Risk of childhood asthma prevalence attributable to residential proximity to major roads in Montreal, Canada.
Price, Karine ; Plante, Celine ; Goudreau, Sophie 等
Vehicle traffic emissions result in a complex mixture of carbon
monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (mainly
ultra-fine particles) and air toxics (1,3-butadiene, benzene,
formaldehyde, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons-PAHs). For the province
of Quebec, approximately 75% of NOx and 14% of [PM.sub.2.5] (particulate
matter with median diameter of less than 2.5 yum) emissions are related
to mobile sources. (1)
Epidemiological studies that evaluate the relation between
long-term exposure to traffic emissions and health outcomes have been
reviewed in a number of studies. (2-6) Exposure to traffic-related air
pollutants has been linked to premature mortality. (7-10)
Epidemiological studies have also linked traffic pollutant exposure to
cardiovascular outcomes like myocardial infarction. (11-13) Birth
cohort, case-control and cross-sectional studies have also been
performed to assess childhood exposure to traffic emissions and
incidence and prevalence of asthma and asthma-like symptoms. (3,14-16)
According to the Health Effects Institute (HEI) review of the
literature, of the many outcomes of traffic-related exposures, asthma in
children has been judged to have between sufficient and suggestive
evidence to support a causal relationship with traffic exposures. (3)
Furthermore, exacerbation of respiratory symptoms in children with
asthma was judged sufficient to infer a causal association with traffic
exposure. The increasing prevalence and incidence of asthma in Canadian
cities, (17) especially in children, is an issue that requires further
attention. Computation of asthma risks attributable to exposure to
traffic-related pollutants can thus help orient policies and
interventions related to transportation and public health.
The focus of this study was an attempt to assess the range of
prevalent asthma cases in children attributable to residing near a major
road or highway on the Island of Montreal.
Initial scoping of health risk functions
The study selection on asthma prevalence and proximity to major
roads or highways was based on the previous literature review performed
by a panel of experts from the HEI report. (3) We selected this review
because i) it is a comprehensive update of the latest studies published
in relation to traffic pollution and health effects, and ii) a
comprehensive approach to assess causality was applied. (18,19)
We selected studies from the HEI report if they related to asthma
prevalence in children and if the exposure of interest was a dichotomous
variable for proximity to a major road or highway (e.g., less than 50 or
75 m from a major road or a highway), since information on these
parameters was available for further application to Montreal. Here, we
did not assess incident cases attributable to this exposure as too few
studies were available on asthma incidence and proximity to major roads
or highways (less than 75 m). (3) We also did not assess exacerbation of
respiratory symptoms in children with asthma since studies that related
this outcome and proximity to major roads or highways were not
available. Attributable fractions were computed using studies performed
in locations other than Montreal, given the lack of published studies of
traffic proximity and asthma prevalence in Montreal.
Based on the HEI report performed for studies from 1980 through
October 2008, a total of six studies evaluated the association between
proximity to major roads and prevalence of asthma in children (within 75
m of a roadway). (3,15,20-24) Only four studies from the Unites States
and Europe were retained for this analysis (see Figure 1). (15,20-22)
One study was not selected based on reservations put forward in the HEI
report concerning study design issues and lack of control for
confounders, making the study hard to interpret. (24) Another study was
not retained for our assessment since it reported inconclusive results.
(23) It should be mentioned that we also decided not to retain a
positive but non-significant association between roadway proximity
(<50 m from major roads or highways) and asthma prevalence in
children aged 4 to 12 years from Montreal (unpublished results: OR:
1.09; 95% CI: 0.91-1.31, n=5,650).
Selected risk functions
The chosen four studies from which risk functions were obtained are
listed in Table 1, accompanied by the study characteristics
(epidemiological design, health outcome studied, reported risks,
exposure categories and demographic characteristics of the study group).
All retained studies had been adjusted for confounding and modifying
factors and their ORs were used to calculate the number of cases
attributable to residing in proximity to major roads. Point estimates
between studies are similar and confidence intervals overlap, hence in
these studies, the impact appears to be similar across study design and
different age groups. Although a meta-analysis would provide more
accurate results, too few studies are available for the same age groups
and the same proximity to roadway variables to perform a meta-analysis.
