Antiretroviral treatment outcomes among foreign-born and aboriginal peoples living with HIV/AIDS in northern Alberta.
Lefebvre, Megan E. ; Hughes, Christine A. ; Yasui, Yutaka 等
The HIV/AIDS epidemic disproportionately impacts vulnerable
populations. In 2012, persons born in HIV-endemic countries comprised
approximately 2.2% of the Canadian population but accounted for 13% of
newly diagnosed HIV cases. (1) In Alberta, from 2000-2005, next to
Caucasians, Aboriginal peoples made up the second-largest group of HIV
cases with known ethnicity. After 2006, however, there have been more
individuals from HIV-endemic countries diagnosed with HIV compared to
Aboriginal peoples. (2) Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has the potential
to dramatically increase healthy life expectancy, but requires lifelong
treatment and a high level of adherence. Despite the well-documented
benefits of ART, vulnerable HIV-infected patients in Canada appear to
experience less successful ART outcomes. Recently Martin et al. (3)
found that after starting ART, Canadian-born Aboriginal (CBA) patients
experienced higher rates of treatment failure compared to Canadian-born
non-Aboriginal (CBNA) patients. Researchers have also noted that CBA
HIV-infected patients experienced higher rates of HIV-related and
all-cause mortality compared to CBNA patients. (3,4)
Little attention has been given to ART outcomes among foreign-born
(FB) patients in North America. A better understanding of ART outcomes
in the FB population is important as this is a substantial and growing
population. (1,2) The stress of resettlement after migration and lack of
familiarity with the Canadian medical system can impact access to health
care, resulting in poorer ART outcomes. (5) Cultural barriers, including
health beliefs and expectations of a medical interaction, may also
impact access to health care and ART outcomes. Further, stigma may be a
major obstacle to accessing care in close-knit ethnic communities.
Findings from the United States indicated that delayed presentation for
HIV-related medical care was associated with belonging to an ethnic
minority and HIV transmission through heterosexual contact. (6,7)
Foreign-born patients, consequently, may also experience poorer HIV
treatment outcomes, including virologic failure and progression of HIV
To understand how FB and CBA patients served by our clinic were
doing on once-daily ART (the standard of HIV care), and to determine
whether there were differences in ART outcomes, we compared ART outcomes
between HIV-infected patients born in Canada and those born elsewhere
using a retrospective cohort. In this paper, therefore, we report the
probability of achieving virological success for FB, CBA and CBNA
patients prescribed once-daily ART from 2006-2012. Among those patients
who achieved virological suppression, we compared the rates of
subsequent virological failure.
Our study was a two-part retrospective cohort study in which we
assessed: Part 1, the odds of achieving initial virological suppression
by FB status compared with CBA and with CBNA patients; and Part 2, the
rate of ART failure by FB status among patients who achieved initial
virological suppression in Part 1. This study was approved by the
University of Alberta Health Ethics Research Board.
Study setting and data source
We conducted our research with the clinicians at the Northern
Alberta HIV Program (NAP). The NAP, a HIV clinic based in Edmonton,
cares for all HIV-infected individuals in the northern half of Alberta
(from Red Deer to the Northwest Territories border), comprising
approximately 2,000 patients. The population of HIV-infected individuals
in northern Alberta is heterogeneous with approximately one third of
patients self-identifying as Metis or First Nations and 15-20% of
patients having been born outside of Canada.
The NAP team includes infectious disease physicians, nurses,
pharmacists, social workers, psychologists and dietitians. Initial
genotypic viral resistance testing is performed on each new patient.
Patients are usually seen in follow-up approximately four weeks after
starting ART, then every three to four months. Antiretroviral therapy in
northern Alberta is dispensed from two outpatient pharmacies, and is
provided free of charge for all patients with provincial health care
coverage; this program also provides CD4 cell counts, HIV-1 viral load
(VL) measurements, and routine genotypic sensitivity testing, and any
resistance identified is taken into account in the selection of the
treatment regimen. Additionally, Canada has a national program which
covers ART for refugees who qualify.
