Occupational physical activity and body mass index (BMI) among Canadian adults: does physical activity at work help to explain the socio-economic patterning of body weight?
Barberio, Amanda ; McLaren, Lindsay
Canada is one of the many industrialized nations that have recorded
an increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity. The prevalence of
adult obesity (i.e., BMI [greater than or equal to] 30 kg/[m.sup.2]) in
Canada has risen from 13.8% in 1978/79 to 23.1% in 2004. (1) Obesity has
been associated with a broad spectrum of physical, psychological, social
and economic consequences. (2-4)
Body mass index (BMI) and obesity are associated with socioeconomic
position (SEP), (5) which refers to one's social and economic
position in society. (6) The nature of this association varies by sex
and by country, being predominantly inverse for women in the developed
world (i.e., higher SEP, lower BMI) and less consistent for men in these
countries. (5) The association appears to further vary by indicator or
aspect of SEP; (1) for example, the education-BMI association is
predominantly inverse (particularly for women), while some studies have
shown a positive income-BMI association for men but not women. (5,7)
Some Canadian studies have examined possible mediators of the
associations between SEP and BMI/obesity. For example, both Kuhle and
Veugelers (7) and Ward and colleagues (8) reported that leisure time
physical activity (LTPA) and fruit and vegetable consumption helped to
explain the SEP-obesity association among Canadian adults. Research
suggests that LTPA does not fully capture one's total energy
expenditure (9,10) and thus, the amount of physical activity accumulated
in other life domains should also be considered.
Although recent technological advancements and automation have
reduced the amount of energy expenditure for many occupations, (11) it
is nonetheless important to consider occupational physical activity
(OPA) because individuals spend a large portion of their waking hours at
work. It is plausible that, for example, the positive income-BMI
association in men referred to above (5,7) reflects, in part, that
higher-income men are less active at work.
We located ten population-based studies that investigated OPA in
relation to BMI. (12-21) Findings were varied; however, among the six
studies that used measured (versus self-reported) height and weight,
four reported an inverse OPA-BMI association (12-15) (with the exception
of a positive association for women in the study by Barengo et al. (13))
and two found no significant association. (16,17) Importantly, in most
(i.e., nine of ten) studies, OPA was based on employee self-report,
which is prone to reporting biases, and is thus a limitation of existing
To our knowledge, there are no Canadian population-based studies
that examine OPA in relation to BMI. Thus, it is not currently known in
Canada whether, or the extent to which: a) OPA is associated with BMI;
and b) OPA mediates the association between SEP (income, education) and
BMI, among Canadian working adults. Our aim is to fill these knowledge
We analyzed microdata from the 2008 Canadian Community Health
Survey (CCHS), accessed at the Prairie Regional Research Data Centre.
Full details about the 2008 CCHS are available online at
www.statcan.gc.ca, but briefly, the CCHS is a nationally representative,
cross-sectional survey that collects health information for the Canadian
population age 12 and over. The 2008 CCHS covers approximately 98% of
the population in the provinces, and approximately 71-97% of the
population living in the Territories. The vast majority (99%) of the
sample was drawn using a multistage stratified cluster design and the
overall survey response rate was 77.6%.
We focused on respondents 25-64 years of age who indicated working
at a job or business in the previous week. Use of the 2008 CCHS is ideal
for this research for two reasons: first, measured height and weight
(used to calculate BMI) was collected by a trained interviewer using
validated instruments for a subsample of 4,688 respondents (of whom
2,841 were age 25-64). The target population for this subsample was the
same as that of the full CCHS survey with the exception of the
Territories, according to the 2008 CCHS User Guide. Second, detailed
occupational data were available for 2,550 respondents who reported
working at a job or business (of whom 2,135 were age 25-64), and this
information was used to assign each respondent an occupational code (of
which there are 520) based on the National Occupational Classification
for Statistics 2006 (NOC-S) system.
We used a novel approach for characterizing OPA based on
information from the NOC Career Handbook
(http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC/English/CH/2001/Welcome.aspx). For each
occupation indicated by a NOC 4-digit unit group, the Handbook provides
descriptive information about the job derived through systematic,
field-based research by the former Occupational and Career Information
Branch of Human Resources Development Canada. We used information from
three items describing each occupation's physical exertion: body
position, limb coordination, and strength. This classification scheme
has considerable face validity; for example, a firefighter has the
highest scores in all three dimensions whereas a university professor
has the lowest scores in all three dimensions. We generated an overall
score for OPA for each CCHS respondent by summing the scores from the
three dimensions of physical activity and dividing into three
approximately equal-sized groups (high, medium, low). To further explore
the validity of our OPA measure, we located a self-reported work
physical exertion variable that was present as optional content for the
main sample of the 2008 CCHS ("WST_408"). Among adults age
25-64 in the main 2008 CCHS sample for whom both occupational physical
activity variables were available, we computed the correlation
coefficient between the two variables.
