Calcium and vitamin D and risk of colorectal cancer: results from a large population-based case-control study in Newfoundland and Labrador and Ontario.
Sun, Zhuoyu ; Wang, Peizhong Peter ; Roebothan, Barbara 等
Diet has long been regarded as one of the most important
environmental factors associated with colorectal cancer (CRC). (1) Since
1980 when Garland and Garland proposed that the inverse association
between ultraviolet-B and colon cancer risk was mediated through vitamin
D, (2) numerous studies have been done to explore the relationships
among calcium, vitamin D and CRC risk. (3-18) Calcium has been
hypothesized to protect against CRC by binding secondary bile acids and
ionized fatty acids in the colon lumen to form insoluble calcium soaps,
thereby reducing their proliferative effects on the colonic mucosa. (19)
The roles of dietary calcium and vitamin D are correlated since vitamin
D regulates the absorption of calcium. (20) In addition to its indirect
role in maintaining calcium homeostasis, the direct genomic action of
vitamin D is linked to a multitude of biological responses, including
the synthesis of DNA and prevention of double-strand breaks by exogenous
or endogenous sources. (20)
Dairy products contain large amounts of calcium and vitamin D
through fortification. It has been shown that calcium, especially in
combinations as found in milk, effectively precipitates luminal
cytotoxic surfactants and thus inhibits colonic cytotoxicity. (21,22)
Jarvinen et al. (23) indicated that individuals with a high consumption
of milk have a potentially reduced risk of colon cancer; however, the
association did not appear to be due to intake of calcium, vitamin D, or
to specific effects of fermented milk. Recent research indicates that
calcium and vitamin D might act together, rather than separately, to
reduce risk of CRC. (24) Results from a multicentre, placebo-controlled
randomized clinical trial found that calcium supplementation was
inversely associated with adenoma recurrence only when vitamin D levels
were above the median (29.1 ng/ml). (25)
Despite the biological plausibility, epidemiological studies have
been suggestive but inconclusive for a protective role of dietary
calcium and vitamin D in CRC prevention. The World Cancer Research
Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research expert report in 2007 (24)
summarized 11 cohort studies regarding dietary and serum vitamin D
intake and colorectal cancer risk. Six of these have reported
nonsignificant decreased risk; (5,26-30) two have shown no impact on
CRC; (27,31) and three other studies have indicated non-significant
increased risk. (23,32,33) The expert report also indicated that
increased milk and dietary calcium intake are associated with reduced
CRC risk. (24)
We investigated these possible associations among persons in both
NL and ON. NL is geographically isolated, culturally distinct, and
relatively economically disadvantaged, thus fresh fruits and vegetables
are less often available. Consequently, people may consume more
preserved and salted traditional foods. Our interdisciplinary CRC
research team tried to explore whether and how the high incidence of CRC
in NL can be partly explained by the unique dietary habits of the NL
population. Squire et al. recently found that in NL, higher intakes of
red pickled meat were associated with increased risk of CRC. (34) In
contrast, ON is a centrally located, culturally diverse, and
economically advantaged province. It is hypothesized that consistent
results of the protective effects of calcium and vitamin D in two
diverse provinces would provide support to the argument that calcium and
vitamin D have chemo-preventive effects on CRC. To our knowledge, little
has been done in this area in Canada. Therefore, the purpose of this
report is to assess the effects of dietary calcium, vitamin D and dairy
products on the occurrence of CRC and to compare these possible
associations between the two provinces.
Selection of cases and controls
Data for this case-control study were obtained from the Ontario
Familial Colorectal Cancer Registries (OFCCR) and Newfoundland Familial
Colorectal Cancer Registries (NFCCR). In ON, incident cases diagnosed
during 1997-2000 were identified through the population-based Ontario
Cancer Registry (Phase one). In NL, incident cases diagnosed during
1999-2003 were identified through the population tumour registry
maintained by the Newfoundland Cancer Registry. Both registries were
used to identify newly diagnosed cases of colon or rectal cancer
(pathology confirmed ICD 9th revision codes: 153.0-153.9, 154.1-154.3,
and 154.8 or ICD-10 codes: 18.0-18.7, 19.9, 20.9) among those aged 20-74
years. Phase two of the OFCCR enrolled cases diagnosed in ON during
2003-2006. (35,36)
Initial contact was with the surgeon/physician identified on the
pathology report. Once physician consent was obtained, cases were then
contacted to inform them of the study. Participants who indicated their
willingness to participate in the study were sent, in sequence, a
written consent form, family history questionnaire (FHQ), personal
history questionnaire (PHQ), and food frequency questionnaire (FFQ).
Non-responders were sent postcard reminders and wre phoned several weeks
after initial contact to remind them of the mailing. Controls were a
random sample of residents in each province aged 20-74 years. In ON,
controls were identified through a list of residential phone numbers or
from population-based property assessment rolls (owners and occupants).
In NL, controls were identified through random digit dialing. (34) Both
registries frequency matched controls to cases on sex and five-year age
strata. Once verbal consent for participation was obtained from controls
during the phone contact, the same survey package as sent to cases was
forwarded to each potential participant.
Dietary and epidemiologic data collection
Information on dietary intake was collected using a
self-administered FFQ. The FFQ administered in ON was the well-known
Hawaii FFQ. (37,38) The FFQ administered in NL was modified based on the
ON questionnaire and adapted to include regional foods in NL. (34) The
FFQ was used to assess diet over the 1-2 years prior to diagnosis or
interview in each province. Participants were questioned about their
intake of almost 170 foods which were believed to be important to the
contribution of most nutrients in the diet. For each food item, subjects
were asked to estimate the frequency of food intake and their usual
portion size: 'Regular', 'Small' or
'Large'. Food photographs were provided that showed regular,
small and large portion sizes for vegetables, meat and chicken.