Our study's primary data source was the NAP clinic database.
This database contains patient-related information, including patient
demographics, risk behaviours, ART prescribed, CD4 cell counts, and VL
measurements and is updated following each patient's clinic visit.
Study patients
We assembled a cohort of patients from the NAP database using the
following inclusion criteria: 1) started ART between 1 January 2006 and
1 January 2012 (baseline); 2) previously ART-naive; 3) receiving
once-daily ART; and 4) [greater than or equal to] 18 years of age when
starting ART. We defined ART as a combination of at least three
antiretrovirals, other than ritonavir, recorded as prescribed on the
same date. We excluded ritonavir assuming that during the study period
(2006-2012), physicians prescribed ritonavir at low dosages intended to
"boost" other protease inhibitors (PI), rather than at
clinically therapeutic levels. The ART start date was the first date
that an ART prescription is recorded in the NAP database, and we
assumed, unless otherwise stated, that patients remained on ART. We
specified January 2006 as the start of follow-up as the standard of HIV
care had become once-daily ART in the vast majority of cases by 2006.
(8) As a result, our analysis focused on individuals prescribed
once-daily ART.
We excluded patients if they: 1) were missing country of birth
data; 2) were missing baseline VL data; 3) had a baseline VL <400
copies/mL; 4) had <6 months follow-up time; or 5) started ART [less
than or equal to] 26 weeks before delivering a baby. We excluded the
latter group of patients in order to limit the study group to patients
who started ART for the purpose of treatment rather than to prevent
vertical transmission of HIV. We excluded patients with baseline VLs
that were missing or <400 copies/mL under the assumption that these
patients were not ART-naive when initiating ART (i.e., these patients
may have been transferred from elsewhere on treatment).
Statistical analysis
The exposure variable of interest was FB status; we defined FB
patients as those individuals who reported being born outside of Canada.
We followed up patients from 1 January 2006 until 1 July 2012, allowing
for a follow-up time of six months to six years.
Initially for Part 1 and Part 2, we tabulated and compared patient
characteristics between FB, CBA and CBNA patients with other exposures
using [chi square] tests for categorical variables and Kruskal-Wallis
rank tests for continuous variables.
For Part 1, we utilized logistic regression to assess the odds of
achieving initial virological suppression with respect to FB status,
adjusting for potential confounding variables. We defined viral
suppression as one VL test <400 copies/mL [less than or equal to] 6
months after starting ART. We defined patients without VL tests [less
than or equal to] 6 months after starting ART as not achieving initial
virological suppression.
For Part 2, we used Cox proportional hazard models to determine the
rate of virological failure among those patients who achieved initial
virological success in Part 1. We defined virological failure as the
first of two consecutive VL tests >400 copies/mL. In unadjusted
analysis for Part 2, we utilized cumulative incidence curves, as
described by Vittinghoff et al., (9) to compare rates of virological
failure by FB status. We compared hazard ratios of virological failure
using Cox proportional hazards models, (9) adjusting for potential
confounding variables. We assessed the proportional hazards assumption
for FB status using a time-varying covariate (FB status by the logarithm
of observation time), which we entered into an unadjusted model of
virological failure.
We measured observation time for Part 2 in person-years, (10)
starting on the date of initial virological suppression and, depending
on the patient's outcome, ending on the earliest of the following
events: 1) the date of the first (of 2 consecutive) viral loads [greater
than or equal to] 400 for patients who experienced virological failure;
2) 1 January 2012 for patients who were censored; or 3) the date of
death for those who died.
