Visual cues and information used to anticipate tennis ball shot and placement.
Shim, Jaeho ; Miller, Glenn ; Lutz, Rafer 等
In sports where motor responses produced by athletes have inherent
time constraints, the types of visual information athletes perceive or
use may have a strong influence on their performance. Successfully
returning a tennis serve or blocking a penalty kick in soccer is likely
related to an athlete's ability to use less time processing, or
better exploiting, visual information in his or her environment.
Different sports make different demands on an athlete's perceptual
systems, and successful performance requires that an athlete attend to
important information, and ignore irrelevant information, in the sport
environment. In tennis, for example, one must interpret how the
opponent's movements relate to different types of volleys or shot
returns. It is important to determine how expert and novice athletes
differ in their use of visual information so that instruction may be
improved. In addition, the investigation of visual cues and their use in
sport has the promise to help scientists better understand movement
control and expertise.
The study of perception in sports has often used one of two
protocols--visual search pattern recording or visual occlusion
techniques. For example, an eye-movement recorder has been used to
determine the visual search pattern of sport performers and to track
where, how long, and in what order their eyes fixate on different parts
of the environment (Goulet, Bard, & Fleury, 1989; Singer, Cauraugh,
Chen, Steinberg, & Frehlich, 1996; Ward, Williams, & Bennett,
2002; Williams & Davids, 1998; Williams, Davids, Burwitz, &
Williams, 1994; Williams, Ward, Knowles, & Smeeton, 2002). In
contrast, the visual occlusion technique masks an opponent's body
parts (e.g., legs, trunk, and arm) and/or equipment (e.g., racquet and
soccer ball) using film (Abernethy, 1988; Abernethy & Russell,
1987a, 1987b) or video editing (Williams & Davids, 1998).
One of the popular methods for measuring eye movements is
head-mounted corneal-reflection. This method uses the reflection of a
beam of light placed in front of the cornea to form an image which is
video recorded. A change in the point of fixation changes the position
of the cornea. Eye movement recorders have been used to investigate
perception in many sport settings such as soccer (Williams & Davids,
1998; Williams, Davids, Burwitz, & Williams, 1994), gymnastics (Bard, Fleury, Carriere, & Halle, 1980), ice hockey (Bard &
Fleury, 1981), tennis (Goulet, Bard, & Fleury, 1989; Petrakis, 1986;
Singer et al., 1996), golf (Vickers, 1992), volleyball (Vickers &
Adolphe, 1997), baseball (Bahill & LaRitz, 1984), table tennis
(Ripoll & Fleurance, 1988), and basketball (Vickers, 1996). These
studies have generally demonstrated that experts are able to use
perceptual resources with greater efficiency. In general, experts
demonstrate fewer fixation points on important environmental information
but longer fixation durations. For example, Goulet et al. (1989) found
that expert tennis players fixate their eyes more on the opponent's
arm and racquet whereas novices fixate primarily on the ball. Singer et
al. (1996), on the other hand, did not find large differences comparing
experts' and novices' visual scanning profiles, except that
novices tend to fixate more on the head of the opponent during the
serve. However, experts were more effective than novices in anticipating
type of serve, direction of serve, and direction of groundstroke.
Studies of expert's and novice's use of visual cues in
sport environments have been mostly equivocal on what body parts are
important focus points. While there are several reasons for the lack of
conclusive results, one major limitation of studies using eye tracking
equipment is that participants' visual orientation may not be
directly related to the point where information is extracted and that
attention can relocate within the visual field without an eye movement
(Abernethy, 1988). For example, a guard dribbling down the basketball
court may look at a distant point in the visual field down court, but
attend to the periphery to find an open player. Athletes may actively
seek information from the point where they fixate their eyes when
returning a tennis serve, batting in baseball, and blocking a penalty
kick in soccer. However, athletes may also fixate their eyes on a point
remote from where they intend to throw, shoot, or hit to disguise their
action or to deceive their opponents.
