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  • 标题:Anthropometric measurements in Canadian children: a scoping review.
  • 作者:Patton, Ian T. ; McPherson, Amy C.
  • 期刊名称:Canadian Journal of Public Health
  • 印刷版ISSN:0008-4263
  • 出版年度:2013
  • 期号:September
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Canadian Public Health Association
  • 摘要:Canada is a diverse country with a variety of unique settings from rural to urban to northern/Arctic. Health care is delivered at the provincial and territorial level and each region is composed of unique environments and populations; therefore it is important to have representation from all regions when considering the health of the nation. (4) In a recent report, Dr. Kellie Leitch acknowledged that Canadian children and youth, while fortunate in many ways, are poorly ranked among key indicators of health including obesity, when compared to other developed countries. (4) Of the world's 21 wealthiest countries, Canada ranks 12th in regards to child wellbeing. (5) More recently an update on this report has placed Canada at 17th out of the 29 wealthiest countries in regards to child wellbeing and an alarming 27th in regards to health. (6) These poor rankings highlight the need for Canadians to focus on child health and closely monitor our progress. This begins by understanding the forms of measurement being used and investigating methods to improve the screening and monitoring of child health. Canadian children have a unique health profile and need to be investigated independently from other children. (4) In the case of weight-based concerns such as obesity, there are clear regional differences across the country. (7-9)
  • 关键词:Body mass index;Canadians;Child development;Children

Anthropometric measurements in Canadian children: a scoping review.

Patton, Ian T. ; McPherson, Amy C.

The use of anthropometric measurements (comparative measurement of the human body) is a well-established practice for many clinical purposes including screening and health risk assessment. (1) This is particularly useful in the paediatric population as these measurements can be used to track growth rate and identify abnormal growth trends. (2) The most commonly utilized of these measurements is Body Mass Index (BMI) which is calculated using the height and weight of the individual (kg/[m.sup.2]). (3) Both the Canadian Paediatric Society and the Dietitians of Canada recommend the screening of BMI for children above the age of 2. (2)

Canada is a diverse country with a variety of unique settings from rural to urban to northern/Arctic. Health care is delivered at the provincial and territorial level and each region is composed of unique environments and populations; therefore it is important to have representation from all regions when considering the health of the nation. (4) In a recent report, Dr. Kellie Leitch acknowledged that Canadian children and youth, while fortunate in many ways, are poorly ranked among key indicators of health including obesity, when compared to other developed countries. (4) Of the world's 21 wealthiest countries, Canada ranks 12th in regards to child wellbeing. (5) More recently an update on this report has placed Canada at 17th out of the 29 wealthiest countries in regards to child wellbeing and an alarming 27th in regards to health. (6) These poor rankings highlight the need for Canadians to focus on child health and closely monitor our progress. This begins by understanding the forms of measurement being used and investigating methods to improve the screening and monitoring of child health. Canadian children have a unique health profile and need to be investigated independently from other children. (4) In the case of weight-based concerns such as obesity, there are clear regional differences across the country. (7-9)

The current trend of increasing BMI in children has generated a great deal of attention due to its links with a variety of negative health outcomes, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. (10,11) Some provinces have developed strategies and mandates to address the obesity problem; Ontario, for example, recently released a report focusing on childhood obesity in the province, and included a variety of recommendations to reach their ambitious target of reducing childhood obesity by 20% in 5 years. (12) Therefore, with the growing attention placed on childhood obesity, (13) anthropometrics, specifically BMI, have become of great importance. (14,15) Canadian guidelines recommend using the World Health Organization's growth charts as reference, (2) which consider a child between 2 and 19 years of age who has a BMI below 3rd percentile as underweight, a BMI below the 85th percentile as normal weight, 85th-97th centile as overweight or > 97th centile as obese. (16) These categories are used as a proxy for body fat which is associated with varying health risks. (17,18) It is however important to note that there are "healthy" children with BMI calculations that identify them as unhealthy. (3,14,19,20) For example, varying growth rates could lead to a child having a higher weight than their peers but not an advanced amount of body fat which would warrant the "unhealthy" label. (3,14) Likewise, there are individuals whose BMI falls in the "healthy" range, who are at greater risk for poor health outcomes due to factors such as poor nutrition, sedentary behaviours and negative environmental influences. A heavy focus on BMI can cause some individuals to be misclassified and thus fail to be provided with the most appropriate advice. (21,22) BMI classification serves to exaggerate between-group differences (normal weight vs. overweight) and severely downplays the potential individual differences within each group, making the assumption that all within the group are homogenous. (22) The current practice of using population-level data (BMI classification) in a clinical setting is problematic as it oversimplifies the screening and care of the patient. (22) This highlights the need to explore the options of supplementing BMI data in detail. British children have their BMI measured through the Child Measurement Programme, despite the warning from the National Screening Committee. The committee suggested that the BMI measurement not go ahead in children as they were not convinced that they were doing more good than harm. (23) Nicholls points out that BMI classification in isolation is simplistic and does not represent well the health of a child. (22) He also states that a heavy focus on BMI classification can promote the unintended harm of increased weight bias and discrimination, which is of great concern to children. (22)

