Ready for policy? Stakeholder attitudes toward menu labelling in Toronto, Canada.
Mah, Catherine L. ; Vanderlinden, Loren ; Mamatis, Dia 等
Menu labelling has been recommended as a policy intervention that
could help to improve the availability and visibility of healthful foods
when dining out. (1-3) Menu labelling applies food-labelling principles
to the eating-out environment through disclosure of nutrient content of
food items on menus at the point of sale. People are eating away from
home more often than ever before, a trend associated with reduced
dietary quality. (4-7) It has been suggested that menu labelling
promotes informed food purchasing and consumption decisions through
provision of clear and accessible facts about foods and beverages when
they are being ordered. (8,9) While menu-labelling legislation has been
adopted in several localities and states in the United States, with a
subsequent federal provision, (10) no mandatory menu labelling currently
exists in Canada. Emerging evidence from US jurisdictions has indicated
that menu labelling can influence consumer practices; in New York City,
which has had the longest experience with menu-labelling legislation,
menu labelling has made nutrition information readily visible by a
majority of restaurant patrons (11-13) and can influence some
individuals to reduce their calorie intake. (11,13,14) Menu labelling
has garnered support from advocates, (15) members of provincial
parliament, (16) and expert working groups, (17,18) who have endorsed
mandatory menu labelling as a policy option. Moreover, menu labelling
has been deemed legally feasible and all levels of government have been
identified as likely having jurisdiction to enact menu-labelling
legislation in Canada. (19) Voluntary programs such as British
Columbia's Informed Dining intervention have proceeded, (20) even
while a Federal/Provincial/Territorial Task Group on Provision of
Nutrition Information in Restaurants and Foodservices continues
deliberations on a federal policy recommendation. In this environment,
municipal jurisdictions will also face pressure to act decisively on
nutrition information disclosure interventions.
The objective of this study was to assess key stakeholder attitudes
regarding menu labelling in Toronto, as part of background research by
Toronto Public Health (TPH) for a policy initiative on menu labelling
for the city. Toronto is the largest municipal jurisdiction in Canada,
home to 2.6 million people across 44 wards. The city is highly diverse;
half of Toronto's residents were born outside Canada and this is
reflected in the city's restaurant industry, which includes a wide
array of cuisines and food preparation styles and nearly 6,000
independent restaurants (quick-service and sit-down).
Staff across three directorates of TPH (Healthy Public Policy,
Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention, and Healthy Environments) worked
in collaboration with an academic partner to collect and analyze all
data in late 2011 to early 2012.
Public survey
A consumer eating-out module was constructed using seven questions
adapted from validated Canadian (4) and US surveys. (21) The module was
incorporated into the 2011 Toronto Health Survey, a population health
surveillance survey of Toronto residents commissioned by TPH and carried
out by a market research firm. There were 1,699 respondents interviewed
between October 2011 and March 2012, including a core sample of 1,200
adults 18 years of age and over, as well as an oversample of 499 youth
and young adults aged 18-34. The core sample was derived through a
random sample of telephone numbers, and one adult in the household was
selected based on the next-birthday method. All interviews were
conducted in English. The response rates for the core sample and the
oversample were 26% and 66%, respectively.
Respondents were asked how often they ate out in the past week at
restaurants (described as "not fast food or drive through")
and fast-food outlets (described as "fast food like pizza, fried
chicken, or hamburgers and french fries"), and on a Likert scale,
the importance of getting "nutritious food" when eating out
(very important, somewhat important, not important) as well as their
current and intended use of nutrition information when eating out
(always, often, sometimes, rarely, never). The prevalence of the
outcomes of interest was examined using Stata, version 11.1. Bivariate
chisquare tests were also run to examine the socio-demographic factors
(i.e., sex, age, education, household income) associated with the
outcomes of interest. Corresponding proportions, 95% confidence
intervals, and p-values from the chi-square tests were calculated. All
analyses are weighted to account for the likelihood of selection into
the survey based on household size and the age and sex distribution in
Toronto in 2011.
