Voluntary environmental agreements when regulatory capacity is weak (1).
Blackman, Allen ; Lyon, Thomas P. ; Sisto, Nicholas 等
The conventional approach to industrial pollution control is to
establish laws requiring firms to cut emissions. Voluntary regulation,
by contrast, provides incentives--but not mandates--for pollution
control. In industrialised countries, such regulation has become quite
popular over the past two decades (OECD, 1999, 2003). Environmental
authorities in developing countries, particularly those in Latin
America, have also embraced voluntary regulation and are rapidly putting
new programmes in place. For example, in Colombia, over 50 voluntary
agreements (VAs) between environmental authorities and industrial
associations were signed between 1995 and 2003 (Lara, 2003). And in
Mexico, ten such agreements involving over 600 firms were signed during
the 1990s (Hanks, 2002).
Although voluntary environmental programmes in industrialised
countries and those in developing countries share many features, their
objectives are generally different. In industrialised countries,
regulators typically use voluntary programmes to encourage firms to
overcomply with mandatory regulations, or to cut emissions of pollutants for which mandatory regulations do not exist. In developing countries,
by contrast, regulators generally use them to help remedy rampant
non-compliance with mandatory regulation (Blackman and Sisto, in press).
The broad reason for widespread non-compliance with mandatory regulation
in developing countries is well known: infrastructure needed to enforce
regulations is weak or altogether absent at both the federal and local
levels. For example, federal authorities are usually responsible for
developing and promulgating written environmental regulation. However,
in many cases, such regulation is incomplete, confused, or
inappropriate. Local authorities are typically responsible for
monitoring and enforcing written regulations. However, in most
developing countries, regulatory power is concentrated at the national
level and local institutions are relatively weak. In addition, local
regulators are often strongly influenced by private-sector interest
groups and lack the political will for strict enforcement (World Bank,
1999; Willis et al., 1999; Blackman and Sisto, in press).
The voluntary initiatives that regulators in developing countries
are using to try to overcome these constraints include VAs negotiated
between environmental regulators and industry associations in specific
polluting sectors and/or geographic areas (also known as
'negotiated environmental agreements' and 'voluntary
environmental agreements') as well as public programmes with
pre-established rules to which individual firms or facilities are
invited to participate. (2) In this paper, we focus on the former type
of voluntary regulation. VAs in developing countries often entail four
types of commitments. First, a group of industrial firms agrees to make
the investments needed to comply with existing mandatory regulations
within a certain time period. Second, as quid pro quo, environmental
authorities agree not to sanction the firms for non-compliance during
this grace period. Third, regulatory authorities agree to make
investments needed to eliminate barriers to the enforcement of mandatory
regulations, for example, by promulgating missing regulations. Finally,
environmental authorities promise to subsidise the firm's
investment in pollution control. Such VAs are usually widely publicised at the local level.
Blackman and Sisto (in press) present a detailed description and
analysis of four consecutive high-profile VAs between regulators and
trade associations representing the leather tanning industry in Leon,
Guanajuato, Mexico's leather goods capital, and a notorious
environmental hotspot. In each of these VAs, tanners agreed that within
2-4 years, they would cut emissions of organic and inorganic water
pollutants by building in-house industrial wastewater treatment facilities, implementing pollution prevention measures, and, in some
cases, relocating to industrial parks where common effluent treatment
plants could be built. In addition, the tanners promised to improve
their handling and disposal of solid and hazardous tanning wastes. As
quid pro quo, local environmental authorities agreed not to fine tanners
for violating mandatory emissions standards during a 2- to 4-year grace
period. Federal and local regulators also agreed to fix longstanding
problems with mandatory environmental regulations including a complete
lack of rules governing wastewater discharges into local sewers--a
responsibility of local regulators--and confused and inconsistent rules
governing the handling and disposal of solid and hazardous tanning
wastes--a federal responsibility. Finally, under pressure from federal
regulators, local environmental authorities agreed to build a municipal
wastewater treatment plant, to establish zoning laws for tanneries, and
to finance a tannery pollution control education and research centre.
All four tannery VAs were signed by top federal environmental
authorities and were well publicised. (For a descriptions of other VAs
in developing and transition countries, see Lara, 2003; Dvorak et al.,
2002; Freitas and Gereluk, 2002; Hanks, 2002; Koehler, 2002.)
Unfortunately, the track record of VAs in developing countries is
decidedly mixed. Some appear to have performed as advertised. For
example, according to Freitas and Gereluk (2002), a Brazilian
nation-wide VA spurred significant reductions in benzene emissions in
the metal and petrochemical industries. However, other VAs clearly have
not performed well. For example, the aforementioned tannery VAs
ultimately were mostly ignored by the signatories (Blackman and Sisto,
in press). Similarly, Lara (2003) finds that compliance with a sample of
13 Colombian VAs was negligible.
Such negative evaluations beg the question of whether VAs are
likely to be an appropriate regulatory instrument for developing
countries. The theoretical economics literature on VAs--which, to our
knowledge, focuses exclusively on VAs industrialised country
settings--does not provide much reason for optimism (for reviews of this
literature, see Lyon and Maxwell, 2002; Khanna, 2001). This literature
argues that industry associations participate in and comply with VAs in
order to preclude more stringent mandatory regulation (eg, Alberini and
Segerson, 2002; Maxwell et al., 2000; Segerson and Miceli, 1998). For
example, in Segerson and Miceli (1998), a 'background legislative
threat' motivates industry to negotiate a VA. Moreover, the
stronger this threat, the more pollution abatement the VA generates. In
developing countries with weak regulatory capacity, however, threats of
strict mandatory regulation are not credible. Hence, the existing
theoretical literature seems to imply that VAs are not likely to be
effective in developing countries with limited regulatory capacity.
