Information asymmetry and foreign currency borrowing by small firms.
Brown, Martin ; Ongena, Steven ; Yesin, Pinar 等
A large proportion of corporations in many countries have
traditionally been borrowing in a foreign currency. (1) More recently
and before the financial crisis also, many retail clients, that is,
households and small firms, in transition countries have taken out
foreign currency loans. In countries such as Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary,
and Bulgaria, for example, retail clients now hold a similar or larger
share of their loans in foreign currency than do corporations (European
Central Bank, 2010). These retail loans in foreign currency are
popularly believed to be 'small men's carry trades', that
is, loans in which households and entrepreneurs seek lower interest
rates and take unhedged exchange rate risk upon themselves (see Sorsa et
al., 2007 and Beer et al., 2010). (2)
Empirical work, due to a lack of micro data, has yet to investigate
in detail the drivers for the rapid expansion of foreign currency
mortgages and car loans to households in transition countries in the
decade before the financial crisis. In Brown et al. (2011), we document,
however, that foreign currency borrowing by small firms in transition
countries is strongly related to their foreign currency revenues and
age, an oft-used proxy for the availability of public information about
the firm, than it is to between-country interest rate differentials.
Degryse et al. (2012) show that foreign banks that enter via greenfield
investment, and hence face an acute information asymmetry about
potential borrowers, lend more in foreign currency than do foreign banks
that take over existing local banks (that have established relationships
with local firms). (3) Brown and De Haas (2012) confirm that
foreign-owned banks lend more in foreign currency to corporate clients
but not to households than do domestic banks. This evidence suggests
that information asymmetries may actually limit the provision of foreign
currency loans to the more financially opaque retail clients.
Hence, an information asymmetry between banks and firms may be a
key determinant of the demand and supply of foreign currency loans. Our
paper fills a gap in the theoretical literature by introducing
information asymmetry in a framework that also features a trade-off
between the cost and risk of firm debt. Assuming an interest rate
differential in favor of foreign currency funds, we compare the currency
structure of borrowing by small firms under two information conditions.
Under perfect information, banks can verify the currency in which the
firms contract their sales. Under imperfect information, the banks
cannot verify the currency structure of firms' revenues.
Our model confirms that under perfect information all foreign
currency earners and all local currency earners with low distress costs
will choose foreign currency loans. By contrast, local currency earning
firms with high distress costs will prefer local currency loans. Under
imperfect information, more local earners will borrow in foreign
currency, as these firms do not bear the full cost of the corresponding
default risk. The intuition behind this result is the following: as the
banks cannot distinguish the risky from the safe FX borrowers, they will
charge a single interest rate to both types. This interest rate will be
lower than the interest rate that prevails when the banks can identify
the risky firms. Thus, it will be profitable for the risky firms to pool
with safe firms and pay a lower risk premium for a foreign currency
Consequently, our model identifies the information asymmetry
between lending banks and borrowing firms as a so-far overlooked
potential driver of dollarization or euroization in credit markets. We
establish the conditions under which all firms will be borrowing in
foreign currency (full pooling equilibria), as well as when no foreign
currency loans will be offered by banks to firms that cannot prove they
have either high or foreign currency income (market failure).
The key predictions of our model are consistent with suggestive
evidence in Brown et al. (2011) in which we document that foreign
currency borrowing by small firms in transition countries significantly
decreases in their age (though not in two alternative yet crude proxies
for the existing bank-firm information asymmetry, ie, whether the firm
was audited or received income through a bank account). Our result is
also consistent with the recent evidence in Degryse et al. (2012) who
find that foreign banks that enter via greenfield investment, and that
may face more information asymmetry than those foreign banks that enter
via domestic takeovers, lend more in foreign currency.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The literature is
reviewed in the next section. Then our model assumptions are introduced,
followed by the analysis of the model with perfect information. In the
last-but-one section, imperfect information is introduced. The last
section concludes.
Though a number of recent theoretical papers have started to model
the choice of loan currency in a way that may also be relevant for small
firms (Allayannis et al., 2003), (4) a theoretical framework to
understand foreign currency borrowing in retail credit markets where
informational asymmetries are acute is still lacking (see also the
review in Nagy et al., 2011). Yet, information asymmetries between banks
and firms underpin our modern understanding of financial intermediation
(Freixas and Rochet, 2008), and the asymmetries may be aggravated in
transition and developing countries where, due to the weak corporate
legal system, it is hard for banks to assess the credibility of
available firm-level financial information (Pistor et al., 2000; Brown
et ai., 2009a).
The costs of information acquisition by banks can be particularly
high when dealing with small firms (eg, Berger and Udell, 1995; Berger
and Udell, 2002; Degryse et al., 2011), which are less likely to have
audited financial accounts. Depending on bank type, size or ownership
and the degree of competition in the banking sector, banks may have
difficulties or lack incentives to collect detailed information about
current and especially expected future sales revenues (Berger and Udell,
2006). (5) In particular, the currency denomination of firms' sales
contracts is often negotiated and a closely guarded secret. (6)
Consequently, soft information about sales revenues and its currency
denomination may be the only type of information that is available, but
foreign banks that are widely present in transition and developing
countries may struggle to collect and use it (Stein, 2002; Detragiache
et al.; 2008).