Independent restaurant survey
TPH contracted a market research firm to administer and analyze the
results from an online survey of independent restaurant operators across
Toronto from December 2011 to January 2012. Once chain and franchise
establishments were excluded, approximately 5,800 independent
restaurants were identified from the Toronto Healthy Environments
Information System (THEIS), an administrative database used by public
health inspectors to document operational food safety and other
inspection data; contact information for restaurants for this study was
extracted ad hoc from the database in November 2011. Recruitment was
carried out by mail; invitations included a link to the survey and a
unique UserID and password to ensure singular responses. The survey was
translated into six languages (English, French, simplified Chinese,
Korean, Spanish, and Tamil) and took approximately 10 minutes to
complete. A total of 256 surveys were completed (4% cooperation rate).
Operators were asked 11 closed-ended questions examining interest in and
readiness for a menu-labelling policy intervention in the city, and 1
general question (open-ended comment field) asking for basic business
demographic information (e.g., type of restaurant, cuisine, annual
revenue, average cost of a meal, number of seats, etc.); only the
results of the closed-ended questions are included in this manuscript.
Closed-ended questions were developed by the research team in
cooperation with the market research firm and were based on key themes
identified in a literature review as relevant to industry stakeholders
and in early policy consultations with restaurant associations (below).
Chain and franchise interviews
In-depth key informant interviews were carried out with executives
and key decision makers (e.g., Director of Marketing; VP Operations) at
chain and franchise restaurants (n=9; 6 large and 3 small, including
quick-service and sit-down restaurants). The objective for carrying out
qualitative interviews with these individuals rather than including them
in the survey was to elicit a more nuanced set of views than these
companies may already have expressed in the public domain, through
websites, media, or company reports, for example. The term
"chain" is used here colloquially, not in industry terms.
Recruitment was carried out by e-mail with telephone follow-up (3-6
contacts) using a stratified sample of 75 chains (46 large and 29 small)
derived from 274 entities with more than two locations listed in THEIS.
Large chains were defined as those with revenues falling in the Top 50
for the province of Ontario in the year 2011, including local chains,
major multinational chains, and foodservices conglomerates.22 Large
chain restaurants were emphasized in order to elicit a range of
attitudes complementary to the independent restaurant survey findings.
All interviews were conducted by telephone in English in February 2012
using a semi-structured interview guide. Interviews were recorded,
transcribed verbatim, and analyzed for key themes by two coders; themes
were peer-debriefed by three members of the research team to revise and
refine codes and themes.
Policy consultation with restaurant associations
Three members of the project team carried out separate consultation
meetings in August and September 2011, with e-mail follow-ups through to
March 2012, with two restaurant industry associations with a dominant
presence in the city: the Ontario Restaurant, Hotel, and Motel
Association (ORHMA) and the Ontario Chinese Restaurant and Foodservices
Association (OCRFA). Consultations were guided by a semi-structured tool
to elicit opinions on menu labelling for Toronto restaurants.
Handwritten notes were taken and compiled later into electronic memos.
Two members of the research team identified key themes that were
validated through peer debriefing.
This research has undergone institutional ethical review: Toronto
Public Health (ethics review process); Centre for Addiction and Mental
Health (constituted Research Ethics Board).
Tables 1 and 2 present sample characteristics for the Public Survey
and the Independent Restaurant Survey.
Public survey
Eating out was found to be very common among respondents: 7 in 10
(71%) reported having eaten at a restaurant or at a fast-food outlet (or
both) at least once in the previous week, 54% reporting having eaten at
a restaurant and 47% reporting having eaten fast food. Bivariate
chi-square analyses revealed that eating out at restaurants and
fast-food outlets is significantly more common among men than among
women (restaurants: p<0.0001; fast food: p<0.0001) and among those
in the younger age groups (restaurants: p=0.0003; fast food:
p<0.0001); a gradient existed by age such that the younger the age
decile, the more likely to have eaten out. Those with post-secondary
education were significantly more likely to have eaten at a restaurant
compared with those with less education (p<0.0001); education was not
significantly associated with likelihood of having eaten fast food.
Higher household income was also significantly associated with the
likelihood of having eaten at a restaurant (p<0.0001) and having
eaten fast food (p=0.02).