In this paper, we argue that existing theoretical models of VAs
lack the dynamic structure needed to understand the role VAs play in
developing countries. We develop a game-theoretic model in which
investment in abatement may occur in stages, and we use it to examine
the effect of VAs on investment in abatement and in regulatory
infrastructure when local and federal regulatory capacity is weak. We
find that VAs hold promise for increasing both types of investment and
enhancing welfare in precisely those situations where the regulatory
capacity is weak. The intuition for this result is as follows. A VA in
our model provides a 'grace period' during which no penalties
are applied to the industry for failure to comply, but after which more
stringent penalties may be applied. A VA thus changes the
industry's dynamic investment pattern, reducing short-term
investment, but increasing long-term investment. We find that when the
probability of effective mandatory regulation is low and the VA allows
for a significant increase in penalties for non-compliance, the latter
effect outweighs the former, and the VA can enhance welfare.
The analytics used to derive our results are technical and lengthy.
In this article, we focus mainly on presenting the results along with
the intuition that underpins them. Readers interested in the technical
details are referred to Blackman et al. (2006a).
The remainder of the article is structured as follows. The next
section outlines our analytical model, including the basic assumptions,
the timing of the regulators' and polluter's decisions, the
notation, and the agents' payoff functions. The third section
presents equilibrium results for the status quo (absent a VA). The
fourth section presents equilibrium results in the case of a VA. The
fifth section compares welfare from the status quo and VA equilibria.
The last section presents a summary and conclusions.
We study the interaction of three types of agents: a federal
regulator, a local regulator, and a local industry. The two local agents
are indexed by k [member of] {L, I} where L denotes the local regulator
and I denotes the local industry (Table 1). We consider two types of
regulatory instruments: mandatory regulation and a VA. The instruments
are indexed by j [member of] {N, V} where N denotes the absence of a VA
and g denotes the presence of a VA. Finally, the model has three periods
called 'zero', 'one,' and 'two,' indexed
by t [member of] {0, 1, 2}.
We assume that the industry's pollution is completely
uncontrolled in period zero and we use D to denote this level of
emissions. In subsequent periods, the industry decides how much to
invest in pollution control, or equivalently, how much pollution to
abate. We assume that the industry's investments in pollution
control constitute a durable good, abatement capital, that can be built
up over time. We use [X.sub.t] to denote the total number of units of
pollution that the industry abates in each period, and [x.sub.t] to
denote the number of additional units of pollution abated in each
period. Hence, [X.sub.t] is a state variable (abatement capital) and
[x.sub.t] is a control variable (abatement investment). The industry
pays a cost, C([X.sub.t]), for abatement capital. We assume that costs
are increasing in abatement at an increasing rate, that is, C([X.sub.t])
is convex in [X.sub.t].
We assume that in order to implement pollution control policies,
the local regulator needs both federal-level capacity (eg, laws and
regulations) and local-level capacity (eg, local monitoring
institutions). In other words, federal- and local-level regulatory
capacity are perfect complements. However, both types of regulatory
capacity are missing in period zero. Unlike the industry's
investment decision which can be incremental, both federal- and
local-level investment decisions are 'all-or-nothing.'
The federal regulator's only function in our analysis is to
supply the federal-level regulatory capacity. The variable [Z.sub.t]
[member of] {0, 1} indicates the federal regulator's pollution
control capacity in period t. We assume that there is a constant hazard
rate in each period such that if federal regulatory capacity was not in
place in the previous period, it will be in place in the present period
with probability [rho]. Ex ante, the probability of capacity being in
place in period t is defined as [[alpha].sub.t], where [[alpha].sub.1] =
[rho] and therefore [[alpha].sub.2] = 1-[(l-[rho]).sup.2] = [rho]
(2-[rho]). Note that [[alpha].sub.2] > [[alpha].sub.1]. Hence, from
the perspective of an agent in period one, the probability that federal
capacity will be in place is increasing over time.
In each period, the local regulator must decide whether or not to
build its own regulatory capacity, another dichotomous 'all-or-nothing' choice. The variable [y.sub.t] [member of]
{0, 1} describes the local regulator's investment in local-level
regulatory infrastructure. We assume that the local regulator's
investment is durable, so that if it is made in period one, no further
investment is needed in period two. The variable [Y.sub.t] denotes the
local regulator's cumulative pollution control capacity in period
t. Hence, [Y.sub.t] is a control variable and [Y.sub.t] is a state
variable. The cost to the local regulator of investing in regulatory
capacity is R([y.sub.t]) where R(0)=0 and R(1)=R. Each period, the
federal regulator threatens to fine the local regulator a lump-sum
amount equal to [P.sub.j] if the local regulator does not build
regulatory capacity. This feature of the model is meant to capture
pressure to improve environmental quality placed on local regulators by
federal regulators. The penalty could be either nonpecuniary (eg,
political capital) or pecuniary. In Mexico in the 1990s, for example,
federal authorities threatened to withhold disbursements of tax revenues
to Guanajuato state if it did not build and begin operating a municipal
wastewater treatment plant for the city of Leon (Blackman and Sisto, in
press). Although the federal regulator threatens to sanction the local
regulator for failing to invest in regulatory capacity, the federal
regulator cannot make good on this threat unless it has built its own
regulatory capacity. The local regulator, in turn, threatens to require
the industry to pay a fee, [F.sub.j], for every unit of pollution it
emits. However, as noted above, the local regulator cannot apply this
sanction unless both federal regulatory capacity and local regulatory
capacity are in place.
