The variety of exercise equipment and physical activity participation in children.
Barkley, Jacob E. ; Ryan, Edward J. ; Bellar, David 等
Both the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance (Council for Physical Education for Children, 2003)
and the United States Department of Health and Human Services (2008)
physical activity guidelines for children emphasize that children
participate in a variety of physical activity options. In these
recommendations it is proposed that participating in a variety of
different physical activities may prevent against monotony and increase
the likelihood that children will discover a physical activity behavior
they enjoy. While this rationale is logical, basic research examining
the potential pro-behavioral effects of increasing variety on physical
activity is very limited.
While not focusing on physical activity, a series of experiments
have demonstrated that increasing the variety of available options
increases consummatory behaviors when purchasing goods (Kahn & Isen,
1993; McAlister & Pessemier, 1982; Menon & Kahn, 1995; Steenkamp
& Gielens, 2003). Basic laboratory studies of eating behavior also
have shown that an increased variety of foods increases energy intake
(McCrory et al., 1999; Myers Ernst & Epstein, 2002; Raynor, Jeffery,
Tare, & Wing, 2004; Raynor & Wing, 2006; Rolls, 1985; Rolls,
Rowe, & Rolls, 1982; Rolls et al., 1981; Temple, Giacomelli,
Roemmich, & Epstein, 2008). Increasing the variety of food options
may negatively affect weight control as individuals consume greater
energy when presented with a variety of foods than when presented with a
single food (McCrory et al., 1999; Raynor et al., 2004; Raynor &
Wing, 2006; Rolls, 1985). Increasing variety, however, also can be used
to encourage healthy weight control behaviors by increasing
children's consumption of fruits and vegetables (Adams, Pelletier,
Zive, & Sallis, 2005; Temple et al., 2008). Following this
reasoning, increased variety also may be effective for increasing
children's participation in physical activity. While no studies
have directly examined the effect of altering the variety of exercise
options on exercise behavior in children, a single observational study
reported increases in youth physical activity during school recess when
exercise equipment was available versus recess with no equipment
available (McKenzie, Hardung, Baquero, Arredondo, & Elder, 2006).
This increase in activity could be due to the greater variety offered by
the presence of equipment. However, this study did not seek to examine
the effect of variety on physical activity and as such only indicated
whether equipment was present or not, so that a single piece of
equipment (e.g., a ball) constituted a with-equipment condition, and
neither the total amount nor variety of equipment available was reported
or controlled.
A single study of adults demonstrated that varying the type of
exercise prescribed every two weeks over an eight-week exercise
intervention increased adherence to the intervention relative to adults
receiving an unchanging exercise prescription (Glaros & Janelle,
2001). While the available options were altered every two weeks, the
total number of options in the variable condition, during each two-week
period, was equal to that of the unchanging condition. Therefore, while
variety of the total exercise program was different, a single exercise
session in the variable condition did not offer greater variety than any
of the other individual sessions. While adherence was greater in the
variable condition, the amount of physical activity individuals
participated in per session was fixed across conditions and therefore
the ability of variety to increase the amount of exercise within a
single exercise session was not tested. Unlike research focusing on the
effect of altering the variety of options on eating behavior (Myers,
Ernst & Epstein, 2002; Rolls et al., 1982; Rolls et al., 1981;
Temple et al., 2008) neither of these two physical activity studies
evaluated the potential of increasing the variety of physical activity
options to increase such behavior in a controlled laboratory environment
during a fixed period of time.
Thus, the purpose of the present study was to determine whether
increasing the variety of exercise equipment choices a child has access
to increases the amount of exercise they participate in and their
enjoyment (liking) of the exercise session in a controlled laboratory
environment setting. This was the first study designed to directly
examine the basic pro-behavioral effects of altering the variety of
exercise equipment in children. This also was the first study to examine
if an exercise session with a high variety of equipment options
increases exercise behavior relative to a session of equal duration with
a low variety of equipment in individuals of any age. Resistance
training was chosen as the physical activity model because it allows the
variety of choices to be easily manipulated by controlling access to the
number of different movements within a single mode of exercise.
Additionally, resistance training allows for easier measurement of
physical activity and work performed compared to aerobic exercise
equipment such as treadmills, cycle ergometers and elliptical trainers.