Because attention can shift without an eye movement, some caution
must be taken when interpreting results obtained using an eye tracking
equipment. The spatial occlusion technique may be a more viable method
for investigating expert's perceptual skills. The spatial occlusion
technique has been used to investigate perceptual skills of badminton (Abernethy and Russell 1987a and 1987b), squash (Abernethy 1990b), and
soccer players (Williams & Davids, 1998). The spatial occlusion
technique selectively occludes specific body parts or sport equipment
for the duration of the trial. When using this technique, researchers
are making the assumption that if the ability to anticipate movement
outcome is reduced when a specific body part and/or equipment is
occluded, then the occluded visual cue must be important. Abernethy
(1990b) and Abernethy and Russell (1987a) occluded the racquet, racquet
and arm, head, and lower body of an opponent player by coloring each
film image with black ink in rectangular shape. Results of these studies
showed that the occlusion of the racquet and arm cause the greatest
anticipation error among the different occlusion conditions, indicating
that this information is very important in racquet sports. In Williams
and David's soccer study (1998), different body regions were
occluded such as the head and shoulders, hips, and lower leg and ball
region. The results showed that, despite the difference of expert and
novice anticipation, occluding the opponent dribbler's hips, lower
leg, or ball region does not affect expert anticipation more than novice
anticipation, which suggests that experts are able to acquire similarly
valuable information from non-occluded areas of display.
In all of the occlusion conditions in the racquet sports studies,
though tests of statistical significance were not reported, players
anticipated the ball destination at a level greater than chance. In
Abernethy's study (1990b), the error percentages of both experts
and novices in the occlusion conditions were less than chance error
(50%). The error percentage for experts was less than 20% when
anticipating lateral direction and less than 10% when anticipating
depth. For novices, lateral error percentage was slightly over 40% and
the depth error percentage was below 30%. These results indicate that
there may be visual cues other than the racquet and arm that provide
important information.
In past years, researchers have made strides toward making the lab
settings that better approximate the real sports environment by moving
from a small video screen (Singer et al., 1996) and verbal (Abernethy,
1990a, 1990b) report to a large screen (Williams et al., 2002) or live
opponent (Abernethy, 1990a, Singer et al., 1996) and motor responding
(Singer et al., 1998; Williams et al., 2002). It was the goal of the
present investigation to build on these attempts to increase ecological
validity by matching the testing conditions very closely to an actual
tennis environment. To achieve these ends, players viewed a life-sized
opponent on a screen located where the opponent would actually stand on
the opposite baseline. In addition, players' responses consisted of
actual simulated motion to the video display.
Despite the limitation that an eye movement recorder can determine
only the eye fixation point and not the focus point of attention, it has
been used extensively in the studies of perception in sport. However,
the spatial occlusion technique has been used in only a few studies
because of editing difficulties. With recent advances in video editing
technique, the use of occlusion can be a valuable tool to study visual
perception in sports. The purpose of this study was to determine what
and how visual cues contribute in determining an opponent's stroke
outcome. We used additional occlusion conditions from previous studies
to examine this question more comprehensively. It was hypothesized that
the racquet and forearm display would provide the most valuable
information to players for anticipating ball outcomes, but that other
body parts would provide important information for different types of
ball outcome.
Fourteen (7 males and 7 females) highly-skilled (national tennis
rating of 5.5 or above) intercollegiate tennis players and fourteen (7
males and 7 females) novice college tennis players participated in this
study. The rating system developed by the United States Tennis
Association rates beginning players at 1.0 and professional players at
7.0. With a rating of 5.0, players are described as being able to make
good shot anticipation. Another highly-skilled male player (5.5), whose
recorded and edited tennis strokes were projected on a screen, served as
the video opponent of each participant. All participants signed an
informed consent form approved by the university institutional review
A S-VHS (Panasonic AG-456U) camera was used to record the strokes
performed by the opponent and to record the player's anticipatory
response. A Sharp LCD projector (Notevision 2SB, brightness = 1400 ansi
lumens) was used to project the recorded image on a 2.7 m screen
Recording and Editing Procedure
The "opponent's" movements were recorded on an
indoor tennis court with the camera positioned midway between the net
and service line, opposite of the opponent's courtside. Four
strokes (forehand down-the-line and cross-court, and topspin lob to
forehand and back-hand corner) were videotaped and edited using digital
computer graphics techniques (Adobe Premiere and Photoshop). First, the
strokes were "digitized" and placed in video clips on the
computer. Then, each frame was edited to occlude body parts of the
opponent using dark green. These edited video clips were then replaced
on videotape for use in the experiment. Occlusions were made so that
only the following body parts and/or racquet of the opponent were
displayed: (1) head, (2) racquet and forearm, (3) trunk, (4) lower body,
and (5) opponent in full where no occlusion was done.
