Prevalence, co-occurrence and decennial trends of family violence toward children in the general population.
Clement, Marie-Eve ; Chamberland, Claire ; Bouchard, Camil 等
More than a decade ago, family violence and child maltreatment were
identified as major public health problems in the world. (1) Many
studies found that they can have short- or long-term neurological,
psychological, social and cognitive repercussions on a child's
development. This is especially true for more severe forms of physical
and emotional abuse and neglect. (2, 3) Although no consensus has been
reached in the scientific literature, (4, 5) less severe manifestations
of parental violence have also been associated with impairment in child
development and functioning. (5) In fact, there is a growing body of
evidence based on longitudinal studies (6, 7) that demonstrates the
negative impact of corporal punishment of children and its associated
risk of escalating into child abuse. (8) Moreover, child protection
studies have found that the majority of physical abuse cases involve
corporal punishment. (9)
To date, the epidemiology of violence toward children has mainly
been investigated on the basis of data from child protective services.
In Canada, as part of the national surveillance program of the Public
Health Agency, the Canadian Incidence Study (CIS) of Reported Child
Abuse and Neglect was used to estimate the incidence of child
maltreatment across the country. (10-12) The three editions of the CIS
(1993, 2003, 2008) provided information on changes in incidence rates
over a 10-year period. The results indicated a significant increase in
the number of substantiated maltreatment rates from 1998 (9.6 per 1,000
children) to 2003 (21.7 per 1,000), which then appears to have slightly
decreased in 2008 (18.6 per 1,000). More specifically, after a
significant increase in the second edition of the CIS-2003, child
physical abuse rates dropped in the last study (from 5.3 to 3.2 per
1,000 children), as did psychological maltreatment (from 2.9 to 0.97 per
1,000 children). (11) However, these comparisons require caution, since
the first two editions of the CIS did not specifically track
investigations of the risk of future maltreatment, but the last one did.
(12) Furthermore, in Quebec, incidence studies noted a slight increase
in the incidence rate of child physical and psychological abuse between
1998 and 2008. (13) One must remain cautious, however, since this result
could be a reflection of changes in legislation, public or professional
awareness, or case management practices in child protection services.
(11, 12)
A public health approach to child maltreatment and family violence
warrants studies that can also measure their scope and magnitude in the
general population in order to have a global overview of the phenomena
and to provide information on nation-wide prevention strategies. In
Canada, researchers have deplored the lack of such studies. (14, 15)
Some past research has documented the prevalence of child maltreatment
and family violence in the general population, but these studies present
several limitations. Either their assessment of each unique form of
violence is based on a single item (16) or it excluded important forms,
such as psychological violence. (17) Furthermore, with the exception of
the national study conducted by Afifi et al. using data derived from the
Canadian Community Health Survey, (18) past population-based studies
obtained very low response rates, and most were administered
retrospectively to adults and were therefore more prone to memory bias.
With the goal of making progress in our understanding of violence
at a population level, this paper presents the main results of the third
province-wide Quebec survey, which was conducted in 2012. More
specifically, the paper aims to describe the annual frequency and
prevalence of psychological aggression and physical violence toward
children living with a mother figure. It also presents recent trends
based on a comparison with previous surveys, which were conducted in
1999 and 2004.
Survey description
This paper presents data derived from three large-scale surveys
conducted by the Institut de la Statistique du Quebec (ISQ) in 1999,
2004 and 2012, which intended to document the prevalence rates and
trends of family violence toward children. (19, 20) The sampling for the
1999 and 2004 surveys included all children aged 0 to 18 years old
living in a private household in Quebec and cohabiting at least 50% of
the time with a woman. The Random Digit Dial procedure was used to
select both samplings. This method is often used in epidemiological
studies and has been shown to be a cost-effective method for recruiting
a generalizable sample. (21)
In 2012, the survey sample was generated from the Regie des Rentes
du Quebec list, which provided contact with women living with a child
between 6 months and 18 years old. Children less than 6 months old were
excluded because the sample frame did not cover them well as a result of
the registration deadline, but analyses of this change to the sample
frame demonstrated that it did not alter comparisons between the three
surveys. (20) In each survey, a single child was randomly selected from
each household so that the questions regarding violence would be asked
with respect to this child only.
