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  • 标题:Implications for HIV prevention programs from a serobehavioural survey of men who have sex with men in Vancouver, British Columbia: The ManCount study.
  • 作者:Moore, David M. ; Kanters, Steve ; Michelow, Warren
  • 期刊名称:Canadian Journal of Public Health
  • 印刷版ISSN:0008-4263
  • 出版年度:2012
  • 期号:March
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Canadian Public Health Association
  • 摘要:We conducted an analysis from an HIV serobehavioural survey of MSM who attend community venues that cater to gay, bisexual and other MSM in Vancouver in order to determine the current state of HIV knowledge and HIV risk and preventive behaviours among this population.
  • 关键词:Gays;HIV infection;HIV infections

Implications for HIV prevention programs from a serobehavioural survey of men who have sex with men in Vancouver, British Columbia: The ManCount study.

Moore, David M. ; Kanters, Steve ; Michelow, Warren 等

Gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) remain the population most heavily affected by HIV in Canada and British Columbia (BC). (1,2) MSM are thought to comprise 45% or more of the estimated 9,300-13,500 individuals infected with HIV in BC. (3,4) The number of new diagnoses of HIV among MSM in BC has remained largely unchanged since 2003, with approximately 150-180 new diagnoses each year. (4)

We conducted an analysis from an HIV serobehavioural survey of MSM who attend community venues that cater to gay, bisexual and other MSM in Vancouver in order to determine the current state of HIV knowledge and HIV risk and preventive behaviours among this population.


The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has developed a national enhanced surveillance system for HIV among MSM called M-Track. In Vancouver, M-track was called "The ManCount Survey" and was jointly designed and implemented by PHAC and local partner organizations. The study protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Boards of the University of British Columbia and Health Canada.

Participants were recruited from August 1, 2008 to February 28, 2009 through venues that cater to gay, bisexual and other MSM. We used a time-space sampling recruitment methodology based on a two-stage sampling plan. This entailed the construction of a sampling frame of potential recruitment events at participating venues followed by developing a standardized process for sampling these events and venues.

Men [greater than or equal to] 18 years of age who reported ever having had sex with other men were offered enrolment in the study. Participants were excluded if they had previously completed the survey or were unable to complete the questionnaire in English. After providing informed consent, participants completed an anonymous self-administered questionnaire and provided an anonymous dried blood spot (DBS) sample. HIV testing was performed on the DBS using the Bio-Rad GS rLAV HIV-1 EIA assay. Confirmatory testing was performed using the Bio-Rad Genetic Systems[TM] HIV-1 Western Blot assay.

The questions included a core set, proposed by PHAC, for inclusion in all M-Track surveys, as well as questions that were developed locally. Unless otherwise stated, percentages are expressed from the total of respondents who answered a particular question or set of questions. We examined trends in HIV seropositivity and differences in the awareness of HIV seropositivity across age categories using the Cochran-Armitage test of trend and Fisher's exact test, respectively. We compared the responses to key variables with participants classified on the basis of their HIV serostatus by DBS and by self-report using Chi-square and Fisher's exact tests.


A total of 2,805 individuals were approached for study participation and 1,169 (41.7%) were enrolled. Of these, 1,138 (97.3%) provided DBS samples which were suitable for testing. Participants were recruited from bars (54%), followed by community events (25%), businesses (12%), community associations (4.9%), and bathhouses (4.2%). Most participants (76%) reported European/North American ethnicity; 6.6% Asian; 4.0% Aboriginal; and 14% other. The median age was 33 years (inter-quartile range [IQR]: 26-44) and 79% had completed some post-secondary education. A total of 81% identified as being gay or homosexual; 11% bisexual; 3.0% two-spirited; 2.3% queer; and 1.8% straight.