We considered many potential confounding variables: ART regimen
(PI- or non-PI-based), baseline age, baseline CD4 cell count, baseline
VL, calendar year, IDU as an HIV exposure category, and sex. We defined
patients as IDU if NAP staff recorded their HIV exposure as IDU or any
exposure combined with IDU; we considered patients with other exposures,
including unknown/missing exposures, as "other exposures". We
defined baseline CD4 cell count and VL as the closest tests taken to the
ART start date. In our unadjusted analysis, we identified all potential
confounding variables as associations with initial virological
suppression and subsequent virological failure with two-tailed p-values
of <0.20. In the final statistical models, p-values were two-tailed
and associations <0.05 statistically significant. We conducted
analyses with Stata (version 11.0; StataCorp LP, College Station, TX).
During the study period, 550 persons were prescribed ART and 322
patients met the eligibility criteria for Part 1 (initial virological
suppression). We excluded 228 patients, the majority of whom were
missing a baseline VL measurement (53%) or had a baseline VL <400
copies/mL (22%) (Figure 1). Table 1 shows the patient characteristics of
the 322 patients in Part 1.
Part 1--Initial virological suppression
In Part 1, 261 (81%) achieved initial virological suppression
within six months of initiating ART (Table 1). Of the 61 patients who
did not achieve initial virological suppression, 23 were FB and 24 were
CBA patients. Four (6.6%) of these 61 patients died [less than or equal
to]6 months after starting ART, all of whom were CBA patients. In the
unadjusted analysis, there was no significant difference in terms of
likelihood of achieving initial virologic suppression between FB and
CBNA patients (Table 1, p=0.31). Canadian-born Aboriginal patients,
however, were significantly less likely than CBNA patients to experience
initial virological suppression (Table 1, p=0.01). After controlling for
the effects of age, ART regimen, IDU as an exposure to HIV, and calendar
year, compared to CBNA patients, there was no significant difference for
the odds of achieving initial virological suppression for FB patients;,
however, the odds were significantly lower for CBA patients (Table 2).
Part 2--HIV treatment failure
The 261 patients who achieved virological suppression were eligible
for Part 2.
We followed these patients retrospectively for a total of 635.1
person-years; 21 (8.1%) experienced virological failure, 234 (90%) were
censored, and 6 patients died, indicating that no patients left care for
reasons other than death. Of the 6 patients who died, 4 (1.5%) died
before experiencing any other event and 2 (9.5%) patients who
experienced virological failure died. The event rate for experiencing
virological failure was 3.3% per year. There was no significant
difference between FB and CBNA patients in the rate of virological
failure (8% vs. 4%, p=0.68), however CBA patients were significantly
more likely than CBNA patients to experience virological failure (15%
vs. 4%, p=0.01). Compared to CBNA patients, CBA patients experienced a
significantly higher cumulative incidence of virological failure (Class
p=0.01) (Figure 2).
In Cox proportional hazards models, there was no statistically
significant difference in unadjusted virological failure rates for FB
patients compared to CBNA patients (Table 3). Conversely, CBA patients
experienced significantly higher unadjusted virological failure rates
compared to CBNA patients (Table 3). Adjusting for age, sex, baseline
CD4 cell count, and ART regimen, neither FB nor CBA patients had a
statistically significant different rate of virological failure compared
to CBNA patients after achieving initial virological suppression Table
We observed that among HIV-infected patients starting ART, FB and
CBNA patients had similar ART outcomes. Conversely, CBA patients were
less likely to achieve initial virological suppression compared to CBNA
patients. Finally, among patients who achieved initial virological
suppression, rates of virological failure did not differ for FB or CBA
Our findings are in accordance with a Canadian study evaluating the
impact of a recent policy change to Canada's Immigrant Act. (11)
This study compared initial virological suppression among Canadian-born,
Sub-Saharan African (SSA)born, and FB other than SSA patients. The
authors defined virological suppression as achieving a VL <40
copies/mL for two consecutive measurements. Although SSAs initially
presented into care with a lower CD4 cell count than Canadian-born
patients, these authors observed that the responses to ART were similar
in SSA and Canadian patients. (11) Two studies in Europe compared
virological failure rates by FB status and observed results comparable
to our study. (12,13) After adjusting for confounding variables, both
studies reported no differences in the time to virological failure among
FB and non-FB patients. Similar to our study's analysis, these
researchers considered age, sex, ART regimen, baseline CD4 cell count,
baseline VL, and risk behaviour for HIV infection as confounding
variables. However, residual confounding may be of concern; additional
factors that may have an effect on ART outcomes among FB patients
include differences in social, cultural and economic conditions. (14)
In fact, Gardezi et al. (15) conducted a qualitative study to
understand HIV-related treatment concerns. Among HIV-positive Caribbean
and East African individuals living in Toronto, Canada, these authors
suggested that: support services need to be culturally specific; there
is a need for community development and increased community awareness;
there should be expanded effort geared towards settlement issues; and
HIV providers need to have increased sensitivity and knowledge.