Participants were also questioned on their use of any individual or
multivitamin supplements, including the usual brand name, the amounts
taken and the duration of consumption. Nutrient intakes were computed by
multiplying the frequency of consumption of each food item by the
nutrient content of the portion size.
Possible associations between CRC risk and the consumption of five
groups of dairy foods (total dairy products, milk, non-milk dairy
products (e.g., cream), yogurt, cheese) were also investigated. Total
dairy food consumption was computed by adding the daily servings of all
foods in the dairy categories. Total milk consumption was calculated by
adding the daily servings of non-fat milk or skim milk, low-fat milk
(2%), and whole milk. Non-milk dairy product consumption was calculated
by adding the daily servings of yogurt, cheese and cream.
The self-administered personal history questionnaire included many
close-ended questions about medical history, bowel screening history,
medication use, diet, physical activity, alcohol and tobacco use and
socio-demographic measures such as education and income. Identifying
information such as sex, age, date of birth, and marital status was
collected. For female participants, there were additional questions
relating to reproductive factors.
For analyses, we excluded those who did not provide sufficient
dietary information, those who failed to provide information on
potential risk factors, those who reported energy intake in the upper or
lower 2.5% of intake (lower and upper cutoff: in NL, 925 and 4700 kcal
for men, 1100 and 4900 kcal for women, respectively; in ON, 1040 and
5200 kcal for men, 835 and 4100 kcal for women, respectively), and
patients who had familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and/or an in-situ
tumour. In ON, 896 subjects were excluded; in NL, 281 subjects were
excluded. After these exclusions, based on those who completed both the
PHQ and FFQ, 3,102 subjects (1,272 cases and 1,830 controls) from ON and
1,139 subjects (488 cases and 651 controls) from NL remained. Data
collected from these subjects were used for the analysis. Since one of
the main objectives of this study was an interprovincial comparison, a
province-stratified rather than pooled analysis was performed.
Statistical analyses
Descriptive statistics stratified by case-control status were used
to describe the demographic/ health-related characteristics and dietary
intakes of subjects. Intakes of calcium and vitamin D were
energy-adjusted by using residuals calculated from the linear regression
of the log of nutrient intake versus the log of energy intake. (39)
Intakes of total calcium and total vitamin D were calculated by adding
energy-adjusted nutrients from food and unadjusted nutrients from
supplements. Intakes of calcium, vitamin D and dairy products were
categorized into quintiles based on the distribution among the study
population without missing endpoints and were entered into models as
indicator variables with the lowest quintile as the referent group.
Age and total energy intake-adjusted odds ratios (OR) and their
corresponding 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated from
maximum-likelihood estimates in unconditional logistic regression to
assess the association of the outcome with dietary intakes. Multivariate
unconditional logistic regression was used to evaluate the association
of intakes of calcium, vitamin D and dairy products with CRC risk after
adjusting for a set of potential confounders or covariates. Tests for
trend were used to assess dose-response relationships based on the
median of each category of dietary intake.
Potential confounding factors include age (18-49, 50-59, 60-69 and
70+ years); sex; body mass index (BMI<18.5, 18.5-24.9, 25-29.9, and
[greater than or equal to]30 kg/[m.sup.2]); physical activity (<7.4,
7.4-22.4, 22.4-53.0, and >53.0 metabolic equivalent hours/week,
METs/week); first-degree relatives with CRC (yes, no); polyps (yes, no);
diabetes (yes, no); history of colon screening procedure (yes, no);
cigarette smoking (ever smoke, never smoke); alcohol drinking (<14,
[greater than or equal to]14 drinks/week); education attainment (high
school graduate or less, technical school/some college/university, and
bachelor's degree/graduate degree); household income (<$12,000;
$12,000-29,999, $30,000-49,999, and >$50,000); marital status
(married, single/never married, and separated/divorced/widowed); regular
use of medication and supplements: non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug
(NSAID)(yes, no), multivitamin supplements (yes, no), folate supplement
(yes, no); reported hormone replacement therapy (HRT, females only)(yes,
no); dietary intakes: total energy intake (quintiles), fruits (0-6, 6-7,
7-14, and >14 servings/week), vegetables (0-6, 6-7, 7-14, and >14
servings/week), red meat (0-2, 2-3, 3-5, and >5 servings/week); and
province of residence (NL, ON). The basis for the assessment of
confounding factors included: 1) literature and previous studies, 2)
biological plausibility, 3) whether the regression coefficient of the
primary dependent variable changed by 10% or more after addition of the
potentially confounding variable, or 4) whether the covariate entered
the model at p<0.05. The final list of potential confounding factors
included in the model was based on both backwards-stepwise procedure and
the literature. Statistical tests were two-sided, and p values less than
0.05 were considered statistically significant. Statistical analyses
were performed using SAS statistical software. (40)
Demographic and lifestyle characteristics of the study
participants, stratified by province and case-control status, are shown
in Table 1. The study participants included 1,760 cases (488 from NL,
1,272 from ON) and 2,481 controls (651 from NL, 1,830 from ON) with
average response rates of 65.0% and 53.5% in cases and controls,
respectively. NL cases were slightly older than controls (mean, 62.7 for
cases, 60.5 for controls), while ON cases were slightly younger than
controls (mean, 58.4 for cases, 61.5 for controls). In both provinces,
cases had higher BMI than controls; more often had first-degree
relatives with CRC; were less likely to report any colon screening
procedure, to report use of multivitamin supplements, and to have taken
HRT over the previous 1-2 years (females only). Physical activity
(METs/week) or heavy alcohol drinking history did not vary significantly
between cases and controls in the two provinces. NL cases tended to be
smokers and less likely to have acquired higher education or to obtain a
high income during the previous year (all p<0.05). ON CRC cases less
often used NSAID during the previous year (all p<0.05).
