups. This table also
shows that young graduates who have never had any prior entrepreneurial
experience and never attended any entrepreneurship courses or training
before reported to have higher mean scores in terms of perceived
barriers. This might be due to the lack of exposure and knowledge on
entrepreneurship that lead them to perceive that it is more difficult to
be an entrepreneur as compared with the other three groups shown in
Table 8. Another interesting finding was that the researchers would like
to highlight through Table 8 is that the means scores showed that young
graduates with prior entrepreneurial experience and those who have
attended entrepreneurship courses or training tend to have higher mean
readings in all entrepreneurial characteristics except for perceived
Entrepreneurship education does have an impact towards entrepreneur
intention and entrepreneur careers. This is confirmed by researchers
such as Matlay (2008); Ramayah and Zainon (2005) and Souitaris et al.
(2007) to name a few. However, the effectiveness of delivering
entrepreneurship education should also be given priority. This relates
to the approach of teaching business to students as mentioned in a
research study done by Solomon (1989) as cited in Kirby (2004), whereby
Solomon reported "Even in USA, the hotbed of entrepreneurship,
courses designed to introduce student to the principles of business
management have tended to teach students how to become proficient employees instead of successful business persons". The same has
been ascertained the research done by Cheng et al. (2009), who found
that most entrepreneurship courses (84.4%) are conducted through
lectures. This method of delivery would give very little opportunity for
students to develop entrepreneurial skills and characteristics as
lectures are usually a one-way communication method. A more holistic
approached should be used in teaching entrepreneur courses to give
students (with or without prior entrepreneur experience) an opportunity
to developing their skills, attributes and behaviour of a successful
entrepreneur rather than focus solely on teaching students about
entrepreneurship (Kirky, 2004).
Besides that, entrepreneur education should not only start at the
higher education levels but should be instilled in primary and secondary
schools. As shown in Table 8, respondents who already have some
entrepreneurial experience and also have undergone an entrepreneurship
course seem to have higher mean readings compared with the other two
groups. This implies that it would be beneficial for students to be
exposed to entrepreneurship at a young age, so that the entrepreneurship
education objective would be better achieved if both experience and
theory are instilled by the time they graduate from universities.
Schools can implement project-based evaluation, rather than that based
solely on examination. Results can be based on profit or market
awareness of new products and services that students create or
improvise. This approach not only exposes them to some of the real life
issues like managing a business, but at the same time it would also help
to build and develop skills, attitude and behaviour of an entrepreneur,
which is the ultimate objective of entrepreneur education. All these
skills, attitude and behaviour of entrepreneurs are not only important
for potential entrepreneurs, but also for future employees in any
In addition, governments play a crucial part in promoting
entrepreneurial education. Government need to set strong and sound
policies which reflects their support for entrepreneurship. For example,
to make transformation in the current educational system that embeds
entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation in the syllabus. Besides
that, the government must also work closely with other stakeholders such
as academics, business and Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) community
in developing and implementing policies at the national, regional and
local levels.
One of the limitations of this research is the sample which was
limited to respondents who are students from Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Future research in this area should enlarge the population of studies to
all undergraduates of higher learning institutions irrespective of whether they are public or private learning institutions. Another future
research direction of interest might be to compare and examine whether
any significant differences exists between students from public and
private higher learning institutions in terms of entrepreneur
This research has illustrated how prior entrepreneur experience can
actually develop graduates' entrepreneur characteristics. This is
important regardless if whether they wish to set up their own business
in the near future or not. Entrepreneurship education and exposure
should be encouraged at every possible opportunity and should be
emphasised as early as possible. Hence, policy makers, academician and
parents should make it a point to encourage entrepreneur experience
among our younger generation.
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T. Ramayah, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Theresa Ho Char Fei, Universiti Sains Malaysia
T. RAMAYAH has an MBA from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).
Currently he is an Associate Professor at the School of Management in
USM. Apart from teaching, he is an avid researcher, especially in the
areas of technology management and adoption in business and education.
Thus far, he has published in several journals such as Information
Development, Direct Marketing, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science
& Applications, International Journal of Learning, The International
Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, Asian Journal of
Information Technology (AJIT), International Journal of Services and
Technology Management (IJSTM), International Journal of Business
Information Systems (IJBIS), Journal of Project Management (JoPM),
Management Research News (MRN), International Journal of Information and
Operations Management Education (IJIOME), International Journal of
Services and Operations Management (IJSOM), Engineering, Construction
and Architectural Management (ECAM) and North American Journal of
Psychology.. Having his contributions in research acknowledged, he is
constantly invited to serve on the editorial boards and program
committees of several international journals and conferences of repute.