Overall, 206/1,138 (18%; 95% CI 16-20) were HIV-positive by DBS. Of these, 202 self-reported their HIV status and 86% were aware they were positive. HIV seropositivity increased with age from 7.1% for men <30 years of age to 19% for those 30-44 years, and 34% for those [greater than or equal to]45 years (p<0.001 for test of trend) (Figure 1). However, the proportion of HIV-positive men aware of their serostatus in each age group varied greatly, from 53% (16/30) among those aged <30 to 85% (74/87) among those aged 30-44 years, and 94.3% (93/98) among those aged [greater than or equal to]45 years (p<0.001).

Among HIV-positive individuals who were aware of their serostatus, the median year of diagnosis was 1997 (IQR: 1989-2003). Approximately 70% reported taking anti-HIV medication in the previous six months (an additional 8.7% reported having used these medications in the past).

Of the participants who provided a DBS, 933 (82%) self-reported their status as HIV-negative/unknown. Of these, 28 (3.0%) tested HIV-positive by DBS, which represented 14% of the positive tests. Among participants who self-reported as HIV-negative or unknown, 86% reported ever having been tested for HIV. Among those aged <30 years, 77% reported ever testing versus 89% for those aged 30-44 years, and 85% for those aged [greater than or equal to] 45 years. Of the 882 men who were HIV-negative/unknown by self-report, 601 (68%) reported testing in the previous two years. Twenty (71%) of 28 individuals with undiagnosed HIV infection reported ever having tested for HIV, of whom 14 (50% of the 28) had tested in the previous two years. As unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) is the most likely route of HIV transmission in these men, we compared the 18% of self-reported HIV-negative/unknown serostatus participants who reported UAI with an HIV-positive or unknown serostatus partner in the previous six months with the 72% who did not report this behaviour (Table 1). While the prevalence of undiagnosed HIV infection was higher in the latter group, the difference was not statistically significant (4.3% vs. 2.0%; p=0.133)

Of the 281 participants who had not tested in the previous two years, the most common reasons for not testing were a low perceived risk for HIV infection (31%); wanting to test but not having done it yet (18%); always practicing safer sex (17%); and a belief they were HIV-negative (14%) (Table 2). The reported reasons for not testing differed between those who were HIV-negative by DBS and those with undiagnosed infection (Table 2). More of those with undiagnosed HIV infection reported concern about the impact on their relationships (42% vs. 3.0%; p<0.001); a suspicion that they were already HIV-infected (33% vs. 1.1%; p<0.001); and not wanting to know (33% vs. 6.3%; p=0.008). Not having gotten around to getting tested was also a commonly reported reason, but did not differ significantly between the groups (33% vs. 17%; p=0.236).

The most commonly reported methods of HIV prevention for men who self-reported as HIV-negative/unknown and were HIV-negative on DBS testing were: always having anal sex with condoms (68%); asking their partner's HIV status before sex (63%); not having their partner ejaculate inside them (43%); only having unprotected sex with men known to be HIV-negative (35%); and having insertive anal intercourse only (34%) (Table 3). We found no differences in reported HIV-prevention measures used by participants who self-reported as HIV-negative/unknown and were DBS-negative compared to those with undiagnosed HIV infection.

The use of risk-reduction measures was reported by 91% of study participants (72% if reporting always having anal sex with condoms was excluded). When stratified on the basis of serostatus, 86% of self-reported HIV-positive and 92.1% of self-reported HIV-negative/unknown serostatus participants reported using at least one measure to prevent HIV transmission or acquisition.

A total of 78% of participants reported having anal sex in the previous six months and of these, 59% reported using a condom the last time they had anal sex. Significantly more self-reported HIV-negative men reported using condoms the last time they had anal sex than self-reported HIV-positive men (62% vs. 41%; p<0.001). Overall, 85% of self-reported HIV-negative men thought it was unlikely or very unlikely that they would acquire HIV during their lifetime. Among those with an undiagnosed HIV infection, 10 (50%) of 20 participants thought that they were very unlikely or unlikely to acquire HIV during their lifetime.

For men who were HIV-positive by self-report and DBS, the most commonly reported prevention methods were: asking sex partners' serostatus (63%) and having sex other than anal sex (58%) (Table 2). Overall, 37% of HIV-positive men reported having UAI with a partner who was HIV-negative/unknown serostatus in the previous 6 months.


