A ban on marketing of foods/beverages to children: the who, why, what and how of a population health intervention.
Dutton, Daniel J. ; Campbell, Norman R.C. ; Elliott, Charlene 等
To achieve significant and sustained reduction in various health
risk factors, the need for population-level intervention (i.e.,
intervention [policy or program] operating within or outside the health
sector, that targets a whole population (1,2) is increasingly
recognized. One current example is diet. Approximately 40% of deaths
from non-communicable diseases worldwide are attributed to excess
consumption of saturated fats, trans fats, sugar and salt. (3) This
applies to children as well: Canadian children, on average, do not eat
enough fibre (4) or fruits and vegetables (5) and consume too much
sodium. (6) Accordingly, it has been predicted that the current
generation of children could live a shorter life span than their
parents; this would be unprecedented. (7)
Several population-level interventions have been suggested, one of
which is banning marketing to children (e.g., ref. 8). Marketing to
children includes traditional forms of marketing, such as television or
print advertisements, as well as internet or cellular phone-based
promotion, games and contests, and in-store promotions targeting
children. (9) A reasonable evidence base exists to support a ban on
marketing to children, although much of the evidence to date pertains to
television advertising. Advertisements appear to have a strong influence
on children's preference, according to a review commissioned by the
World Health Organization (WHO), which included both observational and
controlled experimental trials. This review concluded that children
exposed to advertising exhibit preferences towards food they see
advertised, a tendency towards purchasing and requesting the foods they
see advertised, and a greater consumption of those foods. (10) Cecchini
et al. (11) estimated that, among various interventions used to tackle
unhealthy diet and physical inactivity, the largest overall gains in
disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in a developed country would come
from regulation of food advertisements to children, the benefits of
which would accrue over the lifetime of the children.
One clear lesson from the history of public health is that even a
robust evidence base often is not sufficient to ensure the adoption and
implementation of specific policies -- particularly those that are
upstream in nature. (12) To achieve the desired population-level impact,
interventions will need to have a significant structural or regulatory
component, (13) due to inherent weaknesses of a voluntary,
company-initiated approach. However, the current political environment
in Canada is not supportive of this: in a regime characterized by active
and passive encouragement of market forces, (14) government action to
regulate private industry and potentially restrict profits by
corporations is unpalatable to some. This is illustrated by the federal
government's preference for voluntary rather than regulatory
approaches in dietary policy. (8) That government has identified
diet-related health issues as a priority
(http://www.phacaspc.gc.ca/media/nr-rp/2011/2011_0307-eng.php) yet fails
to implement policy that would have the desired impact, makes the
government potentially vulnerable to a health lobby. There is
opportunity for the health community to unite around a call for
population-level interventions that require regulation and enforcement,
such as banning marketing to children. However, for such a call to have
credibility, the health community needs to be cognizant of the issues
and challenges, some of which we outline here.
The who: Creating a health lobby
There is opportunity for health organizations (including
professional organizations in public health and health care, and
nonprofit groups) to unite in favour of banning marketing to children.
While some in the public health community may readily support this,
other health organizations may encounter challenges. For example, the
disease-specific focus of some federal or provincial non-governmental
organizations lends itself to a 'downstream' orientation
whereby the organization's funding is predominantly for biomedical
and/or clinical research activities. For these organizations, supporting
a call for banning marketing to children may be viewed as "too
upstream" to be consistent with the organization's mandate.
Ultimately, these organizations are accountable to their donor base, so
support for a ban may be achieved through increased support for upstream
policies from the general public, which includes the donor base, as well
as organizational leadership. To secure the buy-in of these
organizations, it may be necessary to actively promote the value (i.e.,
evidence base, potential impact) of such population health
interventions. Such promotion, or education, could occur via
communication (e.g., newsletters) to membership, as well as through
conventional channels such as increased media attention to the
determinants of health through newspapers and other mainstream media.
The why: "Health" may not be the most effective rationale
Although an evidence base exists to support banning marketing to
children for health reasons, health communications scholars have argued
that "health" may not be the most effective rationale. In
particular, the "health pitch" has been shown to be vulnerable
to manipulation by industry. (15) For example, towards ostensibly
aligning with health goals, some companies have been keen to brand their
foods as "healthier" than alternatives by emphasizing
particular characteristics of their product, though in a misleading
manner. For example, a company may emphasize elevated levels of
desirable content (such as fibre), while other characteristics of the
product may be questionable from a nutrition point of view;
alternatively, they may advertise decreased levels of less desirable
content (such as sodium) "per serving", which is achieved by
reducing serving size rather than through product reformulation. That
health branding is vulnerable to manipulation reflects attributes of the
regulatory system (i.e., manipulation would not occur if the system was
designed to disallow it), and regulatory systems in turn are often
developed in conjunction with industry, thus raising the broader issue
of potential conflict of interest when industry is involved in the
development of government-set regulations. While the expertise and
advocacy of the health sector is integral to the proposed ban, an
important complement is the ethical case for a ban: children are a
vulnerable group. Health professionals, who are understandably
accustomed to viewing health as sufficient rationale to implement an
activity such as a ban, may need prompting to look beyond
'health' as the only or most important rationale, and endorse
the critical role of the ethical case. Further, privileging the ethical
case may appeal to sectors of the general population who are not as
convinced by a health rationale. There is a precedent for the value of
privileging the ethical case: under sections 248 and 249 of the Consumer
Protection Act, Quebec has banned advertising to children since 1980.
