Affect responses to acute bouts of aerobic exercise in fit and unfit participants: an examination of opponent-process theory.
Bixby, Walter R. ; Lochbaum, Marc R.
For more than 30 years researchers have been touting the
feel-better effects of aerobic exercise (e.g., Morgan, Roberts, &
Feinerman, 1971; Thayer, Newman, & McClain, 1994; Yeung, 1996). To
date, the mechanisms which underlie these positive changes in affective
state are not understood (Landers & Arent, 2001). Unfortunately
though numerous hypotheses have been forwarded, most research examining
the "feel-good" phenomenon to date has been descriptive in
nature as opposed to theoretical (Ekkekakis, Hall, & Petruzzello,
1999). For instance, researchers have examined the distraction
hypothesis (Bahrke & Morgan, 1978; Morgan, 1985), the monoamine
hypothesis (Chaouloff, 1989; Morgan, 1985), the cerebral lateralization hypothesis (Hatfield & Landers, 1987), and the endogenous opioid hypothesis (Janal, Colt, Clark, & Glusman, 1984). In addition to
these hypotheses, one theoretical model that has generated interest is
Solomon's opponent-process model of acquired motivation (Solomon,
1980; Solomon & Corbit, 1974).
Solomon's theory (1980) proposes that the brain is organized
to maintain homeostasis and oppose extreme emotional processes (e.g.,
pleasure or pain). This is accomplished through two 'opponent'
processes that occur as a result homeostasis disruption. For instance
when a stimulus is encountered, the organism responds to minimize the
impact of the stimulus through the elicitation of two processes, the a
and b. The a process responds immediately, in proportion to the
stimulus, and returns to resting levels when the stimulus is no longer
present. The opponent or b process is slower acting, responds in
proportion to the a process, and gradually returns to resting levels
when the stimulus is no longer present. The summation of the a and b
process leads to the emergent response of the overall system. A key
component of Solomon's theory (1980) relates to repeated exposure
to a stimulus. With repeated exposure, the a process remains relatively
constant in its reaction while the b process becomes stronger in its
reaction. Thus, over time the stimulus will have less of an effect on
the emergent state of the system during engagement and a larger effect
on the system when the stimulus is disengaged.
In the context of exercise, the opponent-process theory would
predict that individuals feel worse during and better following the
exercise session. This prediction has been supported in parts given the
vast amount of research that has demonstrated an improvement of mood
following exercise (e.g., Bahrke & Morgan, 1978; Bixby et al., 2001;
Lochbaum, Karoly, & Landers, 2004) and worsening of mood during
exercise (Bixby, Spalding, & Hatfield, 2001, Hall, Ekkekakis, &
Petruzzello, 2002; Lochbaum et al., 2004). Even with all of this
supportive evidence, few researchers have mentioned Solomon's
theory as a potential explanation for their results (Blanchard, Rodgers,
Spence, & Courneya, 2001; Boutcher & Landers, 1988) and only a
few researchers have specifically investigated the opponent-process
theory (Bixby et al., 2001; Lochbaum et al., 2004; Petruzzello, Jones,
& Tate, 1997).
The support for Solomon's theory has been mixed (Lochbaum et
al., 2004). Lochbaum and colleagues (2004) noted several serious
methodological weaknesses in past research that has limited conclusions
concerning the viability of Solomon's theory as an explanation for
the affective reactions of participants to exercise. These weaknesses
included the failure for adequate measuring of affect across the entire
exercise experience (Blanchard et al., 2001; Boutcher & Landers,
1988) and the lack of distinct aerobic fitness or exercise history
differences between participant groups (Bixby et al., 2001; Petruzzello
et al., 1997). In their attempt to replicate and extend past research
examining Solomon's theory (1980), Lochbaum and colleagues (2004)
reported that their results generally failed to support Solomon's
notion of an opponent reaction. The authors themselves noted that their
post exercise time point measurement was somewhat limited and that the
exercise intensity calculation from a fixed percent of maximal oxygen
consumption might have lead to differing metabolic requirements across
all of the participants. More recent research has demonstrated that
exercise prescription should be based on percent of ventilatory
threshold (Bixby et al., 2001; Hall et al., 2002). In addition, Lochbaum
and colleagues (2004) failed to measure ratings of perceived exertion to
verify whether or not differences existed within or between the groups
and two conditions. These potential perceived effort differences may
well have assisted Lochbaum et al. in their data interpretation. Hence,
the purpose of the present investigation was to further the study of
Solomon's theory by extending past research with improvements in
exercise intensity prescription, participants' perceptions of the
intensities, and post exercise affect measurement.
