Palms, pastures, and swidden fields: the grounded political ecology of "agro-extractive/shifting-cultivator peasants" in Maranhao, Brazil.
Porro, Roberto
This article examines transformations associated with changes in
resource use and land cover dynamics in the community of Sao Manoel,
Maranhao state, in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. The shifting cultivator peasants in Sao Manoel integrate swidden fields for annual cropping, the
extraction of babassu palm products, and pastures for cattle ranching.
Since the early twentieth century, predominant vegetative cover patterns
have been altered from species-rich mature forests to secondary
succession with babassu dominant to pasture or swidden fields containing
palm stands of various densities. A grounded political ecology of
resource use in the area suggests that management strategies and the
resulting land cover dynamics integrate site-specific decisions of
peasant producers. I discuss the trajectory of production strategies in
San Manoel since the establishment of the community in the 1920s, and
identify the multiple dimensions affecting resource use and
environmental outcomes, with an emphasis on the period following land
struggles and the recovery of peasant tenure rights in the mid-1980s.
The analysis indicates that socionatural trajectories that optimize
resource use and address the socioeconomic needs of the community
include the maintenance of palm/pastures associations.
KEY WORDS: Brazilian Amazon; babassu palm; shifting cultivation;
land use change.
Significant changes in resource use have characterized the
"babassu zone" of the easternmost fringe of the Legal
Brazilian Amazon (2) since the early twentieth century. The resulting
transformation of predominant landscapes has been that of species-rich
mature forests to secondary succession with dominance of babassu palms,
to pasture or croplands containing palms at various densities. By
examining the relationships of resource users with the biophysical
environment of the central portion of the state of Maranhao, I focus
this analysis on the two most relevant social segments in the regional
agrarian society: peasant producers, referred to as
agro-extractive/shifting-cultivator peasants, and market-oriented cattle
ranchers. I investigate how the interaction between these actors in the
community of Sao Manoel (municipality of Lago do Junco), and their
insertion into the broader social structure affected their resource
management strategies. By combining "political ecology" and
"ecology of practice" approaches of ecological anthropology,
and a multidimensional framework for the study of land use/cover change,
I seek to demonstrate that resource use and land cover dynamics
integrate site-specific decisions of resource users organized in their
units of production, with their agency in facing broader sociopolitical and economic structures.
In 1986, with a background in agronomy, I began a 3-year contract
to assist peasant communities that had recovered tenure rights eroded in
the wake of land conflicts that occurred since the 1970s. As it turned
out, I lived in the Mearim Valley for 8 years, most of that time working
in Lago do Junco. From 1996 to 2002, I returned every year to Lago do
Junco to carry out research on the interplay between socioeconomic and
biophysical change. Specifically, this article draws on dissertation
fieldwork carried out in three periods between 1999 and 2001. Fieldwork
methodology included ethnographic and interactive interviews with key
informants; the application of a socioeconomic survey to the entire
community; and gathering of spatial data on landownership, land use, and
land cover obtained through GIS and remote sensing. This article focuses
on the qualitative analysis of events and processes leading to changes
in resource use and landscape dynamics in Sao Manoel. A comparative
approach to the role of this community within broader
political-ecological trajectories and socionatural transformations in
the Mearim Valley, and the spatial analysis of land cover change are
presented elsewhere (Porro, 2002).
Maranhao's social indicators are among the lowest in Brazil.
(3) The state's human population density is the highest in rural
areas of the Brazilian Amazon (IBGE, 2001). A large portion of
colonists, squatters, and landless families still arriving in other
parts of the Amazon are from Maranhao, or were settled there for
significant periods. The livelihoods of more than 300,000 households in
Maranhao rely on products extracted from babassu. They primarily engage
in small-scale, slash-and-burn agriculture in lands covered with palms.
In addition, the extraction and sale of babassu kernels carried out by
women and children play a major role in household survival. Finally, the
"babassu zone" of Maranhao presents a context where resource
use is undergoing significant changes that are likely to occur elsewhere
in the Amazon.
The next section presents approaches in ecological anthropology
that constitute the basis for the theoretical formulation of a grounded
political ecology. I then review anthropological research on land use,
and present the framework of a grounded political ecology for the study
of land use/cover change. The following section introduces the
socionatural contexts of the study area: Sao Manoel, Lago do Junco, and
the Mearim valley, including predominant livelihood strategies. And
finally I analyze socionatural transformations in the region and apply
the grounded political ecology framework to the analysis of land and
resource use change in Sao Manoel.
The Brazilian Amazon has been one of the most common sources of
studies on political and economic factors resulting in environmental
degradation (Anderson, 1990; Andersen et al., 2002; Browder, 1988a,
1988b, 1989; Bunker, 1985; Hall, 1989; Hecht, 1993, 1983; Hecht and
Cockburn, 1989; Moran, 1981; Pompermayer, 1977; Schmink and Wood, 1992,
1987; Smith, 1982; Wood and Porro, 2002). In the "babassu
zone" state policies, market developments and the structure of a
differentiated agrarian society are key factors determining unequal
access to and control over the means of production (Almeida, 1981;
Almeida and Mourao, 1976; Amaral Filho, 1990; May, 1986; Porro, 1997,
2002; Porro et al., 2003). These factors, often included in political
ecological analyses of resource degradation, informed predominant
strategies of resource use and the resulting patterns of vegetation. In
the last two decades 'political ecology' has been an
influential analytical approach integrating environmental and political
understandings in social science research, "... encompass[ing] the
constantly shifting dialectic between society and land-based resources,
and also within classes and groups within society itself" (Blaikie
and Brookfield, 1987: 17).
Preexisting social relationships, hierarchies, and agency are
central aspects of practice theory, an approach that emphasizes social
and cultural contexts as both medium for and outcome of the reproduction
of practices by individual actors (Nyerges, 1997:8). Based on the
anthropological derivations of actor centered and practice models of
human action (Orlove, 1980; Ortner, 1984; Vayda, 1986), the formulation
developed by Nyerges (1997, 1993, 1992) appraises individual agency in
everyday social life as directly involved in the generation of practices
that result in resource competition, control, and exploitation. The
approach examines how conflicts emerging over access to and control of
resources are incorporated into individual social lives, and alter the
exploitation and management of specific resources. Focusing on the
ecological significance of local socio-political dynamics, the ecology
of practice relates the position of individuals in local social
hierarchies to the culturally constructed mechanisms (and productive
activities) adopted to exploit natural resources on which they depend
(Nyerges, 1996:123, 1997:7-10). The approach assumes that the position
of individuals within established social orders will determine outcomes
of their relationship with the environment, and the incorporation of
processes of ecological adaptation into social interactions and
practices (Nyerges, 1997:9-10). Within these hierarchical systems,
management strategies are shaped by heavily institutionalized social
asymmetries (Nyerges, 1997, 1992).
While I draw on the ecology of practice to explain mechanisms
through which resource management responds to local sociostructural
conditions, I expand the focus to levels other than the very local.
Grounded political ecology employs an analytical framework that is
guided by a problem-centered approach, and combines multiple domains of
explanation that are able to capture the temporal and spatial
cross-scale dynamics involved in socionatural transformations. I contend
that the approach is therefore effective to study the sociocultural and
political-ecological dimensions of resource dynamics and land use
Grounded political ecology assumes that land use/cover dynamics
integrate temporal, spatial, and organizationally specific choices made
by resource users who operate within structural constraints. Resource
allocation decisions, therefore, are local responses to the conjugation of cultural, ecological, economic, historical, and political factors,
often positioned at different levels within the system.
Land use is a concept that involves the manner in which biophysical
attributes of the land are handled, and the cultural components defining
the manipulation. The concept of land cover refers to the biophysical
state of the earth's surface and immediate subsurface, while
landscape is treated as the perspective and "material manifestation
of the relation among humans and the environment" (Crumley, 1994,
p. 6). Yet, the concept of land use assumes various disciplinary and
paradigmatic orientations.
The use of land is fundamental to human culture and subsistence
(Headland, 1997; Little, 1999; Milton, 1997; Orlove, 1980). Historical
particularists gathered ethnographic data to elucidate the role of the
environment and historical connections that produce cultural customs,
traits, and lifestyles of a society (Boas, 1925; Kroeber, 1939; Radin,
1926). Functionalists approached land and resource use as cultural
institutions that maintained the stability and cohesion of society,
while meeting basic individual needs (Evans-Pritchard, 1940; Malinowski,
1922). Yet, their ethnographies treated land and resource use as passive
backgrounds for the operation of culture, with little elaboration of the
role played by ecological factors within dynamic contexts.
In the mid-twentieth century, theories and paradigms offered by
cultural ecology (Steward, 1955), cultural materialism (Harris, 1968),
and ecological anthropology (Rappaport, 1968), all shared the assumption
that broader structures or systems constrained human activity. These
three research traditions set the foundations for contemporary studies
of human/environment interaction, although people's agency in their
everyday resource allocation was not yet, itself, a critical object of
inquiry (Milton, 1997).