Existing models demonstrate that firms' choice of loan
currency is affected by the structure of firm revenues, interest rate
differentials between local and foreign currency funds, and the distress
costs of firms facing potential default. (7) Our theoretical model
augments extant work by featuring not only the trade-off between the
risk and the cost of debt, but also a relevant information asymmetry
between banks and firms that can have either domestic or foreign
currency earnings. This information asymmetry issue may be particularly
relevant regarding small and young firms in transition and developing
In Jeanne (2000), financiers also face an information asymmetry,
but one concerning the effort level of the exporting entrepreneurs.
Exporters borrow locally in domestic or foreign currency. But borrowing
in a foreign currency serves as a commitment device: the entrepreneurs
have a stronger incentive for effort if they have foreign currency debt
because failure to achieve high returns is automatically sanctioned by
termination. In Cowan (2006), firms with more foreign income and firms
in countries with a higher interest differential (where foreign currency
funds are cheaper) will have more foreign debt. Firms that are more
financially constrained, that is, firms that experience a higher risk
premium when borrowing from a bank, are more likely to match the
denomination of debt to their income streams. These firms would have to
borrow at higher costs if they become financially distressed due to the
accumulated currency mismatches. If a bank knows a firm is mismatched,
it may pass on the corresponding expected default costs.
In contrast to Jeanne (2000) where firms only have foreign
revenues, in our model firms have domestic or foreign currency earnings.
In Jeanne (2000), entrepreneurial effort is unobservable to the
financiers; in our model, the currency and level of sales revenues
cannot be observed by the bank.
Define [e.sub.t], the exchange rate at time t, to equal the amount
of local currency per unit of foreign currency, normalized at t = 0 to
[e.sub.0] = 1. At t = 1, the local currency either appreciates to
[e.sub.A] < 1, with probability p, or it depreciates to [e.sub.D]
> 1, with probability 1-p.
We assume that
[pe.sub.A] + (1 - p)[e.sub.D] = 1, (1)
so that the expected exchange rate at t = 1 equals [e.sup.*.sub.1]
= 1 and the expected depreciation of the local currency is [DELTA]e =
[e.sup.*.sub.1]-[e.sub.0]/[e.sub.0] = 0. (8)
There is a continuum of firms and each firm needs to invest I = 1
in local currency at t = 0 to receive any revenues at t = 1. Firms
differ in their revenue currency. There are two types of firms, foreign
(Y) and local (L) currency earners. Foreign currency earners have
revenue [R.sup.F] in foreign currency, which equals the expected revenue
in local currency as the expected exchange rate equals 1
([e.sup.*.sub.1] = 1, hence [R.sup.F][e.sup.*.sub.1] = [R.sup.F]). Local
currency earners have earnings RL in local currency. We assume that
[R.sup.L] < [R.sup.F] without loss of generality. We abstract from
the possibility that local and/or foreign currency earners may differ in
their debt-to-income levels because assuming more types of firms does
not alter the main insights and results of our model. (9) Furthermore,
we abstract from exchange rate pass-through considerations without loss
of generality. (10)
Let both firm types be physically located in the domestic country.
Their owners will spend their profits locally, so firms care about their
expected payoff in local currency. Firms maximize their expected income
and have no other wealth (and are thus limited liable).
There are at least two identical banks that offer loans in both
local and foreign currency and that are engaged in Bertrand competition
setting prices simultaneously. When they can identify firm type, they
charge a net interest rate [r.sup.j.sub.k] on a loan in foreign or local
currency k, k [member of] {f; l}, to a firm of type j [member of] {F,
L}. (11) Banks have no capacity limits on foreign or local currency
funds. We normalize the cost of foreign currency funds to [i.sub.f] = 0
and set the unit cost of local currency funds to [i.sub.l]. We assume
that the uncovered interest rate parity (UIP) is not fulfilled, (12) and
that there is an interest rate advantage to foreign currency funding for
the bank, that is, [i.sub.l] > [i.sub.f] + [DELTA]e = 0. Extensive
empirical research, using a variety of methods, finds that the UIP
rarely holds. Furthermore, the literature finds that the deviation from
the UIP in emerging markets is systernatic in nature and that a
significant part of the excess return can be attributed to a risk
premium. (13)
For simplicity, we assume that interest payments are made upfront
at t = 0, and the loan repayment is made at t = 1. (14) Firms'
earnings are verifiable ex post so that payments are enforceable if a
firm has sufficient earnings.
We assume that the exchange rate volatility is such that local
currency earners will default if they take a loan in foreign currency
and the local currency depreciates, that is, [R.sup.L] < [e.sub.D].