To achieve our desired end, we recruited participants of both a
history of high physical fitness activity and those of low activity.
This anticipated difference was verified with a maximal oxygen
consumption test. Target heart rates for both the low and high exercise
intensity conditions were based on ventilatory threshold. Last, we
measured affect repeatedly after the cessation of both exercise
conditions. By designing our research as specified, we generated and
tested several hypotheses based on Solomon's theory (1980). We
hypothesized (1) that regardless of intensity and fitness level affect
balance would follow a rebound model; (2) that regardless of intensity
high fit participants would report more positive affect overall compared
to low fit participants; (3) that regardless of intensity fitness would
interact with time in that high fit participants would report less
negative affect during and more positive affect after the exercise
conditions compared to the low fit participants; (4) that regardless of
fitness group a greater rebound effect will be apparent in the high
intensity compared to low intensity condition; and (5) fitness group,
intensity, and time will interact so that all of the previously
mentioned hypotheses will be supported.
Participants were 32 volunteer (12 male; 20 female), healthy,
right-handed, and nonsmoking university students. The high fit (7 male;
8 female) participants were recruited via advertisements and personal
communication from the cycling club and triathlon club at a large east
coast university. The low fit participants (5 male; 12 female) were also
recruited via advertisements and personal communication from kinesiology classes at the same university. These participants had little to no
experience with cycling as an activity. To confirm fitness
classification, all participants completed a maximal oxygen consumption
Self-reported affect. The Activation Deactivation Adjective
Checklist (AD ACL; see Thayer, 1989, Appendix A, pp. 178-180) was used
to assess affect. The AD ACL is a 20-item self-report inventory that
assesses energetic arousal (EA) and tense arousal (TA). EA and TA are
consistent with dimensions of positive affect and negative affect. The
AD ACL was utilized to derive a measure of positive affect balance
(EA-TA). Positive affect balance yields an index of the weight of
positive over negative affect (Watson et al., 1988) and is consistent
with Solomon's opponent-process theory of acquired motivation
(i.e., State A and B). Positive affect balance has been used in past
research (Lochbaum et al., 2004; Petruzzello et al., 1997) where it has
been labeled "affective valence."
The AD ACL was chosen over other measures of affect for several
important reasons. First the AD ACL is a theoretically-based model of
activation that is relevant in an exercise setting. Recently, the
problems of measures that do not incorporate activation in an exercise
context have been reviewed by Ekkekakis, Hall, and Petruzzello (1999).
Second, the AD ACL provides a representation of the global affective
space. Finally, the AD ACL's reliability and construct validity are
well established (Thayer, 1986).
Maximal Oxygen Consumption (V[O.sub.2max]). V[O.sub.2]max
(ml/kg/min) was assessed on a cycle ergometer (Monark Exercise AB, model
818, Sweden). The graded exercise test (cr., Astrand & Rodahl, 1977)
began with a warmup period during which the participant cycled for 3 min
with no load. Thereafter, the load (determined by output wattage) was
increased every min until voluntary exhaustion was reached. The increase
in load was based on the participant's exercise history and weight
(Wasserman, Hansen, Sue, Whipp, & Casaburi, 1994). ECG was monitored
throughout via a Sensormedics VMAX 229 metabolic cart (Sensormedics,
Inc., Yorba Linda, CA) from pregelled, disposable Ag/AgCL electrodes
(Marquette Medical Systems, #900703-230, Jupiter, FL) attached to the
participant in a V5 configuration. Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE;
Borg, 1985) were obtained every minute during the test. Expired gases
were analyzed with a calibrated Sensormedics VMAX 229 metabolic cart
(Sensormedics, Inc., Yorba Linda, CA) to obtain breath-by-breath
averages of minute volume and fractional gas concentrations of oxygen
and carbon dioxide. An estimate of V[O.sub.2]max was deemed valid if two
of the following three criteria were met: 1) heart rate equaled the
agepredicted maximum, 2) the increase in oxygen consumption was less
than 150 ml with an increase in workload, and 3) the respiratory
quotient exceeded 1.10 (Taylor, Buskirk, & Henschel, 1955). Ali
participants met these criteria. The calculation of V[O.sub.2]max was
based on the highest oxygenconsumption value obtained.