Other variables were: highest level of education achieved by the
respondent and the respondent's income adequacy group * (these were
used as indicators of SEP); socio-demographic covariates (age; hours
worked during past week; birth place); behaviours (smoking status;
alcohol consumption; LTPA; fruit/vegetable consumption) and heath status
variables (self-rated health; chronic disease diagnosis). These
covariates have elsewhere shown associations with obesity. (22-25)
Analyses were performed using STATA software (version 11), and
appropriate sampling weights were applied as directed by Statistics
Canada. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression was used. To examine the
association between OPA and BMI (first research objective), we ran an
unadjusted model in which BMI was regressed on each variable
individually and a fully adjusted model in which BMI was simultaneously
regressed on OPA, income adequacy, education, and all covariates. To
test mediation (our second research objective), we followed the
procedure outlined by Baron and Kenny (1986), see Figure 1. (26) In our
case, the "independent variable" is SEP (i.e., income adequacy
or education), the "mediator" is OPA, and the "outcome
variable" is BMI. According to Baron and Kenny, a variable may
function as a mediator when paths "a", "b", and
"c" exist (i.e., statistically significant unadjusted
association). Finally, when the mediator (OPA) is adjusted for, path
"c" (SEP-BMI association) must be reduced, ideally to
Our sample included n=1,972 (n=1,036 males and n=936 females)
respondents age 25-64 who had complete data on all variables. Please
refer to Table 1 for the descriptive statistics for our sample. A total
of 163 (7.6%) eligible respondents were excluded due to missing data on
one or more variables used in this study. Excluded versus included
respondents were significantly (at p<0.05) heavier and more likely to
be female, but did not differ on any other study variables. We observed
a statistically significant positive correlation between our NOC-based
OPA variable and the "WST_408" variable among the main 2008
CCHS sample (men: Pearson's r=0.52, p<0.001, n=1,436; women:
Pearson's r=0.50, p<0.01, n=1,365), thus supporting the validity
of our constructed OPA variable.
Table 2 presents the results of the OLS regression models
(unadjusted and adjusted) for both males and females. OPA was not
associated with BMI in the unadjusted models for either males or females
(Model A). In the fully adjusted model for females (Model B), a marginal
effect was observed whereby those with a medium level of OPA were
marginally lighter than those with a low level of OPA (coef.= -1.09, 95%
CI -2.24 to 0.07, p=0.07). For males in the fully adjusted model, the
effect of OPA remained non-significant.
In terms of testing mediation (Figure 1), we confirmed that
conditions "a" ** (SEP-OPA) and "c" (SEP-BMI) (see
Table 1) were fulfilled for both men (income adequacy) and women
(education); however, condition "b" (OPA-BMI) was not
satisfied in any case, and thus, we did not proceed with testing
Aside from a small effect observed in women, BMI was not found to
be clearly or strongly related to OPA. As such, our findings differ from
four of six reasonably comparable studies identified in the literature
(12-15) that reported a significant inverse association.
Both conceptual and methodological explanations must be considered
to account for our non-significant findings. Perhaps there really is no
clear association between OPA and BMI in Canadian adults working at a
job or business, and our methods accurately captured this.
Alternatively, perhaps a weak association between OPA and BMI exists,
but it is overwhelmed by other aspects of lifestyle. For example, it is
possible that the greater energy expenditure of individuals working at a
highly active occupation may be counterbalanced by a higher caloric
consumption. Giving support to this notion, a 1998 study found that
individuals whose occupations required a greater amount of OPA reported
a higher caloric intake than their counterparts whose occupations
required a lower amount of OPA. (27) To the extent that an
individual's caloric intake exceeds their expenditure, caloric
intake may be a more important predictor of BMI/obesity than OPA, even
among individuals who are highly active at work.
The possibility that certain methodological flaws masked
significant associations between OPA and BMI cannot be ruled out. One
example is that an individual's BMI (the method we used to capture
one's weight status) does not provide an accurate indication of
their fat mass versus their fat-free mass. (28) This could result in a
misclassification of BMI for a small number of individuals (e.g., those
who are muscular because of their OPA, and who may thus be misclassified
as overweight/obese) which might dilute our association of interest.