Regular anthropometric tracking in children is a valuable tool in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of many conditions, including excess fat mass. (21) A rich set of growth trend data provides health care practitioners with valuable information about abnormal rates and sudden fluctuations in growth which could highlight items for a health care practitioner to explore in more detail. (14) However, caution should be taken to not exaggerate the importance on any singular measurement, as there are always limitations. (24) The value of BMI when used at an individual level or in a special population (children with disabilities, for example) has been questioned as it provides minimal information about the health of that individual patient and fails to identify causes of weight-based concerns such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease. (3,21-23) For example, one study suggested that the use of BMI in children could underestimate the importance and effect of socio-economic factors such as parental education and poverty. (25) BMI itself is designed as a means of simplification of data for the purpose of studying population trends. As such, the misuse of BMI creates the risk of oversimplifying the very complex issue of obesity. (22) Obesity is a health condition that has many interacting contributors, and the full complexity of the issue is not yet known. Current systems of anthropometric measurement and classification do not provide an accurate reflection of the severity of weight-based health. (3) Some even suggest that a heavy focus on BMI can be detrimental to the patient through potential adoption of risky weight loss methods, eating disorders and weight bias. (19,20,22,26)

A new screening tool for children could potentially utilize a combination of anthropometric measurements as well as assessments of health behaviours and history in order to provide the health care practitioner with a well-rounded and individualized picture of the health needs of an individual child. While BMI is certainly the most popular and most reported form of anthropometric measurement, there is a variety of different measurements that can potentially be utilized in conjunction with or separately from BMI. The development of such a tool begins with the identification of the current forms of anthropometric measurement available and the gaps in the literature surrounding them. The results of this review will inform future research into the development of a novel health screening tool for Canadian children, The Healthy Body Scorecard.

Research question

The current study utilizes scoping review methodology, as scoping reviews are designed to examine the extent and range of research available in an identified research area, and to identify gaps in the literature. (27,28) Although they have been criticized for not being as rigorous as systematic reviews, (29) they are, in fact, a distinct entity and can be conducted with differing levels of detail, ranging from a brief count of the number of articles on a topic to a more comprehensive mapping of the available literature and findings. (30,31) The scoping review approach utilized in the current study was one that identified current research, highlighted methods of anthropometric measurement used for Canadian children, and identified gaps in the literature. The research questions were: 1) What anthropometric measures are being utilized with Canadian children and how prevalent are these measures in published research? And, 2) What gaps in the literature exist?


Search strategies

Infants under the age of 2 years are involved in a rapid and irregular state of growth, making it very difficult to accurately categorize them in standardized growth charts. (2,12,21) Growth measurement of Canadian children between the ages of 2 and 18 years has been highlighted as an important part of primary health care. (2) Therefore, studies in this review included Canadian children between 2 and 18 years of age.