The five display conditions were produced for each of the four
strokes, and these 20 edited sequences were duplicated three times and
placed in random order on an S-VHS tape, resulting in 60 sequences.
Experimental Procedure
The participant stood in "the ready position" when
viewing the opponent's shots at a location marked 3 m behind the
net facing the screen on which the opponent's image was projected.
The screen was positioned at the baseline where the opponent stood when
the shots were recorded. The projector was placed on the floor near the
service line on the opponent's courtside so that the height of the
opponent projected on the video screen would match his actual height.
The ball and the opponent were both displayed on the screen, and as the
opponent made contact with the ball, the screen turned to green. At this
point, the participant had to move towards the anticipated location of
the opponent's shot and simulate hitting the appropriate return
(forehand volley, backhand volley, forehand overhead from baseline
corner, or backhand overhead from baseline corner) as quickly as
possible. Although this response is slightly different from that
required by the actual task because no ball is actually struck, it is
much more realistic than a verbal or pen-and-paper response. In this
manner, participants were able to use the motor system to respond to the
visual cues they perceived.
An S-VHS camera (sampling at 60 Hz) was positioned facing the
participant on the opposite (opponent's) courtside to record the
movements of the participant. The camera captured the participant's
racquet response and a small mirror that reflected the opponent's
stroke on the screen (Figure 1). This set-up allowed a determination of
the player's initial racquet response and instant of ball-racquet
contact made by the opponent, and subsequent calculation of response
delay time.
Data Reduction and Analysis
Percentages of correct shot anticipation were calculated for each
of the five occlusion conditions. For example, if the player correctly
anticipated the opponent's shots nine out of 12 times as it was
presented in the racquet and forearm display condition, stroke
anticipation accuracy for that display condition would be 75%. Response
delay time was calculated as the time elapsed from the opponent's
ball-racquet contact to the player's initial movement of the
racquet to hit their simulated shot. The instant of racquet movement was
operationally defined as the moment when the player's dark wrist
band horizontally displaced more than 30 cm from the midline of the
player's trunk. Oftentimes, the players initiated the racquet
movement in one direction and quickly changed to the other direction.
Therefore, a displacement of 30 cm was used to allow for the correction
during anticipation. It should be noted that the response delay time was
measured not for the purpose of measuring an exact reaction time but for
the purpose of comparing between display conditions. Therefore, we
consider the procedure acceptable for the latter purpose. Two raters
simultaneously observed the video of each player and the instant of
racquet movement was determined when both raters agreed.
Statistical analyses were performed on participants' stroke,
stroke direction (down-the-line and cross-court), and stroke type
(groundstroke and lob) anticipation accuracy and response delay time.
Inspection of anticipation percentages revealed a non-normal
distribution of scores. Thus, scores were transformed to arcsine values
to satisfy requirements for normality. To compare stroke anticipation
accuracy and response delay time, 2 x 5 (Skill x Display) ANOVAs with
repeated measures for display were conducted. For any violation of
sphericity, Greenhouse-Geisser procedure (Schutz & Gessaroli, 1987)
was performed to adjust the degrees of freedom. For all significant main
effects, follow-up multiple comparisons (Bonferroni) were performed. In
addition, one-sample t-tests were performed on anticipation accuracy for
each display condition to determine if anticipation accuracy was greater
than that of chance occurrence.
For the repeated measures ANOVA on stroke anticipation accuracy,
Mauchley's sphericity test ([P.sup.2] = 19.7, p < .05) showed a
violation of the assumption of sphericity, and therefore a
Greenhouse-Geisser procedure was used to adjust degrees of freedom.
There were significant effects for skill, F(1, 26) = 14.2, [beta] = .95,
p < .01, and display, F(2.77, 72.06) = 4.3, [beta] = .95, p < .01,
but there was no significant interaction between skill and display (p
> .05). Experts showed a greater accuracy in stoke anticipation than
novices, and post-hoe (Bonferonni) analyses showed significantly greater
anticipation accuracy in the normal display compared to the head display
condition (p < .05). Also, one sample t-tests showed that players
anticipated shots at a level greater than chance in all display
conditions (ps < .05), except in the head display condition (p >
.05). Descriptive statistics for anticipation accuracy and response
delay time are summarized in Table 1 and Figure 2.