In the 1960s, ethnoecology began to focus on knowledge needed for
particular forms of resource use rather than privileging the material
effects of such activities. Recent ethnoecological research has
incorporated political and economic dimensions influencing the ways
people interact with nature, and use the land (Alcorn, 1984; Balee,
1989, 1994; Nazarea, 1999; Posey, 1985). Archaeologists studying
thresholds at which cultures change developed protocols with insights
gained from the study of contemporary societies (Binford, 2001). The
ethnoarchaeological paradigm contends that population density, economic
subsistence, and social organization of prehistoric groups can be
explained based on the understanding of their environmental and
demographic circumstances.
In the last 25 years, concepts and methodologies drawn from
cultural ecology, cultural materialism, ecological anthropology, and
ethnoecology inspired anthropologists to document the contributions of
specific land use activities to the livelihood, social relations, and
identity formation of societies facing diverse cultural and ecological
configurations. Anthropological approaches to human/environment
interactions and the study of land use dynamics that emerged in this
period can be presented according to four perspectives.
The "ecological" research approach focuses on features
directly linked to material aspects of land use change. Characterized by
a wealth of biophysical data integrated with ethnographic and
ethnoecological case studies, this approach is informed by theoretical
and methodological bases of human ecology (Bennett, 1976, 1993; Moran,
1979, 1990, 1993). It has incorporated the analysis of households and
other institutions involved in resource use (Netting, 1993). More
recently it has included the use of remotely sensed data and related
techniques on land cover change (Behrens, 1991; Casimir and Rao, 1998;
Guyer and Lambin, 1993; Nyerges and Green, 2000; Sussman et al., 1994;
Wilkie, 1994).
The "political" approach situates land use change within
broader scenarios of structural transformation. The approach considers
multiple social actors in conflict over access and control of limited
resources. Environmental degradation is analyzed according to the
interaction among political and ecological variables broadly conceived,
operating at local, regional, national, and global contexts (Little,
1999, p. 255). Common themes are deforestation (Painter and Durham,
1995), frontier expansion (Schmink and Wood, 1992), struggles between
ranchers and small farmers (Sheridan, 1988; Stonich, 1993), and
conflicts between logging companies and local communities (Peluso, 1991,
The "applied" approach considers land use dynamics from
the perspective of drastic environmental and cultural change, linking
theoretical constructions to a focus on social protest against
livelihood change provoked by encroachment, relocations, and
resettlements of impoverished populations affected by harmful
development initiatives (Guha, 1989). Applied land use research assesses
social vulnerability, and analyzes the objective (material impacts) and
subjective (cultural constructions) aspects of the complex conjugation
of physically and socially disruptive forces derived from drastic
changes in human/environment interaction (Oliver-Smith, 2001;
Oliver-Smith and Hoffmann, 1999).
The "interpretive" approach challenges frames of
reference derived from scientific treatments to land use (Dwyer, 1996;
Ingold, 1994, 2000). It addresses the subtle meanings, values, and
feelings regarding spaces, places, and landscapes perceived, used, and
interpreted by people ranging from isolated communities to societies
incorporated within modern ways of life (Escobar, 1999).
Land use dynamics is also a central theme to geographers, beginning
with von Thunen's (1966 [1875]) spatial model of concentric rings
for agriculture around urban centers. Geographers interested in land use
change addressed the domestication of crops (Sauer, 1952), and the
dynamics of agricultural change (Goldman, 1993). Physical geographers
seek to identify and analyze factors that transform natural landscapes
and contribute to changes in biogeochemical cycles (Bahre, 1991; Furley,
1994; Singh et al., 2001). Cultural geographers focused on land use as
economic strategies (Atkins et al., 1998), produced ethnographic studies on the importance of land use to social relations and cultural survival
(Fondahl, 1998), and addressed the concept of landscape as mediated
through human experience (Cosgrove, 1985). Geographers' major
contributions to the study of land use dynamics include influential
theoretical approaches on the political ecology of resource use (Blaikie
and Brookfield, 1987; Bryant, 1992; Bryant and Bailey, 1997; Peet and
Watts, 1996). In addition, geographers actively engaged in the human
dimensions component of global change research (Liverman et al., 1998;
Meyer and Turner, 1994; Turner et al., 1990; Walker et al., 2000).
Grounded Political Ecology and Land Use Transformations: Analytical
The framework of a grounded political ecology represents the
integration and reinforcement of theories centered on the role of
individual action, human-nature interactions, relational-rationality,
and the structural effect of social formations. The framework (Fig. 1)
considers specific historical moments of socioeconomic and biophysical
contexts. "Socioeconomic configuration" is defined as the
specific social relationships and related conditions through which
individuals interact and produce goods and services. Similarly, elements
of the natural environment are referred as "biophysical
configuration." The framework therefore integrates social and
biophysical contexts at distinct historical moments, and their joint
configuration is designated as "socionatural ensemble."
Because socioeconomic configurations can potentially include
distinct, articulated modes of production, they are represented by
aggregations of individuals (resource users), and the relationships
among them. Resource users' heterogeneity is symbolized by ovals A,
B, and C, which correspond to individuals with unique social status (S),
economic conditions (E), and political power (P). The aggregate social
configuration (at the level of communities or other institutions) will
then be characterized by, among other things, particular conditions of
social stratification, economic inequality, and political organization.
Although the nature of benefits that individuals aim to maximize is
the subject of distinct theoretical appraisals, the framework considers
allocation decisions based on configurations of socioeconomic variables
operating according to hierarchical principles. Figure 1 shows the
influence of variables designated as socioeconomic drivers on resource
allocation. These socioeconomic drivers are hierarchically
conceptualized as operating at proximate, intermediate, and distant
spatial and organizational scales. This portrayal is intended to capture
the notion that land managers are economic agents who determine how to
allocate the resources at their disposal by engaging in complex decision
processes that take into account the opportunities and constraints
presented to them by proximate socioeconomic drivers. The three-tiered
hierarchy is a heuristic device: the focus on three levels is intended
to be suggestive rather than definitive. The hierarchy nonetheless
reflects the familiar micro, meso, and macro scheme, and is sufficiently
detailed to encompass the main arguments explaining land use and
environmental change (Wood and Porro, 2001, p. 15).
The framework assumes that resource users share to one degree or
another particular combinations of social, economic, and political
attributes, and embody specific demographic features (expressed in the
diagram via distinct fillings in the ovals A, B, and C). This results in
varied perceptions of structural constraints, in a diversity of benefits
to maximize, and, eventually, in distinct underlying principles for
resource allocation. These assumptions imply that a land use practice
that is rational to individual A may not meet the needs of B.
The dialectic interaction among individuals and the structures of
which they are part is captured in the framework. The right-hand portion
of the internal boxes in the socioeconomic configuration shows
individual conditions. The left-hand side of those boxes (and their
filling pattern) portrays aggregate social-structural conditions for
those features. The interaction is represented by curved arrows
connecting individuals A, B, and C. Structural transformations
throughout time are represented in the framework by changes in the
strength of relationships and different positions of individuals. The
framework, however, perceives history as a necessary, but not sufficient
source of information to explain present transformation. Moreover, the
presence of humans is perceived as fundamental to the application of
what can be gained by assimilating and reflecting on what history
The remainder of this article applies the analytical approach and
the critical components of the framework to the study of socionatural
transformations in the Mearim Valley, and particularly, the community of
Sao Manoel.
Biophysical Configuration
Sao Manoel is a village in the countryside of Lago do Junco, a
municipality in central Maranhao. At the eastern most part of the
Brazilian Legal Amazon, Lago do Junco is in the midportion of the
111,000 [km.sup.2] wide Mearim river basin, the largest in the state.
Topography throughout the region is flat to slightly rolling, with
elevations reaching no more than 100 m above sea level. Local climate
features a dry season of 5-6 months (June to November) each with less
than 4 in. of rain. Monthly average temperatures range from 24[degrees]C
to 29[degrees]C, with minimum lows at 18[degrees]C, and maximum highs of
36[degrees]C. Annual rainfall ranges from 40 to 60 in., allowing
rain-fed cropping during the rainy season. Soils are mostly of medium
fertility, mainly oxisols, ultisols, and alfisols, though lands near
waterways have their fertility enhanced by alluvial deposits.
Today, Lago do Junco's vegetation corresponds to the
terrestrial eco-region of Maranhao Babassu Forests, included in the
tropical moist broadleaf forests biome (WWF, 2002). Even though babassu
forests are not as rich as other Amazonian eco-regions in terms of
biodiversity, (4) these forests play a critical ecological role as a
buffer zone between dryer areas of the Brazilian Northeast and the
evergreen forests of the Amazon. Species-rich moist deciduous forests
were originally featured in the area, but have almost disappeared from
the entire valley. Small forest fragments are found only on the hilltops
in less accessible terrain. Gallery forests and seasonally flooded
grasslands occur at the edges of rivers and waterways.
The most relevant ecological feature of the region is the secondary
forest of babassu palms. A species that grows sparsely in the original
habitat of primary forests, the babassu palm (Attalea speciosa, formerly
Orbignya phalerata), (5) proliferates after land clearing, and
constitutes a dramatic example of "oligarchic forests" in the
Amazon (Peters, 1992; Peters et al., 1989). Initially disseminated by
indigenous peoples (Balee, 1988), high-density babassu stands cover more
than 100,000 [km.sup.2] in Maranhao. The palm has been described as
"tree of life" (Anderson and Anderson, 1985) or "subsidy
from nature" (Anderson et al., 1991; Hecht et al., 1988). Recent
political economic trends affecting the region, referred as "the
modern tragedy of the non-commons" (May, 1986), dramatically
highlighted the importance of babassu to the systems of production and
social reproduction of human populations relying on a wide range of its
products and services.
