The impact of leadership behavior on satisfaction of college tennis players: a test of the leadership behavior congruency hypothesis of the multidimensional model of leadership.
Andrew, Damon P.S.
Most research on coaching effectiveness has assumed that coaches
greatly influence athletes' performance and behavior, as well as
their general psychological and emotional well-being (Chelladurai, 1990;
1993). The study of the role of the leader/coach in athletics has been
aided greatly over the past two decades or so by the existence of the
Multidimensional Model of Leadership (MML--See Figure 1), developed by
Chelladurai (1978) as an attempt to both bring parsimony to the numerous
approaches to studying leadership in the mainstream, and to bring a
sport-specific focus to the study of leadership. Further, the MML addresses the concerns put forth by Chelladurai and Carron (1978), who
asserted that the direct application of mainstream leadership theory to
sport situations may not adequately account for the distinctness of the
sport context.
The MML proposes that three aspects of leader behavior need to be
in congruence to achieve effective group performance and member
satisfaction. The aspects of leader behavior include required (behavior
that is prescribed for a particular situation), preferred (behavior
preferred of the coach by the athletes), and actual, hereafter referred
to as perceived (the coach's behavior as perceived by the
athletes). Required leader behavior is influenced by situational
characteristics such as organizational goals, formal structure, group
task, social norms, government regulations, technology, and the nature
of the group (Chelladurai, 2006). In 1990, Chelladurai revised the
antecedents of required leader behavior to also include member
characteristics. For example, in situations where members lack the
intelligence, ability, experience, and/or personality dispositions to
make judgments about situational requirements, the leader must make an
appropriate decision for the members. Therefore, required leader
behavior is determined by situational and member characteristics.
Preferred leader behavior stems from both the aforementioned situational
characteristics and member characteristics such as task-relevant ability
(House, 1971; House & Dressier, 1974), personality traits, attitude
toward authority (Lorsch & Morse, 1974; Morse, 1976), cognitive
complexity (Wynne & Hunsaker, 1975), authoritarianism and the need
for independence (Vroom, 1959). Perceived leader behaviors are partially
determined by the characteristics and behaviors of the leader (i.e.,
personality, ability, experience, and style), but are also determined to
some extent by required and preferred leader behavior. Therefore, the
leader may alter his or her behavior to the requirements of the
situation and the preferences of the members to some degree.
The main proposition of the MML is that, to a large degree, group
performance and member satisfaction are dependent upon the congruency of
required, preferred, and perceived leader behaviors. In other words,
group performance and member satisfaction can be enhanced when the
leadership behavior required by the situation, the leadership behavior
preferred by the followers, and the leadership behavior perceived by the
followers are similar. In contrast, when the leadership behavior
required by the situation, the leadership behavior preferred by the
followers, and the leadership behavior perceived by the followers are
not similar, group performance and member satisfaction are compromised.
Although more study is warranted, initial research has supported this
proposition and the individual tenets of the MML. Strong support has
been shown, for example, for the link between member characteristics and
coaching behaviors (e.g., Chelladurai & Carron, 1983; Chelladurai,
Imamura, Yamaguchi, Oinmuma, & Miyauchi, 1988; Chelladurai, Malloy,
Imamura, & Yamaguchi, 1987). Research has also clearly identified a
link between leadership behavior congruency and athlete satisfaction
(Chelladurai, 1978; 1984; Chelladurai et al., 1988; Dwyer & Fischer,
1988; Home & Carron, 1985; McMillin, 1990; Riemer & Chelladurai,
1995; Schliesman, 1987; Summers, 1983; Weiss & Friedrichs, 1986) as
well as group performance (Gordon, 1986; Serpa, Pataco, & Santos,
1991; Weiss & Friedrichs, 1986). Collectively, these studies
provided initial support for the leadership behavior congruency
hypothesis within the MML.