The online databases Medline and PubMed and CINAHL were used to search English-language journal articles from the last decade (2002-2012) in order to focus on current literature. A set of keywords and subject headings were used for the initial search, including: Anthropometry, anthropometric measurement, body height, weight, body mass index, growth and growth curve, combined with the terms children/child and Canada. The reference lists of identified articles were also screened for additional resources. A secondary search was conducted once key topic areas were identified, including: Waist circumference, leg-length-to-height ratio, waist-to-hip ratio, waist-to-height ratio, skinfold thickness, girth, body composition, obesity, and adipose tissue, again all combined with the terms children/child and Canada. Only studies that utilized objectively measured anthropometric methodologies were included.


The initial search identified 605 items to be screened. Review of abstracts reduced the number of articles to be retrieved to 87. Application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria to full-text articles resulted in 50 studies being included in the current review (Table 1). Studies ranged from nationally representative data to small subpopulation studies and included a variety of age ranges that fell within this review's 2-18 year old threshold.

Anthropometric measurement

The studies used a variety of different measurements (Table 1). Body mass index calculation was by far the most collected form of anthropometric measurement, with 88% (n = 44) of studies utilizing the method. Over half of the studies (n = 28) examined BMI alone. Waist circumference (WC) was the next most popular form of measurement, with 20% (n = 10) of studies collecting WC measurements. Blood pressure and body fat percentage (measured using bio-electric impedance or sum of 5 skinfolds) were utilized by 10% (n = 4) and 12% (n = 5) of studies, respectively. Another 2 studies observed waist-to-height ratio. (32,33) Waist-to-hip ratio and skinfold calipers (sum of 5 skinfolds) had a single study represent the measurement methods. (32,34) Another single study utilized leg length and sitting height measurements for the purpose of assessing physical maturity. (35)

Population characteristics

While 6 studies reported measurement of nationally representative data from large-scale studies, the remaining inclusions in this review were spread across varying subpopulations. For example, 8 (16%) of the included studies were targeted specifically at Inuit or First Nations (FN) populations. Of the 50 studies included in this review, 4 (8%) directly targeted Caucasian-only populations. Many of the studies focused on small and very specific subpopulations, such as congenital heart disease patients, (36) or hockey players. (37) One of the larger studies included in the review (which had a sample of 6,392) specifically targeted the first generation (child and parents born outside of Canada) immigrant and second generation (child born inside Canada with at least one parent born outside Canada) immigrant population. (38)

Sample size

The 50 included studies in the current review represent a total sample size of 67,051 Canadian children. The 6 studies that are from nationally representative samples account for 47% of the total sample population for the review. The single study that addressed the immigrant population represented 9.5% of the overall sample size. The 9 studies focused on FN populations that were incorporated into the review represented 2.5% of the total sample size.

Each of the identified forms of anthropometric measurement represented different percentages of the total sample population for the review (Table 2). For example, BMI measurement was collected in 94% of the sample population. The second most popular form of measurement was waist circumference, which was reported for 13% of the sample. Waist-to-height ratio was measured in 3% of the sample. The remaining forms of measurement reported each represented 2% or less of the total sample population of the review.


The research using anthropometric measurement in Canadian children is heavily skewed towards the collection of BMI measurements. This is not surprising due to the simplicity of the measurement and analysis of BMI: of all possible anthropometric measurements, the height and weight collection used in the BMI calculation is likely to be the least invasive of all and requires the least amount of expertise to acquire accurate results. (3) Furthermore, it should be noted that BMI measurement is the recommended clinical measurement for this age group. (2) This is evident in the research as 28 of the 50 studies solely examined BMI. However, simplicity does not always equate to the best choice, as BMI does have limitations. (3,15,21) While BMI has been shown to be useful in identifying population trends and disease risk, the use of height and weight measurements on the individual level do not provide sufficient information on which to base medical screening alone. (3,15) For example, BMI fails to account for many important variables, such as lean tissue mass, fat distribution, and health behaviours, that are linked to poor health outcomes. (3,14,19,20)