Furthermore, it is possible that our measure of OPA failed to capture
physical exertion at work with the same degree of accuracy as, for
example, an electronic device to measure calorie expenditure (although
this approach could be expensive and impractical for large samples).
However, the high and statistically significant correlation between our
OPA measure and a separate self-report variable on work physical
exertion, coupled with the ethnographic approach used to gather the NOC
data, suggests reasonable validity of our variable.
We explored two other possible reasons for not detecting a clear
association between OPA and BMI, in a post hoc manner. First, it is
possible that, by combining three dimensions of OPA (body position, limb
coordination, and strength) into an overall index, we may have missed an
important effect of any one dimension on its own. We tested this
possibility by regressing BMI on each OPA dimension separately,
adjusting for covariates. We observed two marginally significant
associations in adjusted models: for men, a negative association between
the highest category of strength and BMI (coef. = -0.87, 95% CI -0.18 to
0.03, p=0.058), and for women, a negative association between the third
highest (of four) category of body position and BMI (coef. = -1.03, 95%
CI -2.18 to 0.13, p=0.08). These marginal findings suggest that we did
not miss important effects by creating an overall score for OPA, though
they raise interesting ideas about gender differences in dimensions of
importance (strength, e.g., heavy lifting, for men; body position, e.g.,
combination of sitting, standing, walking, for women) to be pursued in
future research.
Second, it is possible that our sample size, though reasonably
large, rendered our analysis under-powered to detect an OPA-BMI
association if one exists. A post hoc power calculation using alpha =
0.05, current sample size (n=936 for women; n=1,036 for men), and mean
(SD) values of BMI from our own data indicated that we had limited
(<40%) power to detect a mean difference in BMI of 0.5 kg/[m.sup.2]
between low and high OPA groups. To have 80% (acceptable) power to
detect such a difference, a sample size of 1,570 in each group (high and
low OPA) would be needed. Thus, we reran analyses using the main sample
of the 2008 CCHS, for which a much larger sample was available (n=11,628
for women; n=12,057 for men), but for which BMI was computed from
self-reported rather than measured height and weight. Towards improving
the BMI variable, we applied the correction factor outlined by
Connor-Gorber et al. (29) *** For women, main sample results were
generally consistent with the subsample results: high OPA was positively
associated with BMI (coefficient = 0.58, 95% CI 0.13 to 1.02,
p<0.01), medium OPA was not significantly associated with BMI but the
coefficient was negative in direction (coefficient = -0.12, 95% CI -0.46
to 0.23, NS), in adjusted models. For men, in contrast to the subsample
findings, the main sample findings indicated a positive association
between high OPA and BMI (coefficient = 0.33, 95% CI 0.00 to 0.68,
p<0.05) and between medium OPA and BMI (coefficient = 0.36, 95% CI
0.04 to 0.69, p<0.05), in adjusted analyses. Although we cannot
determine whether different findings between the two samples reflect
sample size differences or the different outcome variables (measured vs.
self-report BMI), we might sum up our results as indicating that the
OPA-BMI association for men is unclear, while for women the association
appears to be nonlinear (inverse for medium OPA; positive for high OPA).
Barengo et al. (13) also detected a positive relationship between OPA
and BMI for women. One possible explanation is that highly active jobs
attract women who are larger and/or more muscular to begin with, perhaps
because the larger physique is suited to the job (e.g., job requires
strength) and/or because the job environment is more accepting of larger
Naturally, our research has some limitations; we focus here on two.
First, the duration of exposure to OPA was unknown because information
on the length of time in one's job was not available in the data
source used. Second, due to its cross-sectional design, this study was
unable to discern causality or temporality of associations.
Several strengths are present in this study. First, we built on
existing population-based studies of OPA by taking advantage of a
relatively objective form of OPA measurement, thereby reducing the
likelihood of recall and social desirability biases that can plague
self-report data. Second, our primary data source (from the 2008 CCHS
subsample) contained measured height and weight, thereby eliminating the
potential of reporting biases that occur with self-reported data. (30)
Finally, our research was based on a reasonably large, nationally
representative sample, and the number of participants excluded due to
missing data was small and our analysis indicated only minimal missing
data bias.
Future research attempting to explain the association between SEP
and BMI could explore other plausible variables (e.g., psychosocial
stress, which has been linked with lower SEP (31,32) and with
accumulation of visceral adipose tissue (33)), adopt a prospective
design, and if possible clarify duration of exposure to plausible
explanatory variables.
