Lending of first versus lending of last resort: the Bulgarian Financial Crisis of 1996/1997 (1).
Berlemann, Michael ; Nenovsky, Nikolay
During the last decade, several countries experienced some sort of
financial crises. That is why the crisis problem is often seen as one of
the dominant problems of the 1990s (Bordo et al., 2001, p. 53). It is
thus not surprising that interest in financial crises recently increased
considerably. In this paper, we analyse a crisis that has received
relatively little attention in the (international) financial crisis
literature: (2) the Bulgarian Financial Crisis of 1996/ 1997. (3) In
spire of this, we suggest that the Bulgarian crisis is a good example of
a twin crisis where a banking and a currency crisis occur almost
simultaneously. Twin crises have been the focus of many third-generation
crisis models. While most of these models, among them the moral hazard models of Dooley (2000) and Krugman (1998), were inspired by the Asian
Crisis of 1997, recently some doubts have been expressed about how well
these models explain important features of the crisis (sec eg Krugman,
1999). We argue that these models are nevertheless quite useful since
they explain important features of crises like the one in Bulgaria in
We argue that the Bulgarian crisis has some features of a
fundamental crisis since Bulgaria's authorities followed an
inconsistent policy mix by monetising fiscal losses while trying to
stabilise the exchange rate. However, the severity of the Bulgarian
crisis was primarily, but not only, due to substantial moral hazard
behaviour in the banking sector. This behaviour was partially the result
of the former political system and partially induced by the Bulgarian
National Bank (BNB), which acted more like a tender of first resort than
a lender of last resort (LOLR).
The Bulgarian example is also useful with respect to learning about
the possibilities to overcome a financial crisis and the design of a
financial system in a transition country that is less prone to financial
crises. Bulgaria decided to introduce a second-generation currency board
(CB) arrangement. Different from orthodox CB arrangements, the Bulgarian
CB allows for a strictly limited LOLR function of the central bank.
Thus, Bulgaria's experiences with the 1996/1997 crisis finally led
to a switch from a system with a lender of first resort to a system with
a strictly limited LOLR.
This paper is organised as follows. The second section briefly
reviews the theoretical literature on financial crises. In the third
section, we describe the development of the Bulgarian economy since
1990, which finally culminated in the crisis of 1996/1997. We also make
an attempt at classifying the Bulgarian crisis with respect to the
theoretical literature. We argue that the crisis can be explained by
combining elements of first-generation models and third-generation moral
hazard models in the tradition of Dooley (2000) and especially Krugman
(1998). The fourth section describes the second-generation CB Bulgaria
introduced in the aftermath of the crisis. Special attention is attached
to the peculiarities of the Bulgarian CB arrangement that retained some
flexibility in order to fulfil a strictly limited role as a LOLR. The
paper closes with a summary of the main arguments and some conclusions.
There are at least two different types of financial crises:
currency and banking crises. (4) It is standard now to distinguish
between the so-called first-, second-and third-generation models of
currency crises. To be able to classify the Bulgarian Crisis of
1996/1997, it is necessary to give a brief overview on the existing
theoretical literature. We then focus on first- and especially
third-generation models with moral hazard.
In first-generation models of Krugman (1979) and Flood and Garber
(1984), countries face currency crises when governments finance their
fiscal deficits by monetary expansion and at the same time try to peg
their currency to enhance trade with major trade partners or to import
low inflation from abroad. Since demand for domestic money does not
change, individuals will exchange domestic currency against foreign
currency assets. To hold the exchange rate constant, the central bank is
forced to sell its foreign currency reserves until they are finally
exhausted and the currency peg has to be abandoned. This kind of crisis
is often referred to as a 'fundamental crisis' since the
existence of a large fiscal deficit is a fundamental reason as to why it
is impossible for a government to fix the exchange rate. In
second-generation models with multiple equilibria in the tradition of
Obstfeld (1994), currency devaluations arise for political reasons
rather than being the unavoidable result of policy inconsistencies. A
country will adopt a fixed exchange-rate regime when the arguments in
favour of a currency peg (eg import of credibility in fighting
inflation) outweigh those against the peg (eg the ability to pursue an
independent monetary policy to react on asymmetric shocks). However, the
cost-benefit relation might change in the course of time and might lead
to the decision to abandon the currency peg. This might, for example,
happen if the public lacks confidence in the government's (or
central bank's) interest (or ability) to fix the exchange rate.
While market expectations on the future exchange rate are obviously
influenced by news on fundamentals, second-generation models also allow
for currency crises caused by contagion or some sort of herding
behaviour. (5)
Third-generation models typically consider the fact that currency
crises and banking crises often (but not always) occur together. (6)
While some third-generation models predict a currency crisis to occur as
the result of a banking crisis, others imply a reverse causation.
Another possibility is that a currency crisis will occur when actions
are taken to prevent a banking crisis or vice versa. (7) Two basic types
of third-generation models have evolved: (1) random withdrawal models
(Chang and Velasco, 1998), based on an open-economy version of the
Diamond and Dybvig (1983) model, and (2) moral hazard models (McKinnon
and Pill, 1996; Dooley, 2000; Corsetti et al., 1999; Krugman, 1998),
which focus on policy inconsistencies developed in first-generation
models. We will focus solely on moral hazard models.
When the government guarantees the liabilities of financial
intermediaries, a potential moral hazard problem arises since this
creates a strong incentive for the financial intermediary to pursue a
highly risky investment strategy. Within a class of investments with the
same net present value and one good and one bad outcome, a protected
intermediary will choose the one with the lowest probability of success
(Freixas and Rochet, 1999, pp. 267-268). More generally, protected
intermediaries will prefer investments with 'fat right tails'
(Krugman, 1998, p. 4), thereby neglecting the fact that expected returns
on these investments might be low or even negative. (8) This behaviour
arises whenever losses from a bad outcome of the investment are
'nationalised', while profits under the good outcome are going
to the owners of the intermediary. The reason why intermediaries can
pursue these risky strategies is that depositors of financial
intermediaries have no interest in monitoring their deposit institutions
when they are protected from losses by governmental guarantees. Thus,
whenever a government guarantees financial intermediaries'
liabilities, it needs to institute an appropriate system of banking
regulation and supervision.