However, in 1998, Chelladurai and Riemer noted that the majority of
research concerning the leadership behavior congruency hypothesis of the
MML had incorporated difference scores in their analysis. That is,
researchers commonly created a hybrid independent variable by
subtracting one form of leadership behavior from another (e.g.,
subtracting perceived leadership behavior scores from preferred
leadership behavior scores) and then attempted to associate that hybrid
independent variable with an outcome variable (e.g., member
satisfaction, group performance). Unfortunately, as noted by Chelladurai
and Riemer (1998), Peter, Churchill, and Brown (1993) had outlined
numerous negative consequences of incorporating difference scores in
data analysis techniques including problems with reliability (Johns,
1981; Lord, 1958; Mosier, 1951; Prakash & Lounsbury, 1983),
discriminant validity (Churchill, 1979; Peter, 1981), spurious correlations (Wall & Payne, 1973), and variance restriction (Wall
& Payne, 1973). After reviewing the negative consequences of
difference scores, Chelladurai and Riemer (1998, p. 245) concluded,
"An implication of the [use of discrepancy scores] is that any
results of research using discrepancy (i.e., difference) scores are not
tenable." This conclusion essentially invalidated all studies
examining the leadership behavior congruency hypothesis of the MML up to
that time.
In order to avoid these potential problems associated with the use
of difference scores researchers have suggested a hierarchical
regression technique (Berger-Gross, 1982; BergerGross & Kraut, 1984;
Cronbach, 1958; Johns, 1981; Rice, McFarlin, & Bennett, 1989; Riemer
& Chelladurai, 1995). Riemer and Chelladurai (1995) pointed out that
Cronbach (1958) has demonstrated how the interaction of two component
parts (e.g., preferences and perceptions) is equivalent to the
differences of those components. Therefore, researchers can avoid
difference scores by entering each component separately into a
regression followed by the interaction of those two terms. This approach
has been advocated by others (Riemer & Chelladurai, 1995; Riemer
& Toon, 2001) to provide information regarding the unique variance
accounted for by each leadership variable as well as its relative
dominance. Cronbach (1958, p. 356) noted that an interaction hypothesis
is justified "only if it improves significantly" upon the
simpler (non-interactive) prediction. Therefore, the leadership behavior
congruency hypothesis is accepted if the interaction significantly
increases the amount of variance explained.
In order to test the efficacy of the leadership behavior congruency
hypothesis in the MML with this new procedure, Riemer and Toon (2001)
collected data from a sample of 148 tennis players who were competing in
the NCAA Division I and II Championships. Their study found no support
for the leadership behavior congruency hypothesis when examining
leadership satisfaction as an outcome of the congruency of preferred and
perceived leadership behavior. These results contrasted with the
findings of previous research that had incorporated difference scores in
their analyses (Chelladurai, 1984; Home & Carron, 1985; Schliesman,
1987). Given that prior research examining the leadership behavior
congruency hypothesis of the MML has either found no support (Riemer
& Toon, 2001) or incorporated difference scores in their analysis
(Chelladurai, 1984; Home & Carton, 1985; Schliesman, 1987), there
remains a need to explore the efficacy of the leadership behavior
congruency hypothesis to determine whether the MML is in need of
revision. Further, since the only study to examine the leadership
behavior congruency hypothesis without the use of difference scores
incorporated a sample of collegiate tennis players who were successful
enough to advance to the NCAA Division I and II Championships, more
research is needed to confirm whether the conclusions drawn from that
relatively elite sample are applicable to other skill levels and
settings. Further, that study measured leadership behavior via the
Leadership Scale for Sports (Chelladurai & Saleh, 1980) rather than
the Revised Leadership Scale for Sports, which Zhang, Jensen, and Mann
(1997) argue is more contextually appropriate for collegiate athletes in
the United States than the original Leadership Scale for Sports.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore whether the
congruency of preferred and perceived leadership behaviors significantly
predicted leadership satisfaction in a sample of NCAA Division I, II,
and III tennis players. It was hoped that the more representative sample
along with a contextually appropriate measurement tool for leadership in
the present study would provide an interesting contrast with the
findings of Riemer and Toon (2001), who examined elite collegiate
athletes in a similar setting.
Due to the inherent structured and seasonal competition of NCAA
athletic teams, intercollegiate tennis players were targeted as a
sample. Upon receiving approval from the Institutional Review Board to
conduct the study, a total of 1107 collegiate tennis coaches at the NCAA
Division I, II, and III playing levels were informed of the study via a
pre-notification email (see Kent & Turner, 2002) during the last two
weeks of their regular season competition. This time period was deemed
long enough for new and existing players to establish a coach-player
relationship, but early enough to avoid excessive time conflicts with
the post-season championships and final exams. E-mail addresses for each
coach were obtained from the College Tennis Connect website
( However, a total of 96 email
messages sent to coaches were returned to sender due to complications
such as incorrect e-mail addresses, terminated e-mail accounts, exceeded
storage quota limits, and temporary absence of head coach due to
administrative or maternity leave. A total of 14 of the returned
messages were successfully corrected to reflect the present e-mail
address of the coaches, so only 82 messages were undeliverable, leaving
a total coaching tally of 1025.
