Immigration, generation and self-rated health in Canada: on the role of health literacy.
Omariba, D. Walter Rasugu ; Ng, Edward
Health literacy, the ability to access and use health information
to make appropriate health decisions and maintain basic health, (1,2) is
now considered a critical pathway linking education to health and a
contributor to health disparities. (1) Previous research shows that
limited health literacy is associated with difficulties accessing health
information and using medical services, depressive symptoms, mortality
and poor self-rated health. (3-7)
In Canada, about 60% of adults (age [greater than or equal to] 16)
lack the requisite level of health literacy. Although this is partly due
to the aging of the population and the shrinking youth cohort, an
important contributor could be the growing immigrant population. (1,8)
Not only is the proportion of immigrants in the population (standing at
20% in 2006) the highest since the 1930s, immigrants' countries of
origin changed since the 1960s. Whereas in 2006, recent immigrants
mainly came from Asia (58%) followed by Europe (16%), the corresponding
figures in 1971 were 11% and 61%, respectively. (9) Because many recent
immigrants have cultures and languages different from those of Canada,
they are likely to face adjustment challenges in Canada. The short- and
long-term impact of immigration is therefore of research and policy
importance. Research on immigrants has identified generational status as
a marker of integration into the host society. (10) Research in this
area examines differences between generations of immigrants in different
socio-economic and health outcomes.
Immigrants initially arrive in Canada with better health compared
to non-immigrants. However, this health advantage disappears over time,
their health eventually resembling that of non-immigrants. (11-13) This
loss in health advantage has been observed in self-reported overall
health, (11,14) chronic disease, (15) disability, (16) mental health
(17) and mortality. (18) The initial health advantage for immigrants is
partly explained by selection factors: individuals generally need to be
healthy, motivated, and physically and financially able to immigrate.
Also, Canada generally selects immigrants based on positive
characteristics that enhance health. (19) The subsequent decline in
health has been attributed to difficulties with settling, adjusting and
integrating into the host country; (11) poor access to health care; (20)
limited knowledge of services; (21) low income; (22) limited social
supports; (23) and low proficiency in English or French. (24-26) The
latter, in particular, limits immigrants' ability to communicate,
access and use health information.
To our knowledge, there are no population-based studies in Canada
examining the effect of health literacy on health outcomes by
immigration and generational status. This is mainly because of
unavailability of health literacy information in major Canadian
population health surveys. However, the International Adult Literacy and
Skills Survey (IALSS) collected information on health literacy and
several indicators of population health. (27) This study sought to
determine whether there are differences in self-rated health by
immigration and generation status, and the role of health literacy in
this relationship. The analysis compared immigrants and non-immigrants
(overall sample); immigrant groups defined by region of origin and
recency of arrival in Canada; and the local-born defined by generation.
Data were from the Canadian component of the 2003 IALSS undertaken
by Statistics Canada. The main purpose of the survey was to establish
how well adults used printed information to function in society. It
targeted people aged [greater than or equal to] 16, excluding
institutional residents, people living in Canadian military bases,
Indian reserves, and certain remote areas. The survey was also designed
to provide reliable estimates for special target populations, including
immigrants. After excluding 220 respondents on student, work and
visitor's visas, refugee claimants, and those missing information
on immigration status, our study comprised 18,957 non-immigrants and
3,861 immigrants aged >16. Data in our analyses were weighted to
represent the target population.
Outcome variable
Respondents in the IALSS were asked: In general, would you say your
health is (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, or Poor)? The first three
categories and the last two categories were combined, respectively, to
create a new dichotomous variable: Good versus Poor. 'Good'
was the predicted category.
Predictor variables
Immigration had three variables. First, non-immigrants were
compared to immigrants in the overall sample. Second, because of sample
size limitations, immigrants were divided into two groups: those from
Europe or USA versus those from all the other countries. Further,
immigrants were categorized as either "recent" (arrived
between 1994 and 2003) or "established" (arrived between 1900
and 1993). Eventually, immigrants comprised four categories: established
European or American; established from other countries; recent European
or American; and recent from other countries. Last, non-immigrants
comprised two generation groups: second generation (one parent
foreign-born) or third-plus generation (both parents local-born).