Recently, the Canadian Observational Cohort (CANOC) collaboration
suggested that female and non-White HIV patients reported higher
HIV-related stigma. (16) CANOC concluded that future research should
understand "contextual factors, such as culture, country, and
rural/urban differences" (p. e48168) when addressing HIV-related
Individual adherence behaviour occurs within an economic, social
and cultural context. Accordingly, research needs to consider factors
affecting HIV treatment response in a broader social, economic and
political context. For example, limited access to HIV information and
HIV-related stigma among Aboriginal patients delay access to health care
and thus compromise effective medical care. (17) Our study results
indicated that CBA patients had poorer HIV treatment outcomes compared
to CBNA patients. As a result, treatment outcomes among CBA patients in
northern Alberta may be related to underlying living conditions,
collectively known as the social determinants of health, including;
education, employment and working conditions; unemployment and job
security; food insecurity; housing; income and income distribution; and
social exclusion. (18)
HIV care, however, involves several stages, including identifying
infected individuals, linkage to initial HIV care, long-term retention
in care, and ART adherence--the "cascade of care" (COC). (19)
Appropriately, the COC has become of concern for areas in public health
concerned with maximizing the benefits of ART. For patients and
populations to benefit from ART (reduction in HIV incidence and
transmission), ART programs have to ensure the complete quality of a
cascade of services, from testing and referral to care, to ensuring
continued adherence to treatment. (20) In many settings, gaps remain in
the COC, where few HIV-infected patients actually achieve undetectable
VLs, the ultimate goal of HIV treatment and care. (19) These gaps
include late HIV diagnosis, suboptimal linkage to care, low retention in
care, low ART coverage, and poor ART adherence. (19) Recently, Nosyk et
al. (21) from the STOP HIV/AIDS Study Group were the first group to
track the longitudinal changes in the COC in British Columbia, Canada,
from 1996 to 2011. This group assessed the proportions of individuals at
each stage along the COC. Although their findings suggested that overall
engagement in care improved from 1996 to 2011, substantial numbers of
patients were lost at each stage, most notably the retention in care
Understanding limiting factors in each step of the cascade is
important, while recognizing that what causes patients to be lost from
the cascade likely varies within regions and patients. This is
particularly important for CBA patients, as CBA patients continue to be
disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS and continue to account for an
increasing proportion of new HIV-positive test reports and AIDS
diagnoses. (1) Moreover, our results were similar to previous research
which suggests that CBA patients continue to experience worse ART
outcomes compared to CBNA patients. (3,4,22) This is of extreme concern.