Exposure: Proximity to major roads or highways
Exposure of Montreal children to traffic-related pollutants was
estimated by using proximity of residences to major roads or highways.
We estimated the location of residential addresses using the six-digit
postal codes. In Montreal, a six-digit postal code usually corresponds
to a city block side. Following the selection of studies, different
traffic exposure scenarios (e.g., <50 m or <75 m from a major road
or highway) were considered (see Table 1). The road traffic categories
nearest to residential addresses were obtained through the DMTI database
(DMTI Spatial Inc.). In this study, we used two categories: major roads
and highways (which includes the DMTI classes of secondary and principal
highway, expressway and major roads) as well as highways only (which
includes the DMTI classes of secondary and principal highway and
expressway). The major roads and highways category in Montreal had a
traffic density that was superior to approximately 20,000 vehicles/day
and was used when calculating attributable asthma cases based on the
studies from McConnell et al., 2006, (15) Morgenstern et al., 2007 (20)
and 2008.21 The highways only category corresponds, in Montreal, to a
traffic density that is superior to approximately 150,000 vehicles/day;
it was used to calculate attributable prevalent asthma cases based on
the study by Kim et al., 2008. (22)
Population at risk and health data
In order to apply the risk functions presented in Table 1 to
Montreal, the following information was also estimated:
i) population of children residing near major roads and highways in
Montreal for different age groups;
ii) population of asthmatic children in different age groups of the
chosen risk functions.
The population of children residing near major roads and highways
was estimated using the population numbers assigned to the centroid
location of six-digit postal codes of 1996. Population numbers for
six-digit postal codes were not available for more recent years. In
1996, there were 1,797,912 people residing on the Island of Montreal.
(25) In 2006, this population rose to 1,873,589 people. Given the
limited increase in population numbers, we did not adjust the 1996
In order to determine the proportion of children from each age
group of the chosen risk functions (2, 4, 6, 5 to 7 and 8 to 10), we
determined the percentage of children in 2006 in each age group
(relative to the entire 2006 population) living on the Island of
Montreal and applied the percentages to the population in each road
traffic category. (25)
For the purpose of comparison, the prevalence of asthma was taken
from two studies using different approaches: one performed on the Island
of Montreal in 2006 (26) (questionnaire-based approach) and another
performed in the province of Ontario, Canada from 1996 to 2005 (27)
(based on diagnoses in health care service databases). For the asthma
prevalence reported by questionnaire, results were cross-checked with
the Medicare database (reported doctor diagnosis). Both sources of data
reported similar prevalence rates for two or more asthma diagnoses in
children's health files. For the Montreal prevalence study, the
definition of asthma was the one used in the 1995-1996 Health Canada
Student Lung Health Survey.
Estimation of health impacts
Using the information concerning population numbers for different
age groups and proximity categories to major roads and highways for
Montreal, corresponding odds ratios for the different categories were
applied to Montreal. The attributable fraction (AF) estimation of asthma
prevalence related to proximity to major roads or highways was
calculated as follows: (28)
[AF.sub.i] = [p.sub.ei] ([RR.sub.i] - 1)/[RR.sub.i]
Equation 1
[p.sub.ei] = proportion of exposed cases at age "i"
(living within 50 or 75 m of major roads or highways). The prevalence of
asthma in the exposed population was not available to calculate this
value. We assumed the prevalence of asthma in the exposed population to
be equal to the prevalence of asthma in the whole population.
[RR.sub.i] = Relative risk (Prevalence ratio) for age group
The attributable number (AN) of prevalent asthma cases due to
residing near major roadways was determined as follows for each age
group: (29)
[AN.sub.i] = [Pop.sub.i] * Po * [AF.sub.i]
Pop=population of children of age group "i"
Po=prevalence of asthma in age group "i"
Values of RR (or Prevalence ratios, PR) were not reported in the
selected studies; only values of ORs were reported. In the case of
diseases with very low incidence among the non-exposed, OR and RR (PR)
are likely to be very similar. However, for outcomes that are not so
rare, such as asthma, the ORs and RRs can differ. (30) In order to
account for these differences, we estimated the RR (PR) as follows,
using equation 2: (30)
RR = OR/(1 - [P.sub.o]) + ([P.sub.o] x OR) Equation 2
[P.sub.o] = prevalence of asthma in the initial studies
Equations 1 and 2 were then applied to the different exposure
scenarios presented in Table 2, so as to obtain a range of attributable
cases, based on the different risk functions that were selected. The
confidence interval for the number of cases was calculated based on the
95% CI of the ORs, as reported in the selected studies (Table 2),
assuming normal distribution of the error on the OR.