The IALSS collected information on respondents' proficiency
from 350 items in four skills domains: prose and document literacy,
numeracy, and problem-solving. Of these, 191 were judged to measure
health-related activities covering five dimensions of health (health
promotion, health protection, disease prevention, health care, and
system navigation). (28) From these, a Health Activities Literacy Scale
was developed with scores ranging from 0 to 500. Individuals require a
score of [greater than or equal to] 276 to maintain their health.28
Respondents scoring [greater than or equal to] 276 were considered to
have high health literacy and those scoring <276, low health
The study included age and sex. Age had the following categories:
16-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, 56-65, or over 65 years of age.
Following the life-long and life-wide perspective in literacy
research, (29) we included literacy- and education-related variables,
namely, language discordance (whether mother tongue is dissimilar to
language of survey administration, English or French), literacy
practices at home, and education. Literacy practices at home was a
dichotomous variable derived from information on frequency (weekly or
monthly) of using the library, or frequency (at least once weekly) of
reading or using information from newspapers, magazines, books, letters,
notes or e-mails. Education had two categories: less than high school
and high school or higher.
Socio-economic variables included employment status, Census
Metropolitan Area (CMA) of residence, and household income. Employment
status comprised: Employed; not working and looking for work; retired;
student; and 'other'. CMA of residence comprised Toronto,
Montreal, Vancouver, other CMA, and non-CMA. Income comprised two levels
adjusted for household size: low-income level included incomes
<$30,000 for families of 2, <$40,000 for families of 3 and 4, and
<$60,000 for families of 5 or more. Households with incomes above
these cut-offs were considered high-income. An additional category
comprised people who did not report their household income.
Statistical analysis
Because self-rated health was binary, we used logistic regression
for the analysis. Health literacy was derived using item response
theory, (27) and therefore it could not be analyzed using standard
routines in statistical software. Consequently, we used Stattool, a SAS
macro developed at Statistics Canada for the analysis. We assessed
individual variables' significance using the t statistic, while
model significance was assessed using log-likelihood ratio tests.
Statistical significance was set at p<0.05 level.
Four separate models were fitted for the overall sample, and the
subsamples of immigrants and non-immigrants. Model 1 had age, sex, and
the applicable immigration or generation indicator. Model 2 added health
literacy, Model 3 introduced language discordance, while Model 4
included all the control variables. This modelling approach enabled us
to examine the mediation effect of health literacy and the other
independent variables on differences by immigration and generation in
self-rated health.
Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics of the sample. A
majority of the respondents (86.1%) reported their overall health as
good, with significantly more non-immigrants (86.7%) than immigrants
(84%) reporting same. Immigrants had significantly lower mean health
literacy compared to the overall population and non-immigrants (228
versus 256 and 264, respectively). Immigrants and non-immigrants were
also significantly different in age, language discordance, literacy
practices, employment status, CMA of residence, and income.
Table 2 presents multivariate logistic regression results for the
overall sample. Immigrants were more likely to report good self-rated
health only when language discordance was introduced in the model
(OR=1.28, Model 3). This relationship increased in magnitude when
socio-economic factors were added (OR=1.40, Model 4). Compared to people
with low health literacy, those with high health literacy were more
likely to report good self-rated health (OR=1.94, Model 2). Language
discordance did not explain this difference (Model 3). Health literacy
remained significant in Model 4 which included all controls, although
the magnitude of the estimate attenuated substantially. Over two thirds
of its effect was mediated by literacy practices at home, education and
socio-economic factors.
Differences between immigrant groups emerged only when
socioeconomic factors were included. Compared to established European or
American immigrants, recent immigrants from other countries were more
likely to report good self-rated health (OR=1.93, Model 4, Table 3).
Health literacy was not significant in the presence of language
discordance (Model 3). This indicates that 12.5% of its effects operate
through language discordance. Controlling for other factors, however,
rendered language discordance statistically insignificant. Education was
more important for health among immigrants than health literacy and
language discordance (Model 4, Table 3).
Compared to the third-plus generation, second-generation Canadians
were less likely to report good self-rated health (Table 4). Language
discordance did not explain the differences in self-rated health
associated with health literacy (Model 3). About 60% of the effect of
health literacy on self-rated health was attributable to literacy
practices at home, education, CMA and income. Health literacy remained
statistically significant, however, even with all controls included
(OR=1.41, Model 4).
