The effects of athletic scholarships on motivation in sport.
Medic, Nikola ; Mack, Diane E. ; Wilson, Philip M. 等
Research has shown that intrinsic motivation (IM) and extrinsic motivation (EM) are important concepts for understanding motivational
processes in sport settings (Deci & Ryan, 2002; Vallerand &
Rousseau, 2001). IM refers to "doing an activity for its inherent
satisfactions and pleasures rather than for some separable consequence" (Ryan & Deci, 2000, p. 56). On the other hand, EM
reflects behaviors that are performed not for their own sake, but to
achieve some separate goal (e.g., receiving a reward, avoiding
punishment, maintaining contingent self-worth). Finally, amotivation
refers to the absence of IM or EM and is considered central to
understanding motivated behavior (Deci & Ryan, 2002). As such, it is
perceived that one's actions have no control over outcomes and that
forces beyond one's individual control determine behavior (Deci
& Ryan, 1985).
According to self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985;
2002), motivational processes are best understood as a continuum of
internalizations ranging from volitional to highly controlling forms of
regulation (Ryan & Deci, 2000). At one end, non-self-determined
regulations in the form of EM operate to control behavior while, at the
other extreme, self-determined intrinsic motives underpin behavior.
These motives vary in the degree to which they reflect self-determined
regulation of the behavior as they span the continuum between
amotivation and IM. Four sources of EM have been noted in the sport
motivation literature and include: external regulation, introjected
regulation, identified regulation, and integrated regulation (Vallerand
& Rousseau, 2001). Externally regulated behaviors reflect the least
self-determined form of EM whereby behavior is perceived to be
controlled by outside sources. The next point along the continuum is
introjected regulation, which refers to behavior that is reinforced
through internal pressures such as guilt or anxiety that coerce
participation rather than volitionally supporting involvement.
Identified and integrated regulation are the most self-determined forms
of EM which entail participating in an activity autonomously due to the
importance of the outcomes stemming from the behavior or because the
activity itself is coherent with other aspects of the self and thereby
reflects the person's identity (Deci & Ryan, 2002).
Three forms of IM have been identified by Vallerand and Rousseau
(2001), each reflective of the most self-determined form of behavioral
regulation. They include: (a) IM to know which regulates engagement in
activity for the pleasure one receives from learning; (b) IM to
accomplish which refers to the pleasure and satisfaction one feels while
striving to accomplish particular tasks or goals; and (c) and IM to
experience stimulation which occurs when one engages in a behavior
because of the pleasurable sensations this act confers (Vallerand &
Rousseau, 2001). Irrespective of the unitary (Deci & Ryan, 2002) or
tripartite (Vallerand & Rousseau, 2001) conceptualization of IM,
arguments put forth within the framework of SDT contend that
self-determined motivation promotes adaptive cognitive, affective and
behavioral consequences including domain-specific indices of improved
performance. Previous research has shown that more self-determined
motives are positively associated with various cognitive, affective, and
behavioral outcomes in sport settings (Gagne, Ryan, & Bargmann,
2003; Kowal & Fortier, 1999; Vallerand & Rousseau, 2001).
Although research examining the motivation-performance link in sports
remains scant (Vallerand & Rousseau, 2001), preliminary evidence
indicates that identified and intrinsic motives predict behavioral
engagement in swimming over time (Pelletier, Fortier, Vallerand, &
Bri6re, 2001). Moreover, Marsh and Perry (2005) have demonstrated the
importance of self-perceptions that serve a motivational function
indicating that they account for approximately ten percent of the
residual variance in sport performance after the contributions of past
sport performances have been taken into account. Further evidence has
supported the importance of SDT's motivational continuum with
studies showing that less self-determined motives including external
regulation, and at times introjected regulation, to be related to
maladaptive consequences including high levels of anxiety,
inattentiveness, and negative mood states in athletes (Deci & Ryan,
2002; Vallerand & Losier, 1994; Vallerand & Rousseau, 2001).