We also assume that foreign currency earners have revenues that will
enable them to fully repay a local currency loan even if the local
currency appreciates, that is, [R.sup.F] > 1/[e.sub.A].
If firms default on a loan, they face costs of financial distress.
For example, defaulters can henceforth find external financing only at
penalty costs. In this case, the distress costs C may be proportional to
or convex in the default amount (though still homogenous across firms).
Alternatively, these costs may involve the private value to its owner of
a firm that is lost in bankruptcy, eg, in the case of small and
family-owned firms (Froot et al. 1993). (15) In this case, C will be
independent of the default amount, but will be heterogeneous among
firms. (16)
As the focus of our analysis is the information asymmetry between
banks and small firms, we assume that distress costs in local currency
units differ across firms. Among each type of firm j [member of] {F; L},
there is a share [phi] with low costs [] and a share 1-[phi] with
high distress costs [bar.C]. (17)
While we assume that firms maximize expected income, their payoff
is not linear in expected income when we assume distress costs. The
assumption of distress costs implies that firms care about income
variance, as would be the case if we assumed firms were risk-averse.
Given the above assumptions, the expected payoff [v.sup.i,j.sub.k]
in local currency to a firm of type j [member of] {F; L} with a distress
cost [C.sub.i] [member of] {[]; [bar.C]} taking a loan of type k
[member of] {l; f} equals:
When banks are perfectly informed about the type of each firm, each
bank sets four interest rates. For each of the two firm types, j [member
of] {F; L}, they set two interest rates, depending on whether a foreign
or local currency loan is offered.
The expected profits of banks in local currency from each loan type
Note that the term in equation 3 already uses two assumptions: (1)
interest rate payments are made up front, thus the bank always receives
them even in the case of a default, and (2) if an L firm, which took a
foreign currency loan, defaults due to a depreciation of the local
currency then the bank receives all of its [R.sup.L].
Assuming perfect price competition in the banking sector, the
expected profit on each loan type will be 0. Given our assumptions that
[i.sub.f] = 0, and that (1) holds, this leads to the following
equilibrium interest rates:
elegant, yet does not alter the main intuition that imperfect
information leads to more foreign currency borrowing.
Note that the term ([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L]) in equation 4 is the
amount of the loan that a defaulting L firm does not pay back.
Furthermore, the term (1 - p) is the probability of its default.
Proposition 1: Under perfect information, all F firrns take foreign
currency loans. The equilibrium share of L firms that choose foreign
currency loans is given as:
Proof. In the Appendix.
Proposition 1 shows that, under perfect information, foreign
currency earners (F types) always choose foreign currency loans. They do
so because there is an interest rate advantage to foreign currency loans
and they do not run the risk of incurring distress costs when taking
such a loan. On the other hand, local currency eaming firms (L types)
face a trade-off: if they choose a foreign currency loan, they benefit
from an interest rate advantage, but they may incur distress costs if
the local currency depreciates. As a consequence, if the interest rate
differential is low compared with the minimum distress costs of firms,
that is, when [i.sub.l] < (1 -p)[], we have a
'separating' equilibrium in which all L types, that is, firms
with local currency revenue, take local currency loans. On the other
hand, if the interest rate differential is high, that is, when [i.sub.l]
> (1 - p)[bar.C], we have a pooling equilibrium in which all firms
take foreign currency loans. For intermediate values of interest rate
differentials, we have a 'partial pooling' equilibrium in
which L firms with low distress costs take foreign currency loans, and L
firms with high distress costs take local currency loans.
We now introduce an information asymmetry between banks and firms
about the revenues of the firms. Assume that banks cannot verify the
currency denomination of a firm, that is, banks cannot distinguish
between the two types of firms: F and L firms.
Banks, however, know that among each type of firm j [member of]
{F;L} there is a share [phi] with low costs [] costs and a share
1-[phi] with high distress costs [bar.C]. Furthermore, banks know that a
proportion [lambda][member of][0,1] of the total firm population is L
firms, and that the remaining proportion 1 - [lambda] is F firms. Banks
can no longer condition their interest rates on firm types, and thus
only offer two rates: [r.sub.l] for local currency loans and [r.sub.f]
for foreign currency loans. (18)
In this case, the expected profit of banks in local currency from
the two loan types is:
where [delta][member of][0, 1] is the equilibrium share of L firms
taking foreign currency loans. Given the assumption of equation 1,
interest rates in equilibrium with 0 expected profit must equal:
The interest rate charged on foreign currency loans covers the
expected losses due to default on such loans. Under imperfect
information, this depends on the share of L firms taking such loans
relative to F firms. This characterization of the interest rates
implicitly uses a Nash equilibrium concept and is based on O profit
conditions for the banks given the share of L firms taking a foreign
currency loan.