The vast majority of respondents believed that getting
"nutritious food" was important when eating out; over half
(54%) said that it was very important, another 36%, somewhat important.
When asked about their current and intended use of nutrition
information, particularly if it were to be made more readily available,
the majority of individuals responded positively: 69% indicated that
they use nutrition information when eating out (at least sometimes) and
78% reported that they would use nutrition information (at least
sometimes) if it were to become more readily available. Females were
significantly more likely than males to report that they would use
information if it were made available (p<0.0001), as were those in
the younger age groups (p=0.004), and those with higher levels of
education (p=0.01).
Independent restaurant survey
Of respondents to the online survey of independent restaurants, 72%
stated that they were not interested (not very or not at all) in
providing nutrition information to their customers. Six in ten (62%)
felt that their ability to provide nutrition information did not affect
(not at all or not very much) a customer's decision to eat at their
establishment. Underlying this attitude appears to be a dominant belief
that consumers already have a good idea about which foods are healthy
(91% strongly or somewhat agree). Other potential associated factors
appeared pragmatic; 76% strongly or somewhat agreed that adjusting menus
to provide nutrition information would be an expensive undertaking, and
64% felt that they were too busy to "figure out" nutrition
information provision. Sixty-two percent of respondents indicated that
they would not provide nutrition information unless they absolutely had
However, 57% of respondents reported feeling some responsibility to
provide nutrition information. Half of respondents indicated that
nutrition information could be good for business, agreeing that menu
labelling is a way to attract customers; 42% of respondents noted that
they would be interested in being part of a pilot program.
Chain and franchise interviews
Several major themes emerged. Restaurants are clearly responsive to
consumer demand, and health concerns, broadly defined, were seen to be a
hot industry issue. The range of health concerns discussed by
interviewees went well beyond calorie or even nutrient-specific
information, however; with little prompting, interviewees discussed
general health and health conditions (e.g., diabetes), health concerns
among particular population groups (e.g., aging population), foods or
preparations that are perceived to be "healthy" (e.g., fish or
grilled items), allergies, diets (e.g., gluten-free), quality of
products or standards of production (e.g., agricultural origin), and
broader environmental issues (e.g., biodegradable packaging), in
addition to traditional nutrient categories (e.g., calories, sodium).
Interviewees also identified a number of perceived challenges to
implementing nutrition information disclosure programs, including
operational issues such as recipe customization when preparing food and
redesign of menu boards, but also proprietary concerns about ownership
over how information is presented on menus.
Many large-chain restaurants, and some smaller chains, however,
indicated that they were already providing some type of nutrition or
health information to consumers. The largest chains see themselves as
industry leaders in this regard, but smaller chains interviewed are also
taking active steps to provide services. Nearly all interviewees noted
that they had taken health concerns into account to reformulate their
menu offerings in some way, including sodium reduction or clearer
food-handling policies to minimize risk of allergies. One small chain
reported that carrying out nutritional analysis, on their own accord,
had prompted them to reduce sodium, lower fat, and even switch to brown
rice in their menu items. The same small chain suggested that smaller
companies, in contrast to large ones, could more readily and feasibly
adapt menus to provide nutrition information, since they were less
embedded in complex supply chains. Several interviewees called into
question the evidence on effectiveness of menu-labelling interventions
to shape consumer behaviour.
The range of chains represented included different sizes, from
large multinational firms to very small, local multi-site restaurant
groups; and about 10 cuisine types (e.g., one restaurant group
encompasses restaurants comprising four different cuisine types).
Policy consultation with restaurant associations
Meetings with the two provincial restaurant associations revealed
that industry generally supports the provision of nutrition information
to customers but does not support the display of such information on
menus due to a perceived negative impact on business profitability as
well as questions regarding the effectiveness of menu labelling on
behaviour change. Associations articulated an industry truism that
restaurants respond primarily to consumer demand and preferences,
although some companies express a desire to be perceived as industry
leaders, especially in health terms. The associations expressed a
preference for disclosing information in non-menu formats.
The Ontario Public Health Standards, (23) which direct public
health programs and service delivery in the province, identify "the
provision of nutrition information in local food premises as one policy
approach that supports healthy eating environments." The research
findings described above reveal important stakeholder attitudes
concerning menu labelling as an approach to altering the away-from-home
food environment in Toronto.
