Lead in school drinking water: Canada can and should address this important ongoing exposure source.
Barn, Prabjit ; Kosatsky, Tom
The control of major historic sources of lead exposure, including
leaded gasoline and residential paints, has lowered lead levels in
children. US data indicate that the prevalence of blood lead levels
(BLLs) [greater than or equal to] 10 [micro]g/dL among children 1-5
years of age decreased from 8.6% in 1998-1991 to 1.4% in 1999-2004, (1)
while 2007-2009 Canadian data show that the geometric mean BLL of
children aged 6-11 years was 0.90 [micro]g/dL. (2) Still, BLLs <10
[micro]g/dL have been linked to persistent deficits in intelligence as
well as to neuropsychiatric disorders including antisocial behaviour.
(3) A pooled analysis of seven prospective studies investigating the
relationship between childhood lead exposure (from birth or infancy to
5-10 years of age) and full-scale IQ tests showed a log-normal
dose-response relationship; a rise in BLLs from 20 to 30 [micro]g/dL was
associated with a drop in mean IQ of 1.1 points (95% CI, 0.7-1.5), a BLL
rise from 10 to 20 [micro]g/dL was associated with an IQ deficit of 1.9
points (95% CI, 1.2-2.6), and a BLL rise from 2.4 to 10 [micro]g/dL was
associated with the greatest deficit of 3.9 IQ points (95% CI, 2.4-5.3).
(4) The observation of health impacts at lower levels of blood lead, and
the demonstration that even small reductions in BLL can have important
population-level health gains, stresses the need to address continuing
residual exposure sources. It has been argued that the mitigation of
ongoing lead sources is strongly cost-beneficial. In the US, researchers
estimated that a mean decline of 15 [micro]g/dL in children aged 1-5
years between 1976 to 1999 resulted in a gain of 2.2-4.7 IQ points per
child; this gain was in turn estimated to result in economic benefits of
$110-$319 billion, through increased productivity and higher lifetime
earnings. (5) Although no cost-benefit analysis for drinking water could
be identified, it is reasonable to assume that economic benefits would
likewise accrue with the reduction of lead in school drinking water.
Children are exposed to lead through school drinking water
Elevated water lead levels exist in Canadian schools. Testing of
Ontario schools in 2007 showed that 28% of 3,669 "first draw"
1L samples were above the Canadian drinking water guideline of 10
[micro]g/L, (6) as were 9% of the 3,479 1L samples taken after 30
seconds of flushing. (7) School water systems can contain high lead
levels for several reasons, the most common being leaching. Lead can
enter treated water systems through leaching from plumbing, including
tin-lead solder and brass fittings, within the municipal water
distribution system or inside the school building.
Two factors, stagnation and outlet design, are especially important
for school water systems. Stagnation plays a key role in lead leaching
where lead plumbing, solder or fixtures exist. Water delivered after
overnight stagnation and even after shorter periods of non-use, such as
between morning and midday, can contain elevated lead levels through the
progressive release of lead from plumbing. (8) The design of outlets in
schools can further promote leaching; drinking fountains typically
contain more soldered joints and narrower piping than traditional taps,
and if lead components are present, a high degree of leaching can occur.
Beyond stagnation and outlet design, the roles of other factors in
influencing lead concentrations in water are summarized in Table 1.
While food, consumer products and leaded dust are also important
continuing sources of childhood lead exposure, drinking water intake
constitutes approximately 10% of total lead exposure in 2-year-old
children (11% in adults). (9) This estimate is based on a water lead
concentration of 4.8 [micro]g/L and a consumption rate of 0.6 L/day; the
contribution of water to total lead exposure increases with more
frequent consumption and where water contains higher lead levels.
Although no data on water consumption patterns in Canadian
schoolchildren could be identified, the 2004 Canadian Community Health
Survey suggests that 70% of children consume water on a daily basis.
(10) Considering that children can spend up to 8 hours a day at school,
it is reasonable to assume that some of this water consumption occurs
during the school day. Additionally, initiatives to restrict soft drink
sales (11) and ban bottled water sales (12) in schools may increase the
importance of school sinks, fountains and coolers as sources of
hydration. Consequently, some children may be exposed to lead on a daily
basis through their school's drinking water, and in areas where
municipal lead service pipes are the cause, residential water levels may
also be elevated, further contributing to children's exposure.
The Canadian response
Ontario is the only jurisdiction in Canada to establish a
regulatory framework to assess lead levels in school drinking water. All
Ontario schools must test their facility's water annually; if any
sample exceeds an action level of 10 [micro]g/L, schools are required to
implement mitigation measures. (13) Recently, Ontario instituted a
reduced testing frequency, based on risk level, thus allowing allocation
of efforts towards "priority" schools. Changes to the testing
requirements allow testing every three years for schools that show lead
results below 10 [micro]g/L for all samples over the previous 2 years.