Following the recommendations of Dillman (2000), an e-mail message
was sent to each coach one week after the remittance of the
pre-notification message asking him or her to encourage and facilitate
athlete participation. The letter included a summary of the risks and
benefits of participation along with directions to complete the survey
at a secure website. Since individual e-mail addresses of the athletes
were not available to the researchers, the coaches were asked to forward
the electronic message to each of their respective athletes and carbon
copy ("CC") the message to the primary investigator's
e-mail address. Receipt of the carbon copied message allowed the primary
investigator to determine the number of athletes who received
invitations to participate in the survey. Follow-up reminders were sent
to the coaches and athletes each week for a total of four weeks. The
surveys were conducted in an online format in an attempt to maximize
player convenience, secure response confidentiality, and minimize
necessary paper. The survey was administered through a third-party
company entitled FormSite (
Coaches from 81 institutions forwarded the survey to their tennis
players. A total of 514 intercollegiate tennis players received
invitations from their respective coaches to participate in the survey.
A total of 245 athletes responded to the request to participate, for a
response rate of 47.7%. Demographically, the respondents were 31.8% (n =
78) male and 68.2% (n = 167) female, with ages ranging from 18 to 24
years and a mean age of 20.01 (SD = 1.38). The majority (78.8%; n = 193)
of the sample cited the United States as their nationality, with the
remainder of the sample (22.2%; n = 52) citing one of 31 different
foreign countries. The majority of the respondents competed in NCAA
Divisions I (42.0%; n = 103) and III (48.6%; n = 119), with only 9.4% (n
= 23) of the athletes attending Division II programs. A total of 76
different colleges were represented in the sample by at least one
student athlete. Years of playing experience in the sport of tennis
ranged from one to 18 years with a mean of 11.05 (SD = 3.53). Years of
collegiate playing experience ranged from one to five years with a mean
of 2.05 (SD = 1.10). The singles playing position for each team member
ranged from one to 20 with a mean of 4.47 (SD = 2.84). It is important
to note that the competition format in collegiate tennis in the United
States allows for six singles players to compete in a dual match versus
another team. Therefore, the singles players ranked seven through 20 in
the present study may not participate in singles competition as often as
those ranked in the top six singles players on their respective teams.
Only 15.9% (n = 39) of respondents received full athletic scholarships,
while 20.8% (n = 51) received partial athletic scholarships and 63.3% (n
= 155) received no athletic scholarship funding, which corresponds with
the fact that 48.6% (n = 193) of the respondents competed in NCAA
Division III programs, which do not offer athletic scholarships. Of
those eligible to receive athletic scholarships (i.e., Divisions I and
II; n = 126), a total of 71.4% (n = 90) of athletes received at least
some form of athletic scholarship funding. Only 4.5% (n = 11) of
respondents received full academic scholarships, while 36.7% (n = 90)
received partial academic scholarships and 58.8% (n = 144) received no
academic scholarship funding.
In addition to general demographic information (age, gender,
nationality, years of overall playing experience, years of collegiate
playing experience, name of current institution, singles playing
position on team, NCAA playing division, level of academic scholarship
funding, and level of athletic scholarship funding), perceived
leadership behavior, preferred leadership behavior, and satisfaction
were assessed. Instruments were carefully selected based on their
demonstrated reliability and validity in past studies.
