Prevention potential of risk factors for childhood overweight.
Kuhle, Stefan ; Allen, Alexander C. ; Veugelers, Paul J. 等
The prevalence of childhood overweight in Canada has doubled since
the early 1980s. (1,2) In Canada, 26% of children and youth are
overweight and 8% are obese. (3) Poor nutrition, lack of physical
activity, television watching, formula feeding, and parental overweight
have been identified as risk factors for childhood overweight. (4-8)
However, to better target prevention initiatives, policy-makers not only
require information about risk factors but also require an understanding
of their preventive potential, information that is not provided by
relative risks and odds ratios. To assess the preventive potential of a
risk factor, the population-attributable risk fraction (PARF) is
commonly used. The PARF is the proportion of the total disease burden in
a population that is due to a certain cause of that disease. The
objective of the current study was to estimate the PARF for childhood
overweight risk factors as identified by a population-based study of
elementary schoolchildren in Nova Scotia.
Children's Lifestyle and School Performance Study
The CLASS (Children's Lifestyle and School Performance Study)
is a population-based survey of Grade 5 students and their parents in
the Canadian province of Nova Scotia that took place in 2003. (5) The
study consisted of a questionnaire that was completed at home by the
parents; a Canadianized version of the Harvard Youth/Adolescent Food
Frequency Questionnaire (YAQ) (9) administered to the students in the
schools by study assistants; and a measurement of the students'
height and weight. The home questionnaire collected information on
socio-demographic factors, the child's place of birth and
residency, as well as household income level, educational attainment,
breast-feeding practices, self-rated parental physical activity and diet
quality, and questions on the frequency of their child's physical
activities and the number of hours of sedentary activities ("screen
time": watching television, working on a computer, playing video
games). The questions on physical and sedentary activity were taken from
the Statistics Canada National Longitudinal Survey of Children and
Youth. (10) Standing height was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm after
students had removed their shoes; body weight was measured to the
nearest 0.1 kg on calibrated digital scales.
In addition to the above information, participating parents were
asked to provide their Nova Scotia Health Insurance number and informed
consent to allow future linkage with birth and administrative health
databases. Of the 291 public schools in Nova Scotia (>97% of students
in Nova Scotia attend public schools) with grade 5 classes, 282 (96.9%)
participated in the study. The average rate of return of questionnaire
and consent form was 51.1% per school. One of the seven provincial
school boards did not allow measurements of height and weight. A total
of 4,298 students participated in the study and had their height and
weight measured. Overweight and obesity were defined using the
International Obesity Task Force body mass index (BMI) cut-off points
established for children and youth. (11) These cut-off points are based
on health-related adult definitions of overweight ([greater than or
equal to] 25 kg/[m.sup.2]) and obesity ([greater than or equal to] 30
kg/[m.sup.2]) but are adjusted to specific age and sex categories for
Perinatal data
The Nova Scotia Atlee Perinatal Database (NSAPD) collects
demographics, procedures, interventions, maternal and newborn diagnoses,
and morbidity and mortality information for all pregnancies and births
occurring in hospitals in Nova Scotia since 1988. Linkage of the CLASS
data with the NSAPD was carried out by the Reproductive Care Program of
Nova Scotia that administers the database. A combination of
deterministic and probabilistic matching was used to link the two
datasets. Of the 4,298 students in the CLASS study with measured height
and weight data, 3,426 (79.7%) could be linked with information in the
NSAPD. The most common reason for an unsuccessful linkage was that
children were born outside the province of Nova Scotia (12.4%); for the
remaining children, parents had provided either an erroneous or no
health insurance number. Seventy-five students (2.2%) were excluded due
to missing or improbable data for birth weight and gestational age,
leaving a final sample of 3,351 children (78.0%).
Data analysis
As participation rates in residential areas with lower estimates of
household income were slightly lower than the average, response weights
were calculated to overcome potential non-response bias. On the basis of
average household incomes according to postal code data from the 2001
Census for both participants and non-participants, response rates per
decile of household incomes by postal code were calculated. These
response rates were converted into response weights. As all statistical
analyses were weighted regarding non-response, they represent provincial
population estimates for grade 5 students in Nova Scotia.