He can be contacted at School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 Minden, Penang Malaysia. Tel: 604-6533888 ext 3889. E-mail:
[email protected]
NOOR HAZLINA AHMAD, Ph.D. is a senior lecturer at the School of
Management USM. She joined the university after completing her PhD at
the University of Adelaide, Australia. She is currently a Research
Associate of the University of Adelaide Business School and Ngee-Ann
Adelaide Education Centre research project that endeavors to investigate
the impact of incubators on the development of entrepreneurial
competencies among nascent entrepreneurs. Hazlina sits on the editorial
board of the Asian Academy of Management Journal and has been appointed
as a Research Fellow of the Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia. She is
currently involved in a research project with the Higher Education
Leadership Academy of Malaysia that looks into developing a model for
succession planning and academic leadership in higher education
institutions. She has published in several international journals
including the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and
Research, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business,
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing as well the Frontiers
of Entrepreneurship Research. Hazlina has also presented her research
works at various international conferences including Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, International Council for Small
Business (ICSB) World Conference, International AGSE Entrepreneurship
& Innovation Research Exchange, as well as the Australia and New
Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference. Her research interests
are in the areas of Organizational Behaviour, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
in particular entrepreneurship skills, competencies, and growth. She can
be contacted at School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800
Minden, Penang, Malaysia. Tel: 604-6533888 ext. 2894. Email:
[email protected]
THERESA HO CF, is currently pursuing her PhD at School of
Management USM. She completed her degree in Business Admin from
University Malaya in 2002 and joined Tunku Abdul Rahman College as a
full time lecturer in 2003. She then received her Master in Management
majoring in Information Technology from Universiti Putra Malaysia in
2005. Her research interests are in the areas of Organizational
Behaviour, Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Learning Organization. She can be
contacted at School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800
Minden, Penang, Malaysia. Tel: 604-6533888 ext. 2531 Email:
[email protected]
Table 1: International SME Development and Growth
Country Measures used in the % of total
definitions of SMEs establishment
Malaysia (2005) Employment and sales 99.2
Japan (2004) Employment and assets 99.7
Chinese Taipei (2004) Employment, sales capital 98.0
Korea (2003) Employment and assets 99.8
Thailand (2002) Employment and fixed assets 99.6
Singapore (2004) Employment and fixed assets 45.0
Germany (2003) Employment and sales 99.7
China (2004) Employment, sales and assets 99.0
Philippines (2003) Employment and assets 99.6
% of SME
Country % of total contribution
workforce to GDP
Malaysia (2005) 56.4 32.0
Japan (2004) 71.0 55.3
Chinese Taipei (2004) 76.9 40.0
Korea (2003) 86.5 49.4
Thailand (2002) 69.0 38.9
Singapore (2004) 45.0 25.0
Germany (2003) 79.0 49.0
China (2004) 75.0 56.0
Philippines (2003) 70.0 32.0
Source: SME Annual Report 2008
Table 2: Key achievements of the National SME Development Council
Access to Financing
Establishment of SME Bank
New Trade Financing Products for SMEs
RM300 million Venture Capital Funds for Agriculture Sector
RM1 billion Special Fund for Overseas Project Financing
Sustainable Microfinancing Framework
Transformation of Credit Guarantee Corporation
Strengthening of Bank Pertanian Malaysia
Additional allocation of RM2.5 billion for Fund for Small and Medium
Industries 2 and New Entrepreneurs Fund 2
Capacity Building
Formation of the SME Marketing Committee
Agro-based Industry Development Programme
Financial advisory services by Bank Negara Malaysia, SME Bank, EXIM
Bank and commercial banks
Business advisory services by Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives
Development and SMIDEC
