How to ensure that national radon survey results are useful for public health practice.
Henderson, Sarah B. ; Kosatsky, Tom ; Barn, Prabjit 等
Radon gas is a radioactive decay product of naturally occurring
uranium. It is found in bedrock, and it enters soil and water under a
variety of geological conditions. Radon penetrates indoors through
building foundations, with the infiltration rate increasing as outdoor
temperatures decrease (because the warmer indoor environment creates a
pressure differential that draws soil gas into the building). Factors
affecting the concentration of radon in a specific building include its
construction (especially the design and material used for the
foundation), heating and ventilation, and underlying geology and soil
structure. However, there is no reliable way to assess the radon
concentration in any given building without measuring it over several
months. (1)
Radon has a half-life of 3.8 days, with each atom emitting three
alpha particles (the most damaging type of radiation for cells) as it
decays into non-radioactive lead. (2) Occupational and residential
exposure to radon gas has been associated with lung cancer, (3,4) and
estimates suggest that radon is a factor in 10-15% of all lung cancer
cases in North America. (5) As with all environmental carcinogens, there
is no threshold below which radon is considered to be safe. Current
estimates suggest that the risk of lung cancer increases by 8-16% for
each 100 Bq/[m.sup.3] increase in long-term concentration (6) (where one
Bequerel indicates one radioactive decay per second).
In Canada, the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Radiation Protection
Committee first established guidelines for exposure to residential radon
in 1988. In 2007, Heath Canada revised the initial long-term
concentration guideline of 800 Bq/[m.sup.3] downward to 200
Bq/[m.sup.3], with the recommendation that any dwelling over 600
Bq/[m.sup.3] should be remediated to the lowest practicable
concentration within one year. (7) Furthermore, the new guidelines
suggest that the most urgent action should be taken for buildings with
the highest concentrations. In 2009, Health Canada began a nationwide
survey of radon concentrations in 18,000 homes to better characterize
the distribution of exposures in the Canadian population. Samples were
taken from 121 administrative health regions across the country, each
encompassing a large geographic area and multiple distinct communities.
An interim report was released to stakeholders in December 2010 (8)
wherein 6,474 measurements were summarized across the health regions
using three concentration categories (0<200, 200<600 and 600+
Bq/[m.sup.3]). The document gives a good overview of residential radon
concentrations throughout Canada, but its adherence to the spatial
sampling framework and its broad categorization of measured
concentrations suppress the community-scale information that would be
most valuable to public health authorities.
To illustrate this loss of information, we take advantage of data
from a 1991-1992 survey of BC residences conducted by the British
Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) and the University of
British Columbia using Alpha Track passive samplers. Although
measurement technology has been updated in the past 20 years, radon
concentrations are stable over time. (9) Sampling included the main
floors of 988 homes in southern BC, and was statistically designed to
represent populations living in three categories of terrestrial
radiation, with oversampling at the highest expected concentrations.
Measured concentrations ranged from 0 to 1650 Bq/[m.sup.3], and 90% were
lower than the current 200 Bq/[m.sup.3] guideline. In comparison, the
Health Canada interim report included 433 samples for the same
geographic area, with 91% of measurements lower than 200 Bq/[m.sup.3].
In the first step, we summarize the measurements by aggregating
them to 11 of the 121 health regions sampled by Health Canada, and
dividing them into the same three concentration categories (Table 1). In
the second step, we take the data further by visualizing the values on a
map of southern British Columbia (Figure 1). The spatial aggregation of
measurements makes it impossible to identify which communities were
sampled and, therefore, suppresses the specific locations of the high
concentrations. In the third step, we address this by mapping the same
concentration categories for all 22 communities included in the survey
(Figure 2). Although the validity of the summary statistics has been
decreased by disregarding the sampling framework, the practical value of
the information has been increased because we can see which communities
were sampled and where the high values were found. In the fourth step,
we add another layer of information by expanding the summary to seven
concentration categories (<100, 100<200, 200<400, 400<600,
600<800, 800<1000 and 1000+ Bq/[m.sup.3]) that cover a fuller
range of measured values (Figure 3). It is now clear that concentrations
were <100 Bq/[m.sup.3] throughout the coastal area, and that some
parts of the interior had measurements spanning the entire distribution,
with several homes greater than 1000 Bq/[m.sup.3].
There are two principal approaches to lowering radon exposures
across Canada. The first is to lower the population exposure through
construction practices that reduce indoor radon concentrations. This
objective is already reflected in the 2010 revision of the National
Building Code of Canada, which recommends measures that limit soil gas
intrusion into new homes, schools and workplaces. However, each province
and territory legislates its own building code, adopting specific
sections of the national code (with the flexibility to specify regional
exemptions) as deemed appropriate. Provincial and regional authorities
need spatially explicit information about high radon concentrations to
help identify areas where adoption of the new provisions should be
prioritized, especially where they may be facing pressure from
stakeholders to implement exemptions. Conversely, those regions where
existing concentrations are well below the guideline values can also be
identified. For example, Figure 3 indicates that coastal areas of
southern British Columbia would remain a low priority even if Health
Canada revised its guideline value to the World Health Organization
minimum recommendation of 100 Bq/[m.sup.3]. (10) The second approach is
to identify and remediate buildings with high radon concentrations,
which requires long-term measurements in at-risk communities. Local
health authorities have direct contact with their constituents and,
therefore, the opportunity to actively encourage and pursue testing in
homes, schools and workplaces. Although Health Canada recommends that
all homes should be tested, practicality dictates that limited resources
should be used to target areas where the highest concentrations are
expected. Any spatially explicit information from existing surveys can
inform such initiatives.
