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  • 标题:An incremental economic evaluation of targeted and universal influenza vaccination in pregnant women.
  • 作者:Skedgel, Chris ; Langley, Joanne M. ; MacDonald, Noni E.
  • 期刊名称:Canadian Journal of Public Health
  • 印刷版ISSN:0008-4263
  • 出版年度:2011
  • 期号:November
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Canadian Public Health Association
  • 摘要:Inactivated influenza vaccine has a long record of use in pregnant women and is considered safe in all stages of pregnancy. (6,7) Influenza vaccination in pregnant women may help prevent influenza-related physician and hospital utilization, but the economic implications of such a policy are unclear. We developed an economic model to estimate the incremental cost-effectiveness of targeted and universal vaccination strategies relative to a no-vaccination strategy in pregnant women in Nova Scotia, Canada.
  • 关键词:Cost benefit analysis;Family medicine;General practitioners;Influenza;Influenza vaccines;Medical economics;Physicians (General practice);Pregnancy;Pregnant women;Public health;Vaccination;Women;Women's health

An incremental economic evaluation of targeted and universal influenza vaccination in pregnant women.

Skedgel, Chris ; Langley, Joanne M. ; MacDonald, Noni E. 等

A recent population-based study in Nova Scotia demonstrated that women at all stages of pregnancy are at increased risk of serious respiratory illness during influenza season, even in the absence of pre-existing co-morbid conditions known to increase the risk of influenza-associated morbidity. (1) The rate of hospitalization observed in this study among healthy pregnant women exposed to influenza season during their third trimester (65/100,000) was comparable to observed rates among American adults aged 15-44 years with co-morbid medical conditions (56-110/100,000), (2) a group for whom annual influenza immunization is already recommended. (3) However, while the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (3) and the Canadian National Advisory Committee on Immunization (4) both recommend annual influenza immunization for all pregnant women, uptake in Nova Scotia is low (<3%). (5)

Inactivated influenza vaccine has a long record of use in pregnant women and is considered safe in all stages of pregnancy. (6,7) Influenza vaccination in pregnant women may help prevent influenza-related physician and hospital utilization, but the economic implications of such a policy are unclear. We developed an economic model to estimate the incremental cost-effectiveness of targeted and universal vaccination strategies relative to a no-vaccination strategy in pregnant women in Nova Scotia, Canada.


The evaluation compared targeted vaccination of pregnant women with one or more co-morbidities, universal vaccination of all pregnant women, and no-vaccination strategies. The evaluation was performed in Excel (Microsoft; Redmond, Washington) using Palisade Decision Tools (Palisade; Newfield, New York) to construct the decision tree (Figure 1) and to perform the probabilistic sensitivity analysis. The decision tree characterized costs and consequences over a one-year horizon, including the acquisition and administration costs of vaccination and the costs and quality-of-life consequences of influenza-related events and vaccination-related adverse effects. As all events in the evaluation occurred within one year, neither costs nor outcomes were discounted. The research project was approved by the Capital District Health Authority Research Ethics Board.

Event rates

Baseline event rates were derived from an analysis of a population-based cohort of 134,188 pregnancies extracted from health administrative databases in Nova Scotia, covering the period 1990-2003 by Dodds et al. (1) These rates were consistent with a Canada-wide study using different data and methods. (8) The Dodds study stratified women into two subgroups: those with no co-morbidities and those with one or more co-morbidities, including pre-existing diabetes, respiratory disease (including asthma), heart disease, renal disorder or anaemia. Event rates were calculated as the number of physician visits or hospital admissions for an influenza-related diagnosis (Table 1, adapted from Neuzil et al. (9)) concurrent with a pregnancy code, divided by the number of women in the stratified cohort.


The evaluation also included a risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) following influenza vaccination or an influenza event with or without vaccination. GBS risk in the absence of vaccination or an influenza event, risk following vaccination and risk following an influenza event were represented as ranges derived from published literature reviews. (10,11) Pregnant women receiving vaccination and experiencing an influenza event were assigned the higher of the two risks.

