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  • 标题:What does volume reveal: a study of the Indian single stock futures market.
  • 作者:Martins, Renato Alas ; Singh, Harminder ; Bhattacharya, Sukanto
  • 期刊名称:Indian Journal of Economics and Business
  • 印刷版ISSN:0972-5784
  • 出版年度:2012
  • 期号:August
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Indian Journal of Economics and Business
  • 摘要:A single stock future is a relatively new type of exchange-traded derivative that has become popular in some of the emerging financial markets. In order to uncover any information effect of trading volume, a cogent question to ask is whether a relationship exists between the volume of trade on the underlying stock and the number of its single stock futures contracts traded. In this paper we have explored the bivariate relationship between trading volume of some of the most liquid individual stocks as well as the single stock futures traded on those stocks in the fast emerging Indian market. Our findings indicate that a significant relationship exists between the trading volumes of the straight stocks and the single stock futures on them.
  • 关键词:Financial futures;Stock markets

What does volume reveal: a study of the Indian single stock futures market.

Martins, Renato Alas ; Singh, Harminder ; Bhattacharya, Sukanto 等


A single stock future is a relatively new type of exchange-traded derivative that has become popular in some of the emerging financial markets. In order to uncover any information effect of trading volume, a cogent question to ask is whether a relationship exists between the volume of trade on the underlying stock and the number of its single stock futures contracts traded. In this paper we have explored the bivariate relationship between trading volume of some of the most liquid individual stocks as well as the single stock futures traded on those stocks in the fast emerging Indian market. Our findings indicate that a significant relationship exists between the trading volumes of the straight stocks and the single stock futures on them.

JEL classification: G11; G12

Keywords: Single stock futures; information effect of volume; Indian financial market


The contemporaneous relation between stock prices and trading volume is reasonably well documented in finance literature. Volume is a useful tool in determining the extent of price disagreement that exists post-arrival of new information. Saatcioglu and Starks (1998) suggested that when volume is relatively heavy in bullish markets and relatively light in bearish markets, it can make the stock prices move. More recently, Gunduz and Hatemi-J (2005) empirically tested the relationship between volume and absolute price change and between volume and price change per se and found mixed results. In particular, chartists and technical analysts have been well-known for their interest in volume, which presumably conveys valuable information about future price movements. Intensive trading volume can help to identify the periods in which either allocational or informational shocks occur and thus can provide valuable information to market observers about future price movements of the stock (Llorente et al, 2002). Of the several factors affecting trading volume, the one which correlates the most to the fundamental valuation of the security is the arrival of new information. Volume is useful in determining if a price change was due to any information effects, and also whether investor interpretations of information are consistent (Sun, 2003).

However the study of price-volume relationship has so far been largely limited to straight stocks--the use of spot trading volume as a predictor of single stock futures trading volume has not been studied much. Futures markets not only provide an important vehicle for price discovery but they also offer an alternative way to take equity positions. Therefore the existence or otherwise of an inter-relationship between the trading volumes in both markets (spot and futures) yields a research question that's worthy of a rigorous empirical exploration.

It is well known that price variability affects trading volume in futures contracts. This interaction determines whether speculation is a stabilizing or destabilizing factor on futures prices. The time to delivery of a futures contract affects the volume of trading, and possibly also the price (Sun, 2003). Though in case of our study this doesn't seem plausible as the Indian single stock futures are not deliverable contracts, rather they are cash settled either at before the expiry. The efficient market hypothesis predicts that trading volume should not have any predictive power for asset returns beyond an appropriate measure of risk. However an important question is whether the spot trading volume on straight stocks has any predictive power in explaining changes in the trading volume of the single stock futures on those stocks.

In this paper we look at the price-volume relation for single stock futures in the fast emerging Indian financial market. Although previous studies have some important implications for causal relations between trading volume and stock returns, there are not many rigorous empirical studies of causal relations between volume and returns of spot market as well as of single stock futures market to confirm or reject these implications. The information flow in an emerging market like India is not equivalent to the information flow in the more developed markets due to significant cross-market institutional differences (Agarwal et al., 1993; Barry and Lockwood, 1995).