Dooley's (2000) crisis model is one of the first models where
moral hazard plays an important role. In his model, governments are
interested in (a) holding reserve assets to self-insure against shocks
to national consumption and (2) protecting the domestic financial sector
by acting as a LOLR even though this also places demands on reserve
assets. Dooley assumes that governments are credit-constrained, that is,
they cannot borrow money on international capital markets without
providing collateral in the form of reserve assets like foreign exchange
or lines of credit from other governments or international
organisations. In such a situation, a country can not credibly promise
liquidity insurance to the domestic banking sector if the country's
net assets (gross assets minus noncontingent liabilities) are not
Dooley provides the following example to illustrate how his model
might work when a country initially has negative or zero net reserves
and experiences a macroeconomic shock like a decrease of international
interest rates. Lower interest rates might substantially increase the
country's net assets by reducing the value of noncontingent
government liabilities. This enables the country to credibly insure the
banking sector's liabilities. This will induce moral hazard
behaviour on the part of domestic banks. Without appropriate banking
supervision, banks have a strong incentive to seek new deposits by
promising above-market yields to investors. Even if investors know that
the domestic banks will not be able to pay them back in full, they are
willing to invest in the country since they expect to be compensated via
governmental reserve assets. The situation is stable as long as the
government's net reserves are positive. The problem is that net
reserves will decline as banks ask the government for assistance in
meeting their deposit liabilities. As soon as net reserves are zero,
investors will start to withdraw their money from the country. Once they
recognise that domestic banks can no longer meet their obligations, the
promises to pay above market yields are no longer credible since the
insurance option does not exist anymore. This will generate an attack on
governmental reserves as investors compete to avoid losses.
What makes this model different is that it shows that an attack on
a country's reserves can occur even when a country does not have a
fixed exchange rate regime. Nevertheless, it is obvious that a country
which is running out of reserves will not be able to commit credibly to
a fixed exchange rate regime.
Krugman (1998) presents a model where a fixed exchange-rate regime
might collapse when governmental guarantees to a financial sector
without an adequate system of banking regulation and supervision create
a moral hazard problem. Krugman assumes a stochastic production function
with decreasing returns to scale with respect to invested capital, When
the government provides liquidity insurance, intermediaries invest in
risky investments as long as the most favourable return on capital
equals the world safe rate of interest. Thus, when deciding on
investments, intermediaries take into account the so-called pangloss
values (p. 6), thereby increasing the capital stock to an inefficiently
high level. Government reserves fall when guarantees must be honoured.
Unlike Dooley and first-generation models of currency crises, Krugman
argues that crisis are not necessarily triggered by exhausting the stock
of reserves but rather the expectation that the government will not
stick to its promise to bail out private banks in the case of
bankruptcy. Thus, Krugman ends up with a story that is somewhat similar
to second-generation models of multiple equilibria.
We now turn to a description of the Bulgarian Crisis and an attempt
at classifying it with respect to the theoretical literature summarised
in the previous section. We basically argue that the Bulgarian Crisis
can best be described by a mixture of first- and third-generation models
of currency crises. The crisis had some first-generation features since
the Bulgarian Government's policy to (indirectly) monetise the
subsidies to the ailing state-owned enterprises was inconsistent with
the attempts of BNB to stabilise the exchange rate. However, the
Bulgarian Crisis was a twin crisis and the banking sector played an
important role herein. As in third-generation moral hazard models,
implicit (and later on explicit) prudential guarantees caused massive
moral hazard behaviour of the banking sector. In mid-1996 as doubts
arose as to whether the authorities would be able to continue bailing
out the banking sector's losses, a first wave of bank runs
occurred. The attempt to stop the banking crisis by introducing a
deposit insurance scheme was unsuccessful, because it lacked credibility
due to the low foreign currency reserves. A sudden change to a highly
restrictive monetary and banking policy, that is, a switch from a lender
of first resort to an LOLR strategy, reinforced the banking crisis and
helped to create a twin crisis.
The pre-crisis period 1990-1996
There is little doubt that the Bulgarian Crisis of 1996/1997 was a
logical consequence of the development of the Bulgarian economy in the
1990-1996 period. The 'bad' dynamics of the process of
transition in Bulgaria has been reported in many studies (OECD, 1999;
Dobrinsky, 2000; Koford, 2000; Vutcheva, 2001; Mihov, 2002; among
others), One of the most important problems was the very slow process of
privatisation in Bulgaria. By 1997, only 20 per cent of the state's
assets were privatised and state-owned enterprises accumulated enormous
losses (see Table 1).
The government was not willing to close down these enterprises
since this would have caused excessive unemployment. Therefore, the
government forced state-owned commercial banks to subsidise ailing
enterprises by granting excessive credit lines. Since most of these
credits ex post turned out to be noncollectible, the banking system
accumulated losses, too (Koford and Tschoegl, 1999; Caporale et al.,
2002). State-owned enterprises and banks were rescued in several waves
by issuing government securities, which led to increases in the
government's internal debt (Vutcheva, 2001). Despite its de jure independence, de facto BNB was totally dependent on the government, BNB
subsidised the government's strategy, (9) Even if there was no
formal promise by the central bank or the government to bail out
illiquid or insolvent banks until 1996, BNB always provided the
necessary refinancing. Moreover, BNB (and State Saving Bank) in some
cases granted direct credits to ailing state-owned enterprises, gave
credits to the Ministry of Finance or bought government securities.
Thus, the enormous losses of the state-owned enterprises were quickly
nationalised via monetisation.
At the same time, BNB engaged in attempts at stabilising the
exchange rate. As first-generation models of currency crises have shown,
such an inconsistent strategy cannot succeed in the long run. In the
short run, BNB was quite successful in stabilising the exchange rate
(see Figure 1). However, when foreign currency reserves decreased to
$500 million at the end of 1994, BNB let the lev depreciate, thereby
increasing international competitiveness. Consequently, in the second
half of 1994 foreign exchange reserves started growing until they
reached approximately 1500 mil USD in late 1995. Early in 1996 foreign
exchange reserves again started decreasing, an indication that the
devaluations in 1994 had only a temporary effect.
However, this is only one part of the story explaining the
Bulgarian Crisis. In line with the basic line of argument in the
third-generation models of Dooley (2000) and Krugman (1998), we argue
that the severity of Bulgaria's twin crises was primarily, but not
only, due to systematic moral hazard problems in the banking sector. In
Dooley's (2000) and Krugman's (1998) models, moral hazard
behaviour is caused by explicit government bailout guarantees. Such
formal guarantees did not exist in Bulgaria until the introduction of a
deposit insurance scheme in raid-1996. The main reason for the moral
hazard behaviour in Bulgaria was its history as a former communist
country with a centrally planned economy. While market institutions
changed quickly, the inherited behaviour of market participants
remained. (10) In Bulgaria's previous economic system, losses were
nationalised and socialised either within the country or within CEMA.
Thus, in the early years of transition there was still a belief among
economic agents that they were fully insured against losses or
bankruptcy. We might, therefore, talk of some kind of moral hazard path
dependence of economic agents' behaviour. While this moral hazard
behaviour penetrated the whole Bulgarian economy, it was very pronounced
in the banking sector.