We examined the role of health literacy in the relationship between
immigration and self-rated health. Immigrants were more likely to report
good self-rated health, a relationship that was better revealed after
including selected factors, particularly language discordance.
Similarly, differences between immigrant groups became apparent after
including explanatory factors, particularly education and employment
status. Further, second-generation Canadians were less likely to report
good self-rated health, even with statistical controls.
Consistent with previous research, health literacy was associated
with reporting good health. (6-8) Nonetheless, there were differences
between our study populations on the underlying mechanisms. Although
language discordance is not a measure of language proficiency, the
results suggest that not having English or French as the mother tongue
is a risk factor for poor health among immigrants. It is unsurprising
that education was more important in explaining self-rated health among
immigrants than language discordance. Most recent immigrants tend to be
more educated because education is one of the screening criteria,
especially for economic class immigrants. For non-immigrants, the
results suggest that the effect of health literacy was largely mediated
by literacy practices at home, education, household income, and CMA of
Overall, our results support the 'healthy immigrant'
hypothesis and are consistent with previous research.12-14 On the one
hand, the results on recent immigrants not from Europe or USA support
the hypothesis that immigrants are selected for good health at the
outset. On the other hand, the loss of health advantage over time was
supported by the lack of differences between established immigrants not
from Europe or USA and established immigrants from Europe or USA. The
results also point to the possible role of cultural differences or
similarities between the groups. The reasons for the differences between
second and third-plus generations in self-rated health, however, are not
clear and may point to unmeasured and unobservable factors.
This study had two limitations. First, the IALSS did not collect
information on health risk factors such as smoking, physical activity,
alcohol consumption, and body mass index. These factors could explain
some of the differences in self-rated health, especially among
non-immigrants. Second, the IALSS did not include a large sample size
suitable for in-depth analyses of salient issues on immigrants and their
subgroups going beyond the broad categories we used. This information
could help in the design of programs taking into account the diversity
of the Canadian immigrant population. Qualitative studies are also
needed to clarify the patterns observed in quantitative analyses.
Nonetheless, this study contributes to the developing literature on the
role of health literacy on health and to the understanding of the
determinants of immigrant health.
Acknowledgement: This study was supported by funding from the
Canadian Council on Learning.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Received: July 14, 2010
Accepted: February 24, 2011
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Correspondence: D. Walter Rasugu Omariba, Health Analysis Division,
Statistics Canada, 100 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, R.H. Coats
Building 24B, Ottawa, ON K1A 0T6, Tel: 613-951-6528, Fax: 613-951-3959,
[email protected]
D. Walter Rasugu Omariba, PhD, Edward Ng, PhD
Authors' Affiliation Health Analysis Division, Statistics
Canada, Ottawa, ON
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of the Predictor Variables for
the Overall, Immigrant and Non-immigrant
Populations, IALSS 2003
Characteristic Overall Immigrants
Good self-rated health 86.1 84.0 *
Socio-demographic factors
Age (years)
16-25 16.8 9.5 *
26-35 17.2 16.1
36-45 21.0 21.2
46-55 18.3 19.1
56-65 12.3 15.0 *
Over 65 14.4 19.1
Females 51.0 51.7
Established European or American 33.1
Established from other countries 42.6
Recent European or American 4.6
Recent from other countries 19.7
Second generation Canadians
Literacy and education factors
Health literacy, mean (% >275) 256 (40.5) 228 (24.8)
Languages discordant (1= yes) 23.1 73.0 *
Literacy practices (1= yes) 91.3 87.6 *
Education (1= >High school) 74.1 75.4
Socio-economic factors
Employment status
Employed 63.4 57.8 *
Looking for work 6.3 7.0
Retired 18.2 22.9 *
Student 5.7 4.8 *
Other 6.5 7.5
Census Metropolitan Area
Toronto 15.9 40.1 *
Montreal 11.4 10.8 *
Vancouver 6.8 13.9 *
Other CMA 46.6 29.1 *
Non-CMA 19.4 6.1 *
Household income
Low 32.3 39.4 *
High 59.2 52.3 *
Not stated 8.5 8.3
Total (N) 22,818 3861
Characteristic Non-
Good self-rated health 86.7
Socio-demographic factors
Age (years)
16-25 18.9
26-35 17.6
36-45 20.9
46-55 18.1
56-65 11.5
Over 65 13.0
Females 50.8
Established European or American
Established from other countries
Recent European or American
Recent from other countries
Second generation Canadians 14.8
Literacy and education factors
Health literacy, mean (% >275) 264 (45.0)
Languages discordant (1= yes) 9.1
Literacy practices (1= yes) 92.3
Education (1= >High school) 73.7
Socio-economic factors
Employment status
Employed 65.0
Looking for work 6.1
Retired 16.8
Student 5.9
Other 6.2
Census Metropolitan Area
Toronto 9.1
Montreal 11.5
Vancouver 4.8
Other CMA 51.5
Non-CMA 23.1
Household income
Low 30.3
High 61.2
Not stated 8.6
Total (N) 18,957
* Immigrants statistically different from non-immigrants, p<0.05.