The inclusion of a wide variety of anthropometric measurements aside from BMI shows that there are other simple and useful data collection methods that can be utilized in conjunction with BMI to provide a rich data set. Waist circumference has gained popularity across all populations as it provides insight into distribution of adipose tissue in the body. (39-41) This can be particularly useful in the Aboriginal population as they have been shown to be affected differently than other Canadians by adiposity. (34,42,43) This review, however, clearly identifies a gap in research using measurements such as waist circumference, hip-to-waist ratio and leg-length-to-height ratio. These types of measurements provide information with regard to mass distribution and growth trends that are potentially useful for health screening and should be explored in more detail. Therefore, future studies should be designed to collect other appropriate and simple measurements, which will result in rich data sets. Growth data that go beyond height and weight could allow health care practitioners and researchers to identify abnormal growth patterns as well as provide an opportunity to explore relationships between measures and health outcomes in greater detail. This may enable greater accuracy in identifying health issues and unhealthy behaviours, as well as highlight the issues that need greater attention in regard to children's growth and development.

While a good portion of this review is based on nationally representative data (50% of the entire sample) from large-scale studies, there are still some important gaps in the review studies in terms of population representation. Particularly, FN populations are underrepresented at only 2.5% of the sample. First Nations represent a unique and important population with health trends that differ considerably from the national norm. (44-48) Statistics also show FN populations to have higher rates of obesity and related co-morbidities compared to the rest of the country, which could be for a number of reasons. (44,46) The use of waist circumference measurement in this population may provide insight into the fat mass distribution and the severity of weight-based health issues. Interestingly, 4 of the 9 studies addressing the First Nations population included the measurement of waist circumference. This review, however, failed to identify any FN research that utilized other valuable forms of measurement, such as leg-length-to-height ratio and hip-to-waist ratio. It would therefore be beneficial for future research in this population to address the gaps identified in this review for the purpose of better understanding the usefulness of these measurements in this population.

Geographically, the review identified some key characteristics. The majority of the studies took place in Ontario and Quebec. This is likely due to the large population base as well as the number of large research centres and universities in these two provinces. While all regions of the country are accounted for by the 6 nationally representative studies, the remaining studies included in the review identified some areas that lack attention in the literature. Specifically, Manitoba populations had not been represented individually outside of the nationally representative data. Furthermore, other regions such as British Columbia and the Maritimes are under-represented. It would be valuable to be able to compare all of the various forms of anthropometric measurement across the different regions to nationally representative data, particularly when developing cross-Canada guidelines.


For feasibility reasons, all of the searches and study inclusion decisions were performed by a single researcher. Systematic review methodology requires study inclusion decisions to be conducted by two separate investigators, to ensure that only evidence meeting strict criteria is considered. (49) However, scoping reviews take a more inclusive approach, aiming to include all information that has relevance to a specific topic. (23,24) Therefore, single reviewer studies have been successfully completed in scoping reviews where the inclusion and exclusion criteria are not complex. (50)

Only published studies were included in this review, a noted limitation of many types of literature reviews. (23)


The purpose of this review was to identify the forms of anthropometric measurement currently in use for the Canadian child and youth population. The variety of measurements identified in this review reflect the range of measures available for studying the growth trends of Canadian children. The secondary purpose of this review was to identify any gaps in the literature with regard to the measurements, geographic location and sample population. All of the identified forms of anthropometric measurement aside from BMI would benefit from greater attention in future research. In order to strengthen the findings of future research, researchers should take the opportunity to collect other simple anthropometric measurements such as waist circumference, hip circumference and leg length. This would allow for a greater understanding of the reliability of these methods as well as growth trends in children and the link to health outcomes. While a large portion of the sample was nationally representative, efforts should be made to utilize the anthropometric measurements in all regions in order to allow for regional comparisons. Furthermore, specific attention needs to be focused on collecting anthropometric data from First Nations children, as they were under-represented in the studies included in this review.


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[2.] Dietitians of Canada, Canadian Paediatric Society, The College of Family Physicians of Canada, Community Health Nurses of Canada. Promoting optimal monitoring of child growth in Canada: Using the new World Health Organization growth charts--Executive summary. Paediatr Child Health 2010;15:77-83.

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[32.] Hajna S, Liu J, LeBlanc PJ, Faught BE, Merchant AT, Cairney J, et al. Association between body composition and conformity to the recommendations of Canada's food guide and the dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) diet in peri-adolescence. Public Health Nutr 2012;15(10):1890-96.

