The effect of peer influence on exercise intensity and enjoyment during outdoor running in collegiate distance runners.
Carnes, Andrew J. ; Barkley, Jacob E.
While it is common for competitive athletes to train with teammates
or training partners and exercising with a partner is a widely
recommended method to increase exercise intensity and motivation
(Kravitz, 2011), experimental research on the potential effects of
exercising with others is limited. A number of studies on various
populations (Corbett, Barwood, Ouzounogluo, Thelwell, & Dicks, 2012;
Grindrod, Paton, Knez, & O'Brien, 2006; Plante et al., 2010;
Rhea, Landers, Alvar, & Arent, 2003; Rittenhouse, Salvy, &
Barkley, 2011; Salvy et ah, 2009; Williams, Nida, Baca, & Latane,
1989; Wilmore, 1968) suggest a positive effect of the presence of others
on physical activity behavior, which may be explained by the social
facilitation and self presentation theories of Zajonc (1965) and Bond
(1982). These theories respectively propose that physical performance is
enhanced in the presence of others as a means to "look good"
or project an image of competence. In athletes, the impact of the
presence of a peer on exercise behavior is equivocal and focuses
primarily on maximal performance in a competitive setting (Corbett et
al., 2012; Rhea et al., 2003; Williams et al., 1989; Wilmore, 1968).
Although competitive performance is the primary concern of athletes,
they perform a substantial amount of training at submaximal intensity,
yet the effect of a peer on submaximal exercise behavior in athletes has
been largely ignored.
Competitive distance runners are a suitable population in which to
observe the effect of the presence of peers on athletes' submaximal
training, as they frequently perform training runs with other runners
(Kolata, 2009) and train at variable intensities in a given week.
Current training philosophy (Daniels, 2005; Galloway, 2002; Martin &
Coe, 1999; Noakes, 2004) supports a work--recovery model characterized
by high intensity workout days followed by light to moderate intensity
"recovery" or "easy" days. Training sessions on such
"recovery" days are typically unstructured and allow runners
to voluntarily select a submaximal level of exertion (Daniels, 2005;
Galloway, 2002; Martin & Coe, 1999; Noakes, 2004).
Although runners and other athletes often train at submaximal
intensity, we are presently aware of only one preliminary study (Carnes
& Barkley, 2012), performed by our research group, that empirically
investigated how training in the presence of teammates or partners
affects athletes' submaximal training behavior. The study revealed
no effect of peer influence on running intensity or enjoyment (i.e.,
liking). However, this study had a significant limitation in that all
exercise was completed using treadmills. When running on adjacent
treadmills, as was the case in this previous study, runners remained
next to each other even when running different speeds, such that there
was no need to "keep up" with a partner or group. Furthermore,
the laboratory setting was anecdotally perceived as dull, with several
participants commenting about being "bored." It is possible
that any change in exercise liking caused by the presence of a peer was
obscured or negated by negative feelings about the dullness and boredom
of the laboratory environment. This was unsurprising as the runners in
this previous study indicated that they trained daily outdoors, where
running surfaces and surroundings change throughout the course of the
run--which was not the case in the laboratory environment.
To our knowledge, prior to our preliminary study on runners (Carnes
& Barkley, 2012), the impact of social interaction on this type of
"free choice" exercise format has only been assessed in
non-athlete adults (Grindrod et al., 2006; Plante et al., 2010) and
children (Rittenhouse et al., 2011; Salvy et al., 2009), in whom the
presence of others enhanced exercise behavior and/or liking. If a
similar effect occurs in runners who train with others, this could have
several possibly divergent implications: greater intensity during these
types of sessions could cumulatively result in enhanced fitness and
performance, while too great an increase in exercise intensity on
intended light training days could prohibit recovery and lead to
overtraining. In contrast, greater liking of training could help prevent
mental fatigue or "burnout" in the course of an arduous season
(Halson & Jeukendrup, 2004; Smith, Gustafsson, & Hassmen, 2010).
It is therefore warranted to elucidate the behavioral and psychological
effects of training with teammates and/or partners during unstructured
In the current study, we aimed to observe competitive male
collegiate distance runners during nonspecific, voluntarily-paced
training runs that coincided with their normal outdoor practice
sessions, providing greater ecological validity than our previous study
that used a laboratory setting and treadmills. The purpose of this
investigation was to empirically examine how running with a single
teammate or with a pair of teammates, relative to running alone, would
affect exercise intensity and liking during an outdoor, self-paced
training session in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
Division One male distance runners. We hypothesized that relative to
running alone, the presence of one or two additional teammates would
increase running speed and liking during an outdoor, submaximal,
voluntarily-paced run.