The three surveys were conducted with mother figures and reached a
total of 9,646 children over a 13-year period: 2,469 children in 1999,
3,148 children in 2004 and 4,029 children in 2012. The 2004 and 2012
surveys also reached independent samples of fathers or father figures.
(20) However, for comparison purposes with the 1999 survey, this paper
will focus only on the mothers' samples.
The sample size for each successive survey had to be slightly
increased in order to detect small differences in prevalence rates. (20)
In all three surveys, data were weighted to represent households in
Quebec. These weights were calculated following many steps in order to
adjust for selection probabilities, to reduce non-response bias and to
adjust for population distribution while considering socio-demographic
factors (children's age and gender, number of children in the
household, region). More details of the weighting procedure in each
survey can be found in the research reports. (20)
In 1999, the weighted response rate was 79%. In 2004 and 2012, the
rates reached 57% and 54%, which are comparable with those obtained in
similar recent US, population-based studies. (8, 22) Potential
explanations for this discrepancy include decreases in the public's
participation in surveys and the increasing use of telephone-number
screening technologies, such as call display. (20)
Table 1 presents the child and family characteristics in each
survey. Comparisons among samples indicate a higher percentage of boys
in the last two surveys (51%) compared with 1999 (48%). The age of the
children selected varied slightly, the 2004 survey consisting of
children slightly older than those surveyed in 1999 and 2012. Family
characteristics differed significantly among surveys in several
respects. For example, fewer mothers in the 2012 survey were under 25
years old at the child's birth (12.6%) compared with the previous
two surveys. Moreover, in 2012 more mothers reported that they were
educated and employed. On the family level, we find slightly more single
parents (mother) in 2012 (19.7%) than in 2004 and 1999 (14.4% and 14.6%
respectively). The perceived family income (e.g., comfortable/sufficient
versus poor/very poor) was also poorer in 1999 than it was in the two
more recent surveys. These cohorts' differences are representative
of socio-economic trends observed in Quebec since the end of the 1990s.
The Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales
The Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales (PCCTS) (23) was used to
assess the annual frequency, prevalence rates and trends of
psychological aggression, minor physical violence and severe physical
violence toward children. This instrument has been validated and used in
many community-based studies and with nationally representative US
samples. (8, 23, 24) Some modifications were made to adapt the PCCTS to
Quebec's population of parents, such as the exclusion of two items
from the original "severe physical violence" subscale and the
shift of two items from the original "minor physical violence"
to the "severe physical violence" subscale because of their
apparent severity ("slapping the child in face, head or ears"
and "hitting the child on the bottom with a belt, a stick or other
hard object"). (19) The final version of PCCTS therefore included
17 items: 1) psychological aggression (5 items); 2) minor physical
violence (or corporal punishment) (4 items); and 3) severe physical
violence (8 items) (see Table 2 for the items' wording). For each
item, the respondent indicated the annual frequency of the conduct
(never, once or twice, 3 to 5 times, 6 or more times). Finally, the
question did not specifically ask about the mother's own conduct
but, rather, about that of any adult in the household, in order to
enhance the reliability of the measure of violence as experienced by
children in the family (e.g., "How many times has any adult of the
household, 18 years or older shouted, yelled or screamed at the
In each survey, two annual prevalence rates were calculated. First,
the overall prevalence rate indicates whether the women reported at
least one of the behaviours described in the three PCCTS subscales over
the one-year period covered by the survey. The second prevalence rate
accounted for recurrences of psychological aggression. It was calculated
because results from previous surveys demonstrated that the vast
majority of children were victims of at least one occurrence of such
behaviour. (19) Therefore, the consideration of its recurrence (three
times or more in a one-year period) was considered to indicate more
accurately a context of violence in the children's lives.