The main contribution of our paper is to understand and explore the existence or otherwise of a relation between trading volumes (and returns) in spot and single stock futures market in India. Our results indicate that while there is no strong evidence of spot trading volume affecting returns in the Indian market, there is nevertheless a strong support for the view that it does affect the number of single stock futures traded thus contributing to futures market activity. Our paper is organized as follows: the first section presents an overview of literature, the second provides an overview of Indian stock futures market, the third provides data and methodology, the fourth discusses the major results and then the last one concludes.


Schwert (1990) argued that volume induces price changes because of a common belief in price persistence which results in many investors wishing to trade in the same direction when there is a price movement. This "herd" mentality becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as the increased trading exacerbates the change in price which in turn influences more investors to trade in the same direction. Informed traders will transact when new information, both public and private, becomes available (however, since trading based on private information is difficult to identify, volume has generally been examined in the context of public information). Using daily, weekly, and monthly series of different indices in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Tse (1991) reported mixed results for the relations between volume and returns. Harris and Raviv (1993) and Shalen (1993) showed that large trading volume is related to large subsequent absolute price changes i.e. high volatility. Wang (1994) analyzed the dynamic relationship between volume and returns in presence of information asymmetry. He showed that volume may provide information about expected future returns. Campbell et al. (1993) concluded that price changes accompanied by relatively high volume will tend to be reversed but this will be less true for price changes occurring on days when the volume of trading is relatively low.

Blume et al. (1994) presented a model where traders 'learned' valuable information about a security by observing both past price and past volume information. While examining the stock price-volume relation in a set of Latin American markets, Saatcioglu and Starks, (1998) observed a clear positive relation for the first time between volume and both the magnitude of price change and the price change itself. However, using VAR analysis and testing for Granger causality, they failed to find evidence of such a price-volume relationship.

Chordia and Swaminathan (2000) concluded that the returns of stocks with high trading volume lead returns of stocks with low trading volume primarily because the high volume stocks adjust faster to market wide information. This is consistent with the idea that trading volume plays a significant role in the dissemination of market-wide information. Lee and Rui (2000) found that trading volume did not Granger-cause stock returns on any of the four Chinese stock markets. Gervais et al. (2001) found that stocks experiencing unusually high (low) trading volume over a day or a week tend to appreciate (depreciate) over the course of the following month. They further argue that this high-volume return premium is consistent with the idea that shocks in the trading activity of a stock affect its visibility, and in turn the subsequent demand and price for that stock. In a multi-country study Chen et al. (2001) found a positive correlation between trading volume and the absolute value of the stock price change--their results indicate that trading volume contributes some information to the returns process. Repeating their earlier study, Lee and Rui (2002) found that trading volume did not Granger-cause stock returns on the New York, Tokyo and London markets.

However, all the above-reported studies looked at the information effect of volume in the stock market--none of them explored the volume-volume relationship between an underlying stock and its derivative. Back (1993) argued that volume of trade in derivatives versus volume of trade in their underlying assets may convey different information. Blume et al. (1994) showed that option trading volume provides evidence regarding the quality of information that cannot be deduced from prices alone. Subsequently, Kraus and Smith (1996) suggested that trading in derivatives can alter the equilibrium in markets for underlying securities either by reducing the information asymmetry or by allowing investors to conjecture additional uncertainty about the future prices of underlying securities. Further, from an options point of view, Easley, O'hara, and Srinivas (1998) documented that trading volume on options has predictive power on future returns. However, only positive option volume (buy call, sell put) were observed to predict rises in stock prices, and only negative option volume (sell call, buy put) predicted falls in stock prices. Pan and Poteshman (2006) also similarly showed that signed option volume provides information about stock returns.

Specifically on single stock futures, McKenzie and Brooks (2003) analyzed the single stock futures market of Hong Kong. Their empirical analysis of information flows proxied by spot market volume and stock futures volume provides evidence that suggests that it is not the arrival of news to the market which motivates derivatives trading. Our paper is largely motivated by the one by McKenzie and Brooks (2003) and also uses a comparable approach.


