Burden of mortality due to ambient fine particulate air pollution ([PM.sub.2.5]) in Interior and Northern BC.
Elliott, Catherine T. ; Copes, Ray
It is widely accepted that air pollution is detrimental to health.
The relationship between mortality and short-term exposure to high
concentrations of fine particulate matter and sulphur oxides was
demonstrated in the Great London Smog in 1952, (1) and subsequently
replicated in several natural experiments. (2,3) Recent epidemiologic
research suggests that long-term exposure to low-level air pollution may
be associated with a greater population health burden than short-term
exposure. Prospective longitudinal cohort studies have demonstrated that
the risk of mortality from long-term exposure to levels of ambient fine
particulate matter ([PM.sub.2.5]) found in Western cities is up to ten
times greater than the risk from short-term exposure to the same
concentration increment, (4-14) and that life expectancy improves as
[PM.sub.2.5] concentrations are reduced. (15)
Nevertheless, measures used to inform public health action and
policies in Canada, such as the air quality health index (16) and burden
of disease estimates, (17) rely on effect measures for short-term
exposure. There is no information about burden of disease associated
with long-term exposure to air pollution in rural British Columbia,
despite major industrial sources in some communities corresponding to
higher pollutant levels than those found in urban areas. Our analysis
uses existing data to estimate the burden of mortality from long-term
exposure to fine particulate air pollution in rural BC.
Setting, population and exposure assessment
Interior Health Authority and Northern Health Authority are rural
health authorities which make up the majority of the geographic area of
British Columbia, but only contain 16% (n=733,285) and 6% (285,493) of
the population, respectively. (18) The major contributors to fine
particulate air pollution vary by community and include traffic,
industries, forest fires and wood-burning stoves.
Mortality data for 2005 to 2009 for each local health area (LHA)
were obtained from BC Vital Statistics Agency. Outdoor ambient
[PM.sup.2.5] concentrations ([[PM.sub.2.5]]) were measured by the BC
Ministry of Environment using tapered element oscillating microbalance
(TEOM) continuous monitors, corrected to compensate for losses of
volatile material. Monitors closest to the main populations within each
monitored LHA were applied to the population of that LHA. We estimated
the [[PM.sub.2.5]] for unmonitored LHAs as the median of monitored
communities in the corresponding health authority (HA) and conducted
sensitivity analyses for this estimation.
Calculation of burden of mortality
Since the relationship between [[PM.sub.2.5]] and mortality is
widely accepted to be log-linear over the range of concentrations
observed in BC, (19) the mortality attributable to each increment of
[[PM.sub.2.5]] can be estimated using concentration response functions
derived from longitudinal cohort studies. The largest such study using
data collected by the American Cancer Society (ACS) followed 300,000
participants in 51 cities over 25 years (13) and modeled relative risk
estimates that were robust to analytic scrutiny. (10)
Biological plausibility for these effects has been demonstrated
through pathophysiologic mechanisms including oxidative stress and
inflammation in the lungs and leading to accelerated atherosclerosis and
altered autonomic activity in the heart. (19) Other air pollutants have
been associated with mortality, however none have the weight of evidence
that exists for [PM.sub.2.5].
We used the relative risk for all-cause mortality from the ACS
study (1.06 per 10 ug/[m.sup.3]) and locally measured 5-year mean
[[PM.sup.2.5]] to calculate a relative risk for each local health area
in the Interior and Northern Health Authorities (equation 1). The
attributable fraction--the proportion of mortality from all causes that
is due to air pollution--is derived from this relative risk (equation
2). For ambient air pollution, the attributable fraction and the
population attributable fraction are identical since the entire
population is exposed. The burden of mortality attributable to long-term
exposure to [PM.sub.2.5] is the product of the attributable fraction and
measured all-cause mortality.
Where [beta] is the regression coefficient, derived from RR
([beta]= [(log RR)/10]). C is the five-year mean observed [[PM.sub.2.5]]
and Co is the counterfactual concentration, the concentration below
which no mortality effects are assumed.
In order to calculate the attributable fraction (AF), RR' was
used in the classic attributable risk calculation: (20)
AF = [1-(1/RR')] [equation 2]
Attributable mortality (AM) is the product of the attributable
fraction and the five-year mean all-cause mortality.