Ventilatory Breakpoint (VB). VB was defined as the percentage of
aerobic capacity associated with an upward deflection in VE/V[O.sub.2]
without a change in VE/VC[O.sub.2] (Wilmore & Costill, 1994) and was
chosen with the use of VMAX229 software (Sensormedics, Inc., Yorba
Linda, CA). The calculated values were also compared to values derived
from visual inspection of the data for accuracy.
The experiment involved testing on three separate days over a
10-day period. Prior to each visit to the laboratory participants were
instructed to refrain from eating within two hours of testing; to
abstain from exercising, alcohol, and caffeine on the day of testing;
and to be wellrested (i.e., to obtain 8 hr of sleep) the night before
testing. On day one, participants were given a brief description of the
study and provided informed consent. After consent was obtained,
demographic data (i.e., age, gender, exercise habits) as well as height
and weight were obtained (see table 1) and participants completed the
V[O.sub.2]max test.
On the second and third days of testing, participants completed 30
minutes of steady state exercise at either a low or high intensity. The
order of exercise intensities was randomly assigned and counterbalanced
across participants. To control for diurnal variations in affective
state, participants completed both exercise sessions at the same time of
day. Except for the exercise intensity, the following procedures on the
second and third days were identical. Each participant was seated on a
recumbent cycle (Lifecycle, Inc., model 9500R, Franklin Park, IL) that
was equipped with toe straps to secure the participant's feet on
the pedals and the seat position was adjusted to maximize the efficiency
and comfort of pedaling. Throughout the experiment the participant was
seated on the cycle with the feet secured on the pedals. The exercise
session testing protocol involved three contiguous periods: a 15min
baseline, a 30min bout of exercise, and 30-min of recovery. Participants
were instructed to sit quietly during the baseline. After the baseline
ended the participant began pedaling at between 80-90 rpm and 67 watts.
The load (i.e., wattage) was progressively increased during the first 5
minutes of the exercise period to bring the participant's heart
rate to the appropriate level. The AD ACL was recorded 5 min into the
baseline period, at the start of the exercise period, at 10, 20, and at
the end of the exercise session, and 10, 20, and 30 min into the
recovery period.
In the high intensity condition participants maintained a heart
rate at or just below (-3 bpm) ventilatory threshold (low-fit: HR mean =
150.7 [+ or -] 8.2; high-fit: HR mean = 152.4 [+ or -] 8.9). In the
lowintensity condition participants maintained heart rate at a level
corresponding to 75% of that observed at ventilatory breakpoint
(low-fit: HR mean = 112.6 [+ or -] 5.4; high-fit: HR mean = 114.2 [+ or
-] 6.8). Heart rate was derived from continuous ECG recordings (Hewlett
Packard, model 78352C) using a V5 configuration to ensure that the
participant worked at the targeted intensity.
Upon completion of both exercise sessions, each participant was
allowed 2 5 min of active recovery (i.e., pedaling < 60 rpm with no
load), after which he or she rested until the end of recovery.
Self-report affect data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA. In
addition, effect sizes were calculated to demonstrate meaningfulness
using Hedges (1981) formulas.
Group Differences
As can be seen in Table 1, age and height did not differ as a
function of group. As a confirmation of the activity classification, a
significant main effect emerged for V[O.sub.2]max such that active
participants had a greater V[O.sub.2]max than inactive participants.
There was also a significant main effect for weight such that inactive
participants weighed more than active participants.
Exercise Manipulation Checks
Paired t-tests were conducted to determine whether intensity, as
measured by level of cycling, average HR and average RPE differed
between the high and low exercise conditions. The level, HR, and RPE for
subjects in the high condition (Ms = 3.75 mph [+ or -] 1.54; 149.45 [+
or -] 9.50 bpm; & 14.55 [+ or -] 6.21) showed (p < .05) that they
were cycling faster (ES = 1.67) and expending more energy based on HR
(ES = 4.72) and RPE (ES = 1.11) than subjects in the low intensity
condition (Ms = 1.81 [+ or -] .78; 111.89 [+ or -] 6.43 bpm; 10.10 [+ or
-] 1.81).