Repeated measures ANOVA on stroke direction anticipation accuracy
yielded no significance for any main effects or interaction (Fs < 1).
When ANOVA was performed on the stroke type (groundstroke or lob)
anticipation accuracy, significant effects were found for skill, F(1,
26) = 26.8, [beta] = .99; display, F(4, 104) = 10.2, [beta] = .99; and
skill and display interaction, F(4, 104) = 3.6, [beta] = .86, ps <
.01. Expert players were able to anticipate stroke type with less error
than novice players. Post-hoe (Bonferonni) analyses showed that the
normal (no occlusion) display resulted in significantly greater stroke
type accuracy compared to the head, trunk, and legs displays (ps <
.01) with the exception of the racquet and arm display (p >.05). To
determine which two display conditions showed significant interactions
with skill, 2 x 2 (Skill x Display) ANOVAs were performed with adjusted
alpha level (0.05/10 = 0.005) due to possible alpha inflation caused by
multiple ANOVAs tested. The racquet and legs displays showed significant
interaction with skill, F(1, 26) = 9.50,p < .005, and so did the legs
and normal displays with skill, F(1, 26) = 9.50,p < .005 (Figure 3).
The ANOVA on response delay time showed a significant effect for
display, F(4, 104) = 6.6, [beta] = .99, p < .01, while no other main
effect or interaction reached significance (ps > .05). A post-hoe
(Bonferonni) analysis showed significantly faster response delay time in
the normal display condition compared to the head display and trunk
display conditions, ps < .01 (see Figure 2). Interestingly, experts
did not respond to correctly anticipated shots any faster than the
falsely anticipated shots, t(1, 13) = 1.1,p > .05.
In summary, expert players showed less error for anticipating ball
outcomes than novices, but they did not show faster response delay
times. Player anticipation was poorest and response delay time was
longest in the head display condition, while anticipation accuracy was
highest and response delay was shortest in the normal display condition.
Excluding the normal display condition, players improved stroke type
anticipation more in the racquet and forearm display than in other
display conditions.
All body pans and the racquet, with an exception of the head,
included in this study appear to provide some information to
participants that allow for more effective anticipation or faster
reaction to the video display of an opponent. The results showed that
not only the racquet and forearm but also the trunk and legs display
conditions allow players to anticipate tennis shots at a level greater
than chance. Generally, players had a greater ability to anticipate
stroke type (depth) compared to stroke direction. In Abernethy and
Russell's study (1987a & 1987b) on badminton, players produced
a greater lateral error in predicting the shuttle cock landing position
compared to depth error. Similar results were also found in squash
(Abernethy, 1990b) which corroborate the findings of this study.
Among the body parts tested, the motion of the racquet and forearm
appeared to provide the most valuable visual information to the players.
However, the racquet and forearm seem to be particularly important for
determining stroke type because, for stroke direction, no effect was
found for skill level or display condition. Similarly, Abernethy (1990b)
found the racquet and arm motion to be a more important visual cue for
determining depth than for directional outcome of the opponent's
swing in squash. The racquet and forearm display condition includes
information about ball contact time and position based on the traveling
speed of the racquet and ball. Ball contact time and position are
important features for determining directional ball outcome, but that
information did not enhance the ball direction anticipation greater
compared to other displays. In contrast to Abernethy's (1990b)
finding in squash, Abernethy and Russell's (1987a) finding in
badminton showed rather that the racquet and arm was more important for
stroke direction than stroke depth. Because of the light weight of a
badminton racquet, stroke direction can be more easily manipulated
through a flick of the wrist whereas the wrist movement may be more
limited in tennis and squash due to the racquet weight. Therefore in
badminton, observing the wrist action through the racquet and forearm
may be important in determining stroke directions.