It was hypothesized that, in a controlled laboratory environment and at
an identical relative intensity, children would perform more
repetitions, lift a greater total amount of weight and report greater
liking of the exercise session when provided access to a greater variety
of resistance training equipment than when provided access to a single
piece of resistance training equipment.
Study participants included 10 boys (N = 10 Caucasian) and 10 girls
(N = 9 Caucasian and N= 1 African American) who were between 8-12 years
of age (M= 9.8 [+ or -] 0.9 years). Children were recruited through
flyers and from a database of subjects who had previously contacted the
laboratory to participate in unrelated studies. Children were excluded
if they had any disorders that would affect their ability to exercise,
including cardiovascular, neuromotor, cognitive or orthopedic disorders.
All children indicated that they had previously sampled resistance
training equipment as part of physical education classes, sports
programs or home exercise equipment. However, no children had previous
experience with regular resistance training programs. Children were
studied separately and given identical instructions and no verbal
encouragement from the investigators to eliminate the influence of peers
and investigators on liking ratings, exercise choices, or the amount of
exercise performed. Written informed parental consent and child assent
were obtained for each subject prior to participation. This study was
approved by the university institutional review board.
Children reported to the Applied Physiology Laboratory at Kent
State University for three visits and were tested without the presence
of their parent or other children.
Visit one. During visit one, children were measured for height and
weight and were then fitted for and sampled the following Cybex (Medway,
MA) resistance training equipment in a random order; leg press, leg
extension, leg curl, chest press, biceps curl, triceps extension and
latissimus pull. Before sampling, an exercise physiologist with
experience and knowledge of safe weight training techniques for children
carefully demonstrated and instructed each child as to proper lifting
technique defined as moving the apparatus through a complete range of
motion, as depicted by the manufacturer on each piece of equipment, in a
controlled fashion while exhaling during the concentric portion of each
repetition and inhaling during the eccentric portion. After a piece of
equipment was demonstrated, children sampled it by performing 2 sets of
8-10 repetitions with a minimum of 2 minutes rest between sets. During
each of these two practice sets resistance was set at the lowest
possible setting (one plate) for that piece of equipment. The resistance
for each piece of equipment was as follows; leg press: 9.1 kg, leg
extension: 4.6 kg, leg curl: 4.6 kg, chest press: 5.7 kg, biceps curl:
5.7 kg, triceps extension: 5.7 kg and latissimus pull: 4.6 kg. The
equipment was designed to be adjustable for a wide range of body sizes
including the children studied. All of the participants were able to be
properly fit on each piece of equipment. Fit was assessed during the
sampling sets. Proper fit was defined as the child being able to sit on
each piece of equipment and complete the requisite two sets of 8-10
repetitions at the lowest possible resistance setting using a full range
of motion and proper lifting form, per manufacturer instructions, on
each piece of equipment. If a child was not capable of properly
performing the requisite two sets of 8-10 repetitions using the proper
lifting form they would have been excluded from the study.
After completing these two sampling sets children rated their
liking of each piece of equipment using a visual analog scale (VAS),
which required the child to make a mark upon a 10 cm line anchored by
"like it very much" and "do not like it at all."
Liking was assessed after the two sample sets and not after
one-repetition maximum (1RM) testing as the number of attempts required
to attain a 1RM were not consistent neither from one exercise to the
next nor from one child to the next. After assigning a liking score
children were assessed for their 1RM using a previously described
methodology designed for children (Faigenbaum, Milliken, & Westcott,
2003). The maximum amount of weight children successfully lifted through
a full range of motion using proper form was considered 1RM. To provide
ample recovery, children were given a 5 minute rest period after
completing the 1RM before repeating the process (sampling, assigning a
liking score and determining 1RM) on the next piece of equipment until
1RM was assessed for all seven pieces of equipment. A previous
evaluation of this 1RM method was deemed to be safe for children as no
injuries were reported in the 64 children who completed the protocol
(Faigenbaum et al., 2003). All children in the present investigation
also successfully completed the entire study without injury.