AM = AF x (all-cause mortality) [equation 3]
We used mortality for adults 30 and older, since this corresponds
to the population in the ACS study. Confidence intervals were calculated
using the method of Greenland et al. (1987). (21)
Using this method, mortality is estimated only for [PM.sub.2.5]
concentrations above a reference concentration that is set a priori
(counterfactual concentration, [C.sub.o]). We set [C.sub.o] to the
lowest concentration measured in the ACS (5 ug/[m.sup.3]) for the base
case scenario, since the effects of [PM.sub.2.5] have not been studied
below this concentration.
Anthropogenic Burden of Mortality
In order to estimate mortality burden due to pollution (i.e.,
[[PM.sub.2.5]] above natural levels), we set the counterfactual
concentration to that found in the absence of emissions from human
sources, by using the lowest observed concentration in BC (3.1
ug/[m.sup.3], in Terrace). This is similar to the minimum [[PM.sub.2.5]]
used in the WHO burden of disease estimates (3 ug/[m.sup.3]) and the
minimum background [[PM.sub.2.5]] observed in the United States. (22,
We conducted a sensitivity analysis for the concentration estimated
for unmonitored communities, by setting their concentration to
background levels (3.1 ug/[m.sup.3]). This results in no mortality
contribution from these communities.
The mean annual [[PM.sub.2.5]] in Interior and Northern BC LHAs
ranged from 3.1 to 7.4 ug/[m.sup.3], with higher concentrations in
cities with forest processing, particularly those in valleys where
winter inversions trap pollutants (e.g., Prince George, Quesnel; Table
1). Most of the adult population (60%) lived in monitored LHAs.
In our base case, we estimate that fine particulate air pollution
causes 0.1% (8 deaths/year) and 0.4% (6 deaths/year) of all-cause
mortality among adults in Interior and Northern Health, respectively.
For the entire region, an estimated 0.20% (16 deaths/year) of mortality
was caused by fine particulate air pollution. The anthropogenic burden
of mortality was much higher at 0.93% (74 deaths/year) for the region
(Table 2). This demonstrates the sensitivity of estimates to the
counterfactual concentration, which was set to 5.0 ug/[m.sup.3] in the
base case and 3.1 ug/[m.sup.3] for the anthropogenic burden of
We estimate that 0.20% of mortality among adults in Interior and
Northern Health Authorities is due to fine particulate air pollution,
corresponding to 8 and 6 deaths each year in each health authority
The attributable fraction for [PM.sub.2.5] ranged from 0.20 to
0.93% depending on the case scenario. Our base case is lower than the
World Health Organization global burden of disease estimates for
mortality fraction attributable to urban [PM.sub.2.5] pollution for this
region of North America (0.42%), (22) due to low pollution levels in BC
relative to other regions of North America.
Our estimates are very sensitive to the counterfactual
concentration--the [PM.sub.2.5] concentration above which we attribute
mortality. This method assumes a threshold concentration below which no
mortality effects occur, set to 5 ug/[m.sup.3] in the base case. The
threshold model is debated among scientists. Mortality effects of
ambient [PM.sub.2.5] have been demonstrated down to the lowest measured
levels (~5 ug/[m.sup.3]) and there is biological plausibility that they
occur at even lower levels. (19) Furthermore, the relationship between
concentration and mortality is non-linear, with incremental effects
greater at lower concentrations. (23) Therefore the true fraction of
mortality due to air pollution is likely closer to our estimates for all
anthropogenic [PM.sub.2.5], which is 0.93%.
Our estimates fall within a credible range relative to other
attributable causes of mortality. The estimates of [PM.sub.2.5]
attributable mortality (0.20 to 0.93%) are less than global estimates
for population attributable fraction (PAF) for mortality due to
second-hand smoke exposure (1%)24 and are a fraction of the population
attributable fraction for mortality due to smoking estimated for
Northern and Interior BC (19%). (25)
This type of analysis has inherent uncertainties. The major
limitations of the methodology relate to: the exposure assessment and
the appropriateness of the effect estimate for the target population.
Exposure assessment is restricted because 1) [[PM.sub.2.5]] from
one central monitor was applied to the population of each LHA and 2)
[[PM.sub.2.5]] was not measured in all LHAs. This method does not
account for individual variation in exposure due, for example, to
spatial variations in [PM.sub.2.5], penetration indoors, and individual
time spent outdoors. It is, however, comparable to the exposure
assessment used in the cohort studies where the effect estimates were
derived. (26) Since monitors were selected for proximity to major
population centres, it would underestimate exposures for those living
near pollution hotspots and overestimate exposures for those living
outside the city. The overall effect on the estimates is uncertain.