As expected, Toronto residents commonly eat out and they place
importance on being able to access healthy food when doing so. They also
responded positively regarding their current and intended use of
nutrition information on menus, to a greater degree than has been seen
on previous Canadian surveys. For example, a 2008 national survey found
that only 22% of people report looking for nutrition information when
eating out. (4) Our results do confirm a 2011 public survey carried out
for the federal government suggest ing that about 7 in 10 Canadians
strongly support requiring fast-food restaurants to list nutrition
information on menus. (24)
Alongside public support for menu labelling, this research
confirmed competing values and predicted resistance to this approach
from diverse industry actors. In existing literature, menu labelling is
seen to be an imposition and an implementation challenge, particularly
in terms of consistency of food preparation and variations in accuracy
of nutrient information analysis methods. Independent restaurant
operators certainly expressed challenges (in terms of time, costs and
expertise) that are consistent with findings in the existing literature.
(8,25-27) The interviews also indicated that large-chain attitudes
reflect opposition to intervention by lower levels of government
expressed by major industry actors such as the Canadian Restaurant and
Foodservices Association.
About half of independent restaurant operators conceded that menu
labelling would be good for business, though a majority would do it only
if required, confirming that legislation requiring nutrition information
disclosure would be more effective than voluntary measures. Despite low
overall interest in menu labelling, positive views were uncovered among
independents and small chains, revealing potential leverage points for
local authorities. Interviewees indicated a willingness to stay on top
of health trends and to respond to consumer demand by making changes to
menu items. One small chain revealed the commitment and capacity of
smaller operators to readily effect changes in purchasing and menu and
recipe reformulation. This observation has informed menu-labelling pilot
program design in other jurisdictions, such as Tacoma-Pierce County, (9)
and yet is inconsistent with the argument presented by restaurant
industry associations that independent operators face more operational
difficulties in implementing nutrition information disclosure. Future
research with smaller chains should take into account this
subgroup's greater resemblance to independent restaurants (indeed
many of the small "chains" in THEIS are independently owned),
and further qualitative research would be valuable to elicit a full
range of responses. Finally, there was a surprising amount of interest
in a pilot program to test the needs of independent restaurants,
indicating that a cohort might be engaged effectively as early adopters
for a menu-labelling policy or program in Toronto. This group of early
adopters has formed a starting point for the next phase of industry
This research had several limitations. Public survey response rates
were low for the core sample. Because the core sample was significantly
under-represented for younger adults in particular, the over-sample
survey was conducted to compensate for this issue. The completion rate
for the independent restaurant survey was also low, but not unexpected
given time constraints for small business operators and the time of
year. Feedback from the market research firm suggested that computer
literacy issues may have played a role in the response rate. The
unexpectedly high level of interest in the pilot likely indicates that
those operators who are less supportive of or less interested in menu
labelling were less likely to participate in the survey. While the
sample size for in-depth interviews was small, conceptual saturation was
achieved with the group of large-chain restaurant decision makers,
particularly in light of information gathered from consultation
processes with regional associations.
Study strengths included the multi-pronged, mixed methods approach
to exploring stakeholder views and the health department's
partnership with academia, as seen in other jurisdictions, e.g., King
County. (28) Although Toronto is not the first jurisdiction in Canada to
explore menu labelling in-depth (e.g., British Columbia as noted above),
the diverse population and equally heterogeneous and large restaurant
community (Toronto has more restaurants than does the entire province of
British Columbia) requires a unique, measured, and collaborative
approach. Our research has indicated that there is a base of public
support for and intended use of nutrition information displayed in
restaurants. That at least a minority of restaurant operators are
willing to explore how best to address this provides a firm foundation
for future policy work at the local level.
Owners and operators of food premises are critical stakeholders in
public health interventions to promote healthy food environments outside
the home. Local businesses are essential for community economic
development and the attitudes of restaurant operators are a key
municipal policy concern. As such, it is important that public health
staff find ways to work effectively in consultation with local food
industry actors in planning and implementing menu-labelling initiatives.
