A profile of newspaper sports section readers and nonreaders.
Gamst, Glenn ; Sutherland, Yvette N. ; Evans, Barry A. 等
The past two decades have witnessed a rapid expansion of interest in
social and psychological analyses of human behavior as it relates to the
topic of sport. Numerous journals, textbooks, and technical monographs
are beginning to proliferate from a number of fields including
psychology, sociology, mass communication and journalism, and physical
education (cf. Goldstein, 1989).
This increased interdisciplinary attention reflects, in part, a
growing consumer (i.e., spectator) demand for sports information.
Historically this need was first met by the print media (Adelman, 1986).
As new electronic technologies developed, broadcast media, especially
television, played an increasingly important role in sports news
delivery (see, Wennet, 1989). This apparent ascendancy of television as
the dominant sports information medium is probably the cause of the
current neglect of newspapers and their respective sports sections by
empirically-oriented media-and-behavior researchers. This is unfortunate
since over 60% of U.S. adults read or look into a daily newspaper
(Gamst, Aldridge, & Bush, 1987; Meyer, 1985; Stone, 1987). Since the
present study focuses on the newspaper sports section, we will briefly
review some pertinent literature.
There are a variety of ways that a sports spectator can both enjoy
and obtain information about a sports event. Some of which includes
actual attendance at an event, viewing the event on television,
listening to a radio broadcast, or reading about a sports event, before
or after it takes place, in a newspaper or magazine. Emphasizing the
continued importance of the latter, Snyder and Spreitzer, (1983) showed
that the expansion of television sports broadcasts has stimulated an
increase in newspaper sports coverage, with newspapers providing
additional depth of coverage.
Similarly, McPherson (1975) argues that the consumption of sport can
be either direct or indirect. Direct sport consumption is evidenced by
actual attendance at a sporting event. Whereas, indirect sport
consumption involves watching a sports event on television, listening to
it on radio, or reading about it in a newspaper or periodical. McPherson
(1975) has linked a number of key variables to the rate of sport
consumption including: income, marital status, age, education,
occupation, and proximity to the event. Most studies that have examined
sports spectatorship (according to Duncan & Brummett, 1989) have not
differentiated the fan's derived satisfaction among the various
types of possible spectating (i.e., actual attendance, viewing on
television, or reading a sports column). Using the medium of television,
Duncan and Brummett (1989) identified three dimensions of spectating
that pleasurable experiences are presumed to be derived from. These are
the technological, discourse, and social dimensions. We can extend these
ideas to newspaper sports reading. The technological dimension refers to
the "technical characteristics" of newspaper sports coverage,
e.g., headlines, photographs, story length, side bars, tabled box
scores, etc. The discourse dimension refers to the content of newspaper
sports stories, such as, particular sports columnists, hard vs. soft
news, interviews, analytical stories, previews, and sum-ups, etc. The
social dimension of newspaper sports reading places the sports spectator
(i.e., the reader) into his or her social context which includes social
norms and expectations, like when and where the sports section is read,
the sports section's perceived relationship to the rest of the
newspaper, the intensity of the reading experience, cognitive scanning
strategies, etc.
Newspaper sports sections play a prominent role in the lives of many
adults. Lever and Wheeler (1989) have conducted a longitudinal content
analysis of the Chicago Tribune's sports section from 1900-1975.
During this period, the length of sports stories increased by 79%. As a
percentage of the total newspaper (excluding advertisements) the sports
section accounted for 9% of editorial content in 1900 and grew to 17% by
1975. Most daily newspapers devote more newshole (i.e., space) to sports
news than any other topic (Snyder & Spreitzer, 1983). In fact,
Edwards (1973, 1980) indicates that the sports section is the principal
factor in motivating an estimated 30% of newspaper purchases. Recent
sports section research has focused on the characteristics of this
section's readers, who tend to be affluent males (Smith, 1988;
Waldrop, 1989). Others have examined which sports are the most popular
(Yergin, 1986), although attendance figures and interest ratings do not
always translate into interest in reading about a particular sports
Few, if any, studies have probed the reasons for reading the sports
section and its relationship to the frequency of reading a sports
section. What is it that sports fans are looking for in a newspaper?
