Affect responses to acute bouts of aerobic exercise: a test of opponent-process theory.
Lochbaum, Marc R. ; Karoly, Paul ; Landers, Daniel M. 等
Research by Thayer, Newman, and McClain (1994) suggests that acute
exercise is a highly effective mood-regulating strategy when compared to
other common strategies such as passive stimulation (e.g., drinking
coffee), and reductions in activity (e.g., watching TV). In addition,
acute bouts of aerobic exercise are typically associated with reductions
in anxiety and increases in positive mood (Landers & Arent 2001).
Hence, it is surprising; in view of this finding and that no one
theoretical framework has emerged to consistently explain affective change in response to acute exercise (Landers & Arent, 2001).
Several exercise psychology researchers have stated that this lack of a
theoretical framework is a result of two phenomenons that have permeated
over the last twenty to thirty years of exercise psychology research
(Ekkekakis & Petruzzello, 1999; McCann & Holmes, 1984; Tuson
& Sinyor, 1993).
The first of these phenomenons was the fact that the major impetus
in examining the exercise-affect relationships was to explain the often
reported "feel-good" effect reported in the popular press
(Tuson & Sinyor, 1993). The second impetus in exercise psychology
and affect research was to examine whether exercise could be used as a
therapeutic devise in treating affective disorders (McCann & Holmes,
1984). This desire to verify the "feel-good" phenomenon and to
examine the viability of exercise as an affective therapy required only
descriptive based investigations as opposed to theory based
examinations. Likewise, Ekkekakis and Petruzzello (1999) in a review of
dose-response exercise and affective investigations also concluded that
most of these investigations were descriptive in nature and consider
theory based explanations in a post hoc manner. Hence, few strides have
been made with regard to systematic examination of theory with regard to
the exercise induced affect relationship or the "feel-good"
phenomenon. An examination of the extant theoretical perspectives
applicable to exercise and mental health suggests that Solomon's
opponent-process model of acquired motivation may provide an appropriate
guiding framework (Petruzzello, Landers, Hatfield, Kubitz, &
Salazar, 1991; Petruzzello, Jones, & Tate, 1997). Solomon's
(1980) theory provides a potential explanation for how initially
unpleasant experiences, in this case acute aerobic exercise, can
eventually result in an acquired positive feeling state for an extended
period of time. Because of this acquired positive feeling, enhanced
post-exercise affect has been cited as a motive for continued exercise
(Hatfield, 1991). Especially pertinent to the present investigation, the
theory also predicts that training or prolonged experience with
initially aversive activity can result in greater positive feelings
after cessation of the activity.
Solomon's (1980) theory proposes that the brain is organized
to oppose extreme emotional processes (e.g., pleasure or pain). Such
opposition is accomplished by countering an arousing stimulus with an
opposing or "opponent" reaction. With the onset of the
stimulus, in this case exercise, the organism is said to activated; and
this activation is termed the a process. The b or the opponent process is aroused by the a process, and acts to achieve balance or homeostasis by moving the organism toward positive emotionality. Applied to an acute
bout of exercise, this formulation offers a reasonable account for why
exercise, which can initially be an unpleasant experience due to
fatigue, soreness, pain and the like particularly for inactive or unfit
individuals, may become a self-reinforcing habit. Within Solomon's
framework, affective change is a result of the differences in rates of a
and b process initiation and termination (or return to preexisting baseline levels). For instance, the organism undergoes a rapid change
(the a process) at stimulus onset, whereas, the b process is delayed and
gradually builds in strength until it reaches a peak. Cessation of the
original or eliciting stimulus, which results in the complete reduction
in the a process, creates a potential for affective change because the b
process does not immediately return to baseline levels; thus, an
affective state emerges. The resultant affective state is the summation of the two processes (a + b) at any given time. The resultant affective
state is also hypothesized to be influenced by the intensity of the
initial stimulus because the change in the b process is much more rapid
and of greater magnitude at higher intensities. Solomon's theory
would therefore predict that a greater magnitude a process would result
in a stronger b process and a stronger resultant affective contrast.
Solomon's theory likewise proposes that after long-term or repeated
exposure to the eliciting stimulus, the a process and the associated
affective state (State A) remain relatively constant, while the b
process and the associated affective state (State B) become stronger.