The effectiveness of vaccination was taken from a single randomized prospective study of laboratory-confirmed influenza in pregnant women with and without vaccination. (12) The severity and duration of an influenza event was assumed to be the same whether or not a woman was vaccinated.


The cost of vaccine acquisition was based on costs to the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness. * Family practitioner (FP) delivery costs were based on the 2010 Nova Scotia fee schedule. Public health delivery costs were based on the average cost per vaccination at clinics conducted by the Department of Health and Wellness * and were consistent with previously published Canadian costs. (13) The cost of influenza-related physician utilization was derived from the 2005/06 Nova Scotia physician claims database. Hospital costs were derived from the 2006/07 Ontario Case Cost Initiative database. The annual cost of GBS was taken from a US evaluation of influenza vaccination. (14) Costs were adjusted to 2010 Canadian dollars based on the consumer price index, health component. (15) The evaluation took a health system payer perspective as this was felt to be most relevant to public health authorities considering an immunization strategy.

Quality of life

As there was no mortality observed in the study cohort, the key outcome in the evaluation was the quality-of-life improvement due to influenza-related events prevented. Baseline utility (no influenza) was 0.95, reflecting the average utility of all individuals more than 12 years of age with no chronic conditions. (16) Utility weights for influenza-related illnesses were derived from a Canadian study by O'Brien et al. (17) As we were unable to find estimates of the utility associated with GBS, we assumed a conservative weight of 0.25.

Economic analysis

The evaluation was conducted as an incremental cost-effectiveness analysis, comparing each vaccination strategy to the next best alternative. Key economic outcomes were the net cost of vaccination (vaccination costs less event costs avoided), net quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) gained and the incremental cost per QALY gained. Estimating cost-effectiveness in terms of cost per QALY gained facilitates economic comparisons across different programs and diseases. All costs and outcomes were reported on the basis of the average annual cohort of pregnant women, calculated as the total number of pregnancies observed over 1990-2003 divided by the number of years of observation. (1) Reflecting a decision-making perspective, all conclusions were based on expected values. (18)

Sensitivity analysis

The base-case scenario assumed all vaccinations were delivered by a family practitioner (FP) as part of a routine visit, but sensitivity analyses considered alternative modes of delivery (extra FP visit, public health clinic). Threshold analyses were conducted on key parameters to identify the threshold values necessary to meet specific cost-effectiveness targets. One-way sensitivity analyses were conducted on other key parameters. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis was used to incorporate uncertainty into the economic evaluation. (19,20) Parameter point estimates, standard deviation and probability distributions are shown in Table 2. Uncertainty was expressed in terms of confidence intervals around point estimates.


The average annual cohort of pregnant women was 10,316, but for simplicity this was rounded to 10,000. Relative to a no-vaccination strategy, a targeted vaccination strategy for pregnant women with at least one co-morbidity delivered as part of a routine FP visit was cost-saving. Relative to the targeted strategy, the universal strategy had an incremental cost-effectiveness of $39,942 per QALY gained. The expected budget impact of the targeted strategy was -$9,485, while the universal strategy had a net budget impact of $81,658 relative to the no-vaccination strategy. Results and associated 95% confidence intervals are shown in Table 3.

Threshold analysis on vaccine effectiveness showed that the targeted strategy would be economically dominant (cost saving, improved outcomes) over no vaccination with a vaccine effectiveness (i.e., relative risk) less than 0.76 and would meet a $50,000 per QALY gained threshold with an effectiveness less than 0.84. A universal strategy would meet a $50,000 threshold with an effectiveness less than 0.68 and a $100,000 threshold with an effectiveness less than 0.80.

One-way sensitivity analysis on mode of delivery suggests that the targeted strategy would remain dominant relative to the novaccination strategy when delivered by public health clinics, while the universal strategy would be strongly cost-effective, bordering on dominant, relative to the targeted strategy. If vaccination required an additional FP visit, the targeted vaccination strategy would lose its dominance and have a cost-effectiveness of $62,796, while the cost-effectiveness of the universal strategy would increase to more than $150,000. Other one-way sensitivity analyses are shown in Figure 2, sorted by their impact on the cost-effectiveness of a universal strategy. The targeted strategy remained dominant across all ranges.