Visit two and three. During the second and third visits, children
returned to the laboratory to participate in a low-variety and
high-variety exercise condition. The order of the high-variety and
low-variety conditions was counterbalanced across subjects. For the
low-variety condition, children had access to only their most liked
piece of resistance training equipment, determined from visit one, and
were told they could not exercise on any other pieces of equipment in
the room. For the high-variety condition children had access to all
seven pieces of equipment. During each condition children had access to
the exercise equipment for 30 min. The resistance used for each piece of
equipment was set at 70% of the participant's 1RM, determined from
visit one. During the 30-minute session children were informed that they
could exercise on the specified equipment choices in any pattern they
wish, they could walk around the room or they could sit and rest on any
piece of equipment. No constraints were placed on the number of sets or
the number of repetitions performed per set. All children indicated that
they understood these instructions. A trained exercise physiologist
(JEB, EJR, DB or MVB) supervised each session to ensure that proper
lifting form was utilized, but did not interact with the child unless
they had to correct exercise form or provide other instructions for safe
exercise. The supervisors neither encouraged nor attempted to suppress
the amount of resistance training exercise the children performed.
Activity during each exercise condition was measured via observation for
repetitions of resistance training exercise and by accelerometry for any
ambulation around the experimental room. Ambulation could take place
during the expected recovery between resistance training sets or as an
alternative behavior to weight training, if the child did not wish to
resistance train at that time. At the conclusion of each exercise
condition children completed a VAS to determine their liking for that
Anthropometry. All anthropometric measures were performed by an
experienced anthropometrist (JEB). Weight was assessed to the nearest
0.2 kg using a balance beam scale
(Health O Meter, Alsip, IL). Height was assessed to the nearest 1.0
mm using a calibrated stadiometer (Health O Meter, Alsip, IL).
Liking of physical activity. Children rated their liking of each
piece of resistance training equipment and each of the two exercise
conditions using a VAS that consisted of a 10 cm line anchored by
'do not like it at all' on the left side and 'like it
very much' on the right side. The ratings were made immediately
after sampling each piece of resistance training equipment (visit one)
and immediately after the final minute of the high-variety and
low-variety conditions. Utilizing a VAS to assess liking or hedonics as
an affective rating of a behavior is considered both reliable and valid
(Flint, Raben, Blundell, & Astrup, 2000) and measures of liking
directly correlates with physical activity participation (Craig,
Goldberg, & Dietz, 1996; DiLorenzo, Stucky-Ropp, Vander Wal, &
Gotham, 1998; Motl et al., 2001; Roemmich et al., 2008).
Resistance exercise observation. The number of repetitions
performed on each piece of exercise equipment were carefully observed
and recorded. The total amount of weight lifted was calculated by
multiplying the number of repetitions performed during each set by the
amount of weight lifted (kg) per repetition for each piece of equipment
and then summing the total weight lifted on each piece of equipment per
condition. The number of repetitions performed in the high-variety and
low-variety conditions was the primary dependent variable because each
repetition, regardless of the individual exercising or the piece of
equipment used, represented 70% of maximum effort. Conversely, the
amount of weight lifted per repetition varied across pieces of equipment
and from one individual to the next. Therefore, this comparison is less
indicative of differences in relative work performed across conditions.
Accelerometer counts. Children wore an ActiGraph GT 1M
accelerometer (ActiGraph, Pensacola, Florida) around their waist to
determine the amount of ambulatory activity during each visit. The
ActiGraph GT1M is a valid and reliable method of estimating physical
activity in children (Freedson, Pober, & Janz, 2005; Puyau, Adolph,
Vohra, & Butte, 2002; Trost et al., 1998). The total number of
accelerometer counts accumulated during each of the 30 minute
experimental conditions served as the outcome variable.
Statistical power Statistical power was deemed adequate to test the
primary outcome variable of total number of repetitions. Subjects
performed 241.1 [+ or -] 105.4 repetitions in the high-variety condition
compared to 148.0 [+ or -] variety condition. This difference yielded an
effect size of 1.07, which required nine participants to achieve a
statistical power of [greater than or equal to] .80 at an a level of
< .05. Thus, the current sample size (N = 20) was more than
sufficient. A differential effect of equipment variety on the number of
repetitions performed by boys and girls was not expected. In the current
study, boys performed an average of 193.2 [+ or -] 50.6 repetitions
across both conditions while girls performed 195.9 [+ or -] 109.7
repetitions, which yielded an effect size of 0.04. Based on this
observed effect size, 12,113 participants would have been needed in
order to achieve a power of [greater than or equal to] .80 at an et
level of < .05 for demonstrating sex differences. In addition to a
lack of gender differences in the primary dependent variable,
independent samples T-tests demonstrated that boys and girls did not
differ in the physical characteristics of age (9.7 [+ or -] 0.9 years
boys, 9.0 [+ or -] 1.0 years girls, t(18) = .24, p = .81), height (140.4
[+ or -] 4.3 cm boys, 136.8 [+ or -] 11.0 cm girls, t(18) = -.6l, p =
.55), weight (36.1 [+ or -] 6.6 kg boys, 34.4 [+ or -] 12.3 kg girls,
t(18) = -. 75, p = .48) or BMI percentile (64.8 [+ or -] 22.0 boys, 45.3
[+ or -] 31.2 girls, t(18) = -1.62, p = .12).
