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  • 标题:Upsurge of chlamydial reinfection in a large Canadian City: an indication of suboptimal Chlamydia screening practices?
  • 作者:Genereux, Melissa ; Leclerc, Pascale ; Bedard, Lucie
  • 期刊名称:Canadian Journal of Public Health
  • 印刷版ISSN:0008-4263
  • 出版年度:2010
  • 期号:September
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Canadian Public Health Association
  • 摘要:Updated in 2008, the Canadian Guidelines on STI are a valuable resource for clinical and public health professionals. (7) Several recommendations have been proposed to prevent CR, including 1) more intensive screening of young males, thought to be hidden reservoirs for reinfection of partners, and 2) repeat screening of all individuals with genital chlamydia six months post-treatment. (7,8)
  • 关键词:Chlamydia;Chlamydia infections;Infection;Medical research;Medicine, Experimental;Public health

Upsurge of chlamydial reinfection in a large Canadian City: an indication of suboptimal Chlamydia screening practices?

Genereux, Melissa ; Leclerc, Pascale ; Bedard, Lucie 等

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), particularly chlamydia, pose a serious threat to the health of Canadians and strain health care resources. (1-3) Chlamydial reinfections (CR) may significantly add to the existing burden. Indeed, relative to a single infection, recurrent Chlamydia infections have been demonstrated to increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy, pelvic disease (4) and female infertility. (5,6) Moreover, CR may be responsible for maintaining endemic rates of chlamydial infection. Finally, CR, a marker of persistent risk-taking, reflects the effectiveness of the STI prevention and management and therefore constitutes a useful monitoring indicator.

Updated in 2008, the Canadian Guidelines on STI are a valuable resource for clinical and public health professionals. (7) Several recommendations have been proposed to prevent CR, including 1) more intensive screening of young males, thought to be hidden reservoirs for reinfection of partners, and 2) repeat screening of all individuals with genital chlamydia six months post-treatment. (7,8)

Although CR is routinely observed in clinical practice, we know little about its frequency and distribution in Canada. Our knowledge lags behind in comparison with the United States, where several studies on CR have been conducted over the past years. (9-23) We have found only one published Canadian study that reported a high (i.e., 10%) and increasing CR rate among persons 15-50 years living in the greater Vancouver area passively followed for a 14-year period (1989-2003). (24) Given the scarcity of data on this silent epidemic in Canada, our goal in the present study was to determine the extent and main predictors of CR in a large Canadian city using a population database of individuals diagnosed at least once with chlamydial infection. We were particularly interested in examining the temporal trends of CR to stimulate critical reflection about current STI prevention practices.



The study was conducted on the Island of Montreal from 1988 to 2007. The 2006 census enumerated 1.9 million inhabitants in Montreal. In 2003, the island's health services were divided into 12 Health and Social Services Centres responsible for promoting health and well-being within a given territory. To assess the intra-urban spatial variation of CR, we merged the 12 Centres into four geographic sectors --South Central, North Central, East and West (see Figure 1).



For the past two decades in the province of Quebec, it has been mandatory for laboratories and physicians to report all cases of chlamydial infection to regional public health departments (PHD). Data were extracted from the regional Maladies a declaration obligatoire (MADO) registry. The registry stores data on all reportable diseases and minimally provides, for each episode reported, a unique identification number (i.e., personal identifier based on name, birth date and residential address) as well as the socio-demographic characteristics and residential address of the individual affected, the diagnosis and report date.

Study population

We performed a longitudinal analysis of all persons >10 years old (at the time of their first diagnosis) with at least one laboratory-confirmed chlamydial infection reported to the PHD from October 1988 (date of implementation of the reportable disease database) to the end of 2007. Entry into the study was defined as an Island of Montreal resident's date of first notification of chlamydial infection during the study period. The sample included 44,580 individuals.