Acknowledgements: This work stems from Amanda Barberio's
honours thesis project, submitted in partial fulfillment of the degree
of Bachelor of Health Sciences Honours at the University of Calgary and
successfully defended in April 2010. Lindsay McLaren is supported by a
Population Health Investigator Award from Alberta Innovates--Health
Solutions (formerly the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical
Research). We thank Dr. Jenny Godley for helpful comments on an earlier
version of this manuscript.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Received: August 20, 2010
Accepted: November 22, 2010
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* Income adequacy is a derived Statistics Canada variable that
takes into account annual household income and the weighted size of the
** Statistically significant association between SEP and OPA for
men (e.g., highest income adequacy: coefficient= -1.17, 95% CI 1.83 to
-0.52, p=0.00; highest education [post-sec grad] coef.= -1.77, 95% CI
-2.32 to -1.23, p=0.00) and women (e.g., highest income adequacy:
coefficient = -2.06, 95% CI -2.66 to -1.46, p=0.00; highest education
[post-sec grad] coef.= -0.89, 95% CI -1.65 to -0.14, p=0.02).
*** The findings did not differ substantively between the corrected
and the uncorrected data.
Amanda Barberio, BHSc (hons), Lindsay McLaren, PhD
Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary,
Calgary, AB
Correspondence: Dr. Lindsay McLaren, Department of Community Health
Sciences, University of Calgary, 3rd Floor TRW, 3280 Hospital Dr. NW,
Calgary, AB T2N 4Z6, Tel: 403-210-9424, Fax: 403-270-7307, E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1. Weighted Descriptive Statistics for Study Sample, Stratified
by Sex
Variable Males (n=1,036)
Mean (SD) or n (%)
Body mass index (BMI) 27.7 (4.5)
Occupational physical Low 273 (26.3%)
activity (OPA) Medium 425 (41.0%)
High 338 (32.7%)
Income adequacy Lowest 110 (10.6%)
Low-middle 283 (27.3%)
High-middle 216 (20.8%)
Highest 427 (41.2%)
Education Less than secondary 115 (11.1%)
Secondary school graduate 152 (14.7%)
Some post-secondary 62 (6.0%)
Post-secondary graduate 707 (68.2%)
Alcohol consumption Regular 804 (77.6%)
Occasional 104 (10.0%)
Never 128 (12.3%)
Smoking status Current 298 (28.7%)
Former 421 (40.7%)
Never 317 (30.6%)
Fruit and vegetable Eats fruit and vegetables 661 (63.8%)
consumption <5 times/day
Eats fruit and vegetables 375 (36.2%)
[greater than or equal
to] 5 times/day
Leisure-time physical Inactive 546 (52.7%)
activity (LTPA) Moderately Active 267 (25.8%)
Active 223 (21.5%)
Hours Worked (past 0 to 35 hrs/week 126 (12.2%)
week) 36 to 40 hrs/week 431 (41.6%)
41+ hrs/week 479 (46.2%)
Birth place Born outside of Canada 274 (26.5%)
Born in Canada 762 (73.5%)
Self-rated health Poor or fair 59 (5.7%)
Good 318 (30.7%)
Very good or excellent 659 (63.6%)
Chronic disease Diagnosed with one or 220 (21.2%)
diagnosis more chronic diseases
Not diagnosed with any 816 (78.8%)
chronic diseases
Variable Females (n=936)
Mean (SD) or n (%)
Body mass index (BMI) 26.8 (6.4)
Occupational physical Low 415 (44.3%)
activity (OPA) Medium 363 (38.8%)
High 158 (16.9%)
Income adequacy Lowest 95 (10.2%)
Low-middle 277 (29.6%)
High-middle 236 (25.2%)
Highest 328 (35.1%)
Education Less than secondary 48 (5.1%)
Secondary school graduate 161 (17.2%)
Some post-secondary 63 (6.7%)
Post-secondary graduate 664 (71.0%)
Alcohol consumption Regular 536 (57.3%)