Socioeconomic Configuration
Lands near coastal areas and along the Mearim river were inhabited
by descendents of indigenous populations, and by descendents of former
slaves and tenants from failed sugar cane and cotton plantations.
Beginning in the late nineteenth century (although more strikingly from
the 1920s to the 1950s), tens of thousands of migrant families
originally from the dry Brazilian Northeast settled the central and
western portions of Maranhao's frontier. Presently, over 300,000
families of peasant producers live in Maranhao, primarily engaging in
production for household consumption and practicing small-scale shifting
cultivation in association with the extraction of babassu products. The
majority of these "agro-extractive/shifting-cultivator
peasants" settled the land as squatters, but only a fraction of
them had achieved tenure security by 1996. (6) In contrast to most
"caboclos" (Brondizio and Siqueira, 1997; Nugent, 1993;
Parker, 1984), peasants in the "babassu zone" live in
relatively large villages (povoados), practicing communal resource and
labor allocation systems.
Established in the 1920s, Lago do Junco remains a predominantly
rural municipality. In addition to the town, Lago do Junco comprises 36
villages, 10 with more than 50 habitations, populated by more than 300
people. In year 2000, the population of Lago do Junco reached 9833
inhabitants (in 597.4 [km.sup.2]), 71% residing in "rural"
areas. A rural household in Lago do Junco included an average of 4.7
people, as opposed to 4.3 people for urban households (IBGE, 2001).
Pedreiras and Bacabal, less than 100 km from Sao Manoel, are the largest
regional markets and urban centers, with 1996 populations of 45,000 and
70,000, respectively (Fig. 2).
Resource use in Lago do Junco and in most of Maranhao is
constrained by a high concentration of landownership. The moderate
demographic densities in the municipality and in the entire state (17
inhab./[km.sup.2]) are misleading. In areas that remain occupied by
peasants, concentration of landownership critically increases de facto population pressure on resources. Table I shows that 89% of Lago do
Junco landholdings (7) were smaller than 50 ha and occupied an area of
just 5583 ha. If we assume restriction of access to private property,
population density in these areas rises to about 120 people/[km.sup.2].
One third of the 1567 landholdings in the municipality were smaller than
1 ha in 1996. Table I also shows that only 20% of the landholdings
smaller than 50 ha were held by producers with tenure security.
Conversely, seven estates (0.4% of the landholdings) occupied 25% of the
land. These numbers reflect the agrarian situation of a municipality
where a rural elite of less than 40 landholders (with areas greater than
200 ha) controlled half of the territory.
Since the mid-1980s, peasants have settled on lands expropriated,
acquired, or adjudicated by the state, and lands recovered through
direct negotiations with landowners or through the mediation of the
Church. Prompted by an active social movement, a sequence of land
conflicts has reduced the concentration of landownership in Lago do
Junco and resulted in the recovery of 18 estates totaling more than 6000
ha, directly benefiting some 450 families (Table II).
The village of Sao Manoel is partially located in one of these
estates. The origins of Sao Manoel also go back to the 1920s, when
nonindigenous occupants settled the lands where the village now is
located. Most of the pioneer settlers of Sao Manoel were northeastern
migrants who encountered and interacted with caboclo dwellers.
Today, the name Sao Manoel has three distinct although
complementary usages. The first refers to the physical location of one
of the largest villages in Lago do Junco, which comprises 88 dwellings
and several service buildings. The second corresponds to Sao Manoel as
an institution, or the community of 116 households who live in the
village and vicinity. The third usage designates a policy initiative.
Since 1989 Sao Manoel is a settlement project(8) established on a 470 ha
estate, which benefits 31 long-term occupant peasant families. For three
years these families were engaged in a land struggle with a rancher
until the state government adjudicated and purchased part of the land.
With the settlement project, Sao Manoel families maintained common land
tenure through an association of producers.
Livelihood Components that Affect Land Use and Land Cover in Sao
Landscape features in Sao Manoel are intimately related to human
intervention. Patterns of land cover are the outcome of the actions of
peasant producers and ranchers who allocate resources among the three
most important activities in the region: swidden fields for annual crops
(rice, maize, manioc, and beans); extraction of babassu products; and
most recently, cattle raising. Preferential adoption and the choice of
management strategy will determine the predominance of advanced,
intermediate, or initial stages of secondary succession combined with
and subsequent to agricultural fields. It will also determine the extent
of land covered by pastures with high, medium, or low densities of
babassu palms.
Babassu Extraction
Products and services obtained from babassu constitute a
significant portion of monetary and nonmonetary income for local
residents. Kernels are sold or traded for basic supplies. Most kernels
are then sent to processing plants in Bacabal, Pedreiras, Sao Luis, or
Teresina, and transformed into oil. In Lago do Junco, babassu kernels
are partially processed at the Agroextractive Cooperative. (9) Babassu
oil competes with palm oil and palmkernel oil in the cosmetic and food
industries, while oil by-products are suitable for animal feed. Babassu
oil is produced domestically by cooking a paste obtained by crushing
roasted kernels in wooden mortars. In addition to kernels, a renewable
charcoal from the woody fruit endocarp is the cooking fuel most used in
Maranhao, with growing markets for industrial use after conversion to
coke. The fruit's mesocarp contains 10% starch, and is consumed
locally. Thatch and stems are widely used as construction materials and
for utilitarian crafts.
Babassu fruits fall naturally on a year-round basis, but higher
production occurs from August to January. Babassu extraction is carried
out predominantly by women and children. Groups leave the village in the
morning to walk to the palm stands to gather fruit. Some spend the day
collecting babassu and extracting kernels at the collection sites.
Others--mainly those who own draft animals--prefer to stockpile fruits
in their backyards, where they will be cracked throughout the week.
Provisions for the rainy season are also desirable, when availability
dwindles, and the conditions for gathering fruit worsen. Both forms of
collection assume free access to resources. When access is not granted,
the activity is carried out through more restrictive practices and
formal labor relations. In these situations, landowners or contractors
pay wage laborers to gather and load fruits onto trucks. Truckloads of
babassu are then delivered to villages to be cracked by women who
receive half of the market price for kernels. The women have no right to
keep the husks for charcoal, as they are sold as fuel to industrial
plants. Other situations of constrained extraction involve the payment
of labor obligations to landowners (usually clearing pastures), or the
renting of babassu stands to a contractor who exploits that area in
exchange for a cash payment. In this latter case, access is restricted
to the majority of the population.
Cracking babassu is a dangerous operation. Fruits are placed on the
edge of an upright hatchet blade and struck with a wooden club several
times until the kernels are dislodged. Men often engage in fruit
gathering, but only those particularly skilled extract kernels. Other
babassu-related activities, however, include a strong male role, such as
charcoal production and the cutting of leaves for thatch. The high
biomass of the leaves, and the remarkable regeneration capacity of the
palm improve conditions for both agriculture and cattle herding.
Features associated with the structure and ecology of babassu
populations are critical to the long-term future of this activity. The
palm's dominance in regional landscapes consists of a two-stratum
population: a lower stratum of seedlings and juvenile palms
(periodically eliminated in areas converted to pasture), and a superior
layer of adult palms. The elimination of juvenile palms in pastures and
short-term-fallow fields makes it likely that the dominance of babassu
will be drastically reduced following the senescence of adult palms. To
avoid such a drastic transformation, management practices are needed to
allow the recruitment of juvenile palms and the consequent renovation of
babassu populations.
Roca is the most common term for swidden fields in north and
northeast Brazil. In the Mearim Valley, rocas are a predominantly male
activity, cultivated with rice (the main product), maize, manioc, and
beans, individually or in different combinations of intercropping.
Portions of a roca are occasionally planted with small quantities of
other intercropped vegetables such as squash, okra, or watermelon. Large
assortments of local varieties are utilized. Producers with sufficient
resources establish rocas on both upland and lowland areas, thereby
reducing their risk of crop failure. Rice production in upland sites is
limited in years of lower rainfall, while lowland sites are susceptible
to losses in years of high rainfall and floods.
Land clearing begins in June-July. Operations include slashing and
lopping the understory with a sickle (broque), tree felling using an ax
or machete (derruba), and the trimming of palm leaves
(desbandeiramento). To clear land for cropping, fire is set in September
or October. Trunks and twigs not consumed by the initial fire are piled
(coivara) and reburnt. Cropping starts with reliable rains, usually in
December. Rice and maize are planted with a pointed stick or with a hand
planter. For early consumption, small areas are cultivated with less
productive, 90-day varieties (arroz ligeiro). More productive stands
have a 120-130 day cycle and are sown in larger areas. Highly
productive, water-demanding rice (arroz lageado) ripens in 150-160 days.
Weeding is the most labor demanding activity in short fallowed
areas. Harvesting is the greater burden in fertile, long fallow fields.