Two recent evaluations of universal influenza vaccination in pregnant women compared to a "no vaccination" strategy have found universal strategies to be economically attractive. Roberts et al. (14) reported universal vaccination of all pregnant women was dominant relative to no vaccination, while Beigi et al. (21) reported a universal vaccination strategy ranged from dominant to strongly cost-effective relative to no vaccination, depending on prevalence and mortality assumptions. However, we suggest that comparison of a universal strategy to a no-vaccination alternative risks overstating the benefit of the universal strategy, since it is generally accepted that targeted programs (influenza immunization of pregnant women with risk factors for complicated influenza) are already standard practice. Our analysis is unique in conducting an incremental comparison of the costs and benefits of a universal strategy relative to both a targeted and a no-vaccination strategy. It is methodologically more appropriate to consider the incremental costs and benefits of a universal strategy relative to a targeted strategy rather than the dominated no-vaccination comparator. (22)


The use of a population-based cohort was a strength of our analysis. This dataset included 134,188 pregnancies over 14 years and allowed us to track individual-level physician and hospital utilization. It was not possible to reliably identify and exclude vaccinated women from the cohort when calculating baseline event rates, but since only 2.6% of pregnant women in Nova Scotia were vaccinated over the period covered by our data, (5) this is unlikely to have influenced our estimates. The inclusion of vaccinated women would likely underestimate the baseline risk of an influenza-related event and result in a more conservative estimate of benefit from vaccination. Also, although illnesses attributed to influenza were not laboratory-confirmed in this study, our incidence rates are consistent with estimates from another study with a different design. (8)

Evidence around the precise risk reduction associated with influenza vaccination in pregnant women is limited. In the only prospective randomized controlled trial, Zaman et al. (12) reported a relative risk (RR) of 0.64 for laboratory-confirmed influenza in vaccinated pregnant women. Their estimate is similar to a comprehensive Cochrane review of vaccine effectiveness in healthy adults that found a RR of 0.77 (95% CI 0.69-0.86) for clinically-defined influenza and an RR of 0.65 (95% CI 0.34-1.22) for influenza-related hospitalizations. (23) A 2010 review by Jefferson et al. (24) reported lower effectiveness but excluded all industry-funded studies. Sensitivity analysis on this critical parameter suggests that a targeted strategy would be dominant or strongly cost-effective, and a universal strategy would meet a $100,000 per QALY gained threshold, at all these RR point estimates, although a universal strategy would not be cost-effective at the upper extremes of the 95% confidence intervals.

The risk of GBS following influenza vaccination is uncertain, but clinical evidence suggests that vaccination is protective against GBS, supporting vaccination strategies. (11) Owing to the protective benefit associated with vaccination, the relative cost-effectiveness of both the targeted and universal strategies improve as either the baseline risk of GBS or the associated costs increase. As such, our one-year horizon presents a conservative estimate of the broader benefits of vaccination. Our estimates also exclude savings related to prevented complications related to the child or the pregnancy itself--even though a recent case-control study estimated influenza vaccination was 91.5% effective at preventing influenza-related hospitalization within the first 6 months of life (25)--as well as the value of lost productivity and the social and emotional costs associated with illness in pregnancy. It is also worth noting that although our estimates of budget impact are relative to a no-vaccination alternative, Nova Scotia does have an ad hoc vaccination program. The budget impact of moving to a universal strategy, therefore, would likely be less than our estimates suggest.

Our analysis suggests that a strategy of targeted vaccination in pregnant women with at least one co-morbidity could be economically dominant, and that a strategy of universal vaccination of all pregnant women could be cost-effective relative to a targeted strategy. It also shows that a universal strategy could be delivered with a reasonable budget impact by public health clinics or by FPs as part of a routine office visit. Precise cost-effectiveness will vary by jurisdiction, but sensitivity analysis suggests that our results are robust across a range of costs and risks. Both strategies have potential advantages and disadvantages. For example, targeted strategies may be associated with less vaccine uptake than universal strategies, while universal strategies will have greater costs. The economically preferred strategy must be considered within the context of affordability, potential coverage rates and the overall health benefit.