CR was defined as a chlamydial infection reported 60 to 730 days (two years) following a first infection for the same individual during the study period. Only the first reinfection, in case of multiple reinfections, was considered. For each subject, passive follow-up ended at the first of the following events: 1) reinfection, 2) December 31, 2007 (end of study period), or 3) end of the two-year period since entry. As clearly demonstrated elsewhere, most repeated chlamydial infections, particularly those diagnosed several weeks after initial diagnosis, are reinfections (i.e., new incident infections) rather than persistence without treatment or with treatment failure. (25) However, since many recent studies observed that most CR occur within two years, follow-up was limited to two years after initial infection to increase the number of CR identified while reducing the probability of loss to follow-up due to death or emi gration. (17,22,23,25)

The following baseline characteristics were investigated as potential predictors of CR: sex, age, year, geographic sector, and history of other notifiable diseases including other STIs, enteric infections and vaccine-preventable infections (see Table 1 for details about infections included in each category). Continuous variables (age and year) were categorized using clinically relevant cut-offs. We created six age groups: 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-39, and [greater than or equal to] 40 years. Dates of initial chlamydial infection were categorized as follows: 1988-1995 and 1996-2007. This cut-off point was chosen based on the increasing trend in observed STI cases since the mid-1990s in Canada. (1-3,26) For each individual, the geographic sector (North Central, South Central, East, or West) was determined according to the residential address provided at first notification. History of notifiable diseases was defined as having had a disease reported under Quebec's public Health Act prior to the first episode of Chlamydia infection reported during the study period.


First, we examined temporal trends in CR by computing annual incidence density (i.e., number of CR per 100 person-years) for the full sample (n=44,580). Since preliminary analyses showed that about a third of residential addresses were missing, we compared baseline characteristics of persons with and without residential information. Subsequent analyses were restricted to persons with residential addresses (n=30,520). Survival functions of time to reinfection were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Log-rank tests were used to compare reinfection curves according to baseline characteristic. The proportional hazards assumption was verified for each baseline characteristic using graphical log-minus-log and Schoenfeld weighted residuals tests. Survival analyses were stratified by age (<25 vs. [greater than or equal to] 25 years), as the proportional hazards assumption was not valid between these two age groups. Stratification was also supported by the clinical relevance of addressing the issue of CR among younger and older persons separately. Then, Cox proportional hazards regression was used to model the time to reinfection, using baseline characteristics as potential predictor variables. Only variables significantly associated with CR (p<0.05) were retained in final models. We decided to transform the "geographic sector" variable into a time-dependent variable given that the proportional hazards assumption was not met for this variable (i.e., hazard ratio not constant over time). Hence, we attempted to model the interaction of geographic sector with time using clinically meaningful time intervals (<6 vs. [greater than or equal to] 6 months after baseline infection). Final multivariate models were used to estimate adjusted hazard ratios (AHR) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) for relationship between predictor variables and time to reinfection. All analyses were conducted using SPSS version 12.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois).


In our study, 2,837 (6.4%) persons were reinfected with Chlamydia within two years of first infection. From 1989 to 1994 in Montreal, the annual counts and incidence density of CR remained low and then rose sharply (Figure 2).

CR for individuals with missing addresses did not differ from the others. Both groups had an overall incidence density of 3.5/100 person-years. However, there were more women and older persons among individuals with missing addresses (Table 1).

Univariate survival analyses showed that among persons <25 years, reinfection was more likely among females, adolescents (10-14 years), people initially infected after 1995, those living outside the South sector, and those with a history of notifiable enteric or vaccine-preventable infections (Table 2). By contrast, for people [greater than or equal to] 25 years, risk of CR was higher among those whose first chlamydial infection occurred post-1995 or who had a history of other notifiable STIs.


Table 3 displays Cox multivariate regression models for persons <25 years and for those [greater than or equal to] 25 years. Among people <25 years, independent risk factors for CR included being female, <20 years old, and having a first infection after 1995. Furthermore, the association between CR and geographic location indicated that residing in the South Central sector was deleterious in the first six months following initial infection but protective after this period. By contrast, only two factors positively predicted CR among persons [greater than or equal to] 25 years: a history of other STIs, and first infection after 1995.


Our study complements others by demonstrating that some predictors are specific to younger or older individuals. This finding is important as it emphasizes the need to adapt preventive strategies to socio-demographic factors such as sex, age and place of residence. Our findings also provoke critical examination of the relevance of currently proposed recommendations in the Canadian Guidelines on STI, and the time- and space-dependent contextual conditions that may shape the risk of CR.

