Construct Validity of the Revised Anxiety Rating Scale (ARS-2).
Cox, Richard H. ; Robb, Marshall ; Russell, William D. 等
Development of the revised Anxiety Rating Scale(ARS-2), along with
reporting concurrent validity coefficients were detailed in Cox and Robb
(1998) The purpose of the current research was to demonstrate construct
validity of the ARS-2. The ARS-2 was administered to 248 undergraduate
intramural basketball players approximately IS mm before the start of a
play-off game. Data were analyzed using multiple regression (MR) and
multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) procedures. In MR, the
dependent variable (performance) was conceptualized as the
participant's game score divided by the opponent game score.
Regressing performance on cognitive state anxiety, somatic state
anxiety, and self-confidence) yielded a significant R2 of .04 for men,
F(3,184) = 2.72, p = .046. The standardized betas for cognitive anxiety,
somatic anxiety, and self-confidence respectively were -.09, .00, and.
17. For the MANOVA, dependent variables were average team scores on
cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety, and self-confidence as measur ed by
the ARS-2. The independent variable was game outcome (win/loss).
Multivariate analysis of variance procedures (MANOVA) revealed a
significant relationship between game outcome and scores on the ARS-2,
F(3,46) = 2.84, p = .048. Relative importance of ARS-2 components, in
determining game outcome, was estimated through discriminant analysis
and the calculation of structure coefficients. Structure coefficients
for cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety, and confidence were -.58, -.07,
and .93 respectively, indicating that self-confidence followed by
cognitive anxiety were meaningful in predicting game outcome. These
results demonstrate the construct validity of the ARS-2, in that winning
and losing basketball teams can be predicted as a function of scores on
the ARS-2.
The Anxiety Rating Scale (ARS) was developed by Cox, Russell and
Robb (1998, 1999) as a short rating scale version of the Competitive
State Anxiety Inventory - 2 (CSAI-2) (Martens, Burton, Vealey, Bump,
& Smith, 1990). The ARS was not merely conceptualized as a short
version of the CSAI-2 with fewer items devoted to each anxiety
construct, but as a single statement "Borg Like" (1973) rating
scale that would allow an athlete to quickly rate how they felt in terms
of precompetitive cognitive state anxiety, somatic state anxiety, and
self-confidence. The concurrent validity of the ARS was established with
team sport intramural athletes (Cox et al., 1998, 1999) and with
individual sport intramural athletes (Cox, Reed, & Robb, 1997).
Results of these investigations have shown the ARS to be moderately
correlated with the subcomponents of Martens = CSAI-2 (.60 to .70).
The ARS also has been compared favorably with Krane's (1994)
modification of the Mental Readiness Form (MRF-L). The MRF-L is a short
version of the CSAI-2 originally developed by Murphy, Greenspan, Jowdy,
and Tammen (1989). Comparative correlations between the anxiety
components of the ARS and MRF-L with the cognitive and somatic state
anxiety subscales of the CSAI-2 have consistently favored the ARS (Cox
et al., 1997; Cox et al., 1999). As originally developed (Cox et al.,
1998), the ARS measured competitive somatic state anxiety and
competitive cognitive state anxiety, but not state self-confidence. The
measurement of state self-confidence was later added to the ARS using
stepwise multiple regression procedures to identify items to be included
(Cox et al., 1999).
Most recently, the original ARS was revised and named the Anxiety
Rating Scale - 2 (ARS-2). The ARS-2 exhibits stronger concurrent
validity than the original scale and eliminates ambiguous wording in
response statements (Cox & Robb, 1998). In developing the ARS-2, the
original ARS was compared with two potential revised versions relative
to concurrent validity with the CSAI-2. Reported correlations for the
ARS-2 with the CSAI-2 for cognitive state anxiety, somatic state
anxiety, and self-confidence were .67, .69, and .75, respectively. The
ARS-2 is composed of three aggregate statements set to a 7-point Likert
scale (1=not at all, 2=a little bit, 3=somewhat, 4=moderately so,
5=quite a bit, 6=very much so, 7=intensely so) which allow an athlete to
rate how they feel immediately prior to competition. Respectively, the
three statements for cognitive state anxiety, somatic state anxiety, and
self-confidence read as follows:
1. I feel concerned about performing poorly, choking under
pressure, and that others will be disappointed with my performance.