Analytic plan. Given that there were no significant gender
differences in the physical characteristics or for the primary outcome
variable the data from boys and girls were analyzed as a single group.
Four, separate paired-samples T-tests were performed to examine
differences in the total number of repetitions performed, the total
amount of weight lifted, liking (VAS) scores and total accelerometer
counts between the high-variety and low-variety conditions. A-priori
significance was set at [alpha] [less than or equal to] .05.
Children performed a greater number of repetitions (241 [+ or -]
105 high-variety, 148 [+ or -] 81 low-variety, t(19) = 4.76, p < .001
), lifted more weight (3094 [+ or -] 1229 kg high-variety, 2114 [+ or -]
1672 kg low-variety, t(19) = 2.56, p < .05) and indicated greater
liking (9.1 [+ or -] 1.1 cm high-variety, 6.7 [+ or -] 2.8 cm
low-variety, t(19) = 4.20, p < .001) in the high-variety condition
relative to the low-variety condition. There were no significant
differences (17122 [+ or -] 15489 high-variety, 14061 [+ or -] 14509
low-variety, t(19) = .99, p = .33) in the alternative behavior of
ambulation around the experimental room as assessed by the number of
accelerometer counts children accumulated in the high-variety condition
compared to the low-variety condition.
While the American Academy of Pediatrics (Council on Sports &
Fitness, 2008), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) (American
College of Sports Medicine, 2009) and National Strength and Conditioning
Association (NSCA) (Faigenbaum et al., 2009) all recognize
properly-supervised resistance training exercise as sale and beneficial
for children the purpose of this investigation was hot to develop
specific recommendations regarding resistance training exercise
programming in children, but to assess the basic effect of increasing
the variety of exercise options on exercise behavior in a controlled
laboratory environment. All children tolerated the protocol well and
there were no injuries during any part (exercise sampling, 1RM testing
and 30-minute sessions) of this investigation. Children performed a
greater number of repetitions, lifted a greater amount of weight and
reported greater liking when exercising in a high-variety condition than
in a low-variety condition. These results are similar to basic studies
of the effects of variety on increasing eating behavior. Access to a
greater variety of foods reliably increases food consumption in children
and adults (McCrory et al., 1999; Raynor et al., 2004; Raynor &
Wing, 2006; Rolls, 1985; Temple et al., 2008). Not surprisingly,
long-term exposure to high-variety, palatable diets increases adiposity
in both animals (Louis-Sylvestre, Giachetti, & Le Magnen, 1984;
Rolls, Van Duijvenvoorde, & Rowe, 1983) and humans (Louis-Sylvestre
et al., 1984; McCrory et al., 1999). However, the variety effect also
can be used to increase healthy food options as increasing the variety
of fruits and vegetables individuals have access to increases their
consumption (Adams et al., 2005; Temple et al., 2008). Based on the
results of the present laboratory study and previous observational
(McKenzie et al., 2006) and training (Glaros & Janelle, 2001)
studies, the effect of variety also may extend to physical activity
participation. While much more basic research is needed, these results
may have important implications for physical activity promotion
programs. Researchers have begun to examine the efficacy of weight loss
interventions that target long-term reductions in the variety of energy
dense foods and increasing the variety of low energy dense foods
(Ello-Martin, Ledikwe, & Rolls, 2005; Epstein et al., 2001; Raynor
et al., 2004; Raynor, Niemeier, & Wing, 2006; Raynor & Wing,
2006). Physical activity promotion treatments that focus on increasing
the variety of exercise options may also effectively increase physical
activity behavior.