Weeding is done with a small, curved sickle (cotelo), or a large knife
(colinho), and begins right after rice is sown or before sprouting. Two
or even three passes are needed, in contrast with a light, single pass
in longer fallowed lands. No fertilizers are used, and insecticides are
seldom applied. Herbicides are increasingly used in sites infested with
grass, mainly in lowlands. The harvest of rice starts in April and
extends to June in wetlands. Maize is harvested in June/July. If
household labor is insufficient for the timely harvest of large fields,
laborers are paid by productivity, receiving one third of what they
harvest, or cash equivalents. Rice is harvested with a blade adjusted to
the palm of one's hand. Rice bunches are cut individually. Grains
are stored on the sheaf in a temporary shelter (paiol) in the field.
Once dried, rice is manually threshed and carried to permanent storage
near or inside the house. Some maize is harvested and eaten ripe in
March/April, but most stalks are bent over only upon rice harvest, the
ears being gathered when totally dry.
Manioc stays longer in the field, and is treated as a safety crop
for the provision of food or cash when rice supplies are small. Manioc
is also less demanding on soil fertility. Farinhada, or the making of
manioc flour, occurs on a year-round basis. It involves the entire
household, and sometimes even extra labor is required. Roots peeled when
harvested and crushed produce a dryer, whiter kind of flour (farinha
branca, farinha seca). Roots immersed for 2-3 days in a water tank or
stream produce a more sour, larger-granulated, and yellowish flour
(farinha d'agua, farinha puba). Manioc starch, locally known as
goma or tapioca is obtained by squeezing and filtering a paste produced
by crushing manioc roots. Manioc flour results from toasting the paste
in wood-fueled ovens.
Beans are rarely intercropped in rocas, but preferably cultivated
at the end of the rainy season, when moisture is low. Sites with enough
biomass are suitable for a slash-and-mulch system for beans (abafado).
Neither fire nor weeding is required. In areas of less developed
vegetation, beans are cropped under bush-fallow (lastro queimado), or in
labor-demanding mounds (leiras). Except for bean cultivation, fallow
periods of at least 5 years should be kept before another roca is set on
the terrain. Land scarcity in the Mearim, however, reduces these
intervals to 3-4 years, prompting decreasing yields and challenging
peasant livelihood.
Cattle Ranching
As in other areas of the Amazon, the proportion of land converted
to pasture in Maranhao has soared since the late 1960s. Generous offers
of state-subsidized capital and fiscal incentives between 1967 and 1984
resulted in the establishment of 115 livestock projects on over 1.3
million ha in Maranhao (Amaral Filho, 1990; May, 1990). In addition, the
1969 "Law of the Land" (Lei de Terras) transformed social
relations of production in areas of old occupation in Maranhao. The law
activated a process of land privatization which was nevertheless limited
to the agrarian elite and to a circle of better-off and more
entrepreneurial peasants, often migrants from the Northeast combining
agricultural and commercial activities. The possession of land titles
aggravated a process of social differentiation through which wealthier
peasants were entitled to claim rural credit and benefit from state-led
development projects. Sao Manoel is a typical example of this latter
Today, ranching is practiced by a wide range of resource users in
the Mearim valley, featuring distinct systems of production: from
diversified livelihood systems in settlement areas and in small- or
medium-sized private landholdings, to the wealthier or elite landowners
specialized in this activity. These, in turn, can be distinguished
according to whether they employ labor or capital-intensive
technologies, and if the unit is specialized in beef cattle, or includes
dairy production. All combinations exist in the region, with an
important dairy belt near Pedreiras. In Lago do Junco, however, there
are no commercial dairy units. Ranching operations also differ from
agriculture and extraction given their limited presence in the Mearim up
to the 1960s. In the last three decades, however, little land in the
region was left in forest fallow, and since the late 1970s most peasant
villages are surrounded by pastures devoted to raising beef cattle of
Indian (nelore) and mixed breeds.
One of the features that best distinguishes ranching systems is
pasture management. The African grass Hyparrhenya rufa, named jaragua or
lageado, was the most commonly used in the Mearim. The cost of felling
babassu for pasture formation contributed to the maintenance of adult,
productive palms within pastures. More recently, however, landowners
with greater economic resources eliminated palms and replaced jaragua
pastures with the more aggressive brachiaria grass, mainly on lands near
highways or major cities. Besides greater upfront investment, such
replacement requires capital-intensive pasture management. It
nonetheless results in lower labor demand due to the ability of the
brachiarias to suppress the emergence of other plants, including
juvenile palms. Conversely, most of the traditional, resource-limited
ranchers and peasants still rely on management systems that include
jaragua grass, maintaining moderate to large densities of palms. Indeed,
when density is not excessive, the upper layer of adult palms is said to
improve microclimatic conditions for raising livestock. Partial shading
and a deeper root system allow retention of soil moisture and reduce
cattle mortality under extreme heat stress. In addition to microclimatic
improvements, income provided to landowners by the sale of babassu
kernels obtained in these pastures would suggest the maintenance of
adequate palm densities and commercial arrangements for the exploitation
of babassu. However, in areas where landownership and the access and
control of babassu stands are contested, such practices tend to
aggravate conflictive situations. Aiming to reduce the entrance and
activity of peasants on their properties, ranchers tend to forgo
babassu's beneficial role and restrict extraction. Because babassu
is perceived as a symbol of peasant resistance and struggle, well-off
ranchers reduce babassu densities to less than 10 palms/ha. As a
consequence of the "ideologization" of land use strategies,
the otherwise symbiotic interactions between pastures and palms, and
between ranching and babassu extraction, turn out to be the source of
social conflict.
At the other extreme, peasant producers with access to land
increasingly integrate ranching into their livelihood. Small herds of up
to a dozen head, but most commonly of just a couple of mixed breed cows,
are raised on private or common lands, mainly to provide cash allotments
through the sale of calves (garrotes). Few genetic improvement or
breeding programs are offered in the region, the productive potential of
cows is limited, and milk production barely supplies local needs.
Other activities are integrated into the livelihood systems in
these communities. Freshwater fishing in streams (igarapes) and
reservoirs (acudes) is seasonally critical. Hunting also occurs,
although limited by the scarcity of game. Small orchards and vegetable
gardens are restricted to backyards, except for a few banana producers.
Retirement benefits (aposentadorias) are by far the most relevant source
of monetary income, followed by various petty commercial operations,
salaries paid to villagers employed in schools and other offices, and
occasional wages. Table III shows sources of monetary and nonmonetary
income (10) in Sao Manoel. The data substantiate the existence of
multiple economic strategies pursued by local people to provide for
their needs. The three activities presented in this section, however,
are those that more directly affect landscape composition.
A full explanation of the specific land use transformations in a
particular community may run the risk of conveying the notion that every
case is unique and that no broader generalizations can be suggested.
While this is true in the narrow sense that each situation does indeed
have its particular history, such particularities can nonetheless be
conceptualized and understood in terms of configurations of
socioeconomic and biophysical factors that together drive many of the
land and resource use decisions made by individual households, and that
determine the characteristics of the social and natural organization at
the more aggregate level of community and region. My analysis considers
the detailed environmental and social histories of Sao Manoel, but
interprets this specificity within broader conceptualizations of the
relationship between human and social organization, and the natural
The differential engagement of people in babassu extraction,
shifting-cultivation, and cattle ranching has been the proximate
determinant of major landscape patterns in the community. Over time,
combinations of these activities, or changes in the way they are
integrated, resulted in categories of land cover that depart from
dualistic categorizations such as forested/deforested or
grassland/cropland. Complex and fragmented landscapes emerge in this
area of consolidated occupation characterized by babassu-palm
succession, and by large-scale conversion to pasture. Table IV
summarizes historical developments relevant to transformations in
resource use and the dynamic construction of landscapes in Sao Manoel.
During the period of peasantry formation (1920s to mid-1950s),
although Maranhenses and migrants from the Northeast had different
interactions with the natural environment, the predominant trajectory of
landscape transformation was progressive deforestation for
shifting-cultivation, and the conversion of primary forests to
capoeirucus, (11) creating conditions for the dominance of babassu.
According to local narratives, people who settled in the area in the
late 1940s and 1950s encountered a natural environment already different
from that found by pioneer settlers of the 1920s and 1930s. Babassu
stands were not the predominant land cover up to the mid-1940s. By 1960,
however, most of the primary forests were replaced by species-rich
secondary forests. Following the trend for the entire region, the
clearing of primary forests and capoeirucus in Sao Manoel was almost
entirely the result of cultivating annual fields, and not establishing
In the subsequent period of economic differentiation (from the
mid-1950s to the mid-1970s), the incorporation of land for
shifting-cultivation continued to be the main feature, but at increased
rates and intensities. Babassu extraction joined agriculture at the
forefront of the regional economy. By then, areas of secondary growth
formed by nearly pure stands of palms predominated in local landscapes.
Primary forests were mostly gone, and after three to four cropping
cycles, the seed bank of forest species was considerably depleted,
consolidating babassu's hegemony in the landscape. Selective
accumulation of capital originated from merchant exploitation and land
privatization opened up prospects for a selected group of producers to
further benefit from the labor invested in clearing lands for cropping,
and to use this labor to establish jaragua pastures in those lands,
mostly in association with babassu.
