Canada Post community mailboxes: implications for health research.
Fuller, Daniel
It is recognized that where you live plays a small but important
role in determining health. (1) Six-digit postal codes are commonly used
in health research to identify individuals' location in space,
usually their residential location, and derive environmental exposure
measures based on census data or other administrative data sources (2)
which are then linked to health data. Over the next 5 years, Canada Post
will transition 5 million Canadians from door-to-door postal delivery to
community mailboxes. (3) Eleven communities will pilot test the
transition. These include neighbourhoods in Calgary, Fort McMurray,
Winnipeg, Oakville, Ottawa, Rosemere, Lorraine, Bois-des-Fillion,
Charlemagne, Repentigny, Halifax, Lower Sackville and Bedford, and
represent a combined total of 86,950 addresses.
As Canada Post transitions to community mailboxes, 6-digit postal
codes will be assigned to community mailbox areas instead of smaller
postal code areas. Currently, 6-digit postal code areas correspond to
approximately one city block in urban areas, while community mailbox
areas are larger than postal code areas and can vary widely in size. It
is plausible that over the course of the transition to community
mailboxes, Canada Post may choose not to maintain 6-digit postal codes
and transition to a unique community mailbox number instead. In both
cases, the transition to community mailboxes may have important
implications for health research. We highlight these below.
Individual's residential location will be misplaced
In comparison to assignment based on 6-digit postal codes,
assigning people to a geographic location based on their community
mailbox location will increase positional error. This error stems from
the difference between an assigned location and one's true location
in space. (4,5) A recent Canadian study estimated that when using
6-digit postal codes, positional errors ranged from 109 metres to 1363
metres in urban and rural areas respectively. (4) Reliance on community
mailboxes will increase positional errors. Using a single community
mailbox to represent multiple 6-digit postal codes will reduce precision
when health researchers assign individuals to a home location (Figure
Linking residential location to the census or national health
Health researchers often use postal code information to link health
data with census data. Currently, Statistics Canada develops Postal Code
Conversion Files (PCCF & PCCF+) to link 6-digit postal codes to
census geographic areas (e.g., dissemination area [DA]). The transition
to community mailboxes is of concern for Statistics Canada, as noted in
the 2013 Postal Code Conversion File Reference Guide: "community
mailboxes are a growing source for multiple records per postal code on
the PCCF. In newer urban delivery areas, postal codes are assigned to a
community mailbox that may cover partial dissemination blocks, both
sides of a street, and different streets within 200 metres of the
community mailbox. These situations often result in multiple links being
established between a postal code and block-faces, unlike the more
traditional urban postal codes, which correspond generally to a
block-face." (6, p.9) (Figure 1B) Linkage errors from postal codes
to census geographies will make studies using these linkages biased in
unknown ways.
Examples of the problem
Positional and linkage errors described above will result in
greater misclassification of environmental exposures in health research.
Researchers will not be able to use 6-digit postal codes to locate, as
precisely as possible, individuals' homes, and derive exposure
measures based on this location.
There are three major research implications resulting from the move
to community mailboxes. First, using residential location as a proxy for
socio-economic status (SES) in epidemiological research will be biased.
There is evidence that residential SES is related to health (1) and that
aggregate measures of SES at the postal code level are a reasonable
proxy for individual-level SES in urban areas. (7) It is not known how,
for example, the results of a study by Roos et al.,8 who used individual
health data linked to the Canadian census to estimate the odds of
premature mortality by neighbourhood SES, would change given positional
and linkage errors. Second, studies examining access (or proximity) to
health-enhancing (e.g., green space, grocery stores) and
health-diminishing (e.g., fast food outlets) resources will have greater
measurement error, which will bias results. (9,10) Finally, researchers
will struggle to define environmental exposures by linking postal code
information to census geographies. (11) For example, a study by Hoek et
al. (12) used residential location to define exposure to air pollution
and showed that cardiopulmonary mortality was associated with living
near a major road (relative risk 1.95, 95% CI 1.09-3.52). If residential
location is not correct based on postal code, the results of this study
could be biased and erroneous. We have presented here three illustrative
examples of the problem but there are potentially many other examples,
depending on the research area.