Besides the racquet and arm, other body segments appear to provide
important visual information. The trunk and lower body appear to provide
some information on the directional outcome of ball strike. A greater
shoulder turn and closed stance are intended more for down-the-line
shots whereas a moderate shoulder turn and open stance are intended more
for crosscourt shots. However, these movement characteristics are now
difficult to see, or at least slowly diminishing in modern tennis
technique. With recent changes in the striking pattern and players
becoming more skillful in disguising their shots, the racquet and arm
movement may be the only salient visual cue in determining shots. While
various body parts have more room for faking and disguising movements
because they do not directly affect the ball outcome, the racquet
movement near impact cannot be faked because the racquet orientation at
impact and pre- and post-impact racquet velocities directly affect the
ball outcome. Traditionally in tennis, the down-the-line shots are
instructed to be performed with a closed stance and cross-court shots
with a more open stance while transferring a great amount of weight to
the leading leg. Now, players are taught to limit their weight transfer
but are encouraged to produce a greater shoulder and hip turn and to
place more weight on the rear leg as in baseball batting. An EMG study
(Knudson & Blackwell, 2000) of the trunk muscles showed no
significant differences in muscle activation between the open and square
stance when hitting forehand drives, and a kinematics study (Knudson
& Bahamonde, 1999) of the trunk and racquet showed no significant
differences of racquet resultant velocity, vertical path of racquet, and
trunk angular velocity at impact between the two drives. With little
differences found between the two stances, players and coaches may
prefer the open stance because it makes it easier to disguise shots and
allows for a better body transition after striking the ball. An open
stance also promotes a greater body turn.
The racquet and arm movement can provide diverse information. To
hit a drop shot in badminton and squash, the player quickly decelerates
the racquet and arm swing before impact. To hit a topspin lob in tennis,
the player drops the racquet and arm considerably lower than when
hitting a groundstroke. The racquet and arm swing is also slower when
hitting a topspin lob than hitting a groundstroke. Striking a ball
down-the-line or cross-court can also be accomplished different ways.
The ball can be stroked in two directions by changing only the
ball-racquet contact points while maintaining the same swing. Contacting
the ball early in the forward swing would lead to a down-the-line shot
whereas contacting the ball later in the end of swing would lead to a
cross-court shot. Instead of the ball-racquet contact location, the
racquet position at impact can be changed to hit in different
directions. The wrist can be cocked through impact so that the racquet
head is facing down-the-line direction or the wrist can be flexed
through impact to hit a cross-court shot.
In an actual tennis match, players appear to anticipate
infrequently and rarely do they anticipate incorrectly. Instead, players
usually wait until they have sufficient information about the ball
direction before moving. In most cases, players wait until they observe
the initial ball flight. Therefore, skilled players have the advantage
of responding more quickly to the ball and not necessarily the advantage
of making a correct response selection. A previous study (Shim, Carlton,
Chow, & Chae, 2005) has shown that skilled tennis players had
shorter response latency when returning a groundstroke performed by a
live hitter compared to a ball machine. The difference in the response
latency was dramatic. Players were more than 25% faster when they could
see the movement pattern of the hitter. The 50 ms time saving and means
that skilled players have an additional 50 ms to move, and this would
allow the player to increase his/her court coverage by as much as 1.2 m
(0.6 m on both the forehand and backhand side).
Players are now becoming more adept at disguising their shots. They
try to maintain same swing until the racquet reaches close to impact.
With the movements of all other body parts consistently controlled, the
movement pattern of racquet and arm, which will eventually determine the
ball outcome, will become more important. The opponent that players
viewed in this study was asked to produce normal shots which may be
different from the shots produced in a match. A future study should
focus more on the racquet and arm with variations on their movements and
their effect on anticipation.
Table 1
Anticipation Accuracy and Response Delay Time as a Function of Skill
Skill level
Expert Novice
Stroke 41 32
Anticipation (07) (06)
accuracy (%)
Stroke 60 58
Direction (07) (16)
accuracy (%)
Stroke Type 67 56
Anticipation (06) (15)
accuracy (%)
Response 350 420
delay (90) (180)
time (ms)
Note. Values in parentheses indicate between-subject standard
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Author Note
This research was in part supported by a Baylor University Research
Council Grant. The authors wish to thank Baylor University men's
tennis coach Matt Knoll and women's tennis coach David Luedtke for
their support of this research.
Jaeho Shim, Glenn Miller and Rafer Lutz
Baylor University
Address Correspondence To: Jaeho Shim, Baylor University,
Department of Health, Human Performance, & Recreation, P.O. Box
97313, Waco, TX 76798 Phone: (254) 710-4009 Fax: (254) 710-3527 E-mail :
[email protected]