The expansion of babassu as a major land cover type illustrates
feedback effects between socioeconomic and biophysical processes. Market
incentives and patterns of land occupation, on the one hand, allowed the
massive engagement of peasants in extraction, even for their assuming a
leading role in the regional economy. On the other hand, secondary
succession of babassu has endowed the region with advantages when
compared to other environments.
Ranching was a marginal activity in Sao Manoel up to the 1960s,
limited to small-scale operations. While dense babassu populations
served, and were viewed, as subsidies by peasant producers practicing
agriculture, ranchers, who began to operate under distinct social and
economic norms, saw the sprouting mass of juvenile babassu plants as an
additional economic and social burden.
Despite the perceived threat imposed by secondary succession on
ranchers' allocation strategy, pasture formation peaked in the
following two decades, when differentiation in the social system turned
to pronounced social stratification (mid-1970s to late-1980s). The
increased rate of pasture conversion was accompanied by critical pasture
management strategies that sealed the opposition between ranchers and
peasants. Pasture conversion restricted the amount of land left for
cropping, and shortened fallow intervals, limiting secondary succession
to its initial stage. In addition to the constraints for agriculture,
the elimination of babassu palms from pastures, and the replacement of
jaragua by brachiaria grass in regional landscapes represented a real
threat to the integrity of the social and natural systems.
In Sao Manoel, producers cropped unconstrained until the mid-1960s,
rocas being often set on a 15-20 year forest-fallow schedule. A drastic
transformation occurred when a wealthier peasant from a neighboring
village, benefiting from land privatization policies, enclosed and
converted to pasture most of the common and undocumented lands of Sao
Manoel. Agricultural production was greatly restricted, peasants were
charged rents and had to sow pasture grass at the final stages of their
In the mid-1980s, when restrictions were extended to babassu
extraction, Sao Manoel residents reacted in a struggle that eventually
resulted in the recovery of their land tenure rights. Hostilities
erupted when the rancher granted rights to a contractor for the
exploitation of babassu. Among the practices employed under the deal
were the cutting of entire bunches of fruit before ripening, and the
hiring of people to gather fruit to deliver to women receiving half the
market price for kernels they extracted. Moreover, the contractor had to
enforce the order of not trespassing fences. The response of the
community was an intense process of social mobilization that provoked
the "transformation of a peasantry." With the resolution of
the conflict, peasants successfully claimed access to babassu stands in
private ranches in Sao Manoel and in most of Lago do Junco. Local
leadership was also critical for wider organizational moves including
the creation of a municipality-based women's association of
babassu-nutcrackers, and the agro-extractive cooperative.
In Sao Manoel, rearrangements after land conflict, and internal
challenges to the community have been accompanied by reassessments in
the role played by pastures, with the likely consolidation of an
agro-pastoral/extractive system that balances the maintenance of
pasture/babassu associations, in parallel with the reenhancement of
areas for shifting-cultivation under new conditions.
The Grounded Political Ecology of the "Post-Pasture
Conversion" in Sao Manoel
Two apparently contradictory processes comprised the main changes
in land use/cover dynamics of poststruggle Sao Manoel. The first was the
reconversion of a considerable amount of pasture to fallow and crops.
The second was the expansion of ranching activity among peasants. These
transformations affected the balance of economic activities in the
household, and particularly the role played by babassu extraction.
At the onset of the land conflict, most of the land in Sao Manoel
had been converted to pastures. During the conflict, however, peasants
obstructed pasture clearings and the turmoil caused suboptimal pasture
management including overgrazing, as cattle stayed longer and in high
densities on certain tracts. Suboptimal conditions for jaragua grass
turned out to be advantageous for capoeiras growing within these
pastures. When peasants recovered rights to land, the local association
rented pastures to outsiders for cash and a share of the steers born on
their land. In addition to the income, the renting of pastures to nearby
ranchers served to reconvert the land to secondary growth through a
strategy that skillfully exploited characteristics of the jaragua grass.
Jaragua pastures were viewed as components of landscapes that could
very well be reincorporated in the stock of land for agriculture,
particularly if reasonable densities of babassu were left within them.
By sustaining an elevated grazing pressure over these areas, settlers
reduced the competitive effect of jaragua grass against the emergent
population of juvenile babassu plants. (12) Although pasture grass was
not eliminated from the system, this strategy provided conditions for
restoring capoeiras, and after 5-6 years allowed shifting cultivation.
Such a trajectory did not take place in pastures of brachiaria grass.
In the aftermath of the struggle, Sao Manoel's association of
producers adopted a series of measures targeting land use planning in
the 470-ha common area. The first was to identify land that should
remain under pasture, instead of being redirected to agriculture.
Pastures were kept closer to the village in two plots totaling 75 ha, or
about one-sixth of the settlement area. Residents opted for the
conservation of a forested tract of 25 ha, with the remainder was
reserved for shifting-cultivation.
After the recovery of land rights, annual cropping included the
rotation of fairly defined tracts of land, which allowed a 4-year fallow
period. Each household continued to individually work and harvest their
annual fields, but an agreement at the level of the association
stipulated a limit of 1.5 ha for these fields. Furthermore, to avoid
fragmentation, fields began to be installed in those five contiguous
areas, as determined each year by the association. Under this system,
even though resources were used almost to the limit, rice productivity
turned out to be not much inferior to that obtained in areas of greater
land availability but poor planning strategies.
Residents used resources obtained from pasture rental to improve
land and to form their own herds. Rental payments supplemented donations
from the Catholic Church, and from a rural credit project, to gradually
form a collective herd. Although these cattle were partially distributed
among households in 1992, and again in 1999, the association maintains a
seed-herd that fluctuates in size, serving also to fund common
undertakings. Associates take turns working as caretakers of private and
collective herds on common pastures. By-laws determine that households
owning one, two, or three cattle contribute 12, 18, and 24 days of labor
per year, respectively. More recently, associates have been able to
purchase small tracts of land in the vicinity.
The engagement in livestock provoked mixed feelings in Sao Manoel
after land conflicts ended. Residents viewed cattle as a symbol of the
exploitation and suffering experienced by the community. Yet, because
pastures were the predominant land cover in the postconflict period,
ranching was identified as a practical choice to be integrated into
people's livelihoods. Nowadays few people in the community contest
the economic benefits. To summarize, 61% of the settlement project
households (19 out of 31), and 43% of Sao Manoel's total households
(50 out of 116) owned cattle by the year 2001. A total herd of 620 in
that year included 172 cattle owned by the 31 settler households
(average of 5.5), 40 of which were owned by the producers'
The widespread establishment of pastures also provoked fundamental
changes in babassu extraction. After decades of gathering fruits in
pastures--as opposed to previous extraction within
forests--people's perception of the activity changed. When
long-term fallows were possible, extraction was carried out in areas of
secondary succession characterized by dense palm stands, and consisted
of extraction "within the forest" (coleta no mato). Land
privatization and pasture conversion affected extraction in contrasting
ways. On the one hand, palm products became even more critical to the
livelihood of dispossessed peasants. On the other hand, arrangements
between landowners (or their agents) and peasants allowed the latter to
extract babassu within pastures (coleta na solta), although with a
greater economic burden to extractors.
Closely following changes in land cover, routines of gathering
fruits within more open areas gradually replaced the previous forms of
extraction. Years of experienced observation gained by extraction within
pastures changed the perspective of those engaged in the activity, who
noted more favorable conditions in the transformed landscape of palms
that grew in association with pastures. In addition to higher
productivity of pasture-grown palms, extraction within pastures was also
favored by their proximity to villages, the ease of collection with
draft animals, and the relative safety of collection. Kernel extraction
can thus occur on more flexible schedules, and closer to home instead of
during long field journeys.
Residents were asked about their preferred landscape to gather
babassu. All but one of the 60 respondents for this question (households
engaged in babassu extraction) indicated pastures, as opposed to
forested areas. When asked about the preferred site to break (not
gather) babassu, 83% of the respondents preferred the house, while 17%
preferred outdoor sites. All but one respondent in this subgroup
preferred the conditions of the shaded, not as hot, forested sites
instead of the sunny conditions provided by pastures.
The recovery of land for agriculture and the maintenance of
permanent pastures were the key components of resource-use planning in
Sao Manoel. Rather than isolated events, the parallel dynamics of land
use and land cover introduced in the community turned out to be socially
sustainable (at least relatively speaking) due to three basic conditions
that permitted the continuity of babassu extraction. First, a small but
still considerable area of pasture was kept, which assured a minimum
level of access to babassu stands regardless of people's access
rights to other areas. Second, a grassroots movement that pressured for
unrestricted access to babassu was centered and very successful in Sao
Manoel. And third, medium-sized ranchers in the vicinity shared the
perception that the palm was important to households and to the regional
The grounded political ecology framework is an approach that can be
adopted to study the multiple scales and dimensions affecting resource
use and land cover change in two very different periods in the existence
of Sao Manoel: the mid-1980--the end of the military regime in
Brazil--and the beginning of the twenty-first century--a period of
greater democratization and institutional development. Although
democratization of institutions did not fully achieve land distribution
in Brazil, the polarization between peasants and ranchers that existed
up to the 1980s is significantly smaller. In the last two decades,
however, a complex set of sociocultural, political, and economic factors
operating at multiple scales has produced an increasingly differentiated
peasantry, adding diversity to relations of production, and to their
production strategies. The presentation thus synthesizes the
multidimensional transformation that constitutes a new set of
constraints to peasant livelihood (the poststruggle ensemble), replacing
the more directly violent and ideological confrontations between
peasants and ranchers (the prestruggle ensemble).