Such a process model is particularly pertinent to examining the
differential emotional consequences of acute exercise because it
suggests distinctive affective patterns for trained (physically fit)
verses untrained or sedentary participants both during and after
physical exertion.
Although researchers have examined many aspects of Solomon's
theory (Bixby, Spalding, & Hatfield, 2001; Blanchard, Rodgers,
Spence, & Courneya, 2001; Boutcher & Landers, 1988; Steptoe,
Kearsely, & Waiters, 1992), only a few have sought to test
Solomon's predictions (He, 1998; Petruzzello et al., 1997). Past
research using exercise has provided mixed support for Solomon's
theory, ostensibly due to methodological limitations. For instance,
affect measurement is required prior to, during and post-exercise to
adequately test Solomon's theory. Though several researchers cited
Solomon's work as potential support for their results (Blanchard et
al., 2001; Boutcher & Landers, 1988), none included measurement time
points during exercise. In addition, researchers examining
Solomon's theory are required to ensure that the two groups of
exercisers are distinctly different in aerobic exercise history (i.e.,
active vs. sedentary). Exercise history is the variable of central
importance as conceptualized within an opponent-process framework
because any temporal changes in affect due to an acute bout of exercise
are should differ as a function of the magnitude of the "b"
process that was strengthened due to repeated stimulation or exercise
training. However, researchers have not always ensured distinct aerobic
fitness differences between participants considered trained and
untrained or sedentary (Petruzzello et al., 1997). Nor have they always
contrasted a trained group to an untrained or sedentary group (Bixby et
al., 2001; He, 1998).
The present study was designed to clarify previous research by
addressing the following methodological requirements: inclusion of
multiple data collection points during and post-exercise and ensuring
exercise history differences between the trained and untrained
participants. In addition, the present study sought to extend past
research by comparing two different intensities of aerobic exercise.
Solomon's (1980) writings suggest that stimulus intensity moderates
observed behavior and underlying physiological responses. To date, no
one has examined the exercise intensity within a exercise focused
investigation meeting the previously discussed requirements for the
adequate testing of Solomon's theory. To date, Blanchard et al.
(2001) have reported that psychological distress increased from pre to
post exercise in unfit subjects in a high intensity exercise condition
compared to high fit subjects. No such differences were reported in the
low intensity exercise condition. By contrast, Steptoe and colleagues
(1992) reported finding no differences between active and inactive
participants in two exercise conditions from to pre to post exercise. In
the present research the following hypotheses based on Solomon's
opponent-process theory of acquired motivation were examined. With
regard to intensity, it was hypothesized that greater amounts of
positive affect would be reported during recovery in the 70% exercise
condition; whereas less positive affect would be reported during the 70%
exercise condition when compared to the 55% exercise condition. Second,
it was hypothesized that a group by intensity interaction would emerge
such that the inactive participants would report lesser amounts of
positive affect in the higher intensity condition compared to the active
participants. Third, across both participant groups, the temporal
pattern of affective reporting will differ during and after exercise in
that more negative/less positive affect should be reported during
exercise, whereas, more positive/less negative affect should be reported
following exercise. Finally, trained participants were hypothesized to
report greater levels of positive affect both during and after these two
exercise sessions relative to participants who have not engaged in
regular cardiovascular exercise (the inactive or untrained group).