Tests of Main Hypotheses
Mean, standard deviations, and within group ESs for the affective
balance data are found in Table 2. To examine our fifth hypothesis
concerning exercise intensity interactions with group (fit or unfit) and
time, a 2 (Group) x 2 (Intensity) x 8 (Time) repeated measures ANOVA for
affective balance yielded a nonsignificant 3-way interaction, F(7, 24) =
.58,p > .05, Wilks' [lambda] = .85, suggesting that affective
balance as reported by the two groups did not significantly interact
with the intensity of exercise over time. However, we did obtain a
significant Intensity by Time interaction (hypothesis 3, F(7, 24) =
3.04,p < .05, Wilks' [lambda] = .53. The Intensity by Time
interaction (see figure 1) partially supported our fourth hypothesis
after inspection of the collapsed group data over time indicated that
participants reported greater positive affect during the low exercise
condition when compared to the high exercise condition. No apparent
differences emerged during recovery from both exercise conditions.
Unfortunately, the Group by Time (hypothesis 3) interaction was not
Finally, in support of Solomon's basic premises of group and
temporal affective patterns (hypotheses 1 and 2), the main effect for
Group, F(1, 30) = 7.58, p < .01, Wilks' [lambda] = .79, and
Time, F(7, 24) = 5.71, p < .01, Wilks' [lambda] = .37, were
significant. Inspection of the data verified that the fit participants,
on average, reported greater positive affect balance than did the unfit
participants across all exercise time points. As for the temporal
pattern, the effect size values (during exercise and post exercise
affect subtracted from baseline affect) demonstrated a rebound model as
predicted by Solomon.
The purpose of the present investigation was to extend past
research that has examined Solomon's opponent-process theory of
acquired motivation as viable explanation for the temporal patterns of
affective response to acute aerobic exercise. The most comprehensive
past investigation (Lochbaum et al., 2004) demonstrated partial support.
Lochbaum and colleagues' investigation had several methodological
flaws such as the temporal measurement of affect during recovery and
potential variability within and between groups concerning exercise
intensity. This potential variability was due in part to exercise being
prescribed based on V[O.sub.2]max and a failure to ask participants to
rate their perceived exercise exertion. The present investigation
addressed these methodological flaws by measuring affect during recovery
for 30 minutes, prescribing exercise intensity based on ventalitory
threshold, and by having participants report RPE. It is also important
to note that the present investigation's participant groups (fit
and unfit) was nearly identical with respect to V[O.sub.2]max as in
Lochbaum and colleagues (2004) participant groups (active and inactive);
hence, any differences in results would be attributable to
methodological improvements and not sample differences.
By designing our study with these improvements, we specifically
examined four hypotheses based on Solomon's theory (1980) that
stemmed from the interaction of participant group, time, and the two
exercise intensities. Though this 3-way interaction was not
statistically significant, analyses for three of our four main
hypotheses were statistically significant. First, Solomon's two
basic tenets that the temporal pattern of affective responding (see
figure 2) would follow a rebound model (more negative during exercise,
more positive after exercise) and that more fit or more experienced
aerobic exercisers would report overall greater positive affect during
exercise compared to less fit or inexperienced exercisers were
supported. Lochbaum et al. (2004) also reported these findings. Second,
the significant intensity by time interaction partially supported our
hypothesis based on Solomon's theory (1980) that high intensity
exercise would elicit less positive affect during and more positive
affect after exercise when compared to a low intensity condition.
Follow-up analyses (see figure 1) to this significant interaction
suggested that Solomon's predictions were correct during exercise
but not after exercise. Again, these results were reported by Lochbaum
and colleagues. Last, the group by time interaction was not significant
and was contrary to our hypothesis and Lochbaum et al.'s (2004)
In light of our findings and those of Lochbaum and colleagues,
Solomon's theory appears to be partially supported; yet, one
important aspect of his theory applied to an exercise setting has not
been supported. It appears that regardless of exercise intensity
participants of high and low fitness levels report similar positive
affective experiences during recovery from exercise. Our results are
consistent with several investigations (Ekkekakis, Hall, VanLanduyt,
& Petruzzello, 2000; Felts & Vaccaro, 1988; Lochbaum et al.,
2004; Porcair, Ebbeling, Ward, Freedson, & Rippe, 1989). These
results are encouraging in that it would appear that all participants
are able to receive mental health benefits from exercise participation
of varying intensities.
Though the present investigation does not speak to exercise
adherence, the results suggest that affective experiences during
exercise may be the most critical difference between fit or active and
unfit or inactive aerobic exercisers. Lochbaum and colleagues (2004)
reported similar data suggesting that affect measured during recovery
from exercise is similar regardless of exercise intensity and
participant fitness or activity level. In contrast, within the exercise
sessions, unfit or inactive participants report less positive affect
compared to fit or active participants as would be predicted by
Solomon's theory (1980). Future research is needed that
specifically examines the relationship between affect during exercise
and future intentions to engage in structure exercise.