A two-sample t-test was performed to assess the difference between
proportions in 1999 (1999 compared with 2004), in 2004 (2004 compared
with 2012) and in 2012 (2012 compared with 1999). This test was used
since under certain conditions, (25) a statistical test for categorical
variables generally follows a normal distribution. The Taylor
linearization method was used to estimate the variances in 1999, 2004
and 2012.
The Research Ethics Board of the Quebec Statistics Institute and
the Research Ethics Board of the researchers' universities approved
the surveys. A number of steps were taken to guarantee respondents'
confidentiality, such as obtaining informed consent from each respondent
before the interview. Information about relevant local services was also
provided to those who reported severe violent discipline and to those
who expressed distress during the interview.
Annual frequency of family violence toward children
The results show that shouting or yelling at the child was by far
the most common form of psychological aggression experienced by children
(76.4%) in 2012, followed by swearing or cursing at the child (34.6%).
As shown in Table 2, minor physical violence was mainly expressed by the
administration of slaps on the hand, arm or leg (26.2%) and spanks on
the bottom (14.5%). These behaviours were repeatedly used (three times
or more) with 7% and 3.5% of the children respectively. The occurrence
of manifestations of severe physical violence was less than 2%, except
for slaps to the child's face, head or ears (2.8%).
Annual prevalence and co-occurrence of family violence toward
As shown in Table 3, a large majority of mothers (80.2%) reported
at least one episode of psychological aggression toward their child in
2012, but less than half (49%) reported its repeated use in the previous
year. Minor and severe physical violence were reported with respectively
34.7% and 5.6% of the children during the same period. Co-occurrence of
these practices (psychological aggression and minor physical violence),
used as an indicator of a more coercive discipline, was experienced by
28.8% of the children. Four percent (4.2%) experienced all three forms
of violence in 2012 (psychological aggression, minor and severe physical
Trends in family violence toward children
Comparison of the prevalence rate of minor physical violence in the
2012 survey with rates obtained earlier shows that the significant
downward trend observed between 1999 (47.7%) and 2004 (42.9%) continued
in 2012 (34.7%). The results also show that the proportion of children
who experienced repeated psychological aggression (three or more times
in a year) was 49.1% in 2012, a non-significant deviation from the 1999
survey (48.1%) and a slightly significant decrease from 2004 (52.4%).
The three surveys did not show significant differences in the occurrence
of psychological aggression and severe physical violence since
prevalence rates were fairly similar across the three surveys (Table 3).
With regard to the co-occurrence of psychological aggression and minor
physical violence, the results indicate a significant continuous
decrease from 1999 to 2012. This is not true, however, for the
co-occurrence of all three forms of violence (psychological aggression,
minor physical and severe physical violence): there was a slight
decrease from 1999 to 2012 but no difference between the last two
Trends in family violence according to children's age
The results presented in Figure 1 show that annual prevalence rate
of violence varied over time, depending on the age of the children. More
specifically, psychological aggression significantly increased from 2004
to 2012 for children between 11 and 14 years old. Since 2004, these
children had also more often been victims of repeated psychological
aggression (54% and 55% in 2004 and 2012 respectively) as compared with
1999 (45.3%). For children between 3 and 6 years old and between 11 and
14 years old, rates of repeated psychological aggression have been
stable since 2004, although these children have been victims
significantly more often than in 1999. This trend is different for
children aged 7 to 10 years, whose parents reported less repeated
psychological aggression in 1999 (54.5%) and 2012 (54.8%) than in 2004
Minor physical violence has been consistently decreasing since 1999
for almost all children, regardless of age. Rates remained stable
between 2004 (29.9%) and 2012 (25.9%) only for those aged 11 to 14 years
old. Finally, although prevalence rates of severe physical violence seem
to have decreased for 3- to 6-year-old children between 1999 (8.1%) and
the last two surveys (3.9% in 2004 and 4.8% in 2012), analysis did not
indicate a statistical difference. A larger sample would have helped
detect a significant difference across time.