Zhang, Jensen, and Mann's (1997) Revised Leadership Scale for
Sports (RLSS) was utilized to assess perceived and preferred leadership
behavior. The RLSS is a 60-item questionnaire containing the following
subscales: Training and Instruction, Democratic Behavior, Autocratic
Behavior, Social Support, Positive Feedback, and Situation
Consideration. Training and instruction reflects the coach's
ability to improve the performance level of the athlete. The extent to
which the coach permits participation by the athletes in decision-making
is termed democratic behavior. Autocratic behavior indicates the extent
to which a coach keeps apart from the athletes and stresses his or her
authority in dealing with them. The social support factor refers to the
extent to which the coach is involved in satisfying the interpersonal
needs of the athletes. The positive feedback factor represents the
coach's expressions of appreciation and willingness to compliment
the athletes for their performance and contribution. Finally,
situational consideration behaviors includes proper coaching behaviors
aimed at considering the situational factors (i.e., time, individual,
environment, team, and game), setting up individual goals and clarifying
ways to reach the goals, differentiating coaching methods at different
stages, and assigning an athlete to the right game position. Cronbach
alpha reliability tests confirmed factor ratings equal to or greater
than .81 on the democratic, positive feedback, situation consideration,
teaching and instruction, and social support dimensions; however, the
autocratic behavior subscale received ratings of .59, .48, and .35, for
the versions of athlete preference, athlete perception, and coach
self-evaluation respectively. Issues with the internal consistency of
the autocratic behavior subscale have also been noted for the original
Leadership Scale for Sports (Chelladurai & Riemer, 1998).
Respondents usually complete the RLSS by using a five point Likert
scale, which signifies "always", "often",
"occasionally", "seldom", and "never", but
a seven point Likert scale was utilized in the present study to allow
for the use of a standard seven point response for all survey
The Athlete Satisfaction Questionnaire (ASQ; Riemer &
Chelladurai, 1998) was developed to measure the facets of satisfaction
identified previously by Chelladurai and Riemer (1997). The ASQ is a
56-item questionnaire that contains 15 dimensions of athlete
satisfaction. Respondents complete the ASQ by using a seven point Likert
scale ranging from "not at all satisfied" to "extremely
satisfied." Using a sample of 614 Canadian university athletes
(basketball, hockey, and volleyball), the researchers reported Cronbach
alpha coefficients ranging from .78 to .95 (M= .88), and 12 of the 15
subscales were higher than .85. The following four subscales were
included: training and instruction satisfaction (three items), personal
treatment satisfaction (five items), team performance satisfaction
(three items), and individual performance satisfaction (three items). Of
the 15 subscales in the ASQ, only these four subscales are conceptually
related to leadership behavior. Specifically, the first two subscales
focus on satisfaction with the processes of coaching behavior, while the
latter two subscales evaluate satisfaction with outcomes associated with
the process of leadership (Riemer & Chelladurai, 1998). Other
studies utilizing the ASQ to measure athlete satisfaction as an outcome
of leadership behavior have reduced the number of questionnaire items
for the ASQ in this same manner (Al-Tahayneh, 2003; Riemer & Toon,
2001) and for the same reason. Therefore, only the 14 items in these
four subscales of the ASQ were presented to the respondents.
A pilot study surveying the collegiate tennis players at the host
institution indicated that the average response time to complete the
survey ranged from 20 to 25 minutes. The results from the pilot study
were not included in the data analysis for the present study since it
was completed at an earlier time during the season.
Data Analysis
Descriptive statistics were calculated for each of the demographic
variables. Cronbach's alpha coefficients were calculated for the
components of each measurement scale to verify internal consistency.
Confirmatory factor analyses were performed on each scale to assess an
appropriate fit of the data to the identified model factors.
Hierarchical regression analyses were performed whereby each component
was entered separately into a regression followed by the interaction of
those two terms, with the four facets of satisfaction serving as the
criterion variables in each equation. Specifically, the base scores
(leadership preferences and perceptions) were entered fast followed by
their interactional term (preferred x perceived). Two sets of multiple
regression equations were then calculated. In the first set, preference
scores were entered first followed by the perceptions and the
interaction term, and the second set followed a similar format but
reversed the order of the preference and perception terms. This approach
has been advocated by others (Riemer & Chelladurai, 1995; Riemer
& Toon, 2001) to provide information regarding the unique variance
accounted for by each leadership variable as well as its relative
dominance. The leadership behavior congruency hypothesis was accepted if
the interaction significantly increased the amount of variance
Instrument Assessment
Internal consistency coefficients of all subscales exceeded the
value of .70, accepted by most as an adequate benchmark (Nunnally &
Bernstein, 1994) (see Table 1 for means, standard deviations, and
internal consistency estimates of all subscales). Scale fit was assessed
via a confirmatory factor analysis. The calculated fit indices for all
scales can be found in Table 2. The Root Mean Square Error of
Approximation (RMSEA) for all scales was at or below 0.1, the maximum
value threshold suggested by Steiger (1990) and Kelloway (1998) to
indicate reasonable fit of the data to the model. Comparative fit was
assessed via the Normed Fit Index (NFI), Non-Normed Fit Index (NNFI),
and Comparative Fit Index (CFI). The fit indices for all scales met or
exceeded the minimum threshold value of 0.90 suggested by Kelloway
(1998) with the exception of the Normed Fit Index of the perceptions
version of the RLSS (0.87). However, the 'perceptions' version
of the RLSS was retained for further analysis (i.e., hierarchical
regression) on the basis of its favorable performances on other
comparative (NNFI and CFI) and absolute (RMSEA) fit indices as well as
its acceptable overall reliability scores.
