Sex and gender reporting in health research: why Canada should be a leader.
Johnson, Joy L. ; Beaudet, Alain
Every cell is sexed and every person gendered--and we can no longer
operate as if this fact of life does not matter for research. A critical
mass of evidence now makes it irrefutable that sex and gender influence
all domains of health, from basic mechanisms of disease development to
health service utilization. (1) This puts us in a situation all too
common in the research enterprise: we have the evidence, but moving it
into practice and policy is challenging, slow, and hard to scale up. A
recent series of commentaries in Nature and Science have identified
funding agencies and journals as primary change agents to drive the
routine integration of gender and sex in health research
(2-5)--essentially, front- and back-end portals to system change. At the
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), we are making change on
the funding side of the equation. We now call upon Canadian journals to
join our efforts. Specifically, we urge journals to adopt sex and gender
reporting requirements in their editorial policies.
We have a unique opportunity in Canada to demonstrate leadership in
doing science better with sex and gender, and we should not let it be
missed. Our funding infrastructure is far ahead of other countries when
it comes to sex and gender. We are the only country in the world with a
specific funding institute dedicated to gender, sex and health
research--CIHR's Institute of Gender and Health. In December 2010,
we modified the standard CIHR grant application module to include fields
that require all applicants to state whether they are considering gender
and/or sex in their research designs and to justify why or why not. The
Health Portfolio of the Government of Canada has had a Sex and
Gender-Based Analysis Policy in place since 2009. Health Canada's
guidance document on the inclusion of women in clinical trials has
recently been updated and is currently being finalized. Yet, we know
this is not enough. Evidence from our neighbours to the south indicates
that after 15 years of the NIH (National Institutes of Health) policy to
include women in clinical trials, only 28% of the resulting publications
reported on the basis of sex/gender. (6) Funded research does not exist
in a vacuum; "publications are currency in science and so if
reporting on sex is valued this will feed back into research design and
practice." (7) We need Canada's top health research journals
to complete the cycle.
Just last year, the US National Institute of Medicine (IOM) took a
major leap in moving this issue forward with a workshop on sex-specific
reporting of scientific research. The daylong meeting brought together
editors of highly-ranked scientific journals with funding agency
representatives, researchers, and policy-makers from various sectors.
The meeting itself was an important gateway to change; some journal
editors had already implemented reporting requirements related to sex
and gender, others left the workshop committed to raising the issue with
their editorial boards. While the report on the workshop put forth
several practical recommendations (e.g., identify the sex of study
samples or populations, be it animals, cells, people; report if a study
is single-sex in the title/abstract), the discussions highlight the
slippery slope between analysis and reporting. We contend that reporting
alone is a valuable starting point for the type of incremental change
that will transform our health research system. Reporting can help drive
further change by illuminating gaps in knowledge which may spark new
sex- and gender-based analyses of previously "answered"
Reporting about sex and gender is quite simply more accurate; more
accurate reporting means that more accurate conclusions can be drawn.
Barnett Kramer, Editor-in-chief of the Journal of the National Cancer
Institute, notes in the IOM workshop report that good science means that
every study must be replicable and to do this one must know certain
details about sex. (7) Methodological choices about sex and gender in
relation to study population or analytical approach should be reported
and justified, as with any other methodological choices. The sex of
study participants should not be left to the reader to infer, but should
be stated plainly.
In line with an argument put forth by Jon Levine, Editor-in-chief
of Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, in the IOM workshop report, (7) we
are calling for policies that put the onus on authors to provide a
rationale for how they consider sex and gender; peer reviewers then can
decide what the impacts of those choices are in terms of the rigour of
the study. We suggest that a helpful starting point for journals might
be to ask authors, in reporting their studies, to consider questions
akin to those we utilize in the CIHR grant application module:
1. Are sex (biological) considerations taken into account in this
2. Are gender (socio-cultural) considerations taken into account in
this study?
3. If YES, please describe how sex and/or gender considerations are
considered in your [study results].
4. If NO, please explain why sex and/or gender are not applicable
to your [study results].
While the Uniform Requirements for Biomedical Journals fail to
account for gender, by subscribing to these guidelines, the Canadian
Journal of Public Health has taken a step toward including sex and
gender. The Requirements state that: "Where scientifically
appropriate, analyses of the data by variables such as age and sex
should be included." (8) Also, in relation to the selection and
description of participants, authors are asked to explain why they
include certain variables, such as sex, when they do. We are asking
Canadian journals, including the Canadian Journal of Public Health, to
go even further: incorporate explicit sex and gender reporting
requirements that minimize caveats and oblige authors to unambiguously
tell us the information we need to know in order to judge "to whom
the evidence applies." (9)
The impact of reporting cannot be underestimated. Without
appropriate sex-based reporting, we would not know that a drug as
commonplace as aspirin differentially reduces the risk of cardiovascular
disease by reducing ischemic stroke in women and myocardial infarction
in men. (10) Furthermore, it is well documented that reporting at the
level of primary studies has ripple effects in terms of what is
replicated at the level of systematic reviews. (9) The CIHR Institute of
Gender and Health is currently funding the Campbell and Cochrane Equity
Methods Group to consider issues related to sex and gender in systematic
reviews, but without better primary studies, changing review protocols
will have little real impact.
Better reporting with sex and gender is critical to ensuring that
publications are not just an end product in the knowledge translation
cycle, but that the evidence they present can be used to improve the
health of literally everybody. It is time now for journals to catch up
to funders.
Received: June 26, 2012 Accepted: October 5, 2012
Acknowledgements: We thank Stephanie Coen for her significant
contribution to this work.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
(1.) Krieger N. Genders, sexes, and health: What are the
connections--and why does it matter? Int J Epidemiol 2003;32:652-57.
(2.) Putting gender on the agenda [Editorial]. Nature 2010;465:665.
(3.) Kim AM, Tingen CM, Woodruff TK. Sex bias in trials and
treatment must end. Nature 2010;465:688-89.
(4.) Zucker I, Beery AK. Males still dominate animal studies.
Nature 2010;465:690.
(5.) Wald C, Wu C. Of mice and women: The bias in animal models.
Science 2010;327:1571-72.
(6.) Foulkes MA. After inclusion, information and inference:
Reporting on clinical trials results after 15 years of monitoring
inclusion of women. J Women's Health 2011;20:829-36.
(7.) Institute of Medicine. Sex-specific reporting of scientific
research: A workshop summary. Washington, DC: The National Academic
Press, 2012.
(8.) International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform
Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing
and Editing for Biomedical Publication. Available at: (Accessed May 3, 2012).
(9.) Doull M, Runnels VE, Tudiver S, Boscoe M. Appraising the
evidence: Applying sex- and gender-based analysis (SGBA) to Cochrane
systematic reviews on cardiovascular diseases. J Women's Health
(10.) Berger JS, Roncaglioni MC, Avanzini F, Pangrazzi I, Tognoni
G, Brown DL. Aspirin for the primary prevention of cardiovascular events
in women and men: A sex-specific meta-analysis of randomized controlled
trials. JAMA 2006;295:306-13.
Joy L. Johnson, PhD, RN, [1] Alain Beaudet, MD, PhD [2]
Author Affiliations
[1.] Scientific Director, CIHR Institute of Gender and Health,
Vancouver, BC
[2.] President, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Ottawa, ON
Correspondence: Dr. Joy Johnson, CIHR Institute of Gender and Health,
305-6190 Agronomy Road, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3, Tel: 604-827-4020,
[email protected]