Based on the chosen risk functions, there were 5 age groups for
which information was calculated (2, 4, 6, 5 to 7 and 8 to 10).
Populations of children residing at different distances for each age
category were estimated to range in Montreal from 650 at <75 m for
the highway only category, and from 2,830 at <50 m to 11,809 at
<75 m for the major road and highway category.
The numbers of prevalent cases that may be attributable to
proximity of residences to major roads or highways were calculated using
prevalence from the questionnaire-based Montreal study (26) and
prevalence from the Ontario study. (27) Attributable cases using
Montreal prevalence ranged from 44 for the 2-year age group at <50 m
to 636 in the 5 to 7 year age group residing within 75 m of a major road
or highway (Table 2). Attributable cases using the Ontario asthma
prevalence ranged from 69 for the 2-year age group at <50 m to 778 in
the 5 to 7 year age group residing within 75 m of a major road or
highway (Table 2). Depending on the exposure scenario and prevalence
rates used, we estimated that exposure to proximity to major roads and
highways could have an impact of 0.7% to 6.4% of prevalent asthma cases
in Montreal.
This study is an attempt to quantify the risk of asthma prevalence
in children that is attributable to living near major roads or highways
on the Island of Montreal, Canada. The results presented here should be
seen as a potential range of attributable cases, as other factors not
considered may also be responsible for the disease. Attributable
fractions may be lower or higher than those calculated, as there are
uncertainties in calculations and competing risk factors that we have
not considered when applying risk functions to our specific population
(such as environmental tobacco smoke). Overall health risks attributable
to proximity to roads are, however, more important than the ones
presented in this study where only asthma-prevalent cases are presented.
Other studies have shown that exposure to traffic emissions is linked to
several health effects not reported in this study, such as premature
mortality and cardiovascular outcomes. (3)
Applying risk functions in populations other than the initial study
population has also been performed by other authors to calculate
prevalent asthma cases attributable to proximity to major roads. (31,32)
In these studies, which were applied to Southern California, the
percentage of prevalent asthma cases attributable to residing in
proximity to major roads ranges between 6% and 9.3%. These fractions
were estimated using the study by McConnell et al., 2006, (21) which was
one of the studies retained for our assessment. Here, based on the ORs
of the four studies that we retained, we report attributable fractions
lower than the ones estimated for Southern California (range 0.7 to
6.4%), probably due to various factors like differences in ORs,
prevalence rates and children's population within 50 or 75 m of
major roads or highways. (15,20-22)
It should be stressed that attributable risk is only valid if
causality between the exposure and disease exists. (28) We retained a
health outcome (prevalence of asthma) for which a causal association due
to exposure to traffic pollutants has been judged to be between
sufficient and suggestive, but uncertainties regarding causality still
remain since not all studies performed in different locations and
population subgroups have shown consistent results (e.g., greater risks
have been found in girls in some studies, but not in others (21,22)).
The size of the differences in risk coefficients between studies in
different locations can also be considerable. Thus, the study by Kim et
al., 2008, has larger OR and confidence intervals since the study was
performed with a very limited number of children residing within 75 m of
a highway. (22)
In our assessment, the chosen studies had both strengths and
weaknesses for the purpose of transfer of risk functions to the Montreal
context. On one hand, risk functions used were adjusted for many
confounding or modifying factors. On the other hand, the exposure
response functions used for proximity to roadways were not developed
specifically for Montreal children, and their applicability in other
regions than the one under study (the Island of Montreal) is uncertain.
Different locations may present differences in pollutant levels and
population characteristics. Pollutant levels may differ greatly on major
roadways between countries since characteristics of vehicle fleet are
likely different (automobile, truck, and number of diesel engines) as
well as the composition of the emission mixture (based on motor emission
standards). Background levels of pollutants may also be different in
other countries compared to those in Montreal.