The latter is especially important because building owners bear the
cost of radon remediation in Canada, meaning that we must ultimately
rely on them to achieve national reduction objectives. It is easier for
public health authorities to encourage testing (and subsequent
remediation) if building owners believe that their property and its
inhabitants are at elevated risk. A 2001 study in Winnipeg reported that
homeowners were unlikely to act on radon concentrations less than 1100
Bq/[m.sup.3]. (11) However, the same group was willing to pay an average
of $221 per each 100 Bq/[m.sup.3] reduction of concentrations greater
than 702 Bq/[m.sup.3] (the guideline value was 800 Bq/[m.sup.3] at the
time) after receiving information about the health risks. Although no
similar study has been conducted since the implementation of the 200
Bq/[m.sup.3] guideline, we should assume that building owners will
continue to use relevant risk information when making decisions about
radon testing and remediation.
We have demonstrated how the spatial aggregation and broad
categorization of household radon measurements suppress the
community-level information that public health authorities need to help
lower radon exposures in Canada. We strongly encourage Health Canada to
release more spatially explicit maps (similar to Figure 3) of the
national radon survey results. Although the validity of the summary
statistics will be somewhat decreased, the practical value of
information from this rich dataset will be markedly increased.
Acknowledgements: The data used to illustrate this commentary were
collected by David Morley (BCCDC) and Chris Van Netten (UBC). We feel
fortunate to have this rich dataset available to address questions
related to residential radon in British Columbia.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Received: August 11, 2011
Accepted: December 18, 2011
(1.) Health Canada. Guide for Radon Measurements in Residential
Dwelllings (Homes). Ottawa, ON: Health Canada, 2008;15.
(2.) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Draft
Toxicological Profile for Radon. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health
and Human Services, 2008;230.
(3.) Samet JM. Radon and lung cancer. J National Cancer Institute
(4.) Al-Zoughool M, Krewski D. Health effects of radon: A review of
the literature. Int J Radiation Biol 2009;85(1):57-69.
(5.) National Research Council Committee on Health Risks of
Exposure to Radon (BEIR VI). Health Effects of Exposure to Radon.
Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations, Board of
Radiation Effects Research, Committee on Life Sciences, National
Research Council. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999.
(6.) Darby S, Hill D, Deo H, Auvinen A, Barros-Dios J, Baysson H,
et al. Residential radon and lung cancer--detailed results of a
collaborative analysis of individual data on 7148 persons with lung
cancer and 14,208 persons without lung cancer from 13 epidemiologic
studies in Europe. Scand J Work Environ Health 2006;32(S1):1-83.
(7.) Health Canada. Government of Canada Radon Guideline. 2009.
Available at:
radon/guidelines_lignes_directrice-eng.php (Accessed August 10, 2011).
(8.) Health Canada. Cross-Canada Survey of Radon Concentrations in
Homes: Year 1 Interim Report. Ottawa: Health Canada, 2010;12.
(9.) Miles J. Temporal variation of radon levels in houses and
implications for radon measurement strategies. Radiation Protection
Dosimetry 2001;93(4):369 75.
(10.) World Health Organization. WHO Handbook on Indoor Radon: A
Public Health Perspective. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 2009;94.
(11.) Spiegel JM, Krewski D. Using willingness to pay to evaluate
the implementation of Canada's residential radon exposure
guideline. Can J Public Health 2002;93(3):223-28.
Authors' Affiliation
Environmental Health Services, British Columbia Centre for Disease
Control, Vancouver, BC
Correspondence: Sarah Henderson, BCCDC, 655 West 12th Avenue,
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4R4, E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1. Summary of Main Floor Radon Measurements From 988 Homes in
the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control /University of British
Columbia Survey
Health Region Number of Homes % Below 200
South Vancouver Island 62 100
Fraser South 22 100
Vancouver 19 100
Richmond 24 100
North Shore / Coast Garabaldi 94 100
Fraser North / Simon Fraser 36 100
Fraser East / Fraser Valley 3 100
Thompson / Cariboo 176 79.5
Okanagan 197 93.4
Kootenay-Boundary 207 81.7
East Kootenay 148 92.6
Health Region % 200 to 600 % Above 600
Bq/[m.sup.3] Bq/[m.sup.3]
South Vancouver Island 0 0
Fraser South 0 0
Vancouver 0 0
Richmond 0 0
North Shore / Coast Garabaldi 0 0
Fraser North / Simon Fraser 0 0
Fraser East / Fraser Valley 0 0
Thompson / Cariboo 14.8 5.7
Okanagan 5.6 1.0
Kootenay-Boundary 13.0 5.3
East Kootenay 6.8 0.6
Note: The results have been summarized in the same format used by
Health Canada for 11 of the same health regions.