The effect of rewards on IM has generated substantial interest from
both motivational researchers and sport psychologists alike. Early
research findings in laboratory settings (e.g., Deci, 1971; 1972a,
1972b; Kruglanski, Friedman, & Zeevi, 1973) suggested that rewards
negatively affected free-choice behavior, resulting in decreased IM. Two
explanations were offered to explain these investigations. First,
Lepper, Greene, and Nisbett (1973) proposed that offering rewards as an
incentive for engaging in an already interesting activity decreases IM
as people eventually begin to attribute their participation to external
causes (i.e., reward). Second, rewards may reduce IM when perceived as a
mechanism through which individual behavior is controlled. More
recently, researchers have challenged the contention that rewards result
in decreased IM, suggesting rewards may increase IM when the presence of
the reward is perceived as a source of competency and autonomous action (Deci & Ryan, 1985; 2002). According to this perspective, rewards
are not necessarily detrimental to intrinsic forms of motivation.
In an attempt to clarify the relationship between extrinsic rewards
and IM, a series of meta-analytic investigations have been undertaken.
Initial findings supported the belief that rewards exert a detrimental
impact on IM (Rummel & Feinberg, 1988; Tang & Hall, 1995;
Wiersma, 1992). Cameron and colleagues challenged these conclusions
claiming that the negative effects of rewards are rare and that rewards
are beneficial in motivating behavior under conditions of
performance-contingency or when task interest is low (Cameron, Banko,
& Pierce, 2001; Cameron & Pierce, 1994; Eisenberger &
Cameron, 1996). Cameron and colleagues' meta-analyses were
criticized for methodological and interpretational errors which
stimulated further discussion of the role of rewards on motivation
(Kohn, 1996; Ryan & Deci, 1996). Results of two separate
meta-analyses conducted by Deci, Koestner, and Ryan (1999a; 1999b)
indicated that only verbal praise enhanced IM and that different reward
characteristics significantly undermined IM (i.e., when a reward was
tangible, expected, engagement-contingent, completion-contingent, and
One area of debate is the influence of performance-contingent
rewards on IM. Performance-contingent rewards are defined as rewards
"given explicitly for doing well on a task or for performing up to
a specified standard" (Ryan & Deci, 2000, p. 27) such as
offering monetary incentives for performances that exceed a known
standard. Deci and colleagues (1999a; 1999b; Ryan & Deci, 2000)
claim that the most detrimental reward contingency involves giving
rewards as a direct function of performance. Conversely, Cameron and
colleagues (1994; 1996; 2001) claim that rewards that are tied to
specific performance standards and to success exert a positive influence
on IM. One application of performance-contingent rewards that is
commonplace in intercollegiate sport in the United States of America is
athletic scholarships.
Consistent with the experimental lab-based studies, research
examining the influence of athletic scholarships on motivation has
yielded equivocal results. Studies have demonstrated that athletes who
hold an athletic scholarship report lower levels of IM (Ryan, 1977;
Wagner, Lounsbury, & Fitzgerald, 1989). Conversely, Ryan (1980)
reported increased IM only in athletes who competed in sports where
resources (i.e., athletic scholarships) were limited in number. Amorose
and Horn (2000) reported that IM was significantly higher in those with
full athletic scholarships. To further complicate the literature, no
differences in IM between scholarship and non-scholarship athletes have
been reported (Amorose & Horn, 2001; Miller, 2000). While a number
of plausible explanations exist for these divergent findings (e.g.,
theoretical interpretations, measurement of motivation, evolving
structure of intercollegiate sport), male athletes consistently report
higher levels of EM than female athletes. The finding that males endorse
more extrinsically motivated participation is consistent with previous
sport motivation research (Chantal, Guay, Dobreva-Martinova, &
Vallerand, 1996; Pelletier, Fortier, Vallerand, Tusson, Briere, &
Blais, 1995).
One limitation of the existing research examining motivation of
scholarship and non-scholarship athletes is that the majority of studies
have considered only IM. This is important for two reasons. First,
research employing self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2002)
suggests that different types of motivation other than IM need to be
considered to develop a fuller understanding of motivational processes.
In accordance with the theory, instruments now exist that facilitate the
measurement of both IM and the full range of EM in sport settings
(Peiletier et al., 1995) which allows researchers to consider how
different types of motivation may be influenced by
performance-contingent rewards such as athletic scholarships. Second,
research considering the motivational influence of scholarships has been
limited to athletes in the United States of America. Rather than
sampling non-scholarship athletes that are "surrounded" by
scholarship athletes, as was the case with previous studies, an
alternate approach could be to evaluate university athletes from Canada.