The results of the third Quebec survey on family violence indicates
that 80.2% of mothers reported at least one form of psychological
aggression toward children, and half of them (49.1%) reported its
repeated use during a one-year period. Although we observed a
significant increase between 1999 (48.1%) and 2004 (52.4%) in the
repeated use of psychological aggression, the rate decreased slightly in
the 2012 survey (49.1%). This is consistent with the results of
Finkelhor et al., who observed a significant decrease in insults
directed against children in their US population surveys conducted in
2003 and 2008.26 In the most recent Quebec survey, insults directed
toward children (calling the child stupid or dumb or other similar
names) and threatening to spank a child affected 22.3% and 15.5% of them
The recent decrease in psychological aggression is good news, but
the results show that the frequency of shouts and curses directed toward
children are still among the most prevalent behaviours, affecting
respectively 76.4% and 34.6% of them. Compared with the previous survey,
(19) few changes are noted in this respect. Regarding the physical
violence inflicted on children, the results show that over a third
(34.7%) were subjected to some form of minor physical violence during a
one-year period, such as being slapped on the hand, arm or leg (26.2%)
or spanked on the bottom with a bare hand (14.5%). In general, these
rates are similar to the ones reported in the most recent US (7,24) and
Canadian studies. (27)
In addition, there has been a continuous decrease over the last 13
years in annual prevalence rates of minor physical violence, decreasing
from 47.7% in 1999 to 42.9% in 2004 and 34.7% in 2012. This result
represents a significant decrease in the number of child victims.
Measured at three time periods, the finding is likely the reflection of
a real change in parental conduct involving corporal punishment in
Quebec. (28) Such a change is also observed on a national level in both
Canada and the US. (29, 30)
A number of hypotheses might explain the results. First, the
findings might reveal a change in parental norms regarding the use of
these still socially acceptable discipline strategies, since we also
noticed a significant and constant decline in maternal and paternal
attitudes in favour of these practices in Quebec. (19, 28) Changes in
public attitudes have also been observed in countries where corporal
punishment has been legally prohibited. (31) Second, Quebec social
policies (e.g., reduced-contribution program for child care) and
universal prevention programs implemented to support parents (e.g.,
Services Integres en Perinatalite et Petite Enfance- SIPPE) may have
also played a role in this decline. Recent research reports indicate
that services, such as home visiting, directed at vulnerable families
can improve child development. (32, 33) The decrease in the annual
report of minor forms of violence, as well as in their co-occurrence,
could also be associated with the socio-economic changes seen in
Quebec's population of families between 1999 and 2014. In fact,
comparison of family characteristics in the three surveys shows major
differences with respect to the mothers' level of education, age at
the time of the child's birth, perceived income and employment
status. All these characteristics are known to be risk factors for
corporal punishment. (5, 27)
The findings related to the significant decline in the use of minor
violence are perplexing when it comes to severe physical violence. In
fact, for over a decade the prevalence of severe physical violence has
remained stable, and every year approximately 1 in 20 children suffer
from these behaviours, such as being hit with a hard object or slapped
on the face, head or ears. In Canada, the recent amendments to Section
43 of the Criminal Code, although they reaffirm the legality of the use
of reasonable force in disciplining children, now ban behaviours such as
hitting on the head or with a hard object. (34) Moreover, these examples
of severe corporal punishment are among those most often substantiated
as child physical abuse to child protective services in Quebec and
Canada. (9, 13) In general, this result is consistent with other surveys
findings that severe physical violence has remained stable or slightly
increased over the years. (26)
Regarding the age of the children, those from 11 to 14 years old
were significantly more often victims of psychological aggression in
2012, either in its unique or repeated occurrence, as compared with 1999
and 2004. In contrast, we see that these children were less often
victims of minor physical violence in 2004 and 2012 as compared with
1999. A similar pattern is found for children from 3 to 6 years old:
they were more often the targets of repeated psychological aggression
and slightly less often victims of severe physical violence from 2004 as
compared with 1999. This result suggests that these two age groups are
particularly challenging to parents, who appear to compensate for the
non-use of physical violence by using verbal coercion as an alternative
childrearing strategy. Such a result is consistent with Finkelhor's
studies, (26, 35) which found two developmental periods that seem to put
children at particular risk of experiencing violence in their lives.