Table 2. Multivariate Logistic Regression Results of Association of
Immigrant Status, Socio-demographic, Education and Literacy,
and Socio-economic Variables With Good Self-rated Health (N=22,818)
Characteristic Model 1
Socio-demographic factors
Age (years)
16-25 4.81 (3.40, 6.80)
26-35 4.76 (3.46, 6.56)
36-45 4.09 (3.28, 5.10)
46-55 2.42 (1.99, 2.95)
56-65 1.72 (1.40, 2.11)
Over 65 (reference)
Sex (1= Females) 0.91 (0.79, 1.05)
Immigrant (1= yes) 0.93 (0.80, 1.08)
Literacy and education factors
Health literacy (1= High)
Languages discordant (1= yes)
Literacy practices (1= yes)
Education (1= [greater than or
equal to] High school)
Socio-economic factors
Employment status
Employed (reference)
Looking for work
Census Metropolitan Area
Toronto (reference)
Other CMA
Household income
Low (reference)
Income not reported
Log-likelihood -9,395,953
Characteristic Model 2 Model 3
Socio-demographic factors OR (95% confidence intervals)
Age (years)
16-25 3.94 (2.78, 5.58) 3.93 (2.76, 5.57)
26-35 3.80 (2.75, 5.26) 3.84 (2.79, 5.30)
36-45 3.38 (2.67, 4.29) 3.42 (2.71, 4.31)
46-55 2.05 (1.65, 2.54) 2.05 (1.65, 2.54)
56-65 1.53 (1.23, 1.89) 1.51 (1.22, 1.87)
Over 65 (reference)
Sex (1= Females) 0.91 (0.79, 1.05) 0.91 (0.79, 1.05)
Immigrant (1= yes) 1.02 (0.88, 1.19) 1.28 (1.01, 1.63)
Literacy and education factors
Health literacy (1= High) 1.94 (1.50, 2.52) 1.92 (1.47, 2.50)
Languages discordant (1= yes) 0.70 (0.57, 0.86)
Literacy practices (1= yes)
Education (1= [greater than or
equal to] High school)
Socio-economic factors
Employment status
Employed (reference)
Looking for work
Census Metropolitan Area
Toronto (reference)
Other CMA
Household income
Low (reference)
Income not reported
Log-likelihood -9,248,570 -8,776,190
Characteristic Model 4
Socio-demographic factors
Age (years)
16-25 2.41 (1.55, 3.76)
26-35 2.11 (1.36, 3.29 )
36-45 1.81 (1.22, 2.67)
46-55 1.07 (0.77, 1.50)
56-65 1.06 (0.82, 1.36)
Over 65 (reference)
Sex (1= Females) 1.06 (0.92, 1.23)
Immigrant (1= yes) 1.40 (1.03, 1.90)
Literacy and education factors
Health literacy (1= High) 1.35 (1.05, 1.72)
Languages discordant (1= yes) 0.78 (0.63, 0.98)
Literacy practices (1= yes) 1.70 (1.30, 2.23)
Education (1= [greater than or 1.52 (1.23, 1.87)
equal to] High school)
Socio-economic factors
Employment status
Employed (reference)
Looking for work 0.42 (0.30, 0.59)
Retired 0.47 (0.36, 0.61)
Student 0.73 (0.44, 1.21)
Other 0.25 (0.21, 0.31)
Census Metropolitan Area
Toronto (reference)
Montreal 1.66 (1.16, 2.38)
Vancouver 1.21 (0.89, 1.64)
Other CMA 1.34 (0.91, 1.96)
Non-CMA 1.60 (1.09, 2.33)
Household income
Low (reference)
High 1.56 (1.31, 1.86)
Income not reported 1.35 (0.98, 1.86)
--Log-likelihood -8,711,804
Table 3. Multivariate Logistic Regression Results of Association of
Immigrant Group, Socio-demographic, Education and Literacy,
and Socio-economic Variables With Good Self-rated Health (n=3,861)
Characteristic Model 1