Since athletic scholarships are not available in Canada, non-scholarship
athletes are the norm and represent an interesting cohort for comparison
with U.S.-based collegiate athletes.
The purpose of this study was to examine how athletes'
motivation is affected by athletic scholarships. This study employed two
approaches to shed light on this issue. First, a comparison of sport
motivation between scholarship (Division I basketball players from
United States) and non-scholarship (Inter-University Sport basketball
players from Canada) athletes was undertaken. Second, a within-group
approach was utilized that involved manipulating athletic scholarship
status through the use of scenarios to examine potential changes in
sport motivation. Consistent with Deci et al. (1999a; 2000), it was
hypothesized that scholarship athletes would report lower levels of IM
than non-scholarship athletes. Previous literature (e.g., Chantal et
al., 1996; Pelletier et al., 1995) has identified that male athletes
report higher levels of EM than do female athletes. As such, it was
hypothesized that male athletes would report more extrinsic reasons for
participating in basketball compared to female athletes. Based on
previous research (Deci, 1971; 1972a; 1972b; Deci et al., 1999;
Kruglanski et al., 1973; Lepper et al., 1973; Ryan, 1977; Wagner et al.,
1989), it was also hypothesized that IM would decrease for scholarship
athletes should scholarships be perceived as unavailable and that
external regulation would increase for non-scholarship athletes should
scholarships be perceived as available.
Participants were male (n = 71) and female (n = 45) intercollegiate
basketball players. Non-scholarship athletes (n = 70) were sampled from
four universities in Ontario (Canada) and scholarship athletes (n = 46)
were sampled from seven different Division I schools in the United
States of America. Participants ranged in age from 18 to 24 years old (M
= 20.57; SD = 1.33) and reported playing basketball for 12.23 years (SD
= 4.13). Self-reported demographic data indicated that non-scholarship
athletes (M = 16.67; SD = 4.66) spent less time than scholarship
athletes (M = 19.46; SD = 5.20) playing or practicing basketball on a
weekly basis (t(114) = 3.01,p < 0.01). The response rate was 78.00%
for non-scholarship athletes and 75.00% for scholarship athletes.
Demographic and Athlete History Information. Participants provided
their age, basketball experience, gender, and scholarship status. The
average number of hours the participant engaged in practicing skills
related to basketball in the past year was assessed via a single item
Present and Future Motivation. The Sport Motivation Scale (SMS;
Pelletier et al., 1995) was used to assess participation motivation. The
SMS consists of seven subscales that measure three types of IM (IM to
know, IM to accomplish things, and IM to experience satisfaction), three
types of EM (external, introjected, and identified regulation), and
amotivation toward sport participation. Athletes' responses were
assessed across a 7-point Likert scale anchored at the extremes by the
response of "1" = "does not correspond at all" and
the response of "7" = "corresponds exactly". For the
purposes of specificity, the priming statement was modified from
"why are you presently practicing your sport?" to "why
are you presently practicing/playing basketball?". Pelletier et al.
(1995) provided support for construct and discriminant validity as well
as internal consistency and temporal stability for SMS scores. The
subscale representing amotivation was excluded due to concerns
identified around the validity of scores derived from this subscale of
the SMS (Martens & Webber, 2002). Internal consistency reliability
estimates of SMS subscales ranged from .72 to .85 for
"present" motivation and .67 to .86 for "perceived
future" motivation. (1)
Experimental Manipulation
After completing items assessing demographic and sport motivation,
participants were asked to consider their motivation for a situation
whereby athletic scholarship status was altered. A full athletic
scholarship was defined as a "method by which tuition, room and
board, books, and all other necessary goods and services are provided to
the student in return for his/ her services as an athlete"
(Harrigan, 2001, p. 140). Non-scholarship athletes' were asked to
project how motivated they would be if full athletic scholarships became
available, by completing the SMS (Pelletier et al., 1995). Scholarship
athletes' were asked to project how motivated they would be if full
athletic scholarships were no longer available, by completing the SMS.
These measures represented athletes' "perceived future"
Following institutional ethics approval, head coaches of each
basketball team were contacted to obtain consent for the researcher to
approach their team. Upon permission, surveys were mailed to each head
coach with scripted instructions for test administration. Instructions
included were specific to who should administer the test (i.e., not the
head coach) and where and when the survey should be administered. The
scripted instructions were used on the basis of pragmatic grounds for
the purposes of data collection and to reduce between-subjects effects
associated with test administration (Crocker & Algina, 1986).