A logistic regression model for the outcome overweight was built
using Hosmer and Lemeshow's purposeful selection procedure. (12)
School was treated as a random factor. The parsimonious model contained
the following predictors: pre-pregnancy weight; smoking status on
admission to the delivery ward (as proxy for smoking during pregnancy);
parity; physical activity (parent report); sedentary activity (parent
report); weight for gestational age (based on birth weight data from the
perinatal database--classification as small (SGA), appropriate (AGA) or
large for gestational age (LGA) according to Canadian reference values
for birth weight; (13) school neighbourhood dwelling value (based on
postal code data from the 2001 Census). Details on the model and the
CLASS/NSAPD linkage study have been published elsewhere. (14)
The PARF of an exposure is the proportional reduction in average
disease risk that would be observed if the exposure in question were
removed. (15) The unadjusted PARF is calculated as
PARF = 100 x (Probability (Disease) - Probability (Disease in
unexposed)) / Probability (Disease)
To determine the multivariable-adjusted PARF of each risk factor,
the probabilities in the above formula were predicted from the multiple
regression model. (16,17) We predicted the mean adjusted probability for
being overweight i) using the original data (= Probability (Disease))
and ii) after setting the risk factor of interest to zero (= Probability
(Disease in unexposed)). The PARFs were then calculated using these
estimates in the above equation as we and others successfully did in the
past. (18,19) The 95% confidence intervals for the PARFs were calculated
using 10,000 Monte Carlo replications with random coefficients based on
the original parameter estimates and their standard errors. The 2.5th
and 97.5th percentile were used as the upper and lower confidence
limits. As the parsimonious regression model did not contain interaction
terms, the PARFs calculated using the above approach are additive. The
PARFs for the potentially preventable risk factors (low physical
activity, excess screen time, high maternal pre-pregnancy weight and
maternal smoking) were added up to calculate the maximum preventive
potential. Stata Version 10 (Stata Corp, College Station, TX, USA) was
used to perform the statistical analysis.
This study, including data collection, parental informed consent
forms, and data linkage with the NSAPD, was approved by the Health
Sciences Human Research Ethics Board of Dalhousie University, the IWK
Health Centre Research Ethics Board and the Joint Data Access Committee
of the Reproductive Care Program of Nova Scotia.
Thirty-three percent of the Grade 5 students in the province of
Nova Scotia were overweight. Of the risk factors included in the
parsimonious model, physical activity, sedentary activity, maternal
smoking during pregnancy, and, with some limitations, maternal
pre-pregnancy weight can be considered preventable. There was a gradient
for the association of physical activity (negative), sedentary activity
and maternal pre-pregnancy weight (positive), respectively, with the
risk for overweight. Sedentary activity (15.5%) and maternal
pre-pregnancy weight (11.6%) appeared to offer the greatest potential
for prevention. As PARFs are additive, in total (when considering
maternal pre-pregnancy weight preventable) 42.1% (95% CI 31.5-48.5) of
overweight in childhood could potentially be prevented. Odds ratios and
PARFs from the multivariable adjusted model are presented in Table 1.
The present study is the first in Canada to investigate the
preventive potential of risk factors for childhood overweight. Using
population-based data, we were able to show that about 40% of childhood
overweight cases could potentially be prevented through promotion of
healthy eating and active living, and through cessation of maternal
smoking during pregnancy. High maternal pre-pregnancy weight and excess
sedentary activity in children emerged as the factors with the greatest
potential for prevention.
Excess screen time contributed the largest PARF identified in our
study. The observation that screen time remained a strong risk factor
after considering physical activity in the analysis underlines the fact
that mechanisms other than a decline in energy expenditure (20) are
involved in the relationship between screen time and overweight. (21,22)
One may be the influence of commercials on food choices and nutrition.
The majority of foods featured in commercials targeted at children are
energy-dense, high in fat and/or sugar and commonly do not meet dietary
recommendations. (23) Television viewing may also provide an opportunity
to consume snack foods, (24) resulting in an increased calorie intake.
(25) Finally, having meals in front of the TV instead of with the family
may reduce the nutritional and psychosocial benefits of family meals
(26) and may be associated with higher BMI in children. (27)
In keeping with other studies from the US and Canada, (8,28,29)
maternal pre-pregnancy weight was identified as a strong determinant of
a child's risk for being overweight at age 11. In order to consider
maternal overweight an attributable risk factor for childhood
overweight, a causal link between the two needs to be established. The
association between maternal weight and respective children's
overweight can potentially be explained through three mechanisms: i)
genetic factors, (30) ii) acquired poor health and lifestyle behaviours,
(31) and iii) alterations of the intrauterine environment due to the
maternal pre-diabetic state, (32) as discussed in a previous
publication. (14) While it is not possible at this stage to establish a
direct causal mechanism between maternal overweight and their
offspring's excess body weight, these data suggest that secondary
prevention of overweight in young women may reduce the risk of
overweight in their children.
Only a few studies have examined the population attributable risk
for childhood overweight. (19,33,34) Toschke et al., using German
population-based data, reported that 42.5% of overweight cases in
Germany are due to potentially preventable risk factors. (19) Parental
obesity was considered a non-preventable risk factor and accounted for
15% of overweight cases. Among the preventable risk factors, TV watching
>1 h per day and low meal frequency (<5 meals per day) contributed
a PARF of 13.0 and 14.8%. (19) In the 1990s, a population-based study in
10 to 15 year old youth in the US reported that more than 60% of
overweight was attributable to excess TV viewing time. (34) However,
PARFs were calculated based on non-adjusted prevalences and perhaps
confounded by socio-economic factors. A study in primary schoolchildren
in Thailand found that the highest PARF was for family history of
obesity (34%), followed by those for low exercise level (12%) and an
obese or overweight mother (10%). (33)
The strengths of the current study are the use of two
population-based data sources, the weighting for non-response, the
ability to adjust for a broad range of perinatal, lifestyle and
socio-economic factors, and the use of measured BMI. However, the study
also has a few limitations that need to be acknowledged. Part of the
data (physical activity, sedentary activity) used in the present study
come from a cross-sectional survey, while calculation of PARFs requires
cohort data to establish causality between the exposure and the outcome.