Conflict of Interest: None to declare.

Received: August 11, 2010

Accepted: June 3, 2011


(1.) Dodds L, McNeil SA, Fell DB, Allen VM, Coombs A, Scott J, et al. Impact of influenza exposure on rates of hospital admissions and physician visits because of respiratory illness among pregnant women. CMAJ2007;176(4):463-68.

(2.) Barker WH, Mullooly JP. Impact of epidemic type A influenza in a defined adult population. Am J Epidemiol 1980;112(6):798-811.

(3.) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevention and Control of Seasonal Influenza with Vaccines: Recommentations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2009. MMWR 2009;58(No. RR-8):1-52.

(4.) Addendum. National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) Statement on Influenza Vaccination for the 2007-2008 Season. Can Commun Dis Rep 2007;33(11):23-24.

(5.) McNeil SA, Dodds L, Allen VM, Scott J, Halperin B, MacDonald N. Influenza vaccine programs and pregnancy: New Canadian evidence for immunization. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2007;29(8):674-76.

(6.) Munoz FM, Greisinger AJ, Wehmanen OA, Mouzoon ME, Hoyle JC, Smith FA, et al. Safety of influenza vaccination during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005;192(4):1098-106.

(7.) Mak TK, Mangtani P, Leese J, Watson JM, Pfeifer D. Influenza vaccination in pregnancy: Current evidence and selected national policies. Lancet Infect Dis 2008;8(1):44-52.

(8.) Schanzer DL, Langley JM, Tam TW. Influenza-attributed hospitalization rates among pregnant women in Canada 1994-2000. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2007;29(8):622-29.

(9.) Neuzil KM, Reed GW, Mitchel EF, Simonsen L, Griffin MR. Impact of influenza on acute cardiopulmonary hospitalizations in pregnant women. Am J Epidemiol 1998;148(11):1094-102.

(10.) Hughes RAC, Rees JH. Clinical and epidemiologic features of Guillain-Barre Syndrome. J Infect Dis1997;176:S92-S98.

(11.) Lehmann HC, Hartung H, Kieseier BC, Hughes RA. Guillain-Barre syndrome after exposure to influenza virus. Lancet Infect Dis 2010;10(9):643-51.

(12.) Zaman K, Roy E, Arifeen SE, Rahman M, Raqib R, Wilson E, et al. Effectiveness of maternal influenza immunization in mothers and infants. N Engl J Med 2008;359(15):1555-64.

(13.) Mercer NJ. Cost analysis of public health influenza vaccine clinics in Ontario. Can J Public Health 2009;100(5):340-43.

(14.) Roberts S, Hollier LM, Sheffield J, Laibl V, Wendel GD, Jr. Cost-effectiveness of universal influenza vaccination in a pregnant population. Obstet Gynecol 2006;107(6):1323-29.

(15.) Consumer Price Index, Health and Personal Care, Nova Scotia [homepage on the Internet]. Available at: http://www40.statcan.ca/l01/cst01/econ161d.htm (Accessed 28 July 2010).

(16.) Schultz SE, Kopec JA. Impact of chronic conditions. Health Rep 2003;14(4):4153.

(17.) O'Brien BJ, Goeree R, Blackhouse G, Smieja M, Loeb M. Oseltamivir for treatment of influenza in healthy adults: Pooled trial evidence and cost-effectiveness model for Canada. Value Health 2003;6(2):116-25.

(18.) Claxton K. The irrelevance of inference: A decision-making approach to the stochastic evaluation of health care technologies. J Health Econ 1999;18(3):341-64.

(19.) Briggs A, Claxton K, Sculpher MJ. Decision Modelling Methods for Health Economic Evaluation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

(20.) O'Brien BJ, Briggs AH. Analysis of uncertainty in health care cost-effectiveness studies: An introduction to statistical issues and methods. Stat Methods Med Res 2002;11(6):455-68.

(21.) Beigi RH, Wiringa AE, Bailey RR, Assi TM, Lee BY. Economic value of seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccination during pregnancy. Clin Infect Dis 2009;49(12):1784-92.

