Emergency department presentations for self-harm among Ontario Youth.
Bethell, Jennifer ; Bondy, Susan J. ; Lou, W.Y. Wendy 等
Self-harm refers to non-fatal self-poisoning or self-injury,
irrespective of the apparent purpose. (1) Similar to non-fatal
suicide-related behaviours, (2) self-harm encompasses suicide attempts
as well as non-suicidal self-injury. Self-harm is a major risk factor
for suicide, (3) the second-leading cause of death in 15-24 year-olds
worldwide. (4) Self-harm among youth is also a public health issue in
its own right: it is associated with health and psychosocial problems,
(5) it is common (roughly 1 in 20 high school students reported an
episode of self-harm in the previous year) (6) and the frequency peaks
in the late teens. (7) In fact, US data showed self-harm was a factor in
just over 700,000 emergency department presentations annually (8) and
about a quarter of them were by teens. (9) However, there has been
relatively little Canadian research on self-harm in youth. This may
explain, at least in part, why self-harm has received less attention for
public health action as it has in other countries. For example, Canada
does not have a national suicide prevention strategy, (10)
nationally-endorsed clinical guidelines for self-harm (such as those
from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) (1) or a
self-harm monitoring system, all of which have been implemented in
England. (11)
This study used population-based health services data to describe
emergency department presentations for self-harm among Ontario youth.
Demographic and clinical characteristics were interpreted in the context
of similar data reported from multi-site studies in other countries.
Sampling procedures
Emergency department presentations were defined from the National
Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS). These data capture every
emergency department visit; all legal residents are insured for acute
and primary health care services and every hospital submitted NACRS
emergency department data during the study period. All emergency
department presentations by 12-17 year-old Ontario residents over the
seven-year period between April 1, 2002 and March 31, 2009 were
selected, excluding deaths on arrival or in the emergency department
(n=406); scheduled visits (n=14,443); and those where the individual
left without being seen (n=169). After these exclusions, there were
2,439,939 emergency department presentations by 910,756 individuals.
Self-harm presentations were identified as a subset of these data,
selected where any of the diagnoses indicated self-harm. Two definitions
of self-harm were used to accommodate potential under-ascertainment:
* Self-harm definition 1: any International Classification of
Diseases, version 10(ICD-10) code for intentional self-harm (ICD-10:
* Self-harm definition 2: as above, as well as any codes for
poisoning, undetermined intent (ICD-10: Y10-19) or contact with sharp
object, undetermined intent (ICD-10: Y28).
Age and sex were obtained from the NACRS record. Community size and
neighbourhood income quintile were obtained using the individual's
residential postal code and the Statistics Canada Postal Code Conversion
File (PCCF). (13) For both measures, individuals were assigned to their
dissemination area: a small, relatively stable geographic unit and the
smallest standard geographic area for which census data are produced.
Community size (the population, in 2006, of the larger community in
which the individual resided) was categorized by the PCCF as:
1,500,000+; 500,000-1,499,999; 100,000-499,999; 10,000-99,999;
<10,000 or missing. "Rural" residence was defined according
to Statistics Canada's recommended definition of rural and small
town, i.e., population <10,000. (14)
Neighbourhood income quintile (a measure of income of the
individual's residential area, in 2006, relative to the larger
community) was assigned by the PCCF using the mean income per person
equivalent (household income, adjusted for household size), calculated
for each dissemination area. Using this information, dissemination areas
were ranked, within cities, towns or rural/small town areas, and the
populations of each were divided into approximate fifths to create
community-specific income quintiles. Method of self-harm was defined
using external cause of injury codes listed on the NACRS record and
categorized as: self-poisoning only (ICD-10: X60-69 [and/or ICD-10:
Y10-19 under SH2]); self-cutting only (ICD-10: X78 [and/or ICD-10: Y28
under SH2]); other injuries only (ICD-10: X70-77; X79-84); or, multiple
methods. Acuity was measured by a validated triage score, the Canadian
Triage and Acuity Scale, (15) obtained from the NACRS record and
recorded as resuscitation, emergent, urgent, semi-urgent, or non-urgent.
Disposition from the emergency department was categorized as: admitted;
transferred to another ED; left before visit completed (left without
treatment or against medical advice); or, discharged.