The large-scale restructuring of Bulgaria's financial and
banking system began at the end of 1989, reflecting the need to shift to
a modern two-tier banking system. The sector-specific banks were
transformed into classical commercial banks, accepting deposits from
individuals. The existing 59 branches of BNB were transformed into
autonomous commercial banks. By early 1991, the banking system comprised
BNB, State Saving Bank and 69 commercial banks organised as joint stock
companies. In March 1992, the Law on Banks and Credit Activity was
adopted, establishing a regulatory framework for activities of banking
institutions. In the 1990-1996 period BNB adopted a liberal licensing
policy, which led to the appearance of a great variety of financial
agents, most of which turned out to be ponzi pyramids. In addition,
bankers often lacked sufficient training and internal controls on bank
loan decisions were weak. While banks were required to collateralise
their loans, the system did not work well. Poor communication among
bankers and inadequate data made it difficult to identify poor credit
risks. It is thus not surprising that the banking sector accumulated
large amounts of bad credits.
Although there was no formal law guaranteeing bank deposits before
1996, the population expected to be compensated in cases of losses. For
instance, before the crisis many financial 'ponzi pyramids,
offering unusually high interest rates, collapsed. Although the public
had been repeatedly warned not to place its money in these
'ponzi' pyramids, after their defaults people still claimed
the government to pay back the lost money as it had been the time
before. As argued earlier, this belief was primarily driven by the
experiences with the previous economic system in Bulgaria. Consequently,
depositors had little interest in monitoring commercial banks. Thus, the
banking sector could take over excessive risk without having to pay
higher risk premiums to depositors. Moral hazard incentives were even
stronger for very illiquid or insolvent banks since they tried to
'gamble for resurrection'. However, not only depositors but
also bank managers of both state-owned and private banks heavily relied
on help from the authorities in the event of illiquidity or insolvency
The public belief that their deposits were implicitly fully insured
was reinforced by actions taken by the government and Bulgarian National
Bank. Commercial banks were refinanced by BNB (see Table 2) on a
completely subjective and discretionary basis. (11) The various forms of
refinancing in lev and foreign currency included discount refinancing
using private securities as collateral, Lombard refinancing using
government securities as collateral and uncollateralised refinancing
(deposit facilities and later arrears). (12) Large-scale
uncollateralised refinancing was used during some periods; at the end of
June 1996 uncollateralised refinancing was 80 per cent of total lev
refinancing and 80 per cent of total foreign currency refinancing.
The State Savings Bank (DSK) was also active in refinancing other
commercial banks on the interbank market and also one of the main buyers
of government securities on the primary market. DSK often engaged in
lending to previously important economic sectors like agriculture.
Although these credits were decreasing in relative terms, DSK provided
even more refinancing than BNB (OECD, 1997). (13) Thus, DSK carried out
functions close to those of BNB. Both BNB and the Ministry of Finance
directed DSK's activities. The explicit deposit insurance granted
to DSK allowed cheap refinancing operations.
The losses of state-owned banks were always and quickly
nationalised. This Bulgarian pre-crisis setup in which commercial banks
were directly and almost automatically supported by the central bank
without having to seek other types of funding (including the interbank
market) is what we call lending of first resort.
The interest rates on loans, although they were very high at times,
did not reflect true credit risk. In addition, most loans were granted
under conditions where the expectation of repayment was low (Koford and
Tschoegl, 1999). Private banks especially engaged in expanding credits
to the many newly created private companies. Quite often these loans
violated regulations that were designed to maintain bank solvency by
restricting the size of loans to bank officers. An OECD (1999) analysis
points out that '[u]ntil 1996, commercial credit was expanded to
the non-financial sector in Bulgaria to a degree that was unprecedented
relative to any other European transition economy'. As shown in
Table 3, the structure of these credits was not 'healthy' and
led to the accumulation of a large amount of bad loans. As a
consequence, at the end of June 1994, 35 of 44 Bulgarian banks were
losing money (Vutcheva, 2001). (14)
These problems might have been smaller if there had been better
bank regulation and supervision. However, Bulgaria did not have good
bank supervision, enforcement mechanisms or bankruptcy proceedings. (15)
The crisis period
The basic story of most second- and third-generation models is that
there are two types of equilibria and that a crisis is the result from
switching from the 'good' equilibrium to the 'bad'
one. In the Krugman (1998) model, the crisis is finally caused by the
market participants' expectation that the government will not (be
able to) stick to its prior made promises to bail out private banks in
the case of bankruptcy. We argue that it was exactly this change in
public expectations that triggered the Bulgarian twin crises.
The first crisis wave came from the banking system when in May 1996
(16) BNB took five commercial banks, three of which were private, under
conservatorship. (17) The runs on these banks were triggered by
depositors' expectations that their foreign deposits would be
confiscated or frozen by the government so the government could meet its
interest payments on external debt due in July. At that time, Bulgaria
was unable to get loans in international financial markets because of
insufficient foreign currency reserves that could be used as collateral.
In addition, information about the unhealthy state of several banks
spread out and the population was worried that these banks would be
closed. The fact that the Socialist government had no agreement with the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1996 reinforced this fear. The
deposits from bankrupt banks were transferred to sound ones (Enoch et
al., 2002).
In order to stop the panic, two strategies were implemented in
parallel. On the one hand, a law on Bank Deposit Guarantees was
introduced, according to which the government had to repay the full
amount of individuals' deposits with bankrupt banks and 50 per cent
of enterprises' deposits (BNB, 1996). (18) However, the deposit
insurance scheme did not provide a credible guarantee at that time since
reserves were already so low, internal and external debt was so high and
there was still no IMF agreement. In addition after a period of
large-scale refinancing, the BNB started to pursue a restrictive policy
towards banks by increasing minimum reserve requirements, (19) raising
interest rates (20) and at once selling US dollars to protect the lev
exchange rate. In May 1996, the base interest rate was 108 per cent
(simple annual); in September 1996 it rose to 300% and then it was
reduced twice in October 1996 to 240 per cent and then 180 per cent (see
Figure 2). (21)
The sharp increase in interest rates in the second half of 1996
further intensified the crisis. This policy was suggested by the IMF and
was typical for emerging market countries trying to preserve their
exchange rates (Chang and Velasco, 2001). However, the sudden change in
BNB's banking policy was unexpected to both commercial banks and
the government. High nominal interest rates caused an avalanche-like
increase in internal debt and suspicions about the government's
ability to service it arose. Internal debt became a classic example of
'ponzi' financing where new government securities had to be
issued in order to make interest payments on previous issues of
government securities. As investors' interest in these new issues
was low, BNB was compelled to buy them. In addition, commercial banks
suffered from increased interest rates and a new round of nine banks
became bankrupt, thereby further increasing the panic. Facing the threat
of a moratorium on internal debt, BNB was forced by the government and
the parliament to provide extensive monetary financing of the budget
deficit. (22) BNB also continued to grant direct loans to the Ministry
of Finance. One of these credits, granted at the end of 1996 was 115
billion lev or 7 per cent of GDP. (23) This asymmetry in monetary
policy, restrictive for banks and expansionary financing for the budget,
was ineffective and even dangerous.