Table 2 gives the mean intakes of food, selected nutrients and
dairy products by the cases and controls in both provinces. Both
provinces' cases reported higher intakes of total energy than
controls. There was higher red meat consumption among ON cases, but no
marked differences in the fruit and vegetable consumption between cases
and controls were found in either province. Controls generally reported
higher levels of mean daily intake of calcium and vitamin D, however,
the extent of the differences varied by province. Specifically, both
provinces' controls reported significantly higher intakes of total
calcium, calcium from food, calcium from supplements, total vitamin D
and vitamin D from supplements compared to their respective cases (all
p<0.05). In ON, controls also reported significantly higher
consumption of vitamin D from food, total dairy products and milk than
did cases (all p<0.05).
The OR and 95% CI of CRC according to intakes of calcium and
vitamin D from food and supplements, stratified by province, are shown
in Table 3. Inverse associations with CRC risk were observed for high
intakes of age-energy-adjusted total calcium, calcium from food and
total vitamin D in both provinces; however, after other potential
covariates were taken into account, the inverse associations were no
longer significant in NL, while the protective effect of these nutrients
remained significant in ON. The multivariate adjusted OR of CRC in ON
for individuals in the highest quintile of intake compared with those in
the lowest quintile was 0.57 for total calcium (95% CI 0.42-0.77,
p-trend=0.03), 0.76 for dietary calcium (95% CI 0.60-0.97,
p-trend=0.06), and 0.73 for total vitamin D (95% CI 0.54-1.00,
p-trend=0.18). In addition, a higher intake of dietary vitamin D in ON
subjects was also significantly and inversely associated with CRC risk
(OR=0.77, 95% CI 0.61-0.99, p-trend=0.38). The observed reductions in
risk among participants consuming calcium-containing supplements were
33% (NL) and 24% (ON). In NL, a 32% reduced risk emerged for consuming
vitamin D-containing supplements.
In addition, we evaluated the consumption of total dairy foods and
specific dairy foods in relation to the risk of CRC (Table 4). In ON,
the risk of CRC was significantly reduced for those who consumed total
dairy food >25.5 servings/week compared to those who consumed <3.1
servings/week (OR=0.78, 95% CI 0.60-1.00) in both age-energy-adjusted
models and multivariate-adjusted models. In particular, those who
consumed [greater than or equal to]14.9 cups/week of milk had a 22%
lower risk of CRC compared to those who consumed <0.6 cups/week. A
non-significant inverse association was found in yogurt intake. In NL,
inverse associations were observed for age-energy-adjusted total dairy
foods and milk; however, after adjusting for multi-variables, the
inverse relationships were no longer significant.
When the combined effect of total calcium and total vitamin D was
considered, the inverse association was most pronounced among subjects
reporting high calcium and high vitamin D intakes compared to those
reporting a low intake of both nutrients (Table 5).
In this large population case-control study, significant inverse
associations were observed among the ON population for intakes of total
calcium, dietary calcium, supplemental calcium, total vitamin D, dietary
vitamin D, total dairy products and milk. In the NL population, inverse
associations of supplemental calcium and supplemental vitamin D intakes
with CRC risk were found. Our findings support a number of studies in
other populations that have reported inverse associations between
intakes of calcium and vitamin D and CRC risk. (4,41-45)
It is a little surprising that we did not observe meaningful
associations of calcium and vitamin D intakes from food with CRC risk in
NL after adjusting for multi-variables. We did observe these inverse
associations in NL after adjusting for age and total energy intake only.
One possibility is that intakes of these nutrients in NL were too low,
even in the highest quintiles, for us to observe significant
associations. This may be the case with calcium, for which intakes in ON
subjects were found to be considerably higher than in NL subjects (Table
2). Other researchers have also found lower intakes of dietary calcium
by NL adults as compared to those resident in ON. (46-48) It is also
possible that the findings in this study may be due in part to
collinearity between nutrients and foods of which they are constituents.
For instance, dietary fat, phosphorous and dietary fibre may limit the
intestinal absorption of calcium due to increased production of
insoluble calcium complexes. (49-51) However, the inverse associations
of calcium and vitamin D with CRC risk were most pronounced among NL
subjects who use calcium- or vitamin D-containing supplements. NL
controls were more likely than cases to consume calcium- or vitamin
D-containing supplements (Table 2). Yet it is also likely that
supplement users may be more conscious about health and therefore may
have healthier dietary and physical activity habits as compared to
non-supplement users. However, we did attempt to control for the effects
of other physiologic, behavioural, and dietary factors in these
analyses. Another possibility is that calcium- or vitamin D-containing
supplements may have independent effects on cancer risk. Discussion of
such potential biological mechanisms is beyond the scope of the present
Results from this study, however, found that inverse associations
did exist for total dairy products and milk in ON. It has been shown
that calcium, especially in combinations as found in milk, effectively
precipitates luminal cytolytic substances and reduces cytotoxicity of
fecal water, an accepted risk marker for colon cancer. (21,22) Besides
calcium and vitamin D through fortification, many other components of
dairy foods have been shown experimentally to protect against CRC. Dairy
foods contain conjugated linoleic acid and lactoferrin, which inhibit
colonic carcinogenesis in animal models, (52,53) and it has been
suggested that the milk protein casein has antimutagenic activity on the
digestive tract. (54) Certain micro-organisms in fermented dairy foods
have also been hypothesized to reduce the risk of CRC. (55) In this
study, fermented dairy foods, such as cheese and yogurt, did not appear
to be related to CRC risk. A possible reason is that cheese fats,
particularly saturated fats, might increase risk. (56) However, the
intakes of cheese and yogurt were too low to expect significant
associations to emerge with analysis of the dietary intake data.