(22.) Drummond MF, Sculpher MJ, Torrance GW, O'Brien BJ, Stoddart GL. Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes, 3rd Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.

(23.) Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Deeks JJ, Jefferson TO. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004(3):CD001269.

(24.) Jefferson T, Di Pietrantonj CD, Rivetti A, Bawazeer GA, Al-Ansary LA, Ferroni E. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults. In: Jefferson T (Ed.), The Cochrane Collaboration, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2010.

(25.) Benowitz I, Esposito DB, Gracey KD, Shapiro ED, Vazquez M. Influenza vaccine given to pregnant women reduces hospitalization due to influenza in their infants. Clin Infect Dis 2010;51(12):1355-61.

* Personal Communication. D Vaughan, Nova Scotia Dept. of Health Promotion & Protection, 2009. July 27, 2010).

Correspondence: Chris Skedgel, Centre for Clinical Research, Room 242, 5790 University Avenue, Halifax, NS B3H 1V7, Tel: 902-473-3303, Fax: 902-4251611, E-mail: [email protected]

Funding: Capital Health Research Fund.

Chris Skedgel, MDE, [1,2] Joanne M. Langley, MD, [1,3,4] Noni E. MacDonald, MD, [1,3] Jeff Scott, MD, [1,3,5] Shelly McNeil, MD [1-3]

Author Affiliations

[1.] Canadian Center for Vaccinology, IWK Health Centre, Capital District Health Authority and Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS

[2.] Department of Medicine, Dalhousie University & Capital District Health Authority, Halifax, NS

[3.] Department of Pediatrics, Dalhousie University & IWK Health Centre, Halifax, NS

[4.] Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS

[5.] Department of Emergency Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS
Table 1. Influenza-related Respiratory Diagnoses

Disease                          ICD-9     ICD-10

Viral pneumonia                  480       J12
Pneumonia due to adenovirus      480.0     J12.0

  Pneumonia due to respiratory   480.1     J12.1
  synctial virus

  Pneumonia due to               480.2     J12.2
  parinfluenza virus

  Pneumonia due to other         480.8     J12.8
  virus, not classified

  Viral pneumonia, unspecified   480.9     J12.9

Pneumococcal and other           481,482   J13, J15
bacterial pneumonia

Pneumonia due to other           483       J16.8
specified organism

Pneumonia in infectious          484       J17
diseases classified elsewhere

Bronchopneumonia, organism       485       J18.0

Pneumonia, organism              486       J18.9

Influenza                        487       J10, J11
  With pneumonia                 487.0     J10.0, J11.0
  With other respiratory         487.1     J10.1, J11.1

  With other manifestations      487.8     J10.8, J11.8
Acute nasopharyngitis            460       J00
Acute sinusitis                  461       J01
Acute pharyngitis                462       J02
Acute tonsillitis                463       J03
Acute laryngitis and             464       J04

Acute upper respiratory          465       J06
infections of multiple sites

Acute bronchitis and             466       J20, J21

Bronchitis, not specified as     490       J22
acute or chronic

Chronic bronchitis               491       J42
Acute myocarditis                422       I40
Heart failure                    428       I50

Adapted from Neuzil et al., 1998 (see ref. 9).

Table 2. Model Inputs

Deterministic Parameters   Expected

Vaccine acquisition cost     $3.64
Vaccine delivery costs
  FP office visit           $29.64
  Tray fee                   $3.42
  Injection fee             $13.68
  Public health clinic,      $6.75
  cost per vaccination
Probabilistic              Expected   Std Dev     Distribution
Parameters                  Value     or Range

Proportion of               0.101     0.001       Beta
pregnant women with
[greater than or
equal to]1 co-

Baseline probability         0.21     0.001       Beta
of physician event,
0 co-morbidities

Baseline probability         0.28     0.004       Beta
of physician event,
[greater than or
equal to]1 co-

Expected cost of            $31.82    $4.70       Log Normal
physician event

Baseline probability        0.003     0.000       Beta
of hospital event, 0

Baseline probability        0.014     0.001       Beta
of hospital event,
[greater than or
equal to]1 co-