Outside of Ontario, testing for lead in school drinking water
occurs case by case, typically initiated by parental concerns (15,16) or
as part of testing of residences and institutions in neighbourhoods
where lead is shown to be leaching from the distribution system. (17)
Health Canada (HC) provides some guidance for lead testing in schools to
specifically locate the source of lead in drinking water within a
building and to identify how best to proceed with remedial actions.
Their technical document outlines a screening phase, which requires
testing of water from each outlet, and a program phase, which requires
monitoring of "high priority" outlets, following development
of a school-specific corrosion control program. (18) Health
Canada's sampling plan is adapted from the US Environmental
Protection Agency's (EPA) guidelines, which also include diagnostic
sampling techniques to determine sources of lead contamination in
samples taken from different locations in the school facility and a list
of refrigerated water cooler models identified as containing lead-based
plumbing. (19)
Although the resources described above are valuable in developing a
school-based screening and monitoring program, each has important
limitations. Ontario only requires samples to be collected from a single
outlet within a facility. As lead levels can vary between outlets,
samples taken from a single outlet may not be representative of the
building's water supply. Several reasons exist for this
variability, including differences in tap and fountain fittings and
differences in frequency of outlet use throughout the facility.
Additionally, testing of refrigerated water coolers is excluded; this is
an important oversight as refrigerated units in schools can be an
important source if leaded components are present. Both HC and EPA
guidelines encourage thorough sampling of outlets within the facility.
The EPA guidelines, in particular, describe in-depth diagnostic sampling
to determine the source of contamination; such sampling programs can be
time-consuming and expensive. Schools would benefit from further
direction on how to identify "priority" outlets, as well as a
simplified approach to sampling "priority" schools.
Differences between sampling frameworks developed by Ontario Ministry of
the Environment, Health Canada and EPA are summarized in Table 2.
In order for any lead monitoring program to be effective, the roles
and responsibilities of provinces, municipalities and schools must be
clear and practical. Programs should consider the resources involved in
monitoring and mitigation; this is particularly important considering
that school districts may have limited discretionary budgets. Testing
needs to be prioritized to identify schools in which elevated lead
levels may exist and in which risk is highest in order to ensure optimal
use of resources. Testing programs should emphasize elementary schools
(which in many cases house day-care centres or pre-kindergarten
programs) as lead exposure is a greater concern among younger children,
(20) although it is not clear at what age children no longer represent a
susceptible population. Older schools, in which lead plumbing is more
likely, and neighbourhoods known to have lead service pipes, as well as
schools located in areas where previous residential sampling has found
elevated levels or where municipal water is "soft" or of low
pH, need to be tested. Following Ontario's example, testing
frequency can be based on the level of risk, to avoid burdening local
health units and school boards with lower-yield testing.
Several options are available to decrease lead exposures through
drinking water (Table 3). Flushing is often considered an effective
mitigation action, but it can be time consuming, wastes water and is not
effective for all school water systems. Source removal through the
replacement of lead plumbing components, although associated with higher
initial costs, offers a long-term, permanent solution to elevated
drinking water lead levels. The advantages and disadvantages of each
action should be evaluated before implementation as no one method may be
feasible or appropriate for every school.
Practical research is needed
The exploration and reporting of best practices on monitoring and
remediation, including the establishment of criteria to prioritize areas
in which high water lead levels are likely to exist, are needed to
better guide school-based lead monitoring and remediation programs.
Recommendations for remediation need to be evaluated, particularly for
flushing; while flushing can decrease lead levels in water over the
short term, the frequency and length of flushing required to maintain
low lead levels in various school environments are not well understood.
In order to better estimate current risks and the potential gains that
mitigation could bring, the distribution of exposure to facility water
by Canadian schoolchildren should be monitored prospectively. An
assessment should be conducted to apportion the various sources
(including school water) in contributing to blood lead levels for both
younger and older children. Finally, the effectiveness of monitoring
programs needs to be evaluated at the school and provincial levels;
cost-benefit evaluations should consider the costs of remediation versus
the direct and indirect cost of unmitigated lead exposure.
Where do we go from here?
School drinking water can be an important source of lead exposure
to a susceptible population, but at present, outside of Ontario, no
mandated monitoring framework exists.
Monitoring in Ontario has shown that schools with elevated water
lead levels are not uncommon, supporting the argument that all provinces
and territories should consider implementing policies to reduce
children's lead exposure in schools.