As presented in the framework, socioeconomic drivers affecting
practices of resource-allocation in the study area operate at multiple
scales, from global to very local ones. The multiple scales that
constitute the framework will be exemplified here through the influence,
in resource use, of gender relations within the household, community
organization, the action of state and federal governments, and the
interference of international markets.
Household Relations and Resource Use in the "Babassu
The household is the first entity mediating the agency of resource
users and broader social structures. Distinct perceptions and meanings
attributed to babassu forests and babassu extraction within the
household are one of the main aspects affecting land cover change in the
"babassu zone." Indeed, the role of extraction for the social
system of "agro-extractive/shifting-cultivator peasants"
transcends the economic domain. Babassu economic utility assisted in the
construction of a suitable and complex "gendered" division of
labor along generations of resource use. The sale of babassu kernels is
an important source of monetary income that enhances women's role
in the functions of production and reproduction of the household. But
foremost, the continuous realization of practices associated with
extractive activity has significantly contributed to the definition of
cultural attributes of the household and specifically to the empowerment
of women (Miyasaka-Porro, 1997, 2002). In most Amazonian and
northeastern rural environments, women's participation in
production activities has been limited to domains controlled by men and
has allowed only restricted social interaction beyond the domestic
sphere. Babassu extraction, on the contrary, embodies an active and
enlarged realm for the construction of practices, discourses, and
relations that extend women's participation in wider social
Examining the case of Sao Manoel, I argue that the management of
secondary succession forests in the "babassu zone" have been
heavily informed by household relations, through "actions of men
and women in their daily life as well as the relations between
them" (Deere, 1990, p. 326). I contend that Deere's
formulations are extendable to the subfield of ecological anthropology
and applicable to the environmental context focused on in this study.
These formulations recognize variations in land and resource use
according to the position of the household in the life cycle, which for
agro-extractive peasants in Maranhao are mainly expressed through
fluctuations in the size and consequent labor requirements of swidden
fields. Moreover, the maintenance of dense palm stands associated with
agricultural and livestock undertakings will to a great extent respond
to specific arrangements at the household level, and according to
whether or not the need for a balanced participation of men and women in
providing for household sustenance is recognized by themselves. In Sao
Manoel, the adaptations that most households have been showing in the
practice of extraction seem to attest to a shared perception among men
and women about the adequacy of labor allotments and related social
arrangements provided by babassu extraction.
Women's role was instrumental in the outcome of several land
struggles confronting ranchers and peasants as they positioned
themselves against the cut of palm trees in pastures thereby preventing
the clearing of the fields. More recently, other tensions have arisen in
certain communities after tenure recovery, where new production
opportunities confront men and women's perspectives on the
preferred landscape. The installation of fields for semiperennial crops
such as banana or pineapple, and the mechanization of annual cropping
are examples of land use activities that push for further reduction of
babassu densities. Such cases contrast women's advocacy for the
maintenance of palms, this time against the perception of men from their
own community, in most cases their own husbands, who view babassu as a
constraint to higher productivity.
Collective Action and Land Use Change: The Role of Community and
Social networks such as the peasant community and its derivations
(producer associations, rural cooperatives, and women's groups) are
the next entities linking individuals and households to external
institutions in the region. Community organization and collective action
were essential for the achievement of benefits by peasants in Sao
Manoel. First and foremost, collective action resulted in land tenure
recovery. Second, it was a key factor for the recognition of
unrestricted access to babassu stands regardless their location. In
addition to empowering the group during struggles for the access to and
control over land and resources, community organization and collective
action rearranged livelihood strategies after the land conflicts, with
significant implications for landscape dynamics. Community organization
also altered peasants' demand on land for shifting cultivation
through their engagement in the processing and commercialization of
local production. In areas where land is not yet a constraint, peasants
do not necessarily crop larger fields in direct response to their
consumption needs, nor as an expression of their desire for
accumulation. Rather, in situations that are still observed in the
southwestern portion of the Mearim and Grajau valleys, the cropping of
large fields, and the sale of most of what is harvested, represent
alternatives peasants can count on to cope with the exploitation imposed
on them by merchants (Porro, 1997, p. 296). Conversely, fields remained
comparatively smaller when community mobilization served to purchase
local production and provide basic supplies at lower costs, and with the
acquisition of equipment for the processing of rice and manioc that
further enhanced local terms of trade.
The operation of Lago do Junco's agro-extractive cooperative,
established in 1991, in purchasing local production and providing basic
supplies at lower costs significantly reduced the burden imposed by
middlemen. In addition, the producer association acquired mills for the
processing of rice and manioc that enhanced local terms of trade. Lower
requirements for the size of swidden fields allow fallow schedules that
improve the use of biomass provided by babassu leaves. When contrasted
to communities with greater availability and better quality of land,
households in Sao Manoel kept a significantly higher proportion of the
rice harvested (Porro, 1997, p. 297). The combination of collective
planning with mobilization for commercial and processing operations was
effective in sustaining socially defined management goals.
Although several communities in the Mearim Valley had their land
and resource use significantly altered by processes carried out at the
community level, such alterations were not always positive. Internal
tensions and competing leadership have resulted in mismanagement of
resources. The status of future socionatural ensembles in the area will
thus depend on priorities given to individual undertakings after the
recovery of tenure rights by peasants, and the often associated process
of social stratification.
Settlement Projects and State Policies
In the case of communities that recovered their tenure rights,
allocation decisions, and their impact on the local environment, are to
a great extent related to governmental policies. Households and
communities receive differential treatments according to their
categorization by the state. A progressive distinction exists between
lands and communities associated with struggles resolved through (a)
federal-led and (b) state-led settlement projects; between these two and
(c) unofficial agreements mediated by institutions such as the Catholic
Church or related organizations; and between all the above and (d)
groups practicing common land and resource use that were able to resolve
land conflicts with their own means. Communities conforming to these
four social situations were likely to present similar trajectories until
two decades ago. Yet, the form through which their struggle evolved and
the mechanisms adopted in conflict resolution suggest radically distinct
entitlements for future activities.
In this context of unequal treatment, peasants inhabiting lands
characterized by the last two categories have practically no rights in
any sort of localized land reform policy, while those living in the
first two are entitled to some (for the state-led projects) and several
(federal-led projects) benefits. The provision of subsidized rural
credit or similar financial programs are undoubtedly the main factors
resulting in land-scape alterations in areas of localized agrarian
reform. In Sao Manoel, for example, limited resources were invested in
cattle ranching, although land had been converted to pasture previous to
the conflict. Indeed, several of the "settlement projects" in
the Mearim valley are characterized by degraded pastures formed in the
1970s and 1980s, and to which resources are allocated for recovery and
stock acquisition. Producers from other settlement areas received
greater allotments that in several cases were used for clearing lands,
partially eliminating palms and installing perennial crops or mechanized annual agriculture. While pasture conversion is a familiar technique in
the region, the other alternatives are constrained by the lack of
experience of both local producers and extension service agents. As a
result, what was supposed to be a perennial undertaking, in most cases
has resulted in short-lived initiatives, a perennial sink of financial
resources, and a disruptive event for the local environment.
Although settlement projects initiated as early as 1982 are still
under way, there is conjecture over the emancipation of older projects
to constitute autonomous units and forgo preferential treatment from the
government. Whether peasant producers will maintain current systems of
production once the "settlement" process ends is an intriguing
Local Dimensions of a Global Economy
The effects of a global economy on the landscapes in the
"babassu zone," and on peasant livelihoods, are also
pronounced. Although constituting the basis for the livelihood of nearly
one million people, babassu extraction recently lost even the modest
government support that it received until the early 1980s. Industrial
and agricultural developments replaced babassu oil by synthetic products
in the food, cosmetic, and hygiene industries. Babassu and cottonseed
oils were the most consumed edible oils in Northeast Brazil until the
1970s. Today, babassu oil maintains only a small portion of this market,
as it has been replaced by soybean oil. In the 1990s, soybean plantations were installed in southern Maranhao, supported by state
projects with Japanese cooperation. In 2001, 210,000 ha of soybean were
cultivated in Maranhao, producing the second highest agriculture-based
revenue for the state. In 1995, the Brazilian government reduced import
tariffs for vegetable oils from 18 to 2%. This measure allowed increased
imports of plantation-originated lauric oils (from palm, palm-kernel,
copra) from Southeast Asia, and particularly from Malaysia. The imports
replaced extractive-based production of babassu oil, and further
undermined the incentives for babassu extraction.
The operation of multiple-scale drivers affecting resource-use
trajectories in Lago do Junco also shows that these scales are linked
through combinations that do not always reinforce hegemonic trends and
hierarchical orders. Since 1993 the Agro-extractive Cooperative of Lago
do Junco sells babassu oil to the UK-based Body Shop. Through this
partnership, the cooperative has been able to raise the price paid to
all the extractors for each kilo of babassu kernel by an average of 25%
($0.36/kg in February 2000). In addition, since 1999 the cooperative has
been redistributing financial profits among its more than 150 members.
