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  • 标题:Active transportation environments surrounding Canadian schools.
  • 作者:O'Loghlen, Sean ; Pickett, William ; Janssen, Ian
  • 期刊名称:Canadian Journal of Public Health
  • 印刷版ISSN:0008-4263
  • 出版年度:2011
  • 期号:September
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Canadian Public Health Association
  • 摘要:The decision to engage in active transportation is complex and represents the joining of many factors, including the built environment. (4,5) The built environment refers to our human-made surroundings. Several built environment features are correlated with active transportation, including the speed and connectivity of roads. (5,10,11,13-18) Roads with high speed limits and roads that are poorly connected can make it unsafe and inefficient (i.e., long travel distances) for people to engage in active transportation. (5,10,11,13-18)
  • 关键词:Built environment;Canadians;Cycling;Elementary school students;Geographic information systems;High schools;Physical fitness;School safety;Traffic safety;Transportation industry;Walking

Active transportation environments surrounding Canadian schools.

O'Loghlen, Sean ; Pickett, William ; Janssen, Ian 等

Active transportation refers to using walking, bicycling or other human-powered modes of transportation for practical purposes such as commuting. (1) For children and youth, travelling to school represents an opportunity to engage in active transportation and to increase their overall physical activity. However, as recently reviewed, data from several countries indicate that the proportion of children who walk or bicycle to school has decreased in recent decades. (2) Cross-national comparisons also indicate that Canadian children are less likely to actively commute to school by comparison to other countries. For instance, while more than half of children from Australia, Scotland, England, Russia, and Sweden usually walk or bicycle to school, (2) regional data from Ontario and Prince Edward Island suggest that only one third of Canadian children do so. (3) These are troubling statistics given the medical, economic and environmental benefits associated with active transportation. (4-9) From a public health perspective, increased active transportation could help address the prevalence of obesity and related chronic illnesses. (5,6,9-12)

The decision to engage in active transportation is complex and represents the joining of many factors, including the built environment. (4,5) The built environment refers to our human-made surroundings. Several built environment features are correlated with active transportation, including the speed and connectivity of roads. (5,10,11,13-18) Roads with high speed limits and roads that are poorly connected can make it unsafe and inefficient (i.e., long travel distances) for people to engage in active transportation. (5,10,11,13-18)

Safety concerns around neighbourhood crime and violence can also negatively impact active transportation. (5,6,13,19) Conversely, aesthetically pleasing environments may inspire people to engage in active transportation. (13,20) Finally, policies and programs encouraging the use of built environment features can impact active transportation. (6,9,18,21)

There is a dearth of Canadian and international research that characterizes active transportation environments relevant specifically to children. (3,8) Characterization of these environments may inform the development of policies aimed at promoting physical activity. The primary purpose of our study was to describe the extent to which environments surrounding schools in Canada are conducive to active transportation. A secondary purpose was to examine variations in these environments by urban-rural geography and type of school (primary vs. secondary schools). The study was based upon administrator responses to the 2009/2010 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey and geographic measures of the neighbourhoods surrounding these schools.


Schools in study sample

Our sample included primary and secondary schools that participated in the 2009/2010 Canadian HBSC. The HBSC involves a general health survey completed by students (with active or passive consent, as per jurisdictional requirements), and an administrator questionnaire completed by the principal or designate of each school. The present study relied on the administrator questionnaire, which was primarily completed between November 2009 and May 2010, and geographic measures of the built environment in the neighbourhood surrounding each school. The sample of schools is representative by school board type (public or separate), language of instruction, urban/rural geography, and regional geography. All provinces and territories were represented except for Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick.

HBSC administrator's survey

The HBSC administrator's survey contained questions related to the school's size, demographics, facilities, policies, and neighbourhood environment. The inclusion of active transportation questions in the survey was guided by prior research examining the correlates of active transportation, as overviewed in the introduction to this article.

The school's policies, facilities and/or programs aimed at promoting active transportation were assessed using 8 questions, all with "yes" or "no" responses. The first 2 of these questions started by asking "Do the majority of students at your school have regular access to bicycle racks during school hours?" If a response of "yes" was provided, a follow-up question was asked: "Are the racks in a secure area to avoid theft?" The remaining 6 questions started by asking "Does your school promote active transportation to and from school in any of the following ways?" The 6 areas addressed under this question were: "Identify safe routes to use for walking and cycling to and from school (e.g., with signs, in newsletters, etc.)", "Designate a 'car free zone' to provide safe walking areas around the school", "Allow students to bring bicycles on school property", "Allow students to bring small-wheeled vehicles (e.g., inline skates, scooters, skateboards) on school property", "Encourage the use of helmets and safety gear for those who use bicycles and small wheel vehicles to get to school", and "Organize occasional 'walk to school' days, walking clubs, or walking school buses".