Acknowledgements: We thank the following people for their advice
and information: Ralph Stanley, Peel Public Health; Richard Stanwick,
Vancouver Island Health Authority; Vanita Sahni, BC Centre for Disease
Control; France Lemieux, Health Canada; Monique Beausoleil and Julie
Brodeur, Direction de sante publique de l'Agence de la sante et des
services sociaux de Montreal; Mona Shum, National Collaborating Centre
for Environmental Health; Steve Hrudey, University of Alberta; Stewart
Irwin and Maria Roxborough, Capital Regional District Water Services.
(1.) Jones RL, Homa DM, Meyer PA, Brody DJ, Caldwell KL, Pirkle JL,
et al. Trends in blood lead levels and blood lead testing among US
children aged 1 to 5 years, 1988-2004. Pediatrics 2009;123(3):e376-e385.
(2.) Bushnick T, Haines D, Levallois P, Levesque J, Van Oostdam J,
Viau C. Lead and bisphenol A concentrations in the Canadian population.
Health Reports 2010;21(3):1-12.
(3.) Bellinger DC. Very low lead exposures and children's
neurodevelopment. Curr Opin Pediatr 2008;20(2):172.
(4.) Lanphear BP, Hornung R, Khoury J, Yolton K, Baghurst P,
Bellinger DC, et al. Low-level environmental lead exposure and
children's intellectual function: An international pooled analysis.
Environ Health Perspect2005;113(7):894-99.
(5.) Grosse SD, Matte TD, Schwartz J, Jackson RJ. Economic gains
resulting from the reduction in children's exposure to lead in the
United States. Environ Health Perspect 2002;110(6):563-69.
(6.) Health Canada. Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality
Summary Table. 2008.
(7.) Ontario Ministry of the Environment. O. Reg 243/07: 2007 Lead
Data Results Release. Toronto, ON: Ministry of the Environment, 2009.
(8.) Murphy EA. Effectiveness in flushing on reducing lead and
copper levels in school drinking water. Environ Health Perspect
(9.) Health Canada. Lead. 2008. Available at:
(Accessed December 2, 2008).
(10.) Garriguet D. Beverage consumption of children and teens.
Health Rep 2008;19(4):17-22.
(11.) Ontario Ministry of Education. Policy/Program Memorandum No.
135; Healthy Foods and Beverages in Elementary School Vending Machines.
2004. Available at: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/extra/eng/ppm/135.html
(Accessed July 14, 2010).
(12.) Board to study water ban. The Ottawa Citizen 2008. Available
at: http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/city/story.html?id=97fdd0f40a6c- 418c-b1ce-5c8e8e74f578 (Accessed December 2, 2008).
(13.) Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Flushing and Testing for
Lead in Drinking Water. Toronto, ON: Ministry of the Environment,
(14.) Ontario Environmental Registry. Updates to Lead And Drinking
Water Regulations Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002. 2009.
Available at: http://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-External/
(Accessed January 21, 2010).
(15.) Father's test on school water finds twice allowable lead
levels. Edmonton Journal November 17, 2003, B7.
(16.) McIntyre S. Water fountain lead levels concern parent. Gulf
Islands Driftwood 2008.
(17.) Hamilton Public Health Services. Lead Water Service Pipes
Information Report. Hamilton, ON: City of Hamilton, 2008.
(18.) Health Canada. Corrosion Control in Drinking Water
Distribution Systems. 2007.
(19.) US Environmental Protection Agency. 3Ts for Reducing Lead in
Drinking Water in Schools. Washington, DC: EPA, 2006.
(20.) Bellinger DC. Lead. Pediatrics 2004;113(4):1016.
(21.) Boyd GR, Shetty P, Sandvig AM, Pierson GL. Pb in tap water
following simulated partial lead pipe replacements. J Environ
Engineering 2004;130(10):1188.
(22.) Payne M. Lead in drinking water. CMAJ 2008;179(3):253-54.
(23.) Minnesota Department of Health and Section of Drinking Water
Protection. Reducing Lead in Drinking Water: A Manual for
Minnesota's Schools. St Paul, MN: Minnesota Department of Health,
(24.) Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. A Manual for
Assessing Lead in Drinking Water in Arizona Schools and Day Care
Facilities. Phoenix, AR: Department of Environmental Quality, 2004;1-25.
Received: July 20, 2010
Accepted: October 24, 2010
Authors' Affiliation
Prabjit Barn, MSc, Tom Kosatsky, MD, MPH
The National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health,
Vancouver, BC
Correspondence: Prabjit Barn, NCCEH, 400 East Tower, 555 West 12th
Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 3X7, Tel: 604-707-2463, E-mail:
[email protected] Source of Funding and Disclaimer: The National
Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health is funded by the Public
Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). Opinions expressed in this article,
however, should not be taken as representing PHAC policy.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Table 1. Factors Associated With a High Degree of Lead Leaching Within
a Plumbing System *
Factor Comments
Long contact time Drinking fountains and stand-alone
water coolers are associated with
intermittent use and longer
stagnation periods.