Twelve NCAA Division One male distance runners (20.5 [+ or -] 1.98
years old) participated in the current study. Participants were current
members of the university men's NCAA cross country team, or
recently graduated ([less than or equal to] 2 years post graduation)
team members who continued to train with the team. All participants were
healthy with no contraindications to physical activity and reported a
regular training volume of [greater than or equal to] 60 miles run x
[wk.sup.-1]. Participant characteristics are presented in Table 1. Prior
to participation, all participants provided written informed consent.
All study methods were approved by the university Institutional Review
Materials and Procedures
Each participant completed a baseline laboratory session and
subsequently completed three running trials under three different social
conditions (alone, with a peer, in a group of three total) in a
randomized order. Each trial was performed outdoors on a measured
asphalt foot and bicycle path that was closed to motor vehicles.
Participants reported to each experimental session in place of their
normal team practice session, on days when they were not assigned a
structured workout or race. Research personnel collaborated with the
head coach of the university cross country team to ensure that the
present study did not interfere with the runners' competitive
season, and that their runs on trial days were meant to be unstructured
and voluntarily paced. These considerations were followed in order to
replicate the participants' normal training as closely as possible.
Each running trial consisted of a self-paced 6.4 kilometer run, and all
trials were completed on the same measured portion of the trail.
Participants were instructed to run to the end of the path (3.2 km from
the starting point), turn around, and run back to the starting point
(6.4 km total). The distance of the experimental trials was selected to
replicate the participants' normal training, as both participants
and the team's coach stated that a common "recovery day"
run of approximately 4 miles (~6.4 km) was typical. This distance also
matched a section of the path that was flat, well marked, and free of
any road crossings. A researcher was stationed at the end of the path to
ensure participants' safety and that each participant reached the
turnaround point. The primary dependent variables in each trial were
average running speed, enjoyment (i.e., liking) of the run, and ratings
of perceived exertion (RPE) during the run. Experimental trials were
conducted as close to the same time of day as possible ([+ or -] 2
hours) for each participant and occurred between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM.
Ambient temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed were recorded at
the start of each session. All experimental sessions were completed in
temperatures between 5[degrees]C and 15[degrees]C, with wind speed below
7 m x [s.sup.-1] and no precipitation. Participants were not permitted
to wear personal music players or electronic timing or monitoring
devices during the trial.
Baseline session. For the initial session, participants reported to
the laboratory alone. Body mass was assessed to the nearest 0.2 kg and
height to the nearest 1.0 mm using a balance beam scale (Health O Meter,
Alsip, IL) and calibrated digital stadiometer (Charder Medical, Da Li
City, Taiwan, China) respectively. Participants then completed a 10
minute warm-up run on a treadmill (Quinton MedTrack CR60, Bothell, WA)
at a self selected pace in a climate neutral environment
(19-21[degrees]C, ~40% relative humidity). After warming up,
participants maintained their speed and the grade of the treadmill was
increased by 2.5% every two minutes until volitional exhaustion (Costill
& Fox, 1969). VO,, heart rate, and respiratory exchange ratio (RER)
were monitored throughout the test. Heart rate was monitored using a
downloadable telemetry monitor (RS800, Polar, Kempele, Finland). Expired
air was collected and analyzed to determine peak oxygen consumption (VO,
peak) using indirect calorimetry (True One 2400, ParvoMedics, Salt Lake
City, UT). Undifferentiated, whole-body RPE was obtained in the last 15
seconds of each stage using the validated Borg 6-20 RPE scale (Borg,
1982). A large RPE scale was held in front of the participant, who could
point at the number matching his perceived exertion. VO, peak was
recorded as the peak VO, in ml-kg'-min-1 achieved during the
progressive treadmill test.
Alone condition. The participant reported to the starting point
alone. The following instructions were given: "Today you are going
to complete a four mile run on the running path by yourself. You will
run two miles to the end point of the path, turn around, and return to
the starting point. This is not a test to see how fast you can go; treat
this as your normal unstructured training run on any day without a
structured 'workout'. There is no assigned pace or
intensity--you are free to run at any pace you choose and you may change
your pace at any time. Do not run with anyone you encounter on the path.