Clever columnists, news about favorite local or national tearns, box
scores and other numerical information, or perhaps personal profiles of
leading sports stars? Why do some newspaper readers avoid or feel
ambivalent about this section? Differences in sport section reading
frequency may indicate a continuum of reader interest in sports. It
seems reasonable to expect that individuals who differ in sports section
readership will also differ as to their attitudes concerning the sports
section. To examine the relationship between these variables, the
following survey was conducted.
Four hundred ten telephone interviews were conducted with a random
probability sample of newspaper subscribers, using a systematic sampling
procedure of the entire newspaper subscriber data base of over 500,000
households from a major metropolitan newspaper in the western region of
the United States. The interviews were conducted in a centralized telephone facility between July 14-18, 1989. The sample was evenly
divided among females and males, aged 18 years or older. Demographically
the sample was representative of large newspaper reading populations in
this region and may not be representative of all newspaper readers
nationwide. The response rate was 68%.
Measurement of variables
Table 1 depicts the mean response for a variety of attitudinal
questions dealing with the sports section that respondents answered.
These 20 attitude questions were developed through an initial focus
group interview with senior sports writers and editors of a large
metropolitan newspaper. Hence, the questions were derived primarily from
experienced sports journalists' intuitions and perceptions of their
audience. The resulting altitude questions were based on 4-point
Likert-type scales (strongly disagree = 1, somewhat disagree = 2,
somewhat agree = 3, strongly agree = 4). The independent variable
(reader type) was derived from responses to a daily sports section
readership question which measured readership on the basis of read
"regularly," "sometimes" (i.e., occasionally), or
"never" (nonreaders). This question, while based on a
self-report, is a fairly standard way of determining newspaper section
readership and is often employed within the industry.
All statistical analyses reported in this section should be assumed
to be significant at the 5% level or less. Furthermore, an examination
of the distribution of responses to the altitude questions revealed a
roughly symmetrical pattern for all items, reinforcing the
appropriateness of using analysis of variance procedures on these Likert
Twenty one-way analyses of variance (ANOVAS) revealed that 14 of the
20 attitude questions reliably differentiated among the three readership
groups. These 14 items each had an F-value that was significant at the
.05 level. Least significant difference (LSD) multiple comparisons tests
were subsequently computed (|is less than~ .05) on each set of means.
See Carmer and Swanson (1973) for justification of using LSDs.
Additionally, |R.sup.2~ values were computed for each significant
overall F-ratio to indicate the proportion of the total variability
attributed to the differences among the treatment means, and ranged from
.02 to .27, with a mean of .11. For instance, Table 1 shows that
nonreaders are more likely to agree with negative perceptions about
athletics TABULAR DATA OMITTED and reading the sports section than are
their regular or occasional reader counterparts. Whereas, regular
readers, (and to a somewhat lesser extent occasional readers) showed
considerable agreement for positive statements dealing with a variety of
sports topics (i.e., both "hard" and "soft" news
stories). Interestingly, occasional and nonreaders show more interest in
reading about sports personalities than do the regular readers. Also
revealing are the areas in which the three reader groups appear to be in
accord concerning the sports section. All three readership groups
believe the sports section should emphasize local sports talent, and
each of these groups prefers to watch sports competition on TV rather
than read about it. Conversely, all three groups show an equal lack of
enthusiasm for sports columnists, scoreboard tables, and local high
school sports results. To further understand these results, a series of
multivariate analyses were performed on these attitude items.
A set of composite (sports orientation) dependent variables was
derived from a factor analysis using the principle components method of
initial factor extraction with a varimax rotation. The factor analysis
suggested that these data could be explained by six interpretable
groupings of which three yielded reasonably high levels of reliability.