Leadership Behavior Congruency
The regression results detailing the impact of leadership behavior
congruency on the dependent variables of individual performance,
personal treatment, team performance, and training and instruction
satisfaction are found in Table 3. As noted by Riemer and Toon (2001, p.
244), "The congruence hypothesis is accepted if the interaction
significantly increases the amount of variance explained; relative size
of the interaction to other equation terms is not important." In
general, the results indicated the congruency of preferred and perceived
training and instruction behaviors resulted in a significant [F(1, 241)
= 66.48; p = .028] increase in [R.sup.2] (.011) for the dependent
variable of personal treatment satisfaction. Furthermore, the congruency
of preferred and perceived autocratic behavior significantly predicted
individual performance satisfaction [F(1,241) = 13.28; [DELTA][R.sup.2]
= .030; p = .004], personal treatment satisfaction [F(1, 241) = 22.50;
[DELTA][R.sup.2] = .019;p = .015], team performance satisfaction IF(1,
241) = 7.46; [DELTA][R.sup.2] = .032; p =. 004], and training and
instruction satisfaction [F(1,241) = 17.75; [DELTA][R.sup.2] = .040; p =
.001 ]. In sum, these results indicate that some, but not all, facets of
leadership behavior have an impact on satisfaction when the coach's
leadership behavior as perceived by the athlete is similar to the
behavior preferred by the athlete.
The primary purpose of this study was to determine whether athlete
satisfaction would be dependent on the congruence between preferred and
perceived leadership behaviors. The results of this study are in line
with propositions put forth in the MML that, in general, the congruency
of leadership behaviors of coaches impact facets of athlete satisfaction
(Chelladurai, 1984; Home & Carron, 1985; Riemer & Chelladurai,
1995; Schliesman, 1987). The congruency of two particular leadership
behaviors, training and instruction and autocratic behavior, played a
role in the determination of athlete satisfaction in the present study.
The congruency of training and instruction behavior, or behavior
directed at improving the performance level of the athlete, resulted in
a significant increase in R2 for the dependent variable of personal
treatment satisfaction. Therefore, in the present sample, when the
tennis coach provided the desired level of training and instruction
behavior, he or she had the capability to influence the athlete's
satisfaction with those coaching behaviors that directly affect the
individual yet indirectly affect team development (i.e., social support
and positive feedback).
The congruency of autocratic behavior appears to have played a
dominant role in the determination of athlete satisfaction in the
present study. The congruency of preferred and perceived autocratic
leader behaviors resulted in a significant increase in [R.sup.2] for
individual performance satisfaction, a significant increase in [R.sup.2]
for personal treatment satisfaction, a significant increase in [R.sup.2]
for team performance satisfaction, and a significant increase in
[R.sup.2] for the dependent variable of training and instruction
satisfaction. Taken together, these findings indicate that, if the coach
provides the desired level of autocratic behavior, he or she has the
capability to influence the athlete's satisfaction with: (a) his or
her own task performance (i.e., absolute performance, improvements in
performance, and goal achievement), (b) those coaching behaviors that
directly affect the individual yet indirectly affect team development
(i.e., social support and positive feedback), (c) his or her team's
level of performance (i.e., absolute performance, goal achievement, and
implies performance improvements), and (d) the training and instruction
provided by the coach. However, it is important to note that the amount
of preferred autocratic behavior in this study was relatively low (3.51
+/- 0.99), and that the amount of autocratic behavior perceived was even
lower (2.89 +/- 1.04).
Comparing the findings of the present study to past research is
challenging given that many past studies incorporated difference scores
in their analysis of the leadership behavior congruency hypothesis in
the MML (Chelladurai, 1984; Home & Carron, 1985; Schliesman, 1987).