Note that the expression 0 [less than or equal to]
[delta][lambda]/[delta][lambda] + (1-[lambda]) [less than or equal to] 1
when 0 [less than or equal to] [delta] [less than or equal to] 1.
Therefore, the interest rate that banks charge on foreign currency loans
under imperfect information lies between the rate they charge for such
loans under perfect information to F firms, that is, 0, and the rate
they charge under perfect information to L firms, that is,
[r.sup.L.sub.f] = (l-p) ([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L]). In other words,
[r.sub.f] [member of] [0, [r.sup.L.sub.f]].
A local currency earning firm will choose to take a foreign
currency loan if its expected payoff is higher when it takes a foreign
currency loan than when it takes a local currency loan, that is, when
[v.sup.L.sub.f] ([r.sub.f], [C.sub.i]) [greater than or equal to]
[v.sup.L.sub.l]([r.sub.l], [C.sub.i]).
Substituting that [r.sub.t] = [i.sub.l] in (2) and making use of
equation 1, we see that a local currency earning firm will choose a
foreign currency loan only if
(1 - p)([C.sub.i] + [R.sup.L] - [e.sub.D]) [less than or equal to]
[i.sub.l] - [r.sub.f]. (8)
In other words, a local currency earning firm will choose a foreign
currency loan if its expected cost of default on the foreign currency
loan is less than the interest rate advantage he will get over a local
currency loan.
We assume from now on that:
[] [greater than or equal to] [e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L] > 0.
Assumption (9) ensures that, unless there is a positive interest
rate differential to the advantage of foreign currency funds, all L
firms will choose local currency loans. This assumption prevents some L
firms opting for foreign currency loans due to their limited liability
even in the absence of an interest rate differential. Note that
assumption (9) states that the minimum distress costs is at least as
large as the part of the foreign currency loan that a defaulting L firm
does not pay back in the case of a default.
From (8), we see that under imperfect information the share of L
firms, which will take foreign currency loans, will be:
Note that the conditions under which firms choose to borrow in
local or foreign currency involve the expected cost of default on a
foreign currency loan. The expected cost of default would be the
distress cost, C, minus the part of the foreign currency loan not paid
back ([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L]), in other words, a 'gain' for the
firm as it does not pay back its full loan.
The following propositions show when different types of equilibria
emerge under imperfect information given the values of the parameters in
our model.
Proposition 2 (Separating Equilibrium): Ir [i.sub.l]
<(1-p)([] + [R.sup.L] - [e.sub.D]), then a separating
equilibrium will emerge.
Proof. In the Appendix.
Above, we see that none of the local currency earners will choose
to borrow in foreign currency if the interest rate disadvantage on local
currency loans is smaller than the minimum expected cost of default when
a foreign currency loan is taken.
Proposition 2 also shows that a separating equilibrium under
imperfect information exists only for lower interest rate differential
between local and foreign currency loans compared with the minimum
interest rate differential needed for a separating equilibrium under
perfect information. In order to see that, compare the first lines of
(5) and (10) and utilize assumption (9).
Proposition 3 (Partial Pooling Equilibrium): If [i.sub.l] [greater
than or equal to] (1-p) [bar.C]-(1 -
[lambda])/[lambda][phi]+(1-[lambda])(1-p)([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L]) and
[i.sub.l] [less than or equal to] (1 - [lambda])[bar.C] - (1 -
[lambda])/[lambda][phi] + (1 - [lambda])(1 - p)([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L]) a
partial pooling equilibrium exists in which only L firms with low
distress costs [] take foreign currency loans while L firms with
high distress costs [bar.C] take local currency loans.
Proof. In the Appendix.
Proposition 3 similarly shows that a partial pooling equilibrium is
feasible under imperfect information starting at a lower interest rate
differential between local and foreign currency loans than it is
feasible under perfect information.
Proposition 4 (Full Pooling Equilibrium): If [i.sub.l] [less than
or equal to] (1-p)[bar.C]-(1-p)(1-[lambda]) ([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L]) a
full pooling equilibrium exists in which all L firms take foreign
currency loans.
Proof. In the Appendix.
Last but not the least, proposition 4 also shows that a fully
pooling equilibrium under imperfect information is more feasible for a
lower interest rate differential between local and foreign currency
loans than it is under perfect information.
Note that in the partial-pooling and full-pooling equilibria
described above we have assumed that all F firms chose foreign currency
loans, which will be the case as long as [r.sub.f] ([delta]) [less than
or equal to] [i.sub.l]. Assumption (9) ensures that in any equilibrium
where [delta] > 0 we have [r.sub.f]([delta]) [less than or equal to]
To summarize our findings, under perfect information there always
exists either a separating, partial-pooling, or full-pooling
equilibrium. Under imperfect information, two main things change. First,
partial-pooling or full-pooling equilibria exist at a larger range of
interest rate differentials than under perfect information. This is due
to the fact that foreign currency loans to L firms are not fully pricing
the credit risk of these loans due to expected exchange rate
depreciations. And second, the market for foreign currency loans may in
fact collapse. Proposition 5 summarizes the range of parameters for
which an equilibrium with lending in foreign currency does not exist.