The funds withdrawn from commercial banks and obtained from sales
of government bonds were quickly converted into dollars, because a sharp
depreciation of lev was becoming more likely, the smaller the level of
foreign currency reserves available to defend the exchange rate. Foreign
currency was increasingly used as a store of value. While Bulgaria was
not officially maintaining a fixed exchange rate, the BNB was trying to
maintain the value of lev as it came under pressure in 1996. As in the
Dooley (2000) model, BNB's foreign currency reserves had two
functions: protect the exchange rate against devaluation and maintain
liquidity in the banking system. In addition, as in first-generation
models of financial crises, BNB still had to finance a large part of the
budget deficit. Thus, the central bank had to juggle three nominal
commitments. As a consequence, net foreign reserves dropped to 483 mil
USD (Figure 1) while domestic credit increased considerably. Late in
1996, internal and external debt reached alarming levels. Internal debt
was 60 per cent of GDP and the external debt was 243 per cent of GDP
(Table 4).
After declining by 590 per cent in 1996, the exchange rate totally
collapsed in February 1997 when the lev depreciated by almost 250 per
cent. The devaluation was accompanied by a short period of
hyperinflation (Figure 2). The monthly chain CPI was 44 per cent in
January and 243 per cent in February and the annual inflation for 1997
was 578 per cent (BNB, 1997). This hyperinflation greatly reduced the
government's internal debt and liabilities to banks. During this
period, the US dollar effectively became the unit of account while the
lev was the medium of exchange. The US dollar and deutsche mark became
major stores of value.
Bulgaria had a high level of bank intermediation. (24) For this
reason, the costs of the crisis were especially high. Zoli (2001)
calculated the cost to be 26 per cent of GDP for the period of
1991-1998. Altogether, 14 commercial banks (out of 46) were closed in
1996. This represented 24 per cent of the banking system's assets.
Ninety per cent of uncollateralised refinancing before the 1996/1997
crisis was concentrated in the bankrupt banks. During 1996, the
population withdrew 42 per cent of its foreign currency deposits and 21
per cent of its lev deposits. This was almost 70 per cent of
Bulgaria's foreign currency reserves. During 1996, depositors lost
more than 50 per cent of their savings.
The financial crisis was accompanied by a deep political crisis and
mass demonstrations. The social turmoil culminated on 10 January 1997
when the Parliament was attacked. At that time, information on the
possibility of blocking deposits and internal debt default leaked out
(Roussenova, 2002). On 4 February 1997, major political parties took a
principal decision to introduce a CB arrangement. (25) The new President
took office on 20 January 1997, the socialist party abdicated from power
and a caretaker government was appointed. The Bulgarian Crisis came to
an end when the exchange rate stabilised at the end of February 1997 and
de facto the Bulgarian CB started to operate (formally the CB started in
July 1997). In March 1997, the inflation rate dropped drastically.
Parliamentary elections were held on 19 April 1997. In April 1997, a new
agreement with the IMF was reached. In the course of time, economic
agents started to adjust their behaviour to the forthcoming formal
establishment of the CB in July 1997.
The Bulgarian Crisis was foremost a closed economy crisis. In
contrast to the Asian Crisis where foreign capital outflows were
significant, capital outflows were very small, about $240 million (BNB,
1996). This was due to the fact that during 1990-1996 foreign capital
inflows, particularly portfolio investments, were very small. (26)
As argued in the last section, the Bulgarian Crisis was caused by a
combination of excessive monetisation of fiscal debt and moral hazard
behaviour in the banking sector resulting from the belief that BNB would
always provide refinancing in the case of losses. When the crisis
culminated in early 1997, a new monetary system had to be implemented.
The new system had to fulfil two requirements: (1) In the short run, the
monetary system had to stop the crisis. Thus, monetary strategies like
inflation targeting, requiring considerable periods of reputation
building, were not suitable. (2) The new monetary system had to provide
long-term stability. EU accession was not possible unless the exchange
rate was stabilised, and interest and inflation rates came down.
Bulgaria chose a CB arrangement, thereby strictly restricting the
possibility of monetising the fiscal debt. However, the
second-generation CB introduced in Bulgaria differs significantly from
orthodox CBs. (27) The Bulgarian CB arrangement enables BNB to conduct
limited monetary policy operations and provides for a strictly limited
LOLR to help stabilise the banking sector. In this section, we focus on
the limited LOLR function and briefly summarise the experiences during
the first years under the CB arrangement. (28) This experience is quite
encouraging, as expectations quickly adjusted to the new monetary policy
strategy and the economy stabilised.
A strictly limited LOLR
As pointed out earlier in this paper, excessive financing by BNB
through quasi LOLR transactions greatly contributed to the Bulgarian
Crisis. Since in contemporary financial systems, the LOLR function is
considered to be a fundamental part of the financial safety net system
(Freixas and Rochet, 1999), Bulgarian authorities felt that a total
elimination of LOLR functions was not appropriate. When introducing a
second-generation CB, an attempt was made to distinguish between
conducting monetary policy on the one hand and LOLR functions on the
other. (29)
CBs provide an opportunity to return to some traditional forms of
the LOLR. A CB arrangement is similar in some respects to the gold
standard. There were several different forms of LOLRs under gold
standard monetary systems, depending on whether they were centralised or
decentralised: (30) (i) In the case of a decentralised gold standard and
free banking regime, the LOLR function was carried out by private
clearing house associations or by branch banking (in the case of the US
and Canada), by option clause or a foreign central bank (in the case of
Scotland). (31) (ii) Under the centralised (and international
functioning) gold standard, LOLR function was performed by a temporary
suspension of the rule of convertibility or a central bank could rely on
support from foreign private banks (like the Barings crisis in
1889/1890). (32) The existence of branches and affiliates of major
foreign banks in Bulgaria is thus an opportunity for importing LOLR from
abroad. Introducing a CB system does therefore not automatically imply
the abolishment of any form of LOLR functions. Similarly, the strategy
of most CBs is to open the domestic market to foreign banks (as eg in
Argentina and Estonia). In Argentina, the central bank agreed to
bilateral credit lines from American and other foreign banks.