However, Riemer and Toon (2001) utilized an appropriate analysis in
their evaluation of the leadership behavior congruency hypothesis of the
MML. Their study explored five facets of leadership behavior (training
and instruction, democratic behavior, autocratic behavior, social
support, and positive feedback) and found no support for the leadership
behavior congruency hypothesis among a sample of 148 tennis players who
were competing in the NCAA Division I and II Championships. These
results diverge with those of the present study, which examined six
facets of leadership behavior (training and instruction, democratic
behavior, autocratic behavior, social support, positive feedback, and
situational consideration) and found preferred and perceived autocratic
behavior to impact satisfaction with individual performance, personal
treatment, team performance, and training and instruction. In addition,
the congruence of preferred and perceived training and instruction
behavior predicted satisfaction with personal treatment.
The contrasting results between the study of Riemer and Toon (2001)
and the current study could be the result of several differences between
the studies. First, Riemer and Toon (2001) utilized the Leadership Scale
for Sports (Chelladurai & Saleh, 1980) rather than the Revised
Leadership Scale for Sports (Zhang et al., 1997). Zhang et al. (1997)
claimed to have improved the original LSS in several ways: (a) the items
were generated through interviewing the coaches, hence, they are sports
specific; (b) the study was conducted in the United States and the
regulations of the National Collegiate Athletic Association were
considered, thus, the scale is more culturally specific to the United
States; (c) involvement of large samples of subjects in a variety of
sports improves the generalizability and the application of the scale;
(d) the measurement properties of the coaching self-evaluation version
were tested and improved; and (e) overall factor structures in
determining the constructs of the scale were notably improved.
Therefore, Riemer and Toon (2001) could have obtained different results
since they sampled a United States population with a scale that was not
as culturally specific to the United States as the scale used in the
present study.
Second, Riemer and Toon (2001) noted low internal consistency
estimates for preferred autocratic behavior (0.67) and perceived
autocratic behavior (0.59), but chose to retain those dimensions based
on the practice of prior research (Chelladurai, 1993; Chelladurai &
Riemer, 1998). The current study was not affected by low internal
consistency estimates for measures of leader behavior. Therefore, the
enhanced scale reliability of the present study may have resulted in a
more accurate measurement of leadership behavior, and therefore, a purer
analysis of the relationship between leadership behavior congruency and
athlete satisfaction.
Third, the present study incorporated an online survey while Riemer
and Toon (2001) collected their data via a more traditional
paper-and-pencil survey. Dillman (2000) noted several limitations of
web-based surveys. First, not everyone is connected to the internet, so
this survey method will not be optimal for all populations. This
particular concern was somewhat alleviated given the sample of the
present study, which was comprised of college students who are typically
reliant upon the internet to facilitate their studies. However, even if
connected to the internet, not all potential respondents are equally
computer literate. Screen configurations may appear significantly
different from one respondent to another depending on settings of
individual computers. Finally, since e-mail addresses are not
standardized, sampling of e-mail addresses is difficult (i.e., sometimes
there is more than one e-mail address per respondent). In consideration
of the above limitations, it is possible that data generated from online
sources may differ from that collected by more traditional means.
Finally, Riemer and Toon (2001) only sampled participants in the
NCAA Divisions I and II Championships. Since participation in the NCAA
Championships is based on individual and team performance, Riemer and
Toon's (2001) sample is likely composed of the most highly skilled
athletes in each division. Given that group member ability, a member
characteristic, is an antecedent of required and preferred leadership
behavior in the MML, it is an important variable to consider when
attempting to generalize the results of a study. The present sample
incorporates tennis players from all three NCAA divisions, regardless of
individual or team performance, therefore, it should be more
generalizable to the average NCAA tennis player than the results of
Riemer and Toon (2001).