Perhaps we need to approach caring for CBA HIV patients with a
participatory approach, meaning we need to improve care by forming
meaningful relationships and partnerships with the patients themselves,
the clinicians, and the HIV community service workers, to ensure that
patients can successfully navigate their way within the health care
This study has numerous limitations, including missing data (i.e.,
the 26 patients excluded for missing country of origin data), combining
immigrants and refugees into a single category to describe FB patients,
small sample size, the inherent difficulties of using a clinical
database for research purposes, and the retrospective nature of our
design. We acknowledge that while we classified immigrant and refugee
patients into one category, this group is heterogeneous and encompasses
a broad range of characteristics. The use of any classification method,
however, is a simplification of reality. We classified patients by
country of origin, which has the limitation of ignoring cultural
differences within a country and the length of time a patient resides in
their birth country or Canada. For example, if a patient self-reported
their country of origin as being outside of Canada but having migrated
to Canada as an infant, we classified this patient as FB even though
this patient may culturally identify as Canadian. Our findings,
therefore, may have overlooked important differences between ethnic
groups. However, our clinic database defined immigrant and refugees as
those patients born outside of Canada, and therefore we did not have
access to specific country of origin information.
Our studied utilized a retrospective design and relied on a
clinical data source for exposure information. Further, our strict
exclusion criteria reduced our sample size. This study, however, aimed
to investigate ART outcomes among patients prescribed once-daily
therapy, the standard of modern HIV care. Despite these limitations, our
cohort provided a representative sample of all patients who recently
initiated ART in northern Alberta using the NAP database. Previous
research has validated this database, (22-24) including Martin et
al.'s (22) recent investigation of HIV treatment outcomes comparing
CBA and CBNA patients.
Although FB patients may have potential obstacles to adherence and
ART success, our analysis found that ART outcomes among FB patients were
similar to those of HIV patients born in Canada. Our findings, however,
indicated that CBA patients continue to have less successful ART
outcomes compared to CBNA patients. As such, it is critical that
researchers, clinicians and community organizations engage with Canadian
Aboriginal communities and work together to find innovative and
culturally-appropriate strategies to address all stages along the COC,
including ART outcomes.
Acknowledgements: The authors wish to recognize the participants
involved in this study. We thank the clinicians at the NAP for their
help and support with this research, and Yutaka Yasui for his
statistical support.
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
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Received: September 17, 2013
Accepted: June 22, 2014
Megan E. Lefebvre, MSc, [1] Christine A. Hughes, BScPharm, PharmD,
[2] Yutaka Yasui, PhD, [1] L. Duncan Saunders, MBBCh, PhD, [1] Stan
Houston, MD, DTM&H, FRCPC [3]
[1.] School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
[2.] Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, AB
[3.] Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB
Correspondence: Megan Lefebvre, School of Public Health, University
of Alberta, 3-300 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy, 11405-87 Ave,
Edmonton, AB T6G 1C9, Tel: 780-492-9954, E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1. Patient characteristics by country of origin for
Part 1: Initial virological suppression (n=322; 81%
achieved initial viral suppression)
Characteristic Foreign-born Canadian-born
(n=128) Aboriginal
Proportion achieving 105 (82) 63 (72)
initial VS, n (%)
Age (years) at baseline, 38 (34.5-44.5) 42 (34-47)
median (IQR)
Age at baseline, n (%)
17-30 18 (14) 14 (16)
31-40 58 (45) 25 (29)
41-50 36 (28) 33 (38)
51-77 16 (13) 15 (17)
Sex, n (%)
Female 68 (53) 41 (47)
Male 60 (47) 46 (53)
HIV exposure category,
n (%)
Injection drug use 3 (2) 38 (44)
Other exposure 125 (98) 49 (56)
CD4 cells/[micro]L at 240 (150-340) 225 (90-360)
baseline, median (IQR) (n=122) (n=86)
CD4 cells/[micro]L at
baseline, n (%)
5-50 13 (10) 13 (15)
51-200 35 (27) 27 (31)
201-350 46 (36) 24 (28)
351-1130 28 (22) 22 (25)
Missing 6 (5) 1 (1)
HIV RNA copies/mL at 27,000 32,000
baseline, median (IQR) (4836.5-135,000) (8600-98,000)
HIV RNA copies/mL at
baseline, n (%)
0-9999 40 (31) 26 (30)
10,000-44,999 33 (26) 23 (26)
45,000-139,999 23 (18) 20 (23)
140,000-750,000 32 (25) 18 (21)
Initial HaART regimen,
n (%)
PI-based 68 (53) 46 (53)
Not PI-based 60 (47) 40 (47)
Year starting HAART,
n (%)
2006-2008 68 (54) 30 (34)
2009-2012 59 (46) 57 (66)
Characteristic Canadian-born Class
non-Aboriginal p-value
Proportion achieving 93 (87) 0.04
initial VS, n (%)
Age (years) at baseline, 45 (38-51) <0.001
median (IQR)
Age at baseline, n (%) 0.002
17-30 12 (11)
31-40 23 (22)
41-50 43 (40)
51-77 29 (27)
Sex, n (%) >0.001
Female 16 (15)
Male 91 (85)
HIV exposure category, >0.001
n (%)
Injection drug use 28 (26)
Other exposure 79 (74)
CD4 cells/[micro]L at 211 (90-360) 0.53
baseline, median (IQR) (n=103)
CD4 cells/[micro]L at 0.42
baseline, n (%)
5-50 20 (19)
51-200 30 (28)
201-350 27 (25)
351-1130 26 (24)
Missing 4 (4)
HIV RNA copies/mL at 73,000 0.38
baseline, median (IQR) (21,000-190,000)
HIV RNA copies/mL at 0.09
baseline, n (%)
0-9999 18 (17)
10,000-44,999 25 (23)
45,000-139,999 33 (31)
140,000-750,000 31 (29)
Initial HaART regimen, 0.03
n (%)
PI-based 39 (36)
Not PI-based 68 (64)
Year starting HAART, 0.01
n (%)
2006-2008 42 (40)
2009-2012 64 (60)
VS = viral suppression; IQR = interquartile range; PI =
protease inhibitor; HAART = highly active antiretroviral
Table 2. Unadjusted and adjusted logistic regression models assessing
initial virological suppression after initiating ART (n=322)
Variable Unadjusted analysis
Unadjusted 95% CI p-value
Odds Ratio
Country of origin Class p=0.04
Canadian-born non- 1.00 -- --
Aboriginal (ref)
Foreign-born 0.69 0.55-1.41 0.51
Canadian-born Aboriginal 0.40 0.19-0.82 0.01
HIV exposure category 0.58 0.51-1.09 0.09
(Injection drug use
vs. other exposures)
Sex (Female vs. male) 1.16 0.65-2.06 0.62
CD4 cells/[micro]L at baseline Class p=0.74
5-50 (ref) 1.00 -- --
51-200 0.07 0.45-2.55 0.88
201-550 1.65 0.67-4.05 0.28
351-1130 1.04 0.45-2.54 0.95
Missing baseline CD4 count 1.25 0.21-6.74 0.80
HIV RNA copies/mL at baseline Class p=0.76
0-9999 1.51 0.61-2.85 0.48
10,000-44,999 1.16 0.54-2.48 0.70
45,000-159,999 1.52 0.68-5.42 0.51
140,000-750,000 (ref) 1.00 -- --
Baseline age, years Class p=0.07
17-50 (ref) 1.00 -- --
51-40 2.57 1.07-5.25 0.05
41-50 2.70 1.21-6.02 0.02
51-77 2.95 1.14-7.55 0.05
Baseline ART regimen 0.64 0.57-1.11 0.12
(PI vs. non-PI based)
Baseline calendar year 1.05-5.25 0.04
(2009-2012 vs.