[33.] Chaput JP, Lambert M, Mathieu ME, Tremblay MS, O'Loughlin J, Tremblay A. Physical activity vs. sedentary time: Independent associations with adiposity in children. Pediatr Obes 2012;7(3):251-58.

[34.] Tomlin D, Naylor PJ, McKay H, Zorzi A, Mitchell M, Panagiotopoulos C. The impact of action schools! BC on the health of aboriginal children and youth living in rural and remote communities in British Columbia. Int J Circumpolar Health 2012;71:17999.

[35.] Mirwald R, Baxter-Jones A, Bailey D, Beunen G. An assessment of maturity from anthropometric measurements. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2002;34(4):689-94.

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[38.] Maximova K, O'Loughlin J, Gray-Donald K. Healthy weight advantage lost in one generation among immigrant elementary schoolchildren in multi-ethnic, disadvantaged, inner-city neighborhoods in Montreal, Canada. Ann Epidemiol 2011;21(4):238-44.

[39.] Janssen I, Katzmarzyk PT, Ross R. Waist circumference and not body mass index explains obesity-related health risk. Am J Clin Nutr 2004;79:379-84.

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[42.] Khalil CB, Johnson-Down L, Egeland GM. Emerging obesity and dietary habits among James Bay Cree youth. Public Health Nutr 2010;13(11):1829-37.

[43.] Downs SM, Marshall D, Ng C, Willows ND. Central adiposity and associated lifestyle factors in Cree children. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab2008;33(3):476-82.

[44.] Anderson KD, Baxter-Jones AD, Faulkner RA, Muhajarine N, Henry CJ, Chad KE. Assessment of total and central adiposity in Canadian aboriginal children and their Caucasian peers. Int J Pediatr Obes 2010;5(4):342-50.

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[56.] Downs SM, Arnold A, Marshall D, McCargar LJ, Raine KD, Willows ND. Associations among the food environment, diet quality and weight status in Cree children in Quebec. Public Health Nutr 2009;12(9):1504-11.

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[59.] Dubois L, Girard M, Girard A, Tremblay R, Boivin M, Perusse D. Genetic and environmental influences on body size in early childhood: A twin birth cohort study. Twin Res Hum Genet 2007;10(3):479-85.

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[64.] Smith GW, Burghardt M, Gowanlock W, Brown H, Collings A. Community based exercise assessment in children with high risk for type 2 diabetes. Clin J Sport Med 2002;12(6):379-86.

[65.] Danyliw AD, Vatanparast H, Nikpartow N, Whiting SJ. Beverage intake patterns of Canadian children and adolescents. Public Health Nutr 2011;14(11):1961-69.

[66.] Kakinami L, Henderson M, Delvin EE, Levy E, O'Loughlin J, Lambert M, et al. Association between different growth curve definitions of overweight and obesity and cardiometabolic risk in children. CMAJ 2012;184(10):E539-E550.

[67.] Pausova Z, Mahboubi A, Abrahamowicz M, Leonard GT, Perron M, Richer L, et al. Sex differences in the contributions of visceral and total body fat to blood pressure in adolescence. Hypertension 2012;59(3):572-79.

[68.] Liu J, Akseer N, Faught BE, Cairney J, Hay J. Use of leg length to height ratio to assess the risk of childhood overweight and obesity: Results from a longitudinal cohort study. Ann Epidemiol 2012;22(2):120-25.

[69.] Panagiotopoulos C, Ronsley R, Al-Dubayee M, Brant R, Kuzeljevic B, Rurak E, et al. The Centre for Healthy Weights-Shapedown BC: A family-centered, multidisciplinary program that reduces weight gain in obese children over the short-term. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2011;8(12):4662-78.

[70.] Bilinski H, Rennie D, Duggleby W. Weight status and health characteristics of rural Saskatchewan children. Rural Remote Health 2011;11(4):1699.

[71.] Chaput JP, Lambert M, Gray-Donald K, McGrath JJ, Tremblay MS, O'Loughlin J, et al. Short sleep duration is independently associated with overweight and obesity in Quebec children. Can J Public Health 2011;102(5):369-74.