However, second-generation CBs can perform LOLR functions in at
least two additional and more direct ways: (i) the inclusion of
positions into the balance sheet (either on the asset or liabilities
side) that are not typical for CBs (eg, deposit certificates are used in
Estonia and repo operations are carried out in Lithuania) and (ii) the
creation of a separate liquidity fund (which is independent of the CB),
or a fund directly linked to the budget (Caprio et al., 1996; Rostowski,
The basic idea behind the Bulgarian CB is to restrict excessive
monetisation of public debt by fully backing the currency while allowing
for LOLR functions using excess reserves. Thus, BNB may extend loans in
lev to banks through the Banking Department up to the level of central
bank excess reserves (Nenovsky and Hristov, 2002). By generally
restricting LOLR transactions to the amount of excess reserves, there is
a natural limit to the funds that can be used for liquidity assistance.
In the light of the earlier discussed path dependence of moral hazard in
transition countries, Bulgaria decided to spell out the strictly
restricted willingness and ability to support banks with liquidity
shortages clearly and to make this restriction part of BNB law.
In contrast to Bagehot's (1992) definition, LOLR under the
Bulgarian CB does not imply free refinancing and imposing a penalty
rate, but rather limited refinancing at a penalty rate. According to
Bagehot, an LOLR should announce in advance a policy of free lending in
the case of a crisis. In Bulgaria, as well as in most contemporary CBs,
the conditions under which refinancing is possible are legally
determined and strictly limited. In line with Bagehot's proposal,
the Bulgarian LOLR function sticks to the principle to grant credits
only against good collateral. BNB can grant loans only to solvent banks
(33) experiencing an acute need for liquidity that cannot be provided
from other sources. These loans can only be extended against collateral
of liquid assets and the loan repayment term shall not exceed 3 months.
However, it is extremely important that CBs should not be allowed
to drift temporarily from the predefined rules since any suspension of
CB principles might negatively affect the credibility of the CB (Ho,
2002). (35) As the basic objective of second-generation CBs is monetary
stabilisation, and in most of the cases these arrangements are put into
practice after a period of hyperinflation or a financial crisis, any
break of the CB rules (reserve money backing and fixed exchange rate by
law) will likely be considered as a return to financial instability and
inflation (in the theoretical models we might think of this as the cause
for a change in market expectations causing the economy to jump from a
'good' equilibrium to a 'bad' one). However, even if
a CB sticks to its rules there is obviously no guarantee for the market
participants that the CB will not be abandoned at some time in the
future. Thus, the introduction of a CB is no insurance against currency
crises. However, we argue that the Bulgarian CB provides a considerably
higher degree of stability as the highly discretionary monetary regime
before the crisis. This is primarily due to the fact that the rules of
the game are now clarified and became part of the legislation. Thus, the
government not only tied its own hands but also eliminated a major
source of moral hazard that arose from the belief that banks were fully
insured against bankruptcy by state institutions. However, additional
measures were necessary to secure a high degree of financial stability.
Under second-generation CBs, banking supervision, bank regulations
and banking court proceedings are vital parts of the safety net. A
system of efficient bank regulation is both a prerequisite for the
central bank to be able to serve as an LOLR without creating moral
hazard behaviour and to compensate for the somewhat limited function of
the central bank as an LOLR. It is not surprising that in most of the
countries under a CB arrangement, capital adequacy, liquidity and even
equity requirements are significantly higher than those in countries
with other monetary regimes. With the introduction of the Bulgarian CB,
banking supervision became an integral and legally defined part of the
new monetary strategy. The important role of bank supervision was
underlined by the establishment of a separate department responsible for
bank supervision within BNB. This department is fully responsible for
licencing, analysing and controlling banks' activities. A number of
laws and regulations were passed (like the law for bank insolvency,
regulation for internal control, regulation for the management and
supervision of the banks liquidity, etc), all of which enforce the
implementation of the supervision principles. The minimal level for the
total capital adequacy ratio was set to 12 per cent; primary capital
adequacy ratios shall not be lower than 6 per cent (in fact, the banks
maintain considerably higher total capital adequacy ratios ranging from
30 to 40 per cent, see Table 5).
Another crucial part of a safety net is a well-designed system of
deposit guarantees. This system is designed to minimise moral hazard
problems, and is more restrictive than in countries with discretionary
monetary policy. (36) Deposit guarantees are necessary to avoid panics,
even if panics do not always lead to a total contraction of the monetary
base but only its reallocation between banks (as was experienced under
the gold standard). Panics usually move deposits from
'suspicious' and weak banks to ones of sound reputation
(information-based bank runs rather than random withdrawals). Such runs
were observed during the Bulgarian Crisis when depositors transferred
their funds to healthy banks like Bulbank. There were similar runs
throughout the banking crisis in Argentina in 1994/1995 with a CB in
operation but no safety net (Schumacher, 2000; Caprio et al., 1996).
Depositors reallocated their money to big Argentine and foreign banks.
In 1998, a Deposit Insurance Fund financed by commercial banks was
established in Bulgaria. The entry premium is 1 per cent of the minimum
capital required and the annual premium contribution is 0.5 per cent of
the total amount of the deposit base for the preceding year, determined
on an average daily basis. For a long time, the maximum amount
reimbursed to a single person was 2,500 euros. In 2002, it was raised to
7669 euros as part of the requirements of EU convergence (by the end of
2006, the coverage limit should become 20,000 euros as in EU countries).
However, since the majority of deposits are less than 5,000 euros, the
current deposit guarantee might be too high, inducing moral hazard on
the behalf of banks due to low monitoring incentives of depositors. (37)
Under a CB, the interbank market might also play an important role
for liquidity control. However, the Bulgarian interbank market does not
function very well. Banks set up internal regulations for transferring
liquidity to other banks case by case. In fact, there is no dialogue
among the banks, which is an important precondition of providing mutual
aid in the case of a crisis (Freixas et al., 1999). This phenomenon can
perhaps be explained partly by the lack of trust among commercial banks
induced by the 1996/1997 crisis.
Development of the Bulgarian economy since July 1997
As argued earlier in this paper, the newly introduced monetary
strategy had to fulfil two tasks: to stop the crisis in the short run
and to stabilise the Bulgarian economy in the medium and long run. The
first task was solved by the establishment of the Bulgarian CB. The
simple fact that the CB arrangement survived shows that the credibility
of the new regime was sufficiently high. External stabilisation also
allowed restoring internal stability. Soon after the introduction of the
CB, inflation fell sharply. While inflation expectations also decreased
after the CB introduction by about 50 per cent, average inflation
expectations were initially quite high (24.9 per cent). This finding
might be explained by agents taking a wait-and-see strategy. (38) How
far the new monetary regime will be able to solve the second and more
important task of long-term stability cannot be judged definitely after
only 5 years. (39) Recent developments in the Bulgarian economy suggest,
however, that the CB will continue to provide a stabilising force in the
longer run. Table 5 summarises the movements of the main economic
indicators from 1997 to 2001.