Completion of the survey took approximately 20 minutes. Athletes
returned completed questionnaires to the test administrator in a sealed
envelope, who then returned the package to members of the research team
using a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Preliminary analyses
Data were screened for out of range responses and systematic
patterns of missing data. Since none of the above concerns were
detected, occasional missing values were replaced for continuous
variables using the mean for that scholarship status group (Tabachnick
& Fidell, 2001). Furthermore, individual item distributions were
checked to ensure normal distribution (i.e., no univariate outliers).
Descriptive information was calculated on relevant variables and
assumptions of multivariate tests met according to conventional
criteria. Concerns over multivariate normality were met objectively
(e.g., Mahalanobis distance) and the correction factor in SPSS used to
account for unequal cell sizes was applied. Mean subscale scores from
the SMS were calculated separately for the "present" and
"perceived future" types of motivation for non-scholarship and
scholarship athletes.
Independent t-tests were conducted to examine whether differences
existed as a function of one's scholarship status or gender on the
following demographic variables: athlete's age, basketball
experience (years), and the average amount of time spent playing
basketball per week. Results indicated that scholarship athletes (M =
11.22; SD = 3.06) had more basketball experience than non-scholarship
athletes (M = 9.93; SD = 3.24; t(114) = 2.14, p < .05; ES = .41).
Consequently, basketball experience was used as a covariate when
scholarship and non-scholarship athletes were compared.
Motivational Differences Across Scholarship Status and Gender
A multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was conducted to
determine the effect of scholarship status and gender on
"present" motivation towards basketball. Dependent variables
included the six SMS subscales; independent variables were scholarship
status and gender; and basketball experience was entered as the
covariate. An interaction effect was found for scholarship status and
gender (Wilks' Lambda = 0.87; F (4, 112) = 2.62, p < .05).
Subsequent ANOVAs revealed that scholarship males (M= 4.76; SD = 1.32)
had higher levels of introjected regulation compared to scholarship
females (M= 3.26; SD = 1.28; F (3, 112) = 5.90, p < .01; ES = 1.15).
Scholarship males (M = 4.83; SD = 1.01) also reported higher external
regulation compared to scholarship females (M = 3.60; SD = 1.51; ES =
.96), non-scholarship males (M= 3.75; SD = 1.25; ES = .95), and
non-scholarship females (M= 3.62; SD = .92; F (3, 112) = 6.13,p <
.01; ES = 1.25). No other differences in "present" motivation
were found.
Motivational Changes Linked to Manipulation
Two separate repeated measures MANOVAs, one for non-scholarship and
one for scholarship groups, were conducted to examine differences in
"present" and "perceived future" motivation
following the manipulation (see Table 1). For non-scholarship athletes,
a main effect for the manipulation was found (Wilks' Lambda = .66,
F (6, 63) = 5.58,p < .001). ANOVA's revealed that
"perceived future" IM to experience stimulation would decrease
(F (1,68) = 7.64, p < .01; ES =. 19), IM to accomplish things would
decrease (F (1, 68) = 7.16,p < 0.01 ; ES = .24), and the external
regulation would increase (F (1,68) = 15.86,p < 0.001; ES = .33)
should athletic scholarships become available. Similar results were
found following the manipulation with scholarship athletes (Wilks'
Lambda = .72, F (6, 39) = 2.64, p < .05). Follow up univariate
ANOVA's revealed that scholarship athletes' "perceived
future" IM to experience stimulation (F (I, 44) = 4.99,p < .05;
ES = .20) and IM to accomplish things (F (1,44) = 9.10,p < 0.01; ES =
.35) would decrease should athletic scholarships become unavailable.