These periods occur at the beginning of elementary school and high
school (in other words, at 5 to 6 years old and at 11 to 12 years old
for children in Quebec) and are transitional stages that involve new
physical and social environments and new developmental challenges for
children. As well, parents may be experiencing greater pressure,
practising supervisory or disciplinary behaviours to foster academic
success or limiting the autonomy of children experiencing a growing need
for independence. (26)
Finally, this study indicates that the most severe situations, as
measured by the co-occurrence of psychological aggression and minor and
severe physical violence, remained relatively stable, although a slight
decrease was observed between 1999 (5.6%) and 2012 (4.2%). These annual
rates are more than (10) times higher than the rate of substantiated
cases of child physical abuse in protective services in Quebec (13) and
in Canada. (11) The co-occurrence of all three forms of violence
strategies, which was found in all three surveys, supports the
hypothesis of potential escalation in the severity of parenting
practices used in situations of parent-child conflict. Accordingly, the
use of psychological aggression, rather than being stress-reducing,
increases the use of more severe forms of violence against children. The
escalation hypothesis is substantiated by research showing a strong
association between parental use of minor forms of violence and the use
of more severe forms. (8, 23) This result is not surprising, given the
recent statistics showing a slight increase in reports of child physical
abuse to Child Protective Services. (13) Along with previous results
regarding the stability observed over the years in severe violence, this
reflects a collective failure to reach out and help these Quebec
families, whose educational strategies are characterized by violence.
Past analyses using survey data from 1999 and 2004 also show that these
families' profiles are distinctive with respect to more difficult
living conditions. (36) Therefore, they require special attention from
politicians, managers and stakeholders, especially since no change has
been observed in these situations compared with less severe ones.
There are some limitations to the present study. First, it is
important to note that in all three surveys, the violence toward
children that was reported could have been committed by any adult living
in the household. Even though the respondents were mother figures, there
was no distinction made between them being the actual child aggressor or
simply a witness to a violent event. Second, reports of past practices,
even when as recent as last year, may have been subject to memory
biases. Last, the mothers' responses to this kind of survey are
inevitably subject to the bias of social desirability, in spite of the
precautions that we took during the study to diminish its impact (e.g.,
confidential call, questions asked about all adults in the household,
questions asked about parental practices rather than about violence).
In sum, the results of this study are encouraging in light of the
decrease in minor forms of violence in the past decade. However, they
stress the importance of supporting parents of children aged 3-6 years
and 11-14 years, ages at which periods of school transition occur,
whether in kindergarten, or the first year of elementary or high school.
These periods might be particularly difficult for parents and deserve
special attention. If psychological aggression is used instead of
physical violence, as suggested by the results of this study and those
of a previous one, (19) it is important to teach parents alternative
positive discipline strategies. Moreover, the fact that severe violence
had remained stable in Quebec for the 13 years is disturbing, especially
as the risk with respect to families' socio-demographic profile has
declined over the years. This prompts concerns about the ability of
social services to reach the most vulnerable and the effectiveness of
family policies to help parents in their role.
Parenting programs should be offered from a public health
perspective so that parents can be reached according to their level of
risk. Positive Parenting Program (Triple-P) is a good example of such a
multi-level, evidence-based strategy that can reduce child maltreatment
and improve positive parental discipline. (37, 38) Such a strategy is
being implemented in Quebec in two local community service centres by
the Chair in Child Maltreatment Prevention, and its implementation and
effects are currently being assessed by a team of researchers.
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Marie-Eve Clement, PhD, [1] Claire Chamberland, PhD, [2] Camil
Bouchard, PhD [3]
Author Affiliations
[1.] Departement de psychoeducation et de psychologie, Chaire de
recherche du Canada sur la violence faite aux enfants, Universite du
Quebec en Outaouais, campus de Saint-Jerome, Saint-Jerome (Quebec)
[2.] Ecole de service social, Universite de Montreal, Montreal
[3.] Departement de psychologie, Universite du Quebec a Montreal,
Montreal (Quebec)
Correspondence: Marie-Eve Clement, PhD, Departement de
psychoeducation et psychologie, Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la
violence faite aux enfants, Universite du Quebec en Outaouais, campus de
Saint-Jerome, 5 rue Saint-Joseph, Saint-Jerome, QC J7Z 0B7, Tel:
[telephone] 450-530-7616, ext. 2339, E-mail: Marie-eve.