We also recognize the limitations of our assessment concerning the
evaluation of real exposure, and this could lead to an over- or
underestimation of our findings. Our analysis was performed using
proximity to major roads or highways as a surrogate of exposure to
traffic-related pollutants, since measures of air pollutants were not
available for the present study. Proximity to roads has commonly been
used as a proxy for exposure to road traffic emissions in
epidemiological studies as traffic pollutant levels (e.g., NOx) are
higher than background levels in proximity to roadways (i.e., at a
distance less than 200 m). (33) It should be stressed, however, that
compared to Land Use Regression models that estimate exposure to
pollutant levels, proximity to roadways is particularly prone to errors
in estimating exposure and to classification bias. Nonetheless,
proximity to roadways is a way to assess the risks associated with a
mixture of air pollutants. In our assessment, we chose to be
conservative and only report on risks attributable to distances of less
than 75 m from roadways. (3)
Other uncertainties also arise from the estimation of attributable
risk. In another study, attributable cases of asthma due to
traffic-related pollutants and proximity to roadways were calculated
using the standard equation (AF=[p.sub.p](RR-1)/([p.sub.p](RR-1)+1),
where [p.sub.p]=proportion of exposed children). (32) However, the
application of this equation requires the assumption that exposure to
other factors not considered does not increase the disease risk, which
we cannot ascertain in this study. Thus, we chose to apply an
alternative formulation (34) (Equation 1 in this study, which is a
function of the prevalence of exposure in diseased individuals). To
adequately calculate this value, it is essential to have the prevalence
of asthma in the exposed population. We did not have this information
and we assumed this value to be equal to the prevalence of asthma in the
whole population. This is a conservative approach since the prevalence
of disease in the exposed population should be higher than in the whole
population if exposure is associated with asthma prevalence.
Uncertainties are also associated with estimations of the number of
exposed children. First, the population residing near major roads or
highways was based on the location of postal codes of 1996, since more
recent population numbers for postal codes were not available. This is
an underestimation since population numbers between 1996 and 2006
increased by approximately 4%. Using the centroids of postal codes on a
given street block is only an approximation of the location of the
residences. Furthermore, the proportion of children of different age
groups residing near these major roads or highways was deemed to be the
same as that found across the Island of Montreal; this assumption
requires validation. Better estimations would be provided with real
population numbers.
Finally, we should recognize that retaining studies for which an
association with the exposure to proximity to major roads was
significant is an approach that would tend to lead to systematic bias.
Meta-analysis including further studies and assessing publication bias
are needed to provide more accurate results to estimate attributable
From our assessment in Montreal, we identified a number of
scientific gaps, including the development of risk functions specific to
Montreal and possibly with estimates of exposure to air pollutants
alongside major roadways. This input would be useful for either
calculating the attributable fraction of prevalent asthma for the
specific population, or to be included in a meta-analysis of relevant
Even though uncertainties are present as cited in the preceding
paragraphs, a range of childhood asthma cases that can be linked to
residing near major roadways, as suggested by epidemiological risk
functions, can be estimated, until more substantial information is made
available. Our study is thus a first attempt to calculate crude risks of
asthma prevalence attributable to proximity of residence to major roads
or highways on the Island of Montreal. It points out the main
limitations that we encountered and the directions that future studies
must take to properly address the issue.
Acknowledgements: Elena Boldo was supported by a grant from the
Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Carlos III Institute of
Health, Spain (Bolsa de Ampliacion de Estudios de la Accion Estrategica
de Salud. Plan Nacional I+D+i 20082011. BOE 58, 08-03-2010).