HIV prevalence was 18% overall and increased substantially with age in this sample of MSM in Vancouver, approaching 1 in 3 for men aged [greater than or equal to]45 years. Undiagnosed HIV infection accounted for a small, but potentially important proportion of HIV-positive individuals in this population. However, it appears that HIV prevention is a priority for most MSM in this sample, as >90% of participants reported using at least one HIV risk-reduction measure. The most commonly reported measure by men who self-reported as HIV-negative/unknown was always using condoms when having anal sex, reported by 68% of respondents. This observation contrasts somewhat with commonly-held views that HIV infection is not a concern for MSM and that condom use has fallen into disfavour. (5)

These findings have implications for HIV-prevention programs for MSM in Vancouver. A significant minority of MSM in this survey (36% of HIV-positive men and 18% of HIV-negative men) reported engaging in UAI with a serodiscordant or unknown serostatus partner. When combined with the high HIV prevalence in this sample, this implies a high level of risk for this minority, although this risk may be mitigated somewhat by the high levels of HIV treatment reported by the HIV-positive participants. (6) Indeed, the high HIV prevalence, in part, reflects the success of antiretroviral therapy in keeping HIV-infected MSM alive, healthy and available for inclusion in this study. The HIV prevalence we found is comparable to recent seroprevalence surveys conducted in Seattle, (7) and other M-Track surveys in Toronto, Ottawa, (8) Montreal (9) and Victoria. (10)

Second, while close to 70% of HIV-negative men reported always using condoms as a method of preventing HIV acquisition, when asked specifically about condom use the last time they had anal sex, this number fell to 58%. All-partner condom use is a rather crude indicator of sexual risk-behaviour as MSM may vary their condom use depending on whether they are having sex with a regular or casual partner and whether they know the serostatus of their partner. Nevertheless, continued promotion of condom use and provision of condoms remain fundamental components of HIV prevention among MSM that should not be neglected.

It also appears that there is opportunity to further promote HIV testing, especially among MSM <30 years of age, where 25% of participants reported never having tested for HIV. Knowing that one is HIV-infected has been shown to increase safer sexual behaviour among MSM. (11) As 71% of men with undiagnosed infection had tested previously (with 43% having tested in the previous 2 years), promoting more frequent HIV testing for MSM could also reduce the number of undiagnosed HIV infections.

Additionally, facilitating the discussion of HIV serostatus among MSM would likely improve HIV prevention efforts. Approximately 64% of participants reported asking the HIV serostatus of sex partners. This likely facilitates discussion of condom use or other prevention methods and should be actively promoted. As well, ensuring that disclosure is frank and not implied, based on subsequent sexual behaviours, should also be encouraged. (12,13) Additionally, accurate disclosure of HIV serostatus is only possible if men are truly aware of their serostatus. In our study, 3% of men who self-reported as HIV-negative were, in fact, HIV-infected. Hence it is also important to provide MSM with accurate information regarding the effectiveness of other means of HIV risk-reduction employed here, including serosorting, strategic positioning and HIV treatment. While none of these methods are as effective as 100% condom use, they may contribute to some reductions in HIV transmission at the community level. (14)

This study has several limitations. First, it is cross-sectional in nature, so one cannot determine the directions of the associations we have observed. Second, as we recruited individuals through venues that cater to gay, bisexual and other MSM, it is only generalizable to those MSM who frequent these venues. Last, our study is also likely to be over-represented with individuals who attend these venues frequently, since they would have a greater probability of being recruited into our study.

In summary, our study found that 18% of men surveyed in venues or events that cater to gay, bisexual and other MSM were HIV-infected. This high prevalence requires that prevention programs do more to promote primary HIV prevention through a number of different measures, and support secondary HIV prevention through better identification of undiagnosed HIV and ensuring effective treatment for those already infected.