In motivating the industry to invest in pollution control, the
local regulator can either use mandatory regulation--a fee per unit of
emissions--or a VA. A VA has two functions. It designates period one as
a 'grace period' during which sanctions are not applied to
either the local regulator or to the industry, and it increases the size
of these sanctions: both [P.sub.j], the fine that the federal regulator
levies upon the local regulator, and [F.sub.j], the fee that the local
regulator requires the industry to pay. A VA increases the size of
regulatory sanctions because political constraints on the severity of
such sanctions are relaxed when signatories abrogate a formal,
high-profile VA. Finally, we assume that the local regulator obtains a
benefit, B([X.sub.t]), from abatement undertaken by the industry. These
benefits arise from, among other things, reductions in damages to human
health and environment. The benefits are increasing in abatement at a
decreasing rate, that is, B([X.sub.t]) is (at least weakly) concave.
We assume that all but two of the parameters of our model are
freely observable by all of the agents in the model. These two
parameters are the existence in each period of federal regulatory
capacity and the existence in each period of local regulatory capacity.
A necessary condition for such capacity is that regulators possess the
political will to impose sanctions, a capability that is virtually
impossible to observe except when successfully demonstrated. Hence, we
assume that regulatory capacity is only revealed through enforcement.
That is, the local regulator only knows for certain that federal
regulatory capacity exists if the federal regulator levies a fine, and
the industry only knows for certain that local regulatory capacity
exists if the local regulator charges a pollution fee.
The timing of the agents' interactions is as follows. In
period zero, only one event occurs: the local regulator offers a VA or
not. In period one, the local regulator and the industry decide whether
or not to invest. If a VA has not been signed, then fines and fees are
levied if the requisite federal and local regulatory capacity is in
place, and federal and local regulatory capacity is revealed. If a VA
has been signed, then sanctions are not applied in period one (because
the VA establishes an enforcement amnesty in this period) and regulatory
capacity is not revealed. Finally, in period two, the same events occur
regardless of whether a VA has been signed or not: the local regulator
and the industry decide whether or not to invest, sanctions are applied
if regulatory capacity is in place, and regulatory capacity is revealed.
Given the assumptions and notation presented above, the
industry's payoff in each period is comprised solely of two types
of costs: the incremental cost of investing in pollution abatement,
(C([X.sub.t])-C([X.sub.t]-1)), and the expected total pollution fee
levied by the local regulator,
[[alpha].sub.t][F.sub.j](D-[X.sub.t])[Y.sub.t]. Hence, the
industry's two-period discounted expected payoff with expectation
taken at the end of period zero is
E([[PI].sup.I.sub.t]|t = O) = [2.summation over (t=1)]
[[delta].sup.t-1][-(C([X.sub.t]) - C([X.sub.t-1])) -
[[alpha].sub.t][F.sub.j](D - [X.sub.t])[Y.sub.t]] (1)
The local regulator's payoff in each period is comprised of a
benefit--the benefit from the industry's pollution abatement,
B([X.sub.t])--and three types of costs--the incremental cost of the
industry's investment in pollution abatement
(C([X.sub.t])-C([X.sub.t-1])); the cost of installing local regulatory
capacity, R([y.sub.t]); and the expected penalty for not putting local
regulatory capacity in place, [[alpha].sub.t][P.sub.j](1-[Y.sub.t]). The
inclusion of the cost of the industry's investment in the local
regulator's payoff is routine in the industrial organisation
literature (see, for example, Tirole, 1988; Baron, 1989). It may be
interpreted in either of two ways. First, the local regulator is a
traditional welfare maximiser who is unconcerned about distributional
issues and who, therefore, treats all benefits and costs equally.
Second, the local regulator is strongly influenced by the
industry's lobbying as is often the case in developing country
settings (Prud'homme, 1995; Blackman et al., 2006b). In any event,
the local regulator's two-period discounted expected payoff with
expectation taken at the end of period zero is
E([[PI].sup.L.sub.t]|t = O) = [2.summation over (t=1)]
[[delta].sup.t-1][B([X.sub.t]) - C([X.sub.t]) - C([X.sub.t-1])) -
R([y.sub.t]) - [[alpha].sub.t][P.sub.j](1 - [Y.sub.t])] (2)
This section focuses on the 'status quo' situation in
which the regulators and the industry do not sign a VA in period zero.
We describe and provide intuition for the (somewhat technical)
equilibrium conditions for the status quo, which are summarised in Table
How much will the industry invest in the first period? Because the
industry knows that the local regulator cannot successfully charge
pollution fees unless local regulatory capacity exists, the industry
only invests in pollution abatement in the first period if it
determines--by examining the local regulator's payoff function
(which is public information)--that the local regulator will install
regulatory capacity in the first period.
Even if the industry determines that the local regulator will, in
fact, install capacity in the first period, the industry still remains
uncertain about whether it could be required to pay a pollution fee in
the first period because both the local regulator and the federal
regulator must install regulatory capacity in order for fees to be
successfully levied. Therefore, if the industry decides to invest in
pollution abatement, it picks a level of investment, [X.sup.*.sub.N1],
that takes into account uncertainty about the federal regulator's
regulatory capacity. It chooses a level of abatement investment
according to the first-order condition
C'([X.sub.1]) = [F.sub.B][rho][1 + (1 - [rho])[delta]]/[1 -
[rho][delta]] (3)
This chosen level of investment balances the marginal cost of the
investment in the first period (the left-hand side of the equation)
against the expected marginal benefit of this investment (the right-hand
side). The latter is just the expected discounted per unit penalty in
both in periods one and two that is avoided by abatement investment. The
expected discounted per unit penalty is [F.sub.N], the per unit fee,
multiplied by [rho][1 + (1-[rho])[delta]]/[1 - [rho][delta]], a term
that takes into account both uncertainty about the federal
regulator's investment in regulatory capacity and discounting of
the second period fee. It is easy to show that this term is always less
than one because both [rho] and [delta] are, by definition, less than
one. It is also easy to show that this term is greater than [rho] and
increasing in [rho] Cat an increasing rate). Hence, the optimal level of
abatement investment, [X.sup.*.sub.N1], is smaller than the amount that
would equate marginal cost of abatement investment with the marginal
penalty, [F.sub.N], and the difference is greater the smaller is [rho].