Five questions assessed the safety and aesthetics of the school's neighbourhood, as perceived the by school administrator who completed the questionnaire. These questions started by asking "How much of a problem are the following in the neighbourhood where this school is located?" The 5 areas addressed under this question were: "Garbage, litter, or broken glass in the street or road, on the sidewalks, or in yards", "Vacant or shabby houses and buildings", "Selling or using drugs or excessive drinking in public", "Crime in the neighbourhood", and "Heavy traffic". The responses were "major problem", "moderate problem", "minor problem", and "not a problem". Responses to the first 3 options were merged to create a single dichotomous variable (yes or no) with regard to whether there was a problem.

Principal components factor analyses were used to develop composite scales based on the policy/program questions and the safety/aesthetics questions. Scale construction was guided by factor loadings, eigenvalues, and the scree plot. One program/policy and one safety/aesthetics factor were identified.

Geographic information systems measures

Features of the built environment were measured in a 1 km-radius circular buffer surrounding each school using ArcGIS version 9.3 geographic information systems (GIS) software and the CanMap RouteLogistics version 2009.4 (DMTI Spatial Inc., Markham, ON) GIS database. Roads within the 1 km buffer were described by speed limit ([less than or equal to]60 km/h vs. [greater than or equal to]61 km/h). We considered the speed limit of the road on which the school was located. We also considered the ratio of the length of roads with speed limits [less than or equal to]60 km/h to the total length of roads within the buffer as a measure of what percentage of roads would be suitable for active transportation. In addition, we determined whether or not there was at least one recreational trail within the buffer. Finally, the connectivity of roads within the buffer was determined using a composite measure based on the connected node ratio (number of 3- or 4-way intersections / total number of intersections), (22,23) intersection density (number of 3- or 4-way intersections / land area), (22,23) and average block length (total road length / number of intersections). (22,23) Schools were ranked for each connectivity measure, the ranks were summed, and schools were divided into quartiles based upon this sum.

We examined whether the road in front of the schools' main entrance had a sidewalk (yes or no), and the ratio of roads within the 1 km buffer with a sidewalk (length of roads in 1 km buffer with sidewalk / total road length). These measures were obtained using Google Maps Street View software (http://maps.google.com/help/maps/streetview/index.html), which were linked to the CanMap RouteLogistics street files. The Google street view images for Canada were primarily obtained in the non-winter months of 2009.

Statistical analysis

Characteristics of the schools and their environments were profiled using conventional descriptive statistics, according to: 1) geographic status (degree of urbanization), and 2) grades served by the school (primary: kindergarten to grade 8, secondary: grades 9 to 12, mixed: grades covered by primary and secondary schools). Degree of urbanization was determined using a census postal code analyzer ([C] 2010 CHASS, University of Toronto), which classified schools as rural (population density <400 persons/[km.sup.2] or population <1,000), small urban (population density >400 persons/[km.sup.2] and population of 1,000-10,000), or large urban (population density >400 persons/[km.sup.2] and population >10,000). Fisher's exact tests determined the significance of differences in policies, safety/aesthetics, and built environment features according to geography and grade. Analysis of variance determined significant differences in ratio scores. All statistical analyses were performed using SAS statistical software (SAS Inc., Cary, NC).


Administrator questionnaire responses and GIS street measures were available for 397 schools (181 primary, 106 mixed, 110 secondary). For the sidewalk measures, 102 schools were excluded due to lack of Google imaging data. These 102 schools were located in rural and remote areas, and the sidewalk data should not be considered representative of the 397 schools.

Responses to the active transportation features and policies questions are summarized in Table 1. Greater than 70% of schools allowed bicycles and small-wheeled vehicles (e.g., skateboards, rollerblades) on school property, had bicycle racks, and encouraged students to use safety gear while bicycling or using small-wheeled vehicles. Less than 40% of schools identified safe active transportation routes for their students to use, organized 'walk to school' days or similar initiatives, and had a designated car-free zone at the school. There were significant urban-rural differences for the 3 bicycle-specific measures, with more favourable scores in urban schools. There were several significant differences between primary, mixed, and secondary schools; primary schools had more favourable policies and programs.