[[PM.sub.2.5]] estimates for unmonitored LHAs have a large influence on
attributable fraction, and since 40% of the population lives in
unmonitored regions, this is a major limitation. [[PM.sub.2.5]] in
monitored sites may not be representative of those in unmonitored ones
since, for example, monitors may be deliberately sited near sources of
emissions. [PM.sub.2.5] measurement by TEOM underestimates
[[PM.sub.2.5]] at lower temperatures, causing a conservative bias in our
estimates. Our exposure estimates are for current exposure, however, the
current burden is due to past exposure which was higher in this BC
region. However, a method to incorporate past exposures into burden of
disease estimations has not been established. (22)
Effect estimates are never completely transferable from one
population to another; however, suitability can be assessed based on 1)
[[PM.sub.2.5]] and 2) population. Differences between the
physicochemical properties of [PM.sub.2.5] between the 51 cities in the
ACS and these BC sites are uncertain. Furthermore, even if these
differences were quantified, a method to apply this information to
burden of disease estimates has not been developed. Our sites included
small cities and rural towns, where the main pollution sources include
forest-related industry, forest fires, wood-burning stoves, and traffic.
Although ACS included smaller cities with similar pollution profiles,
the ideal effect estimate for our estimations would be derived from a
cohort study with emissions profiles and population characteristics
better matched to BC; however, these studies have not occurred. The age
range of the BC population was matched to that of the ACS study and the
populations had similar smoking rates (21-26% vs. 22%); however,
population susceptibility to air pollution may differ between these
groups. Therefore the ACS effect estimate is the most suitable, albeit
imperfect, effect estimate available. It is important to note that
effect estimates are remarkably similar across cohort studies across
different populations in North America, (11,13,27,28) therefore the
contribution of these uncertainties is likely to be small.
In conclusion, the findings of this study demonstrate that fine
particulate air pollution does have an important mortality burden in a
region of Canada with relatively low pollution levels. The magnitude of
health impact is a critical piece of information that can be considered
along with other factors (e.g., preventability, public acceptability of
interventions) when assessing public health priorities.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Received: April 9, 2010
Accepted: May 11, 2011
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Catherine T. Elliott, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, [1] Ray Copes, MD, MSc [2]
Author Affiliations
[1.] Environmental Health Services, BC Centre for Disease Control,
Vancouver, BC
[2.] Environmental and Occupational Health, Ontario Agency for
Health Protection and Promotion, Toronto, ON; Dalla Lana School of
Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON; School of Population
and Public Health, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Correspondence: Dr. Catherine Elliott, Environmental Health
Services, BC Centre for Disease Control, Main Floor, 655 12th Ave W,
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4R4, E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1. Population and Annual Mean [PM.sub.2.5] Concentration
in Interior and Northern BC, 2005-2009
Population [greater
than or equal to] 30 Annual Mean
Years Old [[PM.sub.2.5]]
Local Health Area Mean (%)
Golden 4448 (0.94) 6.7
Grand Forks 6335 (1.3) 6.9
Kamloops 68,818 (15) 5.1
Central Okanagan 113,888 (24) 4.9
Nelson 16,115 (3.4) 4.4
Southern Okanagan 14,447 (3.1) 4.5
Vernon 42,611 (9.0) 5.7
Cariboo-Chilcotin 16,368 (3.5) 6.3
Unmonitored Interior Health 189,361 (40) n/a
Burns Lake 4637 (2.8) 4.6
Fort Nelson 3309 (2.0) 3.4
Kitimat 6570 (3.9) 3.6
Prince George 57,311 (34) 7.2
Quesnel 14,832 (8.9) 7.0
Terrace 12,067 (7.2) 3.1
Unmonitored Northern Health 68,845 (41) n/a
Table 2. Estimates of Attributable Fraction and Annual Mortality
Due to Air Pollution in Interior and Northern BC Under Different
Scenarios (2005-2009)
All Local Health Authorities
Attributable Mortality Count
Case Fraction (%) (95% CI)
Base case 0.20 (0.19, 0.21) 16 (15, 16)
Anthropogenic burden 0.93 (0.89, 0.97) 74 (71, 77)
of mortality
Monitored Loca1 Health Authorities
Attributable Mortality Count
Case Fraction (%) (95% CI)
Base case 0.20 (0.20, 0.21) 10 (15, 17)
Anthropogenic burden 0.84 (0.80, 0.87) 43 (41, 44)
of mortality