The present investigation examined the effects of athletic
scholarships on athletes' motivation for sport. The results of the
present investigation indicated that motivational differences were
dependent on athlete scholarship status and gender only for
non-self-determined types of motivation. These results do not suggest
that differences between genders do not exist, but rather that they seem
to be dependent on an athlete's scholarship status. Specifically,
scholarship males reported higher scores on the subscales of external
regulation and introjected regulation which support the idea that
extrinsic factors and internal pressures can exert a considerable
motivational influence on basketball participation especially in male
athletes. These findings were consistent with previous studies (Miller,
2000; Pelletier et al., 1995; Ryan, 1977; 1980; Wagner et al., 1989)
suggesting that one reason why this may have occurred is because male
scholarship basketball players likely experience a great deal of
pressure to perform. Further, as athletic scholarships are common among
Division I basketball players, they are expected. Athletes who expect to
be awarded a scholarship may be less likely to perceive themselves as
competent, perceive the scholarship as informational, and perceive
themselves as the cause of their behavior. Another possibility is that a
general selection bias of male scholarship athletes exists such that
male athletes that are awarded a full athletic scholarship initially
have higher levels of non-self determined motivation. This observation
may be a characteristic of the individual or a result of socialization to the scholarship milieu and represents an interesting area for further
Scholarship status was manipulated through scenarios. It was
hypothesized that IM would decrease for scholarship athletes should
scholarships become unavailable and that external regulation would
increase for non-scholarship athletes should scholarships become
available. When non-scholarship athletes were asked how motivated they
would be if full athletic scholarships were available, they reported a
decrease across two measures of IM (i.e., IM to experience stimulation
and IM to accomplish things) and an increase in external regulation.
When scholarship athletes were asked how motivated they would be if full
athletic scholarships were unavailable, they also reported decreases
across two measures of IM (i.e., IM to experience stimulation and IM to
accomplish things). Results from this study are consistent with
meta-analytical results offered by Deci et al. (1999a). Consistent with
theoretical predictions, non-scholarship athletes may perceive that the
introduction of scholarships would lower their capacity to be
determinants of their behavior since the pressure to perform well would
likely increase and since playing for the money rather than inherent
enjoyment would prevail over time. Scholarship athletes may have
perceived that the removal of athletic scholarships would lower their
capacity to have choices, as their academic expenses would then become
their responsibility resulting in their autonomy being limited. This
suggests that full athletic scholarships can exert control over
scholarship athletes' behavior, and can also be perceived as
potential controllers of non-scholarship athletes' behavior, rather
than the method that can provide incentive for an athlete's effort
and performance.
While these findings are interesting and novel, a number of
limitations are evident with the present study. First, the results of
the present study were limited to a cross-sectional study design and the
use of scenarios to assess "perceived future" motivation.
Second, even though the SMS is a dispositional instrument, context
variability may be an issue given that data collection was not uniform
across each team's competitive season with some teams completing
surveys towards the end (i.e., during play-offs) as opposed to at the
culmination of their season. Third, the data were collected from
athletes competing in Canadian and American collegiate sport systems
which could exert a cultural influence on the way in which sport is
experienced and valued by the athletes and subsequently influence
participant responses. (2) Fourth, the link between motives varying in
self-determination and performance was not addressed in the present
study. Lastly, the results from this study are limited to the sport of
basketball and young (i.e., college-aged) athletes.
Considering the aforementioned limitations, a number of plausible
future research directions can be offered to advance the study of
rewards and sport motivation. Future research should consider a more
diverse group of athletes that will extend generalizability of the
present data by offering an opportunity to cross-validate the findings.
Sampling high school athletes may be important as their perceptions of
athletic scholarships will help advance our understanding of the
motivational process in this age group. A longitudinal study could
monitor motivational stability and variables that are likely to impact
changes in motivational orientation of high school and intercollegiate
athletes who receive athletic scholarship versus those that do not. The
longitudinal approach could examine the accuracy of motivational
projection such that "perceived future" motivation could be
measured and compared over time. This approach could identify whether
scholarship athletes are initially more extrinsically motivated, and if
so, whether this occurs prior to getting a full athletic scholarship or