India has the oldest stock market amongst the developing market- Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), which was established in 1875. There are two major stock exchanges in India-BSE and NSE (National Stock Exchange of India), the latter was recognised as a stock exchange in April, 1993. Especially, BSE is the world's largest in terms of the number of listed companies (BSE, 20091). India is one of the strongest emerging economies in terms of a market for exchange-traded derivatives with wholesome characteristics like nationwide access, anonymous electronic trading, and a developed retail market. India's tryst with equity derivatives began in the year 2000 on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). Trading first commenced in Index futures contracts, followed by index options in June 2001, options in individual stocks in July 2001 and futures on single stocks in November 2001. Since then, derivatives in India have come a long way--NSE derivatives turnover increasing from Rs. 23,654 million (US$ 207 million) in 2000-01 to Rs. 110,104,821 million (US$2,161 billion) (2) in 2008-09.

In particular, India is among the few countries where trading in single stock futures has shown a tremendous upward trend. Single stock futures on NSE are traded in monthly series; the expiration date for each series being the last Thursday of the month. At any point in time, three monthly series (current month expiry, two month and three month expiry) are traded side by side. These contracts are spot settled and can be exercised either at or before expiration. The stock selection criteria for derivatives trading in India ensure that the stock is of a large firm in terms of market capitalization and turnover; and has sufficient liquidity in the underlying market with no adverse issues related to market manipulation. Like elsewhere in the world, the major factors that have been driving the growth of financial derivatives in India are increased volatility in asset returns in the financial markets; increased integration of national financial markets with international markets; and the development of more sophisticated risk management tools that provide economic agents with a much wider choice of risk management strategies that can be tailored to fit their 'risk control budgets'. The single stock futures provides a unique set up that may help in understanding the role of information in both spot as well as futures contracts in the context of the Indian market. As entering into a short position in single stock futures is as convenient as acquiring a long position, the introduction of single stock futures reduces, if not eliminates, the short-selling constraints that are faced by traders wanting to short the underlying stock. Another advantage is that it affords investors greater leverage as futures contracts require less up-front capital.

In terms of number of single stock futures contracts traded in 2007 and 2008, NSE held the second position worldwide during both these years. These rankings are shown in Fig. 1 below [Source: World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) Annual Report and Statistics 2008]:



We use a sample of sixteen most liquid stocks trading on the NSE since November 2001. The main sample for this study is the daily returns of these sixteen stock futures and the returns of their underlying stocks in the spot market. The stock futures series analyzed here uses data on the near month contracts as they carry the highest trading volume. January 2003 to December 2007 constitutes our overall sample window, which gives us slightly less than 1500 data points. Our intension was to specifically capture the goings-on prior to the global financial crisis (GFC) as we wanted to draw parallels with the results of the precedent study on the Hong Kong market that was done by McKenzie and Brooks (2003) with pre-GFC data. To take care of any potential expiration effects in the sample, the stock futures contracts are rolled over to the next month contract on two days prior to their respective expiry date which effectively transform them into 'perpetual securities' like straight stocks. We also looked for trends and seasonality components in our data series (not reported here for brevity), but did not find any evidence of trend or seasonality in the data in our specified time window.

Four separate Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression models (model specifics furnished below) were considered in order to test the significance of relationships between spot volume and returns and also between spot volume and number of single stock futures contracts traded after appropriately adjusting the data for stock splits and bonus issues, if any, in the sample time window. The first two models concern the spot trading volumes and returns while the last two models concern spot and futures volumes. These are stated below:

Model I: Percentage daily returns regressed on lagged trading volume

[R.sub.t] = [a.sub.l] + [b.sub.l] [V.sub.t-1] + [epsilon] (i)

Model II: Change in percentage daily returns regressed on change in lagged trading volume

[DELTA][R.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.II] + [[beta].sub.II] [DELTA][V.sub.t-1] (ii)

Model III: Number of futures contracts traded regressed on lagged volume in the spot market

[DELTA][[eta].sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.III] + [[beta].sub.III] [V.sub.t-1] + [epsilon] (iii)

Model IV: Change in number of futures contracts traded regressed on change in lagged spot volume

[DELTA][[eta].sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.IV] + [[beta].sub.IV] [DELTA][V.sub.t-1] + [epsilon] (iv)

The first-difference models (ii) and (iv) were only intended to counter presence of any positive serial correlation indicated by the Durbin-Watson (DW) statistic shown in each case.