The two-year CR rate of 6.4% observed among Montreal residents was slightly inferior to the 10% rate found in Vancouver. (24) The higher rate observed in Vancouver might be explained by a longer follow-up period (up to 14 years), which allowed more time for reinfection. Indeed, in our study, extending follow-up to the complete study period (1988-2007) would result in a 9.9% CR rate (Figure 3).

Our estimate of the median time between the initial and the following chlamydial infection (nine months) is consistent with the existing literature. Indeed, median time estimates across studies have continually been superior to six months. (22,23,27) If all physicians were to implement Canadian guidelines recommending repeat testing of individuals with chlamydial infection six months post-treatment, (7) over half of reinfected cases would not be diagnosed and reported.

As observed by other researchers, we also found that young females were at increased risk for reinfection. (9,13,15,18) These results support the Canadian recommendation to increase screening of young males, the hidden reservoir; this specific measure is regarded as a promising strategy to reduce infections and reinfections among young females. (28)

Similar to Vancouver, we observed a significant increase in reinfections in 1996-2007 versus 1988-1995 that coincides with an increase in STIs. (24,26) Several factors may explain the simultaneous upsurge of chlamydial infections and reinfections, including changes in sexual risk behaviour, diagnostic test and reportable disease surveillance. (29-32) Innovations in HIV therapy in the mid-1990s led to treatment optimism and reduced risk awareness. (7) Moreover, more acceptable, more sensitive and less specific screening tests (i.e., nucleic acid amplification tests) (33) became widely available in the last decade in Montreal. Alternatively, the increase in CR may be due to causes specific to reinfection, such as the arrested immunity hypothesis which posits that early treatment of Chlamydia interferes with the development of protective immune response. (34)

Contrary to expectations, hospital-diagnosed reproductive sequelae, such as pelvic inflammatory disease and ectopic pregnancy, have steadily declined since the mid-90s in Montreal (results not shown) and elsewhere. (30,31,35,36) The fact that an increase in reinfections did not parallel trends in associated complications suggests that frequent infections are not as damageable to reproductive health as long-lasting untreated infections. If this hypothesis were true, intensive screening of CR, rather than prevention, would be a first priority.

Our study is subject to limitations. First, one third of the full sample was missing residential address and was excluded from survival analyses; however CR rates were calculated using data from the full sample. The remaining individuals differed from those excluded with regard to age, sex, and possibly other unmeasured factors. Second, our sample is only representative of the population using health care services. Thus, our estimated rates may only represent the "tip of the iceberg". Third, persons were only passively followed, which precluded being informed of their vital and migration statuses. Subsequent chlamydial infections diagnosed among persons who had moved outside of Montreal may have resulted in an underestimation of CR rates. Similarly, we were only able to investigate the influence of residential location at baseline, although it may have changed over time. Fourth, our measurement of CR (i.e., second episode >60 days following initial episode) may, in some instances, reflect persistence of previous infection left untreated or ineffectively treated rather than true reinfection. Finally, our choice of predictors was limited to those available in the MADO registry.

Our results support frequent targeted re-screenings during the first year following initial Chlamydia infection, with particular focus on young women. We question the current recommendation of a single repeat screening six months post-treatment in light of our finding that most reinfections may occur later than six months following initial infection.

Conflict of Interest: None to declare.


(1.) Public Health Agency of Canada. Reported cases and rates of genital chlamydia by age group and sex, 1991 to 2007. Available at: http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/stdmts/sti-its_tab/chlamydial99l-07- eng.php (Accessed February 19, 2009).

(2.) Weir E. Upsurge of genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection. CMAJ2004;171(8):855.

(3.) Public Health Agency of Canada. 2004 Canadian Sexually Transmitted Infections Surveillance Report. CCDR 2007;33(S1):l-69.

(4.) Hillis SD, Owens LM, Marchbanks PA, Amsterdam LF, MacKenzie WR. Recurrent chlamydial infections increase the risks of hospitalization for ectopic pregnancy and pelvic inflammatory disease. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1997;176(l):103-7.