Socio-demographic factors
Age (years)
16-25 4.62 (2.56, 8.36)
26-35 9.46 (4.81, 18.60)
36-45 4.70 (3.24, 6.83)
46-55 2.69 (1.91, 3.79)
56-65 1.61 (1.15, 2.25)
Over 65 (reference)
Sex (1= Females) 0.75 (0.56, 0.99)
Established European or
American (reference)
Established from other countries 0.97 (0.72, 1.31)
Recent European or American 0.87 (0.43, 1.74)
Recent from other countries 1.32 (0.89, 1.94)
Literacy and education factors
Health literacy (1= High)
Languages discordant (1= yes)
Literacy practices (1= yes)
Education (1= [greater than or
equal to] High school)
Socio-economic factors
Employment status
Employed (reference)
Looking for work
Census Metropolitan Area
Toronto (reference)
Other CMA
Household income
Low (reference)
Income not reported
--Log-likelihood -2,164,828
Characteristic Model 2
Socio-demographic factors OR (95% confidence intervals)
Age (years)
16-25 4.05 (2.16, 7.62)
26-35 8.19 (4.09, 16.40)
36-45 4.19 (2.83, 6.20)
46-55 2.45 (1.72, 3.50)
56-65 1.50 (1.07, 2.10)
Over 65 (reference)
Sex (1= Females) 0.76 (0.57, 1.01)
Established European or
American (reference)
Established from other countries 1.01 (0.74, 1.38)
Recent European or American 0.86 (0.41, 1.82)
Recent from other countries 1.42 (0.96, 2.11)
Literacy and education factors
Health literacy (1= High) 1.88 (1.02, 3.48)
Languages discordant (1= yes)
Literacy practices (1= yes)
Education (1= [greater than or
equal to]High school)
Socio-economic factors
Employment status
Employed (reference)
Looking for work
Census Metropolitan Area
Toronto (reference)
Other CMA
Household income
Low (reference)
Income not reported
--Log-likelihood -2,126,433
Characteristic Model 3
Socio-demographic factors OR (95% confidence intervals)
Age (years)
16-25 4.01 (2.13, 7.56)
26-35 8.30 (4.11, 16.77)
36-45 4.31 (2.92, 6.36)
46-55 2.50 (1.75, 3.58)
56-65 1.51 (1.09, 2.09)
Over 65 (reference)
Sex (1= Females) 0.74 (0.56, 0.99)
Established European or
American (reference)
Established from other countries 1.09 (0.79, 1.51)
Recent European or American 0.93 (0.44, 2.00)
Recent from other countries 1.60 (1.08, 2.38)
Literacy and education factors
Health literacy (1= High) 1.77 (0.95, 3.32)
Languages discordant (1= yes) 0.65 (0.45, 0.95)
Literacy practices (1= yes)
Education (1= [greater than or
equal to]High school)
Socio-economic factors
Employment status
Employed (reference)
Looking for work
Census Metropolitan Area
Toronto (reference)
Other CMA
Household income
Low (reference)
Income not reported
--Log-likelihood -2,119,281
Characteristic Model 4
Socio-demographic factors
Age (years)
16-25 2.20 (0.91, 5.29)
26-35 3.83 (1.69, 8.70)
36-45 2.00 (0.94, 4.26)
46-55 1.17 (0.56, 2.41)
56-65 0.96 (0.57, 1.60)
Over 65 (reference)
Sex (1= Females) 0.93 (0.69, 1.27)
Established European or
American (reference)
Established from other countries 1.15 (0.80, 1.64)
Recent European or American 0.95 (0.42, 2.13)