Essential changes have occurred in the banking system. First,
almost all the banks have been privatised. The last state-owned bank is
expected to be privatised in 2003. Second, bank behaviour has changed
substantially. This is partly due to the experience before and during
the 1996/1997 crisis and partly due to the restrictions imposed by the
CB arrangement and bank supervision. Banks became extremely cautious in
managing their portfolios, especially their lending operations. They
have maintained capital adequacy and liquidity ratios substantially
above international standards. As a result, domestic credit was
restructured. The share of standard exposures in total exposures
increased from 58.2 per cent in 1997 to 92.3 per cent in 2001. Third,
lending to the public sector significantly decreased. While the share of
public sector credits in total credits was 64.4 per cent in 1997, it
decreased to some 33.5 per cent in 2001. These measures indicate that
phenomena like direct lending and moral hazard behaviour are
considerably restricted by the new regime. In the second half of 2002, a
more active lending by banks was observed, which was associated with a
drop of interest rates in international markets and a redirection of
banks' investments back to Bulgaria.
LOLR practices have also changed. During the 5-year existence of
Bulgaria's CB, BNB never made a loan under the LOLR procedures,
although two banks suffered some liquidity difficulties during this
period. Both these small banks failed. (40) This experience shows that a
restrictive definition of the LOLR function might be sufficient to
provide the necessary stability to the financial sector, thereby
preventing systematic bank runs from occurring. However, there is no
certainty about what would happen if a large bank would fail and ask for
liquidity assistance. While current excess reserves of the Bulgarian CB
covering more than hall of the deposits of the banking system would
allow for supporting even larger banks without violating the CB rules,
the described institutional framework of banking supervision makes such
a scenario less likely. Moreover, the presence of various foreign banks
in Bulgaria contributes to a higher degree of stability of the financial
The restrictions imposed by the CB arrangement also induced the
Bulgarian government to adopt a more conservative fiscal policy. Since
introduction of the CB in 1997, the budget deficits have been extremely
small. In 1998, there was even a small surplus. As a result, the
internal debt in per cent of GDP had decreased from 60 per cent at the
end of 1996 to 7 per cent by the end of 2001.
The switch from a discretionary monetary policy with an excessive
use of the LOLR function and excessive monetisation of government debt
to a second-generation CB has created stability, which is an important
precondition for Bulgaria's process of EU accession. BNB
balance-sheet positions currently give no reason to worry about the
CB's future. However, the economy has grown slowly. Official
measures of unemployment increased during the last years (although this
development might be induced by a growing shadow economy). The CB has
been a necessary but not sufficient precondition for sustainable
economic growth. The CB arrangement is only a part of extensive
institutional and legal reforms that must take place.
In this paper, we argue that the Bulgarian twin crises of 1996/1997
can best be explained by a combination of first- and third-generation
moral hazard models of currency crises. Unlike the typical assumption of
third-generation currency crisis models, moral hazard behaviour was, at
least initially, not induced by explicit governmental guarantees but by
the unchanged public belief that the government and the central bank
would protect industrial companies and banks facing bankruptcy problems.
These beliefs, which are at least partially due to Bulgaria's
history as a former communist country, were reinforced by the
government's actions. When the public started to worry about the
governments' ability and willingness to continue this policy, a
banking crisis was triggered and reinforced by a sudden change to a
restrictive banking policy by BNB. Thus, an important cause of the
Bulgarian Crisis of 1996/1997 was BNB's role as a lender of first
resort rather than an LOLR in the pre-crisis and the crisis period.
The crisis was stopped by implementing a second-generation CB.
While this arrangement allows BNB to perform some LOLR functions, these
are strictly limited. This institutional setting is the response to the
experiences with a highly discretionary monetary strategy in the period
of 1991-1996. The CB arrangement allowed Bulgaria to import the
hard-nosed reputation of the German Bundesbank and the ECB in fighting
inflation. The strictly limited LOLR function provides the necessary
degree of stability for the banking system. Both theorists and
practitioners seem to have underestimated the special systemic moral
hazard risk in transition countries primarily resulting from the
inherited belief that state institutions will resolve any form of
financial distress in an economy. The twin crises in Bulgaria of
1996/1997 underlines both the importance and the vulnerability of
banking systems in transition countries. Since capital market-based
financing is often impossible, a strong banking system is needed to
provide financing of investments, which are urgently needed to catch up
with Western European countries. The transformation process is a time of
soft budget constraints that can end up in a deep financial crisis, as
the Bulgarian example has shown. The Bulgarian experience also
demonstrates that with a new institutional structure for the banking
system, proper supervision and a more restrictive role for the central
bank, it is possible to stabilise a crisis economy.
Table 1: Financial results (net profit) of state-owned firms
(1992-1997) in per cent of balance sheet's assets
Year Industry Construction Transport Trade Others
1992 -7.87 0.26 0.08 -1.62 0.00
1993 -12.74 -2.17 -6.99 -1.14 -4.96
1994 -4.89 -2.14 -3.28 0.43 5.37
1995 -4.24 -1.14 -5.23 -1.31 1.10
1996 -5.54 -1.18 -5.85 -1.78 -6.71
1997 2.89 0.99 3.43 2.30 2.50
Source: OECD (1999, p. 79)
Table 2: Domestic credit and refinancing to commercial banks
(Thousand BGN) 12/1995 03/1996 06/1996
Domestic assets (net) 72,030 88,870 115,107
Claims on central government (net) 25,976 35,936 28,066
Of which Government securities 50,558 48,707 57,089
Claims on commercial banks 43,383 58,294 105,171
In foreign currency 19,137 21,282 38,589
Deposits 14,911 16,404 30,785
Credits 4,226 4,878 7,804
Shares and other equity 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0
Deposits+other 14,911 16,404 30,785
In lev 24,246 37,012 66,582
Deposits 11,419 29,176 52,937
Credits 9,548 5,801 11,676
Shares and other equity 1,469 1,838 1,838
Other 1,810 197 131
Deposits+other 13,229 29,373 53,068
Other items (net) 2,671 -5,360 -18,130
(Thousand BGN) 09/1996 12/1996 03/1997
Domestic assets (net) 134,814 157,660 200,241
Claims on central government (net) 82,142 155,007 404,375
Of which Government securities 123,497 201,535 509,296
Claims on commercial banks 132,600 238,758 487,317
In foreign currency 53,349 113,388 348,232
Deposits 41,061 72,896 226,561
Credits 12,288 40,492 120,718
Shares and other equity 0 0 0
Other 0 0 953
Deposits+other 41,061 72,896 227,514
In lev 79,251 125,370 139,085
Deposits 54,379 12 12
Credits 22,862 123,387 56,172
Shares and other equity 1,838 1,838 1,838
Other 172 133 81,063
Deposits+other 54,551 145 81,075
Other items (net) -79,928 -236,106 -691,452
(Thousand BGN) 06/1997 09/1997 12/1997
Domestic assets (net) -1095,231 -1251,067 -1042,559
Claims on central government (net) 88,991 -13,468 178,180
Of which Government securities 0 0 0
Claims on commercial banks 311,604 315,059 334,617
In foreign currency 159,057 159,622 181,888
Deposits 24,562 24,856 49,954
Credits 114,652 111,150 110,483
Shares and other equity 0 0 0
Other 19,843 23,616 21,451
Deposits+other 44,405 48,472 71,405
In lev 152,547 155,437 152,729
Deposits 12 18 20
Credits 53,827 53,757 53,404
Shares and other equity 1,838 1,838 1,838
Other 96,870 99,824 97,467
Deposits+other 96,882 99,842 97,487
Other items (net) -1495,826 -1552,658 -1555,356
Source: BNB analytical reporting
Table 3: Dynamics of uncollectible credits (in per cent of total
credit) (1993-1996)
1993 1994 1995 1996 (a)
Standard exposures 7.61 17.69 25.91 43.67
Doubtful exposures (group A) 82.75 66.88 54.55 33.89
Doubtful exposures (group B) 2.19 3.46 4.18 10.67
Uncollectible exposures 7.45 11.97 15.35 11.77
Reported/required statutory provisions 7.18 23.58 23.84 105.42
Source: BNB, Banking Supervision Department
(a) Banks in liquidations are excluded. Group A--arrears up to 30
days, group B--arrears up to 90 days and uncollectible
exposures--arrears over 90 days, or case of bankruptcy or liquidation
of the credit holder.