Acknowledgements: The authors thank the venues that participated in the study, members of the community advisory board, volunteer interviewers, and the ManCount Study participants. The M-Track/ManCount Survey was funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada. DMM is supported by a New Investigator Award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

Conflict of Interest: None to declare.

Received: April 21, 2011

Accepted: October 16, 2011


(1.) Public Health Agency of Canada. HIV/AIDS Epi Updates, November 2007. Ottawa, ON: Public Health Agency of Canada, 2007.

(2.) Public Health Agency of Canada. HIV and AIDS in Canada. Surveillance Report to December 31, 2008. Ottawa: Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division, Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control, Public Health Agency of Canada, 2009.

(3.) McInnes CW, Druyts E, Harvard SS, Gilbert M, Tyndall MW, Lima VD, et al. HIV/AIDS in Vancouver, British Columbia: A growing epidemic. Harm Reduct J 2009;6:5.

(4.) British Columbia Centre for Disease Control. STI/HIV Annual Report. Vancouver, BC: BCCDC, 2008.

(5.) Jaffe H, Valdiserri R, De Cock K. The reemerging HIV/AIDS epidemic in men who have sex with men. JAMA 2007;298(20):2412-14.

(6.) Porco TC, Martin JN, Page-Shafer KA, Cheng A, Charlebois E, Grant RM, et al. Decline in HIV infectivity following the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy. AIDS 2004;18(1):81-88.

(7.) Brewer DD, Golden MR, Handsfield HH. Unsafe sexual behavior and correlates of risk in a probability sample of men who have sex with men in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy. Sex Transm Dis 2006;33(4):250-55.

(8.) Myers T, Remis R, Husbands W. Lambda Survey; M-Track Ontario Second Generation Surveillance. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto, AIDS Committee of Toronto, 2008.

(9.) Lambert G, Cox J, Tremblay F, Gadoury MA, Frigault L, Tremblay C, et al. ARGUS 2005: Summary of the survey on HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections as well as on the associated risk behaviours among Montreal men who have sex with men. Montreal, QC: Montreal Public Health Department, Institut national de sante publique du Quebec, Public Health Agency of Canada, 2006.

(10.) Vancouver Island Health Authority. M-Track Victoria--Final Report. Victoria, BC: Vancouver Island Health Authority, 2008.

(11.) Marks G, Crepaz N, Senterfitt JW, Janssen RS. Meta-analysis of high-risk sexual behavior in persons aware and unaware they are infected with HIV in the United States: Implications for HIV prevention programs. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2005;39(4):446-53.

(12.) Trussler T, Marchand R. Prevention revived: Evaluating the assumptions campaign. Vancouver: Community-Based Research Centre, 2005.

(13.) Lombardo AP, Leger YA. Thinking about "Think Again" in Canada: Assessing a social marketing HIV/AIDS prevention campaign. J Health Commun 2007;12(4):377-97.

(14.) Cassels S, Menza TW, Goodreau SM, Golden MR. HIV serosorting as a harm reduction strategy: Evidence from Seattle, Washington. AIDS 2009;23(18):2497-506.

David M. Moore, MDCM, MHSc, [1,2] Steve Kanters, MSc, [1] Warren Michelow, MSc, [1] Reka Gustafson, MD, MHSc, [4] Robert S. Hogg, PhD, [1,3] Michael Kwag, BA, [4] Terry Trussler, PhD, [5] Marissa McGuire, MSc, [7] Wayne Robert, BA, [6] Mark Gilbert, MD, MHSc, [8] and the ManCount Study Team *

Author Affiliations

[1.] British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Vancouver, BC

[2.] Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

[3.] Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC

[4.] Vancouver Coastal Health, Vancouver, BC

[5.] Community-Based Research Centre, Vancouver, BC

[6.] Health Initiative for Men, Vancouver, BC

[7.] Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, ON

[8.] British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, Vancouver, BC

Correspondence: Dr. David M. Moore, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, St. Paul's Hospital, 610-1081 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6, Tel: 604-086-8478, E-mail: [email protected]