Recent from other countries 1.93 (1.25, 3.00)
Literacy and education factors
Health literacy (1= High) 1.35 (0.72, 2.53)
Languages discordant (1= yes) 0.81 (0.54, 1.20)
Literacy practices (1= yes) 1.44 (0.98, 2.10)
Education (1= [greater than or 1.58 (1.21, 2.07)
equal to]High school)
Socio-economic factors
Employment status
Employed (reference)
Looking for work 0.37 (0.22, 0.65)
Retired 0.42 (0.22, 0.78)
Student 0.58 (0.25, 1.39)
Other 0.28 (0.18, 0.45)
Census Metropolitan Area
Toronto (reference)
Montreal 1.17 (0.70, 1.98)
Vancouver 0.80 (0.56, 1.15)
Other CMA 0.87 (0.59, 1.29)
Non-CMA 1.14 (0.55, 2.38)
Household income
Low (reference)
High 1.27 (0.96, 1.69)
Income not reported 1.16 (0.67, 2.00)
--Log-likelihood -2,030,154
Table 4. Multivariate Logistic Regression Results of Association of
Canadian-born Generation Group, Socio-demographic, Education and
Literacy, and Socio-economic Variables With Good Self-rated Health
Characteristic Model 1 Model 2
Socio-demographic factors OR (95% confidence
Age (years)
16-25 4.52 (2.99, 6.82) 3.53 (2.33, 5.35)
26-35 3.92 (2.73, 5.62) 2.94 (2.02, 4.28)
36-45 3.68 (2.77, 4.89) 2.88 (2.11, 3.94)
46-55 2.20 (1.71, 2.85) 1.77 (1.34, 2.34)
56-65 1.69 (1.32, 2.17) 1.44 (1.10, 1.89)
Over 65
Sex (1= Females) 0.97 (0.82, 1.14) 0.96 (0.81, 1.13)
Generation (1= Second) 0.76 (0.59, 0.98) 0.72 (0.56, 0.93)
Literacy and education factors
Health literacy (1= High) 2.05 (1.52, 2.76)
Languages discordant (1= yes)
Literacy practices (1= yes)
Education (1= [greater than or
equal to] High school)
Socio-economic factors
Employment status
Employed (reference)
Looking for work
Census Metropolitan Area
Toronto (reference)
Other CMA
Household income
Low (reference)
Income not reported
--Log-likelihood -7,190,318 -7,063,313
Characteristic Model 3 Model 4
Socio-demographic factors OR (95% confidence
Age (years)
16-25 3.50 (2.31, 5.31) 2.22 (1.28, 3.87)
26-35 2.95 (2.03, 4.28) 1.65 (1.00, 2.73)
36-45 2.89 (2.12, 3.94) 1.55 (0.96, 2.48)
46-55 1.76 (1.33, 2.32) 0.90 (0.59, 1.39)
56-65 1.43 (1.09, 1.87) 0.99 (0.72, 1.35)
Over 65
Sex (1= Females) 0.96 (0.82, 1.13) 1.09 (0.92, 1.28)
Generation (1= Second) 0.75 (0.58, 0.98) 0.75 (0.58, 0.97)
Literacy and education factors
Health literacy (1= High) 2.04 (1.51, 2.75) 1.41 (1.07, 1.86)
Languages discordant (1= yes) 0.74 (0.57, 0.94) 0.74 (0.57, 0.96)
Literacy practices (1= yes) 1.83 (1.30, 2.59)
Education (1= [greater than or 1.51 (1.16, 1.96)
equal to] High school)
Socio-economic factors
Employment status
Employed (reference)
Looking for work 0.41 (0.27, 0.61)
Retired 0.49 (0.35, 0.69)
Student 0.75 (0.41, 1.37)
Other 0.24 (0.19, 0.30)
Census Metropolitan Area
Toronto (reference)
Montreal 2.23 (1.41, 3.51)
Vancouver 1.84 (1.05, 3.21)
Other CMA 1.89 (1.20, 2.99)
Non-CMA 2.22 (1.40, 3.53)
Household income
Low (reference)
High 1.81 (1.50, 2.18)
Income not reported 1.51 (1.06, 2.17)
--Log-likelihood -7,054,423 -6,575,801