Occasional 236 (25.2%)
Never 164 (17.5%)
Smoking status Current 186 (19.9%)
Former 367 (39.2%)
Never 383 (40.9%)
Fruit and vegetable Eats fruit and vegetables 485 (51.9%)
consumption <5 times/day
Eats fruit and vegetables 451 (48.1%)
[greater than or equal
to] 5 times/day
Leisure-time physical Inactive 534 (57.0%)
activity (LTPA) Moderately Active 225 (24.1%)
Active 177 (18.9%)
Hours Worked (past 0 to 35 hrs/week 387 (41.3%)
week) 36 to 40 hrs/week 383 (41.0%)
41+ hrs/week 166 (17.7%)
Birth place Born outside of Canada 249 (26.6%)
Born in Canada 687 (73.4%)
Self-rated health Poor or fair 78 (8.3%)
Good 233 (24.9%)
Very good or excellent 625 (66.8%)
Chronic disease Diagnosed with one or 239 (25.6%)
diagnosis more chronic diseases
Not diagnosed with any 697 (74.4%)
chronic diseases
Note: Chronic diseases considered were: arthritis, asthma,
bronchitis, cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
Table 2. Results of Ordinary Least Squares Regression Analysis
for Males (n=1,036) and Females (n=936), with BMI (continuous
variable), Regressed on Occupational Physical Activity (OPA),
Socio-economic Variables (income adequacy and education) and
Predictor Variable Model A--Males
Coefficient (95% CI)
Occupational physical activity
(OPA) (Reference: Low)
Medium -0.05 (-1.02 to 0.91)
High -0.19 (-1.17 to 0.80)
Income adequacy (Reference:
Middle-low 1.03 (-0.53 to 2.59)
Middle-high 1.75 (0.14 to 3.36) *
Highest 1.98 (0.39 to 3.57) **
Education (Reference: Less than
Secondary school graduate 0.72 (-0.56 to 2.01)
Some post-secondary 2.29 (0.60 to 3.99) **
Post-secondary graduate 0.59 (-0.33 to 1.52)
Alcohol consumption (Reference:
Occasional 0.18 (-1.17 to 1.54)
Never -0.29 (-1.33 to 0.76)
Smoking status (Reference:
Former 1.20 (0.25 to 2.16) **
Never 0.51 (-0.54 to 1.57)
Fruit and vegetable consumption
(Reference: Eats fruit and
vegetables <5 times/day)
Eats fruit and vegetables
[greater than or equal to]
5 times/day -0.34 (-1.11 to 0.43)
Leisure time physical activity
(LTPA) (Reference: Inactive)
Moderately active -0.56 (-1.38 to 0.27)
Active -0.95 (-2.05 to 0.16) ([dagger])
Hours worked/week (Reference:
0 to 35 hrs/week )
36 to 40 hrs/week 0.31 (-0.89 to 1.50)
41+ hrs/week 0.92 (-0.32 to 2.16)
Birth place (Reference: Born
outside of Canada)
Born in Canada 2.59 (1.81 to 3.38) **
Self-rated health (Reference:
Poor or fair)
Good -1.46 (-3.88 to 0.96)
Very good or excellent -2.12 (-4.45 to 0.21) ([dagger])
Chronic disease diagnosis
(Reference: Not diagnosed
with any chronic diseases)
Diagnosed with one or more
chronic diseases 1.13 (0.22 to 2.05) *
Predictor Variable Model B--Males
(fully adjusted)
Coefficient (95% CI)
Occupational physical activity
(OPA) (Reference: Low)
Medium 0.23 (-0.66 to 1.13)
High -0.01 (-1.01 to 0.98)
Income adequacy (Reference:
Middle-low 0.74 (-0.66 to 2.15)
Middle-high 1.00 (-0.47 to 2.48)
Highest 1.13 (-0.32 to 2.57)
Education (Reference: Less than
Secondary school graduate 0.62 (-0.58 to 1.81)
Some post-secondary 1.74 (0.13 to 3.34) *
Post-secondary graduate 0.78 (-0.18 to 1.74)
Alcohol consumption (Reference:
Occasional 0.60 (-0.66 to 1.86)
Never 0.23 (-0.75 to 1.21)
Smoking status (Reference:
Former 1.31 (0.52 to 2.09) **
Never 1.13 (0.22 to 2.04) *
Fruit and vegetable consumption
(Reference: Eats fruit and
vegetables <5 times/day)
Eats fruit and vegetables
[greater than or equal to]
5 times/day -0.20 (-0.90 to 0.51)
Leisure time physical activity
(LTPA) (Reference: Inactive)