2. I feel jittery, my body feels tense, and my heart is racing.
3. I feel comfortable, secure, and confident about performing well.
In retrospect, it seems clear that the concurrent validity of the
original ARS and the revised ARS-2 has been well established (Cox &
Robb, 1998; Cox et al., 1997; Cox et al., 1998; Cox et al., 1999). It
has been demonstrated that the ARS and ARS-2 are effective in measuring
precompetitive anxiety and confidence when compared concurrently with
the parent CSAI-2. A next step evolution in the continued testing of the
ARS-2 would be to establish the construct validity of the instrument. A
test that possesses construct validity should be able to discriminate between two groups of athletes who differ on a hypothetical construct measured by the instrument (Thomas & Nelson, 1996). Theoretically,
successful and less successful athletes should differ on precompetitive
anxiety and self-confidence (Fenz & Jones, 1972; Highlen &
Bennett, 1979; Mahoney & Avener, 1977; Meyers, Cooke, Cullen &
Liles, 1979; Wiggins & Brustad, 1996). Superior athletes should
exhibit higher levels of precompetitive self-confidence and lower l
evels of state anxiety than less accomplished athletes.
Therefore, it is the purpose of this investigation to establish the
construct validity of the ARS-2 by testing the ability of the instrument
to predict performance and to discriminate among groups of athletes who
win or lose an athletic contest. Specifically, it is predicted that (a)
team outcome score ratios can be predicted from individual
athlete's scores on the ARS-2, and (b) average team scores on the
constructs measured by the ARS-2 will differ for winning and losing
Participants for this research were 188 male and 60 female
undergraduates competing in 25 intramural basketball games at a large
Midwest University. Use of human subjects for the purpose of research
was approved by the appropriate University human subject's
committee and anonymity assured.
The instrument used for measuring precompetitive state anxiety and
self-confidence was the revised Anxiety Rating Scale (ARS-2). The
reported concurrent validity of the ARS-2 is .67 for cognitive state
anxiety, .69 for somatic state anxiety, and .75 for self-confidence (Cox
& Robb, 1998). The ARS-2 was previously described in some detail in
the introduction of this article.
Starting members of intramural basketball teams were approached
approximately 15 mm prior to a play-off competition and asked if they
would participate in the study. Because the ARS-2 only takes a few
seconds to administer, it was rare for an athlete to decline to
participate. In a single contest, starting members of both teams were
invited to participate. Because winners advanced to the next round, some
players completed the ARS-2 more than once. The ARS-2 was administered
188 times to males and 60 times to females (N248).
Design and Analysis
Data were analyzed using multiple regression (MR) and multivariate
analysis of variance (MANOVA) procedures. In MR, the dependent variable
(performance) was conceptualized as the participant's game score
divided by the opponent's score. Thus, each member of a specific
team would have the same performance score for that contest. A
performance score of greater than unity would indicate a win, while a
score of less than unity would indicate a loss. Very large or very small
scores would indicate a large margin of victory or loss. ARS-2 scores on
cognitive state anxiety, somatic state anxiety, and self-confidence
served as continuous property independent variables. In the MANOVA,
dependent variables were average team scores on cognitive state anxiety,
somatic state anxiety, and self-confidence as measured by the ARS-2. The
independent variable was game outcome (win/loss). In all analyses an
alpha level of .05 was adopted.
Multiple Regression Analyses
Means and standard deviations associated with the dependent
variable and three independent variables are displayed in Table 1.