Table 2 describes the safety and aesthetics of neighbourhoods surrounding schools as perceived by the school administrators. Only 31% of the administrators felt that there was no garbage/litter in the streets, only 34% felt that there was not an issue with selling/using drugs or excessive drinking in public, and only 43% felt that there was not an issue with neighbourhood crime. About half (52%) did not consider the vehicle traffic in the neighbourhood surrounding their school to be heavy. The only significant differences in safety and aesthetics by rural/urban status were for neighbourhood crime and vehicle traffic, which were less of an issue in rural areas. In comparison to neighbourhoods surrounding secondary schools, neighbourhoods surrounding primary schools were less likely to report drug/alcohol problems and the presence of vacant/shabby houses and buildings.

Features of the built environment in neighbourhoods surrounding schools that may facilitate active transportation are described in Table 3. Approximately 58% of the schools were located on a road with a speed limit <60 km/h. Similarly, 57% of the roads within the 1 km buffer surrounding the schools had speed limits [less than or equal to]60 km/h. Less than half (45%) of the schools had at least one recreational trail within 1 km. Most (86%) had a sidewalk leading to the school; however, only 53% of the roads in the buffer had a sidewalk. As one might expect, schools in urban areas were more likely than schools in rural areas to have well-connected street networks, be on a road with a speed limit <60 km/h, be on a road with a sidewalk, and be in close proximity to a recreational trail. Primary schools were more likely to be located on a low speed road than secondary schools.


Our objective was to describe active transportation policies and built environments of Canadian schools. A key finding is that schools were more likely to implement passive active transportation policies than they were to develop active programs. To illustrate, while 96% of schools permitted bicycles on their property, only 28% identified safe routes for students to follow when travelling to school. The findings also suggest that school neighbourhoods pose several barriers for active transportation. For example, 91% of schools in rural areas were located on high-speed roads that may negate students from actively commuting to school, and the principals of 62% of the schools in large urban areas felt that neighbourhood crime was a safety issue.

The present study is novel in design in that it is national in scope. Comparisons to past studies are possible for some findings. Dellinger surveyed 611 American households to determine active transportation barriers, and found that the most common barriers for children were traffic (40%) and crime (18%). (24) Two smaller studies also examined traffic volume and found it to be a less prevalent issue, at 34% in Australia (25) and 23% in Oregon. (26) In our Canadian study, concerns around traffic (48% in total, 21% in rural areas, 62% in large urban areas) and neighbourhood crime (57% in total, 50% in rural areas, 62% in large urban areas) were common. Divergent findings between our findings and those of other countries were also found for programs that would encourage active transportation. In a study of 91 schools from Norfolk county in England, 85% of schools had a travel plan (our findings were 28% in total, 26% in rural areas, 31% in large urban areas) and 69% had walk-to-school initiatives (our findings were 32% in total, 34% in rural areas, 31% in urban areas). (27) Differences in the nature of variables, reliance on child and parental questionnaires in past studies versus administrator questionnaires in this study, and a focus on urban regions in past studies versus a broader geographic representation in this study may account for discrepant findings.

Our findings have policy implications. They suggest a need to make school environments more amenable to active transportation and for schools to develop more policies and programs. A promising example is that of California's safe routes to school (SR2S) legislation. SR2S features both built environment (e.g., construction of sidewalks) and policy interventions (e.g., education on active transportation benefits) targeted at increasing active transportation among schoolchildren. (14) Children exposed to SR2S were three times more likely to start walking or cycling to school. (14)

Rural and secondary schools represent priorities for intervention. Rural schools are faced with high traffic speeds, lower street connectivity, and reduced sidewalk access, suggesting a need for traffic calming and future attempts to construct schools away from highways in neighbourhoods with a better sidewalk infrastructure. A Swiss study found that non-urban students from neighbourhoods with low traffic and adequate sidewalks were more likely to cycle to school than urban students. (12) Nonetheless, changes to active transportation policies and built environments surrounding rural schools would not benefit all children attending those schools because a large percentage of them live too far from their school to make active transportation feasible.

Limitations of this study include the subjective nature and distinct perspective of the persons responsible for completing the administrator questionnaire, and the fact that the validity and reliability of the questionnaire items are unknown. Additionally, education ministries and schools in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island declined to participate, limiting the study representativeness. The road and sidewalk measures were objective. However, a lack of imaging data to measure sidewalks for many schools in rural and remote areas precluded their inclusion for those measures. Findings from the administrator questionnaire and GIS road measures suggest that schools in these areas have the highest needs.

This national study provides descriptive information on active transportation environments and policies of Canadian schools. Children, particularly those from rural areas and those attending secondary schools, face a number of impediments to active transportation as a method of travelling to school.