Statistical analysis
Data were described with frequencies and proportions. Incidence
rates were calculated, overall and according to demographic
characteristics. The numerators were the number of self-harm
presentations, including multiple events by the same person. The
denominators were the amount of person-years, calculated by summing the
annual population estimates (using 2006 census and intercensal estimates
for age- and sex-specific estimates or the Registered Persons Database
(16) for community size and neighbour hood income quintile specific
estimates). Rates were expressed per 100,000 person-years with 95%
confidence intervals (CIs) calculated to account for clustering from
multiple events per person.17 All analyses were carried out using SAS
version 9.1. (18)
Ethics approval was obtained from the Research Ethics Boards of St.
Michael's and Sunnybrook Hospitals.
Over the 7-year period, among 12-17 year-olds in Ontario, there
were 16,835 self-harm presentations by 12,907 individuals under
self-harm definition 1 and 22,589 presentations by 17,557 individuals
under self-harm definition 2. As shown in Table 1, the most common
method of self-harm was self-poisoning only, then self-cutting only,
other injuries only, or multiple methods. Nearly all self-poisonings
involved medicinal agents, 10,383(93.4%) under self-harm definition 1
and 13,754(91.1%) under self-harm definition 2.
The overall incidence rate of emergency department presentations
for self-harm by 12-17 year-olds was 239.0(95% CI: 233.1244.9) per
100,000 person-years under self-harm definition 1 and 320.7(95% CI:
314.0-327.4) per 100,000 person-years under self-harm definition 2. The
sex-specific incidence rate estimates under self-harm definition 1 were
375.7(95% CI: 364.4-387.0) per 100,000 person-years for girls and
109.2(95% CI: 105.1-113.2) per 100,000 person-years for boys. The
corresponding rates under self-harm definition 2 were 474.5(95% CI:
461.8-487.3) per 100,000 person-years for girls and 174.6(95% CI:
169.5-179.7) per 100,000 person-years for boys. Figure 1 shows the
incidence rates increased with age in both boys and girls, but were
always higher in girls. Figure 2 shows the incidence rates were highest
in low-population areas (and vice versa). Figure 3 shows an inverse
relationship between neighbourhood income quintile and self-harm
presentations; that is, 12-17 year-olds living in the lowest-income
neighbourhoods had the highest rates(and vice versa).
Table 2 shows that self-harm made up roughly 1 in 100 emergency
department presentations among Ontario youth, but also made up a larger
proportion of complex presentations; self-harm accounted for at least 1
in 20 presentations triaged as highest acuity (resuscitation/emergent)
or admitted to hospital. The higher frequency of self-harm among girls
and with increasing age was also reflected here; the proportion of total
emergency department presentations related to self-harm was higher in
girls than in boys and increased with age.
These data show self-harm presentations among Ontario youth are
consistent with those reported from other countries. In particular,
incidence rates are strikingly similar to those in the United States
(19) and Ireland. (20) While rates reported from England are
considerably higher, (11) each of these international data have
consistently found girls outnumber boys; frequency increases with age;
and method of self-harm is most often self-poisoning, then self-cutting
(in fact, similar to the results from England, a previous study showed
Ontario youth most often self-poisoned with analgesics, typically
acetaminophen, then antidepressants (21)). The association with
neighbourhood income has also been reported among youth in England, (22)
and is thought to involve mechanisms including family (genetic and
environmental factors), exposure to violence, lifestyle(e.g., substance
abuse) and housing. Conversely, these Ontario data showed that about one
third of youth who presented to the emergency department for self-harm
were admitted, whereas admission occurred in about half in the United
States to nearly three quarters in England. This difference may reflect
differences in acuity and/or health service availability, or possibly
the guidance provided to clinicians in American (23) and British (1)
guidelines around the decision to admit.
New findings were also presented here with respect to incidence
rates by community size; the rate was lowest among youth living in
Toronto(Ontario's only city with a population >1,500,000) and
highest among those living in rural and low-population areas.
Although people living in Ontario's rural areas tend to use
the emergency department more often than those in the rest of the
province, (24) given that the pattern of self-harm presentation rates
mirrors those of Canadian suicide rates, (25) it seems unlikely to be
the only explanation. More plausible hypotheses may overlap with the
mechanisms proposed to explain these higher suicide rates in rural
areas. (26) For example, socio-economic disadvantage, differences in
service delivery systems(e.g., high-population areas' better access
to potentially-preventive mental health services) and the
populations' ethnic composition may be important factors. With
respect to the latter, it may be that patterns seen in suicide rates,
such as the "healthy immigrant effect" (27) or the high
suicide rate among Aboriginal populations, (28) extend to self-harm
(although it is also important to note that these findings do not apply
evenly across these diverse populations (29,30)).