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(7.) Public Health Agency of Canada. Canadian Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections. January 2008. Available at: http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/stdmts/sti-its/guide-lignesdir-eng.php (Accessed September 12, 2009).

(8.) MacDonald N, Wong T. Canadian guidelines on sexually transmitted infections, 2006. CMAJ 2007;176(2):175-76.

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(12.) Whittington WL, Kent C, Kissinger P, Oh MK, Fortenberry JD, Hillis SE, et al. Determinants of persistent and recurrent Chlamydia trachomatis infection in young women: Results of a multicenter cohort study. Sex Transm Dis 2001;28(2):117-23.

(13.) Rietmeijer CA, Van Bemmelen R, Judson FN, Douglas JM. Incidence and repeat infection rates of Chlamydia trachomatis among male and female patients in a STD clinic: Implications for screening and rescreening. Sex Transm Dis 2002;29(2):65-72.

(14.) Veldhuijzen IK, Van Bergen JE, Gotz HM, Hoebe CJ, Morre SA, Richardus JH; PILOT CT Study Group. Reinfections, persistent infections, and new infections after general population screening for Chlamydia trachomatis infection in the Netherlands. Sex Transm Dis 2005;32(10):599-604.

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(17.) Scott Lamontagne DS, Baster K, Emmett L, Nichols T, Randall S, McLean L, et al. Incidence and reinfection rates of genital chlamydial infection among women aged 16-24 years attending general practice, family planning and genitourinary medicine clinics in England: A prospective study by the Chlamydia Recall Study Advisory Group. Sex Transm Infect 2007;83(4):292-303.

(18.) Gaydos CA, Wright C, Wood BJ, Waterfield G, Hobson S, Quinn TC. Chlamydia trachomatis reinfection rates among female adolescents seeking rescreening in school-based health centers. Sex Transm Dis 2008;35(3):233-37.

(19.) Joesoef MR, Weinstock HS, Johnson RE. Factors associated with recurrent chlamydial infection and failure to return for retesting in young women entering national job training program, 1998-2005. Sex Transm Dis 2008;35(4):368-71.

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(24.) Brunham RC, Pourbohloul B, Mak S, White R, Rekart ML. The unexpected impact of a Chlamydia trachomatis infection control program on susceptibility to reinfection. J Infect Dis 2005;192(10):1836-44.

(25.) Batteiger BE, Tu W, Ofner S, Van Der Pol B, Stothard DR, Orr DP, et al. Repeated Chlamydia trachomatis genital infections in adolescent women. J Infect Dis 2010;201(1):42-51.

(26.) Leclerc P, Tremblay C, Morissette C. Situation epidemiologique des infections transmissibles sexuellement et par le sang (ITSS) pour la region de Montreal --2006. Direction de sante publique de l'Agence de la sante et des services sociaux de Montreal, 2007.

(27.) Hosenfeld CB, Workowski KA, Berman S, Zaidi A, Dyson J, Mosure D, et al. Repeat infection with Chlamydia and Gonorrhea among females: A systematic review of the literature. Sex Transm Dis 2009;36(8):478-89.

(28.) Greer AL, Fisman DJ. Punching above their weight. Males, reinfection, and the limited success of Chlamydia screening programs. Sex Transm Dis 2009;36(1):9-10.

(29.) Hagdu A. Issues in Chlamydia trachomatis testing by nucleic acid amplification test. J Infect Dis 2006;193(9):1335-36.

(30.) Moss NI, Ahrens K, Kent CK, Klausner JD. The decline in clinical sequelae of genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection supports current control strategies. J Infect Dis 2006;193(9):1336-38.

(31.) Brunham RC, Pourbohloul B, Mak S, White R, Rekart ML. Reply to Hagdu and to Moss et al. J Infect Dis 2006;193(9):1338-39.

(32.) Gilbert M, Rekart ML. Recent trends in chlamydia and gonorrhea in British Columbia. BCMJ 2009;51(10):435.

(33.) Rekart ML, Brunham RC. Epidemiology of chlamydial infection: Are we losing ground? Sex Transm Infect 2008;84(2):87-91.