After running the first OLS model, only two of the sixteen companies in the sample showed up an evidence of a relationship between spot returns and volume that was statistically significant at the 5% level (one of these was actually significant at the 1% level). None of these two companies had reported a stock split or bonus issue inside the sample time window. This indicates that volume information is pretty well-incorporated in the stock prices i.e. the Indian stock market appears to be generally efficient with respect to past volume information.

As none of the DW statistics was significantly less than 2; no positive serial correlation was evident and hence the second model was not run as it was deemed superfluous in this case.

When the third OLS model was run, fifteen of the sixteen companies in the sample showed up a strong relationship (statistically significant at the 1% level) between the spot market volume and the number of single futures contract traded (in both pre-split as well as post-split phases for those that had stock splits). For the remaining one company this relationship was statistically significant at the 5% level pre-split and at 10% level post-split.

As the DW statistic was significantly less than two for most of the results, the fourth model with first differences was run. When the fourth OLS model was run, all the eight companies that did not have a stock split or bonus issue in the sample time window showed up a strong evidence of a relationship between change in spot market volume and change in the number of single stock futures traded (all statistically significant at 1% level). Seven of the remaining eight companies showed up a strong evidence of a relationship between change in spot market volume and change in the number of single stock futures traded (all statistically significant at 1% level) in the pre-split phase but this significance disappeared in the post-split phase in three of them. In the remaining four, the significance was reduced to 5% level in the post-split phase. For the remaining one company this relationship was seen to be statistically significant at the 5% level pre-split and became insignificant post-split. None of the DW statistics was observed to be significantly less than 2; indicating that any issues with positive serial correlation had been successfully accounted for via the use of first differences.

An interesting observation is that although they are mostly significant in either case, the sign of the slope term changes from positive (using original data) to negative (using first differences), which is attributable to the mechanics of de-trending that occurs due to the use of first differences. Our results show that past volume is at best a questionable predictor of stock returns in the Indian market, indicating that the market is at least weakly price-efficient for straight stocks. However these results also indicate the presence of a strong relation between the trading volume of the straight stocks and that of the relevant single stock futures.

Although the slope terms in our OLS results are mostly very significant, we stop short of saying that a high volume of trade on the underlying stock drives the volume of trade in the corresponding single stock future as we have not tested for causality in this paper and therefore cannot draw any inferences as to the causal direction in what looks to be a strong bivariate relation. But all in all, if information on the volume of trade in the spot market is a proxy for the arrival of news in the stock futures market, then it is evident from our results that such information affects the stock futures trading volume in India; unlike the lack of evidence to that effect in the Hong Kong market reported by McKenzie and Brooks (2003).


It has been an open question for some time whether a significant relationship exists between volume of trade and observed market price movements of a financial asset. Taking volume of trade to be a proxy for arrival of new information, we have empirically explored whether it significantly affects the returns (or change in returns) in the spot market for a stock as well as the number of single stock futures traded on such stock (or change in that number). Our results indicate that while there is no strong evidence of spot trading volume affecting stock returns in the Indian market indicating weak price-efficiency, there is nevertheless evidence that it affects the volume of stock futures traded and so contributes to futures market activity.


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(1.) http://www.bseindia.com/about/introbse.asp, retrieved October 18, 2009.

(2.) http://www.nse-india.com/content/us/ismr2009ch7.pdf.

RENATO ALAS MARTINS, School of Business, Bond University, QLD 4229, Australia

HARMINDER SINGH, School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Deakin University, VIC 3125, Australia

SUKANTO BHATTACHARYA, Deakin Graduate School of Business, Deakin University, VIC 3125, Australia, E-mail: [email protected]
Table I
OLS Outputs for Lagged Volume vs. Percentage Daily Returns