Lochbaum, Bixby, and Lutz (2005) have demonstrated via path
analysis that affective responses concerning one's ability to
adhere to exercise accounts for roughly 8-9% of typical 7-day strenuous
exercise participation. Hence, a more focused examination of the role of
affect on exercise intentions is warranted. In addition, it is
interesting to speculate that Solomon's theory (1980) may be only
most viable under high intensity exercise conditions. In our country,
only 23% of the adult population reports engaging in vigorous
(strenuous) physical activities 3 or more days a week for at least 20
minutes a session (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2000).
Examination of our data and effect sizes (see table 2) suggests that the
high fit group reported a substantial improvement in positive mood
during exercise recovery (ES range .60-.82) compared to their baseline
affect value, whereas the low fit group demonstrated an initial
improvement or potentially a relief effect ("Thank goodness this is
over!") in positive affect (ES = .62) then only a small enhancement
in positive affect was reported (ES range .27-.28).
This investigation was specifically designed to improve upon the
methodological flaws of a past investigation (Lochbaum et al., 2004) in
order to determine the viability of Solomon's opponent-process
theory of acquired motivation as an explanation for affect responses to
acute bouts of aerobic exercise. The results supported several
hypotheses based on Solomon's theory and in general supported a
basic rebound model of affect reporting. Yet, one of the most important
tenets that would assist in explaining an individual's acquired
motivation for exercise was not supported. This finding casts doubts as
to the importance of Solomon's theorywithin the broader contexts of
understanding exercise participation patterns unless future research
specifically examines the theory with strenuous physical activity
participation and adherence.
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Walter R. Bixby
Elon University
Marc R. Lochbaum
Texas Tech University
Address Correspondence To: Walter R. Bixby, Ph.D., Health &
Human Performance, 2700 Campus Box, Elon, North Carolina 27244-2010,
[email protected]
Table 1.
Demographic and exercise parameter means and standard deviations
by participant group
Fit (n =15) Unfit (n = 17)
Demographic Variables
Age (yrs.) 23.53 3.44 23.52 2.98
Weight (kg) 63.12 11.14 71.62 13.67
Height (in) 67.86 4.38 67.82 4.88
V[O.sub.2max] (ml/kg/min) (a) 48.99 7.02 34.74 5.43
Exercise Parameters
Heart Rate (bpm)
Low Intensity Condition
Baseline 65.60 13.58 72.67 6.71
During 111.86 7.92 111.90 5.02
Recovery 66.95 13.28 71.43 5.49
High intensity condition
Baseline 67.46 12.08 72.47 6.84
During 149.84 11.52 149.09 7.64
Recovery 77.68 13.42 79.53 8.84
Ratings of Perceived Exertion
Low intensity condition
During 10.11 1.91 10.09 1.77
Recovery 6.11 .34 625.00 .67
High intensity condition
During 13.57 1.59 15.41 8.41
Recovery 6.08 26.00 627.00 .65
Note: (a) F (1, 30) = 41.70, p <.00 1, ES = 2.29
Table 2.
Positive affect balance means, standard deviation, and effect sizes
by the exercise conditions and participant groups
Baseline During Recovery
Intensity Condition 0 10 20 30 10 20 30
(n = 15)
M 8.00 6.80 7.00 7.06 9.60 6.86 9.60 8.46
SD 5.51 5.12 3.54 4.41 4.28 5.23 4.22 4.98
FS -.22 -.18 -.17 .29 -.21 .29 .08
(n = 17)
M 5.05 4.00 4.70 4.17 6.70 4.00 6.52 6.41
SD 5.78 4.25 3.42 3.16 6.40 4.18 3.77 3.31
FS -.18 -.06 -.15 .29 -.18 .25 .24
(n = 15)
M 5.06 7.20 4.66 5.33 3.73 10.40 8.53 9.13
SD 6.50 4.98 4.87 4.92 4.52 4.18 3.77 3.31
FS .33 -.06 .04 -.20 .82 .60 .70
(n = 17)
M 3.58 2.23 2.29 2.88 1.88 7.53 5.17 5.29
SD 6.40 4.65 3.78 4.82 5.46 5.21 4.65 3.82
FS -.21 -.20 -.10 -.26 .62 .28 .27