(34.) Brunham RC, Rekart ML. The arrested immunity hypothesis and the epidemiology of chlamydia control. Sex Transm Dis 2008;35(1):53-54.

(35.) Whiteman MK, Kuklina E, Jamieson DJ, Hillis SD, Marchbanks PA. Inpatient hospitalization for gynecologic disorders in the United States. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010;202(6):541.e1-541.e.

(36.) Hoover KW, Tao G, Ken CK. Trends in the diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy in the United States. Obstet Gynecol 2010;115(3):495-502.

Received: February 2, 2010

Accepted: May 9, 2010

Melissa Genereux, MD, MSc, FRCPC, [1,2] Pascale Leclerc, MSc, [3] Lucie Bedard, RN, M Nsc, mph, [3,4] Robert Allard, md, MSc, frcpc [3-5]

Author Affiliations

[1.] Departement des sciences de la sante communautaire, Faculte de medecine et des sciences de la sante, Universite de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC

[2.] Direction de sante publique et de l'evaluation de l'Agence de la sante et des services sociaux de l'Estrie, Sherbrooke, QC

[3.] Direction de sante publique de l'Agence de la sante et des services sociaux de Montreal, Montreal, QC

[4.] Departement de medecine sociale et preventive, Faculte de medecine, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, QC

[5.] Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University, Montreal, QC

Correspondence: Dr. Melissa Genereux, Faculte de medecine et des sciences de la sante, Universite de Sherbrooke, Departement des sciences de la sante communautaire, Pavillon Gerald-Lasalle, 3001 12e avenue Nord, Sherbrooke, QC J1H 5N4, E-mail: [email protected]
Table 1. Baseline and Follow-up Characteristics of Cases with
[greater than or equal to] 1 Chlamydial Infection Reported to
the Regional Public Health Department (n = 44,580), by
Residential Location Status (Available vs. Missing),
Two-year Follow-up, Montreal, 1988-2007

Characteristics                      Residential         Residential
                                  Location Available   Location Missing
                                        n (%)               n (%)

  Female                          22,477 (73.6%)         9169 (65.2%)
  Male                              8043 (26.4%)         4891 (34.8%)
Age (years)
  10-14                              343 (1.1%)            75 (0.5%)
  15-19                             8633 (28.3%)         3069 (21.8%)
  20-24                           10,482 (34.3%)         5223 (37.1%)
  25-29                             5577 (18.3%)         2726 (19.4%)
  30-39                             4146 (13.6%)         2173 (15.5%)
  [greater than or equal to] 40     1339 (4.4%)           794 (5.6%)
  1988-1995                       13,844 (45.4%)         2279 (16.2%)
  1996-2007                       16,676 (54.6%)       11,781 (83.8%)
Geographic sector
  South Central                   12,210 (40.0%)
  North Central                     6275 (20.6%)
  East                              7354 (24.1%)
  West                              4681 (15.3%)
History of other notifiable
STIs *
  Yes                                284 (0.9%)           124 (0.9%)
  No                              30,236 (99.1%)       13,936 (99.1%)
History of notifiable
enteric infections *
  Yes                                140 (0.5%)            52 (0.4%)
  No                              30,380 (99.5%)       14,008 (99.6%)
History of notifiable
vaccine-preventable infections *
  Yes                                 43 (0.1%)            12 (0.0%)
  No                              30,477 (99.9%)       14,048 (99.9%)
Chlamydial reinfection
  Yes                               1952 (6.4%)           885 (6.3%)
  No                              28,568 (93.6%)       13,175 (93.7%)
Incidence density of
chlamydial reinfection               3.5 per 100         3.5 per 100
                                     person-years        person-years
Median time to chlamydial
reinfection                            273 days            271 days

Total                             30,520 (100%)        14,060 (100%)

* Notifiable STIs included gonorrhea, syphilis, hepatitis B, hepatitis
C, lymphogranulomatosis and human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV)
infections, but excluded HIV infections, since these are not usually
reported nominally in Quebec. Notifiable enteric infections included
salmonellosis, shigellosis, giardiasis, yersiniosis,
cryptosporidiosis, cyclosporosis, campylobacteriosis, amebiasis and
Escherichia coli infections. Notifiable vaccine-preventable infections
included mumps, measles, rubella, whooping cough and Haemophilus
influenzae type b infections.