                    No. of
              observations   [R.sup.2]      Slope   t-stat    p-value

ACC                   1461       0.001   -0.00002   -0.034      0.973
Bajaj                 1483       0.010   -0.01307   -4.045   0.000 **
BPCL                  1483       0.003   -0.00161   -2.423   0.016 **
Grasim                1482       0.001    0.00434    1.481      0.139
Hind Petro            1483       0.000   -0.00028   -0.664      0.506
MTNL                  1482       0.000    0.00034    0.868      0.385
SBIN                  1483       0.002   -0.00063   -1.985   0.047 **
Tata Power            1482       0.000   -0.00042   -0.643      0.520
Dr. Reddy's           1172       0.001   -0.00360   -1.045      0.296
                       310       0.000    0.00050    0.200      0.842
Guj. Ambuja            874       0.000   -0.00062   -0.544      0.587
                       520       0.002   -0.00031   -1.073      0.284
HDFC                   237       0.004    0.01758    0.911      0.363
                      1245       0.000    0.00028    0.194      0.846
ITC                    938       0.000    0.00113    0.469      0.639
                       543       0.001   -0.00020   -0.807      0.420
Mahindra               924       0.001    0.00068    0.742      0.458
                       556       0.000   -0.00003   -0.014      0.989
Satyam                1200       0.000    0.00002    0.142      0.887
                       279       0.001   -0.00035   -0.403      0.687
Cipla                  593       0.000    0.01012    1.057      0.291
                       486       0.001   -0.00115   -0.822      0.411
                       400       0.001   -0.00048   -0.614      0.539
Infosys                628       0.000    0.00105    0.319      0.750
                       510       0.002    0.00154    1.020      0.308
                       340       0.001    0.00048    0.369      0.712

                    No. of          DW    Pre/Post split
              observations   statistic

ACC                   1461       1.942   --
Bajaj                 1483       1.945   --
BPCL                  1483       1.937   --
Grasim                1482       1.980   --
Hind Petro            1483       1.869   --
MTNL                  1482       1.865   --
SBIN                  1483       1.908   --
Tata Power            1482       1.827   --
Dr. Reddy's           1172       1.983   Pre-split
                       310       2.013   Post (1st split)
Guj. Ambuja            874       1.946   Pre-split
                       520       2.001   Post (1st split)
HDFC                   237       2.246   Pre-split
                      1245       2.018   Post (1st split)
ITC                    938       2.030   Pre-split
                       543       2.012   Post (1st split)
Mahindra               924       1.832   Pre-split
                       556       1.880   Post (1st split)
Satyam                1200       2.005   Pre-split
                       279       2.085   Post (1st split)
Cipla                  593       1.893   Pre-split
                       486       1.778   Post (1st split)
                       400       1.905   Post (2nd split)
Infosys                628       1.895   Pre-split
                       510       1.962   Post (1st split)
                       340       2.081   Post (2nd split)

Table II
OLS Outputs for Lagged Volume (Independent Variable) vs. Number of SF
Contracts Traded (Dependent Variable)

                     No. of
               observations   [R.sup.2]     Slope   t-stat     p-value

ACC                    1461       0.114   1.06057   13.700   0.000 ***
Bajaj                  1483       0.146   5.67811   15.937   0.000 ***
BPCL                   1483       0.231   0.49858   21.113   0.000 ***
Grasim                 1482       0.044   1.62978    8.285   0.000 ***
Hind Petro             1483       0.253   0.54882   22.420   0.000 ***
MTNL                   1482       0.311   1.10178   25.874   0.000 ***
SBIN                   1483       0.022   0.70206    5.826   0.000 ***
Tata Power             1482       0.411   1.50841   32.108   0.000 ***
Dr. Reddy's            1172       0.088   1.70565   10.596   0.000 ***
                        310       0.095   1.44665    5.674   0.000 ***
Guj. Ambuja             874       0.433   1.83218   25.831   0.000 ***
                        520       0.169   0.36305   10.269   0.000 ***
HDFC                    237       0.068   0.07211    4.137   0.000 ***
                       1245       0.102   0.65073   11.873   0.000 ***
ITC                     938       0.066   1.40530    8.151   0.000 ***
                        543       0.038   0.13152    4.619   0.000 ***
Mahindra                924       0.308   1.20308   20.261   0.000 ***
                        556       0.022   0.61748    3.511   0.000 ***
Satyam                 1200       0.004   0.04520    2.302    0.022 **
                        279       0.011   0.24474    1.722     0.086 *
Cipla                   593       0.393   4.06349   19.563   0.000 ***
                        486       0.220   1.47501   11.688   0.000 ***
                        400       0.088   0.34521    6.200   0.000 ***
Infosys                 628       0.134   3.09750    9.849   0.000 ***
                        510       0.020   1.53059    3.247   0.001 ***
                        340       0.064   2.62408    4.808   0.000 ***