2006-2008) 1.82
Variable Adjusted analysis
Adjusted 95% CI p-value
Odds Ratio *
Country of origin
Canadian-born non- 1.00 -- --
Aboriginal (ref)
Foreign-born 0.75 0.55-1.75 0.51
Canadian-born Aboriginal 0.44 0.20-0.96 0.04
HIV exposure category 0.58 0.27-1.25 0.15
(Injection drug use
vs. other exposures)
Sex (Female vs. male) -- -- --
CD4 cells/[micro]L at baseline
5-50 (ref) -- -- --
51-200 -- -- --
201-550 -- -- --
351-1130 -- -- --
Missing baseline CD4 count -- -- --
HIV RNA copies/mL at baseline
0-9999 -- -- --
10,000-44,999 -- -- --
45,000-159,999 -- -- --
140,000-750,000 (ref) -- -- --
Baseline age, years
17-50 (ref) 1.00 -- --
51-40 2.11 0.89-5.00 0.09
41-50 2.51 1.05-6.07 0.04
51-77 2.61 0.94-7.27 0.07
Baseline ART regimen 0.70 0.58-1.27 0.24
(PI vs. non-PI based)
Baseline calendar year 2.52 1.25-4.50 0.01
(2009-2012 vs.
2006-2008) 1.82
Ref=referent group, PI=protease inhibitor. * Variables with
p-values [less than or equal to] 0.20 were included in the
multivariable model.
Table 3. Unadjusted and adjusted Cox Proportional Hazard models
assessing virological failure after initial virological suppression
Variable Unadjusted analysis
Unadjusted 95% CI p-value
Hazard Ratio
Country of origin Class p=0.03
Canadian-born non- 1.00 -- --
Aboriginal (ref)
Foreign-born 1.29 0.39-4.30 0.68
Canadian-born Aboriginal 4.16 1.27-13.58 0.02
Sex (Female vs. male) 4.97 1.82-13.57 0.002
HIV exposure category 1.34 0.45-4.02 0.60
(Injection drug use vs.
other exposures)
CD4 cells/[micro]L at baseline Class p=0.13
5-50 (ref) 1.00 -- --
51-200 0.67 0.11-4.04 0.67
201-350 1.71 0.36-8.06 0.50
351-1130 2.89 0.61-13.67 0.18
HIV RNA copies/[micro]L at baseline Class p=0.75
0-9999 1.51 0.50-4.54 0.46
10,000-44,999 0.87 0.24-3.10 0.83
45,000-139,999 0.84 0.24-3.00 0.70
140,000-750,000 (ref) 1.00 -- --
Baseline age (years) Class p<0.001
17-30 (ref) 1.00 -- --
31-40 0.24 0.09-0.68 0.01
41-50 0.11 0.03-0.35 <0.001
51-77 0.04 0.01-0.32 0.003
Baseline ART regimen 4.07 1.49-11.13 0.006
(PI vs. non-PI based)
Baseline calendar year 1.25 0.77-2.06 0.39
(2009-2012 vs.
Variable Adjusted analysis
Adjusted 95% CI p-value
Hazard Ratio *
Country of origin
Canadian-born non- 1.00 -- --
Aboriginal (ref)
Foreign-born 0.49 0.11-2.20 0.35
Canadian-born Aboriginal 1.54 0.38-6.18 0.54
Sex (Female vs. male) 2.96 0.77-11.40 0.12
HIV exposure category -- -- --
(Injection drug use vs.
other exposures)
CD4 cells/[micro]L at baseline
5-50 (ref) 1.00 -- --
51-200 0.39 0.06-2.61 0.33
201-350 0.69 0.11-4.23 0.69
351-1130 0.49 0.07-3.38 0.47
HIV RNA copies/[micro]L at baseline
0-9999 -- -- --
10,000-44,999 -- -- --
45,000-139,999 -- -- --
140,000-750,000 (ref) -- -- --
Baseline age (years)
17-30 (ref) 1.00 -- --
31-40 0.32 0.09-1.10 0.07
41-50 0.24 0.06-0.90 0.04
51-77 0.10 0.01-0.96 0.05
Baseline ART regimen 3.12 0.97-10.10 0.06
(PI vs. non-PI based)
Baseline calendar year -- -- --
(2009-2012 vs.
Ref=referent group, PI=protease inhibitor.
* Variables with p-values [less than or equal to]
0.20 were included in the multivariable model.