This study had a number of strengths. The large sample size allowed
the identification of associations that might not be detectable in
smaller studies. More importantly, previous findings by other
researchers about the protective effects of these nutrients on CRC risk
were confined to specific study populations, and this makes it difficult
to generalize the results. In this study, we examined the effects of
calcium, vitamin D and dairy product intake on the occurrence of CRC in
two Canadian provinces with different rates of CRC incidence. We
compared differences of these associations between the two provinces.
Furthermore, nutrient intakes were adjusted for total energy intake. The
use of calorie-adjusted values in multivariate models will often
overcome the problem of high collinearity frequently observed between
nutritional factors. (39) This adjustment also reduces between-person
variation due to over- or under-reporting of food intakes. (39) The
relationships of calcium, vitamin D, dairy products and CRC risk may
differ appreciably by several factors, so we controlled for a wide range
of potential confounding factors using multivariate logistic regression
models. Although some random misclassification of dietary components is
likely, non-differential misclassification generally tends to bias the
risk estimates toward the null.
Consideration must be given to the potential limitations in the
present study that may have influenced the observed associations. First,
as in most case-control studies, potential recall and selection biases
are possible. Since exposure information was collected after diagnosis,
differential recall between cases and controls could bias results. In
particular, cases may recall dietary exposures differently from controls
because of the presence of illness or symptoms. Controls may have agreed
to join this study because of an interest in health and may therefore
have healthier dietary and physical activity habits, a pattern that may
exaggerate differences with the cases beyond what might have been seen
with truly comparable controls.
Second, by design, cases and controls had similar sex distribution;
however, cases and controls were not well matched according to age
group. Estimates of nutrient intakes from a FFQ are not precise and
there is always the potential for measurement error. Although the
original FFQ used in this study has been validated, (37,38) this
questionnaire requires further evaluation. Third, these findings may
reflect problems of collinearity between various nutrients, between
selected foods, and between multivitamin supplements, thus this
possibility cannot be completely eliminated.
Another potential limitation of this study may be the absence of
information on sun exposure. As we know, it is difficult to accurately
measure vitamin D exposure in humans. (43) We did not have information
on sunshine exposure at baseline. Finally, it is also possible that the
1-2 year referent period on which dietary data were based is
insufficient if more remote dietary practices (e.g., 5-10 yrs) have
stronger influence on CRC risk.
In conclusion, in Canada the results of our case-control study add
to the evidence that dietary calcium and vitamin D are associated with a
lower risk of CRC. Furthermore, dairy products, milk, supplemental
calcium and vitamin D are inversely related with CRC risk. More
specifically, the present data support a joint action of calcium and
vitamin D in the prevention of colorectal carcinogenesis.
Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Canadian
Institutes of Health Research Team Grant [CIHR-CPT79845] and Canadian
Institutes of Health Research Team in Interdisciplinary Research on
Colorectal Cancer Studentship [205835]. Zhuoyu Sun was awarded by the
Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Applied Health Research through a
Master's fellowship. Jing Zhao was supported by a trainee award
from the Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute with funds provided
by The Terry Fox Foundation Strategic Health Research Training Program
in Cancer Research at CIHR.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Received: November 28, 2010
Accepted: May 1, 2011
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Zhuoyu Sun, MSc, [1] Peizhong Peter Wang, PhD, [1,2] Barbara
Roebothan, PhD, [1] Michelle Cotterchio, PhD, [3] Roger Green, PhD, [4]
Sharon Buehler, PhD, [1] Jinhui Zhao, PhD, [1] Josh Squires, BSc, [1]
Jing Zhao, BMed, [1] Yun Zhu, BMed, [1] Elizabeth Dicks, PhD, [4] Peter
T. Campbell, PhD, [5] John R. Mclaughlin, PhD, [6] Patrick S. Parfrey,
MD [4]
Author Affiliations
[1.] Division of Community Health and Humanities, Faculty of
Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NL
[2.] School of Public Health, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin,
[3.] Population Studies and Surveillance, Cancer Care Ontario,
Toronto, ON
[4.] Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial
University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NL
[5.] Epidemiology Research Program, American Cancer Society,
Atlanta, GA
[6.] Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital,
Toronto, ON
Correspondence: Dr. Peizhong Peter Wang, Division of Community
Health & Humanities, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of
Newfoundland, St. John's, NL A1B 3V6, Tel: 709-777-8571, Fax:
709-777-7382, E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1. Selected Characteristics of Cases and Controls, Stratified by
Province, CRC Case-control Study in NL and ON
Characteristics Cases (n=488) Controls (n=651)
Age (years) ([dagger]) 62.7 * [+ or -] 9.0 60.5 [+ or -] 9.5
BMI ([section]) (kg/ 27.8 * [+ or -] 4.8 27.2 [+ or -] 4.4
[m.sup.2]) ([dagger])
Physical activity 58.0 [+ or -] 74.7 50.2 [+ or -] 73.2
([section])) ([dagger])
First-degree relatives 163 * (33.4) 114 (17.5)
with CRC (%) ([double
Reported any colon 60 * (12.3) 145 (22.3)
screening (%) ([double
Regular use of NSAID 164 (33.5) 252 (38.7)
([section]) (%)
([double dagger])
Regular use of 66 * (13.5) 145 (22.3)
supplements (%)
([double dagger])
Reported HRT ([section]) 132 * (27.1) 251 (38.6)
(%) ([double dagger])
Smokers, current and/or 353 * (72.3) 401 (61.6)
past (%) ([double
Heavy drinkers 54 (11.0) 68 (10.4)
([section]) (%)
([double dagger])
High level of education 181 * (37.0) 351 (53.9)
([section]) (%)
([double dagger])
High household income 102 * (20.9) 229 (35.1)
([section]) (%)
([double dagger])
Characteristics Cases (n=1272) Controls (n=1830)
Age (years) ([dagger]) 58.4 * [+ or -] 10.9 61.5 [+ or -] 9.7
BMI ([section]) (kg/ 26.7 * [+ or -] 4.7 26.3 [+ or -] 4.5
[m.sup.2]) ([dagger])
Physical activity 43.8 [+ or -] 58.6 41.4 [+ or -] 59.2
([section])) ([dagger])
First-degree relatives 341 * (26.8) 223 (12.2)
with CRC (%) ([double
Reported any colon 198 * (15.6) 476 (26.0)
screening (%) ([double
Regular use of NSAID 433 * (34.0) 787 (43.0)
([section]) (%)
([double dagger])
Regular use of 436 * (34.3) 701 (38.3)
supplements (%)
([double dagger])
Reported HRT ([section]) 440 * (34.6) 827 (45.2)
(%) ([double dagger])
Smokers, current and/or 733 (57.6) 1078 (58.9)
past (%) ([double
Heavy drinkers 154 (12.1) 205 (11.2)
([section]) (%)
([double dagger])
High level of education 700 (55.0) 1087 (59.4)
([section]) (%)
([double dagger])
High household income 506 (39.8) 758 (41.4)
([section]) (%)
([double dagger])
* Significant difference between cases and controls (p<0.05).