In sum, equation (3) implies that the industry's choice of how much
to invest in the first period strikes a middle ground between the amount
it would invest if it knew for certain that the federal regulator would
not install capacity in period one--this amount being zero--and the
amount it would invest if it knew for certain that the federal regulator
would install regulatory capacity--the amount that equates marginal cost
of investment with the per unit penalty, [F.sub.N].
It is important to note that the industry's first-period
investment, [X.sup.*.sub.N1], is convex in the probability of federal
capacity being installed, that is, when [rho] is small, the industry is
cautious and invests very little in period one, but as [rho] grows
large, the industry rapidly increases period one investment. The driver
of this convexity is the term (1-[rho][delta]) in the denominator of the
right-hand side of (3). (The right-hand side of (3) is convex in [rho]
just as the function 1/(1-x) is convex in x.) The term (1-[rho][delta])
essentially discounts one of the benefits of first-period
investment--the benefit that arises because such investment reduces the
incremental cost of investment in the second period. As we shall see,
this benefit only arises when federal capacity is installed in the first
period. Therefore, it is discounted by [rho]--the probability that
federal capacity is installed in the first period--as well as by
How much will the industry invest in the second period? We consider
two scenarios. The first is that the local regulator lacked incentives
to install regulatory capacity in the first period, and as a result, the
industry did not invest in pollution control in the first period. In
this case, the industry will only invest in the second period if it
knows (again, from an examination of the local regulator's payoff
function) that the local regulator will invest in the second period. In
this scenario, the industry's optimal second-period abatement
investment, [X.sup.*.sub.N2], will depend on the action the federal
regulator took in the first period. If the federal regulator invested in
the first period, then the industry will invest according to the
following first order condition
C'([X.sub.2]) = [F.sub..N] (4)
If the federal regulator did not invest in the first period, then
the industry will invest according to
C'([X.sub.2]) = [rho][F.sub.N] (5)
These conditions simply dictate that in selecting a second-period
level of investment, [X.sup.*.sub.N2], the industry balances the
marginal cost of the abatement in the second period (the left-hand side
of each equation), against the expected marginal benefit of abatement
(the right-hand side).
The second scenario for the industry's second-period
investment is that the local regulator installed regulatory capacity in
the first period, and as a result, the industry invested in pollution
control according to equation (3). In this scenario, too, the
industry's decision to undertake additional investment depends on
the federal regulator's actions in the first period. If the federal
regulator installed regulatory capacity in the first period, then the
industry will undertake investment in the second period above and beyond
that it already undertook in the first period if and only if the
following condition is met
[rho](1 + [delta](2 - [rho])) <1 (6)
It is easy to show that this condition is only met when [rho], the
ex ante probability that federal authorities invest in regulatory
capacity in each period given that it has not yet done so, and [delta],
the discount factor, are sufficiently small. Intuitively, the reason is
that when the probability that federal authorities invest in regulatory
capacity in the first period is small, and when the discount factor is
small, the industry's first-period abatement investment is also
relatively small, and would be too small to suffice as a second-period
level of abatement investment in situations where federal authorities
invest in the first period. When the industry expands it abatement
investment in the second period, it does so until the marginal cost of
further investment is equal to the marginal per unit emissions fee, that
is, until equation (4) is satisfied. We simplify the analysis in the
remainder of the paper by restricting it to values of [rho] and [delta]
such that the 'expansion condition' given by equation (6)
If the federal regulator did not install capacity in the first
period, then the industry will not invest in the second period,
regardless of what the federal regulator does or does not do in the
second period. The reason is that the industry's first-period
investment is at least as great as that it would want to have in place
in the second period given continuing uncertainty about whether federal
regulatory capacity will be in place in the second period.
Local regulator
How does the local regulator decide whether or not to install
capacity--a dichotomous 'all-or-nothing' choice--when no VA
exists? In general, the local regulator makes this decision by comparing
the costs and benefits of this investment. The cost is always simply R.
The benefits have two components: (a) the avoided expected federal fine
for not installing local capacity, and (b) the net expected benefit of
the pollution abatement that the industry undertakes when it determines
that the local regulator will install regulatory capacity. The direct
benefits and costs that the local regulator considers in making its
decision depend on three parameters: the cost of installing local
regulatory capacity, R; the ex ante probability that the federal
authority installs federal regulatory capacity given that it has not
done so previously, [rho]; and the federal fine for not installing local
capacity, [P.sub.N]. These parameters define three cases. For each, we
describe the conditions under which the local regulator invests, and we
provide intuition for these results.
Case 1 occurs when the local regulator's cost of installing
regulatory capacity is less than the avoided expected federal fine for
not installing it, that is, when R < [rho][P.sub.N]. In this case,
the local regulator will always install capacity in the first period.
The reason is that the cost to the local regulator of installing
regulatory capacity is less than one of the two components of the
benefit from this investment--component (a), the avoided expected
federal fine for not installing regulatory capacity. Clearly, then, the
cost of installing capacity must be less than both components of the
benefits added together.