Moderately active -0.68 (-1.45 to 0.09) ([dagger])
Active -0.93 (-1.93 to 0.08) ([dagger])
Hours worked/week (Reference:
0 to 35 hrs/week )
36 to 40 hrs/week 0.57 (-0.45 to 1.59)
41+ hrs/week 0.93 (-0.10 to 1.96) ([dagger])
Birth place (Reference: Born
outside of Canada)
Born in Canada 2.49 (1.66 to 3.32) **
Self-rated health (Reference:
Poor or fair)
Good -1.51 (-3.86 to 0.85)
Very good or excellent -2.11 (-4.51 to 0.29) ([dagger])
Chronic disease diagnosis
(Reference: Not diagnosed
with any chronic diseases)
Diagnosed with one or more
chronic diseases 0.90 (0.07 to 1.72) *
Predictor Variable Model A--Females
Coefficient (95% CI)
Occupational physical activity
(OPA) (Reference: Low)
Medium -0.83 (-2.00 to 0.34)
High 1.08 (-0.62 to 2.79)
Income adequacy (Reference:
Middle-low -0.33 (-1.98 to 1.32)
Middle-high 0.51 (-1.41 to 2.43)
Highest -1.19 (-2.86 to 0.48)
Education (Reference: Less than
Secondary school graduate -0.40 (-2.45 to 1.65)
Some post-secondary -0.74 (-2.85 to 1.38)
Post-secondary graduate -1.76 (-3.17 to 0.34) *
Alcohol consumption (Reference:
Occasional -0.03 (-1.35 to 1.30)
Never -0.55 (-1.82 to 0.73)
Smoking status (Reference:
Former 0.98 (-0.38 to 2.34)
Never -0.62 (-1.87 to 0.64)
Fruit and vegetable consumption
(Reference: Eats fruit and
vegetables <5 times/day)
Eats fruit and vegetables
[greater than or equal to]
5 times/day 0.17 (-0.95 to 1.29)
Leisure time physical activity
(LTPA) (Reference: Inactive)
Moderately active -0.82 (-2.06 to 0.41)
Active -1.19 (-2.72 to 0.35)
Hours worked/week (Reference:
0 to 35 hrs/week )
36 to 40 hrs/week -0.08 (-1.31 to 1.16)
41+ hrs/week 0.03 (-1.47 to 1.54)
Birth place (Reference: Born
outside of Canada)
Born in Canada 2.28 (1.20 to 3.36) **
Self-rated health (Reference:
Poor or fair)
Good 0.61 (-2.02 to 3.24)
Very good or excellent -1.27 (-3.67 to 1.13)
Chronic disease diagnosis
(Reference: Not diagnosed
with any chronic diseases)
Diagnosed with one or more
chronic diseases 2.40 (0.86 to 3.93) **
Predictor Variable Model B--Females
(fully adjusted)
Coefficient (95% CI)
Occupational physical activity
(OPA) (Reference: Low)
Medium -1.09 (-2.24 to 0.07) ([dagger])
High 0.72 (-0.98 to 2.41)
Income adequacy (Reference:
Middle-low -0.07 (-1.79 to 1.65)
Middle-high 0.37 (-1.65 to 2.38)
Highest -1.09 (-3.00 to 0.83)
Education (Reference: Less than
Secondary school graduate -0.67 (-2.79 to 1.45)
Some post-secondary -0.93 (-3.15 to 1.29)
Post-secondary graduate -1.45 (-3.25 to 0.35)
Alcohol consumption (Reference:
Occasional -0.01 (-1.22 to 1.21)
Never 0.22 (-1.11 to 1.56)
Smoking status (Reference:
Former 1.65 (0.27 to 3.03) *
Never 0.87 (-0.57 to 2.32)
Fruit and vegetable consumption
(Reference: Eats fruit and
vegetables <5 times/day)
Eats fruit and vegetables
[greater than or equal to]
5 times/day 0.92 (-0.17 to 2.01) ([dagger])
Leisure time physical activity
(LTPA) (Reference: Inactive)
Moderately active -0.87 (-2.05 to 0.32)
Active -1.14 (-2.67 to 0.39)
Hours worked/week (Reference:
0 to 35 hrs/week )
36 to 40 hrs/week 0.48 (-0.68 to 1.63)
41+ hrs/week 0.73 (-0.68 to 2.14)
Birth place (Reference: Born
outside of Canada)
Born in Canada 2.76 (1.64 to 3.87) **
Self-rated health (Reference:
Poor or fair)
Good 1.06 (-1.38 to 3.49)
Very good or excellent -0.62 (-3.01 to 1.78)
Chronic disease diagnosis
(Reference: Not diagnosed
with any chronic diseases)
Diagnosed with one or more
chronic diseases 2.15 (0.49 to 3.81) **
** p<0.01; * p<0.05; ([dagger]) p<0.10