Table 4: Dynamics of government and government guaranteed debt
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Dom. Debt/GDP (%) 13 19 37 52 39 60
For. debt/GDP (%) 168 127 109 129 73 243 (a)
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Dom. Debt/GDP (%) 16 14 14 7 7
For. debt/GDP (%) 91 72 78 72 67
Source: BNB, fiscal services
(a) Lev devaluation should be taken into account.
Table 5: Performance of the Bulgarian economy (1997-2001)
1997 1998 1999
GDP real growth (%) -7 3.5 2.4
Unemployment rate (%) 13.7 12.2 16
Inflation (%, eop) 578.5 1.0 6.2
Budget deficit (% of GDP) -3 1 -1
Current account (% of GDP) 10.1 -0.5 -5
Foreign direct investment (% of GDP) 4.9 4.2 6.3
Foreign reserves (billions USD) 2474.1 3051.1 3221.6
Number of banks (foreign banks) 34(14) 34(17) 34(22)
Total capital adequacy (%) 28.9 37 41.3
RDA (ROF) total for banking system (%) 5(116) 2(22) 2(21)
Domestic credit (% of GDP) 29.5 18.9 17.8
Credit on private sector (% of total credit) 35.6 38.9 55.8
Credit to public sector (% of total credit) 64.4 61.1 44.2
Standard exposures (% of total exposure) 58.2 69 73.3
Broad money (% of GDP) 25.5 28.2 28.3
Foreign currency deposits (% of total deposits) 63.5 54.1 52.9
2000 2001
GDP real growth (%) 5.8 5
Unemployment rate (%) 17.9 17.3
Inflation (%, eop) 11.3 4.8
Budget deficit (% of GDP) -1.1 -1.5
Current account (% of GDP) -5.6 -6.2
Foreign direct investment (% of GDP) 7.9 5.1
Foreign reserves (billions USD) 3460.3 3580.3
Number of banks (foreign banks) 34(24) 35(25)
Total capital adequacy (%) 35.5 31.32
RDA (ROF) total for banking system (%) 3(23) 3(19)
Domestic credit (% of GDP) 17.4 18.5
Credit on private sector (% of total credit 67.2 66.5
Credit to public sector (% of total credit) 32.8 33.5
Standard exposures (% of total exposure) 82.7 92.3
Broad money (% of GDP) 32.2 36.9
Foreign currency deposits (% of total deposits) 52.7 51.7
Source: BNB, NSI, author calculations
(1) We are very grateful for a large number of helpful comments by
Jeffrey Miller. We are also indebted to the participants of the
conference 'Institutional and Organizational Dynamics in the
Post-Socialist Transformation' in January 2002 in Amiens as well as
Christian Hott, Alexander Karmann, Lena Roussenova and two anonymous
referees. "We also thank Kalina Dimitrova for technical assistance.
Financial support of Altana Stiftung is gratefully acknowledged.
(2) A possible reason for the relatively low level of international
interest in the Bulgarian crisis is that Bulgaria is a small country
that was not a part of the European Community. In addition, Bulgaria is
not an important trading partner of major European countries and did not
receive significant foreign direct investments. International investors
did not worry very much about a possible Bulgarian crisis nor did they
fear that such a crisis could infect other economies of interest to
international investors. Furthermore, the Asian Crisis started soon
after the Bulgarian Crisis.
(3) The complexity of the Bulgarian Crisis has rarely been subject
to special analyses. A detailed crisis chronology can be found only in a
limited number of publications. It is broadly covered by BNB annual
reports (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000), OECD (1997, 1999), Balyozov
(1999), Enoch et al. (2002), and partially by Filipov (1998), Sgard
(1999), Mihov (2002), Nenovsky (1999), Dobrinsky (2000), Vutcheva (2001)
and Roussenova (2002), In their review of banking crises in transition
economies, Tang et al. (2000) point out that Bulgaria is the only
transition country where a banking crisis was combined with a currency
(4) in this paper, we use 'currency crisis' to refer to a
sharp sudden devaluation or depreciation. A 'banking crisis'
occurs when a substantial number of banking institutions rail and/or a
substantial amount of bank deposits are lost through failing banks.
(5) See, for example, the contagion models by Eichengreen et al.
(1996) and Drazen (1999) or the herding model by Calvo (1999).
(6) See, for example, Dooley (2000), Krugman (1998), Chang and
Velasco (1998), Buch and Heinrich (1999) or Flood and Marion (2000).
(7) For example, a central bank might decide to give liquidity
assistance to banks suffering from temporary illiquidity problems,
thereby increasing domestic money supply in spite of the fact that the
exchange rate peg has to be abandoned because foreign currency reserves
are exhausted. See for example, Chang and Velasco (1998).
(8) It should be noted that this strong form of moral hazard only
applies to the case where intermediaries do not invest on their own and
thus have nothing to lose when going bankrupt.
(9) Hochreiter and Kowalski (2000) argue that the legal
independence of central banks in Eastern and Central Europe did not
automatically lead to de facto independence. In most cases, the
governments round ways to impose its fiscal interests by surmounting
legal restrictions.