Case 2 occurs when the local regulator's cost of installing
regulatory capacity is greater than the avoided expected federal fine
for not installing it, but is less than the certain federal fine, that
is, when [rho][P.sub.N]<R<[P.sub.N]. In this case, a necessary and
sufficient condition for the local regulator to invest in the first
period is that the benefits exceed the costs. Table 2 presents a
mathematical condition derived from a comparison of the benefits and
costs for this case. Whether or not the condition holds depends on the
specific parameterisation of the model. If it does not hold, then the
local regulator does not install capacity in the first period, and must
decide whether to install capacity in the second period. The local
regulator makes this decision by comparing the benefits and costs of
installing capacity in the second period. It turns out that a necessary
and sufficient condition for the benefits to exceed the costs is that
the federal regulator has installed capacity in period one. (3)
Case 3 occurs when the local regulator's cost of installing
regulatory capacity is greater than the certain federal fine for not
installing it, that is, R > [P.sub.N]. Here again, the local
regulator decides whether or not to install capacity in the first period
by comparing the expected benefits and costs of doing so. Table 2
presents a necessary and sufficient condition for investment derived
from the regulator's comparison of benefits and costs for this
case. If this condition is not met so that the local regulator does not
install capacity in the first period, then the local regulator must
decide whether to install capacity in period two. Again, it does this by
comparing the benefits and costs of this investment. However, it turns
out that the fact that the cost of the first-period investment exceeds
the benefits necessarily implies that the costs of second-period
investment exceed the benefits, even if the federal regulator has
already installed capacity in period one. Therefore, if the local
regulator does not invest in the first period, it will not invest in the
second period either.
Under a VA, neither the industry nor the local regulator have any
reason to invest in period one because the grace period ensures there is
no possibility that they will be penalized in this period. The
industry's and the local regulator's only decision is how much
to invest in the second period. The equilibrium conditions are quite
simple (see Table 2).
The industry only invests in pollution abatement in the second
period if it determines (from an examination of the local
regulator's payoff function) that the local regulator will invest.
If the industry does invest, then it selects a level of investment,
[X.sup.*.sub.V2], dictated by the first-order condition
C'([X.sub.2]) = [[alpha].sub.2][F.sub.V] (7)
Here again, the optimal level of investment balances the marginal
cost of investment (the left-hand side) and the marginal expected
benefit (the right-hand side), which in this case is simply the expected
per unit pollution fee under the VA.
It is useful to compare the industry's investment in pollution
abatement under the VA and the status quo. The industry's
investment under the VA, [X.sup.*.sub.V2] (given by equation (7)),
exceeds the total second-period investment it would choose under the
status quo in the case where the federal regulator did not install
capacity in the first period, [X.sup.*.sub.N2] (given by equation (5)).
The reason is that the probability a pollution fee will be charged under
the VA, [[alpha].sub.2] which is equal to [rho](2-[rho]), exceeds the
probability that a fee will be imposed under the status quo, [rho], and
the per unit fee under the VA, [F.sub.V] exceeds the fee under the
status quo, [F.sub.N]. Since by definition, industry's abatement
investment in the second period, [X.sup.*.sub.N2] is at least as great
as its abatement investment in the first period, [X.sup.*.sub.N1], this
logic also implies that the industry's investment under the VA,
[X.sup.*.sub.V2], is at least as great as the first-period investment it
would choose under the status quo, [X.sup.*.sub.N1]. Hence, the only
scenario in which the industry's investment under the VA could
possibly be lower than its investment under the status quo is when the
federal regulator installs capacity in the first period. In this case,
the industry faces a certain pollution fee in the second period under
the status quo, and the industry's second-period investment,
[X.sup.*.sub.N2], is given by equation (4). By definition, however, this
scenario (federal investment in regulatory capacity in the first period)
is highly unlikely when [rho] is small. In sum, in expectation, the
industry's investment under the VA will be larger than under the
status quo as long as [rho] is small.
Local regulator
Under a VA, the local regulator compares the cost of installing
regulatory capacity, R and the benefit, which is simply the avoided
expected penalty, [[alpha].sub.2][P.sub.V]. The local regulator installs
capacity if and only if the latter exceeds the former. In using this
simple decision rule, the local regulator might appear to be ignoring
the net benefits and costs of the industry investment. Actually,
however, the local regulator is simply making its best response to the
investment strategy it expects the industry to pursue: the local
regulator takes as given the industry's investment decision and
makes its own best decision.
To this point, we have analysed the behaviour of the industry and
the local regulator with a VA and under the status quo. We have shown
that a VA can induce greater investment than the status quo in period
two, but also that a VA fails to produce any investment in the period
one. Hence, to assess the overall desirability of a VA relative to the
status quo, we must conduct a detailed analysis of social welfare.
Welfare function
We construct welfare, [W.sub.j], as the discounted expected benefit
from the industry's total investment in pollution abatement, net
of: the cost of that investment; the cost of any investment in local
regulatory capacity; and any penalty paid by the local regulator to the
federal regulator. In this construction, welfare is the net benefit of
regulation to local (versus national) stakeholders. We omit the costs
paid by the federal regulator to install regulatory capacity because the
federal regulator's investments are exogenous to the local
regulator's and the industry's decisions and, therefore would
simply net out in a comparison of welfare generated by the VA versus
status quo regulation. Also, we omit fees paid by the industry to the
local regulator since they represent a transfer among local agents.
Given these assumptions, the general form of the welfare function is
identical to the local regulator's payoff function given by
equation (2). (4)
We assume simple functional forms for the benefit and cost
functions to facilitate the numerical simulation presented in the next
section. Specifically, we assume a linear benefits function, B(X) = bX,
where b is a parameter and where F<b so that per unit pollution fees
are never so large as to induce overinvestment. In addition, we assume a
quadratic cost function, C(X) = [X.sup.2]. (5) Finally, as noted above,
fees and fines under the VA are larger than under the status quo. We
assume that this differential is sufficiently large so that even when
discounted for uncertainty about the federal regulator's actions,
expected fees under the VA are greater than certain fees under the
status quo--that is, [[alpha].sub.2][F.xub.V] > [F.sub.N]--and
expected fines under the VA are greater than certain fines under the
status quo--that is, [[alpha].sub.2][P.sub.V] > [P.sub.N]. These
assumptions about the relative size of fees and fines under the VA and
the status quo embody our argument that the VA enables regulators to
impose greater expected penalties--without these assumptions, the VA
could result in smaller expected penalties compared to the status quo.