[email protected]
Conflict of Interest: None to declare.
Table 1. Sample characteristics of the 1999,
2004 and 2012 surveys
1999 2004 2012
(n = 2469) (n = 3 148) (n = 4 029)
Children's gender (male) 48.4 51.0 51.2 *
Children's age (<5 yrs) 35.1 * 29.3 * 32.4
Mother's age at child's 24.2 ** 15.9 ** 12.6 *
birth ([greater than or
equal to] 25 yrs)
Mother's education 57.0 ** 31.8 ** 19.9 **
(high school or less)
Mother's working status 32.5 ** 25.4 ** 18.0 **
(not working)
Family type (single mother) 14.6 14.4 ** 19.7 **
Perceived family income 12.7 ** 8.7 7.1 **
(poor/very poor)
Two-sample t-test for the difference between proportions in 1999
(1999 compared with 2004), in 2004 (2004 compared with 2012)
and in 2012 (2012 compared with 1999).
* p [less than or equal to] 0.05; ** p [less than or equal to] 0.001.
Table 2. Annual frequency of family violence toward
children, 2012
1-2 3-5 6 times Total
times times or more
Psychological violence 80.2 ([dagger])
1. Shouted, yelled or 33.4 22.0 21.0 76.4
screamed at the child
2. Swore or cursed at the 22.2 7.3 5.1 34.6
3. Said to the child that 5.0 0.8 0.4 6.1
he/she would be sent away
or be kicked out of the
4. Threatened to spank or 10.1 3.7 1.7 15.5
hit the child without
doing it
5. Called the child 15.4 5.1 1.8 22.3
"stupid" or "dumb" or
some other name
Minor physical violence 34.7 ([dagger])
1. Shook the child (child 8.9 1.1 0.7 10.7
under age 2)
2. Spanked on the bottom 11.0 2.7 0.8 14.5
with bare hands
3. Slapped the child on 19.2 5.4 1.6 26.2
the hand, arm or leg
4. Pinched the child 1.6 0.3 0.1 2.0
Severe physical violence 5.6 ([dagger])
1. Shook the child (child 1.4 -- -- 2.3
age 2 and older)
2. Hit the child on the 1.1 -- -- 1.2
bottom with a belt, a
stick or other hard
3. Punched or kicked the 0.5 -- -- 0.7
4. Grabbed around the 0.2 -- -- 0.2
neck and choked
5. Beat up the child, -- -- -- --
that is, hit him/her over
and over
6. Hit the child on some -- -- -- 0.3
other part of the body
besides the bottom with a
belt, a stick or other
hard object
7. Threw or knocked down 0.4 -- -- 0.4
the child
8. Slapped the child in 2.8 -- -- 3.2
the face, or on the head
or ears
-Too small or unreportable.
([dagger]) At least one form over a one-year period.
Table 3. Trends in prevalence and co-occurrence of violence
toward children, 1999, 2004, 2012
1999 2004 2012
Psychological aggression 78.5 79.6 80.2
Repeated psychological 48.1 ** 52.4 ** 49.1
Minor physical violence 47.7 ** 42.9 ** 34.7 **
Severe physical violence 6.5 6.3 5.6
Co-occurrence (psychological 38.5 ** 35.2 ** 28.8 **
aggression and minor physical
Co-occurrence (psychological 5.6 4.9 4.2 *
aggression, minor and severe
physical violence)
Two-sample t-test for the difference between proportions in
1999 (1999 vs. 2004), in 2004 (2004 vs. 2012) and in 2012
(2012 vs. 1999)
* p [less than or equal to] 0.05; ** p [less than or equal to] 0.001.