Simple correlations among independent variables and with the dependent
variable of performance are displayed in Table 2. Relatively small
correlations were observed between performance and the three subscales
of the ARS-2, with the largest being associated with self-confidence.
Near collinearity was inspected relative to the three subscales of the
ARS-2. As can be observed in Table 2, the correlations among independent
variables range from .274 to .530 (ignoring the sign). These correlation
coefficients would not be suggestive of problems associated with near
collinearity. To confirm the absence of near collinearity among
independent variables, variance inflation factors (VIF), tolerance, and
condition indexes (CI) were calculated for each variable for each
regression analysis. None of the calculated tolerance values approached
zero and all of the VIF's were less than 2.00. In additi on,
collinearity diagnostics, associated with calculated CI's,
confirmed the absence of near collinearity among independent variables.
Separate regression analyses were calculated for male participants,
female participants, and male and female participants combined. In all
three analyses, performance was regressed upon cognitive state anxiety
(cog), somatic state anxiety (som), and self-confidence (conf). The
regression analysis for males yielded a significant [R.sup.2] of .0424,
F (3,184)=2.72, p =.046. The regression analysis for females yielded a
nonsignificant [R.sup.2] of .0273, F(3,56) = .523, p = .6681. Finally,
the regression analysis for the combined sample yielded a nonsignificant
R2 of .0297, F(3,244),2.49, p=.0612.
Parameter estimates, results of significance tests, and unique
variance (squared semi partial correlations) are displayed in Table 3
relative to the significant regression model for males. As can be
observed in this Table, the regression coefficients for the two measures
of state anxiety were not significant. The regression coefficient for
self-confidence was significant, and the squared semi-partial
correlation with performance was .0242. These results suggest that of
the three subscales of the ARS-2, only self-confidence has a significant
effect upon performance.
Multivariate Analysis of Variance
Separate one factor MANOVA's were calculated for male
participants, female participants, and a combined sample of male and
female participants. In all three MANOVA's, the independent
variable was two levels of game outcome (win/loss), and the multivariate dependent variables were cognitive state anxiety, somatic state anxiety,
and self-confidence as measured by the ARS-2. The separate MANOVA for
males yielded a nonsignifcant Wilks' Lambda statistic, F (3,34) =
1.602, p = .2069, as did the MANOVA for females, F(3,8) = 1.289, p =
.3426. The combined sample MANOVA yielded a significant relationship
between game outcome and the three dependent variables, F(3,46) 2.843, p
= .0479. The Wilks = Lambda was .843 ([Eta.sup.2]= .157). To determine
the relative contribution of the dependent variables in the significant
relationship, the MANOVA was followed by a descriptive discriminant
The discriminant function, that results from the descriptive
discriminant analysis, may be used to calculate a discriminant score for
each participant. The discriminant scores are then correlated with each
participant's original dependent variables. These resulting
correlations are referred to as structure coefficients and may be used
to determine the relative importance of each dependent variable.
Structural coefficients greater than .30 are considered to be meaningful
(Pedhzur, 1997). In the present case these structure coefficients were
based upon the total sums of squares and cross-products matrix and are
referred to as total structural coefficients. The total structure
coefficients for cognitive state anxiety, somatic state anxiety, and
self-confidence were -.5845, -.0635, and .9316 respectively. These
coefficients suggest that confidence followed by cognitive state anxiety
are meaningful in discriminating between winning and losing basketball
The prediction that team outcome score ratios can be predicted from
individual athlete's scores on the ARS-2 was supported for males,
but not for females or for the combined male/ female sample. An
inspection of simple correlations for women between team outcome score
ratios and the three subscales of the ARS-2 reveal low and insignificant
relationships. The inclusion of the female participants into the
combined male and female sample resulted in an insignificant R2 for this
model as well. The all male multiple regression model was able to
reliably predict team outcome score ratios, but only self-confidence
exhibited a significant regression coefficient. With some limitations,
the ARS-2 was effective in predicting team outcome score ratios.