([dagger]) Continuous variables presented as mean [+ or -] SD
(standard deviation), differences between cases and controls based
on t-test.
([double dagger]) Categorical variables presented as number (%),
differences between cases and controls based on chi-square test.
([section]) BMI, body mass index; METs/week, metabolic equivalent
hours per week; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; HRT,
hormone replacement therapy, female only; heavy drinkers, average
drinks >14 times/week; high level of education, included some
college, university or post-secondary school; high household
income, average household income >$50,000/year.
Table 2. Mean Intakes of Foods and Nutrients Among Cases and
Controls, Stratified by Province, CRC Case-control Study
NL Subjects
Intakes of Foods and Cases
Nutrients ([dagger]) (n=488)
Fruit (servings/week) 9.6 [+ or -] 8.1
Vegetables (servings/week) 11.1 [+ or -] 7.6
Red meat (servings/week) 3.5 [+ or -] 3.3
Total energy (kcal/day) 2441.5 * [+ or -] 838.2
Calcium (mg/day)
Total calcium 989.6 * [+ or -] 402.6
Calcium from food 933.4 * [+ or -] 354.1
Calcium from supplements 56.2 * [+ or -] 160.2
Vitamin D (IU/day)
Total vitamin D 332.2 * [+ or -] 242.5
Vitamin D from food 244.9 [+ or -] 124.1
Vitamin D from supplements 87.3 * [+ or -] 201.0
Dairy products (servings/week)
Total dairy products 12.8 [+ or -] 10.2
Milk 8.2 [+ or -] 8.0
Non-milk products 5.0 [+ or -] 5.7
Yogurt 2.0 [+ or -] 3.7
Cheese 3.0 [+ or -] 3.7
NL Subjects
Intakes of Foods and Controls
Nutrients ([dagger]) (n=651)
Fruit (servings/week) 10.5 [+ or -] 8.2
Vegetables (servings/week) 11.9 [+ or -] 8.3
Red meat (servings/week) 3.6 [+ or -] 3.4
Total energy (kcal/day) 2293.6 [+ or -] 744.9
Calcium (mg/day)
Total calcium 1108.3 [+ or -] 500.9
Calcium from food 989.0 [+ or -] 394.9
Calcium from supplements 119.3 [+ or -] 249.1
Vitamin D (IU/day)
Total vitamin D 393.5 [+ or -] 299.5
Vitamin D from food 251.0 [+ or -] 130.0
Vitamin D from supplements 142.5 [+ or -] 260.3
Dairy products (servings/week)
Total dairy products 13.4 [+ or -] 10.4
Milk 8.3 [+ or -] 8.0
Non-milk products 5.2 [+ or -] 5.9
Yogurt 2.2 [+ or -] 3.9
Cheese 3.0 [+ or -] 4.1
ON Subjects
Intakes of Foods and Cases
Nutrients ([dagger]) (n=1272)
Fruit (servings/week) 11.3 [+ or -] 8.1
Vegetables (servings/week) 13.8 [+ or -] 9.0
Red meat (servings/week) 4.6 * [+ or -] 4.4
Total energy (kcal/day) 2266.0 * [+ or -] 796.1
Calcium (mg/day)
Total calcium 1137.1 * [+ or -] 509.2
Calcium from food 956.0 * [+ or -] 302.0
Calcium from supplements 181.1 * [+ or -] 404.7
Vitamin D (IU/day)
Total vitamin D 319.8 * [+ or -] 218.4
Vitamin D from food 202.1 * [+ or -] 104.5
Vitamin D from supplements 117.7 * [+ or -] 186.8
Dairy products (servings/week)
Total dairy products 12.2 * [+ or -] 8.6
Milk 7.2 * [+ or -] 6.6
Non-milk products 5.6 [+ or -] 5.1
Yogurt 1.3 [+ or -] 1.9
Cheese 3.8 [+ or -] 4.2
ON Subjects
Intakes of Foods and Controls
Nutrients ([dagger]) (n=1830)
Fruit (servings/week) 11.0 [+ or -] 8.2
Vegetables (servings/week) 13.2 [+ or -] 8.5
Red meat (servings/week) 4.0 [+ or -] 3.8
Total energy (kcal/day) 2161.5 [+ or -] 757.7
Calcium (mg/day)
Total calcium 1231.6 [+ or -] 544.1
Calcium from food 1009.5 [+ or -] 314.9
Calcium from supplements 222.1 [+ or -] 440.6
Vitamin D (IU/day)
Total vitamin D 352.7 [+ or -] 236.4
Vitamin D from food 220.8 [+ or -] 111.0
Vitamin D from supplements 131.9 [+ or -] 203.6
Dairy products (servings/week)
Total dairy products 13.0 [+ or -] 9.9
Milk 8.1 [+ or -] 8.1
Non-milk products 5.5 [+ or -] 5.2
Yogurt 1.3 [+ or -] 1.7
Cheese 3.8 [+ or -] 4.3
* Significant difference between cases and controls (p<0.05).