Participants were 53 volunteer, university students (28 active: 15
male, 13 female; 25 inactive: 13 men, 12 women). All participants were
recruited via advertisements and personal communications from exercise
science and psychology courses at a large southwestern university. The
criteria for being classified as an active or trained exerciser involved
the frequency, duration, and intensity of the exercise and the duration
of training. The American College of Sports Medicine (1998) has
recommended 3 to 5 days as the frequency and 15 to 60 minutes as the
duration. Intensity requirements tend to vary depending on the duration
of training. Pollock and Wilmore (1990) suggested that training
differences might occur after a minimal time (e.g., 8 weeks) and
duration (e.g., 15 min), but training for a longer duration (> 30 min
and > 20 weeks) would result in greater aerobic fitness changes. The
criteria we employed for labeling subjects inactive or sedentary were
based on detraining data found in Pollock and Wilmore (1990). Because
cardiovascular inactivity of greater than eight weeks ensures that the
participants' V[O.sub.2max] will be similar to their typical
V[O.sub.2max] even if they had been engaged in cardiovascular training
prior to current inactivity, participants meeting the inactive criteria
in the present study were required to have had no cardiovascular or
other type of fitness training for the six months prior to their
participation. To be included as an active exerciser in the present
study, participants were required to have exercised at least three times
per week for 45 minutes at a moderate intensity over the last six
months. To assess these requirements, participants completed a physical
activity questionnaire without knowledge of the specific requirements
for inclusion into the two groups. This questionnaire assessed
participants frequency, intensity (Borg, 1985), and duration of aerobic
exercise. All active participants had to have met the minimum
requirements as described and participants categorized as inactive must
have reported no aerobic activity involvement over the last six months.
Self-reported affect. The Activation Deactivation Adjective Checklist (AD ACL; see Thayer, 1989, Appendix A, pp. 178-180) was used
to assess affect. The AD ACL is a 20-item self-report inventory that
assesses energetic arousal (EA) and tense arousal (TA). EA and TA are
consistent, respectively, with dimensions of positive activation
(positive affect) and negative activation (negative affect) in Watson,
Wiese, Vaidya, and Tellegen's (1999) model (1). The AD ACL was
utilized to derive a measure of positive affect balance (EA - TA).
Positive affect balance yields an index of the weight of positive over
negative affect (Watson et al., 1988) and is consistent with
Solomon's opponent-process theory of acquired motivation (i.e.,
State A and B). Positive affect balance has been used in past research
(Petruzzello et al., 1997) where it has been labeled "affective
The AD ACL was chosen over other measures of affect for several
important reasons. First the AD ACL is a theoretically-based modal of
activation that is relevant: in an exercise setting. Recently, the
problems of measures that do not incorporate activation in an exercise
context have been reviewed by Ekkekakis, Hall, and Petruzzello (1999).
Second, the AD ACL provides a representation of the global affective
space. Finally, the AD ACL's reliability and construct validity are
well established (Thayer, 1986). In the present sample, the internal
reliabilities for EA and TA were Cronbach alphas were .94, .89, and .90,
and .90, 81 to .82, respectively within the three testing days (control,
55% condition, 70% condition).
Maximal Oxygen Consumption (V[O.sub.2max]). V[O.sub.2max]
(ml/kg/min) was assessed on the treadmill, and was determined by direct
measurement and analysis of expired air samples taken during exercise. A
graded exercise protocol (cf., Astrand & Rodahl, 1977) was used to
determine each participant's maximal oxygen consumption (an index
of aerobic fitness). Active/ trained participants began running/walking
at a workload equal to 4 mph, with the workload increased by 1 mph every
3 minutes. Participants wore a nose-clip and a mouthpiece. The VO 2 data
were provided by a Vista On-Line system (Rayfield Equipment Ltd,
Waitsfield, VT) and the gases were analyzed with a Beckman Oxygen
Analyzer OM-I I and a Beckman Medical Gas Analyzer LB-2 (Beckman Coulter Corporation, Kendal, FL). Inactive/untrained participants were similarly
assessed. The criterion that indicated attainment of V[O.sub.2max] was a
peak or plateau in oxygen consumption with increasing workloads or a
respiratory exchange ratio > 1.1 or the attainment of predicted
maximum heart rate (i.e., 220 minus age). Heart rate was constantly
monitored and recorded with a remote heart watch.
Participants were initially asked, via mass screening, whether they
met the criteria for being trained or sedentary. Once selected, each
participant was required to visit the research laboratory on four
separate days over a 10-day period. The first session required the
participants to complete the Human Participants Consent Form and a
standard health history questionnaire. After completion of these
surveys, each participant performed the graded exercise protocol
(Astrand & Rodahl, 1977) to determine maximal oxygen consumption On
the following test days, participants exercised at the two different
intensities with the order determined by random assignment. One
condition was a 30 min run at 50-55% of V[O.sub.2max] and the other was
a 30 min run at 70-75% of V[O.sub.2max].