Table 2. Univariate Survival Analyses of Time to Chlamydial
Reinfection, by Baseline Characteristics, for Persons <25 Years and
[greater than or equal to] 25 Years (n = 30,520), Two-year Follow-up,
Montreal, 1988-2007

Baseline Characteristics                        <25 Years

                                    Reinfections    Total    Log rank
                                       n (%)          n      p-value
  Female                            1376 (8.7%)    15,790    <0.0005
  Male                               173 (4.7%)      3668
Age (years)
  10-14                               58 (16.9%)      343    <0.0005
  15-19                              900 (10.4%)     8633
  20-24                              591 (5.6%)    10,482
  [greater than or equal to] 40
  1988-1995                          479 (5.4%)      8848    <0.0005
  1996-2007                         1070 (10.1%)   10,610
Geographic sector
  South Central                      454 (6.5%)      6968    <0.0005
  North Central                      373 (8.9%)      4156
  East                               451 (8.9%)      5079
  West                               271 (8.3%)      3255
History of other notifiable STIs
  Yes                                  7 (7.3%)       107     0.8
  No                                1542 (6.5%)    19,351
History of notifiable enteric
  Yes                                 12 (16.4%)       73     0.008
  No                                1537 (7.9%)    19,385
History of notifiable vaccine-
preventable infections
  Yes                                  8 (19.0%)       42     0.006
  No                                1541 (7.9%)    19,416
Overall                             1549 (8.0%)    19,458

Baseline Characteristics            [greater than or equal to] 25 Years

                                    Reinfections    Total    Log rank
                                       n (%)          n      p-value
  Female                            256 (3.8%)       6687     0.2
  Male                              147 (3.4%)       4375
Age (years)
  25-29                             207 (3.7%)       5577     0.6
  30-39                             143 (3.4%)       4146
  [greater than or equal to] 40      53 (3.9%)       1339
  1988-1995                         122 (2.4%)       4996    <0.0005
  1996-2007                         281 (4.6%)       6066
Geographic sector
  South Central                     179 (3.4%)       5242     0.2
  North Central                      93 (4.4%)       2119
  East                               79 (3.5%)       2275
  West                               52 (3.7%)       1426
History of other notifiable STIs
  Yes                                13 (7.3%)        177     0.004
  No                                390 (3.5%)     10,885
History of notifiable enteric
  Yes                                 5 (7.5%)         67     0.1
  No                                398 (3.6%)     10,995
History of notifiable vaccine-
preventable infections
  Yes                                 0 (0%)            1     0.8
  No                                403 (3.6%)     11,061
Overall                             403 (3.6%)     11,062

Table 3. Multivariate Cox Regression Analyses of Time to
Chlamydial Reinfection, by Baseline Characteristics,
for Persons <25 Years and [greater than or equal to] 25 Years
(n = 30,520), Two-year Follow-up, Montreal, 1988-2007

Baseline Characteristics              <25 Years         [greater than
                                     Adjusted HR        or equal to]
                                       (95% CI)           25 Years
                                                        Adjusted HR
                                                          (95% CI)
  Female                           1.58 (1.34-1.85)
  Male                             1.00 (Referent)
Age (years)
  10-14                            2.98 (2.28-3.91)
  15-19                            1.81 (1.63-2.01)
  20-24                            1.00 (Referent)
  1988-1995                        1.00 (Referent)    1.00 (Referent)
  1996-2007                        2.06 (1.85-2.30)   2.07 (1.67-2.56)
Geographic sector
  <180 days
    South Central                  1.46 (1.22-1.76)
    Other areas                    1.00 (Referent)
  [greater than or equal to]
      180 days
    South Central                  0.71 (0.62-0.82)
    Other areas                    1.00 (Referent)
History of other notifiable STIs
  Yes                                                 1.79 (1.03-3.12)
  No                                                  1.00 (Referent)