Older plumbing systems Older plumbing systems may have
lead-based components.
Lead pipe length Longer pipes increase contact time
between water and plumbing and may
increase leaching.
Smaller diameter pipes Pipes of smaller diameter, such as
those used in water fountains,
increase contact time between water
and plumbing.
Low pH The pH is a measure of the hydrogen
ions in water. Water with higher pH
is associated with less leaching,
especially if water is not well
buffered. A higher pH can also
increase the effectiveness of
corrosion inhibitors.
Low alkalinity Alkalinity is a measure of
(as differentiated from pH) bicarbonate, carbonate or hydroxide
compounds in water. Higher
alkalinity will buffer the pH of
water and help to form a protective
scale lining along pipes.
Absence of corrosion inhibitors Corrosion inhibitors, which are
introduced to water systems at the
municipal treatment level, form a
protective scale lining along
* Assuming lead-containing plumbing is present.
Table 2. Differences Between Monitoring Frameworks for Lead Levels in
School Drinking Water Developed by the Ontario Ministry of the
Environment, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Health
Organization Action Stagnation Sample
Level(s) Period Volume
Ontario Ministry [greater
of the Environment (13) 10 [micro]g/L than or 1L
equal to]
6 hours
Health Canada (18) 1st: 20 [micro]g/L [greater 250 mL
2nd: 10 [micro]g/L than or
equal to]
8 hours
EPA (19) 20 [micro]g/L [greater 250 mL
than or
equal to]
8 hours
No. of Sampling Method
Ontario Ministry
of the Environment (13) Two Samples collected from
single outlet.
A "first draw" sample is
collected. A second
flushed (30 seconds)
sample is collected
approximately 35 minutes
after the first sample.
Health Canada (18) Screening phase: "First draw" samples
All outlets collected from all
outlets. Follow-up
sampling is conducted
for outlets exceeding
the first action level
Program phase:
High-priority For follow-up sampling,
outlets outlets are flushed for
only 30 seconds * prior
to sample collection.
Samples must not exceed
second the AL.
EPA (19) All priority Initial sampling is
outlets (number conducted of all
not specified) priority outlets.
Follow-up sampling is
conducted for outlets
exceeding the AL.
For follow-up sampling,
outlets are flushed for
30 seconds prior to
sample collection.
* The 1-minute flushing value found in the 2007 document should read 30
seconds flushing (Personal communication, France Lemieux, Water, Air
and Climate Change Bureau, Health Canada, August 27, 2009).
Table 3. Summary of Different Approaches to Dealing With Drinking Water
Found to Be Above the Sampling Strategy Action Level
Approach Result Comments
Replacing lead- [down arrow] Lead Represents the ideal
containing plumbing levels & exposure approach to dealing
with certified with lead
fittings * contamination, but due
to high costs, is not
typically implemented.
Extensive flushing is
required after partial
replacement of lead
pipes or service lines
due to the release of
lead particles. (21)
Altering water [down arrow] Lead At the municipal
chemistry levels & exposure treatment level, pH
can be increased,
alkalinity adjusted,
and/or corrosion
inhibitors can be
Regular flushing of [down arrow] Exposure Flushing should only
plumbing system be used for temporary
mitigation; can be
time consuming and is
associated with use of
large volumes of
Flushing must be
systematically in the
mornings and after
weekends and holidays.
Given the lack of
experimental data, it
is not clear how long
flushing must occur
for lead levels to be
significantly reduced,
as well as how factors
such as plumbing
locations of lead
contamination, and
water chemistry
influence required
flushing times.
Recommended flushing
times are 1-5 minutes
for individual
fountains, (22-24) 10
minutes for entire
systems within a
building (23,24) and
15 minutes for
refrigerated units.
Use of only cold- [down arrow] Exposure Cold water is
water taps associated with less
leaching than hot
Alternative drinking [down arrow] Exposure Alternatives may come
water sources with additional
concerns, such as
generation of plastic
waste with bottled
Water filtration [down arrow] Lead Point-of-use filters
levels & exposure are installed at
individual fountains.
Filters should contain
activated carbon to
remove dissolved lead
in water.
Appropriate, certified
filters must be used
in order to
effectively remove
lead from water.
Proper installation
and filter maintenance
is also required,
including daily
flushing to remove
trapped bacteria.
* Health Canada recommends the use of NSF International (NSF)/American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) health-based performance standard
(NSF/ANSI Standard 61) certified fittings.