Thus, the PARF estimates for the two activity measures must be
interpreted with caution. Finally, the use of odds ratios instead of
risk ratios may have resulted in an overestimation of the PARF. In the
absence of an established definite causal link between maternal
pre-pregnancy weight and a child's overweight, the interpretation
of the PARF of maternal weight remains somewhat speculative. Further,
the use of maternal body weight instead of BMI for the assessment of
maternal weight status may have introduced some misclassification bias.
The present study identified excess screen time and maternal
pre-pregnancy weight as potentially preventable risk factors with the
greatest potential for prevention of childhood overweight at age 11 in
Funding: The study was funded by an operating grant of the Canadian
Population Health Initiative (Primary Investigator: Paul Veugelers) and
through a Canada Research Chair in Population Health and an Alberta
Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Scholarship awarded to Dr. Paul
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
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Received: August 18, 2009
Accepted: May 13, 2010
Stefan Kuhle, MD, mph, [1] Alexander C. Allen, MD, [2] Paul J.
Veugelers, PhD [1]
Author Affiliations
[1.] School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
[2.] Division of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Dalhousie University,
Halifax, NS
Correspondence: Dr. Paul Veugelers, School of Public Health,
Population Health Intervention Research Unit, University of Alberta,
6-50 University Terrace, 8303-112 Street, Edmonton, AB T6G 2T4, Tel:
780-492-9095, Fax: 780-492-5521, E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1. Prevalences, Multivariable Adjusted Population Attributable
Risk Fractions (PARF) and Odds Ratios (OR) for Preventable Risk
Factors of Childhood Overweight
Prevalence Multivariable
adjusted PARF
% (95% CI)
Physically active
[less than or equal to] 2x / week 22% 5.5% (2.8-8.6)
>2 to 4x / week 17% 2.8% (0.2-5.4)
>4 to 7x / week 33% 2.1% (-1.8-5.9)
>7x / week 25% Reference
[less than or equal to] 1 h / day 10% Reference
>1 to 3 h / day 57% 7.0% (-0.9-14.6)
>3 to 6 h / day 24% 6.9% (2.6-11.4)
>6 h / day 5% 1.6% (0.4-3.1)
Maternal pre-pregnancy weight
<70 kg 66% Reference
70 to <80 kg 13% 3.6% (1.9-5.5)
[greater than or equal to] 80 kg 10% 8.0% (5.7-10.8)
Maternal smoking at admission
None 69% Reference
>0 to 0.5 packs per day 16% 2.9% (1.2-5.0)
>0.5 packs per day 10% 1.9% (0.4-3.6)
Neighbourhood dwelling value
Lowest tertile 5.7% (2.5-9.1)
Middle tertile 4.0% (0.4-7.7)
Highest tertile Reference
Weight-for-gestational age
AGA 77% Reference
SGA 12% -2.7% (-4,3;-1.0)
LGA 11% 1.6% (0.2-3.2)
Para 1 44% 9.2% (3.9-14.6)
Para 2 37% 6.7% (2.2-11.4)
Para 3 and higher 19% Reference
adjusted OR
(95% CI)
Physically active
[less than or equal to] 2x / week 1.55 (1.25-1.91)
>2 to 4x / week 1.35 (1.03-1.77)
>4 to 7x / week 1.12 (0.91-1.39)
>7x / week 1.00
[less than or equal to] 1 h / day 1.00
>1 to 3 h / day 1.26 (0.97-1.62)
>3 to 6 h / day 1.66 (1.21-2.27)
>6 h / day 1.79 (1.14-2.80)
Maternal pre-pregnancy weight
<70 kg 1.00
70 to <80 kg 1.61 (1.30-2.00)
[greater than or equal to] 80 kg 3.68 (2.82-4.80)
Maternal smoking at admission
None 1.00
>0 to 0.5 packs per day 1.39 (1.14-1.70)
>0.5 packs per day 1.41 (1.07-1.86)
Neighbourhood dwelling value
Lowest tertile 1.46 (1.18-1.81)
Middle tertile 1.23 (1.02-1.48)
Highest tertile 1.00
Weight-for-gestational age
AGA 1.00
SGA 0.66 (0.51-0.86)
LGA 1.29 (1.03-1.62)
Para 1 1.48 (1.18-1.85)
Para 2 1.39 (1.12-1.74)
Para 3 and higher 1.00