These assumptions have the effect of ensuring that the VA has the
potential to enhance welfare compared to the status quo.
As discussed in Section 3, the local regulator's investment
behaviour, and as a result the industry's investment behaviour,
depends on the parameters that determine the local regulator's
direct cost and benefits of investment. The cost is always simply R,
while the benefits depend upon the fines incurred by the local regulator
for not installing such capacity, [P.sub.N] and [P.sub.V] and upon the
two parameters associated with the probability that the federal
regulator installs capacity, [rho] and [[alpha].sub.2]. Therefore, to
derive equilibrium results, we must consider four 'welfare
cases' that are defined by these parameters (for details, see the
Appendix A). Note that we have four cases rather than just the three
discussed in Section 3.2, because the welfare analysis involves two
additional parameters: [[alpha].sub.2] and [P.sub.V] The general form of
the welfare function for each of these four cases is given by equation
(2). Because this general form is quite unwieldy, we simplify it by
taking into account the behaviour of the local regulator and the
industry in each case. (For example, in cases where the local regulator
does not invest in the first period, we omit the benefits and costs of
investment for both the local regulator and the industry since the
industry does not invest in the first period when the local regulator
does not.) As a result, the simplified welfare function for each of
these four cases is different, although each is entirely consistent with
equation (2) (for details, see Appendix A).
Numerical simulations
In this section, we compare the expected value of welfare under the
VA, E([W.sub.V]), to the expected value of welfare under the status quo,
E([W.sub.N]). It is difficult to establish analytical comparative
statics on the magnitude of E([W.sub.V]) relative to E([W.sub.N]).
Therefore, we rely on numerical simulation. Our results are presented in
Table 3. (6,7)
We emphasise one striking and broad finding: in each of the first
three welfare cases, the VA's performance relative to the status
quo is better the lower the probability that the federal regulator will
install regulatory capacity in each period (given that the regulator has
not installed capacity previously). That is, the ratio of E([W.sub.V])
to E([W.sub.N]) is decreasing in [rho]. In fact, in our simulations,
E([W.sub.V]) only exceeds E([W.sub.N]) when [rho] is low. In case W1,
the VA is only socially beneficial for [rho] [less than or equal to]
<0.20, and in cases W2 and W3, the VA is only socially beneficial for
[rho] [less than or equal to] 0.25.
The intuition for these results is as follows. For E([W.sub.V]) to
exceed E([W.sub.N]), the welfare gained from investment in the second
period under the VA, [X.sub.N2], must be large enough to outweigh the
fact that the VA elicits no investment in the first period. This can
easily occur when [rho] is small because in such situations, the
industry typically invests very little in either the first or second
period under the status quo. Recall that the industry's investment
strategy under the status quo is to make one investment decision in the
beginning of the first period, to wait and see whether the federal
regulator installs capacity later in this period, and then make a second
investment decision in the beginning of the second period. The
industry's first-period abatement investment is very small for
small values of [rho] due to the convexity of the investment function,
which we discussed in Section 3.1. The industry's second-period
investment strategy is to invest if and only if the federal regulator
installed capacity in the first period, which is unlikely when [rho] is
small. Hence, when [rho] is small, expected industry investment in both
the first and second periods is quite low under the status quo, and as a
result, the local regulator's decision to use a VA costs little in
terms of foregone first-period investment. At the same time, the VA
allows for an increase in the pollution fee, which amounts to a penalty
for failing to invest in abatement. This increased penalty induces the
industry to make a greater second-period investment than it would under
the status quo. When [rho] is small, the increased second-period
investment outweighs the lost first-period investment, and the VA
improves social welfare.
Note the difference between our findings and those of Segerson and
Miceli (1998). While we find that a VA is only socially desirable when
the probability of enforcing mandatory regulations is low, Segerson and
Miceli find that a VA is always socially desirable, regardless of the
probability of enforcing mandatory regulation. The reason for the
difference is twofold. First, in Segerson and Miceli's model, a VA
primarily serves to reduce transaction costs, so it is always socially
desirable, all other things equal. We do not impose such ad hoc assumptions, which would bias our results in favour of a VA. Second, the
model of Segerson and Miceli is essentially static--it only allows for
the industry to invest at a single point in time. In our model, by
contrast, the VA plays an inherently dynamic role. It creates an
enforcement amnesty in the first period but increases the penalties
regulators can wield in the second period and, in doing so, it
eliminates the industry's first-period abatement investment and
increases its second-period abatement investment. As long as the
period-by-period probability of enforcing mandatory regulation is small,
this tradeoff turns out to be socially beneficial.
VAs are common in developing as well as developed countries, but
they play different roles and operate differently in these different
settings. In this paper, we have presented a dynamic model of a VA in a
developing country where environmental regulation is not being enforced
due to a lack of requisite institutional infrastructure at the federal
and local levels. We focused on the interaction between a local
regulator and a local industry, both operating under uncertainty about
when federal environmental regulatory capacity is likely to develop. The
VA in our model provides a 'grace period' during which no
penalties are applied to the industry for failure to invest in pollution
abatement in the short term, but more stringent penalties can be applied
in the longer term. A VA changes the industry's dynamic abatement
investment pattern, eliminating first-period investment but increasing
second-period investment. We find that when the probability of federal
enforcement is low, and the VA allows for a significant increase in
penalties, the latter effect outweighs the former, and the VA can
enhance welfare. Our analysis provides a new rationale for the use of
VAs, one we believe may be of considerable importance in developing and
transition countries where regulatory capacity is weak.
See Welfare function by case given in Table A1.