Acknowledgements: This study was supported by research grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (operating grants: MOP 9762 and PCR 101415) and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey (HBSC), a World Health Organization European Region collaborative study, was funded in Canada by the Public Health Agency of Canada and Health Canada. International Coordinator of the HBSC is Candace Currie (University of Edinburgh). Principal Investigators of the 2009/2010 Canadian HBSC are John Freeman and William Pickett. The authors thank Matthew King, project manager for the Canadian HBSC, and Hana Saab and Don Klinger, who played key roles in the development of the administrators' questionnaire.

Conflict of Interest: None to declare.

Received: August 19, 2010

Accepted: April 19, 2011


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Sean O'Loghlen, BSc, [1] William Pickett, PhD, [2,3] Ian Janssen, PhD, [2,4]

Author Affiliations

Queen's University, Kingston, ON

[1.] School of Medicine

[2.] Department of Community Health and Epidemiology

[3.] Department of Emergency Medicine

[4.] School of Kinesiology and Health Studies

Correspondence: Ian Janssen, School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Queen's University, 28 Division St., Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Tel: 613-533-6000, ext. 78631, E-mail: [email protected]
Table 1. Active Transportation Policies and Programs Among Canadian
Schools (n=397)

                                 Total          Urban/rural Status

                                 % Responding   Rural       Urban
                                 'Yes'          (n=134)     (n=32)

Identify safe routes for         28.0           25.8        18.8
  walking/cycling to school
Organize 'walk to school' days   31.7           34.4        25.0
Designate a 'car-free zone'      35.7           36.6        36.7
Allow bicycles on school         96.3           99.3        100.0
Have bicycle racks               86.7           79.6        90.3
Bicycle racks (if available)     74.1           63.3        88.9
  securely located
Allow small-wheeled vehicles     71.3           71.2        68.8
  on school property
Encourage use of safety gear     85.5           88.2        81.3
Summative policy score
0 (worst)                        20.2           20.2        25.0
1                                16.9           20.2        12.5
2                                22.9           25.4        21.9
3                                19.9           12.7        28.1
4 (best)                         20.2           21.6        12.5

                                                            Type of
                                 Urban/rural Status         School

                                 Urban                      Primary
                                 (n=231)        p-value     (n=181)

Identify safe routes for         30.6           0.29        35.9
  walking/cycling to school
Organize 'walk to school' days   31.2           0.57        39.8
Designate a 'car-free zone'      35.1           0.95        47.8
Allow bicycles on school         94.0           0.02        95.0
Have bicycle racks               90.4           0.01        86.6
Bicycle racks (if available)     77.9           0.004       71.4
  securely located
Allow small-wheeled vehicles     71.7           0.94        62.4
  on school property
Encourage use of safety gear     84.5           0.49        91.2
Summative policy score
0 (worst)                        19.5                       16.6
1                                15.6                       12.2
2                                21.7           0.33        20.4
3                                22.. 9                     25.4
4 (best)                         20.4                       25.4

                                          Type of School

                                 Mixed          Secondary
                                 (n=106)        (n=110)     p-value

Identify safe routes for         24.5           18.4        0.004
  walking/cycling to school
Organize 'walk to school' days   30.5           19.4        0.002
Designate a 'car-free zone'      29.5           21.7        <0.001
Allow bicycles on school         96.3           98.2        0.38
Have bicycle racks               87.5           86.2        0.96
Bicycle racks (if available)     68.9           83.3        0.05
  securely located
Allow small-wheeled vehicles     79.8           78.0        0.002
  on school property
Encourage use of safety gear     86.0           75.5        0.001
Summative policy score
0 (worst)                        26.4           19.8
1                                22.7           18.9
2                                26.4           23.6        0.006
3                                11.8           18.9
4 (best)                         12.8           18.9

Table 2. Perceived Safety and Aesthetics of Neighbourhoods Surrounding
Canadian Schools (n=397)

                        Total          Urban/rural Status

                        % Responding   Rural     Urban
                        'No'           (n=134)   (n=32)

Garbage/litter/broken       31.1        28.6      34.4
  glass in the street
Vacant/shabby houses        67.7        60.2      75.0
  and buildings
Selling/using drugs,        33.6        30.1      41.9
  excessive drinking
  in public
Neighbourhood crime         42.9        50.4      50.0
Heavy traffic               52.4        79.0      43.8
Summative safety/
  aesthetic score
  0 (worst)                 19.1        23.1      28.1
  1                         21.2        20.9      21.9
  2                         23.4        23.1      9.4
  3                         13.6         8.5      21.9
  4 (best)                  22.7        25.4      18.8