On each of these two sessions, self-report affect was collected at
time 0 (immediately prior to exercise), at 5, 15, and 25 minutes during
exercise, immediately after the termination of the exercise, and
finally, at 10 and 20 minutes after the exercise was terminated. Post
exercise data collection time points were based on past literature
(e.g., Petruzzello et al., 1997) so that direct comparisons could be
examined given few investigations has attempted to test Solomon's
opponent-process theory of acquired motivation. Self-report affect data
were analyzed using a repeated measure ANOVA. In addition, effect sizes
were calculated to demonstrate meaningfulness using Hedges (1981)
formulas for determining effect size and pooled standard deviation.
Group Differences
As can be seen in Table I, age and height did not differ as a
function of group. As a confirmation of the activity classification, a
significant main effect emerged for VO[O.sub.2max] such that active
participants had a greater V[O.sub.2max] than inactive participants.
There was also a significant main effect for weight such that inactive
participants weighed more than active participants.
Exercise Manipulation Checks
Paired t-tests were conducted to determine whether intensity, as
measured by speed of running (mph) and average heart rate (HR), differed
between the 70% and 55% exercise conditions. The speed and heart rate
for subjects in the 70% condition (Ms = 5.92 mph + .99 & 164.64 +
15.14 bpm) showed (p < .05) that they were running faster (ES = 1.16)
and expending more energy (ES = 1.36) than subjects in the 55% condition
(Ms = 4.76 + .71 mph & 143.80 + 15.41 mph). In addition, the speed
of running was determined by absolute maximal oxygen consumption. As a
result of differences in participants' conditioning level, it was
expected that, at the same relative workload (fixed percentage of
V[O.sub.2max]), running speed and heart rate would differ between the
active and inactive subjects (Pollock & Wilmore, 1990). Consistent
with these expectations, both means running speed and heart rate in the
70% condition differed significantly in the predicted direction.
Likewise, both means running speed and heart rate in the 55% condition
differed significantly (p < .05) between the active and inactive
participants and in the predicted direction.
Affect Differences During Exercise
Mean, standard deviations, and within group ESs for the affective
balance data are found in Table 1 and 2. To examine our hypothesis
concerning exercise intensity interactions with group and time, a 2
(Group) x 2 (Intensity) x 7 (Time) repeated measures ANOVA for affective
balance yielded a nonsignificant 3-way interaction (2), F(6,306) = 1.22,
p > .05, suggesting that affective balance as reported by the two
groups did not significantly interact with the intensity of exercise
over time. However, we did obtain significant Intensity by Time,
F(6,306) = 8.67, p < .00 I, and Group by Time interactions, F(6,306)
= 4.73, p < .001. The Intensity by Time interaction partially
supported our hypothesis after inspection of the collapsed group data
over time indicated that participants reported greater positive affect
during the 55% exercise condition when compared to the 70% exercise
condition. No apparent differences emerged during recovery from both
exercise conditions. The Group by Time interaction bears most directly
on our hypothesis concerning affective responses of the active and
inactive groups averaged over both exercise conditions. As can be seen
in Figure 1, the significant interaction is a function of the reduction
in positive affect balance for the untrained group during the exercise,
followed by a slight return to above baseline levels, in contrast, for
the active group, positive affect balance increased throughout the
exercise bouts and peaked immediately after the cessation of the
exercise then began an apparent return to baseline.
Finally, in support of Solomon's basic premises of group and
temporal affective patterns, the main effect for Group, F(1,51) = 6.71,
p < .05, and Time, F(6,46) = 5.24, p < .001, were significant.
Inspection of the data verified that the active participants, on
average, reported greater positive affect balance than did the inactive
participants across all exercise time points. As for the temporal
pattern, participants reported greater amounts of positive affect
balance post exercise compared to during exercise and pre-exercise,
though the differences between exercise and recovery were small.
The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the
viability of Solomon's opponent-process theory of acquired
motivation in accounting for differential patterns of positive affect
balance after reported between active and inactive participants. First,
we examined the predictions that affective responding would interact
with exercise intensity, participant group, and time of measurement.