Proposition 5 (Market Failure Imperfect Information): Under
imperfect information, there is no equilibrium in which foreign currency
loans are extended if one of the following two conditions is met:
(1 - p)[] - (1 - p) ([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L]) < [i.sub.l]
< (1 - p) [] - [[(1-[lambda])]/[[lambda][phi]+(1-[lambda])]]
(1-p)([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L])] (11)
(1 - 2)[] - [[(1-[lambda])]/[[[lambda][phi]+(1-[lambda])]]
(1-p)([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L]) < [i.sub.l] < (1 - p) [] - (1 -
[lambda])(1 - p)([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L]) (12)
Proof. In the Appendix.
Proposition 5 shows that there are two constellations under which
the market for foreign currency loans may collapse with imperfect
information. The first constellation is a range of interest rate
differentials (11) at which L firms with low distress consider switching
from local currency to foreign currency loans if banks charge 0 interest
rates on foreign currency loans. However, if a set of [phi][lambda] of L
firms with low distress costs would switch to foreign currency loans,
the zero-profit interest rate on these loans would rise to
(1-[lambda])/[phi][lambda] + (1-2)(1-p)([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L]). At that
interest rate, for foreign currency loans, all L firms will prefer to
take local currency loans, and thus there is no equilibrium in which
foreign currency loans are offered.
A similar effect leads to market collapse at interest rates in the
range (12), to the extent that these firms would be deterred from taking
foreign currency loans, A set of (1-[phi])[lambda] of L firms with high
distress costs consider switching from local currency to foreign
currency loans.
In both of these ranges of interest rate differentials the only
credit market equilibrium is characterized by all firms taking local
currency loans.
It should be noted that throughout the model we assume that there
are no alternative financing options for foreign currency loans. Thus,
foreign currency earners do not have any option other than subsidizing
foreign currency loans for local currency earners. However, the more
local currency earners borrow in foreign currency, the more expensive
will a foreign currency loan be. In that case, a foreign currency earner
can possibly opt out and find an alternative financing source, such as
trade credit or capital market financing.
Motivated by policy concerns about the credit risks resulting from
unhedged foreign currency loans, we investigate how an information
asymmetry between banks and firms in a theoretical framework, that also
features the trade-off between the cost and the risk of debt, may
determine the currency denomination of bank loans to firms. Banks in our
model may not know the currency in which firms have contracted their
Our model shows that under imperfect information concerning the
currency of firm revenues more local currency earners choose foreign
currency loans than when banks have perfect information about
firms' revenues. The intuition behind this result is that when
banks cannot distinguish the risky from the safe FX borrowers they will
charge a single interest rate to both types. This interest rate will be
lower than the interest rate for risky borrows (ie, local currency
earners) that prevails when the banks can identify these firms.
In line with previous models (eg, Cowan, 2006), our model predicts
that the currency structure of firm revenues as well as firm-level
distress costs will affect loan currency choice. At the macroeconomic
level, our model further confirms that the choice of a foreign currency
loan will be positively related to the interest rate advantage on
foreign currency funds and negatively related to exchange rate
The novel prediction of our model is that the choice of a foreign
currency loan by local currency earners may be positively related to the
opaqueness of the firm's revenue structure. More local currency
earners choose foreign currency loans under imperfect information than
under perfect information. The impact of information opaqueness is
stronger for firms with higher shares of revenue in local currency (our
model suggests that imperfect information does not alter the currency
choice for firms with foreign currency earnings only). Our model
suggests that characteristics of the banking sector or of the legal
environment that exacerbate information asymmetries between banks and
firms may foster unhedged foreign currency borrowing. Finally, our model
predicts that under information asymmetry the foreign currency loan
market can collapse if too many local currency earners prefer to take
foreign currency loans making them too expensive. Whether the market
will collapse or not depends on the interest rate differential and the
distribution of distress costs in the economy.
How do the novel predictions of our model square with recent
firm-level and bank-level evidence? In Brown et al. (2011), we examine
the determinants of foreign currency borrowing by small firms, using
information on the most recent loan extended to 3,101 firms in 25
transition countries between 2002 and 2005. There we show that
firms' revenue structure rather than the interest rate differential
between local currency and foreign currency funding is the key
determinant of loan currency choice. That evidence confirms the fact
that firm characteristics as opposed to monetary conditions seem to be
the key drivers of foreign currency borrowing by small firms in Emerging
Europe. With respect to the importance of information asymmetries as a
driver of foreign currency loans, we find mixed evidence: Borrowing in
foreign currency is unrelated to firm-level auditing procedures. At the
same time, borrowing in foreign currency is negatively related to firm
age suggesting that more opaque (younger) firms are more likely to
borrow in foreign currency.