* Members of the ManCount Study Team: Chris P. Archibald, Phillip Banks, Mark Gilbert, Paul Gustafson, Reka Gustafson, Robert S. Hogg, Gayatri Jayaraman, Steve Kanters, Michael Kwag, Rick Marchand, Marissa McGuire, Warren Michelow, David Moore, Susanna Ogunnaike-Cooke, Maureen Perrin, Wayne Robert, Arn Schilder, Jim Sheasgreen, Meaghan Thumath, Stephanie Totten, Terry Trussler, Liz Venditti, Tom Wong.
Table 1. Factors Associated With Self-reported Unprotected
Anal Intercourse With a Known HIV-positive or
Unknown Serostatus Partner in the Previous Six
Months by ManCount Study Participants Who
Self-reported as Being HIV-negative or Unknown

                            Report Risky    No Risky        P-value
                               Sex *           Sex
                               N (%)          N (%)

Total *                       141 (18)      650 (82)          --
  Median age                   31 (25-39)    32 (26-42)      0.202
    (interquartile range)
Sexual orientation
  Gay/ homosexual             119 (85)      514 (80)         0.459
  Bisexual                     15 (11)       78 (12)        ([dagger])
  Straight/ heterosexual        0 (0)        15 (2.5)
  Other                         6 (4.3)      39 (6.0)
  North American               60 (42)      341 (53)         0.030
  Aboriginal                    6 (4.3)      18 (2.8)       ([dagger])
  Asian                         5 (3.5)      47 (7.2)
  European                     42 (30)      156 (24)
  Other                        28 (20)       87 (13)
Some post-secondary           111 (79)      537 (83)         0.314
Personal income >$40,000       68 (50.0)    315 (49.3)       0.881
  per year                    133 (94.3)    566 (87.9)       0.086
Ever tested for HIV            83 (64.8)    300 (52.8)       0.013
Tested for HIV in last
Recruitment site               75 (53.2)    373 (57.4)       0.005
  Bar                          12 (8.5)      21 (3.2)
  Bathhouse                    33 (23.4)    163 (25.1)
  Event                        11 (7.8)      23 (3.5)
  Association                  10 (7.1)      70 (10.8)
Report unlikely or very        78 (66.7)    484 (89.1)      <0.001
    unlikely to
  acquire HIV infection         6 (4.3)      13 (2.0)        0.133
Unaware of HIV infection
  (HIV-positive on DBS)

* Risky sex is defined as self-reported unprotected anal intercourse
with a known HIV-positive or unknown serostatus partner.

([dagger]) Fisher's exact test result.

Note: Totals reflect those who responded to the question asking
whether they were HIV-positive and the variable reported in each row.
As such, the denominators vary somewhat for each variable.

Table 2. Reasons for Not Testing in the Previous 2 Years for 281
Self-reported Serostatus HIV-negative or Unknown Stratified by
DBS HIV Test Result

Reasons for Not      DBS HIV-negative   DBS HIV-positive     P-value
HIV Testing                (%)                (%)           (Fisher's
                         N = 269             N = 12        Exact test)

I am at low risk         84 (31)             3 (25)           0.760
for HIV infection

I want to be             46 (17)             4 (33)           0.236
tested, I just
haven't done it
yet *

I always have            45 (17)             2 (17)           1.00
safer sex

I think I am             38 (14)             1 (8.3)          1.00

I did not have           29 (11)             1 (8.3)          1.00
sex with an
infected person

Other reason             27 (10)             1 (8.3)          1.00

I do not want            17 (6.3)            4 (33)           0.008
to know *

I never thought          16 (6.0)            3 (25)           0.039
about it

I am healthy so          15 (5.6)            3 (25)           0.034
I don't need to
be tested

I am afraid of           15 (5.6)            3 (25)           0.034

I could not deal         10 (3.7)            4 (33)           0.002
with knowing I
was infected *

It could affect           8 (3.0)            5 (42)          <0.001
my relationships *

I don't have a            9 (3.4)            3 (25)           0.011

I do not know             9 (3.4)            1 (8.3)          0.358
where to get the