Three other factors emerged from the factor analysis: Local Sports News,
High School Sports and Columnists, and Number Crunchers. Each of these
factors yielded a Cronbach's alpha |is less than~ .40 and were
deemed unreliable for further analysis in the present study. The first
factor, anti-sports, consisted of four items (Cronbach's alpha =
.77) which dealt with negative opinions concerning sports in general and
sports newspaper stories in particular. The second factor,
entertainment, consisted of five items (Cronbach's alpha = .66) and
considered how the sports section provided the respondents with a source
of fun, relaxation, and diversion. Factor three, sports personalities,
consisted of three items (Cronbach's alpha = .55) and reflected
interest in the personal lives of sports stars. The variables comprising
each factor were averaged for each respondent into three composite
scales and served as dependent variables.
Table 3 reports the means and standard deviations of the three
dependent measures across the three levels of reader type. Three one-way
ANOVAs using each composite scale as a dependent measure and reader type
as an independent variable were conducted to test for differences among
the three levels of readership. All effects that achieved significance
were reliable at or beyond the .05 level.
The anti-sports dependent variable showed that regular daily sports
section readers (M = 1.44) showed less support for negative sports
opinions than did occasional readers (M = 1.70) as compared to
nonreaders (M = 2.36), |F(2,374) = 41.36~ and confirmed with LSD
multiple comparisons tests (|is less than~ .05).
The entertainment dependent variable revealed an opposite pattern of
results with regular readers (M = 3.91) finding more entertainment value
in the sports section than occasional readers (M = 3.54), and nonreaders
(M = 2.87), F((2,374) = 48.13~, as confirmed with LSD multiple
comparisons tests (|is less than~ .05). However, the effect of sports
personalities did not reveal any differences among the readership
groups, |F(2,368) = 2.11, p |is greater than~ .05.~. This finding
suggests a common lack of interest in the personal lives of sports
figures across all readership groups. The minor fluctuation among the
degrees of freedom (e.g., 374 vs. 368) reflect item nonresponse among a
few respondents.
The present study trichotomized a sample of newspaper sports section
readers and nonreaders on the basis of sports section reading frequency
(reader type) and based upon their responses to 20 sports attitude
questions, three composite sports orientation variables were established
and examined across reader type.
Newspaper subscribers, who presumably are highly motivated to read
certain kinds of newspaper information, are attracted and repelled to
and from the sports section for a variety of reasons (e.g., Duncan &
Brummett, 1989). The present findings have revealed two important
composite attitudinal variables that sports section readers and
nonreaders appear to differ on, and one variable that shows consistency
across sports section readership groups.
Anti-sports attitudes are must likely to be held by nonreaders and
least likely by regular readers. This is somewhat analogous to recent
findings of greater interest in sports among those individuals actively
engaged in sports activity (Cox, 1990), and who prefer a more direct
consumption of sport (McPherson, 1975). Individuals seeking
entertainment and relaxation are more likely to be regular readers.
While the sports section appears to provide sports spectators or fans
with the necessary pre and post event analyses, it clearly plays an
important recreational role in helping some individuals unwind and
reduce daily tensions (cf. Duncan & Brummett, 1989; Zillman, Bryant
& Sapolsky, 1989).
Sports personalities (i.e., soft news) failed to differentiate the
three readership groups in the present study. However, two of the three
items that compose this scale revealed a significantly stronger pattern
of interest among the nonreaders for these soft news items. This finding
may have practical applications for print media executives who are
constantly challenged to find ways of enticing people into reading their
More research needs to be undertaken to explore the relationship
between print media and sports spectators' relationship to it.
Further, research needs to be undertaken that provides a national
cross-section of newspaper sports section readers and nonreaders. What
are the other factors involved in a fan's desire to read about a
sporting event? What compels some individuals to read the sports section
habitually every morning and others to rarely give it a glance? The
present study is a modest attempt at addressing these questions and
should be considered a beginning of a construct validation process for
these sports orientation scales which are clearly complex and
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