When you return, we will ask you some questions about your run. Do you
have any questions?" Elapsed time of the run was recorded in
minutes and seconds. Average speed was calculated in km x [hr.sup.-1] by
dividing the distance (6.4 km) by the elapsed time in hours (i.e., 30
minutes = 0.50 hours). Liking of each exercise session was assessed at
the conclusion of the run with a visual analog scale (VAS), consisting
of a continuous 100 millimeter line anchored by "do not like it at
all" on the left and "like it very much" on the right.
The participant was shown the scale and instructed to make a mark on the
line to indicate his level of enjoyment. The position of the mark was
measured in millimeters from the left anchor of the line, with a higher
millimeter measurement indicating greater liking. "Liking" or
"hedonics" is an affective rating of a behavior that, when
assessed in this manner, directly correlates with physical activity
participation (Craig, Goldberg, & Dietz, 1996; DiLorenzo,
Stucky-Ropp, Vander Wal, & Gotham, 1998; Motl et al., 2001; Roemmich
et ah, 2008). RPE (Borg, 1982) was also obtained at the conclusion of
the run. The participant was shown the RPE scale and asked to report his
average exertion throughout the course of the run.
Pair and group conditions. Two members (peer condition) or three
members (group condition) of the university men's cross country
team simultaneously completed the identical exercise trial described in
the alone condition. Prior to each pair and group trial, all
participants were asked privately about their relationship with any
running partner in their pair or group and universally identified each
partner as a friend and teammate. The same instructions were given as in
the alone condition, but included a statement regarding the participant:
"Today you will run together, and you may talk to one another if
you wish. However, this is not a race or competition. Do not run with
anyone else you encounter on the path." Measures were identical to
the alone condition. Each participant rated his liking on the visual
analog scale and reported his RPE in a private area separate from any
other participants.
Statistical Analyses
All statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS for Windows
(version 17.0, SPSS Inc, Evanston, IL) with an a-priori a level of [less
than or equal to] 0.05. Means and measures of variability (standard
deviation is reported in the text and all tables, standard error is
reported in the figures) were calculated for all physical
characteristics (height, body mass, age, V[O.sub.2] peak) and the
primary dependent variables (average speed, liking of the activity, and
RPE) for each social condition (alone, pair, group). Because all
individuals in the study were participants, there was interdependence
within each pair and group of participants who completed these peer
conditions together. Therefore, mixed-effects regression models were
utilized to examine all dependent variables over the three social
conditions. Mixed models assume that the data within participants are
dependent among the observations and can therefore be utilized to
analyze data such as these where interdependence must be accounted for
(Gibbons & Hedeker, 1994; Hedeker & Gibbons, 1994). The social
conditions and groups were dummy-coded as either 0 (alone), 1 (pair), or
2 (group of three). Separate models were performed for each of the
dependent variables (average speed, liking, perceived exertion). All
regression analyses utilized the following model:
Dependent variable = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1] (social condition)
Post-hoc paired t-tests were performed between social conditions
for any dependent variable which had a main effect of social condition.
Elapsed time (minutes), average speed (km x [hr.sup.1]), liking of
the activity (mm), and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) across social
conditions (alone, pair, group) are presented in Table 2. Mixed model
regression analysis revealed a significant main effect of condition
(alone, peer, group) for average speed, F(2,33) = 5.75, p = .008, and
liking, F(2,33) = 4.75, p = .016. Participants ran faster in the alone
condition (M = 14.61, SD = 1.35) than in the peer (M = 13.76, SD = 1.26)
or group (M = 13.68, SD = 1.81) conditions. Conversely, participants
enjoyed running in a group (M = 78.41, SD = 8.86) more than running
alone (M = 63.00, SD = 14.25), t(22) = 3.147, p = .005. There was a
trend toward greater liking, t(22) = 1.83, p = .08, in the group
condition than in the peer condition (M = 70.33, SD = 12.47 cm), but no
significant difference in liking between the alone and peer conditions
1(22) = 1.31, p = .202. Average speed and liking across social
conditions are presented in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively. There
was no main effect of condition on RPE (p = .53).