([dagger]) Continuous variables presented as mean [+ or -] SD
(standard deviation), differences between cases and controls
based on t-test.
Table 3. Associations (Adjusted OR ([dagger]) 95% CI ([dagger]))
of Calcium and Vitamin D Intakes With CRC Risk Among Cases and
Controls, Stratified by Province, CRC Case-control Study
NL Subjects (n=1139)
No. of Median
Intakes of Calcium Cases/ Intake
and Vitamin D Controls ([parallel])
Total calcium
Q1 109/119 580.0
Q2 107/121 798.1
Q3 106/121 963.5
Q4 93/135 1190.0
Q5 73/155 1653.4
P for trend ([paragraph])
Calcium from food
Q1 105/123 573.3
Q2 102/126 764.3
Q3 96/131 902.4
Q4 103/125 1089.7
Q5 82/146 1405.7
P for trend ([paragraph])
Calcium from supplements
Non-users 407/471 0
Users 81/180 >0
Total vitamin D
Q1 102/126 124.2
Q2 106/122 199.4
Q3 115/112 261.4
Q4 87/141 407.5
Q5 78/150 754.3
P for trend ([paragraph])
Vitamin D from food
Q1 97/131 110.7
Q2 101/127 179.8
Q3 94/133 228.7
Q4 108/120 285.3
Q5 88/140 404.0
P for trend ([paragraph])
Vitamin D from supplements
Non-users 402/474 0
Users 86/177 >0
NL Subjects (n=1139)
OR ([double
Intakes of Calcium dagger]) OR ([section])
and Vitamin D (95% CI) (95% CI)
Total calcium
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 1.04 (0.71,1.51) 1.30 (0.85,1.98)
Q3 1.01 (0.70,1.48) 1.17 (0.76,1.78)
Q4 0.77 (0.53,1.13) 0.94 (0.61,1.44)
Q5 0.50 * (0.34,0.74) 0.68 (0.44,1.07)
P for trend ([paragraph]) 0.02 0.15
Calcium from food
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 1.04 (0.71,1.52) 1.33 (0.87,2.03)
Q3 0.92 (0.63,1.35) 1.11 (0.72,1.72)
Q4 1.02 (0.70,1.49) 1.26 (0.82,1.94)
Q5 0.66 * (0.45,0.96) 0.94 (0.61,1.45)
P for trend ([paragraph]) 0.11 0.67
Calcium from supplements
Non-users 1.00 1.00
Users 0.51 * (0.38,0.68) 0.67 * (0.47,0.94)
Total vitamin D
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 1.11 (0.76,1.62) 1.36 (0.85,2.15)
Q3 1.28 (0.88,1.86) 1.40 (0.90,2.65)
Q4 0.71 * (0.48,1.03) 0.78 (0.49,1.24)
Q5 0.60 * (0.41,0.88) 0.85 (0.53,1.37)
P for trend ([paragraph]) 0.12 0.39
Vitamin D from food
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 1.17 (0.80,1.71) 1.30 (0.85,1.98)
Q3 1.01 (0.69,1.48) 1.26 (0.82,1.92)
Q4 1.24 (0.85,1.81) 1.51 (0.98,2.31)
Q5 0.81 (0.55,1.18) 0.95 (0.62,1.47)
P for trend ([paragraph]) 0.49 0.90
Vitamin D from supplements
Non-users 1.00 1.00
Users 0.55 * (0.41,0.73) 0.68 * (0.48,0.97)
ON Subjects (n=3102)
No. of Median
Intakes of Calcium Cases/ Intake
and Vitamin D Controls ([parallel])
Total calcium
Q1 301/320 708.5
Q2 265/356 898.1
Q3 264/356 1071.7
Q4 231/390 1308.4
Q5 211/408 1834.0
P for trend ([paragraph])
Calcium from food
Q1 283/338 656.3
Q2 267/354 816.7
Q3 261/359 946.5
Q4 237/384 1094.5
Q5 224/395 1382.9
P for trend ([paragraph])
Calcium from supplements
Non-users 761/1002 0
Users 511/828 >0
Total vitamin D
Q1 285/336 107.7
Q2 247/374 179.9
Q3 275/345 265.8
Q4 236/385 464.0
Q5 229/390 645.4
P for trend ([paragraph])
Vitamin D from food
Q1 284/337 95.5
Q2 251/370 148.5
Q3 262/358 198.9
Q4 263/358 253.9
Q5 212/407 359.0
P for trend ([paragraph])
Vitamin D from supplements
Non-users 874/1212 0
Users 398/618 >0
ON Subjects (n=3102)
OR ([double
Intakes of Calcium dagger]) OR ([section])
and Vitamin D (95% CI) (95% CI)
Total calcium
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 0.84 (0.67,1.06) 0.89 (0.67,1.20)
Q3 0.84 (0.67,1.06) 0.97 (0.72,1.31)
Q4 0.68 * (0.54,0.86) 0.66 * (0.49,0.90)
Q5 0.61 * (0.48,0.77) 0.57 * (0.42,0.77)
P for trend ([paragraph]) 0.02 0.03
Calcium from food
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 0.97 (0.77,1.22) 0.95 (0.75,1.21)
Q3 0.98 (0.78,1.23) 1.03 (0.82,1.31)
Q4 0.79 * (0.63,1.00) 0.83 (0.66,1.05)
Q5 0.71 * (0.56,0.90) 0.76 * (0.60,0.97)
P for trend ([paragraph]) 0.02 0.06
Calcium from supplements
Non-users 1.00 1.00
Users 0.87 * (0.75,1.00) 0.76 * (0.63,0.93)
Total vitamin D
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 0.86 (0.68,1.08) 0.89 (0.66,1.20)