The results of the present study open up numerous additional
avenues of research activity. First, future research should explore a
full test (i.e., required, preferred and perceived leadership behaviors)
of the leadership behavior congruency hypothesis in the MML with the
outcome of satisfaction. Second, future studies should analyze a variety
of different sport settings. Chelladurai (1984) classified the
moderating influence of type of sport as independent or interdependent
and open or closed. Athletes who play sports classified as independent
(e.g., golf, bowling, and track and field) rely very little on their
teammates during their individual performance. On the contrary, sports
classified as interdependent include basketball, football, volleyball,
and soccer. Open sports (e.g., football, basketball, and baseball) are
characterized by an unstable, changing environment, as opposed to closed
sports (e.g., golf, swimming, and track and field), which feature
relatively stable environments. Given this typology, the sport of tennis
is characterized overall as an independent, open sport, and further
research is needed to determine if the relationships noted in the
current study exist when the sports vary according to task dependence
and type. Third, Chelladurai (in press) recently asserted that the
athlete's pursuit of pleasure versus his/her pursuit of excellence
must be accounted for when examining leadership in sports. For athletes
pursuing excellence, Chelladurai recommends that leaders provide
demanding and directive leadership. Assuming collegiate tennis players
are driven by the pursuit of excellence, one could argue that elevated
displays of democratic behavior could perhaps be perceived by the
athletes as a form of laissez-faire leadership. Such a "hands
off" approach would not be appropriate for athletes motivated by
the pursuit of excellence according to Chelladurai (in press), however,
further research is needed to investigate this relationship.
In conclusion, the results of the present study highlight the
importance of congruency of training and instruction behavior and
autocratic behavior in the determination of athlete satisfaction. It is
unknown why the congruency of the other four leadership behaviors that
were studied (democratic behavior, social support, positive feedback,
and situational consideration) did not have an impact on athlete
satisfaction. Should future studies replicate the findings of the
present study, the congruency hypothesis of the MML may need
modification to reflect a higher degree of specificity regarding the
relationship between specific leadership behavior and individual
outcomes. In consideration of the psychological outcomes impacted by
leadership behavior that were identified in the present study, tennis
coaches should moderate their behavior in order to enhance satisfaction
of their athletes. Furthermore, athletic administrators should be
cognizant of the impact a coach's leadership behavior has on
athletes when hiring new coaches. Finally, those involved in the
training of new coaches should emphasize leadership behaviors that
promote positive outcomes.
This study was funded in part by a Research Grant from the United
States Tennis Association.
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Damon P.S. Andrew
The University of Tennessee
Address Correspondence to: Dr. Damon P. S. Andrew, Dept. of
Exercise, Sport, and Leisure Studies, 1914 Andy Holt Avenue, HPER 349,
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-2700, Office: (865)
974-8891, Fax: (865) 974-8981, E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1. Means, Standard Deviations, and Internal Consistency Estimates
of Subscales
Scale and Factor Mean Std. Dev. level
RLSS preferred Democratic Behavior 4.40 1.07 0.88
RLSS perceived Democratic Behavior 5.13 0.86 0.86
RLSS preferred Positive Feedback 5.17 1.23 0.93
RLSS perceived Positive Feedback 5.94 0.78 0.85
RLSS preferred Training and Instruction 4.84 1.30 0.93
RLSS perceived Training and Instruction 5.84 0.81 0.86
RLSS preferred Situation Consideration 5.21 1.23 0.91
RLSS perceived Situation Consideration 6.16 0.73 0.84
RLSS preferred Social Support 4.98 1.32 0.91
RLSS perceived Social Support 5.40 0.87 0.77
RLSS preferred Autocratic Behavior 3.51 0.99 0.71
RLSS perceived Autocratic Behavior 2.89 1.04 0.82
ASQ Individual Performance Satisfaction 4.80 1.52 0.88
ASQ Personal Treatment Satisfaction 5.40 1.51 0.95
ASQ Team Performance Satisfaction 4.79 1.53 0.91
ASQ Training and Instruction Satisfaction 4.70 1.73 0.95
Note: RLSS = Revised Leadership Scale for Sport; ASQ = Athlete
Satisfaction Questionnaire
Table 2. Fit Indices of Subscales
Fit Index RLSS preferred RLSS perceived ASQ
RMSEA 0.072 0.068 0.095
NFI 0.94 0.87 0.97
NNFI 0.97 0.93 0.97
CFI 0.97 0.93 0.98
Note: RLSS = Revised Leadership Scale for Sport; ASQ = Athlete
Satisfaction Questionnaire
Table 3. Summary of Sign cant Leadership Behavior Congruency Outcomes
Leadership Behavior Dependent Variable increase P-value
Training and Personal Treatment .011 .028
Instruction Satisfaction
Autocratic Individual Performance .030 .004
Autocratic Personal Treatment .019 .015
Autocratic Team Performance .032 .004
Autocratic Training, and .040 .001