[72.] Larouche R, Lloyd M, Knight E, Tremblay MS. Relationship between active school transport and body mass index in grades 4-to-6 children. Pediatr Exerc Sci 2011;23(3):322-30.

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Received: April 30, 2013

Accepted: September 17, 2013

Ian T. Patton, PhD, (1) Amy C. McPherson, PhD CPsychol, AFBPsS (2)

Author Affiliations

(1.) Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON

(2.) Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Bloorview Research Institute, Toronto, ON

Correspondence: Ian Patton, 114 Martin Rd., Bowmanville, ON L1C 3N4, Tel: 289927-5576, E-mail: [email protected]

Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge the funding support for this work through Mitacs and The Sandbox Project.

Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Table 1. Review Articles

Author                   Year    Measures               Age Range

Hayek et al. (45)        2012    Height, weight, BMI    2-5

Melka et al. (51)        2012    Height, weight, BMI,   12-18
                                 blood pressure

Shields et al. (52)      2011    Height, weight, BMI    6-11

Twells & Newhook (53)    2011    Height, weight, BMI    0-5

Maximova et al. (38)     2011    Height, weight, BMI    9-12

Woodruff et al. (54)     2010    Height, weight, BMI    10-12

Khalil et al. (42)       2010    Height, weight, BMI,
                                 waist circumference,   9-18
                                 body fat % (BI)

Herman et al. (55)       2009    Height, weight, BMI    7-18

Downs et al. (56)        2009    Height, weight, BMI    8-12

Dubois et al. (57)       2007    Height, weight, BMI    3-5

Spence et al. (58)       2008    Height, weight, BMI    3-5

Dubois et al. (59)       2007    Height, weight,        0-5
                                 weight for height

Sherar et al. (37)       2007    Height, weight,        14-15
                                 sitting height

Galloway (60)            2006    Height, weight, BMI    7-14

Shields (61)             2005    Height, weight, BMI    2-17

Thompson et al. (62)     2005    Height, weight, BMI    7-17

Nakano et al. (46)       2005    Height, weight, BMI    10-12

Stefan et al. (36)       2005    Height, weight, BMI    2-14

Hay et al. (63)          2004    Body fat % (BI)        8-14

Smith et al. (64)        2002    Height, weight, BMI    4-14

Hajna et al. (32)        2012    BMI, waist-height      9-13
                                 ratio, waist-hip
                                 ratio, waist girth,
                                 hip girth

Danyliw et al. (65)      2011    Height, weight, BMI    10-13

Kakinami et al. (66)     2012    BMI, blood pressure    9-16

Chaput et al. (33)       2012    BMI, waist to height   5-10

Tomlin et al. (34)       2012    BMI, waist             9-13
                                 sum-of-5 skinfolds

Pausova et al. (67)      2012    Body fat% (BI),        12-18
                                 blood pressure

Liu et al. (68)          2012    BMI,                   9-14

Panagiotopoulos          2011    BMI, waist             0-18
et al. (69)                      circumference

Bilinski et al. (70)     2011    Height, weight, BMI    8-13

Chaput et al. (71)       2011    BMI, waist             5-10

Larouche et al. (72)     2011    BMI, waist             8-12

Spence et al. (73)       2012    Height, weight, BMI    4-5

Johnston et al. (74)     2011    Height, weight, BMI    9-11

Katzmarzyk et al. (75)   2007    Height, weight, BMI    6-18

Katzmarzyk (76)          2004    Waist circumference    11-18

Downs et al. (56)        2008    Height, weight, BMI,   9-12
                                 waist circumference

Syme et al. (77)         2009    Height, weight, BMI,   12-18
                                 waist circumference,
                                 body fat % (BI)

Moffat et al. (78)       2005    Height, weight, BMI    6-10

Anderson et al. (31)     2010    Height, weight, BMI,   8-16

                                 waist circumference

Paradis et al. (79)      2010    Height, weight, BMI,   6-19
                                 blood pressure

Mirwald et al. (35)      2002    Height, weight, BMI,   8-16
                                 sitting height, leg
                                 length, leg-length-