Table A1: Welfare function by case
Case W1: R < [rho][P.sub.N] < [P.sub.N] <
VA: [delta][bX.sub.V2] - [([X.sub.V2]).sup.2] - R]
No VA: [bX.sub.N1] - [X.sub.N1.sub.2 - R + [rho]
[delta][[bX.sub.N2] -([X.sub.N2.sup.2] - [X.sub.N1.sup.2]))] + (1 -
Case W2: [rho][P.sub.N] < R < [P.sub.N] <
VA: [delta][[bX.sub.V2] - [([X.sub.V2]).sup.2] - R]
No VA: [rho](-[P.sub.N + [delta]([bX.sub.N2] - [X.sub.n2.sup.2] -
R)) + (1 - [rho])(-[delta][rho]P.sub.N])
Case W3: [rho][P.sub.N] < [P.sub.N] < R <
VA: [delta][[bX.sub.V2] - [([X.sub.V2]).sup.2] - R]
No VA: [bX.sub.1] - ([X.sub.1.sup.2]) - R + [rho]([delta][bX.sub.2]
- ([X.sub.2.sup.2] - ([X.sub.1.sup.2]))) + (1 - [rho])[delta][bX.sub.1]
[if [Y.sub.1] = 1] - [[rho]P.sub.N][1 + [delta](2 - [rho])] [if Y.sub.1]
= 0]
Case W4: [rho][P.sub.N] < [P.sub.N] <
[[alpha].sub.2][P.sub.V] < R
VA: -[delta][[alpha].sub.2][P.sub.V]
No VA: -[rho][P.sub.N][1 + [delta](2 - [rho])]
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(1) Senior authorship is shared equally between the first two
authors. We thank the editor and two reviewers for their helpful
comments and suggestions.
(2) See OECD (1999) for a taxonomy of different types of voluntary
(3) To see this, note that if the federal regulator has installed
federal regulatory capacity in period one, then the local regulator
faces a certain penalty, [P.sub.N], if it does not install local
regulatory capacity in period two. We know that for Case 2, the cost of
installing local regulatory capacity, R, is less than one of the two
components of the benefits of installing capacity--component (a), the
avoided certain penalty, [P.sub.N]--and is therefore clearly less than
both components added together. Hence, if the federal regulator has
installed capacity in period one, the local regulator will install
capacity in period two. If, on the other hand, the federal regulator did
not install capacity in period one, it is easy to show the cost of
installing capacity will outweigh the benefits. Hence, if the federal
regulator has not installed capacity in period one, the local regulator
will not install capacity in period two.
(4) It is standard to include both benefits (to society) and costs
(to industry) in a social welfare function. See, for example, Segerson
and Miceli (1998) or Maxwell et al. (2000).
(5) The assumption of linear benefits and quadratic costs is purely
a simple way to ensure a concave social welfare function and does not
affect the results in any qualitative way. For a similar approach, see
Glachant (2003) which also assumes linear benefits and quadratic costs.
(6) We omit case W4 wherein the local regulator never installs
regulatory capacity under any conditions and, therefore, industry never
invests under any conditions.
(7) In the simulations we have examined, industry profits are
typically lower under a VA in exactly the circumstances in which the VA
enhances welfare. This is not a fundamental problem, however, because
the regulator can allocate some of the increase in welfare to providing
technical assistance or other subsidies to obtain the industry's
(1) Resources for the Future, 1616 P Street, N.W., Washington, DC
20036, USA. E-mail:
[email protected]
(2) Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, 701
Tappan St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA. E-mail:
[email protected]
(3) Department of Economics, Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios
Superiores de Monterrey, Ave. E. Garza Sada 2501 Sur C.P. 64849,
Monterrey, NL, Mexico. E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1: Notation
j Index of regulatory instrument: j [member of]
{N,V}, where N=no VA and V=VA
k Index of local agents: k [member of] {L,I),
where L=local regulator and I=local industry
t Index of time periods: t [member of] {0, 1, 2}
b Marginal environmental benefit of industry
investment in pollution abatement
[x.sub.t] Number of additional units of pollution the
industry abates in period t, equivalently, the
industry's additional investment in durable
abatement capital in period t (control variable)
[y.sub.t] Local regulator's all-or-nothing investment in
regulatory infrastructure in period t, y [member
of] {0,1} (control variable)
B([X.sub.t]) Environmental benefit from the industry's
cumulative pollution abatement capacity
C([X.sub.t]) Cost to the industry of its cumulative pollution
abatement capacity
D Uncontrolled industry emissions in period 0
[F.sub.j] Fee per unit of emissions levied on the industry
by local regulator
I An element of k, the index of local agents,
indicating the industry
L An element of k, the index of local agents,
indicating the regulator
N An element of j, the index of regulatory
instruments indicating no VA
[P.sub.j] Lump-sum fine levied on local regulator by federal
regulator for failing to install local-level
regulatory capacity
R([y.sub.t]) Cost to local regulator of investment in local
regulatory infrastructure with R(0)=0 and
V An element of j, the index of regulatory
instruments, indicating a VA
W([X.sub.t]) Net social benefit of investment in pollution
[X.sub.t] Total units of pollution the industry abates in
period t, equivalently, cumulative investment
in durable abatement capital in period t (state
[Y.sub.t] Cumulative investment in local regulatory
infrastructure in period t (state variable)
[Z.sub.t] Cumulative investment in federal regulatory
infrastructure in period t (state variable)
[[alpha].sub.t] Period 1 ex ante probability of federal capacity
being in place in period t, given that it was not
in place in t-1
[delta] Discount factor
[[pi].sup.k.sub.t] Period t expected payoff to agent k
[rho] Period t ex ante probability of federal capacity
being in place in period t, given that it was not
in place in t-1
[[PI].sup.k.sub.t] Two-period discounted payoff to agent k
Table 2: Equilibria
Agent Status quo (no VA) VA
Local industry * In each period, invests * Invests if and only
if and only if the if the local regulator
local regulator invests. invests. Invests in
Invests in period one period two according to
according to
C'([X.sub.1])= C'([X.sub.1)=[[alpha]
([F.sub.N[rho]][1+ .sub.21][F.sub.V].