Although administrative data are a vital source of information for
health policy and planning and offer numerous advantages for studying
self-harm, key limitations must be acknowledged. First, of those who
present to the emergency department, the self-inflicted nature of their
injury or poisoning may go undetected or unrecorded. For example, the
individual may be hesitant to disclose and/or the clinician may be
reluctant to document self-harm. While an attempt was made to account
for some of the probable under-ascertainment of self-harm by including
presentations coded as undetermined, (12) it is still unclear which
definition of self-harm is most accurate. Second, it was impossible to
disaggregate self-harm by suicidal intent; such information is not
included in the current NACRS data and ICD does not distinguish suicidal
and non-suicidal acts. Researchers are increasingly acknowledging that,
although highly associated, attempted suicide and non-suicidal
self-injury do differ and future research should endeavour to
distinguish them as such. (31) A system which also incorporates a third
category-that where the suicidal intent is undetermined (2) -may also be
most useful given difficulties in assessing suicidal intent. (32) Third,
this study analyzed self-harm presentations to the emergency department,
so results cannot be generalized to those who do not seek this care.
Survey data suggest that those who present to hospital likely represent
a more suicidal subset of youth who self-harm; the intent to die was the
strongest predictor of health service use following self-harm (in both
boys and girls). (6)
Emergency department data provide more representative information
than inpatient admissions;(12) less than half of those who present to
the emergency department for self-harm are admitted and admission is
associated with various factors, including method of self-harm. (21) The
epidemiology and characteristics of emergency department presentations
for self-harm among Ontario youth are quite consistent with those
reported from other countries, suggesting generalizability of study
results between populations. However, it is unclear whether these
findings extend across Canada. Canada does not currently maintain a
national emergency department data system; the 2011 Health Indicators
report from the Canadian Institute for Health Information and Statistics
Canada, the first ever on self-harm, reported mainly on inpatient
admissions. The emergency department data that were included, from
Ontario, Alberta and the Yukon, suggested differences between these
provinces and territory in the frequency of self-harm presentations
(including specifically among teenage girls). (33)
Self-harm is an important public health issue in Canada, requiring
a comprehensive prevention approach. For example, addressing the strong
association between self-harm and suicide (and the even-higher risk
among those who repeatedly present to the emergency department for
self-harm), (34) the World Health Organization's framework for
public health action in suicide prevention specifically recognizes the
importance of assessing and managing those who present to a health care
facility for self-harm. (35) In this regard, roles for primary care,
including involvement in the transition from the emergency department to
aftercare, (36) also seem critical.
Ontario has useful existing data and infrastructure to study
emergency department presentations for self-harm: there is near-complete
coverage of the population; all hospitals submit emergency department
data; and health services, including inpatient admissions, emergency
department presentations, and physician visits, can be individually
linked over time. Emergency department presentations for self-harm have
been interpreted as a measure of access to mental health services, (33)
so these data can offer valuable opportunities to evaluate strategies to
improve mental health outcomes in youth.
Future research should address the reasons for the geographic
differences in self-harm, and in particular, explanations for the
finding that emergency department presentations for self-harm are more
common among youth living in rural and low-population areas. Given that
the highest youth suicide rates in Canada are among those living in
rural areas, assessing the factors that contribute to this pattern could
have broader implications for prevention.
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Received: October 25, 2012
Accepted: January 5, 2013
Jennifer Bethell, PhD, [1] Susan J. Bondy, PhD, [2] W.Y. Wendy Lou,
PhD, [3] Astrid Guttmann, MDCM, MSc, [4] Anne E. Rhodes, PhD [5]
Author Affiliations
[1.] Suicide Studies Research Unit, St. Michael's Hospital;
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
[2.] Associate Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
[3.] Canada Research Chair in Statistical Methods for Health Care;
Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON
[4.] Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics and Department
of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto;
Senior Scientist, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences; Staff
Physician, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON
[5.] Research Scientist, Suicide Studies Research Unit, St.
Michael's Hospital; Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry
and Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto; Adjunct
Scientist, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, ON
Correspondence: Jennifer Bethell, Suicide Studies Research Unit,
St. Michael's Hospital, 30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON M5B 1W8,
[email protected] Acknowledgement: Dr. Bethell was supported by a
Studentship from the Ontario Mental Health Foundation. The data were
accessed through the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, which
is funded by an annual grant from the Ontario Ministry of Health and
Long-Term Care.
Disclaimer: The opinions, results and conclusions reported in this
paper are those of the authors and are independent from the funding
sources. No endorsement is intended or should be inferred. Conflict of
Interest: None to declare.