Beyond that, alliances with nongovernmental organizations, cooperation
agencies, and engagement in "fair trade" transactions have
been important arenas for the spread of the struggle of
agro-extractive/shifting-cultivator peasants in Lago do Junco. Although
restricted to one small municipality in Maranhao, this initiative
illustrates the extent to which the agency of these peasants in the
dynamic generation of practices directly interferes in resource use, and
in landscape trajectories.
Biophysical Features and Human-Nature Interactions in the
"Babassu Zone"
The predominant presence of babassu in secondary succession
formations in the Mearim Valley, and the recent history of land use in
the area, are important factors that influence resource-allocation
decisions today. Strategies and practices adopted by peasant producers
considered the cumulative knowledge acquired, not only from their own
agricultural and extractive experiences, but also from the observation
and learning of the management systems adopted by ranchers. In the
prestruggle period, most of the land in and around Sao Manoel was
converted into jaragua pastures. In the poststruggle situation, peasants
were compelled to adopt practices to reconvert the landscape to forms
that would allow their habitual form of interacting with nature, mainly
with respect to agricultural undertakings. These forms consisted of
patches of fallowed fields at different stages of regrowth, after the
cultivation of rocas. At the same time, however, people were attentive
to the opportunity to maintain the integration of palms within pastures,
as they perceived such association as advantageous to babassu
extraction. In addition, jaragua pastures were not viewed as an
impediment to eventual flips of the landscape back to the agriculture
domain. Major differences in land use trajectories that peasants adopted
poststruggle were, therefore, with respect to the relative weight given
to these two alternatives. The fact is that the presence of babassu
palms in the landscape, and the use of babassu-friendly jaragua grass as
the predominant species in planted pastures since the 1960s, are
relevant drivers that defined present land use strategies and land cover
"Relational Rationality" Perspective
A great deal of social interaction permeates day-to-day practices
in communities in the Mearim. Attitudes and decisions of individual
resource users in these communities, therefore, are far from being the
outcome of isolated agents who maximize their benefits given a
conjugation of socioeconomic and biophysical factors. The notion of
economic rationality adopted here includes a continuous and dynamic
reassessment of social relations that are directly and indirectly
implicated in the attainment of specific practices. Patterns of
habitation, traditional systems of labor exchange for agriculture, and
practices related to the performance of babassu extraction, all promoted
repeated contact among villagers. In addition, the still recent history
of economic differentiation and social stratification allows
interactions across social classes. General conditions of social
relations within and among communities; and among communities, ranchers,
and power-holders, influence resource-allocations. Extended-family
groups and kinship networks, for example, play an important role for
collaborative land use initiatives in Sao Manoel.
Social-Structural Determinants
Departing from explanations based on individual attitudes and
choices, even when relational perspectives are considered, the framework
also explains trajectories of resource use and land cover outcomes
through constraining structures of the social system. Indeed, for the
case being examined, the definition of activities that are adopted today
by peasant producers cannot be dissociated from the legacy of
hierarchical power and authoritarian social relations in rural areas of
a state in the Brazilian Northeast, and the historical components that
have shaped the formation of the peasantry in the Mearim valley.
Throughout their historical trajectory, the alternatives presented to
peasant communities to allocate their resources have been constrained by
the operation of mechanisms of exploitation that included commercial
extraction, the violent dispossession of people from their land, and the
subsequent charging of rent. The succession of such mechanisms resulted
in highly concentrated conditions for wealth and landownership, only
attenuated by the partial recovery of peasant tenure rights in the
late-1980s. These latter developments attest that certain structural
constraints, though still restrictive, can be modified, increasing
production possibilities, and consequently, land use/cover outcomes.
Interpretation of Transformative Practices
Recent events in Lago do Junco provoked contrasting perspectives by
which local resource users perceive economic alternatives in their
discursive and practical domains. Certain dispositions that were
hitherto hegemonic according to local peoples' relational
standpoint began to be undermined by their own tangible acts. This
discontinuity between discourse and practice is manifested in the
objective conditions of babassu extraction, and in the changing
assessment of cattle ranching.
Despite growing acceptance of raising cattle within communities in
Lago do Junco, political conditions that still prevail in rural Maranhao
at large make undesirable the deliberate expression by peasant producers
of their preference for babassu extraction within pastures. In the
confrontational environment of rural Maranhao, babassu extractors that
have enhanced their political and socioeconomic condition subordinate
their preferences (in respect to the ideal landscape to perform the
activity) on behalf of broader negotiations over access rights and
control of resources for a more comprehensive social group. The
disparity between practice and discourse related to this preference is
overly manifested by the leaders of communities and grassroots
movements, as well as by most of the institutions that support their
cause, when addressing external audiences. In their discourse in support
of the continuity of babassu extraction, these leaders and their
supporters condemn cattle ranchers, cattle, and pastures. However, upon
their return to the communities, they are confronted with the paradox in
the day-to-day decisions and acts of those engaged in babassu
extraction, who prefer to perform the activity within palm-pasture
associations than in the forested domain.
As occurred elsewhere in Lago do Junco, once land conflicts are
resolved, the reversed trajectory towards the elimination of pastures
significantly enhanced tensions within communities, and even at the
household level (Porro, 2002). In some instances, when men decide to
crop and eliminate palms from previous pasture-palms associations, women
struggled to maintain access to this important source of economic
Social and environmental histories of peasant communities in
Maranhao have been defined by the combination and shifts in the relative
importance of agriculture, ranching and extractive activities. The
changing profile of these forms of land use--and the environmental
implications in terms of land cover--were closely tied to the forms of
access to resources and property rights that prevailed in the region; to
the character of domestic production in the countryside; to peasant
mobilization; to the response by state agencies and institutions; and to
unique gender relations derived from the babassu economy that emerged
from the struggle for land and livelihood. Ultimately, it was the
interplay of such factors that influenced the choice of land use and
management strategies, with significant implications for the
sustainability of resource use, and for the quality of life among people
living in Sao Manoel.
Sao Manoel is an example of the trajectories peasants can undertake
in their quest for continuity and for systems of survival that would
improve their livelihood. The maintenance of socially resilient
landscapes, however, requires a critical management component that,
although acknowledged by most resource users, has seldom been practiced.
Despite being critical in the long-term, practices seeking the
systematic establishment of new populations of babassu have not yet been
carried out in Sao Manoel, or anywhere else in Lago do Junco. Babassu
palms are not the only component of resource users' livelihood in
the Mearim Valley. Some resource users are rather opposed to the
continuity of these palms. Babassu may not even be critical for
biodiversity conservation or fit into prestigious ecological categories.
The recent history of peasant communities such as Sao Manoel has shown,
however, that a concrete socionatural trajectory to optimize resource
use and address the socioeconomic needs of the community includes the
maintenance of palm/pastures associations.
Table I. Tenure Security and Concentration of Land Ownership in Lago do
<1 ha 1-10 ha 11-50 ha
Area (ha) of 361 (1.1) 1,561 (4.6) 3,661 (10.8)
landholdings (%)
Number of 525 (33.5) 689 (44.0) 174 (11.1)
landholdings (%)
Landholders with 32 111 142
tenure security
Landholders with 493 578 32
no tenure
51-200 ha 201-500 ha >500 ha Total
Area (ha) of 11,772 (34.8) 7,870 (23.2) 8,628 (25.5) 33,854
landholdings (%)
Number of 143 29 (1.9) 7 (0.4) 1,567
landholdings (%)
Landholders with 129 22 7 443
tenure security
Landholders with 14 7 0 1,124
no tenure
Note. Brazilian agricultural censuses include four categories of
landholders (proprietarios, arrendatarios, parceiros, and ocupantes).
Based on these categories, Table I classifies landowners (proprietarios)
as landholders with tenure security, and arrendatarios (sharecropers),
parceiros (tenants), and ocupantes (squatters) as landholders with no
tenure security.
Source. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica-IBGE 1998.
Table II. Chronology of Land Tenure Recovery by Peasant Producers in
Lago do Junco
Mechanism for tenure
Year Name of estate/property Size (ha) Families recovery
1980 Sao Jose da Conquista 448 32 Purchase/church
1985 Pau Santo 1014 50 Expropriation
(federal govern.)
1986 Sao Manoel 470 31 Acquisition/
1987 Aparecida de Ludovico 369 33 Acquisition (state
1987 Santa Zita 150 18 Acquisition (state
1988 Cajazeiras 125 12 Purchase/church
1989 Sao Sebastiao 230 12 Adjudication (state
1989 Centro do Aguiar 203 20 Acquisition (state
1990 Centro do Acrisio 194 24 Donation by rancher
1990 O. D'Agua 510 82 Acquisition (state
(Endrex) Altamira government)
1994 Sitio Novo 231 14 Acquisition (state
1994 Macauba 80 10 Acquisition (state
1994 Sao Domingos 200 15 Acquisition (state
1995 Santa Rita 459 15 Expropriation
(federal govern.)
1996 Vila Sao Joao 268 20 Expropriation
(federal govern.)
1996 Vila Sao Francisco 396 15 Expropriation
(federal govern.)