Expected LOS per             2.97     2.64        Log Normal

Expected cost of            $4,464    $5,995      Log Normal
hospital event

Relative risk of an                   0.11        Beta/Beta
event with
vaccination (vaccine
effectiveness) 0.64

Baseline utility             0.95     1.00-0.90   Triangle

Relative utility             0.58     0.97-0.77   Triangle
weight, influenza *

Relative utility             0.25     0.10-0.40   Triangle
weight, Guillain-
Barre Syndrome *

Guillain-Barre               1.90     0.4-4.0     Triangle
Syndrome per 100,000
| No Vaccination (1)

Guillain-Barre               0.54     0-1.07      Uniform
Syndrome per 100,000
| Vaccination

Relative risk of GBS        15.32     8.09        Beta
| Influenza Event

Guillain-Barre              29.10     21.28       Derived from
Syndrome per 100,000                              (1) & (2)
| Influenza

Annual Cost,               $135,464   $30,000     Log Normal

Deterministic Parameters                        Source

Vaccine acquisition cost                        13
Vaccine delivery costs
  FP office visit                               NS Fee Schedule
  Tray fee                                      NS Fee Schedule
  Injection fee                                 NS Fee Schedule
  Public health clinic,                         13
  cost per vaccination
Probabilistic              Lower     Upper      Source
Parameters                 95% CI    95% CI

Proportion of              0.099     0.102      1
pregnant women with
[greater than or
equal to]1 co-

Baseline probability       0.24      0.24       1
of physician event,
0 co-morbidities

Baseline probability       0.33      0.34       1
of physician event,
[greater than or
equal to]1 co-

Expected cost of           $23.70    $41.70     PHRU
physician event

Baseline probability       0.002     0.003      1
of hospital event, 0

Baseline probability       0.012     0.016      1
of hospital event,
[greater than or
equal to]1 co-

Expected LOS per           0.44      10.24      OCCI

Expected cost of           $315      $17,773    OCCI
hospital event

Relative risk of an        0.45      0.90       12
event with
vaccination (vaccine
effectiveness) 0.64

Baseline utility           0.91      0.99       17

Relative utility           0.50      0.66       18
weight, influenza *

Relative utility           0.13      0.37       Assumption
weight, Guillain-
Barre Syndrome *

Guillain-Barre             0.68      3.50       10
Syndrome per 100,000
| No Vaccination (1)

Guillain-Barre             0.27      10.43      11
Syndrome per 100,000
| Vaccination

Relative risk of GBS       6.80      38.20      11
| Influenza Event

Guillain-Barre             7.90      87.30
Syndrome per 100,000
| Influenza

Annual Cost,               $92,237   $189,539   15

* Health-related utility is calculated assuming a multiplicative
utility function, where the utility associated with any particular
state is the product of baseline utility and specific health state
utility (e.g., the health-related utility associated with influenza is
0.95 x 0.58 = 0.551). The utility penalty associated with influenza is
calculated as the difference between baseline utility and the
multiplicative utility associated with influenza, weighted by
influenza duration (i.e., (0.551-0.95)*(2.97/365)=-0.003).

LOS=length of stay; PHRU=Population Health Research Unit,
Dalhousie University; OCCI=Ontario Case Cost Initiative

Table 3. Results

                          Women       Cohort        Incremental
                        Vaccinated     Cost            Cost
                                                     (95% CI)

No Vaccination                  0    $344,878                    --
Targeted Strategy            1002    $335,392               -$9,485
Universal Vaccination      10,000    $426,536               $91,143

                           Total       Incremental   Cost per
                        Cohort QALYs      QALYs        QALY
                                        (95% CI)

No Vaccination             9,492.23             --        --
Targeted Strategy          9,492.55           0.32   Dominant
Universal Vaccination      9,494.83           2.28   $39,942

                        Impact *

No Vaccination               --
Targeted Strategy       -$9,485

Universal Vaccination   $81,658

* Budget impact is relative to a no-vaccination strategy and may
therefore be less than incremental cost.

QALY=quality-adjusted life year.