                     No. of          DW
               observations   statistic   Pre/Post split

ACC                    1461       0.734   --
Bajaj                  1483       0.992   --
BPCL                   1483       1.460   --
Grasim                 1482       0.547   --
Hind Petro             1483       1.375   --
MTNL                   1482       0.959   --
SBIN                   1483       0.517   --
Tata Power             1482       1.038   --
Dr. Reddy's            1172       1.027   Pre-split
                        310       1.105   Post (1st split)
Guj. Ambuja             874       1.780   Pre-split
                        520       0.837   Post (1st split)
HDFC                    237       1.079   Pre-split
                       1245       0.607   Post (1st split)
ITC                     938       1.068   Pre-split
                        543       1.267   Post (1st split)
Mahindra                924       1.032   Pre-split
                        556       0.995   Post (1st split)
Satyam                 1200       0.929   Pre-split
                        279       0.183   Post (1st split)
Cipla                   593       0.044   Pre-split
                        486       1.126   Post (1st split)
                        400       0.981   Post (2nd split)
Infosys                 628       1.209   Pre-split
                        510       1.071   Post (1st split)
                        340       0.979   Post (2nd split)

Table III
OLS Outputs for A Lagged Volume vs. D Number of SF Contracts Traded

                    No. of
              observations    [R.sup.2]        Slope    t-stat

ACC                    1460       0.060   -789.19187    -9.659
Bajaj                  1482       0.012     -0.02527    -4.221
BPCL                   1482       0.040     -0.02337    -7.913
Grasim                 1481       0.009     -0.01756    -3.732
Hind Petro             1482       0.028     -0.20354    -6.575
MTNL                   1481       0.006   -127.99278    -3.046
SBIN                   1482       0.026     -0.74904    -6.248
Tata Power             1481       0.048     -0.55314    -8.630
Dr. Reddy's            1171       0.025     -0.77192    -5.519
                        309       0.003     -0.21843    -0.889
Guj. Ambuja             873       0.110     -0.83722   -10.398
                        519       0.012     -0.07560    -2.535
HDFC                    236       0.019    -29.04620    -2.106
                       1244       0.001      0.03812     1.315
ITC                     937       0.068     -1.17213    -8.232
                        542       0.000     -0.01439    -0.455
Mahindra                923       0.062     -0.46487    -7.793
                        555       0.004     -0.22226    -1.403
Satyam                 1199       0.022     -0.16206    -5.180
                        278       0.001     -0.04868    -0.387
Cipla                   592       0.026     -0.75473    -3.944
                        485       0.017     -0.36260    -2.899
                        399       0.016     -0.11556    -2.526
Infosys                 627       0.084     -2.47897    -7.569
                        509       0.012     -1.09545    -2.480
                        339       0.022     -1.31903    -2.770

                    No. of                      DW
              observations     p-value    statistic    Pre /Post split

ACC                    1460   0.000 ***       2.461   --
Bajaj                  1482   0.000 ***       1.924   --
BPCL                   1482   0.000 ***       2.431   --
Grasim                 1481   0.000 ***       2.714   --
Hind Petro             1482   0.000 ***       2.404   --
MTNL                   1481   0.002 ***       2.601   --
SBIN                   1482   0.000 ***       2.782   --
Tata Power             1481   0.000 ***       2.458   --
Dr. Reddy's            1171   0.000 ***       2.595   Pre-split
                        309       0.375       2.699   Post (1st split)
Guj. Ambuja             873   0.000 ***       2.369   Pre-split
                        519    0.012 **       2.646   Post (1st split)
HDFC                    236    0.036 **       2.574   Pre-split
                       1244       0.189       2.760   Post (1st split)
ITC                     937    0.000 **       2.626   Pre-split
                        542       0.649       2.870   Post (1st split)
Mahindra                923   0.000 ***       2.457   Pre-split
                        555       0.161       2.599   Post (1st split)
Satyam                 1199   0.000 ***       2.589   Pre-split
                        278       0.699       2.635   Post (1st split)
Cipla                   592   0.000 ***       2.208   Pre-split
                        485   0.004 ***       2.677   Post (1st split)
                        399    0.012 **       2.709   Post (2nd split)
Infosys                 627   0.000 ***       2.357   Pre-split
                        509    0.013 **       2.625   Post (1st split)
                        339   0.006 ***       2.737   Post (2nd split)