Banach et al. (80)       2007    Height, weight, BMI    9 yrs

Verret et al. (81)       2010    Height, weight, BMI    7-12

Stock et al. (82)        2007    Height, weight, BMI,   4-13
                                 heart rate

St. John et al. (83)     2008    Height, weight, BMI    7-17

Haque et al. (84)        2006    Height, weight, BMI    6-17

He et al. (85)           2006    Height, weight, BMI    6-13

Larouche et al. (86)     2011    Height, weight, BMI,   8-12
                                 waist circumference

Pabayo et al. (87)       2010    Height, weight, BMI    4-8

He et al. (88)           2004    Height, weight, BMI    2-6

Author                   Sample   Location       Special
                         Size                    Population

Hayek et al. (45)        296      Arctic         First Nations

Melka et al. (51)        598      Quebec         French Canadian

Shields et al. (52)      854      Canada         Nationally

Twells & Newhook (53)    1026     Newfoundland

Maximova et al. (38)     6392     Quebec         Immigrants

Woodruff et al. (54)     405      Ontario

Khalil et al. (42)
                         125      Quebec         First Nations

Herman et al. (55)       374      Canada

Downs et al. (56)        201      Quebec         First Nations

Dubois et al. (57)       1549     Quebec

Spence et al. (58)       501      Alberta

Dubois et al. (59)       354      Quebec

Sherar et al. (37)       281      Saskatchewan   Hockey players

Galloway (60)            504      Ontario        Rural

Shields (61)             8661     Canada         Nationally

Thompson et al. (62)     1653     Nova Scotia

Nakano et al. (46)       216      Canadian       First Nations

Stefan et al. (36)       110      Ontario        Congenital
                                                 heart disease

Hay et al. (63)          206      Ontario        Caucasian

Smith et al. (64)        101      Ontario        First Nations

Hajna et al. (32)        1570     Ontario

Danyliw et al. (65)      10,038   Canada         Nationally

Kakinami et al. (66)     2466     Quebec

Chaput et al. (33)       550      Quebec         Caucasian,
                                                 obese parent

Tomlin et al. (34)       148      British        First Nations

Pausova et al. (67)      499      Quebec         Caucasian

Liu et al. (68)          1166     Ontario

Panagiotopoulos          231      British
et al. (69)                       Columbia

Bilinski et al. (70)     99       Saskatchewan   Rural

Chaput et al. (71)       550      Quebec

Larouche et al. (72)     315      Ontario

Spence et al. (73)       1730     Alberta

Johnston et al. (74)     305      Alberta

Katzmarzyk et al. (75)   7081     Canada         Nationally

Katzmarzyk (76)          3064     Canada         Nationally

Downs et al. (56)        178      Quebec         First Nations

Syme et al. (77)         425      Quebec

Moffat et al. (78)       261      Ontario        3 varying

Anderson et al. (31)     416      Saskatchewan   First Nations

Paradis et al. (79)      2079     Canada         Nationally

Mirwald et al. (35)      152      Saskatchewan

Banach et al. (80)       1497     Ontario

Verret et al. (81)       70       Quebec         Boys, Attention
                                                 deficit and
Stock et al. (82)        232      British        hyperactivity
                                  Columbia       disorder

St. John et al. (83)     2296     Nova Scotia

Haque et al. (84)        801      Ontario        Northern Ontario

He et al. (85)           1570     Ontario

Larouche et al. (86)     315      Ontario

Pabayo et al. (87)       1170     Quebec

He et al. (88)           1370     Ontario

Table 2. Percent Representation of Measurement Methods
(N = 67,051)

Measurement                           N         Percentage of
                                                sample population

BMI                                   63,282         94%
Waist circumference                   8592           13%
Body fat percentage                   756             1%
Weight for height                     354          0.50%
Sitting height                        433          0.60%
Waist-to-height ratio                 2120            3%
Hip-to-waist ratio                    1570            2%
Hip girth                             1570            2%
Skinfold                              148          0.20%
Leg-length-to-height ratio            1166            2%
Leg-length-to-sitting-height ratio    152          0.20%