Related public health interventions of a regulatory nature dealing with
consumer right-to-know and information disclosure have benefited from
such interactions. (29,30)
Finally, municipal governments and local health authorities have
been identified as important agents in leading policy change for
healthier food environments. (1,31) Our research offers relevant
background considerations for other cities developing healthy public
policies for food and healthy eating at the local level.
This research supports earlier findings indicating a foundation of
public support for menu labelling and restaurant industry opposition.
Nonetheless, we found evidence of leverage points to potentially
increase the feasibility and desirability of menu-labelling
interventions among restaurant operators, particularly with the
provision of dedicated public health supports. As menu-labelling
interventions proceed in Canadian and US jurisdictions, it will be
valuable to increase the range of evidence on the conditions under which
restaurant operators can optimally engage as stakeholders in this health
intervention, given their importance to local economies, and in order to
make menu labelling a win for consumers, public health, and foodservice
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
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Received: October 22, 2012
Accepted: March 13, 2013
Catherine L. Mah, MD, PhD, [1,2] Loren Vanderlinden, PhD, [1,3] Dia
Mamatis, MA, [3] Donna L. Ansara, PhD, [3] Jennifer Levy, PhD, [3] Lisa
Swimmer, MHSc, RD [4]
Author Affiliations
[1.] Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON
[2.] Food Policy Research Initiative, Centre for Addiction and
Mental Health, Toronto, ON
[3.] Healthy Public Policy Directorate, Toronto Public Health,
Toronto, ON
[4.] Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention Directorate, Toronto
Public Health, Toronto, ON
Correspondence: Dr. Catherine L. Mah, Centre for Addiction and
Mental Health, 33 Russell Street, Toronto, ON M5S 2S1, Tel:
416-535-8501, ext. 4665, Fax: 416-595-6068, E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1. Public Survey: Socio-demographic
Characteristics of the Sample
n * (%)
Total sample 1699 -100
Male 642 -37.9
Female 1053 -62.1
Age group (years)
18-29 387 -22.8
30-39 339 -20
40-49 270 -15.9
50-59 258 -15.2
[greater 445 -26.2
than or
Highest level of education
Less than high school 102 -6.1
High school diploma 428 -25.4
Post-secondary 1155 -68.5
Household income
$0-$39,999 331 -19.5
$40,000-$79,999 353 -20.8
[greater 508 -29.9
than or
Refused/Don't know 507 -29.8
Note: Data are from the 2011 Interim Toronto
Health Survey. Data are unweighted.
* Numbers may not add up to 1,699 due to missing data.
Table 2. Independent Restaurant Survey:
Characteristics of the Sample
n (%) *
Restaurant and Cuisine
Total sample 256 100%
Restaurant type
Fast-food 26 (10.2%)
Take out or delivery 28 (10.9%)
Sit-down or full-service 134 (52.3%)
Coffee shop or cafe 36 (14.1%)
Pub-style 19 (7.4%)
Catering-focused 6 (2.3%)
Other 6 (2.3%)
Busiest meal of the day
Breakfast 20 (7.8%)
Lunch 88 (34.4%)
Dinner 118 (46.1%)
Snack time/Dessert 12 (4.7%)
All of the above 18 (7.0%)
Number of seats in restaurant
1-50 155 (60.5%)
51-100 51 (19.9%)
101-150 21 (8.2%)
151-200 9 (3.5%)
201+ 20 (7.8%)
Annual revenue
<$50,000 65 (25.4%)
$50,000-<$100,000 31 (12.1%)
$100,000-<$150,000 22 (8.6%)
$150,000-<$200,000 10 (3.9%)
[greater than or equal to] 114 (44.5%)
Refused 14 (5.5%)
Canadian 49 (19.1%)
International 29 (11.3%)
Pub food 18 (7.0%)
Chinese 15 (5.9%)
Italian 15 (5.9%)
Sandwiches 15 (5.9%)
Japanese 13 (5.1%)
Indian 11 (4.3%)
Thai 9 (3.5%)
Korean 8 (3.1%)
All other identified 71 (27.7%)
cuisine types, combined
Median cost of an average meal across all
restaurants = $9.70
* Numbers may not add up to 100% due to missing