Solomon's theory predicts that a low-to-moderate stimulus
immediately would elicit a lower level primary (or a) process when
compared to a stimulus of greater intensity. Therefore, the opponent (or
b) process would also be predicted to be of lesser strength than a b
process aroused by a high magnitude primary process. In the present
investigation, it was predicted that positive affect balance, especially
during recovery from exercise, in the low-to-moderate exercise condition
would be less than that of the moderate-to-high stimulus and would
interact with the participant group condition and time of measurement.
Though the exercise intensities were carefully monitored and differed
significantly in average speed and elicited heart rate, we found no
evidence for a Group by Intensity interaction.
We did find a significant Group by Time interaction. Examination of
the data (see Figure 1 and Table 2), generally, suggested that active
participants reported greater positive affect balance during exercise
compared to baseline with levels remaining elevated until a gradual
descent towards baseline occurred. The inactive participants reported
fairly consistent and much lower levels affective balance compared to
the active participants both during exercise and recovery from exercise.
Because of this fairly consistent difference across time, a significant
Group main effect was found as supporting our prediction concerning
group difference; that is, that active participants would report more
positive affect balance regardless of intensity or time of measurement
(expect for baseline). As neither group reported positive affect balance
levels that were lower than baseline, the pattern of data do not truly
conform to Solomon's theory that requires the stimulus to elicit
negative emotions (in this case less positive) compared to a
pre-stimulus state.
In addition to our inability to support Solomon's interaction
predictions, we did not find a significant difference in affect due to
exercise. However, this failure is consistent with a portion of more
recent research. For instance, research in the early stages of exercise
psychology investigators demonstrated that low-to-moderate intensity
exercise did not produce significant affect state change (Morgan,
Roberts, & Feinerman, 1971; Sime, 1977). Ekkekakis, Hall,
VanLanduyt, and Petruzzello (2000) have commented that these studies
were flawed, and their results were subject to speculation. More
recently investigators have demonstrated that low-to-moderate walking of
much lower intensity than the exercise in the present investigation
resulted in affective change similar to that of higher intensity
exercise (Ekkekakis et al., 2000; Felts & Vaccaro, 1988; Porcair,
Ebbeling, Ward, Freedson, & Rippe, 1989). In addition, the current
research is mixed concerning whether affective changes interact with
exercise history and exercise intensity (e.g., Blanchard et al., 2001 ;
Steptoe et al., 1992) as previously discussed.
As can be seen in Figure 2, the results of the present
investigation suggest that exercise intensity interacts with
self-reported positive affect during the actual performance of exercise
(greater positive affect during the lower intensity exercise). This
finding partially supports Solomon's theory. Yet, a closer
examination of the data suggests that they support the work of Bixby and
colleagues (2001) who examined the interaction of intensity and affect
in two distinct (low and high) 30 minute bouts of continuous exercise.
These authors framed their investigation by suggesting that
self-reported affect in low intensity exercise would follow a
maintenance model. A maintenance model states that positive affect or
less negative affect is found during the performance of exercise
compared to baseline and is maintained during recovery. Conversely, a
rebound model was hypothesized to best characterize high intensity
exercise. Such a rebound model is similar to that of Solomon's
theory in that positive affect is expected to be less negative affect
during higher exercise compared to baseline. During recovery affect
rebounds (i.e., becomes more positive/less negative). Bixby et al.
(2001) did note that this rebound pattern could reverse itself(more
positive/less negative during and less positive/ more negative after
Examination of the significant Group by Time interaction (Figure 1)
in the present study suggested that the active participants'
responses averaged across both exercise conditions conformed to Bixby
and colleagues' maintenance model. Though positive affect balance
began to return to baseline 20 after cessation of exercise, this value
was still in the range of scores reported during exercise. The inactive
participants' affect balance responses also tended to support the
maintenance model though scores were not consistently and significantly
elevated above baseline values. It is worth noting that even though the
three-way interaction and the two-way Group by Intensity interaction
were not significant, it is potentially misleading to suggest that the
inactive participants responded similarly to both exercise conditions.
The means and the effect size estimates in Table 2 and Figure 3 suggest
that the inactive participants' affect reporting between the two
conditions varied greatly, whereas, active participants affect reporting
was relatively consistent in direction and magnitude. The inactive
participants' patterns of positive affect balance in the higher
intensity exercise condition (if examined alone) supports Solomon's
theory in that exposure to an aversive stimulus results in self-reported
aversive feelings states during exercise and a rebound to a more
positive state during recovery.