What will the future look like?
In many places in Canada, particularly small towns and rural areas,
community mailboxes or post office boxes are already in place. Examining
research comparing linkage and positional errors in urban and rural
areas sheds light on the future of this type of research in Canada. For
example, Pampalon et al. (13) showed that survival inequalities in small
towns and rural areas are lower than elsewhere when area-based measures
of socioeconomic status are used. It is plausible that the different
results for urban and rural areas are due to positional and linkage
errors in the data. Healy et al. (4) show that in rural areas, the mean
distance error for access to the closest hospital is 3285 metres
compared to a mean of 414 metres in urban areas. In the context of
health policy planning, an error of over 3 kilometres in the estimate of
the distance between someone's home and a hospital's location
is not acceptable.
Moving forward with health geographic research in Canada
The upcoming changes to Canada Post have the potential to bias
studies using postal codes and census or national health survey data. We
believe these changes have broad implications for the health of all
Canadians and should be addressed by the research community, Statistics
Canada, and Canada Post. Canadian researchers should study potential
positional and linkage errors due to the implementation of community
mailboxes. We believe that the 11 pilot communities can and should serve
as an important case study to evaluate potential measurement error and
biases in health research that could accompany the transition to
community mailboxes.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
(1.) Meijer M, Rohl J, Bloomfield K, Grittner U. Do neighborhoods
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multilevel studies. Soc Sci Med 2013;74(8):1204-12.
(2.) Cummins S, Macintyre S, Davidson S, Ellaway A. Measuring
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(3.) Canada Post's transition to community mailbox delivery
will begin in fall 2014 in 11 communities across Canada. Canada Post.
2014. Available at: (Accessed March 6, 2014).
(4.) Healy MA, Gilliland JA. Quantifying the magnitude of
environmental exposure misclassification when using imprecise address
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(5.) Duncan DT, Kawachi I, Subramanian SV, Aldstadt J, Melly SJ,
Williams DR. Examination of how neighborhood definition influences
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methodological note on spatial misclassification. Am J Epidemiol
(6.) Postal Code Conversion File (PCCF), Reference Guide. Catalogue
no. 92-154-G: Ottawa, ON: Statistics Canada, 2013.
(7.) Pampalon R, Hamel D, Gamache P. A comparison of individual and
area-based socio-economic data for monitoring social inequalities in
health. Health Reports 2009;20(3):84-94.
(8.) Roos LL, Magoon J, Gupta S, Chateau D, Veugelers PJ.
Socioeconomic determinants of mortality in two Canadian provinces:
Multilevel modelling and neighborhood context. Soc Sci Med
(9.) Fuller D, Cummins S, Matthews SA. Does transportation mode
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(10.) Shareck M, Kestens Y, Frohlich KL. Moving beyond the
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(11.) Pampalon R, Hamel D, Gamache P, Raymond G. A deprivation
index for health planning in Canada. Chronic Dis Can 2009;29(4):178-91.
(12.) Hoek G, Brunekreef B, Goldbohm S, Fischer P, van den Brandt
PA. Association between mortality and indicators of traffic-related air
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(13.) Pampalon R, Hamel D, Gamache P. Health inequalities in urban
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individual and area-based deprivation index. Health & Place
Received: August 1, 2014
Accepted: August 31, 2014
Daniel Fuller, PhD [1] Martine Shareck, PhD [2]
Author Affiliations
[1.] Department of Community Health & Epidemiology, University
of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
[2.] Departement de Medecine Sociale et Preventive, Universite de
Montreal, Montreal, QC
Correspondence: Daniel Fuller, Department of Community Health &
Epidemiology, Health Science Building, 107 Wiggins Road, University of
Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E5, Tel: 306-491-1232, E-mail:
[email protected]