throughout their athletic careers. Also, studies could extend the work
of Amorose and Horn (2000; 2001) to examine different coaching styles
and behaviors that have been shown to influence the motivational context
in which athletes' development takes place. Finally, it would be
useful to extend the present study by linking scholarship status and
motivation for sport with performance that has yet to be fully explored
in applications of SDT to sport psychology research (Vallerand &
Rousseau, 2001). Such attempts may wish to combine the use of
longitudinal designs across the course of a competitive season with
multiple performance indicators that motivation may influence such as
persistence behavior (e.g., attrition, training practices), statistical
performance variations across a competitive season (e.g., win:loss
records), and athlete- and coach-rated evaluations of competitive
In conclusion, the results from the present study are interesting
because of a unique approach taken to obtain deeper insight regarding
the effectiveness of athletic scholarships as a motivating technique
across athletes drawn from Canadian and American university sport
systems. The results of this study provide support for cognitive
evaluation theory and correspond to Deci et al.'s (1999a)
recommendation that performance-contingent rewards have a negative
effect on a person's IM. This study demonstrated that motives rated
as most important by athletes would decrease regardless of whether full
athletic scholarships were introduced to non-scholarship athletes or
whether they were removed from scholarship athletes. Furthermore, being
motivated by extrinsic factors and internal feelings of pressure such as
guilt and anxiety was associated with the receipt of a full athletic
scholarship, especially among males. One practical implication of these
findings may be that the Canadian Inter-University Sport and the
National Collegiate Athletic Association may need to be cautious in
altering current practices dictating the distribution of athletic
scholarships if the principle aim is to enhance a student-athlete's
motivation. This recommendation is based solely on the potential for
scholarships to develop less self-determined motivational orientations
of the athletes, and as such may not apply to institutions that
prioritize or give more emphasis to other variables such as an
individual's performance, and/or economic efficiency of their sport
program. In addition to the practical implications, this study suggests
that Deci and Ryan's (2002) self-determination theory is a useful
framework for understanding the influence of performance-contingent
rewards on sport motivation and future research embracing this
perspective appears worthwhile for enhancing our understanding of the
motivational dynamics associated with sport involvement.
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(1) Cronbach's alpha coefficients for "present"
motivation were: [alpha] = .76 for IM to know, [alpha] = .81 for IM to
accomplish things, [alpha] = .85 for IM to experience stimulation,
[alpha] = .73 for identified regulation, [alpha] = .72 for introjected
regulation, and [alpha] = .77 for external regulation. Cronbach's
alpha coefficients for "perceived future" motivation were:
[alpha] = .83 for IM to know, [alpha] = .86 for IM to accomplish things,
[alpha] = .87 for IM to experience stimulation, [alpha] = .67 for
identified regulation, [alpha] = .76 for introjected regulation, and
[alpha] = .83 for external regulation.
(2) We would like to acknowledge a reviewer for pointing this out
to us after reading our initial submission. The notion of cultural
differences is an important issue and one worthy of additional inquiry
especially within the framework of self-determination theory (Deci &
Ryan 2002) where cultural relativism and normative convention remain
important research agendas worthy of examination. To date, however,
cross-cultural issues including the generalizability of Deci and
Ryan's (2002) contentions have been overlooked by sport psychology
research interested in understanding motivation from the perspective of
self-determination theory. One plausible starting point emanating from
the present study would be to include a sub-sample of non-scholarship
athletes from American universities for comparison purposes.
Nikola Medic
McMaster University
Diane E. Mack and Philip M. Wilson
Brock University
Janet L. Starkes
McMaster University
Address Correspondence To: Nikola Medic, Department of Kinesiology,
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S 4K1, Phone: (905)
525-9140 ext. 24625, E-mail:
[email protected].
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics and Effect Sizes of Changes in
Motivation as a Result of the Manipulation
"Present" "Perceived Future"
Motivation Motivation p ES
Subscale M (SD) M (SD)
IM to Experience
Non-scholarship 5.26 (1.03) 5.05 (1.17) .01 .19
Scholarship 5.31 (1.05) 5.08 (1.23) .05 .20
IM to Accomplish
Non-scholarship 5.10 (1.08) 4.83 (1.13) .01 .24
Scholarship 5.29 (1.05) 4.88 (1.31) .01 .35
IM to Know
Non-scholarship 4.41 (1.21) 4.50 (1.23) .26 .07
Scholarship 4.69 (1.30) 4.65 (1.33) .80 .03
Identified Regulation
Non-scholarship 4.59 (1.14) 4.63 (1.14) .70 .04
Scholarship 4.78 (1.07) 4.65 (1.10) .30 .12
Introjected Regulation
Non-scholarship 4.08 (1.24) 4.20 (1.32) .23 .09
Scholarship 4.08 (1.35) 4.07 (1.33) .92 .007
External Regulation
Non-scholarship 3.71 (1.15) 4.13 (1.35) .01 .33
Scholarship 4.27 (1.39) 4.07 (1.46) .14 .14
Note: IM=Intrinsic Motivation, M= Univariate Mean, ES =Standard effect