(10) For a general discussion of the process of transition, see
Kornai (2000). He distinguishes between soft budget constraints (i)
inherited from socialism and (ii) specific to the transition process.
(11) According to Balyozov (1999), during the whole period of
1995-1996 two big state owned banks regularly obtained refinancing in
order to prevent shocks to the payments system.
(12) Uncollateralised refinancing is captured under 'deposits
and other' in Table 2. Revised monetary data are available since
1995. The data before 1995 are not compatible with the newly revised
(13) For instance, refinancing by DSK and BNB as a percentage of
GDP was 11.5 respectively 8.8 per cent in 1993, 8.5 respectively 6.6 per
cent in 1994 and 6.0 respectively 5.2 per cent in 1995. In July 1996,
DSK was directed 10 stop uncollateralised refinancing as well as
participating in the deposit market (OECD, 1997, p. 109). At the end of
1996, refinancing operations fell to 2 per cent of GDP and only 0.1 per
cent at the end off 1997 (data for 1993, 1994 and 1995 are taken from
OECD reports and for 1996 and 1997 from BNB staff reports).
(14) The Bulgarian accounting practice in that period was guided by
the intention to show better bank results. However, even with these
standards in the beginning of 1996 only one or two banks had positive
net worth (Enoch et al., 2002). See also Roussenova (2002) for a
discussion of accounting standards in Bulgaria.
(15) BNB's limited possibilities to initiate bankruptcy,
coupled with the cumbersome bankruptcy proceedings in that period, are
major reasons for the delayed banking reform (Enoch et al., 2002).
(16) There were already some signs of the upcoming crisis in late
1995 when liquidity shortages arose and several rumours of bank failures
were reported (Enoch et al., 2002).
(17) Conservatorship is a legal procedure (introduced in May 1996)
allowing BNB to suspend the operation of a bank close to insolvency. In
that case, BNB appoints a conservator who (temporarily) manages the
(18) At first, individuals were allowed to withdraw their deposits
in lev (without any restrictions) before the court declared its decision
on closed banks (withdrawals of foreign currency deposits were allowed
only by portions). Lev deposits withdrawn were quickly directed to the
foreign currency market where the lev came under pressure. Later, the
permission to withdraw the full amount of lev deposits was abolished and
lev deposits were also blocked like deposits in foreign currency.
(19) BNB changed the minimum reserve requirements in opposite
directions. First, it lowered them from 9.5 per cent to 8.5 per cent; in
December 1996 BNB began raising them up to a level of 11 per cent.
(20) It should be noted that the decision to raise the base
interest rate was suggested by IMF although the negative side effects have already been recognised during the former crises in Latin America in 1997-1998.
(21) The increase of the base interest rate was partially caused by
BNB's active open market operations (primarily reverse repurchase
agreements) in order to withdraw liquidity (Balyozov, 1999).
(22) According to the then BNB Governor Lubomir Filipov, BNB was
subject to an assault by both the Bulgarian government and Parliament in
raid-1996. At that time, the Parliament passed a law allowing to remove
Managing Board members with qualified majority (Filipov, 1998).
(23) According to the then BNB Chief Economist, the BNB Managing
Board expressed disagreement with this credit in a special letter to the
Government and the Parliament (Roussenova, 2002).
(24) For a detailed survey on the financial sector in transition
countries, see Bonin and Wachtel (2002).
(25) At some point, all political forces competed to introduce the
CB arrangement and curry favour with the IME For more details, see
Nenovsky and Rizopoulos (2003).
(26) Resident capital flight' could be considered as still
another form of capital flight; the term was introduced by BNB to denote the outflow of capital from the banking system (see also Dobrinsky,
(27) The features of orthodox (or 'first-generation')
CBs, typical of the colonial system, are well known in broad outlines
(compare Schuler, 1992; Schwartz, 1993). An orthodox CB completely
rejects monetary policy. A CB is backed by a simple and clear rule which
determines the relationship between balance of payments, reserve money
(or money supply) and interest rate dynamics (compare Hanke and Schuler,
1991; Williamson, 1995).
(28) For a detailed description of the Bulgarian CB, see Miller
(1999), Nenovsky and Hrislov (2002) and Nenovsky et al. (2002).
(29) Some economists think that such a separation is impossible
(Goodfriend and King, 1988), although in the 18th century Thornton and
Bagehot tried to distinguish between them.
(30) For surveys, see Bordo (1989) or Denise (2001).
(31) See Bordo and Kydland (1996). For example, the Bank of England was supported by the Banque de France in 1890, and several more times in
the beginning of the 19th century. It is possible that the European
Central Bank will carry out the LOLR function for Bulgaria since
Bulgaria is currently in the process of EU accession. See White (1999)
and Goodhart (1987) for details.
(32) In order to guarantee the restoration of the gold parity
before 1866, the Bank of England issued letters of indemnity.
(33) While Bagehot's advice to support only solvent banks with
liquidity problems is implemented in Bulgaria, it is often hard to judge
whether a certain bank asking for liquidity assistance is solvent or
not. This information problem is even harder to solve in the short
period of time the central bank has to decide on LOLR assistance
(Goodhart and Huang, 1999, p. 6).
(34) BNB's Regulation N6 defines liquidity risk as a situation
where the amount of the ordered but unpaid payment documents in the
Banking Integrated System for Electronic Transfer (BISERA) exceeds 15
per cent of its total amount for both the last 2 days. In addition, the
liquidity risk for the banking system is a condition caused by a bank
delay or an announcement that the bank is going to postpone the
settlement of the submitted payment documents for more than 3 days, and
if the bank has at least eight per cent share of all interbank payments
for each of the last five business days prior to filing a request for a
loan with BNB (BNB, 1999).
(35) The importance of respecting the rules of the game during the
gold standard is underlined in Bordo and Kydland (1996).
(36) This conclusion is drawn in a review by Garcia (1999). He
shows that the optimal guarantee is between one and two times the annual
GDP per capita. For details about the specific features of deposit
guarantees in transition countries, see Hermes and Lensink (2000).
(37) Details for Bulgaria are given in Nenovsky and Petrov (2002).
(38) See the survey conducted by Carlson and Valev (2001).
(39) The recent events in Argentina teach us that a strategy which
worked quite well for some years must not be adequate in the long run.
(40) In the beginning of 1999 Credit Bank was declared to be
insolvent (BNB, 1998), and in the beginning of the following year
Bulgarian Universal Bank went bankrupt (BNB, 2000).
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(1) ifo Institute for Economic Research, Branch Dresden,
Einsteinstrasse 3, D-01069 Dresden, Germany
(2) Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany E-mail:
[email protected]
(3) Bulgarian National Bank, Sofia, Bulgaria,
(4) University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria,
(5) Universite d'Orleans, Orleans, France