To our knowledge, this was the first study to empirically assess
the effect of the presence of a single and multiple teammates, versus
running alone, on the intensity and liking of outdoor running in
competitive male distance runners. Participants in the present study ran
significantly slower in pairs and in a group of three teammates total
relative to running alone, but reported greater liking when running in a
group. This conflicted with our hypothesis that exercising together with
one or two teammates would result in greater exercise intensity, but
supported our hypothesis that the presence of a teammate or teammates
would result in greater liking of the exercise session. Our hypotheses
were based on previous research in athlete (Corbett et al., 2012; Rhea
et al., 2003; Williams et al., 1989; Wilmore, 1968) and non-athlete
adults (Grindrod et al., 2006; Plante et al., 2010) and children
(Rittenhouse et al., 2011; Salvy et al., 2009) which showed increased
performance and/or physical activity behavior in the presence of others,
as well as studies on children showing that the presence of peers
increased the liking of physical activity (Craig et al., 1996; DiLorenzo
et al., 1998; Motl et al., 2001; Roemmich et al., 2008).
In athletes, studies on weightlifters (Rhea et al., 2003), swimmers
(Williams et al., 1989), and cyclists (Corbett et al., 2012; Wilmore,
1968) suggest that the presence of an audience or competition with other
athletes can improve performance, but a conflicting study on runners
(Bath et al., 2011) did not show the presence of another runner to
affect 5k running performance. Our study also focuses on competitive
athletes, but relates more closely to studies on adult non-athletes and
children which do not involve competition and instead consider how the
presence of others affects submaximal exercise. This question has not
been adequately addressed in the previous literature involving
competitive athletes, but is an important consideration as athletes
spend substantial time training at submaximal intensity. In non-athlete
adults, an unfamiliar single peer or a group of peers increased exercise
intensity during walking (Grindrod et al., 2006) and cycling (Plante et
al., 2010) exercise. Likewise, in studies on children the presence of a
peer increased the amount, intensity, and liking of physical activity,
as well as the motivation to be physically active, in a playground
environment (Rittenhouse et al., 2011) and during cycling (Salvy et al.,
2009) exercise. The present study is the first to observe competitive
athletes during a training session of light to moderate intensity in
order to examine how the presence of a single teammate or two other
teammates would affect their voluntary exercise intensity and their
liking of that session.
To our knowledge, it is also the first study to examine the effect
of the presence of a peer or peers on exercise behavior in athletes or
non-athletes that has reported that the presence of a peer(s) decreased
exercise intensity relative to an alone condition.
While participants ran slower in the pair or group of three
teammates conditions, they reported greater liking of running in a group
than running alone. Although we hypothesized that social facilitation
effects would encourage a greater exercise intensity in the presence of
teammates, several participants stated that during the alone condition
"I just wanted to get it done" when asked for any comments
regarding each trial--suggesting a negative affect in this condition
which may explain the faster speed when running alone. Furthermore, all
participants mutually indicated being both teammates and friends with
each person in their pair and group trials. Since we observed these
participants during a training session that was not meant to be
competitive or evaluative and all participants were friends with each
other, the desire to demonstrate competence--that is, an
individual's need for "self presentation" (Bond,
1982)--may have been lessened relative to running with someone
unfamiliar. In studies on non-athlete adults that showed an increase in
physical activity in the presence of others (Grindrod et al., 2006;
Plante et al., 2010), subjects were not familiar with the other
exercisers. In the current study, participants running with their
teammates may have likened the training session to an enjoyable
activity, possibly causing them to slow down and not rush to complete
the session. Conversely, participants may have run faster when they were
alone because this condition was less enjoyable and they wished to
finish it as quickly as possible. In addition, Latane's
"social loafing" theory (Karau & Williams, 1995) adds
another possible explanation for slower running speed in the group
condition. Although runners in the present study were not contributing
to a competitive task requiring input from each individual to complete,
such as a relay, the combination of participating in a group and a lack
of pressure from the other group members being friends may have lessened
participants' sense of personal accountability and thus promoted a
reduced running effort.
While the results of the present study were unexpected, they still
have potentially important implications. When predicting that training
with others could lead to increased exercise intensity, we believed that
such an effect could result in a cumulatively greater workload and
ultimately enhance performance. However, in order to allow recovery and
build aerobic endurance, prominent distance running coaches (Daniels,
2005; Galloway, 2002; Martin & Coe, 1999; Noakes, 2004) recommend
that specific, high intensity training days be separated by
unstructured, light intensity "easy days", usually performed
at 50-75% of maximum heart rate (Daniels, 2005). For competitive runners
who commonly have a tendency to inadequately vary their training
intensity (Sallade & Koch, 1992), running with teammates/friends
during sessions intended to be at light to moderate intensity could
prevent overexertion in such sessions and thus prevent overtraining or
injury. Furthermore, some research suggests that increasing exercise
enjoyment (i.e., liking) may promote exercise adherence (Hagberg,
Lindahl, Nyberg, & Hellenius, 2009) and prevent psychological
burnout (Lemyre, Hall, & Roberts, 2007; Smith et al., 2010).