Degryse et al. (2012) as well as Brown and De Haas (2012) use
bank-level data to study how the ownership structure of banks affects
the currency denomination of their loan portfolio. Examining regulatory
data for Polish banks during the period 1996-2006, Degryse et al. (2012)
find that foreign banks that enter via greenfield investment, and hence
face an acute information asymmetry about potential borrowers, are more
likely to lend to larger, financially transparent firms than
domestic-owned banks or foreign banks that take over existing local
banks. They also find that greenfield banks are more likely to lend in
foreign currency than domestic or takeover banks. These results suggest
that information asymmetries play an important role in lending to small
businesses in the region and may actually limit the provision of foreign
currency loans to this segment of financially opaque borrowers. Brown
and De Haas (2012) examine survey data covering 193 banks in 20
countries in 2001 and 2004. Their results confirm that foreign-owned
banks lend more in foreign currency to corporate clients (but not to
households) than domestic banks. Again, this evidence suggests that
information asymmetries (that are arguably stronger for foreign-owned
banks) may limit the provision of foreign currency loans to the more
financially opaque retail clients.
Proposition 1: Under perfect information, all F firms take foreign
currency loans. The equilibrium share of L firms that choose foreign
currency loans is given as:
Proof. Recall that the equilibrium interest rates on loans under
perfect information can be written as:
Recall also that the expected payoff of firms can be written as:
and that the expected depreciation of the local currency is assumed
to be 0:
[pe.sub.A] + (1 - p)[e.sub.D] = 1. (A.4)
Inserting the equilibrium interest rates from (A.2) into the
expected payoff of firms (A.3), and using the equation (A.4), we obtain
the following two results:
1. Foreign currency earners (F types) will always choose foreign
currency loans, because their expected payoff will be higher when they
take a foreign currency loan than when they take a local currency loan.
Thus, all F firms will take foreign currency loans.
2. An L firm will choose a local currency loan when
(1 - p)[C.sub.i] [greater than or equal to] [i.sub.l]. (A.5)
The condition (A.5) tells us when it will be preferable for a local
currency earner to borrow in foreign currency based on the values of the
distress costs, the probability of depreciation, and the interest rate
gap. In other words, a local currency earner will choose to take a local
currency loan if its expected cost of default on a foreign currency loan
is larger than the interest rate on local currency loans.
Recall that we assumed only two values for [C.sub.i] [member of]
{[];[bar.C]}. Thus if [bar.C]< [i.sub.l]/(1-p), then all local
currency earners will choose a foreign currency loan; and if []
> [i.sub.l]/(1 - p), then no local currency earner will choose a
foreign currency loan. For intermediate values of [i.sub.l], only local
currency earners with low distress costs, [], will choose a local
currency loan. Thus, the equilibrium share of L firms that choose
foreign currency loans can be written as:
Note that (A.6) is equivalent to (A.1).
Proposition 2 (Separating Equilibrium): If [i.sub.l] < (1 -
p)([] + [R.sup.L] - [e.sub.D]), then a separating equilibrium will
Proof. Ina separating equilibrium, all local currency earners will
choose a local currency loan by definition. Thus, we have the share of L
firms taking a foreign currency loan equal to 0, that is, [delta] = 0.
Recall that the equilibrium interest rate for foreign currency loans can
be written as:
Therefore, [r.sub.f] = 0 when [delta] = 0.
Also recall that
From (A.8) it follows that a separating equilibrium exists, if
[i.sub.l] < (1 - p)([] - [e.sub.D] + [R.sup.L]).
Proposition 3 (Partial Pooling Equilibrium): If [i.sub.l] [less
than or equal to] (1 - p) [] - (1 - [lambda])/[lambda][phi] + (1 -
[lambda])(1 - p)([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L]) and [i.sub.l] [less than or
equal to] (1 -p)[bar.C] (1 - [lambda])/[lambda][phi] + (1 - [lambda]) (1
- p)([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L) a partial pooling equilibrium exists in which
only L firms with low distress costs [] take foreign currency loans
while L firms with high distress costs [bar.C] take local currency
Proof. In a partial pooling equilibrium, some local currency
earners will choose a local currency loan, whereas others will choose a
foreign currency loan. Recall that distress costs can take only two
values, [bar.C] and [bar.C]. Therefore, in a partial pooling
equilibrium, the share of L firms that take a foreign currency loan
should equal to the share of L firms that have low distress costs.
Hence, [delta] = [phi].