Technopreneur Development Programme for microelectronics
Open Source Adoption in office automation and tools for SMEs
Set-up of two Landscape Industrial Village and Exposition centres
Hypermarket Promotional Programmes
Retail Technology Venture Partner Development Programme
SMIDEX 2006 and ASEAN + 3 SME Convention
Information Infrastructure
Publication of SME Annual Report 2005
Launch of SMEinfo Portal
Launch of HRD Training Portal
Launch of Agri-Bazaar Portal
Census on Establishment and Enterprise 2005
Physical Infrastructure
Set-up of Franchise Mediation Centre
Set-up of Agri-Food Business Development Centre
Set-up of Landscape Industry Resource Centre
Source: Bank Negara Malaysia, 2007
Table 3: Reliability coefficients for major
variables in this study
Variable Number Cronbach
of item alpha
Risk Taking 3 0.824
Locus of control 3 0.647
Perceived Barriers 3 0.576
Perceived Support 3 0.709
Attitude 3 0.773
Intention 3 0.899
Need of Achievement 4 0.887
Subjective Norm 4 0.873
Perceived Behavioural 3 0.842
Self-Efficacy 3 0.895
Table 4: Profile of the respondents
Item Frequency Percentage
Male 106 25.2
Female 314 74.8
Malay 276 65.7
Chinese 20 4.8
Indians 80 19.0
Others 44 10.5
Types of study pursued 412 98.1
Undergraduate 8 1.9
Stream of Study
Arts 260 61.9
Science 160 38.1
Attended any entrepreneur
courses or training
Yes 268 63.8
No 152 36.2
Self employed before
Yes 88 21
No 332 79
Below 2.00 22 5.2
2.00-2.33 52 12.4
2.34-2.67 130 31.0
2.68-3.00 134 31.9
3.01-3.33 56 13.3
3.34-3.67 12 2.9
Above 3.67 4 1.0
Table 5: Descriptive statistics of major variables
Item Variable Mean Standard
1 Risk Taking 4.22 1.36
2 Locus of Control 4.73 1.21
3 Perceived Barriers 4.22 0.81
4 Perceived Support 4.71 0.92
5 Attitude 4.60 1.20
6 Intention 4.22 1.31
7 Need for Achievement 5.24 1.02
8 Subjective Norm 4.08 1.16
9 Perceived Behavioural 3.81 1.17
10 Self- Efficacy 4.16 1.15
* Mean is based on 7 point Likert scale, 1 = not
at all accurate, 7 = very accurate
Table 6: Differences in major variables
by streams of study
Variable Mean t-value
Arts Science
Risk Taking 4.06 4.47 3.05 *
Locus of Control 4.60 4.93 2.61 *
Perceived Barriers 4.25 4.18 0.90
Perceived Support 4.70 4.72 0.15
Attitude 4.67 4.48 1.56
Intention 4.35 4.01 2.56 *
Need for Achievement 5.26 5.22 0.38
Subjective Norm 4.19 3.90 2.48 *
Perceived Behavioural 3.94 3.61 2.80 *
Self-Efficacy 4.30 3.93 3.22 *
* p < 0.05
Table 7: Differences in the major variables based on
parents influence as entrepreneur
Variable Mean (Father)
Entrepreneur Non- t-
entrepreneur value
Risk Taking 4.08 4.32 1.78
Locus of Control 4.79 4.68 0.87
Perceived Barriers 4.24 4.20 0.55
Perceived Support 4.73 4.69 0.36
Attitude 4.69 4.54 1.25
Intention 4.30 4.16 1.03
Need for
Achievement 5.26 5.23 0.37
Subjective Norm 4.23 3.70 2.30 *
Control 4.05 3.64 3.55 *
Self- Efficacy 4.24 4.10 1.31
Variable Mean (Mother)
Entrepreneur Non- t-
entrepreneur value
Risk Taking 3.97 4.28 1.90 *
Locus of Control 4.54 4.77 1.57
Perceived Barriers 4.13 4.24 1.33
Perceived Support 4.81 4.68 1.20
Attitude 4.66 4.59 0.51
Intention 4.45 4.16 1.84
Need for
Achievement 5.29 5.23 0.43
Subjective Norm 4.24 4.04 1.46
Control 4.22 3.71 3.65
Self- Efficacy 4.30 4.13 1.22
* p < 0.05
Table 8: Differences in the major variables by prior
entrepreneurial experience and training
Mean *
Items No prior No prior
entrepreneurial entrepreneurial
experience and experience but
never attended attended
any entrepreneur entrepreneur
courses/training courses/training
Risk Taking 4.42a 3.91a
Locus of Control 4.68a 4.63a
Perceived Barrier 4.36b 4.20a
Perceived Support 4.47a 4.84a
Attitude 4.47a 4.66a
Intention 4.01a 4.14a
Need for
Achievement 5.06a 5.39a
Subjective Norm 3.94a 4.04a
Control 3.57a 3.77a
Self-Efficacy 3.84a 4.23a
Mean *
Items Have prior Have prior
entrepreneurial entrepreneurial
experience but experience, and
have not attended attended
any entrepreneur entrepreneur
course/training courses/training
Risk Taking 3.79b 4.81c
Locus of Control 4.23a 5.21b
Perceived Barrier 3.88a 4.11a
Perceived Support 4.52a 4.82a
Attitude 4.35a 4.74a
Intention 4.12a 4.84b
Need for
Achievement 4.97a 5.24a
Subjective Norm 3.98a 4.44b
Control 3.33a 4.48b
Self-Efficacy 3.37b 4.76c
* Means with the same superscripts are not significantly
different; means with different superscripts are
significantly different at p < 0.05