Conversely, runners could reduce their fitness gains if the presence of
teammates causes them to run too slowly during unstructured, submaximal
running sessions.
The present study does have limitations that should be addressed in
future empirical research on the effects of peer influence on exercise
behavior in athletes and non-athletes. The study sample size was small
(N = 12) due to a limited number of participants on the cross country
team being observed. However, a post hoc power analysis showed that this
sample size (N = 12) yielded adequate power ([greater than or equal to]
0.81) to reject the null hypothesis for average speed and liking. All
participants were highly trained and competitive athletes accustomed to
a high training volume and frequency. Therefore, observations in this
study may not be applicable to general populations who exercise with a
partner. Instead these results are to be generalized only to competitive
athletes. Additionally, participants in each pair and group mutually
indicated being friends with each other, which precludes the present
study addressing the potential effect of exercising with an unfamiliar
peer on exercise intensity and liking. The distance of the run was also
held constant, which did not allow us to make inferences about the
potential for the greater enjoyment observed in the group running
condition to encourage the increased distance of a run. Runners were
observed only for a single training session in each social condition,
but varying fatigue from workouts or races may present another factor
which could acutely impact the voluntary intensity of unstructured
running sessions. Lastly, the present study observed only male subjects.
Because of possible gender differences in the effect of social influence
on physical activity (King, Blair, Bild, & Dishman, 1992), females
may respond differently to an exercise partner or group. To address
these concerns, future studies should include non-athlete adults and
recreational athletes of both sexes, test the effect of an unfamiliar
peer on exercise intensity and liking, and consider the possibility for
social facilitation to affect not only exercise intensity and liking,
but duration as well. Future research may also consider tracking runners
longitudinally in different social environments to determine if
regularly training in the presence of others has an effect on cumulative
training volume or intensity over a period of weeks or months.
The purpose of this investigation study was to determine if,
relative to an alone condition, exercising with a familiar peer or in a
group of familiar peers affects average running speed and/or liking of
the exercise bout during a self-paced outdoor run in a sample of
competitive male collegiate distance runners. The presence of peers,
relative to the alone condition, increased participants' reported
level of liking of the exercise bout. Greater liking could potentially
increase exercise behavior and/or reduce perceptions of burnout.
However, contrary to the hypothesis, both peer conditions reduced
average running speed in this group of athletes. A reduced submaximal
running speed in the presence of teammates could potentially be
beneficial if it prevents overexertion during light intensity sessions,
but could also lessen aerobic development if submaximal runs are
performed too slowly. As all participants were friends, more research is
needed to determine if the presence of an unfamiliar peer will have a
different effect on exercise behavior. Female participants and
recreational exercisers may also have different responses to exercise
with a peer.
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Andrew J. Carnes
Bellarmine University
Jacob E. Barkley
Kent State University
Address Correspondence to: Andrew J. Carnes Bellarmine University.
2001 Newburg Road, Louisville KY 40205. Email:
[email protected].
Table 1
Participant Characteristics
Age (yr) 20.5 [+ or -] 0.57
Body Mass (kg) 69.3 [+ or -] 2.14
Height (cm) 179.8 [+ or -] 1.85
V[O.sub.2] Max (ml x [kg.sup.-1] x [min.sup.-1]) 73.3 [+ or -] 5.73
Values are reported as means [+ or -] SD, N = 12
Table 2
Elapsed Time, Average Speed, Liking, and RPE Across Social Conditions
Alone Peer
Elapsed Time (min) * 26.4 [+ or -] 1.35 28.0 [+ or -] 1.26
Speed (km-[hr.sup.-1]) * 14.6 [+ or -] 1.35 13.7 [+ or -] 1.26
Perceived exertion 11.0 [+ or -] 1.50 10.0 [+ or -] 1.13
Liking (mm) * 63.0 [+ or -] 14.24 70.3 [+ or -] 3.59
Elapsed Time (min) * 28.3 [+ or -] 1.80
Speed (km-[hr.sup.-1]) * 13.6 [+ or -] 1.81
Perceived exertion 11.5 [+ or -] 2.19
Liking (mm) * 78.4 [+ or -] 8.85
Values are reported as means [+ or -] SD, N = 12. * Significant
difference between social conditions (p < 0.016).