Just as the active participants' average positive affect
balance scores resembled a maintenance model, the averaged scores (see
Figure 2) in the 55% exercise condition for both participant groups
supported this model. Though the recovery scores at 10 and 20 minutes
began to return to baseline, these values remained elevated to the level
of positive affect balance during exercise. The temporal pattern for
positive affect balance in the 70% condition followed no clear pattern
as detailed by Bixby and colleagues (2001). Positive affect balance was
elevated during recovery compared to baseline and compared with affect
reported near the cessation of the exercise condition. One must remember
(see Table 2) that the temporal pattern of the two participant groups
varied greatly in the 70% exercise condition, especially during the
exercise session.
Limitations and Future Directions
The current failure to find strong support for Solomon's
theory may stem from unforeseen methodological failures inherent in the
present investigation or simply from the incorrect assumption that
exercise holds aversive properties for all participants. One
methodological failure might be the timing of post exercise affect.
Recent research has begun to suggest a need for a longer post exercise
affect measurement time points (Gauvin, Rejeski, & Reboussin, 2000).
Gauvin and colleagues (2000) conducted a naturalistic investigation in a
community sample of middle-aged women. By using experience-sampling via
pager signals, the authors were able to examine affect many hours after
exercise termination. The current investigation included post exercise
measurement time points similar to those of past investigations that
examined Solomon's theory (He, 1998; Petruzzello et al., 1997).
Second, Bixby et al. (2001) suggested that past research examining
interactions due to exercise intensity have not employed intensities
that were homogenous from metabolic requirement across all participants,
in the past, researchers had participants exercise at 75% of ventilatory threshold (low intensity exercise) and at ventilatory threshold (high
intensity exercise), it could be that the higher intensity condition in
the present investigation was not metabolically homogeneous across the
two participant groups. Given that the active participants' scores
were very similar across all time points (see Table 2), it may be that
they perceived the intensities to be very similar even though
physiological and running speed differences existed. Though a plausible
explanation, it might also be true that the b process is strongly
conditioned in active aerobic exercisers. Therefore, exposure to
exercise of 55% of V[O.sub.2max] is enough to elicit a strong b process
and thus produce a large affective contrast, not only after, but during
exercise. Therefore, exercise induced affect will not follow
Solomon's predicted pattern (more negative during/more positive
after) in participants who engage regularly in aerobic exercise. We did
not obtain ratings of perceived exertion which might have assisted us
with this shortcoming.
Last, participants were recruited based on aerobic exercise history
and not specifically running history. A specificity bias based on mode
of training may exist in the current data that have altered the affect
balance scores in unknown ways. Berger (1996) has suggested that
exercise psychology researchers investigating the exercise-affect
relationship should consider personal values and meanings of the
physical activity for each participant. Berger (1996) believes based on
her summary of past research that the mood benefits of exercise are a
result of the following three interacting variables: the participant,
the exercise mode/activity including the activity descriptors (i.e.,
intensity, duration, and frequency), and the exercise environment.
Indeed in the present laboratory based investigation, the exercise mode
and exercise environment were highly controlled. By asserting such
control, the affect pattern of the participants may have been altered.
It may be that participants in either group would have preferred
swimming or cycling as the exercise mode. Therefore, though difficult to
achieve in one investigation, at a minimum future research should
examine the exercise-affect relationship within a theoretical framework
while attending to the personal meaning of exercise to the participant
(i.e., whether they find it enjoyable prior to exercising) and paying
special attention to the calculation of exercise intensity.