Table 1. Methods of Self-harm Identified in Emergency Department
Presentations by 12-17 Year-olds in the Province of Ontario
Between April 1, 2002 and March 31, 2009
Self-harm Self-harm
Definition 1 Definition 2
Method of Self-harm n % n %
Self-poisoning only 11,113 66.0% 15,102 66.9%
Self-cutting only 4204 25.0% 5856 25.9%
Other injuries only 1336 7.9% 1325 5.9%
Multiple methods 182 1.1% 306 1.4%
Self-harm definition 1 (SH1): records that list any International
Classification of Diseases, version 10 (ICD-10) code for intentional
self-harm (ICD-10: X60-84).
Self-harm definition 2: as with SH1, as well as records that list
any codes for poisoning, undetermined intent (ICD-10: Y10-19) or
contact with sharp object, undetermined intent (ICD-10: Y28).
Table 2. Self-harm as a Proportion of All Emergency Department
Presentations by 12-17 Year-olds in the Province of Ontario
Between April 1, 2002 and March 31, 2009
Variable All Emergency Self-harm
Department Definition 1
[n.sub.0] [n.sub.1] %[n.sub.1]/
Overall 2,439,939 16,835 0.7%
Girls 1,182,124 12,892 1.1%
Boys 1,257,754 3943 0.3%
Age (years)
12-15 1,482,905 8182 0.6%
16-17 957,034 8653 0.9%
Canadian Triage
and Acuity Scale
Resuscitation/emergent 137,076 6500 4.7%
Urgent 711,301 7553 1.1%
Non-/semi-urgent 1,591,562 2782 0.2%
Admitted 96,087 5599 5.8%
Discharged 2,210,378 10,234 0.5%
Transferred 21,943 705 3.2%
Left before visit 111,531 297 0.3%
Variable All Emergency Self-harm
Department Definition 2
[n.sub.0] [n.sub.2] %[n.sub.2]/
Overall 2,439,939 22,589 0.9%
Girls 1,182,124 16,282 1.4%
Boys 1,257,754 6307 0.5%
Age (years)
12-15 1,482,905 11,052 0.7%
16-17 957,034 11,537 1.2%
Canadian Triage
and Acuity Scale
Resuscitation/emergent 137,076 8366 6.1%
Urgent 711,301 9822 1.4%
Non-/semi-urgent 1,591,562 4401 0.3%
Admitted 96,087 6537 6.8%
Discharged 2,210,378 14,689 0.7%
Transferred 21,943 822 3.7%
Left before visit 111,531 541 0.5%
Self-harm definition 1 (SH1): records that list any International
Classification of Diseases, version 10 (ICD-10) code for intentional
self-harm (ICD-10: X60-84).
Self-harm definition 2: as with SH1, as well as records that list
any codes for poisoning, undetermined intent (ICD-10: Y10-19) or
contact with sharp object, undetermined intent (ICD-10: Y28).
Figure 1. Incidence rate (and 95% confidence interval) of emergency
department presentations for self-harm, by age and sex, for
12-17 year-olds in the Province of Ontario between April 1,
2002 and March 31, 2009
Age (years)
12 13 14 15 16 17
Girls (SH2) 77.9 215.7 501.6 659.1 713.2 679.2
Girls (SH1) 56.5 172.5 393.5 527.6 564.8 539.1
Boys (SH2) 47.0 76.1 129.4 204.8 266.4 322.7
Boys (SH1) 20.5 39.0 74.9 134.2 177.7 207.7
Figure 2. Incidence rate (and 95% confidence interval) of emergency
department presentations for self-harm, by community size,
for 12-17 year-olds in the Province of Ontario between
April 1, 2002 and March 31, 2009
Community size (population)
0.0 1,500,000+ 500,000-1,499,999 100,000-499,999
SH2 185.0 351.9 356.7
SH1 131.6 279.3 277.3
Community size (population)
0.0 10,000-99,999 <10,000
SH2 471.4 439.9
SH1 330.5 323.0
Figure 3. Incidence rate (and 95%
confidence interval) of emergency
department presentations for self-harm,
by neighbourhood income quintile, for
12-17 year-olds in the Province of
Ontario between April 1, 2002 and March
31, 2009
Neighbourhood income quintile
1 (lowest) 2 3 4 5 (highest)
SH2 346.3 333.9 306.5 277.5 260.1
SH1 259.9 247.1 229.5 207.3 191.8