Variety may have a general effect on consummatory behavior. A
series of studies (Kahn & Isen, 1993; McAlister & Pessemier,
1982; Menon & Kahn, 1995; Steenkamp & Gielens, 2003) have
indicated that consumer purchasing behavior increases with the number of
available purchasing options. Consumers rate having a wide variety of
choices as very important when purchasing goods (Sellers, 1991) and
regularly exhibit variety-seeking behavior even when purchasing items
from the same product class (Kahn, 1995; Menon & Kahn, 1995).
Although too many options of a type of product can lead to regularly
choosing the same option in an effort to reduce the complexity of
choosing, this approach typically results in feelings of monotony and
boredom and eventually the reinstatement of variety seeking (Menon &
Kahn, 1995).
Although children performed less resistance training in the
low-variety condition, they did not increase their participation in the
alternative physically active behavior of ambulating around the exercise
room. While total ambulation did not differ between the low- and
high-variety conditions anecdotal observation suggested that the pattern
of ambulation differed across conditions. In the high-variety condition
children moved around the room to go from one piece of equipment to
another while in the low-variety condition, despite having access to
only one piece of equipment, children often walked around the room
rather than remaining seated at their favorite piece of exercise
The results of the present study are encouraging but, there are
some study limitations. In the low-variety condition, children had
access to only one piece of exercise equipment compared to all seven
pieces of exercise equipment in the high-variety condition. The decision
to provide access to only one piece of equipment in the low-variety
condition was made to maximize the difference between the conditions.
This decision may have reduced the children's ability to
participate in as much exercise because there may have been more local
muscular fatigue when using a single piece of equipment than when they
had access to multiple pieces. While a pediatric specific fatigue scale
does not presently exist, future research should assess fatigue in the
high- and low-variety conditions perhaps utilizing a pediatric rating of
perceived exertion scale (Pfeiffer, Pivarnik, Womack, Reeves, &
Malina, 2002; Robertson et al., 2005; Robertson et al., 2002; Robertson
et al., 2000; Utter, Robertson, Nieman, & Kang, 2002).
Future research also could utilize more than a single option
low-variety condition and high variety condition. For example, a
medium-variety condition which provides access to the most-liked upper
and lower body exercises would reduce much of the chance of fatigue. It
is important to note that despite the potential limitation of having
only a single option in the low-variety condition, no children
complained of being fatigued. In fact, one child performed a greater
number of repetitions in the low-variety condition than the high-variety
condition demonstrating the possibility of children to do so.
Furthermore, if fatigue was a factor in why children performed more
resistance training exercise in the high-variety condition, the results
would suggest that a wide variety of exercise options should be provided
in an effort to reduce fatigue and increase physical activity in a given
exercise session.
The results of this study are limited to the type of physical
activity performed. While monitoring total work performed will be more
difficult, future research should examine the effect that increasing the
variety of non-resistance training, physical activity options has on the
amount of physical activity children participate in.
In conclusion, to our knowledge this is the first controlled
laboratory study which sought to examine the basic effect of altering
the variety of exercise equipment on the amount of resistance training
exercise children perform. Children performed a greater number of
repetitions, lifted more weight and indicated greater liking during a
high-variety condition as compared to a low-variety condition. These
results support the hypothesis that increasing the variety of exercise
options may increase children's physical activity behavior. Future
research should consider including a middle-variety condition, utilizing
non-resistance training physical activity and attempt to assess the
level of fatigue after a high-variety and low-variety condition to
determine if the level of fatigue contributes to the greater amount of
activity children participate in during a high-variety condition. The
pro-behavioral effects of variety on physical activity in children may
have important clinical implications. Those designing interventions to
increase physical activity behavior in children should consider offering
a wide variety of options in an effort to increase both adherence, as
demonstrated previously in adults (Glaros & Janelle, 2001), and the
total amount of exercise performed per session. This may result in
greater physical activity participation during each session and greater
adherence to the exercise program.
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Author's Note
Funding Source: This work was supported by a grant from the School
of Exercise Leisure and Sport at Kent State University.
Jacob E. Barkley, Edward J. Ryan, David Bellar, and Matthew V.
Kent State University
James N. Roemmich
University at Buffalo
Address Correspondence to: James E. Barkley, School of Exercise
Leisure and Sport, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242. Phone: (330)
672-0209. Fax: (330) 672-2250. Email:
[email protected].