Persons in correctional facilities in Canada: a key population for hepatitis C prevention and control.
Kouyoumdjian, Fiona G. ; McIsaac, Kathryn E.
In light of the large burden of disease and costs associated with
hepatitis C infection in Canada, (1,2) there is an urgent need for
Canada to develop a comprehensive strategy for hepatitis C control. (3)
Such a strategy should include a focus on high-risk populations in which
hepatitis C is prevalent, and in which there are opportunities for
primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
In this article, we present evidence from the literature to show
that persons who spend time in correctional facilities represent a large
proportion of the cases of hepatitis C in Canada, and that time in
custody may serve as an opportunity to access prevention initiatives. A
focus on this population could contribute to the overall control of
hepatitis C in Canada.
Burden of hepatitis C in persons in correctional facilities in
Provincial and territorial facilities house persons who have not
yet been sentenced or who have received a sentence of less than two
years. There were 251,629 adult admissions to provincial and territorial
facilities in the year 2010/2011, (4) representing an estimated 150,977
people (based on the ratio of admissions to unique persons in provincial
facilities for adults in Ontario, personal correspondence, Kathy
Underhill, Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional
Services, 2014). Persons sentenced to two years or more serve their
sentence in federal facilities, and there was an average of 13,758
persons in these facilities on any given day in 2010/2011.5
A recent analysis from the Public Health Agency of Canada
determined that 24.0% of persons in federal custody and 23.3% of persons
in provincial or territorial custody are anti-HCV positive, which means
that they have ever been infected with or exposed to hepatitis C. (6) An
estimated 26% of cases clear their infection within six months, (6)
therefore about 17.2% of those in provincial and territorial custody and
17.8% of those in federal custody have chronic hepatitis C infection.
Applying the percentage of persons with chronic hepatitis C infection to
the number of persons in provincial or territorial custody and in
federal custody each year, approximately 28,425 persons who spend time
in Canadian correctional facilities are infected with chronic hepatitis
C, as shown in Table 1. This means that between one in eight and one in
nine of the estimated 220,697 to 244,836 Canadians with chronic
hepatitis C (6) spend time in a correctional facility in Canada each
Persons in correctional facilities report high rates of recent
injection drug use and needle sharing, both in custody and in the
community. (7-11) As these risk behaviours are associated with hepatitis
C transmission, persons who spend time in correctional facilities are
likely at risk of incident infection if they are not already infected,
or of transmitting infection to others if they are already infected; in
this way, they are likely responsible for a significant proportion of
new cases. This contrasts with other groups that have a high prevalence
of hepatitis C, such as those born between 1950 and 1964, (6) who are
less likely to be currently involved in behaviours that are associated
with hepatitis C transmission.
Strategies to address hepatitis C in persons in correctional
Hepatitis C prevention in persons in correctional facilities could
involve providing them with primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
measures while they are in custody, or linking them with community-based
prevention programs upon their release. Time in custody may be a unique
opportunity for public health and health care workers to initiate
prevention activities in persons who may otherwise be difficult to
reach, for example persons who inject drugs, (12-14) and provides a
defined setting for interventions.
For primary prevention, prison needle exchange has been shown to
prevent the transmission of bloodborne infections in custody, (15,16)
but is not currently available in any correctional facilities in Canada.
Bleach is available in some jurisdictions as a means to decontaminate
syringes, however, given the lack of high-quality evidence of the
effectiveness of bleach programs, they are considered
"second-line" to needle and syringe programs. (17) Research
from community settings reveals that opioid substitution therapy and
drug treatment prevent hepatitis C infection in persons who inject
drugs, (18,19) and these treatments could be initiated in custody or
upon release.
For secondary prevention, systematic screening for hepatitis C is
provided in federal facilities, but not in most provincial and
territorial facilities. Innovative strategies such as the use of dried
blood spot testing have been shown to be feasible and acceptable in
correctional settings in other countries. (20,21)
For tertiary prevention, treatment of hepatitis C could prevent the
sequelae of chronic hepatitis C infection and prevent further
transmission. Currently, hepatitis C treatment is available in federal
facilities, however, in many provincial and territorial facilities, it
is only available to those who were already undergoing treatment in the
community; individuals cannot initiate treatment. Evidence from persons
in federal custody in British Columbia demonstrates that treatment is
effective, leading to sustained virological response rates that are
comparable to the rates in non-incarcerated populations, (22) and that
continuation of treatment after release is feasible, (23) though high
re-infection rates suggest that treatment should be coupled with other
prevention initiatives. (24)
We estimate that more than one in nine persons with hepatitis C in
Canada spend time in a correctional facility each year. These persons
may be responsible for ongoing transmission of infection, based on the
high prevalence of injection drug use. Time in custody presents an
opportunity for health care and public health services to identify and
manage a significant proportion of hepatitis C cases in Canada and to
prevent new infections. As recommended by the World Health Organization,
public health and prison health systems should collaborate in the
development and implementation of evidence-based programs in
correctional facilities and link persons to community-based programs
upon their release. (25) A focus on persons in correctional facilities
is likely to significantly impact the burden of disease of hepatitis C
and to improve hepatitis C control in Canada.
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Received: May 13, 2015
Accepted: July 19, 2015
Fiona G. Kouyoumdjian, MD, MPH, PhD, Kathryn E. McIsaac, MSc, PhD
Centre for Research on Inner City Health, St. Michael's
Hospital, Toronto, ON
Correspondence: Dr. Fiona G. Kouyoumdjian, St. Michael's
Hospital, Centre for Research on Inner City Health, 30 Bond Street,
Toronto, ON m5b 1W8, E-mail:
[email protected]
Acknowledgements: F. Kouyoumdjian receives salary support from a
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Fellowship. K. McIsaac is a CIHR
Strategic Training fellow in the ACHIEVE Research Partnership: Action
for Health Equity Interventions.
Conflict of Interest: None.
Table 1. Estimated number of persons with chronic hepatitis C
infection in the general population and in correctional
facilities in
Canada each year
Population Total persons Percent anti-HCV
per year positive (6)
General population 34,483,975 --
Provincial/territorial 150,977 23.3
Federal facilities 13,758 24.0
Population Percent infected Persons with
with chronic chronic hepatitis C
hepatitis C (6) infection (6)
General population 0.64-0.71 220,697-244,836
Provincial/territorial 17.2 25,976
Federal facilities 17.8 2449