The prediction that average team scores on the constructs measured
by the ARS-2 would differ for winning and losing teams was supported for
the total sample of men and women, but not separately. From a total
sample perspective, it was possible to discriminate between winning and
losing teams as a function of precompetitive scores on the ARS-2. Based
upon a follow-up discriminant analysis and calculation of structure
coefficients, it was determined that self-confidence followed by
cognitive state anxiety were most important in discriminating between
winning and losing teams. Somatic state anxiety contributed very little
to the
Ideally a stronger and more consistent relationship between
precompetitive scores on the ARS-2 and team performance was desired.
Never-the-less this research provided support for the construct validity
of the revised Anxiety Rating Scale (ARS-2) in a ecologically valid
research setting. The self-confidence subscale and, to some degree, the
cognitive state anxiety subscale were generally effective in
discriminating between teams that won or lost their basketball contests.
At least one attempt to demonstrate the construct validity of the parent
CSAI-2 was also less than ideal. Martens, Burton, Vealey, Bump, and
Smith (1990) administered the CSAI-2 to 49 male Junior National Golf
Tournament participants and correlated subscales with performance scores
for nine rounds of tournament golf. No significant correlations were
observed between golf performance and the CSAI-2 subscales of cognitive
state anxiety, somatic state anxiety, or self-confidence. Supporting
evidence for the construct validity of the CSAI-2 was forthcoming in
subsequent investigations (Martens et al., 1990).
In the present investigation, the construct validity of the revised
Anxiety Rating Scale (ARS-2) was established using intramural athletes
participating in the team sport of basketball. As a next step in
establishing the construct validity of the ARS-2, it is recommended that
it be tested using individual sport athletes as well as different age
groups. While not without its limitations, the ARS-2 is a viable short
form measuring precompetitive state anxiety and self-confidence when
minimizing time involvement and athlete distraction are of primary
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athletes competing in six individual sports. Research Quarterly for
Exercise and Sport. 68(1), Suppl. A-101.
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22, 310-320.
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Means and Standard Deviations Associated
with Variables in Multiple Regression Model
Cognitive Somatic
Performance Anxiety Anxiety Confidence
Gender N Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean
Male 188 1.06 .436 2.76 1.57 2.62 1.41 5.15
Female 60 1.09 .468 2.48 1.67 2.00 1.21 4.93
Combined 248 1.07 .443 2.69 1.59 2.47 1.39 5.10
Gender SD
Male 1.26
Female 1.65
Combined 1.36
Correlations among ARS-2 Subscales and with Performance
as Associated with Multiple Regression Analyses
Cognitive Somatic Self-
Gender Variable Performance Anxiety Anxiety Confidence
Performance 1.000
Cognitive Anxiety -.132 1.000
Male Somatic Anxiety -.086 .463 [**] 1.000
Self-Confidence -.188 [**] -.274 [**] -.285 [**] 1.000
Performance 1.000
Cognitive Anxiety -.123 1.000
Female Somatic Anxiety .038 .437 [**] 1.000
Self-Confidence .068 -.530 [**] -.512 [**] 1.000
Performance 1.000
Cognitive Anxiety -.l31 [*] 1.000
Combined Somatic Anxiety -.062 .460 [**] 1.000
Self-Confidence .148 [*] -.343 [**] -.318 [**] 1.000
(*.)Significant at .05
(**.)Significant at .01
Parameter Estimates Associated with
Multiple Regression Model for Male Participants
Parameters [*]
Stand. Unique
Variable beta Error T-Ratio Prob Beta [**] Variance
Cognitive Anxiety -.0242 .0229 -1.057 .2920 -.0872 .0058
Somatic Anxiety .0003 .0255 0.012 .9907 .0010 .0000
Self-Confidence .0570 .0264 2.156 .0324 .1646 .0242
(*.)Intercept of unstandardized model equals .8370
(**.)Standardized regression coefficient