This is Public Health: A Canadian History.
Hancock, Trevor
This is Public Health: A Canadian History
Canadian Public Health Association; 2010;
First, what a grand thing it is that the Canadian Public Health
Association is 100 years old, and how important it is to be reminded by
them of the history of public health in Canada. I know it is a stale
aphorism, but those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat
it, and history is often an important guide to--or forewarning of--the
future. As a health futurist, I firmly believe that all good futurists
are also good historians, and there are important lessons for us here.
So, kudos to the authors especially, and the many others who contributed
to this book!
Before I get to the future, a bit about the book itself. It's
an interactive e-book, which, as the website says, is "engaging,
richly illustrated, suitable for a broad audience and available as a
free download" (at
the full text is only available in English for now, with plans underway
for a French version. The interactive and downloadable nature makes it
easy to recommend as a text for students. I have always believed that
the history and philosophy of health and medicine should be a required
introductory course for ALL health sciences/studies students, as it
might engender some sense of proportion about clinical medicine's
relative unimportance to population health, as Thomas McKeown so
powerfully pointed out in "The Role of Medicine" back in 1979.
The book begins with an introductory section on health in the first
few centuries of European settlement and a chapter summarizing the
health issues from Confederation in 1867 to 1910, when CPHA was founded.
From there, it tells the story of public health decade by decade until
1986, where it stops with the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion,
although there is an epilogue by John Last which summarizes key issues
and events since then and looks to the future. (In the interest of full
disclosure, I had some input to this section.)
One of the strengths of the book is that it is richly endowed with
short profiles of important public health figures of the day, which
gives us some insight into the challenges they faced and the dedication
and passion--and long-term commitment--they brought to their work; it is
inspiring stuff. It is thus a very personal history, although there is
at the same time a lot of material about public health organizations,
both governmental and non-governmental, and the challenges they faced.
It is also, incidentally, a useful source of dates for upcoming
centennials; the first public health nurses hired in Toronto in 1911, in
Manitoba in 1916, in BC in 1917, the first full-time county health unit
(Saanich, BC) in 1921 and so on--go find your favourite one.
Another of the book's strengths is the continual reference, in
every decade of that history, to the appalling health problems faced
by--and created for--Aboriginal people. The Introduction reminds us that
European expansion across North America brought with it a host of
diseases that "destroyed many indigenous lives". This process
continued well into the 20th century; smallpox brought from California
during the Gold Rush in the 1860s devastated BC's First Nations, as
did the 'Spanish' 'flu in 1918/19, wiping out entire
settlements among the Haida. In the 1930s, the combination of poor
living conditions and neglect meant that the mortality rate for TB among
the Aboriginal people of Saskatchewan was 20 times the national rate; by
the 1940s, death rates from TB among Aboriginal people were "among
the highest ever reported in a human population"--at a time when
the national mortality rate for TB was rapidly declining. By 1986, when
the story stops, it was still the case and remains so today--that the
relatively poor health of Aboriginal people is a stain upon the nation.
In a review this short of a book this large, it is difficult to do
full justice to all that can be gleaned. But here are a couple of other
points I noted which have application today:
* The leaders in public health in the 19th and early 20th century
arguably the high point of the history of public health--brilliantly
combined solid research and the application of science with education,
strong communication skills and a commitment, indeed a passion, for
reform and fearless advocacy. We have seen that same combination of the
development and use of good research with passionate advocacy be
effective in the fight against tobacco, and we need it more than ever
today if we are to fully address the broad determinants of health and
reduce the unacceptable inequalities in health that still exist.
* Our current concerns with the low status of public health are
nothing new. In the late 1940s, shortages of public health professionals
were linked to the low pay of public health physicians compared to GPs
or specialists, and to "a legacy of undervaluing public health
work"; in 1959, an American Public Health Dean lamented in the
Canadian Journal of Public Health (CJPH) that public health seemed to be
'losing ground' and 'falling into disrepute', while
in 1966 John Hastings strongly criticized the Hall Report that laid the
groundwork for Medicare for its lack of attention to preventive
medicine, health promotion and community health programs. But he also
"added that the field had to shoulder much of the responsibility
for its poor showing" because of its timidity, its failure to live
up to its predecessors, who were "crusading, dedicated, militant
I think that is still the case today, in spite of the best efforts
of many of our leaders, whose commitment and passion are clear. But we
have not made the case for public health forcefully enough. When I
lecture to medical students, I tell them that public health is not only
more important to the health of the population than clinical medicine,
but it is in fact the most complex, challenging, sophisticated and
difficult of all the specialties. This is because we not only have to
know biology and medicine, but anthropology, sociology and other social
sciences as well as engineering, urban planning, ecology and other
natural sciences, in addition to epidemiology and health administration!
But we don't act as if that were the case. Given the depth and
breadth of population and public health, we should invest at least as
much in research in these areas as we do in basic and applied clinical
research, but our research budgets tell us that we are a long way from
realizing that objective.
We are, sadly, still a long way from realizing the promise laid out
in the CJPH in 1948 by Paul Martin Sr., then Minister of National Health
and Welfare, that the new federal philosophy was that "social
well-being is an essential and basic consideration of healthful
living," and that "Canada is among those countries where
public health is shifting its emphasis and broadening its outlook to
embrace all that affects human life."
That, of course, is a pretty good definition of population health
and human-centred development, and it rather neatly encapsulates the
challenge we face as CPHA enters its second century, as do the
challenges John Last lays out in the Epilogue:
* A focus on maternal health, infant and early child development as
part of a long-term investment in human development;
* A focus on health and the built environment;
* A focus on health equity... urgent attention must be given to
correcting the iniquitous status of First Nations Canadians;
* A focus on the ultimate determinant of human health, ecosystem
* A focus on appropriate application of scientific discoveries and
technical developments.
It is, I suspect, an agenda that our 'crusading, dedicated,
militant' predecessors would have embraced.
Trevor Hancock, Public Health Consultant, BC Ministry of Healthy
Living and Sport, Chair, Core Public Health Functions Steering Committee
and Co-chair, Population Health Promotion Expert Group, Public Health
Network of Canada
Reprinted with permission of the author. This article first
appeared in CIHR-IPPH POP News