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Received: May 3, 2011
Accepted: November 5, 2011
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Karine Price, MSc, [1] Celine Plante, MSc, [1] Sophie Goudreau, [1]
Elena Isabel Pascua Boldo, MSc, [2] Stephane Perron, MD, MSc, FRCPC,
[1,3] Audrey Smargiassi, PhD [4]
Author Affiliations
[1.] Direction de sante publique de l'Agence de la sante et
des services sociaux de Montreal, Montreal, QC
[2.] Cancer and Environmental Epidemiology Unit, National Center
for Epidemiology, Carlos III Institute of Health, Madrid, Spain;
Consortium for Biomedical Research in Epidemiology and Public Health
(CIBER en Epidemiologia y Salud Publica CIBERESP), Spain
[3.] Departement de medecine sociale et preventive, Universite de
Montreal, Montreal, QC
[4.] Chaire sur la pollution de l'air, les changements
climatiques et la sante, Universite de Montreal; Institut national de
sante publique du Quebec; Departement de sante environnementale et sante
au travail, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, QC
Correspondence: Karine Price, Direction de sante publique de
l'Agence de la sante et des services sociaux de Montreal, 1301, rue
Sherbrooke Est, Montreal (Quebec) H2L 1M3, Tel: 514-528-2400, Fax:
514-528-2459, E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1. Description of Information Concerning the Retained Studies
for Application to the Montreal Context
Study Health Outcome Type
[15] Asthma prevalence * Prospective birth
(cross-sectional cohort (Munich,
analysis from Germany)
birth cohort)
* logistic
adjusted for sex,
parental atopy,
maternal education,
tobacco smoke (ETS),
gas cooking, moulds,
dampness, pets
[20] Asthma prevalence * Prospective birth
(cross-sectional cohort (continuing
analysis from results from [15])
birth cohort)
* logistic regressions
adjusted for sex,
age, parental atopy,
maternal education,
siblings, ETS, gas
cooking, dampness,
moulds, pets
[21] Asthma prevalence * Cohort study
(cross-sectional (Southern California)
analysis from
cohort) * logistic regressions
adjusted for age, sex,
race, community,
language, housing
[22] Current asthma * Cross-sectional study
(San Francisco Bay)
* logistic regressions
adjusted for crowding,
pests, moulds, chest
illness before age of
2, maternal asthma,
demographic variables,
housing characteristics
Study Surrogate for Exposure: Proximity Age (yrs)
Measure OR (95% CI)
[15] <50 m main road 1.23 2
(motorway, federal or (1.00, 1.51)
state roads)
[20] <50 m main road 1.66 4 and 6
(motorway, federal or (1.01, 2.59)
state roads)
[21] <75 m major road 1.50 5 to 7
(freeway, highway, (1.16, 1.95)
arterial roads;
v/day (24))
[22] <75 m from freeway/ 3.80 * 8 to 10
highway; approximately (1.20, 11.71) (3rd to
92,070-184,521 v/day) 5th grade)
* The OR for this study is between 2 and 3 times higher
than for the other studies. v = vehicles.
Table 2. Number of Cases of Asthma in Children Attributable to
Proximity to Major Roads Corresponding to Different Exposure Scenarios
Ref. Pop. Pop. Child Pop. of Proportion Prevalence
at Risk Residents Children of Exposed of Asthma
(yrs) in Proximity ([Pop. Cases in Montreal
to Major sub.I]) ([P.sub.ei]) Children
Roads or ([P.sub.o])
Highways in
[15] 2 2973 18,850 0.16 0.10
[20] 4 2830 17,945 0.16 0.13
[20] 6 2887 18,310 0.16 0.19
[21] 5 to 7 11,809 54,450 0.22 0.18
[22] 8 to 10 650 * 57,470 0.01 0.19
Ref. Number of Asthma Cases
on the Island of Montreal
at Specified Age
Based on Based on
Prevalence Prevalence
From From
Ontario (17) Montreal (26)
[15] 2903 1855
[20] 2764 2388
[20] 4120 3506
[21] 12,251 10,013
[22] 14,655 10,735
Ref. Prevalent Cases Attributable to Proximity
Based on Based on Prevalence
Prevalence From Montreal (26) (95% CI)
Ontario (17)
(95% CI)
Attributable Attributable
Number of Fraction
Cases (AN) (AF,%)
[15] 69 (0-125) 44 (0-80) 2.4 (0-4.3)
[20] 154 (4-238) 133 (3-206) 5.6 (0.1-8.6)
[20] 241 (6-372) 205 (5-317) 5.9 (0.1-9.0)
[21] 778 (322-1138) 636 (263-930) 6.4 (2.6-9.3)
[22] 108 (24-134) 79 (18-98) 0.7 (0.2-0.9)
* In proximity to highways only.
Note: Values of P were obtained as follows:
[P.sub.ei] = Pop.child residents in proximity to major roads or
highways in Montreal/[Pop.sub.i]