Recall that the equilibrium interest rate for foreign currency
loans can be written as in (A.7). Therefore,
[r.sub.f] = [[[phi][lambda]/[[phi][lambda] + (1 - [lambda])]] (1 -
p)([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L]). (A.9)
Substituting (A.9) into (A.8), it follows that only L firms with
low distress costs will chose a foreign currency loan if:
[i.sub.l] [greater than or equal to] (1 - p)[] -
[(1-[lambda])/[[phi][lambda] + (1 - [lambda])]] (1 - p)([e.sub.D] -
[i.sub.l] < (1 - p)[bar.C] - [(1 - [lambda])/[[phi][lambda] + (1
- [lambda])]] (1 - p) ([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L])
Proposition 4 (Full Pooling Equilibrium): If [i.sub.l] [less than
or equal to] (1 - p)[bar.C] - (1 - p)(1 - [lambda]) ([e.sub.D] -
[R.sup.L]) a full pooling equilibrium exists in which all L firms take
foreign currency loans.
Proof. Ina full-pooling equilibrium, all local currency earning
firms take foreign currency loans, that is, [delta] = 1.
In this case, the expression (A.7) yields that the equilibrium
interest rate for foreign currency loans is
[r.sub.f] = [lambda](1 - p)([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L]). (A.10)
Substituting (A.10) into (A.8), it follows that a full-pooling
equilibrium exists if [i.sub.l] [less than or equal to] (1 - p)[bar.C] -
(1 - [lambda])(1 - p)([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L]).
Proposition 5 (Market Failure Imperfect Information): Under
imperfect information, there is no equilibrium in which foreign currency
loans are extended if one of the following two conditions is met:
(1 - p)[] - (1 - p)([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L]) < [i.sub.l] <
(1 - p) [] - [(1 - [lambda])/[[lambda][phi]+(1 - [lambda])]] (1 -
p)([e.sub.D] - [R.sup.L]). (A.11)
Proof. Follows directly from propositions 2, 3, and 4.
We thank an anonymous referee for Comparative Economic Studies and
an anonymous referee for the Swiss National Bank Working Paper Series,
Raphael Auer, Sohnke Bartram, Henrique Basso, Katalin Bodnar, Josef
Brada (the editor), Geraldo Cerqueiro, Andreas Fischer, Davide Furceri,
Luigi Guiso, Werner Hermann, Herman Kamil, Anton Korinek, Marcel Peter,
Alexander Popov, Maria Rueda Mauer, Philip Saure, Linus Siming, Clas
Wihlborg and seminar participants at the University of Amsterdam, the
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, the University of Zurich, the Swiss
National Bank, as well as participants at the European Finance
Association Meeting (Bergen), the SNB-CEPR conference on 'Foreign
Currency Risk Taking by Financial Institutions, Firms and
Households' (Zurich), the Financial Intermediation Research Society
Meeting (Prague), the CEPR/Studienzentrum Gerzensee European Summer
Symposium in Financial Markets (Gerzensee), the European Economic
Association Meetings (Milano), the CREDIT Conference (Venice), ESCE
Meetings (Paris), the NBP-SNB Joint Seminar on 'Challenges for
Central Banks during the Current Global Crisis' and the Tor Vergata
Banking and Finance Conference (Rome) for useful comments and
discussions. Ongena gratefully acknowledges the hospitality of the Swiss
National Bank. Any views expressed are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect those of the Swiss National Bank.
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(1) In East Asia, corporate debt is split about equally between
foreign and domestic currencies (Allayannis et al., 2003) while in
several Latin American countries the share of foreign currency debt
exceeds 20% (Galindo et al., 2003). Between 20% and 75% of all corporate
loans in Eastern European countries are denominated in a foreign
currency (European Central Bank, 2006, p. 39).
(2) Foreign currency loans create serious challenges to
policymakers. Countries with high volumes of foreign currency loans are
more vulnerable to financial crises and more prone to spillover effects
of country-specific shocks (see, eg, Cetorelli and Goldberg, 2011).
Furthermore, foreign currency-denominated loans distort the transmission
of monetary policy, influence the available credit in the economy, and
therefore can impact the catching-up process of transition countries
(see, eg, Gorodnichenko and Schnitzer, 2010).
(3) in contrast to these two studies, others have examined foreign
currency borrowing by analyzing aggregate cross-country data (eg, Luca
and Petrova, 2008; Rosenberg and Tirpak, 2009; Basso et al., 2011) or
the currency denomination of debt of large firms within a single country
(Keloharju and Niskanen, 2001; Benavente et al., 2003; Gelos, 2003;
Kedia and Mozumdar, 2003; Cowan et al., 2005) or across countries (Rajan
and Zingales, 1995; Booth et al., 2001; Allayannis et al., 2003; Cowan,
2006; Esho et al., 2007; Kamil and Sutton, 2008; and Kamil, 2009). Clark
and Judge (2008) provide a review of the relevant empirical literature.