* Expands investment in
period two after having
invested in period one
if and only if the
federal and local
regulators both
invest in period one.
Expands according to
Local regulator Case 1: the local * Invests if and only
regulator's cost of if R < [[alpha].sub.2]
installing capacity is [P.sub.V].
less than the avoided
expected federal fine
for not installing it
(R < [rho]P)
* Always invests in
period one.
Case 2: the local
regulator's cost of
installing capacity is
greater than the avoided
expected federal fine for
not installing it, but
less than the certain
federal fine ([rho]
P < R < P)
* In period one, invests
if and only if
* In period two, invests
(if he has not already
invested in period one)
if and only if the
federal regulator
invested in period one.
Case 3: the local
regulator's cost of
installing capacity is
greater than the certain
federal fine for not
installing it (R>P)
* In period one, invests
if and only if
* In period two, will
not invest if he did
not invest in period
Table 3: Numerical simulations (a)
Status quo
[rho] [X.sup.*.sub.N1] [X.sup.*.sub.N1] E([W.sub.N])
prob. fed t=1 ([Z.sub.1]=1) expected
capacity given industry t=2 industry welfare
no capacity investment investment without VA
last period without VA without VA
given t=1
fed capacity
Case W1 (R < [rho][P.sub.N])
0.00 0.000 0.500 0.000
0.05 0.049 0.500 1.112
0.10 0.099 0.500 2.219
0.15 0.153 0.500 3.322
0.20 0.210 0.500 4.427
0.25 0.270 0.500 5.537
0.30 0.335 0.500 6.660
0.35 0.405 0.500 7.802
0.40 0.481 0.500 8.973
Case W2 ([rho][P.sub.N] < R < [P.sub.N])
0.00 0.000 0.500 0.000
0.05 0.049 0.500 0.611
0.10 0.099 0.500 1.716
0.15 0.153 0.500 2.819
0.20 0.210 0.500 3.923
0.25 0.270 0.500 5.033
0.30 0.335 0.500 6.156
0.35 0.405 0.500 7.299
0.40 0.481 0.500 8.472
Case W3 ([rho][P.sub.N] < [P.sub.N] < R < [[alpha].sub.2][P.sub.V])
0.00 0.000 0.500 0.000
0.05 0.049 0.500 -0.088
0.10 0.099 0.500 1.018
0.15 0.153 0.500 2.119
0.20 0.210 0.500 3.219
0.25 0.270 0.500 4.321
0.30 0.335 0.500 5.430
0.35 0.405 0.500 6.550
0.40 0.481 0.500 7.690
[rho] [X.sup.*.sub.V2] E([W.sub.])
prob. fed t=2 expected
capacity given industry welfare
no capacity investment with VA
last period with VA
Case W1 (R < [rho][P.sub.N])
0.00 0.000 0.000
0.05 0.146 1.297
0.10 0.285 2.492
0.15 0.416 3.590
0.20 0.540 4.598
0.25 0.656 5.519
0.30 0.765 6.358
0.35 0.866 7.121
0.40 0.960 7.811
Case W2 ([rho][P.sub.N] < R < [P.sub.N])
0.00 0.000 -0.450
0.05 0.146 0.847
0.10 0.285 2.042
0.15 0.416 3.140
0.20 0.540 4.148
0.25 0.656 5.069
0.30 0.765 5.908
0.35 0.866 6.671
0.40 0.960 7.361
Case W3 ([rho][P.sub.N] < [P.sub.N] < R < [[alpha].sub.2][P.sub.V])
0.00 0.000 -1.080
0.05 0.146 0.217
0.10 0.285 1.412
0.15 0.416 2.510
0.20 0.540 3.518
0.25 0.656 4.439
0.30 0.765 5.278
0.35 0.866 6.041
0.40 0.960 6.731
[rho] E([W.sub.V])/ Expansion
prob. fed E([W.sub.N]) condition (b)
capacity given (expected
no capacity welfare w/VA)/
last period (expected
without VA)
Case W1 (R < [rho][P.sub.N])
0.00 0.000
0.05 1.166 0.138
0.10 1.123 0.271
0.15 1.081 0.400
0.20 1.039 0.524
0.25 0.997 0.644
0.30 0.955 0.759
0.35 0.913 0.870
0.40 0.870 0.976
Case W2 ([rho][P.sub.N] < R < [P.sub.N])
0.00 -- 0.000
0.05 1.386 0.138
0.10 1.190 0.271
0.15 1.114 0.400
0.20 1.057 0.524
0.25 1.007 0.644
0.30 0.960 0.759
0.35 0.914 0.870
0.40 0.869 0.976
Case W3 ([rho][P.sub.N] < [P.sub.N] < R < [[alpha].sub.2][P.sub.V])
0.00 -- 0.000
0.05 2.471 (c) 0.138
0.10 1.387 0.271
0.15 1.185 0.400
0.20 1.093 0.524
0.25 1.027 0.644
0.30 0.972 0.759
0.35 0.922 0.870
0.40 0.875 0.976
For all three cases: b=10; D=2; [P.sub.N]=1; [P.sub.V]=6; [F.sub.N]=
1; [F.sub.V]=3; [delta]=0.9. For Case W1, R=O; for Case W2, R=0.5,
and for Case W3, R=1.2. We vary R to meet the conditions that define
each case.
(a) We omit case W4 described in the Appendix A. In this case,
neither the local regulator nor the industry ever invest under
the status quo or under the VA. Higher fines and fees under the
VA reduce local welfare below that for the status quo.
(b) See equation (6). This condition restricts the values of
[rho] to those in the first column.
(c) For this case, welfare is negative without the VA. We omit
the negative sign on the ratio, so as to avoid the false
impression that the VA performs worse than the no-VA case.