                        Urban/rural Status       Type of School

                          Urban                  Primary
                          (n=231)      p-value   (n=181)

Garbage/litter/broken       32.2        0.71      36.1
  glass in the street
Vacant/shabby houses        71.0        0.07      67.8
  and buildings
Selling/using drugs,        34.5        0.41      45.8
  excessive drinking
  in public
Neighbourhood crime         37.6        0.04      45.3
Heavy traffic               38.3       <0.001     52.5
Summative safety/
  aesthetic score
  0 (worst)                 15.6                  25.4
  1                         21.2                  20.4
  2                         25.5        0.08      19.9
  3                         16.0                  11.1
  4 (best)                  21.6                  23.2

                                    Type of School

                           Mixed    Secondary
                          (n=106)     (n=110)   p-value

Garbage/litter/broken       29.4        24.5      0.11
  glass in the street
Vacant/shabby houses        77.3        57.6      0.008
  and buildings
Selling/using drugs,        22.0        24.8     <0.001
  excessive drinking
  in public
Neighbourhood crime         42.7        39.1      0.59
Heavy traffic               44.6        60.4      0.07
Summative safety/
  aesthetic score
  0 (worst)                  8.5        19.1
  1                         23.6        20.0
  2                         34.0        19.1     0.001
  3                          9.4        21.8
  4 (best)                  24.5        20.0

Table 3. Built Environment Features in Neighbourhoods Surrounding
Canadian Schools (n=397 or 295)

                                Total       By Geographic Status

                                            Rural     Small
                                            (n=134    Urban
                                %           or 123)   (n=32)

Street connectivity
measure (n=397)
  0 (lowest)                      24.9       54.5      21.9
  1                               25.1       26.0      28.1
  2                               25.1       13.0      25.0
  3 (highest)                     24.9        6.5      25.0
Located on road [less than or     58.3        8.8      12.5
  equal to]60 km/h (n=397)
% of roads within buffer          57.3       13.3      14.8
  [less than or equal to]60
  km/h * (n=397)
Have recreational trail(s)        44.8       20.9      34.4
  within buffer (n=397)
Located on a street with          86.4       62.3      94.7
  sidewalk (n=295)
% of roads within buffer with     52.9       26.3      38.4
  sidewalk (n=295) ([dagger])

                                By Geographic Status

                                (n=231)     p-value

Street connectivity
measure (n=397)
  0 (lowest)                       9.5
  1                               24.2      <0.001
  2                               31.6
  3 (highest)                     31.6
Located on road [less than or     91.3      <0.001
  equal to]60 km/h (n=397)
% of roads within buffer          88.7      <0.001
  [less than or equal to]60
  km/h * (n=397)
Have recreational trail(s)        60.2      <0.001
  within buffer (n=397)
Located on a street with          92.6      <0.001
  sidewalk (n=295)
% of roads within buffer with     61.5      <0.001
  sidewalk (n=295) ([dagger])

                                By Type of School

                                Primary     Mixed
                                (n=181      (n=106
                                or 179)     or 19)

Street connectivity
measure (n=397)
  0 (lowest)                      22.4       22.7
  1                               25.7       25.5
  2                               29.1       24.6
  3 (highest)                     22.9       27.3
Located on road [less than or     63.9       60.0
  equal to]60 km/h (n=397)
% of roads within buffer          60.8       47.4
  [less than or equal to]60
  km/h * (n=397)
Have recreational trail(s)        44.8       48.2
  within buffer (n=397)
Located on a street with          87.5       91.7
  sidewalk (n=295)
% of roads within buffer with     51.6       55.5
  sidewalk (n=295) ([dagger])

                                By Type of School

                                or 97)      p-value

Street connectivity
measure (n=397)
  0 (lowest)                      32.0
  1                               23.7      0.42
  2                               18.6
  3 (highest)                     25.8
Located on road [less than or     45.9      0.013
  equal to]60 km/h (n=397)
% of roads within buffer          61.0      0.03
  [less than or equal to]60
  km/h * (n=397)
Have recreational trail(s)        41.5      0.62
  within buffer (n=397)
Located on a street with          76.2      0.02
  sidewalk (n=295)
% of roads within buffer with     52.0      0.57
  sidewalk (n=295) ([dagger])

* Calculated as length of roads <60 km/h speed limit divided by
length of all roads within 1 km buffer.

([dagger]) Calculated as length of roads with sidewalk divided by
length of all roads within 1 km buffer.

Note: only 295 schools were included for the sidewalk measures due
to the absence of Google street view data for 102 schools.