(16) The ban was challenged by industry, but the Supreme Court of Canada
upheld the ban on the basis that children are unable to critically
assess advertising (which may be coercive or misleading), and thus
advertising to children is not ethically defensible. (17) For a health
lobby to be effective, health and health care professionals need to
recognize and emphasize the ethical rationale of a ban, in addition to
the health rationale. Privileging the ethical justification for a ban
would also solve some of the problems with the vulnerability of existing
initiatives, as noted above, to manipulation of what constitutes
The what and how: The nuts and bolts of the intervention, and
jurisdictional issues
Banning "marketing" to children is, in fact, complex.
Other well-known public health bans have focused more on single products
(e.g., cigarettes) or mediums (e.g., television) than on target
audiences. While we can avoid the complexity posed by the large
diversity of products (foods/beverages) by calling for a complete ban on
all products, questions remain about how to operationalize marketing to
a target audience. For example, how do we determine the audience
targeted by marketing, including their age? How do we ensure that all
important media (i.e., television, internet, cell phones, video games,
etc.) are included?
The Quebec case is instructional. Although there are guidelines on
what constitutes advertising to children, (17) the guidelines are open
to interpretation. Monitoring of the Quebec ban comes mostly in the form
of complaints by advocacy groups that direct attention to potential
violations of the ban, and the onus is on the complainants to emphasize
that the delivery and/or content of the advertisement is directed at
children (such as the Coalition Poids http://www.cqpp.qc.ca/en). While
it is operationally easy to extend the Quebec model to every other
province in Canada, it is not clear that a grassroots monitoring
approach would be appropriate or effective at the national level.
Without comprehensive national rules, regional discrepancies could give
rise to both unequal enforcement of such a ban as well as differential
interpretations across regions of what counts under the ban, which would
lead to future national enforcement difficulties. The need for a
national policy and enforcement is consistent with discussion of
jurisdictional issues in public health generally: while public health
delivery is largely a provincial responsibility, a coordinated central
response federally is necessary for successful intervention, especially
when the costs of the intervention are likely to be unequal across
provinces. (18)
The Canadian government has identified certain diet-related health
issues as priorities, yet their actions are insufficient to achieve
meaningful change to the food environment. There is an opportunity for
the health community to unite around population-level interventions such
as a ban on marketing to children, and such a lobby could potentially be
very powerful in the face of government hypocrisy. For a health lobby to
be effective, there is need for cognizance of key issues and challenges,
some of which we outline here. However these challenges should not be
seen as reasons not to proceed, considering what is at stake. The
present and predicted future of diet-related illness in Canadian
children is such that population-level intervention is necessary and
becoming increasingly urgent. Although the action suggested, and issues
raised, in this commentary may be known to experts with regard to the
relationship between health and marketing in children, we propose that
this relatively small number of experts will be limited in their ability
to enact change unless they have the active support of the general
health community.
Acknowledgements: Daniel J. Dutton is funded through a traineeship
from the Population Health Intervention Research Network, via the
Population Health Intervention Research Centre at the University of
Calgary. Charlene Elliott acknowledges the generous support of the CIHR
Canada Research Chairs Program. Lindsay McLaren is funded by a
Population Health Investigator Award from Alberta Innovates--Health
Solutions. We thank Prof. J.C. Herbert Emery for helpful comments on an
earlier version of the commentary.
Conflict of Interest: Dr. Norman R.C. Campbell received financial
travel support from Boehringer Ingelheim to attend hypertension meetings
in 2010. Otherwise, the authors have no conflicts of interest to
Received: August 4, 2011
Accepted: November 5, 2011
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Daniel J. Dutton, MA, [1] Norman R.C. Campbell, MD, [2] Charlene
Elliott, PhD, [3] Lindsay McLaren, PhD [1]
Author Affiliations
[1.] Department of Community Health Sciences, University of
Calgary, Calgary, AB
[2.] Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta, Department of
Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB
[3.] Department of Communication and Culture, University of
Calgary, Calgary, AB
Correspondence: Lindsay McLaren, Department of Community Health
Sciences, University of Calgary, TRW3, 3280 Hospital Dr. NW, Calgary, AB
T2N 4Z6, Tel: 403-210-9424, Fax: 403-270-7307, E-mail:
[email protected]