(4) We will not discuss: (1) International taxation issues such as
tax loss carry forwards and limitations on foreign tax credits; (2) The
possibilities for international income shifting; (3) The differential
costs across countries of derivatives to create synthetic local debt;
and (4) Clientele effects in issuing public bonds. These issues are
clearly important when analyzing the debt structure of large
(5) See, for example, Dollar and Hallward-Driemeier, (2000). In
addition, banks often cannot verify firm sales information through
advanced cash management services, which are yet to be introduced there,
either because banks do not offer these services (eg, Tsamenyi and
Skliarova, 2005) or firms do not demand them (eg, in the survey analyzed
in Brown et al., 2011, one-third of the firms report receiving less than
one third of their income through their banks). Banks may also lack
information on firm quality, project choice, or managerial effort, eg,
incurring monitoring costs (Diamond, 1984; Diamond, 1991) or forming
relationships with the firms (Sharpe, 1990; Rajan, 1992; von Thadden,
2004; Hauswald and Marquez, 2006; or Egli et al., 2006, among others).
Also other financiers may face more information asymmetries in
transition and developing countries (eg, Claessens et al., 2000).
(6) See Friberg and Wilander (2008). Firm risk aversion (Viaene and
de Vries, 1992), currency variability (Engel, 2006), and medium of
exchange considerations (Rey, 2001) may determine currency choice.
(7) if the firms' cash flows are in foreign currency,
borrowing in the same foreign currency will provide a straightforward
natural hedge (Goswami and Shrikhande, 2001). Mian (1996), Bodnar et al.
(1998), Allayannis and Ofek (2001), and Brown (2001), among others,
analyze the hedging of foreign currency exposure, using forward
contracts and derivatives for example. But many developing country
currencies have no forward markets; and even in those that do, there are
substantial costs to hedging (Frankel, 2004). And even in developed
countries, small firms rarely use derivatives to hedge their net
currency exposure (Briggs, 2004; Borsum and Odegaard, 2005; and
O'Connell, 2005, among others). As expected, therefore, small firms
in developing countries not uncommonly default on loans in foreign
currency following a deep depreciation of the local currency (Ziaul
Hoque, 2003). Static capital structure trade-off theory suggests firms
opt for the lowest cost debt, making the interest rate differential,
that is, the deviations from the UIP, the second main determinant of the
firm's choice of loan currency denomination (Graham and Harvey,
(8) As we later assume that the level of firm revenues does not
change with the exchange rate, the changes in the exchange rate in our
model are assumed to be real.
(9) For a richer model in which firms also differ with respect to
their debt-to-income levels, see the SNB Working Paper version of our
paper (Brown et al., 2009b).
(10) See Goldberg and Knetter (1997), for example, on exchange rate
(11) Firms in our model receive both their expected income and
their loan in a single, though not necessarily the same, currency.
Without qualitatively affecting the main hypotheses, our model is
readily extendable to include firms that receive their expected income
and loans in varying proportions in multiple currencies.
(12) This is a crucial assumption in our model. If the UIP holds
then the local currency earners will not have any incentive to borrow in
foreign currency, as they will only bear higher costs either in terms of
higher interest rate and/or in terms of prevailing distress costs.
(13) General reviews by Hodrick (1987), Froot and Thaler (1990),
Lewis (1995), Engel (1996), for example. For emerging markets, see
Francis et al. (2002) and Alper et al. (2009).
(14) Given our focus, we do not derive the optimality of this debt
contract (see Townsend, 1979, eg).
(15) For example, this corresponds to the risk aversion of
managers, as in Stulz (1984), or of firms, as in Calvo (2001).
(16) As financially distressed firm may lose customers, suppliers,
and/or employees depending on the characteristics of their products and
labor contracts for example, financial distress costs are also assumed
to be heterogeneous across firms in Purnanandam (2008). Andrade and
Kaplan (1998) estimate that financial distress costs vary between 10%
and 20% of firm value (see also the review by Senbet and Seward, 1995).
For small firms, both the level and dispersion of these costs are likely
to be even higher (eg, Pindado et al., 2006).
(17) See the SNB Working Paper version of our paper (Brown et al.,
2009b) for a model with a continuous distribution of firms'
distress costs. A discrete distribution makes the analysis more
(18) In our model, all banks are equally affected by the
information asymmetry regardless of the currency in which they lend.
Most domestic and foreign banks in Eastern Europe, for example, offer
loans in both local and foreign currency to local firms (see Brown et
al., 2011 and Brown et al., 2012). If financiers lend only in their own
currency, existing models predict that: (1) Firms may borrow first in
the local and then in the foreign currency, after having exhausted
internal funds, if local financiers have better information about the
firm than foreign financiers (pecking order hypothesis); (2) Firms with
high monitoring costs may borrow more locally in the local currency
(Diamond, 1984); and (3) Better firms may borrow in the foreign currency
to signal their quality, if foreign currency debt is more expensive
(Jeanne, 1999) or entails more regulatory scrutiny hence higher distress
costs (Ross, 1977).
[1] University of St Gallen, Rosenbergstrasse 52, St. Gallen 9000,
[2] CentER--Tilburg University and CEPR, PO Box 90153, 5000 LE
Tilburg, Nethertands.
[3] Swiss National Bank, PO Box 2800, 8022 Zurich, Switzertand.