I am afraid of            8 (3.0)            2 (17)           0.062
having my name

I am worried              7 (2.6)            3 (25)           0.006
about the impact
on my sex life

I am worried about        7 (2.6)            2 (17)           0.051

It could affect           6 (2.2)            1 (8.3)          0.266
my career or

I think I am              3 (1.1)            4 (33)          <0.001
HIV-positive *

I don't think I           5 (1.9)            1 (8.3)          0.232
can get HIV

If I tested               4 (1.5)            2 (17)           0.023
positive, nothing
can be done

I couldn't get an         3 (1.1)            2 (17)           0.016
appointment for
HIV testing when
I wanted one

Doesn't matter if         2 (0.7)            2 (17)           0.010
I'm infected
because of my age

I don't think the         1 (0.4)            2 (17)           0.005
test is always

* Most common responses for undiagnosed HIV infection group.

Table 3. HIV Prevention Strategies Reported by Self-reported
HIV Status and by DBS Result


Variable                           HIV Pos         HIV Neg
                                (Self-report)       (DBS)
                                   n/N (%)          N (%)

Any HIV prevention measure      149/173 (86)    772/836 (92.3)

Always have anal sex with
 condoms                            N.A.        555/812 (68)

Ask sex partner's HIV
 serostatus                     105/167 (63)    474/750 (63)

Have sex other than anal sex     95/163 (58)         N.A.

No ejaculation inside
 partner ([dagger])              76/160 (48)    319/737 (43)

Serosorting ([double dagger])    81/161 (50)    263/752 (35)

Strategic positioning
  ([section])                    59/162 (36)    250/738 (34)

Have unprotected sex only
 when viral load is low or
  on HIV medication             41/155 (26)      48/719 (6.7)


Variable                           HIV Pos
                                    N (%)        p-value

Any HIV prevention measure       22/26 (85)       0.142

Always have anal sex with
 condoms                         13/24 (54)       0.182

Ask sex partner's HIV
 serostatus                      14/24 (58)       0.670

Have sex other than anal sex        N.A.           --

No ejaculation inside
 partner ([dagger])               9/23 (39)       0.832

Serosorting ([double dagger])     9/23 (39)       0.664

Strategic positioning
  ([section])                    11/26 (42)       0.403

Have unprotected sex only
 when viral load is low or
  on HIV medication               3/23 (13)       0.206

* Bivariate comparison of those who are DBS-positive and -negative
among only those who are HIV-negative or unknown by self-report.

([dagger]) Refers to HIV-positive insertive not ejaculating in sex
partner, or HIV-negative or unknown status receptive not allowing sex
partner to ejaculate inside them.

([double dagger]) Refers to not using condoms with a sex partner of
concordant serostatus; i.e., with a known HIV-positive sex partner if
HIV-positive, or with a known HIV-negative sex partner if HIV-negative
or unknown HIV serostatus.

([section]) Refers to only practicing insertive anal sex if one is
HIV-negative and only receptive anal sex if one is HIV-positive.

N.A.--Not asked for individuals self-reporting this HIV serostatus.

Figure 1. HIV prevalence and proportion unaware of HIV-positive
serostatus by age among 1,132 ManCount
Study participants who provided a usable dried
blood specimen

Age       Under 30        30-44          45+            P-value
(years)   N (%)           N (%)          N (%)

Aware     16 (3.8)        74 (16)        83 (32)        <0.001

Unaware   12 (2.8)        11 (2.4)       5 (1.9)        1.00 ([double

Total *   30 (7.1) /422   87 (19) /451   88 (34) /259   <0.001

* Totals include two positive individuals under 30 and two between 30
and 44 years of age who failed to self-report their HIV serostatus.

([dagger]) p-value for Fisher's exact test to examine the association
between age group and knowledge of HIV seropositivity among those with
a positive HIV test.

([double dagger]) p-value for Fisher's exact test to examine the
association between age group and lack of knowledge of HIV
seropositivity among all study participants.

([section]) p-value for test of trend of HIV prevalence across age