1998 Vila Sao Jose 90 8 Adjudication (state
(Lagolandia) government)
2001 Fazenda Alegria 565 35 Acquisition (state
Total 6002 446
Note. Year in the first column refers to the beginning of the land
struggle or negotiation.
Source. Lago do Junco rural workers' union (personal communication).
Table III. Aggregate and Average Income in Sao Manoel, 2000 (N = 116)
% of
Aggregate monetary
Activity-source RS$ n income Total
Monetary income (mi)
Agriculture 9,458 66 3.2 2.3
Small livestock 7,976 55 2.7 2.0
Babassu 60,920 98 20.5 15.1
Ranching 43,763 50 14.7 10.9
Wage labor 21,264 57 7.1 5.3
Stipend 39,625 23 13.3 9.8
Social security 78,739 26 26.5 19.5
Remittances 3,082 19 1.0 0.8
Commerce 21,764 17 7.3 5.4
Other 10,846 25 3.6 2.7
Sub-total (mi) 297,437 100 73.8
Nonmonetary income (ni)
Annual crops 54,841 101 13.6
Fruits 15,658 97 3.9
Small livestock 17,982 90 4.5
Babassu 16,848 79 4.2
Subtotal (ni) 105,329 26.2
Total 402,766 100
Activity-source RS$ St. dev. n
Monetary income (mi)
Agriculture 143.31 (196.67) 66
Small livestock 145.01 (266.09) 55
Babassu 576.09 (471.05) 98
Ranching 875.26 (1,116.19) 50
Wage labor 373.05 (1,815.52) 57
Stipend 1,722.83 (1,560.97) 23
Social security 3,028.42 (1,302.91) 26
Remittances 162.21 (133.12) 19
Commerce 1,280.24 (1,582.36) 17
Other 433.84 (661.56) 25
Sub-total (mi) 2,564.11 (2,759.42) 116
Nonmonetary income (ni)
Annual crops 472.77 (415.07) 101
Fruits 134.99 (219.91) 97
Small livestock 155.01 (174.33) 90
Babassu 145.24 (144.85) 79
Subtotal (ni) 908.01 (661.22) 116
Total 3,472.12 (3,134.05)
Notes. Data correspond to annual budgets for year 2000, and are
expressed in Brazilian currency (as of September 1, 2001, 1BR R$ = 0.39
Table IV. Socionatural Processes, and Land-Use/Cover Transformations in
Sao Manoel (1925-2002)
Peasantry formation Economic stratification
Period (1920s to mid-1950s) (mid-1950s to mid-1970s)
Major social Establishment of centros; Land: market integration;
processes Expansion of freed Better-off peasants
slaves and descendents; became middlemen;
Migrants from the Departure of initial
Northeast; Leveled dwellers
Features of Cultural differences: Capital accumulation by
social Maranhenses/Cearenses; local middlemen; Land
stratification Dependence on city privatization;
merchants Extraction of rent
Agrarian Lack of landownership; Demarcation, sale, and
developments Rough landmarks titling of "state land";
denoting land Illegal titling
entitlements; Land as "grilagem"; Land sales
common good internal to villagers
Main products Cotton, rice, maize; Peak period of rice;
Babassu kernels maize; Babassu
kernels; Cattle
Predominant Crops on forested lands; Shifting-cultivation;
forms of land Babassu extraction; Babassu extraction;
use Use of forest products; Expansion of cattle
Hunting + fishing; herding
Limited cattle herding
Predominant Mature forest; Forest fallow (capoeira);
land cover Forest-fallow Babassu forest
types (capoeirucu); (palmland); Cropland;
Cropland; Native Planted pastures
grassland (jaragua)
Social differentiation Peasantry transformation
Period (mid-1970s to late 1980s) (1990 to present)
Major social Government subsidies; Collective action;
processes Women's reaction Producers'
against babassu associations; Party
enclosure; Church politics; Community
support to peasants quarrels
Features of Polarization between Differential inclusion in
social ranchers and peasants; settlement projects;
stratification Contractual access to Membership in a broad
babassu range of local
institutions; Social
security benefits
Agrarian Land concentration; Delay to begin settlement
developments Land struggles; projects
Settlement projects;
Collective land-tenure
Main products Cattle; Babassu kernels; Cattle; Rice, manioc,
Rice, maize, manioc maize; Babassu kernels
Predominant Cattle ranching; Scarce "Post-pasture"; Cattle
forms of land land for agriculture; ranching;
use Elimination of babassu; Shifting-cultivation;
Land speculation Babassu extraction
Predominant Babassu forest Planted pasture
land cover (palmland); Planted (brachiaria); Pasture +
types pastures (jaragua); babassu; Cropland;
Pasture + babassu; Short-fallow
Cropland, fallow
The author thank the Inter-American Institute for Global Change
Research (IAI), the Inter-American Foundation, the Nature and Society
program of IIEB-Brazil, and the Center for Latin American Studies at the
University of Florida for their financial support. Special thanks to
Anthony Oliver-Smith, Charles H. Wood, Marianne Schmink, Emilio Moran,
Michael Heckemberger, Michael Binford, and Stephen Perz for their useful
comments. Sincere gratitude to all the families from Sao Manoel for
their friendship and years of collaboration. This article is dedicated
to Noemi, Felipe, and Pedro.
(2) The Legal Amazon is a federal planning region that consists of
the Brazilian states of Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Para,
Rondonia, Roraima, Tocantins, and the portion of the state of Maranhao
west of 44[degrees] W. Babassu palms occur in almost 2,00,000
k[m.sup.2]. The main area of occurrence, the "babassu zone,"
lies from 2 to 7[degrees] W, and 42 to 48[degrees] W.
(3) In 2000, Maranhao state presented the worst indices for social
exclusion, poverty, formal employment, and social inequality in Brazil.
Maranhao's indices for literacy and schooling were among the three
lowest in the country (Campos et al., 2003, pp. 151-56).
(4) According to WWF (2002), 112 mammal and 268 avian species were
recorded in Maranhao's Babassu Forest eco-region, compared, for
example with 149 and 153 mammal species, and 517 and 527 bird species
respectively recorded for the Tocantins/Pindare, and the Xingu-Araguaia
moist forests.
(5) Anderson (1983) and Anderson et al. (1991, p. 205) describe the
taxonomic confusions pertaining to the classification of babassu.
(6) According to the 1996 Brazilian agrarian census (IBGE 1998),
122,000 of the 360,000 land-holders in the state of Maranhao were
classified as landowners, whereas the other two thirds were either
squatters (140,000) or tenants (98,000).
(7) Land concentration data were obtained from IBGE's 1995-96
agricultural census and refer to the municipality of Lago do Junco
before the dismembering of Lago dos Rodrigues. Land-holding is the
translation for estabelecimento agropecuario, a concept employed by
IBGE, defined as "every continuous land area--regardless of size,
location, and number of parcels--used by an individual landholder for
agricultural purposes" (IBGE, 1998, p. 21). These estabelecimentos
do not always correspond to the total number of households that live and
work in rural areas. The comparative analysis of number and area of
estabelecimentos agropecuarios, however, still is the best proxy to
examine land concentration in Brazil.
(8) Settlement project (projeto de assentamento) is the terminology
that Brazilian land agencies have used since 1985 to name areas under
agrarian reform interventions. A single terminology used at the national
level, however, did not take into account diverse regional contexts. In
areas such as central Maranhao, a substantial portion of these so-called
settlement projects were installed on lands with long-term peasant
occupation, although such settlements were often neither recognized nor
legalized by government agencies. According to the Agrarian Reform
National Plan, settlement projects carried out by INCRA include plot
demarcation, subsidized credits for food (credito alimentacao), housing
(credito moradia), supplies (credito fomen to), and productive
activities, the latter funded by the National Program for Household
Agriculture (PRONAF, Programa Nacional de Agricultura Familiar), and the
National Program for Credit to the Agrarian Reform (PROCERA, Programa
Especial de Credito para a Reforma Agraria). Basic infrastructure in
settlement projects should include roads, electricity, water supply, and
schools (INCRA, 1984, 2001).
(9) The Small Producers' Agroextractive Cooperative of Lago do
Junco (COPPALJ) began to operate in 1991, and initiated the production
of babassu oil 2 years later. In the 1996-2001 period, COPPALJ processed
an average of 500,000 kg of babassu kernels/year.
(10) Nonmonetary values were based on prices of retail purchase at
local stores, and not on values obtained by producers when selling the
(11) Capoeirucu is the local name for secondary vegetation after
roughly two decades of primary forest clearing. Although species
diversity in capoeirucus is lower than in primary forests, the remaining
seed-bank and the regeneration of multiple species after a single
clearing allow for a pattern of succession that is not yet entirely
dominated by babassu. The density of palms is therefore higher in
capoeirucus than in primary forests, and much higher after successive
cropping cycles.
(12) Walker and Abel (2002, p. 299) examine the process through
which sustained grazing pressures on rangelands transform a
predominantly grassy ecosystem into a wooded state.
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Roberto Porro (1)
(1) Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, Travessa Dr.
Eneas Pinheiro s/n--CIFOR office/CPATU, Belem, Para-Brazil 66095-100;
[email protected].