Q3 1.06 (0.84,1.33) 1.15 (0.85,1.54)
Q4 0.76 * (0.61,0.96) 0.79 (0.58,1.07)
Q5 0.79 * (0.63,0.99) 0.73 * (0.54,1.00)
P for trend ([paragraph]) 0.19 0.18
Vitamin D from food
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 0.91 (0.72,1.14) 0.92 (0.72,1.16)
Q3 1.02 (0.81,1.28) 1.09 (0.86,1.38)
Q4 1.03 (0.82,1.30) 1.07 (0.84,1.36)
Q5 0.71 * (0.56,0.89) 0.77 * (0.61,0.99)
P for trend ([paragraph]) 0.22 0.38
Vitamin D from supplements
Non-users 1.00 1.00
Users 0.91 (0.78,1.06) 1.11 (0.76,1.61)
* Significant difference from reference category, p<0.05.
([dagger]) OR, Odds ratio; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval.
([double dagger]) Adjusted for age and total energy intake.
([section]) Adjusted for total energy intake, age, sex, BMI, physical
activity (METs/week), first-degree relatives with CRC, polyps,
diabetes, reported colon screening procedure, cigarette smoking,
alcohol drinking, education attainment, household income, marital
status, regular use of NSAID, regular use of multivitamin supplements,
reported HRT (females only), and intakes of fruits, vegetables and
red meat. Variables were included in the final model based on a >10%
alternation in the parameter coefficient of interest.
([parallel]) Units of mg/day for calcium, and IU/day for vitamin D.
([paragraph]) Two-sided p-value for test of linear trend was
calculated by using median values for each quintile of intake.
Table 4. Associations (Adjusted OR ([dagger]), 95% CI ([dagger])
of Dairy Product Intakes With CRC Risk Among Cases and Controls,
Stratified by Province, CRC Case-control Study
NL Subjects (n=1139)
No. of Median
Cases/ Intake
Dairy Products Controls ([parallel])
Total Dairy
Q1 110/133 2.4
Q2 87/127 7.2
Q3 103/126 10.5
Q4 97/129 16.1
Q5 91/136 25.9
P for trend
Q1 115/138 0
Q2 101/145 3.5
Q3 93/122 6.9
Q4 112/140 8.9
Q5 67/106 17.0
P for trend
Q1 97/143 0.3
Q2 98/129 2.0
Q3 105/117 3.6
Q4 103/124 6.0
Q5 85/138 11.4
P for trend
Yogurt **
Q1 157/229 0
Q2 165/214 1.1
Q3 112/171 5.0
Q4 -- --
Q5 -- --
P for trend
Q1 104/158 0
Q2 103/108 1.0
Q3 101/144 2.0
Q4 87/110 5.3
Q5 93/131 7.0
P for trend
NL Subjects (n=1139)
OR ([double
dagger]) OR ([section])
Dairy Products (95% CI) (95% CI)
Total Dairy
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 0.85 (0.59,1.23) 0.89 (0.57,1.41)
Q3 0.79 (0.54,1.14) 1.07 (0.68,1.70)
Q4 0.75 (0.51,1.09) 0.90 (0.56,1.45)
Q5 0.69 * (0.46,1.01) 0.89 (0.55,1.45)
P for trend 0.03 0.42
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 0.85 (0.60,1.22) 1.06 (0.69,1.64)
Q3 0.89 (0.62,1.28) 1.27 (0.81,1.98)
Q4 0.85 (0.60,1.22) 1.14 (0.73,1.77)
Q5 0.67 * (0.45,0.99) 0.96 (0.58,1.57)
P for trend 0.02 0.81
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 1.35 (0.94,1.95) 1.40 (0.89,2.20)
Q3 0.94 (0.64,1.38) 0.98 (0.61,1.59)
Q4 1.16 (0.80,1.69) 1.43 (0.89,2.29)
Q5 0.91 (0.61,1.37) 1.12 (0.67,1.89)
P for trend 0.51 0.88
Yogurt **
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 1.15 (0.86, 1.53) 1.27 (0.87,1.85)
Q3 0.91 (0.66, 1.25) 1.02 (0.75,1.39)
Q4 -- --
Q5 -- --
P for trend 0.56 0.85
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 1.26 (0.87,1.81) 1.53 (0.97,2.43)
Q3 1.12 (0.78,1.61) 1.34 (0.85,2.12)
Q4 1.00 (0.68,1.46) 1.26 (0.78,2.02)
Q5 0.97 (0.66,1.44) 1.25 (0.76,2.05)
P for trend 0.34 0.94
ON Subjects (n=3102)
No. of Median
Cases/ Intake
Dairy Products Controls ([parallel])
Total Dairy
Q1 271/385 3.1
Q2 239/353 6.9
Q3 267/354 10.4
Q4 263/352 15.6
Q5 232/386 25.5
P for trend
Q1 333/475 0.6
Q2 240/345 3.0
Q3 296/392 6.9
Q4 254/346 7.9
Q5 149/272 14.9
P for trend
Q1 255/402 1.1
Q2 243/375 2.5
Q3 270/356 4.1
Q4 255/341 6.5
Q5 249/356 11.5
P for trend
Yogurt **
Q1 553/766 0
Q2 230/320 0.3
Q3 130/196 0.5
Q4 168/266 1.3
Q5 191/282 3.5
P for trend
Q1 303/444 0.5
Q2 230/359 1.3
Q3 244/349 2.5
Q4 259/322 5.0
Q5 236/356 10.0
P for trend
ON Subjects (n=3102)
OR ([double
dagger]) OR ([section])
Dairy Products (95% CI) (95% CI)
Total Dairy