Table 1
Demographic and exercise parameter means and standard deviations by
participant group
Active (n = 28) Inactive (n = 25)
Descriptive Variables
Age (yrs.) 24.35 3.54 23.35 3.84
Weight (kg) (a) 67.39 10.55 80.00 27.30
Height (cm) 171.60 7.65 173.64 10.02
VO2max (ml/kg/min) (b) 49.92 5.38 39.30 6.21
Exercise Parameters
70% condition
Speed (mph) (c) 6.58 0.71 5.19 0.70
Heart rate (bpm) (d) 158.36 13.26 171.67 14.19
55% condition
Speed (mph) (e) 5.18 0.64 4.30 0.46
Heart rate (bpm) (f) 138.47 11.53 149.76 17.17
Note: (a) F (1,52) = 44.42, p<.001, ES = -.62; (b) F(1,52) = 44.42,
p<.001, ES = 1.83; (c) t(51) = 7.14, p<.001, ES = 1.98; (d)
t(51)=-3.52, p<.01, ES=-.97; (e) t(51)=5.65,p<.001, ES = 1.78: (f)
t(51)=-2.83, p<.01, ES = -.75.
Table 2
Positive balance means, standard deviation, and effect sizes by the
exercise conditions and participant groups
Active (n = 28) Inactive (n = 25)
Pre 3.07 4.96 2.88 6.97
5 6.89 4.77 0.64 5.60 4.88 .45
15 9.17 4.08 1.02 5.48 6.66 .41
25 9.42 4.22 0.71 5.32 5.80 .41
Immediate 8.60 4.49 0.93 6.20 7.04 .55
10 8.14 5.86 0.85 4.84 7.64 .33
20 7.00 6.00 0.66 4.28 8.47 .23
Active (n = 28) Inactive (n = 25)
Pre 3.21 5.41 2.92 5.74
5 5.64 6.18 0.44 3.68 5.02 .34
15 6.32 5.48 0.56 2.80 6.01 .24
25 7.14 4.61 1.06 0.00 4.61 -.04
Immediate 8.77 6.05 1.00 3.05 6.29 .33
10 8.73 5.92 0.99 3.25 7.72 .22
20 6.99 5.80 0.68 3.83 8.10 .22
Author Note
The paper was based on a dissertation completed by the first author
at Arizona State University and was funded by the Douglas L. Conley
Memorial Scholarship.
(1) The PANAS was also assessed in the present investigation to
establish convergent validity with the AD ACL. Past research
(Petruzzello et al., 2001) has referred to the EA and TA components as
positive affect and negative affect, respectively. In the present
investigation, the PA-NA and EA-TA were strongly related both during and
post the 55% exercise condition (r's = .63 and .69) and during
recovery (r's = .67 and .68). Given the strong relationships
(redundant information) and stated rationale for the utilizing the AD
ACL, only the AD ACL data were presented.
(2) The purpose of the control condition was to determine whether
the exercise sessions elicited affective properties beyond that of a
sit-and-read activity. A 2 (Group) x 3 (Intensity) x 7 (Time) repeated
measures ANOVA for affective balance yielded a significant 3-way
interaction, F(12,40) = 4.02, p < .01, Wilks' E = .45. This
significant three-way interaction was followed up by separate 3
(Intensity) by 7 (Time) interactions for each participant group. Both of
these interactions were significant (p < .05), F(12,16) = 3.31,
Wilks' E = .29, F(12,13) = 3.20, Wilks' E = .25, for the
active and inactive participants, respectively. Inspection of the means
(available from the first author) indicated that the exercise session
elicited greater positive affect balance especially during the recovery.
American College of Sports Medicine (1998). Guidelines for exercise
testing and prescription (5th Ed.). Philadelphia: Williams &
Astrand, P., & Rodahl, K. (1977). Textbook of work physiology:
Physiological bases of exercise (pp. 331-361). NY: McGraw-Hill.
Berger, B. G. (! 996). Psychological benefits of an active
lifestyle: What we know and what we need to know. Quest, 48, 330-353.
Bixby, W. R., Spalding, T. W., & Hatfield, B. D. (2001).
Temporal dynamics and dimensional specificity of the affective response
to exercise and varying intensity: Differing path ways to a common
outcome. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 23, 171-190.
Blanchard, C. M., Rodgers, W. M., Spence, J., & Courneya, K. S.
(2001). Feeling state response to acute exercise of high and low
intensity. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 4, 30-38.
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Paul Karoly
Daniel M. Landers
Arizona State University
Address Correspondence To: Marc Lochbaum, Department of Health,
Exercise, and Sport Sciences, Exercise Science Center, Box 43011,
Lubbock, TX 79409-3011. Phone: 806-742-3371, Fax: 806-742-1688, Email:
[email protected]