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 0.97 (0.77,1.22) 1.03 (0.81,1.31)
Q3 1.05 (0.84,1.33) 1.12 (0.88,1.42)
Q4 1.01 (0.80,1.28) 1.07 (0.84,1.37)
Q5 0.74 * (0.58,0.94) 0.78 * (0.60,1.00)
P for trend 0.12 0.21
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 1.03 (0.83,1.28) 1.09 (0.87,1.36)
Q3 1.09 (0.88,1.34) 1.12 (0.90,1.39)
Q4 1.06 (0.85,1.32) 1.09 (0.87,1.37)
Q5 0.73 * (0.56,0.94) 0.78 * (0.60,1.00)
P for trend 0.18 0.23
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 1.02 (0.81,1.28) 1.04 (0.82,1.32)
Q3 1.15 (0.92,1.45) 1.14 (0.90,1.45)
Q4 1.11 (0.88,1.40) 1.13 (0.88,1.44)
Q5 0.96 (0.75,1.22) 0.98 (0.76,1.26)
P for trend 0.69 0.79
Yogurt **
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 0.95 (0.77,1.16) 0.98 (0.79,1.21)
Q3 0.85 (0.66,1.09) 0.92 (0.71,1.20)
Q4 0.81 (0.65,1.02) 0.88 (0.69,1.11)
Q5 0.83 (0.66,1.03) 0.85 (0.68,1.07)
P for trend 0.23 0.06
Q1 1.00 1.00
Q2 0.94 (0.75,1.18) 0.98 (0.78,1.23)
Q3 0.99 (0.79,1.24) 1.00 (0.79,1.25)
Q4 1.10 (0.87,1.37) 1.12 (0.89,1.42)
Q5 0.87 (0.69,1.10) 0.90 (0.70,1.14)
P for trend 0.51 0.56
* Significant difference from reference category, p<0.05.
([dagger]) OR, Odds ratio; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval.
([double dagger]) Adjusted for age and total energy intake.
[section] Adjusted for total energy intake, age, sex, BMI, physical
activity (METs/week), first-degree relatives with CRC, polyps,
diabetes, reported colon screening procedure, cigarette smoking,
alcohol drinking, education attainment, household income, marital
status, regular use of NSAID, regular use of multivitamin
supplements, reported HRT (females only), and intakes of fruits,
vegetables and red meat. Variables were included in the final model
based on a >10% alternation in the parameter coefficient of interest.
([parallel]) Units of servings/week for each dairy product.
([paragraph]) Two-sided p-value for test of linear trend was
calculated by using median values for each quintile of intake.
** Due to small sample size in NL, yogurt intake was only divided
into 3 groups.
Table 5. Adjusted OR ([dagger]), 95% CI ([dagger]) of CRC Risk
According to Level of Total Calcium and Total Vitamin D Intake
in the ON Population
Total Calcium Intake (mg/day)
T1 ([section])
Total Vitamin D ([less than or T2 ([section])
Intake (IU/day) equal to] 835.2) (835.3-1064.2)
T1 ([section]) (S157.3)
No. of cases/controls 343/420 99/127
OR ([dagger]) (95% CI) 1.00 0.94 (0.69,1.29)
T2 ([dagger]) (157.4-241.5)
No. of cases/controls 115/120 230/322
OR ([dagger]) (95% CI) 1.10 (0.80,1.86) 1.06 (0.84,1.34)
T3([section]) (>241.5)
No. of cases/controls 15/20 94/162
OR ([dagger]) (95% CI) 1.00 (0.50,2.02) 0.86 (0.63,1.17)
Total Calcium Intake
Total Vitamin D T3 ([section])
Intake (IU/day) (>1064.2)
T1 ([section]) (S157.3)
No. of cases/controls 15/30
OR ([dagger]) (95% CI) 0.84 (0.65,1.14)
T2 ([dagger]) (157.4-241.5)
No. of cases/controls 86/141
OR ([dagger]) (95% CI) 0.81 (0.59,1.11)
T3([section]) (>241.5)
No. of cases/controls 275/488
OR ([dagger]) (95% CI) 0.75 * (0.49,0.99)
* Significant difference from reference category, p<0.05.
([dagger]) OR, Odds ratio; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval.
([double dagger]) Adjusted for total energy intake, age, sex, BMI,
physical activity (METs/week), first-degree relatives with CRC,
polyps, diabetes, reported colon screening procedure, cigarette
smoking, alcohol drinking, education attainment, household income,
marital status, regular use of NSAID, regular use of multivitamin
supplements, reported HRT (females only), and intakes of fruits,
vegetables and red meat. Variables were included in the final model
based on a [greater than or equal to] 10% alternation in the
parameter coefficient of interest.
([section]) Intakes of total calcium and vitamin D were categorized
into tertiles based on the distribution among subjects, T1 for
tertile 1, T2 for tertile 2, and T3 for tertile 3.